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PlusAirportLine Reviews 18

5:48 am EDT
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PlusAirportLine Disappointing Experience with PlusAirportLine: Lack of Transparency and Poor Customer Service

I recently had a rather disappointing experience with PlusAirportLine. I decided to book a transfer with them, making sure to do so a good 36 hours in advance. However, upon arriving at the airport and eagerly waiting for my transfer, I stumbled upon an email in my spam folder. To my dismay, it stated that my booking had been deactivated due to my failure to provide a drop-off address. Now, here's the catch - the website I used to make the booking only allowed me to enter the general area, not the specific address.

It seems to me that the sole purpose of their website is to collect money from unsuspecting customers. It appears that they never had any intention of actually providing the transfer service. The email I received was nothing more than an automated response, generated immediately after I completed my online booking.

Naturally, I was quite frustrated by this turn of events. I reached out to PlusAirportLine via email multiple times, expressing my desire for a refund. However, their response was less than satisfactory. They informed me that I could only receive a credit, rather than a full refund.

Overall, I must say that my experience with PlusAirportLine has left me feeling quite dissatisfied. It is disheartening to see a company prioritize monetary gain over providing the services they claim to offer. I would caution others to think twice before booking with them, as their lack of transparency and customer service leaves much to be desired.

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4:25 am EDT
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PlusAirportLine Nightmare Experience: Incompetent Staff, Misleading Information, and Costly Mistakes - Avoid PlusAirportLine!

What a complete disaster! They had the audacity to inform us that we needed to print our transfer tickets, even though every other part of our journey could be done electronically (like trams, trains, and flights). Can you believe it?

But that's not all. They also provided us with the wrong information on the transfer papers, which led us to wait at the wrong bus station for a whole hour. Can you imagine the frustration? And to top it all off, the staff members were so abrupt and rude. Talk about terrible customer service!

I swear on my life, I will never, ever use this company again. And if you're even considering it, I strongly suggest you look for an alternative. Trust me, it's not worth the hassle. I'm even going to make it my mission to inform all my business customers and clients about their epic failures. They deserve to know!

Seriously, stay far away from PlusAirportLine. If it were possible, I wouldn't even give them a single star. This whole ordeal ended up costing me double the amount I initially paid. Can you believe the nerve?

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3:34 am EDT
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PlusAirportLine Terrible Experience with PlusAirportLine: Unreliable and Disrespectful Airport Transfer Service

I would strongly advise against using PlusAirportLine for your airport transfer. I had a terrible experience when I used their service to travel from Palma airport to my hotel on September 30th, 2018. I was traveling alone with a baby, and the whole ordeal was a complete disaster.

First of all, the driver stopped at the back of the hotels, without any visible signs indicating which hotel was which. It was incredibly confusing, and he seemed to expect everyone on the transfer to magically know where to get off. After three stops, I decided to take matters into my own hands and approached the driver to ask if we had reached my hotel. His response was a blunt "no." I was taken aback and frustrated, so I asked him how I was supposed to know which hotel was mine when he hadn't provided any information. His reply was even more dismissive, as he simply told me to "just get off here then."

To make matters worse, the driver started throwing random suitcases off the coach at me. Can you believe it? I was alone in a foreign country with a baby, and this is how I was treated. It was absolutely appalling and left me feeling disgusted.

I cannot stress this enough: do not book with PlusAirportLine, especially if you're using Ryanair. The whole experience was a nightmare, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. Save yourself the trouble and find a more reliable and respectful airport transfer service.

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PlusAirportLine Terrible Experience with PlusAirportLine: Avoid at All Costs!

La mia esperienza con PlusAirportLine è stata davvero terribile, la consiglio vivamente di evitarla! Ho prenotato il servizio con più di 24 ore di anticipo, ma non mi hanno fornito il trasferimento e hanno trattenuto il pagamento dalla mia carta di credito! I miei soldi sono stati convertiti in un voucher per un altro servizio di trasferimento futuro, che non avevo richiesto. È praticamente un furto!

