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AmeriCredit Complaints 79

8:25 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit Scam to get money that due them

A very threatening call to both my daughter and to me about saying I had defaulted on a payday loan and if I did not fax them information and pay them $777 by tomorrow morning they would be arresting me and taking me to court and contacting my employer for garnishing my wages. They said I had to call them immediately or I would pay the consequences and "God Bless you" if that happens. They had a very thick Indian accent and he was giving me my bank account information, etc, etc. I was in tears as it was very unnerving. As I was reading this website it has happened to lots of others just as it did with me almost identical.

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Andrews, US
Jun 29, 2011 9:48 pm EDT

I just a similiar call today. I live in Tx, The number looked like a familiar number so i answered. The man said I had a payday loan out. I said no sir not me i havent had a job in soo many years so i know i didnt have any kindof loans out. He told me my ssn and i said whats the banks name the money was deposited and he said some name that i couldnt understand because of his accent(indian) and i kindof knew it was scam from there on because i jumbled up the words and said it back to him all messed up on purpose and he said yes ma'am thats correct. I said how much was the loan for and he said 400.00 . I said well i need to report this to your fraud department because i made up a name of the bank you said to me and you said that was correct. I said whats the account number and he said he could not give out that info. He said if i paid 375.00 today that he would find the person that used my name for this loan. Otherwise i would be buried in court cost and would have to get a lawyer. I lied and said that my father is a lawyer i dont have to pay for one and that i needed all the account info and banks name repeated back to me slowly so that he could get to the bottom of this, he said no ma'am i can not give that to you you have to go through our attortneys and that will be an extra 600.00 i said look here i know that this is a scam, i said either do not call my phone again or will get a lawyer and we will sue the breaks off that company for scamming people. He put his supervisor on the phone He tried to feed me the same ###. I said like i said before leave me alone your not getting one cent from me. I didnt block my number and call them back to see what the companys name was so i could look it up online. Low and behold look what I found a WHOLE website of stories just like mine!

1:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

AmeriCredit Insurance Fraud

I sent a insurance claim to americredit because they were the leinholder and they will not give it to my collision repair company. They keep holding the check for no reason. Do not ever send a insurance claim check to them give it to your collision repair and let them deal with them. Americredit is a very imcompentent and do not know what their doing. JOKE!

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Houston, US
Nov 03, 2009 11:43 am EST

You guys are so true. I just got off the phone with those ###. I sent my Insurance check into them unsigned and they claim that they sent it back to me un-endorsed so that I sign it first. Basically I did not want to sign my check and then have them endorse it and and cash it cos I don't trust their ###. I told hem that I have already paid the body shop and all I need is for them to endorse my check and the ### won't do it. Who has all day to sit around and wait for a wack company to send a payment to the shop? I know I don't. Americredit tries to keep your money and they think of every excuse to not to send the check to you.

Jul 22, 2009 3:40 pm EDT

I am in the same situation my car has been ready since Friday and I keep calling them and getting no where for they can send the check to the body shop so i can pick it up...what did you do to get the check?

10:34 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit loan scam

this man named james ryder who sounds like he's indian keeps calling my house telling me i owe for a payday loan that i defaulted on. he won't give me any information but he has my information. he wants me to fax my credit/debit number to him or else i would be arrested and fired from my job. i called the phone company and had his number blocked. He was very rude, but i know it was a scam when he won't give you any of the information about the debt. when you call the number someone just answers the phone saying how can i help you without any business name or anything. you can hear a lot of people in the background talking. they are very threatening and could scare you.

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3:27 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit Fraud

Does anyone know if there is a class action lawsuit against these theives, if you do, please contact me! I'd love to join in. I just received a letter in the mail, that americredit is trying to put a insurance claim into my insurance company, that they already collected money for. They have repoed the car on the 29th of April and filed a claim on the 30th for damage to the front and back bumpers of the car. So effidently the idiots that come and got it in the middle of the night, must have did damage to it! Now they want payed for front and back damage after they already recieved a check for the rear damage. Trying to double dip the insurance companies! If this isn't against the law and they get away with it, then they can steal from anybody! Someone needs to shut this company down! I have reported this to the insurance company! These leeches are nothing but legalized loan sharks! This is for anyone out there thats even thinking of getting a car, if you hear or see AmeriCredit any where on papers or documents, RUN LIKE HELL! Please feel free to contact me if anyone knows of any lawsuits against AmeriCredit! May they all ROT in prison!

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NO MORE!!!!!!!!
Mauldin, US
Mar 17, 2009 6:11 pm EDT

I have a loan with AmeriCredit and I want so bad for someone to investigate them for predatory lending. I brought a car two years ago and got involved in bad deal. The trick used on me was drive a new car home get called back a couple days later with a higher finance charge. I should of known that something was wrong when emphasis was placed on bringing back the first contact " I could not kept no copies." With that being said I DID NOT RETURN ALL COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE. This car company is now being sued for fraud and deceit and I'm over joyed. Yet I'm determine not to stop until I can sound the horn on their partner AMERCREDIT. It takes two to give to services. One for a useless car and the other for an impossible loan to pay.It has been two years and my loan is still at 21, 000 for payoff, 31811 for maturity, and the current value of the car today is 6, 795. The dealer is filing for protection under bankruptcy and one the creditors sueing them is Americredit. For what? For the payment for the unfinished PREDATORY AGREEMENT. I should of know the day I walked into that dealer that I should of went with my first instinct which were "These salesmen look like they haven't been in car sales for long this place is unprofessional get out and go home." Yet as soon as put on your blinker they swarm the car and there is no chance for survial unless you where to use force. I will never stop writing about this until it heard and or solved.

Philadelphia, US
Feb 02, 2010 6:07 am EST

I opened a loan with Americredit 3/19/2008 for 22, 318.90 with a monthly payment of 517.00 for 72 months on a 2007 Chrysler Pacifica. I have nothing but trouble from the onset with this company. They post payments late then they charge you the late fees that never seem to come off of your account. I recently acquired a copy of my credit report and found that I have 12 months straight of late payments with Americredit a few times even showing 60 days delinquent. I am no Einstein, but I know that any other finance company would have reposessed their property by now. The truth is I have not paid my note on time every month, but I have made every payment everytime, and never -ever -ever missed 2 consecutive payments. I have paid $700, $800, $661, so on and so forth to makesure that my payments were sufficient to satisfy my debtors. These people are just evil and the consisitenly violate the laws regarding fair debt collecting. They have called my home 4 times in a day then my cell 2 times and even my job phone several times in that same day. The law allows for 2 calls if I am not mistaken. They harrass their clients ungodly. I recently checked my statement online and discovered that I owe another $158.60 late fee for my February payment. Here is the catch thought today is February 2 my payment is not due until the 15th does anyone else see a problem with this, and my account is current with no payments outstanding. I swear they are just making this stuff up, I have problem paying when I owe something but I believe they are trying to charge people for phantom occurrances to keep them in these over interest, over blown loans. I have paid over $11, 000 in payments but I still owe $19, 000 on a loan that was opened 2 years ago for 22, 000. That my friends makes no mathmatical sense. I can only deduce that I have paid $8, 000 in interest. In other words if they were to reposess my auto today they would have made their interest on the loan and retaken the auto, then sent it to auction, made some more on it at aution, and then sent me a bill for the difference of what the auto got at auction versus what was left on the loan, and this is legal, are you freaking kidding me. I believe a class action Lawsuit is in order, as individuals we do not have the power to fight these kinds of financial rapists and they know it, but as hundreds or thousands of angry well organized and well represented Americans we can hit these offenders in the only place they will feel and understand it; their wallets.

