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Unified Services

Unified Services review: Scam, scam, scam! 167

Author of the review
12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Beware of this company - UNIFIED SERVICES! These people call my house every other day this past week wanting me to accept their $1000 on-line free coupons with 3 days to a trip to hell.

I told each rep that called me that I was not interested, and to take me off their phone list, and that I am on a Do Not Call list.

Well this morning was the last straw. I had "Jim" from UNIFIED SERVICES calling me from somewhere in Nevada with a number of 775.678.5678 (which by the way if you call that number it's a dummy number - I talked to an Verizon Operator about this and she told me that it's telemarketing's way of getting around the caller id's and the Do Not Call list) - any - so "Jim" was making his little scam speech deal to me over the phone with his Indian accent (I take it this place is actually in India not Nevada), and I told "Jim" that I wanted to speak to his Supervisor. I was very polite and friendly with Jim, and Jim was puzzled and asked why? I said (lying to a scammer) that I wanted to let his Supervisor know that he was very polite and nice and doing an excellent job. So Jim took the bait, and got Jean Seaford (another Indian accent) his Supervisor on the phone. The tone in my voice was not nice. I explained to Jean (if that's her real name) that I did not appreciate the fact that I had 3 prior calls from UNIFIED SERVICES, and told each one not to call me and take me off the phone list. Then I continued to tell Ms. Seaford that I had her name, the company's name, Jim's name, the other Rep's name - the reason for the call and was going to report them to the FCC about this scam.

All Ms Seaford could do was apologize to me and "God Blessing Me" and told me that they would not call me again. Well, we'll see on Monday or Tuesday -

Please people don't give out your account numbers over the phone, there are SCAMMERS from the scam of the Earth wanting' your money! Be careful!

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Apr 14, 2007 12:00 am EDT

[protected]. I think this company calls you and try to get you to give them your checking account information and promise your a three day trip and shopping spree for $1000.00 and all you are required to do is pay $1.99 for the shipping and handling. I think they should not be allowed to call people get their information and try to make them feel that you are getting something for nothing.

Kara L Robinson
Apr 20, 2007 9:31 am EDT

Sub: Pressure for my bank acct info

I received a call from this company informing me that I had won a $1000 internet shopping free and a vacation package with their company. He told me he needed $1.95 for shipping and handling, I told him I was not going to give them a credit card number. Then he assured me that he didn't want my credit card info. Finally at the end of a very long call, he asked for me to write a check to his company. When I told him to send the paperwork first he assured me that I could hold the check but then started asking for the bank name, check number, and account number. I didn't give the account number and ended the call. BEWARE of these calls they are definitely after your banking info so they can electronically withdraw funds from you.

Doreen Smith
Apr 30, 2007 12:00 am EDT

Today I received my letter from "Unified Services" informing me that my "request" for "refund" is "DENIED". Surprise, Surprise! I was expecting a fight and I am going to give them one! I have contacted the "Attorney General" here in Minnesota and I am considering call the "News Tip Line". I firmly believe that these people have NO MORALS and certainly have NO Idea of what Customer Service is!

Therefore, I am taking a stand against these types of companies and there "Quick Talk" tactics by people who you do not understand quite clearly! Very convenient! I am tired of people trying to sell us things over the phone! If we wanted ANYTHING from Unified Services, then we will call them!

I am curious how many people out there are stuck with some junk they do not want from this group? If possible, please indicate. I am very interested in what happened to others with these creeps!

The "So Called" Customer Service telephone numbers are: Las Vegas # [protected] (Derek)
Utah #[protected]

May 02, 2007 1:07 am EDT

This evening I was called by an unknown number the y promised me a $1000 online gift card and a 3 day 2 night trip if i gave them my bank name and they would give me my routing number.. I refused and he threatened me.. I told him I would send a money order, he fought me saying I would have to pay $5 instead of 1.97 and that was not possible and why would I pay more. They don't ask for your account number just the name of your bank... but assure you will only be charged 1.97 for shipping after you sign an authorization from your bank... BULL CRAP! I didn't give it to him.. he had me on the line for 45 minutes then I started looking for stuff on the internet about them and found out people are being scammed... I got past this one and I hope anyone else they call gets on the net and figures out the game before they get scammed.

May 02, 2007 4:25 pm EDT

Robert W.

We discovered your complaint posted on 4/28/2007 regarding our services. We would appreciate the opportunity to respond to your complaint.

While indeed we do contact individuals via phone about our amazing package which includes a free Internet Shopping Spree and complimentary 2 day, 3 night vacation. Additionally, we offer three fantastic trial services including a very affordable calling card, inexpensive high-speed dial-up Internet service, and the amazing Ultra Thermo Boost 2000 dietary supplement.

The terms of our offer are clear and understandable and we take every precaution to ensure that the individuals we call understand the terms of our services. While these steps are taken, occasional mistakes do occur. We work diligently to correct these mistakes and ensure that our customers are happy. I believe you will find the same when you read our responses to customer complaints on this website.

