I purchased Freelee/Freelea aka Leanne Ratcliffe's ebook "Go Fruit Yourself" that is advertised on her website bananagirl.com yet located at another domain ( http://www.30bananasaday.com/FreeleesEbook ) and became seriously ill from taking heed of her high carb advice. I suffer from insulin resistance and was confused as to why I felt so sick when eating extremely large quantities of fruit as she advocates in the book for optimum health. Creating insulin spike after insulin spike my health worsened and I am horrified that a person with no medical qualifications is profiting form a self penned book misleading myself and countless others. She should be in jail her regime downright dangerous as she is missing with people's health, my Health! I was feeling constantly nauseous ALL DAY. She is not equipped to give medical advice not knowing how pre existing conditions work! I believe her advice could actually kill someone. Her ebook contains NO DISCLAIMER! She is continuing her deceptive conduct over on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/user/Freelea Upon enquiring how long she had been in business I was shocked to see she only registered her business name may 27 2014 where is the accountability for giving unqualified advice? and has this person declared her ebook sales, clothing sales and youtube earnings to the australian taxation office? I want to warn others Please consult your doctors not someone with mere opinions. This person should be thoroughly investigated and fined for her misleading information.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.