12:32 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit False Accusation of Debt

I received three calls today from a man who claims that his name was Andy Jones. He had a very strong Indian accent...I could barely understand a word he said. He left a voicemail stating that I needed to call him back immediately or I would regret it. I wanted to know what the problem was so I called him back and he said he was from American Credit Services and that I fraudulently had funds transferred into my bank account...which is not true. He wouldn't even tell me where I had funds transferred from. The caller would not answer any of my questions and acted like I was stupid...though he could barely speak English. He knew my bank account number, email address...he knew way too much personal information which was really creepy. I hung up on him and he called back twice. I know that I don't owe anyone anything...and I'm getting all of my account numbers and phone numbers changed if he continues to call. If anyone from "American Credit Services" calls you it is a scam. Do not even call them back!

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4:44 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit Fraud and Harrassment

I received a phone call on my cell from an "unknown number". I do not answer such calls, so I let it go to my voicemail. A man with a heavy foreign accent left a message stating that, "I or my attorney needed to call him back immediately regarding a case against me". He went on to say, "if I did not call back, then good luck to me". This "threat" made me call back because I was concerned as to the nature of the call. When I called back a female with a very heavy accent answered the phone and asked for my telephone number so she could look up my information. Once I gave her the telephone number, she told me that I took out a payday loan and did not pay it back. I had taken out a payday loan online for $300 almost a year prior and had paid it back in full. I informed her of this and she began to threaten me and was extremely rude. She said if I had paid the loan back, I would not be on their list, that my file would be transferred to investigators the next day, the investigators were going to come to my house or my place of employment, I would have to go to court and pay over $5, 000, ect. When I continued to dispute the matter, she hung up the phone. I became even more concerned and decided to call back. This time a man answered the phone and again I was asked for my telephone number. He began to recite my bank account number, the name of one of my family members and a date that the loan was taken out. I began to wonder if the loan company whom I had dealt with in the past may have made an error, so asked him for the name of the creditor. He could not tell me. I asked for an account or customer number and again he could not tell me. I went so far as to ask what address he had on file for me, he could not tell me. He did say that I owed $1500 and then changed it to $725. I hung up the phone upset and trying to figure out what was going on, then it hit me. Their biggest mistake he made was in regards to the date that I had taken out the so-called loan. I realized that I had not opened that particular bank account until four months after he claimed I received the loan. How could someone give me money into an account that did not exist? I knew then that their was something "fishy" about these people and they had my bank account information. Long story short, I called back several times and went "head to toe" with these people attempting to get to the bottom of what they were trying to do and where they were located. All they would tell me was the name of the company (American Credit Services) and that they were out of California. Prior to hanging up the telephone, they said that an investigator would be at my door to take me away. This happened two days ago. It was still bothering me, so I decided to google the name and here I am. I only wish that I had thought to do this when it was happening. I am very upset! I plan to report this to the police in my area, the BBB and whoever else along the way. Someone needs to stop them and they need to be arrested. Everyone be aware of this and pass this scam information along to others. If it happens to you, dont let it go, say something so that they can not get away with this anymore!

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Update by Denise
May 26, 2009 4:31 am EDT

Dls, thank you for the advise. I appreciate it, however I do not believe that you read my scenerio or the other complanints thoroughly. These people are not being hired by a company to collect a debt. They are doing what they are doing on their own accord in an attempt to steal money from people. I contacted the company that gave me the loan. They were fully aware of the fact that I paid that loan in full and aware of the scam that these people are running on myself and others. It is fraud "pure and simple". They are not in a foreign country. I did a reverse look up on the phone number they called me from and other research, which proves that they are in California -Glendale or Orange County to be exact. They even tell you they are from California when you ask who they are and where they are calling from. There is a legitimate company "American Credit Services" in California and they are also aware of the scam. There is no recording when they call stating that the call is being recorded or that the call is an attempt to collect a debt, because they are utilizing "pay as you go" phones. There is certainly no way to e-mail these individuals and no reason to because it is a scam. Hopefully the Attorney General's office will investigate this before they steal from more innocent people. I was one of the lucky ones who did not fall for it. I am still upset - not only do I have to change my account, but these people have my social security number, driver's license number, ect. Protecting myself is costing time and money. They should not be getting away with this.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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May 25, 2009 1:55 pm EDT

If they did get your correct account info, then you need to call your bank ASAP. No, I take that back, you need to go to your bank in person and speak with the bank manager to inform them as to the phone call you received. Ask them if in their opinion you should close that account and open a new account so they can not attach a lien against your account and drain it of all funds. If the manager tells you it's safe to keep your current account open, ask what steps will be taken to make sure that this company does not get your money.

Now, with that being said, since you said both the man and the woman had heavy foreign accents, then the company you took out the loan from has outsource their collections department to a company in a foreign country. They are trained to be as aggressive as they need to be to get you to send the money you supposedly owe. They will threaten you, tell you that you will be arrested, they will threaten to call your boss, neighbors, co-workers, etc. and let them know you do not pay your bills. They do this because they are told to do this by the loan company because they know that US law can not do one thing to the employees at this foreign "debt collection" services.

Any more phone calls you get from this company don't just hang up because they will just to continue to call you. You need to let them know the following: The loan was paid off and when, that you want the harassing phone calls to stop immediately, that the BBB has been contacted and that you have contacted the attorney general about the threats you received from this country. While not much can be done to the people making these calls as they are not in the US, the company who hired them can be held responsible although, getting anything to stick is hard because they will claim that they have no control over threats coming from another company in a foreign land. They will at least be put on notice that they are being monitored and if you're lucky, the calls may stop.

I live in Virginia and in my state, we can record any phone conversation without informing the party we are talking to that they are being recorded and even if in your state you can not do that legally, it usually means that it would not be allowed as evidence but it may lead to a fine or arrest so check with the attorney general before doing this. Now if some where in the conversation they say that they are recording the call (sometimes when you pick up the phone you'll hear that recording saying that this call may be recorded or monitored) then you too should be able to record the conversation without telling them because they already know they are being recorded by their company. If nothing else, you will then have a record to the lengths these people are going with their harassment, scare tactics and threats.

If you know that you have paid off this debt, do not let them continue to harass you. You can find out the loan company's name and either email them or call them (I prefer email because then I have proof that I contacted them) and let them know you have paid off this loan yet they are letting their foreign debt collection department harass you and that you want it stopped immediately and that you will be contacting the attorney general in your state unless all calls are stopped.

Good Luck

12:09 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit Unfair Lending Practices

I am currently in a situation with Americredit and I would like to know how can we get together and form a class action suit against them. This is not right!

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diane bentley
Titusville, US
Jun 05, 2011 3:18 pm EDT

please count me in on lawsuit against americredit. contact me via email:

Predatory loan
Gai, US
Dec 17, 2010 2:48 am EST

I am for class action suit against this company, due to predatory lending. contact me via email:

West Des Moines, US
Jun 01, 2010 1:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also would love to get in on a class action law suit.