While you won't be receiving calls from us any longer, we do believe that if you had tried our services, you would agree that, dollar for dollar, they are indeed a great deal.


Jared (Badge #1096)
Quality Control,
Unified Services

ilu lavl
May 05, 2007 12:00 am EDT

this call is not real. an offer for a free 3 day 2 night package plus a $1000 dollar shopping free is all. scam. while looking up information it has been found that these telemarketers use some tactic to make there phone number appear as if they are calling from the United States. but based on studying the caller, I believe they seem to call from somewhere out in India. they request for bank account number. I strongly urge not to provide such information. also, do to the ways of approving such transfer all they need is a "yes" answer from the person receiving the call. for defense in a court hearing, they will manipulate the recorded call to be used in their favor.

I received the caller's name as Valerie Johnson employee number 1702. I also received a customer service number: [protected]. I will not contact this number and request any higher authority to verify any information I have provided as true or false. Onced I answered the phone I was not given any name to whom the company wanted to speak to and based to the information provided by this Valerie, could only assume that the call was for me.
how to get refund:

"EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back!


Go to your bank within 60 days of the charge, or as soon as you know about the charge, don't delay, and tell them that there has been fraudulent activity within your account. Explain that you wish to file a dispute, and demand that they assist you in accordance with Federal Regulation E.

According to the majority of victims interviewed by Rip-off, those who immediately called their banks to dispute the charges did not get very far. Many victims got the following responses from their banks: “we could not do anything for you” or “you waited too long; it has been more than 60 days”.

If the bank is says that you have waited too long, explain to them how you called their 800 number as soon as the charges were found, and were told by the bank that nothing could be done. Remind the bank that they failed to assist you properly at the 800 #, and instead, provided you with an inadequate explanation of your right to dispute. Tell the bank that it's their fault time has expired, and since they gave you the wrong info to begin with, they will just have to deal with it, take the loss and reverse the charges.

Tell them the truth; this was unauthorized and your account was NOT to be charged! Keep emphasizing how you never authorized anything! Direct them to the hundreds of victims reports that were filed on And if you're at the bank, walk them over to their computer and make them go to this site! If you are on the phone with them, tell them you will wait while they access this site! Either way, be persistent!


Let them know nicely, that you were advised to Report them (the Bank) and this situation to the Banking Commission in your state. Since each state has a different name for the agency/controller over banks, find that name before you call or get to the bank so you can throw it in their face. The more knowledgeable you appear to be, the further you will get.

And just continue to demand the Federal Regulation E form! The bank CAN, MUST and WILL reverse the charge! But, you must be persistent; ask to speak to the supervisor or the area manager for all the branches in the state.

Let the bank personnel know you are meeting with the media later in the day, that you would much rather they do the right thing (as most other banks have) by looking at the complaints and immediately reversing the charge(s) to your account; no matter how long ago it was. Be sure to call the Media if necessary so you are telling the truth.

If you have to, be loud (but nice) in front of other customers. If you are just calling by phone, the above tactics should still work. The bank can easily fax or mail to you the Federal Regulation E dispute form. "

Suhas - Arlington Heights, Illinois

Message to Unified Services: do not try to fight this for I am under the age of 18. if any word gets out, you just made telemarketing to an underaged person which I believe is illegal in the United States or else the caller would not have asked during call. all numbers have been traced and revealed your true location and official number thanks to someone who went undercover into the company which is not registered nor licensed. this is not officially proven as correct and is only a rumor. so for your sake, hope this information provided about your company is incorrect and has not accidentally been released to the media Sunday May 06, 2007.

Rachel Johnston
May 05, 2007 10:40 am EDT

I also received a call from Unified Services today who reiterated over and over that this wasn't a sales call. My caller was named Max Johnson from Nevada (yeah right). I was given the same spill about how I won this great prize and only had to send them $1.95. Like others, I told him I would send a money order but no personal checks. He kept explaining why I could not do that (although I could not understand what he was saying). In the end, I asked him no to call me anymore and that I did not want to win. So, my question to Jared is "If your company is legit, why won't they take a money order?".

Todd Vanderweyden
May 09, 2007 12:00 am EDT

This company has called me 6 times now in two days. All the callers are Indian and claim they are giving Free $5,000.00 Government Grants that you never have to pay back.

I have requested all of them to take me off their list and to discontinue calling my cell phone. I managed to get a good phone number from them.

[protected]. This company reps many products, all of which I expect are scams. There must be a way to report these people legally but I'm not sure how.

May 10, 2007 11:10 am EDT


We came upon your complaint posted on the website We would appreciate the opportunity to respond to the allegations you made toward our company’s business practices.

