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CB Neighbours Review of Terri McCortney
Terri McCortney

Terri McCortney review: Harrassment 3

Author of the review
4:08 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This agent (Terry McCorthey) has no respect for her neighbors or their right to peace and privacy. Ms. McCourtney is a lonely unbalanced individual who likes to incite people to get attention in her life. She claims that my dogs bark all the time. She came running out of her duplex to push in my face that she recored my dogs barking for 45mins. She is so crazy that she claps her hands and screams in the driveway and shouts shut up just to get them to bark. She claims to be a nice person and she screams at me and my kids and threatened to have them taken away by social services. The tenants in the duplex next to her all end up moving out because she would harass them relentlessly, and would tell them things like where to place thier TV so she would not be brothered by the noise. She would leave harassing letters and call the landlord (Mrs. Joseph Hammer) and claim the new teants are making to much noise. All of the female tenants were not allowed to wear highheels in their own duplex, and she would throw books and bang the walls because of the noise. She would call the police when the new tenants would have company and complain it was to loud. My family has owned the property next to her for 31 years, compared to her being here for 18 years, and she tells us that we need to move. She would often boast to us and her close friends how she uses her influence as a real estate to go on people's property to do what ever she wanted. She has been on a private, prestigious, gated community behind our homes, to harrass the owners and their servants to complain about their dogs. She would then tell the gate guard, that she has real estate business there and that he has no right to stop her, and to mind his own business, which is a clear misuse of her real estate agent priveleges. What kind of an agent would be so blatantly dishonest, abusive, and totally unprofessional to disturb the peace and quiet, as well as violate the property owner's rights. We also know of many times when Ms. McCourtney would have an open house for one of her client's homes, and would go ballistic during the open house, and scare away prospective buyers, because she did not like the people's ethnicity, and that she felt that they did not deserve to live in the area, which is clearly racial descrimination. We have been to arbitration with this person, and have followed the arbitrater's instructions to the letter, but Ms. McCourtney continues to behave any way she pleases, and ignores the arbitrater's instructions. We have gone out of our way to accomodate Ms. McCourtney as much as we could, and she still goes out of her way to cause us trouble, when the other neighbors have said that our family is one of the quietest, and nicest neighbors on the street. We have pleaded with Ms. MCCourtney's propert owner, and have gotten absolutely no help from Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hammer when it comes to Ms. McCourtney's disruptive and abusive behavior toward the neighborhood. We are told that she has never given them any trouble, and that she is a very good tenant, and that we are the ones that are having the issues with Ms. McCourtney. We have documented files on her outrageous behavior, as well as verbal testimony from all of the previous tenants that were driven away by Ms. McCourtney. What more can we do to resolve this most stressful, frustating, and very unplesant matter?


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Los Angeles, US
Nov 20, 2009 12:15 pm EST

Hmm, it sounds to me like you have failed to meet with Ms. McCourtney and seek a middle ground at any time during this.

Complaints like dogs barking or noise can be a very serious disruption in a person's life, and also can violate local anti-noise ordinances. Seriously, you have lived next to her for 31 years and this is your first effort to seek outside help?

I would suggest finding your local spiritual leader and praying in your heart to see if you have done anything wrong yourself perhaps, or maybe ask yourself if you are over-reacting...

Los Angeles, US
Dec 30, 2009 5:10 pm EST

Yo, Bro. You are one angry dude. But my question is this: What is the point to your complaint? This website is for people who have problems with companies and/or professionals who they have business dealings with. You're pissed off because a neighbor won't tolerate your barking dog. I feel your pain dude, I just don't think it has anything to do with your neighbor. Something else seems to be going on here. I agree with the previous responder - you should talk to a counselor. You might also train your dog, and please, in the future, use this website for the purpose it was intended.

Huntington Beach, US
Jan 05, 2010 8:30 pm EST

Yamamoto's complaint absolutely violates the intent of this website. It was so weird I did some sleuthing - and guess what? There's only one Yamamoto on Lucerne Boulevard, Wayne Yamamoto at 931 South Lucerne Blvd. and he's been dodging foreclosure on his "31-year family home" for almost two years. It looks like he was given title in 2006 - then he re-financed, and then in 2007 went into default. He's scheduled for foreclosure auction on Jan. 12, 2010. I'll keep you all posted. Under the circumstances, doesn't this guy have more important things to do than try and cybe-bully some neighbor?

I also sleuthed out the neighbor. I'm in the same business as she only in a different city. If she behaved the way he says she did, her license would have been revoked a long time ago. She's been in the business for almost 20-years, in the same office for over 16 years, and has a spotless record.

If anything, this has been cheap entertainment - keep it coming and I'll update you as to what more I find out.