I have been screwed by these people time and time again. we have been paying for 2 and a half years now so I called to see how much we have paid and they said it was only 3100. We did our math and we have paid 11100 total so far.
After saying this they said hold, after holding for 15 minutes they hung up.
Then I called back waited on hold another 15 minutes then got into an argument with them and asked for a manager and for 10 minutes refused, then I told them the call was being recorded and he said he was gonna transfer me, after waiting on hold another 10 minutes I hung up.
my email is or
Please let me know if there is a law suit on this so I can be involved on the downfall of these lying [censor].


Auburn, US
Sep 21, 2009 2:05 pm EDT

Yes I want to get involved in a classs action law suit@! They took me for 7600.00 plus my 3000.00 down pmy@#!@! OMG 1500.0 to go and they too, took my truck. Am now 11, 000.-00 in the hole with another one. These theives need stoppede. WhenI called to discuss anything with them they were to busy, plus I gad to fight to have a wrong entry of 7600.00 on my credit report@!@ It should have been 1500.00. They now OWE me from the ssle of my truck. I am getting my states Attorney General Invovled in all of this. Of course they came on a Sunday when I was unable to reach their office. And were so RUDE about everything after that. This after having send them 49 pmts. I had been a bit behind in the past and they never did anything like this@!@ Debby GreenMitchel
Auburn, Indiana

Ms. Ree
San Leandro, US
Aug 07, 2009 6:51 pm EDT

I also would like to know how to get together on a class action suit. My woke up @ 1 am this morning to the awful sound of my car being repoed. No knock on the door. I live in a gated community and don't know how they got in. One of the guys was very annoying, taunting me as my family and I removed our belongings from the car.

Yes, I call them this morning to see about re-instatement and there is an extra $800 tacked on to what my due balance is. How the hell are these towing company charging for storage now? It had only been 9 hours! WTF! Needless to say, the guy I spoke to was rude (as they always are!). When I asked to speak to a Manager he refused, saying they were not going to help me.

Reading from the hundreds and tohousands of "horror" stories with these people, it's clear these people need to be stopped. If anyone knows of a class action suit in the works, count me in. I can be reached via email: Thanks.


lauderhill, US
Jul 26, 2009 7:22 pm EDT

I wrote letters to Americredit. I did not receive payment until about July 1st, after they received GAP on May 11, 2009. It was past 30 days and no replies or any feedback about refund or no one could tell me what my refund was. I received my refund and now I am pleased, but I did send letters to BBB and State Attorney General's Office.

Rob me of Refunds - Disgusted and Busted
Boca Raton, US
May 18, 2009 4:35 pm EDT

My car was totaled 12/24/08 I had GAP, it took 5 months to settle while I DID make payments to Americredit monthly WHILE WAITING ON GAP (another set of complaints with The One GAP). Gap promised to reimburse for my payments due to time it takes for payoff.. Meanwhile Americredit is still calling for payments indicating I will get my money back.

Waiting for GAP to pay...while making payments to save my credit...

January payment made on : Feb 14 (before 30 days)
February payment made on : March 14(before 30 days)
March Payment made on : April 14(before 30 days)

STATEMENT BALANCE ON 4/26/09 = $4625.35 including late fees
PAYOFF ONLINE 5/8/09 WAS $5000 ($375.00 more than balance)
GAP PAYS $5816.00 on 5/11/09 (before 30 days) of next payment thank god.

$5000 - $5816 = -$816


I am getting ready to complain to Attorney General Office. I will get my refund back somehow.

1:43 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit LOST 2 years of payments and ruined credit!!

Have just found out today via a credit report that Americredit has failed to credit 2 years of payments to my vehicle and is attempting to re-possess it! We've had a nightmare of a time with this company: The initial payment was meant to be $19k, but they accidentally put it in for $22k...we noticed when reviewing the vehicle information that ours was not "the black special edition with the sunroof" and they promptly agreed to change the balance amount to $19k. Not a great start, but seemed like an easily remedied mistake. We set up automatic payments to be debited from our chequing account and for 4 months there were no problems...then all of a sudden, payments were deducted on random days, instead of the agreed upon date. Sometimes it would be right before payday, resulting in NSF fees we had to pay. So, after multiple phone calls and their assurance it wouldn't happen again, we decided we would Western Union the money to be sure it was going in at the correct time. All we had to do was phone them with a confirmation # to show the payment was made. No problem, right? That's what we thought. A credit report my husband had run today shows that we owe $22k had haven't made a single payment in over 2 years. How is that even possible? If a payment was a day late we got urgent telephone calls! Yet there is no record of payment on our credit report AT ALL. As a result, the account has been flagged as "written off" and the jeep is to be repossessed. Both my husband and I have taken huge hits on our credit scores, and will soon have no vehicle to show for it, let alone the 2 years of payments we faithfully made. Apparently, it takes a lot to have this status removed form your credit history, but we'll try; it appears it's been in this status for a year, but NOBODY TOLD US. The usually insistent and borderline harassing Americredit hasn't said ANYTHING about missing 2 years of payments! We have all of our receipts, but if they insist they haven't made a mistake, we are out $14, 000, a jeep and our credit, which will take us years to get back to a robust status. No matter how badly you need a vehicle AVOID AMERICREDIT! Get a bike if you have to. This company has ruined the next 4 years of my life.

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Philadelphia, US
Feb 02, 2010 6:09 am EST

I opened a loan with Americredit 3/19/2008 for 22, 318.90 with a monthly payment of 517.00 for 72 months on a 2007 Chrysler Pacifica. I have nothing but trouble from the onset with this company. They post payments late then they charge you the late fees that never seem to come off of your account. I recently acquired a copy of my credit report and found that I have 12 months straight of late payments with Americredit a few times even showing 60 days delinquent. I am no Einstein, but I know that any other finance company would have reposessed their property by now. The truth is I have not paid my note on time every month, but I have made every payment everytime, and never -ever -ever missed 2 consecutive payments. I have paid $700, $800, $661, so on and so forth to makesure that my payments were sufficient to satisfy my debtors. These people are just evil and the consisitenly violate the laws regarding fair debt collecting. They have called my home 4 times in a day then my cell 2 times and even my job phone several times in that same day. The law allows for 2 calls if I am not mistaken. They harrass their clients ungodly. I recently checked my statement online and discovered that I owe another $158.60 late fee for my February payment. Here is the catch thought today is February 2 my payment is not due until the 15th does anyone else see a problem with this, and my account is current with no payments outstanding. I swear they are just making this stuff up, I have problem paying when I owe something but I believe they are trying to charge people for phantom occurrances to keep them in these over interest, over blown loans. I have paid over $11, 000 in payments but I still owe $19, 000 on a loan that was opened 2 years ago for 22, 000. That my friends makes no mathmatical sense. I can only deduce that I have paid $8, 000 in interest. In other words if they were to reposess my auto today they would have made their interest on the loan and retaken the auto, then sent it to auction, made some more on it at aution, and then sent me a bill for the difference of what the auto got at auction versus what was left on the loan, and this is legal, are you freaking kidding me. I believe a class action Lawsuit is in order, as individuals we do not have the power to fight these kinds of financial rapists and they know it, but as hundreds or thousands of angry well organized and well represented Americans we can hit these offenders in the only place they will feel and understand it; their wallets.