As we stated in the previous letter we sent you, our records indicate that you agreed to pay shipping and handling fees to receive certificates and trial product information on 3/29/07. You agreed to our three amazing trial offers which include: high speed dial-up Internet which can be accessed at over 10,000 locations nationwide; unlimited long-distance calling card which can be used from any touchtone telephone; and our herbal weight-loss supplement containing the natural, safe ingredient, Hoodia. We processed your our order on 4/2/07 and a welcome letter was mailed to 18585 Lillehei Ave., the address given by you in the taped verification of your order.

In your post you claim that we have “no morals” but in reviewing your account history it has been filled with notes from our customer service department regarding your abusive behavior towards them. Further, several of our customer service representatives have reported you using foul language and yelling at them and leaving message after message containing foul language. Our customer service representatives are not required to endure verbal abuse from our customers.

All of our sales are recorded and verified by a third-party verification company and during this recorded verification, the terms of our offer are clearly stated. Additionally, when you agreed to our products and services, we directly communicated our contact information to you, including our toll-free number through which to cancel.

Our offer states that if you do not call to cancel within the 10- day cancellation period, you will be charged the monthly fee for each of the three trial offers you agreed to. We personally reviewed the recorded voice verification (Verification #986938), and confirmed that you did, in fact, agree to subscribe to pay for the products and services if you did not cancel within the trial period. We also assisted you in reviewing the recording so that you could verify for yourself that you were in agreement with the terms of the offer.

Our records indicate that you called to cancel on 4/19/07, several days after your 10-day trial period had expired. Therefore, by the time you called to cancel, your account had already been debited according to the terms to which you agreed.

In your post you claim that we use ““quick talk” tactics by people who you do not understand quite clearly.” You were under no obligation to agree to our offers. You agreed of your own free will. It stands to reason if you could not understand what our sales representative was saying then you should not have agreed to the service. You could have also asked additional questions to obtain a more clear understanding, but you did neither of these. Additionally, during the recorded verification, the trial offers to which you agreed were clearly explained by a woman from America, speaking VERY clear English.

Because you accepted the offer and neglected to call and cancel within the 10-day cancellation period, we debited your account according to the terms to which you agreed. When you called in to our company to seek a refund you were continually abusive. After we reviewed your account it was clear that you did not qualify for a refund because you simply neglected to cancel your account on time.

Unified Services is dedicated to customer satisfaction. We provide excellent customer service and our products are of exceptional quality and value and are provided at a low cost. Because of our commitment to customer satisfaction, we have decided to issue you a full refund. We hope that with this action, your complaints and or concerns will be satisfied and that you will consider this matter closed.


Michelle (Badge #1006)
Refunds Manager,
Unified Services

May 10, 2007 11:18 am EDT


We discovered your complaint posted on 5/5/2007 regarding our services. We would appreciate the opportunity to respond to your complaint.

While indeed we do contact individuals via phone about our amazing package which includes a free Internet Shopping Spree and complimentary 2 day, 3 night vacation. Additionally, we offer three fantastic trial services including a very affordable calling card, inexpensive high-speed dial-up Internet service, and the amazing Ultra Thermo Boost 2000 dietary supplement.

The terms of our offer are clear and understandable and we take every precaution to ensure that the individuals we call understand the terms of our services. While these steps are taken, occasional mistakes do occur. We work diligently to correct these mistakes and ensure that our customers are happy. I believe you will find the same when you read our responses to customer complaints on this website.

While you won't be receiving calls from us any longer, we do believe that if you had tried our services, you would agree that, dollar for dollar, they are indeed a great deal.


Jared (Badge #1096)
Quality Control,
Unified Services

May 10, 2007 11:37 am EDT


As you are aware, we are making every effort to reconcile your account. We have received your information from /URL removed/ and will be contacting your shortly.

Regarding your the "underage" issue: we take every precaution to verify that all of our customers are of legal age; however, mistakes do happen. If such an error is brought to light, we will gladly fix it. As previously mentioned, all verifications ARE recorded. IF a person verifies they are 18 years of age (as you must have during your call as it continued past that point of verification), we can do nothing about it.

Regarding your claims of an "undercover" person coming to our offices. Simply put, no such thing has happened and ALL such claims are patently false. Additionally, we are in fact licensed to do business as we are required to be. Again, any claims to the contrary are pure rumor and speculation.

Jared (Badge #1096)
Quality Control
Unified Services

May 10, 2007 11:49 am EDT


We discovered your complaint posted on 5/9/2007 regarding our services. We would appreciate the opportunity to respond to your complaint.

While indeed we do contact individuals via phone about our amazing package which includes a free Internet Shopping Spree and complimentary 2 day, 3 night vacation. Additionally, we offer three fantastic trial services including a very affordable calling card, inexpensive high-speed dial-up Internet service, and the amazing Ultra Thermo Boost 2000 dietary supplement.

The terms of our offer are clear and understandable and we take every precaution to ensure that the individuals we call understand the terms of our services. While these steps are taken, occasional mistakes do occur. We work diligently to correct these mistakes and ensure that our customers are happy. I believe you will find the same when you read our responses to customer complaints on this website.