Inoltre, se si utilizza il servizio a Charleroi, si ha solo diritto a un trasferimento a orario fisso, con l'orario deciso da loro. Nel frattempo, c'è un autobus di linea chiamato Brussels city shuttle che passa ogni mezz'ora e offre biglietti flessibili prenotabili online.

Infine, il trasferimento a Charleroi ti lascia in un parcheggio sul retro, a 500 metri dall'aerostazione, mentre l'autobus di linea si ferma proprio di fronte. È davvero da evitare assolutamente!

Spero che la mia recensione possa aiutare gli altri viaggiatori a prendere una decisione informata e a evitare di fare la mia stessa spiacevole esperienza con PlusAirportLine.

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PlusAirportLine Unreliable Service and Refusal to Refund: A Disappointing Experience with PlusAirportLine

I recently made a reservation for an airport transfer through PlusAirportLine. Being a responsible traveler, I decided to call them a day before my departure to confirm the pick-up time. To my dismay, they informed me that my booking had been canceled and no one would be coming to pick me up.

Naturally, I requested a refund for this inconvenience. However, their response left me baffled. They claimed that I had never contacted their official number, and therefore, my booking was never canceled. Furthermore, they insisted that the driver had actually arrived at my location, but my name was mysteriously absent from the bell board. Consequently, the driver left without me.

Determined to prove their claims wrong, I provided them with ample evidence to support my side of the story. However, much to my disappointment, they never bothered to respond. It felt as if my emails were being sent into a black hole.

Eventually, I received a curt email from them, abruptly closing the matter. Their response read as follows:

"We have conducted an investigation and, based on our Terms and Conditions, we have concluded that your complaint is invalid. Therefore, we regret to inform you that we will not be able to respond to any further emails regarding this matter."

Not only did they fail to pick me up as promised, but they also refused to issue a refund. This whole experience left me feeling scammed and utterly disappointed.

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PlusAirportLine Disappointing Experience with PlusAirportline's Transfer Service from Glasgow Prestwick to Glasgow City Center

I recently made a booking for a transfer from Glasgow Prestwick to Glasgow City Center through However, after waiting for 24 hours, I received a message that left me quite disappointed.

The message stated that my PlusAirportline bus transfer had been deactivated because they realized that one of my flights was not covered by their bus timetable. They pointed out that the correct timetable was provided on Ryanair's website at the time of booking, so they couldn't be held responsible for any mistakes made. Unfortunately, they also mentioned that no refund would be given, but instead, I would receive a credit equal to the amount I originally paid. This credit could be used for PlusAirportline services within a year or given to someone else.

Now, here's the thing - if they are unable to provide the service I paid for, shouldn't they offer a refund? It seems only fair, right? But no, they refuse to offer any solution or provide the service I purchased. It's quite frustrating, to be honest. I can't help but wonder why a company would risk damaging their reputation over such a small amount of money. It's truly baffling.

I understand that they may be following some sort of agreement with Ryanair, but I would have appreciated a more transparent approach. Instead of deceitfully offering something they have no intention of fulfilling, I would have preferred if they had just charged me an additional 6.68 Euros upfront. At least that way, I would have known what I was getting into.

Overall, I'm quite disappointed with the way PlusAirportline has handled this situation. It's left me feeling ripped off and frustrated. I hope they reconsider their approach and provide better customer service in the future.

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PlusAirportLine Disappointing Service and Shady Practices: A Review of PlusAirportLine

I gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed with the service I paid for from PlusAirportLine. Let me tell you what happened. So, I went ahead and booked a shuttle transfer through Ryanair, you know, from Almeria Airport to Vera Playa. I paid a total of ?63.84 for two return trips. Seemed like a good deal at the time, you know?

But here's where things started to get fishy. When I printed off the document, there was no E-Ticket included. Instead, there were all these warnings about making sure I had the correct hotel address. Now, I ain't no fool, so I copied and pasted the address straight from the hotel's website. And let me tell ya, it's a pretty well-known hotel, so I figured I was good to go.

But guess what? I started getting emails from PlusAirportLine, not one, not two, but three of 'em! And what were they saying? They were saying that I hadn't included the correct address. Can you believe that? I mean, I know I copied it right, so I don't know what their problem was. The final email even threatened to cancel my booking with no compensation if I didn't change or provide the address. Can you imagine?