4:49 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit Collection Calls

I have had a loan with AmeriCredit since August 2005. Since about mid last year, I have been late every single month with my car payment (things are a little hard for me right now). I have never been more than 30 days late.
AmeriCredit calls me 7 days a week at least 8 times a day. I am not trying to get out of paying. I know that I need to pay but do they have to call me so much?! I think this is getting a little ridiculous! Isn't this harrassment?
I just called in February and asked for a payoff. They told me that my pay off was $12, 000. I was so shocked. I purchased the car for $16, 000. I know there is interest and everything but my goodness!
Before mid last year and before I hit this financial slump, I made my payments on time. I cant understand why I owe so much money. Its been almost 4 years.

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Update by SOrlando
Feb 02, 2011 6:18 pm EST

I agree. This company needs to be investigated. I hate this company. I feel as though they are not fair in their practices. They have really taken me for a ride! By the time I am done paying for my vehicle, I will have paid over $30, 000 for a car that had a ticket price of only $14, 000! This was my first car purchase and all in all, this was a very bad learning experience.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Philadelphia, US
Feb 02, 2010 6:03 am EST

I opened a loan with Americredit 3/19/2008 for 22, 318.90 with a monthly payment of 517.00 for 72 months on a 2007 Chrysler Pacifica. I have nothing but trouble from the onset with this company. They post payments late then they charge you the late fees that never seem to come off of your account. I recently acquired a copy of my credit report and found that I have 12 months straight of late payments with Americredit a few times even showing 60 days delinquent. I am no Einstein, but I know that any other finance company would have reposessed their property by now. The truth is I have not paid my note on time every month, but I have made every payment everytime, and never -ever -ever missed 2 consecutive payments. I have paid $700, $800, $661, so on and so forth to makesure that my payments were sufficient to satisfy my debtors. These people are just evil and the consisitenly violate the laws regarding fair debt collecting. They have called my home 4 times in a day then my cell 2 times and even my job phone several times in that same day. The law allows for 2 calls if I am not mistaken. They harrass their clients ungodly. I recently checked my statement online and discovered that I owe another $158.60 late fee for my February payment. Here is the catch thought today is February 2 my payment is not due until the 15th does anyone else see a problem with this, and my account is current with no payments outstanding. I swear they are just making this stuff up, I have problem paying when I owe something but I believe they are trying to charge people for phantom occurrances to keep them in these over interest, over blown loans. I have paid over $11, 000 in payments but I still owe $19, 000 on a loan that was opened 2 years ago for 22, 000. That my friends makes no mathmatical sense. I can only deduce that I have paid $8, 000 in interest. In other words if they were to reposess my auto today they would have made their interest on the loan and retaken the auto, then sent it to auction, made some more on it at aution, and then sent me a bill for the difference of what the auto got at auction versus what was left on the loan, and this is legal, are you freaking kidding me. I believe a class action Lawsuit is in order, as individuals we do not have the power to fight these kinds of financial rapists and they know it, but as hundreds or thousands of angry well organized and well represented Americans we can hit these offenders in the only place they will feel and understand it; their wallets.

9:56 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit Unfairly Reported Me to Credit Unions

I have not read a story quite the same as mine but here is my tale of whoa. I signed loan papers with Huntington Bank in August 2007 for my 2005 Kia Rio but never payment arrangements from them on were to send payments. Americredit sends me the first bill with instructions to send payment to them. Never once did I ever sign any paperwork with Americredit. Not one piece of paper. I have all the original paperwork from dealer. Everything went fine. I made all payments until I changed the payment date in February of this year. They let me go a month without making a payment and then added a month on the end of the loan. Still things were fine until March 21 of this year. I went to a dealership and traded the car in for a new car. Part of the deal was the dealership was to pay off my old loan and refinance the new car. I was sitting at the desk when the salesman called Americredit for pay-off and per diem and paid my part of difference. I take the new car home and think things are fine. Nine days into my new car I start getting phone calls from Americredit about my payment not being made. I call the dealership, they tell they will take care of it. 17 days into my new car Americredit tells me they have not received payoff, I call dealership and they have me come sign new paperwork and tell me they will take care of it. Everytime Americredit calls I find out what is going on and let them know I traded car in and try to find out what is going on. I do everything I am supposed to do, stay on top of dealership and Americredit to the best of my ability. Long story short. I finally get ahold of the Chief Officer of the dealership here who is working with me now to try to restore my credit. The dealership tried to get a check to a correct address at Americredit but was given an incorrect address. The Chief Officer called Americredit and asked them not to report me to the credit bureau since they would be getting a check hand couried to them next and they said okay and still reported me anyway to all three credit agencies. I have paperwork that says the dealership was to pay for the car but Americredit says I was responsible for the loan since it was in my name. If I would have made the payments they would have been paid twice and I guess I should have decided if my credit was worth it. The lady who has sent the checks to Americredit is supposed to send me a copy of the letter she is sending Americredit and that I can supposedly send the Credit Bureaus. Granted I did not have the best credit to begin with but this did not help. Had I missed payments and not been in touch and ignored them I could understand. The dealership even tried to reason with these people to no avail. Something needs to be done about these people taking advantage of people who do the right things. I did everything I possibly could except pay them twice.

Bewildered in Indiana

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Philadelphia, US
Feb 02, 2010 6:02 am EST

I opened a loan with Americredit 3/19/2008 for 22, 318.90 with a monthly payment of 517.00 for 72 months on a 2007 Chrysler Pacifica. I have nothing but trouble from the onset with this company. They post payments late then they charge you the late fees that never seem to come off of your account. I recently acquired a copy of my credit report and found that I have 12 months straight of late payments with Americredit a few times even showing 60 days delinquent. I am no Einstein, but I know that any other finance company would have reposessed their property by now. The truth is I have not paid my note on time every month, but I have made every payment everytime, and never -ever -ever missed 2 consecutive payments. I have paid $700, $800, $661, so on and so forth to makesure that my payments were sufficient to satisfy my debtors. These people are just evil and the consisitenly violate the laws regarding fair debt collecting. They have called my home 4 times in a day then my cell 2 times and even my job phone several times in that same day. The law allows for 2 calls if I am not mistaken. They harrass their clients ungodly. I recently checked my statement online and discovered that I owe another $158.60 late fee for my February payment. Here is the catch thought today is February 2 my payment is not due until the 15th does anyone else see a problem with this, and my account is current with no payments outstanding. I swear they are just making this stuff up, I have problem paying when I owe something but I believe they are trying to charge people for phantom occurrances to keep them in these over interest, over blown loans. I have paid over $11, 000 in payments but I still owe $19, 000 on a loan that was opened 2 years ago for 22, 000. That my friends makes no mathmatical sense. I can only deduce that I have paid $8, 000 in interest. In other words if they were to reposess my auto today they would have made their interest on the loan and retaken the auto, then sent it to auction, made some more on it at aution, and then sent me a bill for the difference of what the auto got at auction versus what was left on the loan, and this is legal, are you freaking kidding me. I believe a class action Lawsuit is in order, as individuals we do not have the power to fight these kinds of financial rapists and they know it, but as hundreds or thousands of angry well organized and well represented Americans we can hit these offenders in the only place they will feel and understand it; their wallets.

