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CB Veterinary Services Review of Animal Medical Center of Plainfield
Animal Medical Center of Plainfield

Animal Medical Center of Plainfield review: Routine veterinary services

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12:51 am EDT
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I adopted a dog in 2015 here and had veterinary work done on and off for more than one animal otherwise, until they became primary vet for adopted in 2018. Last appointment 12/18/22, and had made another one on books 9/22/23 due to cardiac concerns in now elderly dog. Aug 21 they started harassing me claiming the animal had not been seen for 1.5 yrs and terminated ongoing TriHeart which is not compatible with false claim. I fired them on Aug 21 in just over 12 hours at 12:38 am Aug 22. Harassment getting records to take the dog to a new vet in an ER to replace routine without notice in an emergency continued. They refused the partial refills so we would have reasonable anything. I finally blocked my phones they refused to comply they still do, with a request the harassment stop and they use a fax or a mailing address where phoning them was per being shouted at until there was nothing victims could do. What they have done since is continue to file then when phones were blocked, escalating falsified claims with third persons claiming victims are "really" not "seen in several years" claiming they were and are being 'harassed" vs contact for mandatory under their licensing in a vet emergency they coerced contact refusing to do other than threaten to kill the dog by gross misuse misconduct of what is clear in the records otherwise attached. They keep repeating harassment claiming to persons I "harassed them" vs persons violating the law terminating all services in a vet emergency abandon client ongoing during a vet emergency and that victims are "really" that they refuse to correct terminate or otherwise cease and desist. I have been cost over in damages and work interruption pay forced around about this for a month before they escalated further recently into what will cost at least in more damages from willful falsfications "provoked' when I finally blocked my phones, texting, and email. Their email server didn't work. They have still not updated my address since last December and are sending records places I get them a month later. Followed by continuing to falsify statements I am being forced into a protection order filing vs.

Desired outcome: I would like all claims in record and third persons victims are "really not patients for (1.5, several years, ...) removed and corrected immediately.

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Update by Anon9952
Oct 02, 2023 1:01 am EDT

The name being used before July was Animal Care Center of Plainfield, both doing business as of Kremer Veterinary Service of Plainfield IL, of Anthony Kremer DVM of Asset Vet and apparently some TV show over the last few years when they went from a small routine veterinarian with a 24/7 ER in back and a animal rescue, to a TV show ER vet. They abandoned the routine vet patients like this, no notice, no records and notice to transfer to a routine vet. They triage routine vet care appointments no notice to go on "bypass" for emergency. They have reduced appointments and hours for them so drastically it takes 2 months to get an appointment, also no advance notice, no records, and walk ins in the fine print at the bottom of the new web site state they will triage routine walk ins. Up to 10 hours or more reportedly per other victims. They triage cardiac. And they terminate on victims screaming at them if you call, do not take information, refuse to allow you to speak, are not able to provide basic office services with addreses or information, and whatever they were, its gone. Completely.

Update by Anon9952
Oct 02, 2023 1:15 am EDT

In the record showing the animal was last seen 12/18/22 and had an appt 9/22/23, that between the two claims animal has not been seen in 1.5 yrs, it claims the dog is "aggressive".

Per the current vet, the dog has become completely terrified of vets. And I mean terrified. In their hands, they are attentive to the dog and the problem, and its already better but its better from turned into White Fang at the new vet. The dog goes into terror when the vet enters the room and I don't know how the dog can tell the person is the vet but its accurate to what the dog responds to with terror. I don't recall the vet prior to this having any problem with the dog at all.

I am concerned about manhandling the animal to be 'cost efficient' given they had just hired an MBA when they did this to the practice, may have done this to the dog. The entire destruction of what they were tracks to the date of hiring an MBA, when they started triaging regular vet appts when shots expired, etc, so your animal may also develop behavioral problems from this vet as mine did that make the dog have difficulty having vet care.

Update by Anon9952
Oct 02, 2023 3:07 am EDT

Why I am also posting this is that I have received threats and through third persons about 'using our names internally' about the "really" during cardiac emergency by our routine vet since 2018, who pulled out everything there is on the cardiac emergency during the emergency and triaged the dog to the end of September. The hiring of an MBA has turned them into this and their attitude towards the public and the victims is per organized crime statute in this state that has clauses for what I have filed the complaint about as RICO elements for any business, vs the TV the MBA watched while in school graduating last year. The law grants the right for them to enrich themselves off of us, what this is in that context, only under strict licensing for the privilege of self enrichment at our expense like this, and otherwise including the RICO statutes under that kind of limit on what they are free to direct at us as well as use our information for that this place violates to the point of no return that victims run the risk of this when firing the vet vs normal vets that are veterinary medical doctors not "big business TV" it wasn't all those years ago.