So, I decided to reach out to them, you know, send 'em an email to sort things out. And what did I get in response? A big fat email saying that they can't provide the service I paid for. Can you believe it? It wasn't even because of the address, they just straight up can't do it. Now, I'm left wondering if I'll even get a refund. Honestly, I highly doubt it.

And here's the kicker, why in the world is Ryanair associated with this shady company? I mean, seriously, they should know better. It's just not right.

Oh, and get this, it's now the 18th of September and they're still playing these delaying games. Let me tell you, I've had enough. Next time, I'm booking through a genuine company like Shuttle Direct. They provided a perfect service, no funny business there.

So, folks, take my advice and steer clear of PlusAirportLine. Trust me, it's not worth the headache.

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PlusAirportLine Terrible experiencia con el servicio de traslado de Ryanair: Cancelaron mi viaje y luego me dejaron plantado en el hotel

Mi historia es sobre un viaje de Madrid a Colonia. Contraté el servicio a través de la página de Ryanair. Dos días antes me informaron de que cancelaban mi traslado porque no sabían cuál era mi hotel. Resulta que en la reserva de su página ya aparecía el número de vuelo, la fecha y la hora. ¿Qué más necesitan si cuando hice la reserva ya dije que iba al centro de Colonia? Con esta excusa cancelaron mi traslado. Bueno, pensé, a ver si vienen a recogerme al hotel para volver a Madrid. Les dije el hotel donde tenían que recogerme tres días antes y me enviaron un correo electrónico, pero sin poner la hora de recogida. Llamé al teléfono de contacto del billete electrónico y me dijeron que vendrían al hotel a las 14:45 (mi vuelo era a las 17:10). A esa hora, las 14:45, ya estaba yo esperando en el vestíbulo. A los quince minutos, a las 15:00, viendo que no venía nadie, llamé por teléfono y me dijeron que, por supuesto, el coche vino a buscarnos a las 14:15 y que ya había perdido el traslado. En fin, mi palabra contra la suya, porque algo de inglés sé y ya he viajado por medio mundo y nunca vi nada igual. Viendo lo que vi, no volveré a contratar ningún servicio adicional a través de la página de Ryanair, porque para contratar sí entienden, pero para reclamar se desentienden por completo ("nosotros solo nos referimos a ese servicio, si tiene problemas reclame a la otra empresa..."). Vaya manera de perder clientes. En fin, vamos a recurrir a la vía judicial para que esta estafa no quede impune ni perjudique a otros.

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PlusAirportLine Terrible Transfer Experience: Delayed, Left Behind, and Mismanaged Pick-Up Times

Worst transfer experience ever!

We bought Shared door-to-door transfer ROME FIUMICINO AIRPORT - ROME and back. Our arrival flight was delayed and only about half an hour after the plane landed people were able to leave the plane. After we finally passed the security check, we came to see that our transfer left without us, while all other transfer companies were patiently waiting until the last person from our flight. At the customer service they said it's not that's not their problem that the flight was delayed... No apology, no other transfer option (maybe later with another bus), no refund of course. So we took another transfer to the hotel and paid for it of course.

About our journey from the hotel back to the airport: PlusAirport states ask you "To confirm your precise pick-up time and location from the city you MUST contact our local partner 24 hrs before travel!". Our departure flight was 10:30, so we called the company 24 hours before, as they said, but they tell us to call after 16:00 the same day. Ok, no big deal, we called second time, this time we were told to call after 18:00. When we called third time they said that it's too late(!) to schedule the bus, but promised to pick us up at 07:40. It's approximately an hour journey from hotel to the airport, if the traffic is clear. But we saw that our bus nearly don't move and keep wandering in the city, collecting other people. We asked what is the pick up time for the last passenger, the answer was - 9:00... 9:00 the last passenger, minimum an hour to get to the airport, and our plane departures at 10:30! So we realised that we going to miss our flight because of the transfer, hopped off, got the cab to the airport, and was lucky to get there minutes before our flight registration closed (traffic was so jammed). And once more - no apology from PlusAirportline, no refund, nothing.