7:51 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit Awful experience

A lady named Sara is who started this whole terrible experience for me, she called and she left a voicemail on my cell phone saying my attorney or I need to call her back asap because of this time sensitive case, do not disregard her call, if we don't call her, all she can do is wish me the best of luck as my case unfolds on me. I called back and spoke to a 'Jimmy Macktell' and he said I owed 'American Credit Services' for a payday loan they deposited in my bank, they had ALL of my information, I mean ALL OF IT, down to my parents names.. Pretty scary, they insisted that i was being charged with 3 felony accounts, Check fraud, violation of federal banking violations, and theft and deception or something like that, it was very hard to understand any of the people i spoke with, because of their accents, but as i was saying they than said that an officer would be coming to my home tomorrow morning to arrest me and take me to court. This was a very long conversation and much more was said than what I'm writing, and these people are very threatening and very rude, I was almost in tears. Come to find out, their scammers and just trying VERY hard to get people to give them money, and whats more scary is that some people have given in. I reported them to the Tucson Police Department, the Federal Trade Commission, the Better Business Bureau of LA, which is where they claim to be located, and the BBB of LA has all their info, they have an F rating with the BBB. I changed my cell phone number also and put a fraud alert on my credit report.

These people told me that me and my family would be behind bars together and that I better find a safe place for my children, and how dare i lie about getting money and than not paying it back, and thats stealing.


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Merrillville, US
May 02, 2009 7:39 pm EDT

I recieved the same phone call from these people. I too called the number on the caller id, and the operator said that this number is no longer in service. I called the contact number that they left [protected]). The person who left the message had a "heavy" accent and his "name" was Daniel James. He stated that I needed to call him back asap and don't ignore this call, and if I do, I wish you luck, a very threatning message.When I called the number back the gentleman stated that I reieved cash from a company called FastCash in 5/08. I was like what? And just like the others, he satated that I needed a lawyer and what was the lawyers name and how we can get this matter resolved. I told him I will have to investigate this first with my bank. And he even had the last 4 digits of my account and bank name.I did some research on "fastcash" and a sleu of companies popped up but when i did some research on Americ an Credit Services I found THIS ironic..I am beginning to believe that this place is a scam.He had a "case #" and when I asked for a number for Fastcash" he said that would be "violating the clients privacy privelages". So that's what led me here, and I see I am not alone. So what do you do? And who do I report it to?

4:58 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit Fraud and scam

American Credit Services called me friday afternoon. They said I owe for an old payday loan for 2008. (Due to the individuals accent, and the way they were coming across I had a hard time understanding them, much less what they were talking about). So, I was handed over supposedly to the Supervisor, who told me this was a law firm, and did I have an attorney etc. and continued asking me questions, which I would not respond to.

He said I owed $1095.52, (which included occurred interest) and he kept trying to pressure me for a response, or else this Monday at 11:30 AM they would be coming to get me and we'd be going to court. Again, when I would not respond or commit to their demands, he wanted me to know he has all these allegations against me.

My words to him was 'Come On Then'. Beware, this company will tell you about yourself, but you will find alot of the information is not totally correct. But don't correct any information nor offer any information regarding anything. When these companies try to scam you Please Report Them...

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monique Kramer
buffalo, US
May 05, 2009 4:44 pm EDT

Today I cam e in to work to see a note in my mail box that a Jennifer from a law firm was trying to get in contact with me regarding a immediate response. I of course called back the number and I was transfer a number of times then a man got on the phone and stated that I was in default with a pay day loan that I had got transferred into my account. I proceeded to tell this man that I never received a loan and I had a bank statement to proof it. He then went on to tell me he was from the crime and fraud department and if I didn’t pay this loan off by today that there will be charges brought a against me and I will have to go to court I asked him what court and they hung up. I then called backed ordering them to give me there fax number and information they would not give me any info at this point they proceed to get nasty with me-I had enough and got nasty right back when I got to work I researched the company and found all these complaints I am in the process off contacting a lawyer in regards to this because they have all my checking account information,

6:12 pm EDT
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AmeriCredit Fraud

Last week I received 2 phone calls, one on my cell phone and the other at work, from an George Cooper then a Josh Cooper stating that it was urgent for me to call him regarding a legal matter, do not ignor the message or I could suffer the consequenses. Being concerned, I immediately called back. He said that I was being sued for an unpaid loan and my account was going to be sent to the investigation unit and I had a court date next week and they were going come to my place of business and haul me away. The debt was supposedly a payday loan obtained 9/2007. I had taken a payday loan several years ago but have since paid it in full and have all of my documentation. They had ALL of my personal information, and said that even 2 of my references would be sued because of me. It was really scary. They said I owed $5875 . for a $300. loan. They said I was sent over 17 email and numerous notices to my home, none of which I received. He told me it was not his fault that I ignored things. When I asked where court was he would only say California. And when I asked for the name of the payday website, the court docet number I was told that it was private information. When I pressed for a specifice city and county he changes the subject. I was really scared, so I decided to do a little digging and found them here. I am so glad I found this sight. These people are rude, and you can't hardly understand them. There is a lot of noise in the background, and their accents are really heavy. I asked several times to speak with someone who could speak better English since this was such a serious matter and I wanted to fully understand I was told to shut up and listen better. I found numerous fraud complaints on this site and a few others about this same so called company. When I would read their stories it was as if I was listening to myself.
Now this today I received another message from the same man but he changes his fist name, Josh Cooper. When i returned the call I was ready this time, he could not find my information by my phone number this time but could I give him my SSN. i refused and told him that I know that he is part of a fraudulent scam and never to call me again. He began yelling at me saying he was sending someone to pick me up and haul me to jail right now. I told him that was pretty funny becasue he didn't know my name or number so how could he. He hung up.

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Tallahassee, US
Apr 24, 2013 8:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

omg i just did this in the same manner that you did. they told me 2 business hours. I hope this was not the same scam although the number is the same.

Raleigh, US
Feb 11, 2013 3:28 pm EST

I had an ILLEGAL experience with a "company" named "Non American Credit Services"..better known to them as NACS. I first received a "unknown" call, and I normally don't answer those types of calls but I did, and the man proceeded to tell me that if I had $200 he would put $1200 in my account and I said "I don't have that much ", so he proceeded to tell me well "Do you have $100, and if so I can put $1000 in your account, and honestly people would not do anything like that over the phone and with out any information in front of them, but I was so dead set on paying my bills and was not thinking clearly, so I tell him I can do that and what did I need to do...and he told me to go and purchase a Green dot Money Pak card And put $100 on the card and call him back and give him the digits on the back of the I did and then he told me that the funds would be in my account in 2 2 hours nothing was there and from there it has been a CIRCUS...I gave an additional $150 and again nothing in my accountantet me remind you they have my personal information...I have been hung up on, talked very disrespectful to, deceived, and just flat out LIED to! I'm pissed to the max and I'm trying to do something about this situation, this has never happened to me and it doesn't need to happen to anyone else...I spoke with men who had Indian accents and gave me names like:"Alex Green, Mark Taylor, Danny Brown, and Frank...their number that was provided to me [protected]...and I also followed up on this so called loan company and I called the real company to whose name they are fraudulently using and I spoke to a loan officer and he stated to me that they DO NOT make you pay money to get a loan, they DO NOT DO SERVICES OUT OF NC OR NY...and those are the two states that are being interacted in this situation...please please PLEASE people if you get to read this story take heed and REPORT REPORT REPORT!