Update by Anon9952
Oct 04, 2023 10:55 am EDT

The law in IL being violated involves supervision of the staff/managers by the licensed

vets to make sure they never do anything like this to anybody, and keeping and providing mandatory accurate truthful records for a licensed veterinarian which requires none of this have ever started, and that the vet correct the records and all third party claims about the records using the illegal faked records etc.

Other people should know that is the law about veternarians per IVMA probably all 50 states.

File IDFPR complaints too.

Otherwise you have Color of the Law lawsuits and FBI, and protection orders under IL RICO that the falsified claims fall under because they are threatening the safety of the public and the animals and nobody is able to make them stop repeating and repeating otherwise.

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Update by Anon9952
Oct 06, 2023 11:33 am EDT

FYI, I am responding because the office/staff violate the law in Illinois now to the point of veterinary licensing law, and are harassing the public and the safety of the pets with falsified entries, harassment in general during a cardiac emergency and per other people a problem that belongs in licensing. About operating a veterinary clinic or emergency pet hospital at all, which is what they are now doing this to the 20 years of regular customers who as I did all find out during emergencies that re being triaged to the point of high risk of causing your pet's death. Also unsafe to the point that they belong in licensing disputes.

Update by Anon9952
Oct 06, 2023 1:08 pm EDT

Also for public warning vs this now 20 room vet unable to lawfully or safely manage their workload or veterinary services like this, the law on the attached circled entry is that its required to read at kindest" Denied Apoquel and Triheart by mistake for current patient". Its literally licensing law about false claims made in veterinary records used to cause harm like this to the animal in a cardiac emergency the offender also claims was "skin problems" also required forced correction also because it keeps sending this oiut to third persons to harass and per our law up to RICO.

So if they do it to you, file the license complaints first.

Because this is all its going to be like if you don't.

Also illegal under their licensing required correction upon our request as law also requiring we be able to request without this. Per requesting records and refills.

It will not change unless you press charges. And we are presented as cannon fodder for the entertainment of the office staff to do this to in this case also removing rehab dragging victims through this as "luxury being removed' not free to direct at convicted killers unless you press charges.

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Update by Anon9952
Oct 06, 2023 1:14 pm EDT

I am also posting this because licensing regulation of operating any vet practice is being violated to the extremes of some of the Robin Cook novels also interfering with regulation of the vet violently, who is required to provide victims with immediate correction of the entry in the attached claiming victims are "really not patients" and "were skin problems" required to instead read they terminated Apoquel and Triheart on existing patients per the law including the "by screwing up" or "by mistake".

In practice, their little office manager illegally and criminally turns it into this where the harassment victims cannot terminate what in our law in this state is a RICO activity for any business.

So given their MBA office manager per Robin Cook novels, all you can do is to press charges against the vet with IDFPR in Illinois because otherwise this is immediately what she turns it into and the outgoing harassment for 2 months nonstop so far, has forced victims out of ongoing rehab and may cripple us too.

For your licensed veternarian free to do no harm to the public or the animals like this.

The entire page 2 of the Admin Rules vs veternarians is vs this and vs their office manager Amanda Mayer MBA and the entire 'cast' we are the entertainment for as well as self enrichment at our expense for.

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Update by Anon9952
Oct 07, 2023 3:32 am EDT

Please also see attached for the Admin Rules for Vets guide to requirements for operating a licensed veterinary practice. Most of page 2 forbids this one with the entry in the records, the hospital manager MBA, and the staff involved. Quick review of the law otherwise also outlaws their harassment of persons in veterinary emergencies they have contracted with via the routine vet practice they were until July or August, of 2023, for being forced to contact them for mandatory services in an emergency also not this difficult to provide or at least respond to other than by shouting at victims about not patients.

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Update by Anon9952
Oct 08, 2023 11:30 am EDT

Attached is being shared because for your safety, the moment it starts and records/refills/care are abruptly terminated during an emergency off site or on site, you need to do directly to IDFPR and press charges to get your records/refills and terminate the vet/unsupervised MBA. What it does if you don't is attached in terms of also major licensing violations with and about records, the public, and your animal, that escalate violent endangerment from TV ER vet vs veterinary doctors.

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Update by Anon9952
Oct 13, 2023 3:26 am EDT

For anybody looking at this veternarian under the current new manager doing all of this and now all ER, I am still hearing from them and have to pay large legal fees for claim opposite to the internal and external records by the office staff prohibited by the veternarian regulation.

At this point, if you were also then suckered into this we were with no way to know they had turned into this, I urge you to immediately report to IDFPR. They and this kind of "licensed veterinary business who falsifies opposite to and continues to make a mess out of simple tasks" I know of from monitoring this electronically, need to be stopped. They only way that happens is if we turn them ino

Along with the office staff and DHR violations directed at the public this is a major example of stated about being able to have a dog or take it to a vet from what I can find out, due to demographics.

If they drag you through this, turn them into the FBI and that also will eventually stop them. Because it has that kind of legal nature and status.

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