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PlusAirportLine Disappointing and Incompetent Service from Ryanair Affiliated Transfer Company

I gotta say, I noticed that I ain't the only one havin' problems, and what really gets me is that the company didn't even have the decency to respond. The most messed up thing is that this service is offered by Ryanair! Can't even trust what ya find on the official website when bookin' a flight anymore?

Just got back from a trip to Palma de Mallorca, and when I booked my flight, I chose this company for the transfer (it was the only choice offered alongside the Ryanair ticket), even though it cost me 10 euros more than other sites that ain't directly affiliated with the airline. Figured it'd be safer, ya know?

On the way there, we already had a problem. We had to wait at the airport for a whole hour, but we just went with the flow and adjusted to the shuttle's schedule. But then, while we were on the road, a kid got sick and puked. Ain't no staff on the bus bothered to clean it up or help out. So me and my partner, along with the other passengers, had to endure the stench and mess until we finally reached the hotel. Disgusting, I tell ya.

But the real nightmare was on the way back. Just a little over a day before our departure, we get an email sayin' that our transfer was canceled. No explanation, no alternative solution, and worst of all, no refund! We had to shell out a ton of cash for a last-minute taxi to the airport. Ain't that a kick in the teeth?

We tried contactin' the company multiple times for some answers and assistance. But guess what? No one bothered to reply. And get this, their customer service only works until 5pm on Fridays. Our flight was on Sunday mornin', so we were left hangin'. Ain't that just shameful?

Till this day, we still ain't heard a peep from 'em. All they said in the email was that they'd give us a coupon to use within 18 months. But seriously, what good is that? I ain't about to risk missin' another flight and havin' my money stolen. I want a refund, plain and simple. They should also reimburse me for the alternative transport I was forced to find at the last minute.

I wouldn't wish the frustration of readin' such an email on anyone durin' their vacation. We've spent the past two days tryin' to get in touch with this bunch of incompetent fools!

It's been 4 days since we got back, and we still don't know why our transfer was canceled last minute (if y'all can't do your job and guarantee the return transport, then don't make the reservation!). We don't know if or when we'll get a refund, but most importantly, we deserve an answer!

This whole situation is just downright shameful, rude, and disrespectful. These folks are a bunch of incompetents, I tell ya.

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PlusAirportLine Complaints 8

4:43 am EDT
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PlusAirportLine Terrible Airport Transfer Experience with PlusAirportLine: No Show, No Response, Waste of Time and Money

Rubbish service. I booked a transfer to the airport in Poland through Ryanair, but those guys from PlusAirportLine didn't bother showing up. I sent them an SOS email, but no one bothered to reply. And when I tried calling them, the phone just kept ringing with no one on the other end. What a waste of time and money!

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3:51 am EDT
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PlusAirportLine An Exasperating Experience: Navigating the Maze of Booking this Service Will Drive You Crazy!

It's like a maze trying to use this service, I tell ya. There's just so many darn obstacles in the way when you're trying to book it, it's enough to make you wanna pull your hair out! And let me tell ya, if you ain't careful, you might just end up kissin' your hard-earned money goodbye!

First off, the whole booking process is a real headache. They make it so dang complicated, it's like they don't want you to use their service at all! I mean, who wants to jump through a million hoops just to get from point A to point B? Not me, that's for sure!

And don't even get me started on the obstructions they throw at ya. It's like they're playin' a game of hide and seek with your money! You think you're all set to book your ride, and then bam! They hit you with some hidden fee or extra charge that you never saw comin'. It's enough to make your blood boil, I tell ya.

Now, I ain't no expert when it comes to fancy schmancy websites, but even I can tell that this one ain't up to snuff. It's clunky, it's slow, and it's just plain frustrating to navigate. I mean, come on now, can't they make it a little more user-friendly? Ain't nobody got time to waste tryin' to figure out how to book a simple ride!

All in all, I gotta say, using this service is like tryin' to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. It's a whole lot of hassle and headache for somethin' that should be simple and straightforward. So unless you're a glutton for punishment, I'd steer clear of this one, folks. Save yourself the trouble and find yourself a service that actually values your time and money. Trust me, you'll thank me later.

