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CB Websites Review of Genelle Butler President Genesis For Animals Los Angeles California
Genelle Butler President Genesis For Animals Los Angeles California

Genelle Butler President Genesis For Animals Los Angeles California review: fraud, bully, stalker - dangerous 2

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8:04 am EST
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I am an activist from DC speaking up first about the fraudulent nature of this "charity" which has IRS standing and claims to rescue animals as well as to donate all of its revenue to "sanctuaries". I have followed this "charity" that is based on the pseudo stardom of a child called Genesis who is exploited by her stage mother, because I became aware that the stage mother who is the President of this org Genelle Palacio also known as Genelle Butler, started stalking and threatening a young friend of mine when she was only 12 in Los Angeles. I have followed this since 2015. I am ready to make a public statement about this fraud and her stalking and bullying of another child activist due to the things I have seen personally.

There are several activists speaking out publicly on this woman and her bullying against another child.

I have reviewed the website for "Genesis for Animals" it states that it is "dedicated to saving animals from unethical treatment"

Over the past 5 years they have saved ZERO animals, they in fact have never rescued any animal. Ever.
Review the site. Nothing there but glorification of a little girl whose mother wants her to be a star.
Review the social media, I have been waiting for 5 years for them to save an animal. All that ever happens is lots of photos of the child who is being exploited with celebrities or fuzzy calves who someone else has saved. It's all about promoting the kid. Has nothing to do with saving any animals. The mother writes everything in the voice of Genesis even since Genesis was 8 years old she has been pretending that Genesis is writing the posts. FRAUD with a capital F.
Ask for an accountability report. You won't get one.
They use they money pulled in with this child Genesis' face for their personal enjoyment. They don't donate squat to any animal charities it's a fraud.

The second and frankly more concerning factor is this stage mother whose names are Genelle Butler, Genelle Palacio and at least 2 of many aliases on facebook Anne Summers and Melissa Myers -
who has been rabidly stalking and harassing and publicly humiliating my young friend who is an activist who has actually rescued over 150 animals in reality - and the fact we have been waiting for it to stop for 5 years and all I see is this woman getting more and more fixated on ruining this teen's life.

The final straw for me and several other activists who are making this woman's deeds public, was that in July 2019 this teen won a big national award for her activism work from the President of the United States. As soon as it hit the news Genelle Butler jumped into action as "Melissa Myers" and started posting all over the social media that was coming up for the award that the teen was either "abducted" or KILLED by her mother. Literally unreal.
Then, Genelle enlisted her monkey pals on facebook who seem to worship the ground she walks on, to post a huge slander post against the teen on a page with a public following called PROGRESS FOR SCIENCE and tag 1000 people saying: the teen's non-profit kills animals, her mother tortures animals, the teen is mentally ill the teen has probably been killed - using her photo and personal information.
As we friends of the teen jumped in and tried to comment and confirm that the post was a slander hit and none of it was true we were blocked and silenced. A couple of us even got messaged by Amy Jean Davis of the Save Movement and threatened that if we didn't shut up she would come after us next!

When the teen herself who they were claiming to "be worried" about came in to debunk their attack she was also blocked.

Prior to this Genelle has used the fake names on facebook of Melissa Myers and Anne Summers to befriend everyone who knows the teen activist and then post all kinds of slander like the teen has been killed by her mother, the teen has been abducted, the teen is in [redacted] the teen is a [redacted], etc.

This ended the 5 years of all of us waiting around waiting for this possessed stage mother to move on. We all thought she would but 5 years on she is only getting started.
Prior to this hit the stage mother has filed false child abuse reports against the teen's family with DCFS to get her run off from activist events so she could then bring Genesis down for photo opps with animals headed for slaughter and Moby.
Genelle Butler aka Palacio
has tried to get the teen's activism awards stripped on more than one occasion because she wanted Genesis to get the award. FARM animal rights 2016.
Genelle and some of her monkeys went after the teen in 2016 by contacting a reporter the teen was making news reports with and getting the teen fired from that job with lies and attacks on her then 15 year old character. To say this girl has been devastated by this stalker's attacks can't even cover the agony Genelle Butler has caused this young girl.
Genelle has given this teen and her mother terrorist threats face to face at a demo - the reports are on file with Costa Mesa PD.
Genelle was investigated for cyberstalking by the LAPD after the family delivered all the facebook material from her fake accounts that had broadcast that the teen was in child porn, was a drug addict - on and on. The LAPD confirmed one of the fake accounts was from Genelle's IP in Signal Hill at the time 2016.
They warned Genelle to stop.

She never has and she should have been arrested back then.
I am asking community members to demand that this woman cease her campaign of stalking and terror against this teen.
Those of you who let her continue and support it are just as guilty as she is for doing it.
Put yourself in the shoes of a young girl who actually does work for her non-profit, who has dreams that are smashed and humiliated at every turn by this monster and stop supporting it!
And I just want to say to each person who has turned their back on this teen when she was your friend, because Genelle Butler slandered her to you, really, you are the problem.
Please grow up and stop taking part in this assassination of a teen who does not and never has deserved this. Bullying is a violent crime.