2:33 pm EDT
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AmeriCredit Harassment

I have a new Chevrolet and the dealer financed it through Americredit instead of GMAC. I have paid off 8 loans with GMAC with no problem but the dealer told me a they were not loaning money at the time I purchased so they had to use Americredit instead. They first indication they were crooks was they were charging me 13% interest on a 60 month loan. When I complained I was told I had no choice and could refinance the car when things got better to lower my rate. Like an idiot, I was excited about getting a new car and signed the contract. This months payment was due on the 23rd and I was in the hospital and did not make payment yet. They started calling on the 24th every hour from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. My wife told them I was in the hospital they said they did not care. Then the started calling my work and was told I was in the hospital They wanted to know which hospital I was in. When my fellow workers refused to tell them, they told them it was about a late payment and it was imperative they talk to me immediately. I am still in the hospital and they still call every hour to my home and business. My work threatened to fire me if they don't stop calling because they are keeping people on the phone while they are getting paid to work. My wife said the caller ID is full of threatening messages. Don't be suckered in to using these people take your time and get financing elsewhere.

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Apr 26, 2011 9:50 am EDT

Why does americredit harass people after they have been asked not to call anymore. example - i have an account with americredit and am not the best customer however there are people that were listed on my papers that i have no contact with any longer but yet they get harassed after being asked to stop. also why does americredit contact people and harass people who have no have nothing to do with the the account. i have told those who get harassed by americredit to call the cops and file a complaint as well as the BBB and there state attorneys office too. this crap has to stop. i'm sure americredit will have a BS reason.

Dallas, US
Apr 15, 2009 11:32 pm EDT

yeah paid off 8 loans whatever!...y0ur first payment was expected so all of your money went towards your hospital stay right?

yeah whatever

6:32 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AmeriCredit NO PROOF and Traumatic

We had the same situation from a caller Shawn Woods and our ID caller shows Service Provider tel# [protected]... gave a phone number of [protected] for a return call. This guy started calling my number this week and keeps on calling my number, it would start noon till 3pm...and would keep on repeating after a long arguement for proof of IOU from him...
this is what it entails: he would say and keeps on repeating:
1. i had 3 criminal record to be on my sss#
2.knows my sss#, gave me the option that i can pay by credit card of by ck.
3)and was asking me to pay $$$ OR ELSE I will be picked up by the cops tonite...
he would not give any additional info but informing me I cashed a ck from FAST CASH?who is FAST CASH?
when i asked him to send me some form of legal documents in the mail to show the IOU this Shawn Woods who also posses a strong accent on the phone had a noisy background and would pause in silence . This Shawn guy knows names in my family and social security number...this is very scary, with names and sss# mentioned, hinted the phone call was very suspicious...for those who had this experience...there must be a way to fight back and catch this culprits...

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Threatening calls
Mar 03, 2011 7:35 pm EST

I have been through the very same thing as all of you. I really did take a loan out online, but when you apply, you are blanketed to a zillion other websites. I paid my loan off in small $50 installments, and at the time the harrassment started, I was still making my payments. I did in fact miss a payment, and just so happened to be the same time frame the calls started coming in. I got a phone call at work, as well as on my cell phone from a man with an accent saying his name is Jack Smith from American Credit Services. ( The name and company would change from day to day) The person named Jack ( odd name for a forigner) said that he had a legal matter concerning my name and my social security # to discuss, that this is a very serious matter, and that I need to call him or have a retain attourney call IMMEDIATELY. He stated that I had defaulted on a payment, and that the company did not wish to talk with me since they think I am a CRIMINAL. Jack would not provide me with the company's name to which I took the loan, nor could he send me documentation. I was scared... Jack asked me to send a money order in the amont of $2000 for a $400 supposed loan. I found this to be concerning, so I contacted PRE-PAID LEGAL, and they said it was classic fraud, and to file a complaint with the attourney general. I did both, but for almost 2 years now, continue to get threatening phone calls almost every month. I don't want to change my #, so I just ignore the calls. I do get nervous though every time.
I did check with the company that I had taken the loan with, and they said I was still in good standing, and that even with a missed payment, they would NEVER send me to a collection agency like that, and that I would be notified by them. They said they would just charge 2 payments when there was a late payment, no big deal.
I am so thankfull to find these posts, it makes me feel as if I am not alone!

Aug 30, 2010 1:12 pm EDT

I have been involved with all the above, only I gave up my money because of the nature of the call and the threats of the call. The telephone number was [protected]. They demanded that I do a letter and give them my debit card information because I owe for a payday loan. I have taken out a payday loan, however, it is paid in full and I knew that I didn't owe anyone. They got $400.00 dollars from me. This person name was Joshua Watson. About two weeks after that they called again demanding $800.00. They figured that I gave up this money before so they think they can get more from me. This time I asked a bunch of questions that they couldn't answer. His name was Richard Hamilton. They are calling right now as I speak. I went and reported this to the police and they told me I should have never given up my money and that it was a scam. I was able to get the name from Richard Hamilton and he said they were called American Credit Services. I got home and looked on the internet and wow I couldn't believe all the messages I saw who has been throught the same thing. I was able to receive $200.00 back from a toll free number that was listed on my statement. When I called they mentioned that they were only the debit card processing center. He was an american. I said that I was involved in a scam and that I reported this incident to the authorities. He got really scarred and concerned. He said quote "ma'am hold on I'm giving you your money back because I dont want to be involved with this" what was that all about? I said yes I want my money back. He refunded my money within 2-3 days. I ended up closing the account, ect. The bad thing about it is, my sister paid with her debit card and they have her ID information ect. But she said let them jokers call me, I will tell them were to go. She closed her account as I mentioned earlier. I wish I have the gutts she had when they took my money because I ended up paying her. Check your bank statement for the number to call to get your money back because apparently they are using different processing centers to process the payments.

Eclectic, US
May 28, 2009 12:29 pm EDT

I would just like to say that everything that has been said has happended to me the last past two days. A Max Anderson and a Kevin Peterson called and told me I owed $545.75 and that I needed to make a $200.00 payment in order to get things back in order, wanted me to fax a letter to them stating that I would make payments. If I did not make payment by this afternoon, then I needed to be in court in California by 11:00 tomorrow morning. I called and reported also, I really hope they get these people.