We operate legally and none of the products we promote are "scams." If you had signed up, you would have received a package from us a short time later.

While you won't be receiving calls from us any longer, we do believe that if you had tried our services, you would agree that, dollar for dollar, they are indeed a great deal.


Jared (Badge #1096)
Quality Control,
Unified Services

Marty Harris
May 11, 2007 12:00 am EDT

On 5/7/07 I received a call telling me I had won a $1000.00 shopping trip and a 3 day vacation. All it was going to cost me was $1.95 shipping. Requiring my bank information. I nicely told him I was not going to give him that information. He said F you and hung up. Again this morning another call same company same winnings I told him i had already received a call from them and was about to tell the about the last call but he slammed the phone down in my ear. This is my cell phone and I want it to stop. Thank you for your time

May 11, 2007 9:46 am EDT

This morning I received a Phone call from this Indian guy saying that I won a $1000 shopping spree and 3days and 2nights to a destination of my choice to eather Hawai, Las Vegas or Atlanta Georgia...So I asked what was the catch and he said there was no catch and then went on asking me if I have ever filed for Bankruptcy which I replied no... Then he said he needed to make sure I was the right party he was speaking to and told me my name and address... Then he said he needed my account number from my checking account which then I asked for what he needed that for then he said he needed that info to deposit my price to my account! yeah right!... I told him that I will not give him that information since I did not feel comfortable to tell him that over the phone then he assured me that there is no way my bank will allow them to take anything from my account without my saying so... then he even gave me his company name UNIFIED SERVICES & they Customer service desk # [protected] and when I asked him to repeat it to make sure I got the number right he ignored my question and asked me for my account # again which then I got annoyed and told him I wanted to call the number 1st before giving him that information which by then he got really mad and rude So I hung up on him!

This people need to be stopped I knew from the beginning this was a scam because 1st of all if you win something they don't need that information from you and they would send you a check or come by your house with the prize! And after I hung on this scammers I called my bank to make sure they can't get to my account which the bank said no only if I've had given them that information! Which good thing I did not! But I'm sure many people who don't know better and are too trusting with people fall this kind of scams and they really need to be stopped they need to make a law to stop this kind of scams for ever to happen!

Jill Huizenga
May 16, 2007 10:24 am EDT

The same thing that happened to me with this company recently. In order to rectify it I made several calls to Derek #ID 60 and complained of the same thing. For $149 the services are free Hoodia, phone services and internet services in which I have no need for any of these. Note the word "free".

I sent a fax to the refund department last week explaining that I had never received any of these items, I had no need for them and that when called initially for a product I NEVER received I kept telling Byron over and over again that I had been ill, could not stay on the phone and I felt as if I were being hounded by their company.

The refund department has sent me a rejection letter which I have NOT received stating why they could not make a refund. The sales pitch was relentless, in spite of having told the guy over and over again I had been ill.

So I called AGAIN and spoke to Derek ID#60 today May 16 and was told that he understood but that they would not refund the money taken from my account. He was polite and I told him that the matter was NOT closed, to paraphrase Michelle's words. I believe he did everything he could to facilitate a refund but has no authority over the Refund Department. Again, I have still to receive a package from them let alone a letter asking for cancellation, as well as a rejection letter for a refund. It seems to me that they are really fast to separate you from your money but very reluctant to return it to you when asked, let alone provide you with services that you paid for. Come on, these are unfair business practices and meant to prey on people. Little wonder why people are so fed up with telemarketers.

Doreen Smith
May 23, 2007 1:45 am EDT

Dear Michelle,

In response to your lengthy entry, I realized you felt the need to stretch the TRUTH to try discredit my DISSATISFACTION with the way your company deals with Customer Service (or the LACK thereof).
The way I read all the entries regarding your company, it is obvious many of us are NOT happy with the sales tactics used. In fact, a person does NOT even KNOW that they may have purchased ANY products.

Regarding my SO CALLED vulgarity, I beg to differ. I will ADMIT that I was EXTREMELY UPSET when I saw $149.80 was taken from my bank account when I was PROMISED by your employee MAX JOHNSON (not real name I believe) "we are NOT authorized to deduct ANY MORE than $1.95.

This is where I feel I had been taken advantage from. Hence my ANGER!

However, I know I was very angry and let ALL of you know it each time I left a message and I APOLOGIZE for my wrath. I also APOLOGIZED for my wrath towards those Customer Service Reps that I spoke to personally, Derek and Yvette asked them to accept my apology. Again though, my behavior is NOT in question here. Hopefully, this whole ordeal will have taught ALL of us something!

By the way, Thank You for agreeing to refund my money. Although I have NOT received my refund, I anticipate that your company will, in GOOD FAITH, follow through.

