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CB Fitness Centers and Gyms 24 Hour Fitness USA 1430 Lemon St, Anaheim, CA, 92801, US
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24 Hour Fitness USA
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24 Hour Fitness USA company logo

24 Hour Fitness USA

1430 Lemon St, Anaheim, CA, 92801, US
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1 complaint
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6:14 pm EDT

24 Hour Fitness - Poor customer service

I have tried to file a complaint about an incident that occurred at the 24 Hour Fitness facility in Anaheim when I visited on July 4th. I've left 6 messages for the manager at the Anaheim facility but he still has not returned my call. When I contacted the 24 Hour 1-800 # that they offer on their Web site, I was given the run around. I was given another number that was a call center in Panama and of course, they couldn't assist me.

It's amazing to me that a company this large doesn't have a good customer service department that takes proper care of members' concerns and problems. I've been a member of 24 Hour Fitness for over 20 years and I am very disappointed in this fitness company!

--Natasha ([protected]

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Ed Ramos
Nov 03, 2020 2:38 pm EST

Wow, unbelievable it is that after all these years 24 Hour Fittness doesn't know how to take members off recurring payments. I have limited resources and want to make sure that 24HR will remove me from the reoccurring payments. They say they can only do that 30 days before the bill is due. I'm 68 and live on social security and want to make sure that they don't take my money automatically. As budgeted if they take the money I would or could be left with insufficient funds and a $35 bank charge for every other charge that becomes overdrawn. I have been a member for at least 9 yrs and would walk in and pay. When I asked for a manager he said he was in a meeting, but I could hear the voice in the background giving him advice. That's such an evasive tactic to shore up their side of the financials but end up passing other cost onto their loyal customers and it's such a small request to ensure I can pay my bills without sacrificing my budget.
Well it works in happy ending tales.

Apr 21, 2016 12:03 am EDT

For years I have been trying to get the music turned down as My ears hurt because of the loud non stop music. No matter how many times you ask the front desk or call corporate in California it just never changes. You would think that a company that is into fitness would understand we are going death and causing problems with the hearing in people. My workouts are cut short as the music is always to loud.

ex-employee SoNo Cal
Los Angeles, US
Oct 06, 2010 6:33 am EDT

Been there... worked there for 2 years. It's sad but very true from city to city. *sighs* One thing to be said is that the gyms in Northern California are fantastic compared to those in a most of the Southern California locations. Only if you all knew what goes on behind closed doors. :0( Another thing is... all the staff can't go hoover the floor. Sales counselors are forced to make calls and harass people for leads all day while trainers are no longer there all day. Trainers have to clock out and leave when they don't client because 24 hour fitness won't pay them if they aren't with a paying (as in personal training) customer. This leaves the majority of the staff in a position to only due the work to get more members while not addressing the concerns of the current members.

Aug 26, 2008 10:54 pm EDT

I disagree with the complaint listed because the person complaining sounds like a trouble maker. No one has the obligation to get off a piece of equipment just for your use. If you want to use some equipment, WAIT YOUR TURN. There are plenty of machines around the floor that are empty. Use another machine while someone else is using the machine that you are interested in. Some people like to work out by themselves and do not want to share your sweat or small talk. Don't bother people just to get what you want.

Aug 07, 2008 12:49 pm EDT

During 2008, I have been working out at the Concord CA Sun Valley Mall facility, and I am amazed at the bad service the staff and managers provide. My understanding is that Carlos is the General Manager, and a man named Damon is the "floor manager". Both men are polite, but they have the following attitude:

" The Corporation does not allow local management teams to have adequate staff to watch over the floor for customers who abuse the equipment by sitting on the equipment and resting on it, instead of allowing other members to access the equipment. This is a ruse because the truth is that there is plenty of staff to casually look at what is happening on the floor...and if the staff was told to do so, they could easily see who the abusing customers are, and they could require the customers to behave properly or require the offending customers to leave. This is basic gym etiquette and those who do not get to use the equipment are left to be frustrated or to have confrontations with other gym members."

Other points I would like to make are:

1. I recently asked another Sun Valley Mall/24 Hour Fitness gym member if I could "work in with him" on a piece of equipment, and his answer was the he wanted to complete 2 more sets after having just completed one set, before he would share the equipment...when I told him I didn't feel that this was appropriate, his response was "### You". I went to a seasoned 50 year old employee named Mike...who came and addressed the abusive customer, and the employee felt that it was the right for the abusing customer to control the machine for several minutes (about 10 minutes. although the customer said he only used it for 60 seconds)...and the employee observed first hand that the other member verbally abused me with a round of what an ###, ###ing jerk, etc etc etc that I was for asking to get to share the machine. When I pointed out to the employee that this was inappropriate and I felt the other member should be required to leave, the employee said that he had no authority to make the other member leave, regardless of the threatening and vulgar language that was being used.

2. the same employee (Mike) noted in point #1 above told me that the current ownership/management (according to the employee, Home Depot bought out the 24 Hour Fitness business) is acting like the previous ownership/management with respects to safe use of equipment. Employees are directed to not circulate amongst the equipment using customers to correct them when they are misusing equipment. Many pieces of gym equipment, especially weight lifting equipment, can cause severe injuries and even potentially death. However, employees are told that all customers/members sign "injury waivers" so, the members are allowed to do unsafe things. This speaks to the philosophy of 24 Hour Fitness Management. There is no "right or wrong" in their facility...just what makes money.

3. The only truly good thing I can say about the 24 Hour Fitness business is that it is cheap, and if one is willing to work out very late at night...say 9 PM or later...or in the early morning hours of 12 AM - 6 AM, there is good value to be achieved without much aggravation. However, if members must use the facility during busy hours, the members are sure to be aggravated and subjected to confrontation if one wants to ask to share equipment with the meat head muscle freaks, or if one asks to share equipment with the simply selfish or uneducated gym users. Certainly there are many members who are pleasant and willing to share...but there are many who are not...and the 24 Hour managers and staff are actually directed to not require reasonable behavior from all members.

4. If I did not have a prepaid, 1 year full membership, I would go use another gym. Bally's has better & newer equipment and a nicer, cleaner environmnet...but they have a little more cost and fewer hours of availability (5 AM - 11 PM)...and, Bally's pushes for 3 year contracts (although when pushed, they do offer "today only specials" where you can get one year contracts).

5. To make a complaint other than to the local manager who is in charge of "damage control, " is next to impossible. If you call "customer service", they turn you back to the local managers like Carlos, who is in charge of making sure nothing gets addressed.

I suppose I should just realize I need to work out in the late evenings or early mornings...and accept what 24 Hour Fitness is all inexpensive, no frills gym...that is not at all interested in creating a pleasant environment. Clearly, the method of management puts members in either has to shut up, or be prepared to have conflict with others...including some of the low class, pumped up muscle heads that frequent 24 Hour Fitness.

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