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3:32 am EDT
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PlusAirportLine Disappointing Experience: PlusAirportLine Scammed Me and Denied Transport, Avoid at All Costs

I had a really bad experience with PlusAirportLine. I paid for their services and was excited to use their transfer service. They had some really nice sentences on their website, like "don't worry if your flight is late, we are waiting for you." But let me tell you, it was all a lie. They scammed me and denied me transport. Can you believe it? I wasted my money and time on this unreliable company. It was so disappointing. And to make matters worse, all I got was an auto-reply saying "sorry for the inconvenience." How absurd is that? I would definitely recommend avoiding PlusAirportLine at all costs.

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Is PlusAirportLine Legit?

PlusAirportLine earns a trustworthiness rating of 53%

Think twice and be always careful when sharing sensitive information.

Our conclusion: ComplaintsBoard’s research finds PlusAirportLine trustworthy, but it’s still important to be cautious. If you are considering dealing with PlusAirportLine, ensure you understand the risks involved before deciding.

The age of PlusAirportLine's domain suggests that they have had sufficient time to establish a reputation as a reliable source of information and services. This can provide reassurance to potential customers seeking quality products or services. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • There was some difficulty in evaluating or examining the information or data present on the This could be due to technical issues, limited access, or website may be temporarily down for maintenance or experiencing technical difficulties.
  • We detected that is missing an SSL certificate, which is a cause for concern. Without an SSL certificate, the website may not be taking adequate steps to protect users' sensitive information. This can increase the risk of intercepted data being used for malicious purposes.
  • PlusAirportLine protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to PlusAirportLine. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.
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PlusAirportLine Terrible Experience with PlusAirportLine: Total Scam, Avoid at All Costs

I had a really hard time finding PlusAirportLine. The folks at the airport didn't have a clue about them. I tried calling the numbers they provided, but one person hung up on me right away and the other didn't even bother picking up. It was a total letdown. So, we decided to go with the Arlanda express to Stockholm instead, and boy, was it fantastic! We didn't receive any sort of service from PlusAIRPORTLINE, and honestly, it felt like a total scam. I strongly advise against booking with them.

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PlusAirportLine Ryanair and PlusAirportLine: A Total Mess - Don't Trust Them with Your Money!

So, I paid for a transfer from Memmingen, Germany to Munich using Ryanair's site, ya know? I get to Memmingen all excited for my bus ride, but guess what? No bus in sight! Can you believe it? And get this, when I go and complain, they have the audacity to tell me it ain't their fault 'cause they don't run the bus company. Like, seriously? Then I go and talk to the bus company, and what do they say? "Oh, it's not our fault 'cause you didn't book through us." Can you believe the nerve of these people?

And don't even get me started on Ryanair, man. They're all like, "Oh, we're only responsible for the flight." Well, guess what? I paid for the whole package, not just the flight! It's like they don't even care about their customers, ya know? So now I'm out 60 bucks, and I'm fumin' mad. Let me tell ya, folks, do NOT trust this company with your hard-earned money. They're just gonna let you down, plain and simple.

I mean, seriously, what kind of system is this? It's a total mess, I tell ya. They all just pass the blame onto each other, and in the end, it's us, the customers, who suffer. It's just not right, ya know? So take my advice, folks, steer clear of PlusAirportLine. They're not worth your time or your money. Trust me on this one.

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PlusAirportLine Disappointing Experience with PlusAirportLine: Canceled Booking and No Refund

I recently booked and paid for a transfer with PlusAirportLine. However, I encountered some issues that left me quite frustrated. Two days before my flight, I found myself constantly chasing after my e-ticket. It was only then that I was informed that my booking had been canceled. The reason given was that I had made a mistake, but that's simply not true. In reality, it was the web booking app that made the mistake by accepting a booking from Barcelona airport to Salou, even though this service is not available.

To make matters worse, when I requested a refund, I was told that it was not possible. This left me feeling extremely disappointed and dissatisfied with the company. I strongly advise against using PlusAirportLine for your transfer needs.