Doreen Smith

May 23, 2007 11:51 am EDT

OMG! Those S.O.B's called me like just right now, and since i was right in front of my computer, I googled-it as I was speaking to the heavily-accented man. I told them I was underage, which I am not, so that they wouldn't call but they just asked when it would be a good time to call when other people are around. Ugh, those a-holes, they're just punks who want to scam you. Any way, this isn't the first time this has happened. About a year ago, one of those s. o. b's called and argued with me saying that it wasn't a sales call. I asked them where they were located and told them I would go pick it up personally, and they hung up. Hmmm, a- holes!

May 23, 2007 9:39 pm EDT

Okay, I am so glad I googled this company, because I just received my 3rd phone call from this jerk with the accent, (the same one everyone mentions), and not only would he not take no for an answer, but he was extremely rude and talked to me as if I was a child who could not comprehend what he was offering me. I told him I understood perfectly, and why couldn't he understand that I would not, under any circumstances, give him my checking account number. He got very irritated with me, and for some strange reason, I don't think this is the last I will hear from him. I had to hang up because he wouldn't "hear" me. Does anyone have any suggestions of what to say to get them off my back? I don't have caller ID, so I can't really avoid answering.

Carol Mason
May 24, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I received a called from a man who said his name was Kevin Thomas, this was the first lie, because I could barely understand anything he said, he told me I had won an free trip and a $1000.00 shopping spree, he explained everything and said the only thing I would have to pay would be $1.95 shipping and handling fee. Kevin, then asked if I had a check book handy, I said No, he said no problem, I'm sure you know your account number, again I said No, the next thing he said I will hold while you go get your bank statement, I then said I'm at work and do not have that information with me, he was very pushy, I had enough and hung up.

May 29, 2007 12:45 pm EDT

Yes...pushy and rude would describe these people. I got a call months ago in which I told them very politely that I was not interested in anything they had to offer, to please not waste any of my time, and to please take my name and number of their call list. Got a call earlier today, told them I had asked to be taken off their call list... and what do I get? An apology! But yet, he still tries to "offer" me these "great prizes". What nerve!

Just like last time... I had to hang up the phone! There has to be something done against these people. It seems most of us on this site have internet available. I wonder, what happens to those people who really have no resources available to file a complaint or have their voice, their story shared?

And "JARED", if that even is your name, your responses are so automated and full of BS. And if you really are a customer service rep or whatever... PLEASE TAKE MY NAME AND NUMBER OFF YOU LIST! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH YOUR F**KING SCAMS! GET A REAL JOB!... THANK YOU!

Adero Ramseir
May 30, 2007 12:00 am EDT

A representative with a very strong Indian accent contacted me with knowledge that I had been interested in a loan. Days prior, I had searched for a home equity loan. The rep stated that he could connect me with companies that could get me a loan up to $1,500. I stated that since we were needing a loan for $5,500, there was no point in us talking any further. He told me about several of his products and that he could get me a trial offer and help me get my needed funds. He talked very fast and the accent was very strong, making it difficult to understand at times. I told him that I was not interested, thanked him, and politely hung up. Moments later, his "supervisor" called back, with a strong Indian accent, and restated everything that the prior rep had said. He said several times, not to worry, no additional funds, just a small $1.95 would be drafted from my account for shipping and handling of this product. I could cancel after receiving the product at no additional charge. The numbers that the rep gave me to cancel this "trial offer" were only recordings, and I was unable to talk to an actual person so that I could stop the entire transaction. I never even received the package that they said they would send out, not that I wanted it. A month later, yesterday, my account was drafted $149.80, without my permission. The memo on the electronically printed check (that I did not sign) stated the company's name, Unified Services, and a toll free number [protected]). I called the number and got only a pre-recorded message linking me to info on each product that I "bought." These charges were not authorized, only $1.95 was to be drafted. Every penny in my account, which I share with my husband, is needed. We are newlyweds who are just starting out. Losing $150 is huge for us right now.

Adero Ramseir
May 30, 2007 12:00 am EDT

A representative with a very strong Indian accent contacted me with knowledge that I had been interested in a loan. Days prior, I had searched for a home equity loan. The rep stated that he could connect me with companies that could get me a loan up to $1,500. I stated that since we needed a loan for $5,500, there was no point in us talking any further. He told me about several of his products and that he could get me a trial offer and help me get my needed funds. He talked very fast and the accent was very strong, making it difficult to understand at times. I told him that I was not interested, thanked him, and politely hung up. Moments later, his "supervisor" called back, with a strong Indian accent, and restated everything that the prior rep had said. He said several times, not to worry, no additional funds; just a small $1.95 would be drafted from my account for shipping and handling of this product. "Not to worry," he said, I could cancel after receiving the product at no additional charge. The numbers that the rep gave me to cancel this "trial offer" were only recordings, and I was unable to talk to an actual person so that I could stop the entire transaction. I never even received the package that they said they would send out, not that I wanted it. A month later, yesterday, my account was drafted $149.80, without my permission. The memo on the electronically printed check (that I did not sign) stated the company's name, Unified Services, and a toll free number [protected]). I called the number and got only a pre-recorded message linking me to info on each product that I "bought." These charges were not authorized, only $1.95 was to be drafted. Every penny in my account, which I share with my husband, is needed. We are newlyweds who are just starting out. Losing $150 is huge for us right now. I am in the process of contacting my bank, my states attorney general (NC), Nevada's attorney general, the Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission, any other reporting agency I can find, and the bank to which the fraudulently drafted funds were deposited, The Village Bank. Surely, there bank would like to know that one of their clients is running a scam on hard working American citizens.