Southfield, US
May 24, 2009 4:57 am EDT

I received a phone call on my cell from an "unknown number". I do not answer such calls, so I let it go to my voicemail. A man with a heavy foreign accent left a message stating that, "I or my attorney needed to call him back immediately regarding a case against me". He went on to say, "if I did not call back, then good luck to me". This "threat" made me call back because I was concerned as to the nature of the call. When I called back a female with a very heavy accent answered the phone and asked for my telephone number so she could look up my information. Once I gave her the telephone number, she told me that I took out a payday loan and did not pay it back. I had taken out a payday loan online for $300 almost a year prior and had paid it back in full. I informed her of this and she began to threaten me and was extremely rude. She said if I had paid the loan back, I would not be on their list, that my file would be transferred to investigators the next day, the investigators were going to come to my house or my place of employment, I would have to go to court and pay over $5, 000, ect. When I continued to dispute the matter, she hung up the phone. I became even more concerned and decided to call back. This time a man answered the phone and again I was asked for my telephone number. He began to recite my bank account number, the name of one of my family members and a date that the loan was taken out. I began to wonder if the loan company whom I had dealt with in the past may have made an error, so asked him for the name of the creditor. He could not tell me. I asked for an account or customer number and again he could not tell me. I went so far as to ask what address he had on file for me, he could not tell me. He did say that I owed $1500 and then changed it to $725. I hung up the phone upset and trying to figure out what was going on, then it hit me. Their biggest mistake he made was in regards to the date that I had taken out the so-called loan. I realized that I had not opened that particular bank account until four months after he claimed I received the loan. How could someone give me money into an account that did not exist? I knew then that their was something "fishy" about these people and they had my bank account information. Long story short, I called back several times and went "head to toe" with these people attempting to get to the bottom of what they were trying to do and where they were located. All they would tell me was the name of the company (American Credit Services) and that they were out of California. Prior to hanging up the telephone, they said that an investigator would be at my door to take me away. This happened two days ago. It was still bothering me, so I decided to google the name and here I am. I only wish that I had thought to do this when it was happening. I am very upset! I plan to report this to the police in my area, the BBB and whoever else along the way. Someone needs to stop them and they need to be arrested. Everyone be aware of this and pass this scam information along to others. If it happens to you, dont let it go, say something so that they can not get away with this anymore!

Danville, US
Apr 16, 2009 12:12 am EDT

I have been a victim as well. The calls started to come in about March 30th stating that I owed 745.75 dollars for a payday loan. That I needed to make a 200 dollar payment then in one week the rest of the money. That I needed to send over an apology letter and how I would be making the payment. The guy had a deep middle eastern accent. He used the company Fast Cash. I was really frustrated and scared. He called me about 17 times in two days. My job was frustrated with this and everything. I then contacted the payday loan US FAST CASH and explained to them what was going on. They said it was a scam and that I was in good standings with them. They noted what was going on. The name the guy used was Craig Stevens and phone number is [protected] and fax number is [protected]. The guy had all of my bank account, all of my personal information. He even told me that he was going to get me fired from my job. I have since then put fraud alerts on my banks, my ssn and all three credit reports. I have filed police reports and have documented the calls and voice mails.

Bradford, US
Mar 31, 2009 5:29 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I to was called by these people. My first call was on Thursday 3/26 by a wireless caller number [protected] and she said her name was stephie rogers and I was to call [protected] reguarding a time sensitive matter. She left that message on my answering machine. I called the [protected] and the male that answered on 03/26/2009 said his name was jason and I owed a payday loan from 01/10/2007 and if I don't pay them the money of 1, 095.00 by that night they will be filing serious chargers aginst me for internet fraud, bank fraud and a couple other charges. I told him I did not owe any money for a payday loan and he said pay or else. I told him it would have to be else because I don't owe any money. I filed a police report, reported them to our attorney generals office, the FTC and the FCC and the better business burea. Both the female and male have very strong forgien accents like from india or something. I called this guy back on 03/27/2009 and low and behold I got the same mane but a different name which was Daniel. I called again monday 03/30/2009 and the same man gave James, and today when I called I again got the same man and beleive it or not his name was andrew brown today. I did a phone reverse search on his number and it is listed to a francic rick out of orange county ca and so I called the orange county sherriffs office. The interesting part is all of these numbers they are giving to people they are threating is all provided by Allegiance Telecon Inc out of orange county and there has been several complants made aginst this company already. Please anyone who receives these calls do not send them any money. I received a call back 03/30/2009 from consumer complaints from washington dc and they said these people are big time scammers.

Overland Park, US
Mar 27, 2009 2:03 pm EDT

I too had a similar situation yesterday. Around 4:30 pm, I was contacted at work from a James (or maybe Jason) with a very thick middle-eastern accent with a lot of noise in the background. He asked me the same questions as he asked Saxton and told me that I should receive the summons to be in court TOMORROW by 7:00 pm tonight at my address. When I pressed him further to explain what he was talking about (after all, I had no clue), he explained that I had taken out a payday loan on January 11, 2008 from Fast Cash and did not pay the loan back. He then accused me of not answering e-mails at (my correct e-mail address) and that rather than bothering with me, they were just going to file in court and I would present my case there. He was able to tell me the day of the deposit, MY ENTIRE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER, my SSN in full, and in fact, even my driver's license. He pressed further by knowing the names of other family members. The only thing that I thought strange is that he called me by my maiden name and had an old apartment address. The line got fuzzy so I said I would call him back if he gave me the number. He said fine - his number was [protected].

Since he knew all that information, I called the bank to confirm that no such deposit had ever taken place and once confirmed, I went to the police station and filled out a report. The officer called the number I listed above and asked to speak to the person that I had talked to before. No such person was available, so the guy on the other end (again, of middle-eastern descent), put him on hold. Then came back and asked what he was calling for. The officer introduced himself and said that a resident was concerned about the nature of this call and asked if they would talk to me on speakerphone. They HUNG UP! The officer then called back and introduced himself again and stated the case. They asked him for his badge number and when he gave it to them, they started LAUGHING at him. That's when the officer hung up and filed the official report.

If you haven't done so already, try to change as MUCH of the information as you possibly can. I ended up having to change my bank account number, driver's license number, and everything else!

Then this afternoon, the same guy called me at work AGAIN and this time I told him if he wanted to talk to me, he would need to contact the police department, gave them the number and the case number and hung up.

I must say, this has me extremely rattled, but if they want to take me to court - I say HAVE AT IT! I have ALL of my bank statements and a police report. I will countersue for emotional damages and the time that I had to take off of work to deal with all of this crap! I'm not sure how they got the information, but I'm absolutely certain that this guy won't be calling and if he does - I'm armed and ready for him!

Detroit, US
Mar 22, 2009 8:44 pm EDT

I also had the same experience. On Thursday, I received a phone call at work by a guy with a strong accent. Stating he was calling to collect a debt. I explained I could not talk at the moment and would call back. When I got home I had two more messages. My caller id indicated it was from an unknown number. The next day I had a voice mail message from a Shawn Woods indicating I or my attorney needed to call him back. If I didn't call back I would be sorry.

Later that evening I called the number back that was left on the voice mail [protected]. I spoke with a man by the name of Michael (I could not get his last name because he would stumble through it) He explained I had defaulted on a payday loan by Fast Cash. I admit I have had some payday loans but Fast Cash did not sound familiar. He explained Fast Cash was a company that ran several internet pay day loan companies. He explained I owed $745.75. He indicated the company intended to take the lost but they were charging me with 1. Violation of Federal Banking Laws 2. Theft by Deception 3. (can't remember the charge). He further asked if I was on probation, if I have ever been convicted of a felony, and if I had ever filed bankruptcy or had judgments against me. He had a lot of personal information such as my references and my address, and the LAST 4 digits of my SS#. When I asked if I could settle he said he would have to speak to his "client". He put me on hold and said I could make the payment via credit or debit card. I said I did not have one and he said go to Walmart and get one. Also, they wanted a letter of apology stating that I had no intention to skip your payments but due to financial reasons I was not able to pay. He wanted me to sent attention to Fast Cash with a fax # of [protected]. I told him I would. He stated he was located in Californina and if I did not contact him back the charges would be filed on Monday. I again asked for his name and bar number due to claiming he was an atty. He fumbled through his last name and gave a bar number of 252554.
I immediately called my atty or assured me I could not go to jail and that they would have to file civil suit for damages. She then called them and Michale's "assistant" became flustered with my atty. and hung up on her. She called back and spoke with Michael who apologized but told her she was not a real atty. She again stated she was and wanted to know the underlying company this money was owed to and he stated Quick Cash. Again, the name did not sound familiar. She requested documentation which he stated he did not have. Before I agreed to send the money my attorney advised for me to sleep on it because it still did not seem right. In the mean time Michael was calling me again stating he did not receive the fax documentation.
The next day I was able to think clearly. I realized never once did they advise me that they were calling to collect a debt, everytime me or my attorney called we got the same person (how many times have you called a collection agency and spoke to the same person EVERY time?) He kept indicating we could reach him on his cell phone because he was heading to court (at 5:30?) How can you file paperwork on me in Californina and I live in Michigan. Would you not have to petition the Court in Michigan? He could recite the last 4 digits of my ss#. When I checked the internet I could find the name of the business on WhitePages, Better Business Bureau, or any other search engine. All I could find was complaints mirroring the same as mine. I called my atty back and she advised me to pay nothing and she faxed a letter to them explaining that I was hesitant and willing to settle the debt AFTER they provided documentation of the debt.