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PlusAirportLine Disappointing Experience with PlusAirportLine: Excessive Waiting Times and Lack of Air Conditioning

I recently made a booking with PlusAirportLine ( for a transfer in Tenerife. My group consisted of five people, and we were flying with Ryanair. However, our experience with this service left much to be desired.

Upon arrival, we were made to wait for a staggering 1 hour and 10 minutes inside a sweltering coach without any air conditioning. It was incredibly uncomfortable, and we could only assume that we were waiting for other flights to arrive before we could finally set off. This long wait in the heat was definitely not what we had expected or hoped for.

To make matters worse, when it was time for our return journey, we followed the instructions given to us and arrived at our designated pick-up point 15 minutes early. Little did we know that we would end up baking in the scorching sun for a grueling 45 minutes. Frustrated and desperate to know where our coach was, we finally decided to call the helpline for assistance. After waiting for what felt like an eternity, the coach finally arrived, a whole 10 minutes after our call.

It was at this point that we discovered a shocking revelation - a taxi would have cost us the same amount as the transfer coach, but it would have been much quicker and more reliable. This realization left us feeling disappointed and regretful of our decision to use PlusAirportLine. We vowed never to use their services again.

In conclusion, our experience with PlusAirportLine was far from satisfactory. The excessive waiting times, lack of air conditioning, and the availability of more efficient alternatives like taxis have left us with a negative impression of this service. We strongly advise others to consider alternative options when planning their transfers, as PlusAirportLine did not meet our expectations.

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PlusAirportLine Unreliable and Shameless: My Terrible Experience with PlusAirportLine

This company, let me tell you, is a real piece of work. I mean, seriously, who do they think they are? So, I booked my transfer along with my airline ticket, thinking everything would be smooth sailing. But oh no, that's not how it went down.

First of all, I got a confirmation for my airline ticket, which was great. But did I get any confirmation for the bus? Nope, not a single peep. I was left hanging, wondering if I would even have a ride to the airport. Talk about unreliable, am I right?

Then, out of the blue, two days before my big departure, I finally receive a confirmation email. And guess what time it was? It was in the middle of the night, around 03.00! Who sends important emails at that ungodly hour? I was already stressed enough about my trip, and now I had to deal with this nonsense.

But wait, it gets even better. The very next morning, at 9.00 in the morning, I receive yet another email. And what does it say? It says that my booking has been cancelled! Can you believe it? They had the audacity to cancel my booking just like that. And why, you may ask? Well, apparently it's because I didn't provide them with my hotel name. Can you imagine? I mean, who cares about my hotel name? I just wanted a ride to the airport!

Naturally, I was furious. I picked up the phone and called them right away. I demanded an explanation for this utter nonsense. And what did they tell me? They had the nerve to say that I would be refunded. So, I thought, okay, maybe they realized their mistake and are trying to make it right.

But no, the very next day, they send me yet another email. And what does it say this time? It says that there will be no refund! Can you believe the nerve of these people? They promised me a refund, and now they're taking it back? Unbelievable!

Let me tell you, this company is shameless. They don't care about their customers one bit. They expect you to jump through hoops and provide them with unnecessary information, all while they mess up your booking and play with your emotions. It's just not right.

So, if you're thinking about booking with PlusAirportLine, I would strongly advise against it. Save yourself the headache and find a more reliable company. Trust me, you'll thank me later.

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About PlusAirportLine

PlusAirportLine is a reliable transportation service that specializes in airport transfers. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, they offer a range of services to ensure a smooth and comfortable journey. Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, PlusAirportLine provides prompt and professional drivers who prioritize your safety and convenience. Their fleet of well-maintained vehicles caters to different group sizes, ensuring that you can travel with ease. With competitive prices and a commitment to punctuality, PlusAirportLine is the go-to choice for hassle-free airport transportation. Book your ride today and experience their exceptional service firsthand.

Overview of PlusAirportLine complaint handling

PlusAirportLine reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Sep 15, 2023. The latest review Disappointing Experience with PlusAirportLine: Lack of Transparency and Poor Customer Service was posted on Sep 29, 2023. PlusAirportLine has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 18 reviews. PlusAirportLine has resolved 0 complaints.
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