Unified Services states in several of their responses to the complaints that I have seen on this website that the terms are clearly explained and that if consumers actually tried their products, they would be pleased. If the terms were clearly outlined, there would not be so many complaints on this website, the BBB, and other reporting agencies. And, I never received their product, so how can they say I would be pleased with it. I will be demanding a refund, and if my illegally drafted funds are not returned, I will consider seeking legal counsel in reference to this matter. Luckily, my answering machine recorded a portion of this conversation, and I can use this to show that I was not informed that $149.80 would be taken from my account, only $1.95.

Letha W
May 30, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I was selected by way of god. For a $1000 online shopping spree and a 3 day 2 night vacation to a place of my choice from a list of vacations spots. All I have to do is give them my checking acct. number and information for a $1.95 shipping costs. I refuse to give information over the phone. I went from talking to Jennifer John Id# 3105 to Susan ID# 1479 to Robert ID# 535. All of which were trying desperately to get my checking information. They gave me a to call back [protected] on caller ID showed up with number [protected]. The have been calling everyday for the last 2 weeks at all times of the day. Even called on holidays and Sundays. The last call was at 11pm. Most of these calls I did not answer. The first one I requested to be removed from calling list. After 12 more phone calls I answered to see what it was about and that is when the above conversation took place. I had a really hard time under standing anything said because of the strong India accent. The call ended when the man became very upset and yelling at me that I was wasting their time and was rude for not giving them my information. I hung up on them after I stated for the 20th time to remove me from their calling list.

Jason Blohm
May 31, 2007 12:00 am EDT

Please note that I left this same message as a comment to one of the other complaints, but I thought it wise to leave a separate complaint as well.

First of all, I have no clue how this company had my cell phone info, but last friday I kept getting called by the [protected] number. I finally answered and to my dismay it was Unified Services telling me I had won a shopping spree and vacation. I could not understand the Indian man on the phone as he was flying through his very scripted speech so I hung up. He called back right away and left me a message that would make a sailor blush. Telling me to F--- my mom, and calling me a mother f-er and son of a b-----.

I understand it was probably rude to hang up on this individual, but he has no right to verbally abuse me like he did. What a sad, sad situation.

Jun 01, 2007 12:00 am EDT

This happened to me two weeks ago. This company called me at least 5 times. My number is registered on National do not call list. I made a complaint on National Do Not Call Registry web site. The site says that it helps the government to investigate frauds and use law enforcement against companies like that one. So I encourage everyone to go and make a complaint. Maybe they’ll pay for the damages.

Doreen Smith
Jun 03, 2007 6:15 pm EDT

Today is June 3rd, 2007

Just an update on where I stand with the the "so called" refund I have been told I would be getting.

Last I spoke with anyone from this company is Derek (about May 22 ? )and I have yet to receive anything from them. I have had to sign a "Refund Agreement" twice since they seemed to have misplaced the first letter that I had sent. Then I received another one and called Derek asking if there was a reason I received the second one? He told me to go ahead and sign the second one and fax it to them. This was approximately May 22nd and now I wait and have heard nor seen anything coming to me by way of a refund. Maybe they just need more time?

When I was first called by Derek and told that the Refund Department had decided to give a refund, he also asked if I would be willing to write something on this Complaints Board on the fact that my situation was rectified and I had agreed. However, since then they have chosen to try and smear me and my integrity by announcing how I chose to deal with my anger. What they failed to realize is THAT MY BEHAVIOR IS NOT AT ISSUE. Also, I requested a copy of the complete conversation that I know was recorded and they ignored my request because it will show how I was harassed by their sales people and that I was "promised" that "we are not authorized to deduct more than $1.95 from your account". This is a direct quote by one of their employees "Max Johnson", and I was charged $149.80. This made me ANGRY!

Also, Customer Service means that you provide whatever help you can to correct any dissatisfaction a customer might have with your products, services, etc. And last but not least, I NEVER KNOWINGLY AGREED TO PAY FOR ANY SERVICES THEY HAD TO OFFER, I DID NOT NEED THEM, SO I KNOW I NEVER WOULD HAVE REQUESTED THEM. Therefore, I was deceived and I know that there are many others who feel the same way.