4:10 am EDT
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Americredit are ### thieves they lied about my payment then sent someone to repossess my car when I had been payed up according to their rep that I spoke to. then when I had my attorney contact them about having filed for bankruptcy they immediately hired a lawyer to file against me to get the car back so they could sell it instead of receiving my small...

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12:01 pm EDT
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Received a phone call from number listed as [protected]. The gentleman named Johnathon on the phone had a strong accent and stated it was urgent I or my attorney contact him at [protected] (not the phone number listed on the caller id). Since this appeared suspicious, I first called the number listed on the caller id [protected]) and the service...

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8:22 pm EDT
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AmeriCredit Predatory Lender

I feel so very very sad. Americredit overcharged me. After I sighned the contract for a car they changed it. Americredit charged me 25% interest on a used car that is broken down. I feel so awful. I feel depressed. I have no one to help me. The car was financed through Bob White's Timonium. I know it is my fault for being used but it hurts so bad. It sent me into a state of depression. Americredit is an awful business. I am still hurting. I hurt so bad---that's all I can tell you.
Americredit is a predatory lender paired with Bob White's in Timonium.

I am so very very depressed.

The car is broken and I am still paying for this used vehicle---I wish someone would see this and help me.

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ms suga
Chicago, US
Nov 07, 2009 12:59 pm EST

I beg to differ with the last comment. My husband brought me a 2005 Buick Lacrosse for our 3rd anniversary in 2006. At the time of purchase my husband had a credit score of 700. The auto dealer Bob Watson took the bottom number of my husbands's credit score which was 592 and made a deal with americredit. They charged my husband 18.9% interest. The car has sense then broke down once with transmisson trouble, it has had supension problems. Were paying $480.69 a month for a piece of crap for the next 3 years.

Advocate 4 the people
New Orleans, US
Mar 31, 2009 6:43 pm EDT

Its not a "predatory loan" people. Again...Americredit is a Bogue House. Your financed with them because that is the only lender that will buy your loan due to your jacked up credit. So with that in mind... MRS JENKINS - you should seek mental help to get over your depression over your auto loan. Its not that bad...This is what you do..Call americredit and voulantarly give the car back. Its a little better credit wise to give it back rather them come and take it. It sucks..i know but if you can afford it dont try. Food, House and family are much more important than you car loan. Let it go back and use public transportation for a while. Its not that bad. Your credit is already shot for a few least this way you can save a little money...even if its $100.00 or so a month. ...Whattodo- again let it go back. Bad situations only get worse. YOU have to make it better.

Mar 09, 2009 7:52 pm EDT

I am also afraid that I made a rushed and uniformed choice with a dealership to finance a 2005 car through Americredit. I have never missed a payment but was late with my January 2008 payment and have since paid along with a late fee. I feel trapped as this company will not work with you if you experience an emergency such as job loss, illness etc. I have another 32 payments left and don't know if I can keep them up now that I'm unemployed. I wonder if this company has ever been investigated for its predatory loans, unethical business practices, as well as being downright shady and guarded.

6:00 pm EST
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a garcia
Feb 23, 2011 2:29 am EST

i had the same thing happen to me and i work for the dealer where it was financed through. i contacted my attorney and we are sueing americredit for breach of contract. you should contact an attorney!

1:06 pm EST
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AmeriCredit Predatory lending

When purchasing a vehicle through a dealership be very careful of what you are signing. Pay close attention not to JUST the payment amount but the term of the loan. They find what is important to you (low payment) and keep you focused on how great it is to have such a low payment etc. You then in turn do not pay attention to the term of 96 months on a used vehicle? Credit was good so you get a good interest rate except that half way through the loan you can't even re-finance because the vehicle isn't worth that much. No gap insurance available now because you just paid attention to what was left on the loan. Thought you had maybe 1 year at the most. Try 4 1/2 yrs.

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Philadelphia, US
Feb 02, 2010 6:04 am EST

I opened a loan with Americredit 3/19/2008 for 22, 318.90 with a monthly payment of 517.00 for 72 months on a 2007 Chrysler Pacifica. I have nothing but trouble from the onset with this company. They post payments late then they charge you the late fees that never seem to come off of your account. I recently acquired a copy of my credit report and found that I have 12 months straight of late payments with Americredit a few times even showing 60 days delinquent. I am no Einstein, but I know that any other finance company would have reposessed their property by now. The truth is I have not paid my note on time every month, but I have made every payment everytime, and never -ever -ever missed 2 consecutive payments. I have paid $700, $800, $661, so on and so forth to makesure that my payments were sufficient to satisfy my debtors. These people are just evil and the consisitenly violate the laws regarding fair debt collecting. They have called my home 4 times in a day then my cell 2 times and even my job phone several times in that same day. The law allows for 2 calls if I am not mistaken. They harrass their clients ungodly. I recently checked my statement online and discovered that I owe another $158.60 late fee for my February payment. Here is the catch thought today is February 2 my payment is not due until the 15th does anyone else see a problem with this, and my account is current with no payments outstanding. I swear they are just making this stuff up, I have problem paying when I owe something but I believe they are trying to charge people for phantom occurrances to keep them in these over interest, over blown loans. I have paid over $11, 000 in payments but I still owe $19, 000 on a loan that was opened 2 years ago for 22, 000. That my friends makes no mathmatical sense. I can only deduce that I have paid $8, 000 in interest. In other words if they were to reposess my auto today they would have made their interest on the loan and retaken the auto, then sent it to auction, made some more on it at aution, and then sent me a bill for the difference of what the auto got at auction versus what was left on the loan, and this is legal, are you freaking kidding me. I believe a class action Lawsuit is in order, as individuals we do not have the power to fight these kinds of financial rapists and they know it, but as hundreds or thousands of angry well organized and well represented Americans we can hit these offenders in the only place they will feel and understand it; their wallets.

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AmeriCredit reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 4, 2007. The latest review Title issue was posted on Feb 13, 2023. The latest complaint Payday loan payment scam was resolved on Nov 27, 2013. AmeriCredit has an average consumer rating of 4 stars from 79 reviews. AmeriCredit has resolved 55 complaints.
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