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Genelle V Palacio
Feb 23, 2020 2:27 am EST

This is Genelle Palacio, the person who is being falsely accused of all these unwarranted claims by Amanda Copeland, who is posing as other people by creating fake accounts. Just look at the comment to the initial post, you can tell it is the same person. I am writing to defend myself from these allegations and I have proof this is all false and can provide anyone with the proof is needed. I want to start off by stating Amanda Copeland has multiple felony charges against her including CA Penal Code 273d: abandonment and neglect of children, penal code 207: kidnapping, penal code 487a: larceny, penal code 278 child abduction, Penal code 182: conspiracy, and penal code 118 perjury and subornation of perjury. I, on the other hand, have no criminal record and have a Masters in Elementary Education. I have taught children for over 20 years. I also am starting a doctoral program in Leadership starting in the fall. I am the mother of four children. Every opportunity that has come to Genesis is a result of organizations reaching out to her, we have never reached out to anyone first. The following are her allegations and my response. I am innocent of all allegations and I have proof.
Genesis' non profit is not fraudulent. We have nothing listed for the nonprofit as of yet because her non profit was not established until the end of 2018 and no fundraising was done. She raised funds in 2019. Taxes have been filed for the nonprofit this year. We have proof of this.

Genesis has never claimed to rescue any animals herself. She has always stated she raises funds to help people rescue animals. We have proof of this. We also have written statements from 15 sanctuaries who state Genesis has donated to these organizations and we also have receipts. In addition, we have records of Genesis' monthly donations via Patreon for a total of $300 each month. We also have records of her monthly donations via Paypal. This will all be included in the public statement proving the allegation that Genesis non profit is false.

In addition, we have written statements from FARM stating I (Genelle Palacio) never contacted them about getting Lila's award taken away (which she rightfully deserved because she had worked hard that year and helped make a difference).

A written statement from NARD stating Amanda Copeland pulled her own daughter from the ceremony after she claimed she did not have all black to wear and declined an organizer's request to help her secure black clothing. Genesis didn't even take part in the ceremony holding an animal that year and this is also written in the statement since the allegation is that I wanted Genesis to be front and center of the ceremony.

A written statement from the news organization she claims I stopped her daughter from participating in stating she informed Amanda, both her and her daughter, were no longer needed as correspondents based on Amanda's actions alone since Amanda refused to not film the Pig Vigil after Jane informed her she did not need her to film that day. The letter also states I never contacted Jane and asked her to remove Amanda and Lila.

A written statement from Mercy for Animals for the allegation I asked them to have Genesis speak at their event and forced them to do so. The statement shows (along with the emails I have) that they asked her to speak and was never contacted by me.

A written statement from an organizer who was one of the first individual's to be an organizer for the pig vigils (and who declined the position after dealing with issues with Amanda) stating Amanda was asked to no longer be an organizer due to her actions and inability to lead with love and intimidating activists to come to vigils.

In addition to written statements, I also have a signed letter from the records division of Costa Mesa police department and Los Angeles police department stating I do not have any record on file and never have proving the allegations that I have a record is not accurate. The lawyer was also able to secure a statement from the LAPD stating I accused Lila of the things you state I have or that I had fake accounts.

I also have written a statement stating I spoke to Child Protective Services about Amanda Copeland after she filed a false report (I have the letter showing I was cleared and the allegations were due to retaliation). I informed CPS of my concern that Amanda may have been posting as her child and threatening posting false claims and threatening activists. They asked me if there was anything of concern. I am a mandated reporter because I am an educator so I informed them that I did not believe Lila was in any physical danger, but I was concerned about all of the threatening emails that were sent through Lila's account. I was asked if I knew anything about Amanda having Lila out late to attend vigils since they received a complaint about this. I did state one activist informed me that Lila told her she was really tired and didn't like being at the vigils so late. I provided this information, not because I wanted Lila to stop going, but because I am a mandated reporter and this was something that was a valid issue that I was asked about by CPS. Furthermore, I did not reveal this information because I wanted Genesis to go to the vigils and be front and center as Amanda has claimed. Genesis didn't attend her first vigil until she was ready and that wasn't until the end of 2018, one year after Amanda and Lila stopped going.

I also have written statements from over two dozen activists who have been harassed by Amanda Copeland.

Please Amanda, leave us alone! You have done everything in your power to stop my child by attacking me. This has got to stop. I have proof everything she has stated are lies, whereas, there is no proof by the person who has posted this. I have a lawyer who is trying to do what he can to help but it is difficult since this woman has fled the country and is a fugitive.

To whomever is reading this, look at the information posted by Amanda using fake accounts and take into consideration my statement and you will know who is being truthful

CA Activist for justice
Alhambra, US
Jun 18, 2023 9:49 am EDT
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Just stumbling across this public documentation of the hell that this woman Genelle put Lila through for years in the activist community. Her rebuttal above is so sick, so full of the narcissistic gaslighting she did all along the way as she was setting up at least 10 different fake profiles on facebook to make sure that Lila, a young activist who did so much good, who was so gentle and kind hearted, was canceled and destroyed.

I and hundreds of others watched as this woman and two of her terrible sick grown adult woman buddies policed the public space for years looking for signs of anything Lila would succeed at, and then just lying and eviscerating Lila all over any social media page they could take over. People followed Genelle like sheep and canceled Lila, causing her so much pain and heartbreak. I could not believe this woman could be so evil, it was breathtaking, beyond imagining that a grown woman would go after a young activist like that. Now in her narcissistic rage here she is going after the mother. She is still running her sick mouth. I never understood why anyone would ever have anything to do with this monster, but charm and narcissism go a long way. I hope she is feeling really food about destroying a young girl's life with her lies.

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