This is certainly not the kind of company I will ever wish to do business with. Funny thing is, I never initiated any calls, request for products or services, and did NOT knowingly agree to purchase anything from them.

This has been a difficult lesson for me and I do NOT TRUST anyone who calls me over the phone or via snail mail or Internet. If I need something, I will do my own searching for it thank you very much!

I sincerely hope that Michelle from Unified Services will honor the agreement by sending me my refund soon. At that time I will let you know what happened. Hopefully Unified Services can prove to all of us that they are a company that stands by their word.

We shall see.
Until then,
Doreen A. Smith

Joel Keck
Jun 05, 2007 10:06 pm EDT

I received a call from a woman who identified herself as working for Unified Services today. Upon offering a shopping spree and trip to one of several locations for a mere $1.95 fee I declined. The number that came up on my phone is in the Reno/Carson Nevada area. I also found that the prefix 775-678 is not owned by any phone company (source: NANPA) which means it does not exist.

While I think the sales tactics listed here are harsh, I'm sure that it would be difficult to prove them completely illegal. At the same time, I do know that it is illegal to provide on caller ID a number that doesn't exist.

I also checked on the state of Nevada's registered businesses site, and there were two entries involving companies with 'Unified Services' as part of the name. Both showed as having been dissolved.

It's all wrong to me, so I'll be contacting my state attorney general with my findings in case they want to press any kind of investigation.

Jun 07, 2007 10:59 pm EDT


We found your complaint against our company posted on

Our company offers a free 3 day 2 night hotel stay and a complimentary Internet shopping spree. Additionally, we offer 10-day trials for three other services; long distance, internet and a weight loss supplement, which are also available to our customers.

Our trial offers are of exceptional quality and value. Our long distance program; Call USA is a calling card that can be used from any touchtone telephone. We offer unlimited calling anywhere in the United States and International calling to over 70 countries. Our service is a one-of-a-kind and is offered for only $23.97 a month.

The 2nd program we offer is for Internet service. Online Advantage offers unlimited high-speed dial-up Internet access to over 10,000 locations nationwide (great for traveling). We have one of the most competitive prices on the market at only $17.99 a month with no contract, so you can cancel when you like.

Our last program is for a dietary weight loss supplement called Ultra Thermo Boost 2000. Our product contains the safe natural weight loss ingredient, Hoodia. Our trial includes 20 pills which is a 10-day supply, absolutely free.

Each of our orders are recorded by a third-party verification company. We verify that each order is valid and that the customer did in fact agree to each trial. Additionally, when our customers agree to the trials, they are provided with each of the customer service numbers with which to cancel should they choose to do so before the end of their 10-day trial as not to be charged.

The only reason why you would have been debited is because you failed to cancel in the allotted trial time period. Our customer service center is open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time and over 90% of our calls are answered in less than 4 minutes.

Our company prides itself in our excellent customer service and the minimal amount of complaints we receive. If you are unhappy with the service you have received or we have made an error on your account please e-mail me directly and we will provide you with a full refund.

We hope that we can work out an amiable solution to your complaint. Please contact us at the e-mail address listed below.


Unified Services
Customer Service [protected]

Jun 07, 2007 11:17 pm EDT


We discovered your complaint posted on 5/24/2007 regarding our services. We would appreciate the opportunity to respond to your complaint.

While indeed we do contact individuals via phone about our amazing package which includes a free Internet Shopping Spree and complimentary 2 day, 3 night vacation. Additionally, we offer three fantastic trial services including a very affordable calling card, inexpensive high-speed dial-up Internet service, and the amazing Ultra Thermo Boost 2000 dietary supplement.

The terms of our offer are clear and understandable and we take every precaution to ensure that the individuals we call understand the terms of our services. While these steps are taken, occasional mistakes do occur. We work diligently to correct these mistakes and ensure that our customers are happy. I believe you will find the same when you read our responses to customer complaints on this website.

We operate legally and none of the products we promote are "scams." If you had signed up, you would have received a package from us a short time later.

While you won't be receiving calls from us any longer, we do believe that if you had tried our services, you would agree that, dollar for dollar, they are indeed a great deal.


Michelle (Badge #1006)
Quality Control
Unified Services.

Adero Ramseir
Jun 08, 2007 12:52 pm EDT

I received a call today, June 8, 2007, from a rep from Unified Services. He stated that they have decided to return my funds. As of now, stipulating that I receive the $149.80 that was drafted, my issue with Unified Services is resolved. I am awaiting a check and will update this post once it is received.

Me Not You
Jun 13, 2007 3:28 pm EDT

I called the [protected] number provided by another person on this web site, and did reach a Unified Services auto-attendant. Why did I call? Just curious to see if it was a valid phone #. It is. Oh, did you know every time a merchant's toll free phone # is called they are charged a fee by the phone company? Well, far be it from me to suggest anyone call that number, stay on the line for a few moments so the phone company fees charged to them kick in, then hang up ... And for those who are technical enough to do so, please do not even think about setting up an auto-dial process that hangs up and redials that number every few minutes! That would be soooo wrong...

Jacqueline Maritato
Jun 14, 2007 9:48 am EDT

Today is 6/14/2007 I found the charge from Unified Services in my bank 2 days ago and I am angry very angry after calling the number from the bank and getting a recording with three others numbers and then being disconnected I called the other numbers to find out the scam how they could cancel the services I never received or knew about and how there were no managers or supervisors available all five times I called. I never received anything from this company with cancellation numbers or services not anything but a 149.80 dollar charge on my account in which I was told could be no more than 1.95 I also was harassed, I even hung up the sales people to have them call back. My journey with them is just beginning but I am glad to find this site Also, Customer Service means that you provide whatever help you can to correct any dissatisfaction a customer might have with your products, services, etc. not we have no one to speak to about refunds you must contact by fax or mail this is absurd!

And last but not least, i never knowingly agreed to pay for any services they had to offer, i did not need them, so i know i never would have requested them.

Therefore, I was DECEIVED and I know that there are many others who feel the same way. I will be contacting the Attorney General as well if I am denied by the refund department. This is definitely not a company with any integrity.

april atkinson
Jun 15, 2007 12:26 pm EDT

I just got frauded to the back account these people are frauds and took out money for things i didn't even agree to so i would not listen to any of them for nothing and they will not help you for anything.

Jun 16, 2007 7:17 pm EDT

Just wondering if anyone has ever actually paid these people and what happened with that. I can only imagine. I have made that mistake once before and will never do it again.

Jacqueline Maritato
Jun 19, 2007 12:00 am EDT

This company called said I qualified for 1000.00 shopping spree or free vacation for trying their products and services they proceed to say they need a checking account # for 1.95 shipping and that is all they can take NO MORE well I was to receive a package with all the info and numbers to cancel before free trial period ends well I never received anything from them and one day last week I went online to do some banking and there was this check for 149.80 from this company so the bank gave me a number to check what it was and to my surprise it was a recording which gave me 3 more numbers in which I was informed all they could do was cancel my phone internet service and diet pill subscription in which I never new I had a wanted I have phone and internet service thru comcast and would never take diet pills I was then told all they could do was cancel it that refund dept. could only be reached thru mail or fax I have done both and get no response what do you think about customer service that does not have any supervisor or management available I think it is absurd. This company scammed me for this money and also overdrafted my account and the bank charges for that were over 120.00 dollars they need to be stopped, Please help. Thank You, Jacqueline Maritato.

Andrea Campos
Jun 19, 2007 11:03 am EDT

I exact same thing JUST happened to me but I googled the company name right away "United Services." This definitely sounded sketchy, and once they asked for my banking info I hung up on the stupid lady.

I really hope they catch these people.

Jun 21, 2007 9:47 pm EDT

OMG! they called me several times.. n they asked me my checking account number.. n they are super annoying keep saying they are not wanting my money, they just want me to trust them.. they talk over and over again and again.. i didn't listen to their phone and keep calling me back.. n they said they just need me to pay for the shipping charge.. $1.95 that its.. n also they gave me their name and employee numbers.. all that ###.. finally i gave them.. because i just want to shut them up. I dont gives a ### to a $1.95 right. Just for their hard work keep calling me.. i'm so scared now they are going to charge me like they steal all the money from you guys! arh..! make me feel like i was faked.. help me!

Jun 22, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I got a call on my office phone which I was surprised me at the first place and this lady started talking fast and told me I have won something. I ask to repeat the company name and she said Unified, luckily since I was in front of the computer, I let her talk and did a google search for unified and got all the complaints and after reading them while she was talking on and on asking my account number, bank name etc but I never gave any personal information. She tired a lot to get my name but I just gave first 3 letters of my name and told them to call back since I did not have any information now. Thanks to all the complaints I did not get into much trouble.

rob goodwin
Jun 24, 2007 12:00 am EDT

My aunt had $149.80 deducted from her checking account of 6-18-07. We live in SC and her bank is in NC. I just discovered it today and will email her bank and see what can be done. I am not sure how they got her banking info, she just moved her three months ago and they had her new address and phone number. We have not even changed her address at her bank and the check they submitted for payment has her new address on it. BEWARE AND LET OTHERS KNOW THIS IS HAPPENING.

Eric Hutcheson
Jun 26, 2007 6:21 pm EDT

I just got called by the same company, if you can call it a company. The number was [protected]. I suspected it was a scam and was not going to take the bait, so I began asking questions while searching the internet for "UNIFIED SERVICES". I came to this site and began reading a complaint to the man on the phone and said I was not interested. He rudely said "you have wasted my time" and hung up. Anyway, thanks for the complaints, just reassured what I knew to be true. I just wonder how he knew my address?