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CB Diet Products Advanced Wellness Research overcharged! scam!!! online orders acai berry 500
Advanced Wellness Research

Advanced Wellness Research review: overcharged! scam!!! online orders acai berry 500 321

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4:33 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I was charged twice for shipping & handling of $4.99 and twice for $78.81 for the product - all on the same day. The company falsely stated to me that this is an "authorization" and not a charge. I am absolutely furious!

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patricia anderson
Nov 15, 2008 10:54 pm EST

i have paid by credit card for shipping and i have not received the product..

Shannon Ortner
Davie, US
Nov 17, 2008 12:06 pm EST

I too have been having issues with this company! First the terms and conditions clearly state... Your card will only be charged the shipping than 14 days later unless you cancel yopu will be charged 78.81.. Well I was charged for both today and I just ordered it. I havent even gotten to the not receiving product stage. I called to complain was hung up on several times then verbally abused by a supoervisor then told not to order things I cant afford.


The products might work, but It's sold by people who just rip you off and think they can get away with it. Then treat you like crap when you have the audacity to get upset.

I filed complaints with both the beter buisness bureau and the Federal trade comissions

I emplore anyone else who has had a problem with them do the same.


Shannon Ortner

Lois Boyd
Nov 17, 2008 2:29 pm EST

I have the same compliant as Shannon Ortner. I also spoke with Betty in Oregon, and she has the same complaint. I am in the process of collecting enough people to file a class action against Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. If anyone esle is the victim of this unethical company. Please contact me at

Shannon Ortner
Davie, US
Nov 17, 2008 4:18 pm EST

This is the corporate information I found online at

Detail by Entity Name
Florida Profit Corporation
Filing Information
Document Number P08000099391
Date Filed 11/06/2008
State FL

Principal Address
Mailing Address
Registered Agent Name & Address
1840 SW 22ND ST.
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address
Title PSTD
Annual Reports
No Annual Reports Filed
Document Images

Shannon Ortner
Davie, US
Nov 17, 2008 4:24 pm EST
Shannon Ortner
Davie, US
Nov 18, 2008 12:52 am EST


The Company CEO contacted me and apologised for everything and is returning my funds. He explained the issues and was very sorry. Since I have no clue how to delete the complaint I can only update that, the CEO contacted me and apologised. I will update as soon as the funds are released from autorization pending status

Shannon Ortner
Davie, US
Nov 18, 2008 12:59 am EST


Mr Molina contacted me and apologised and personaly guaranteed the return of my funds. Although this does not excuse the actions of the customer service staff. I understand his position and accepted the apology.

Nov 24, 2008 9:20 am EST

So how do I get out of this?! I too have not received my order and cannot make connections with the "correct" people to cancel my Trial Order. What a scam! How do you get out of this without being charged for a terrible product and service?
Thanks for any help.

patricia mankel
Nov 24, 2008 12:44 pm EST

never received my product. charged for trial shipment and then 78.81 for a product i did not receive. cannot get a person to answer the phone and am at loss as to what to do next. what a scam. help

Amy S
Nov 25, 2008 6:14 pm EST

The following is the coorespondence I have sent and received from Advanced Wellness Reseach. They obviously have no intentions of making good on anything. The only content that was changed was the removal of my full name, address and phone numbers. The rest is unchanged. As you can see both from their lack of responce as well as the only response thus far, they are tryuly a very shady and underhanded company.

This last one being sent today (Nov 25) at approximately 6:30 pm

Mr Smith,

If you read the two emails that were sent to you, you would know this does not answer my questions. I dont have any questions, I just want my money back. That is all. I dont want your product, I dont want an explination and I especially dont want your reassurances for anything, I just want my money back. I paid $12.99 for 2-3 day shipping, not the standard 5-7 business days for $4.99. It has been 14 days since I placed the order online. It was not shipped within 24 hours of placing the order (I placed the order on the 11th, it was supposedly shipped on the 13th), it has not been received, and I honestly dont care if it shows up on my door step next week. That is not what I paid for and I want my money back NOW! I also want the entire order cancelled effective Nov 18, because that is when I first made the request for it to be cancelled, and it still has not been done. If I receive another charge from your company, as I am now at the end of the 14 day trial period, I will be contacting a lawyer. I am apparently not the only customer with this very same complaint. I was on a web site today that showed 30 other complaints exactly the same as mine with your company, so this is apparently a common business practice with your company. It is fraudulent and illegal for you to withhold my money for a product I have not, nor do I expect, to receive. So I hope that answers your questions Mr Smith. If I have not made my position clear enough for you, feel free to give me a call @ xxx-xxx-xxxx.

I also want you to know that I called your customer service department today and demanded to speak to a manager on duty and while on hold I was transfered to the General Manger of Dish Network. He was very interested to learn that I was transfered to him from your lines. He assured me that he will be looking into how it is that you were able to transfer me to him on his internal line. You may very well be hearing from him as well. Regards, Amy S

--- On Tue, 11/25/08, Service wrote:

From: Service
Subject: RE: Fw: Poor customer service
Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 2:38 PM

Dear Amy,

Thank you for contacting customer services,

Firstly, let me confirm you that your order was shipped to you right on the next day you ordered your ACAI BERRY and also our records shows the same status. You just need to check it with your nearest USPS courier services. We really appologize that your product is being delayed to be shipped to you but we can reassure you that you will recieve your product in the next few days.

Your order number is: PA-3012

I hope this answers your questions.

Thank you and have a nice day,

Ron Smith,
Customer Service
Original Message
Subject: Fw: Poor customer service
Date: [protected]:14:32

To whom it may concern:
Today is November 24...and I still have not received the order that was placed on November 11. I sent an email (attached) on November 18, and have yet to receive a response. I called on the 19th and spoke to someone with an indian accent that I could not understand who told me at the time that I would have to wait 24 hours for a response...still no response! I paid $12.99 for 2-3 day shipping...its been 13 days! My credit card has already been charged the $12.99. I have called repeatedly, only to be met with several different messages, none of which have gotten me through to your customer service department. I tried calling again today at approximately 6:30 pm, and I got a voice message that said your hours of operation are from 8am to 8pm (it was 9am to 9pm before). I want all shipments cancelled...NOW! I want the $12.99 returned to my card, as I have not received my delivery in the specified amount of time. I will be filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau in my local area as well as the area that you are located if I do not receive an immediate refund of the $12.99 for the shipment that has not been received yet, as well as a written (letter and/or email) confirmation that all shipments have been cancelled. Your company is shady, your business practices are shady and your customer service sucks! I am beyond frustrated at this point with your company and its lack of want to take care of its customers. You will never have my business again. I will expect a response within the next 12 hours as you now owe me for not returning ANY of my prior messages, verbal or otherwise! Regards, Amy Schumacher215-205-5487

--- On Tue, 11/18/08, Amy S wrote:

From: Amy S
Subject: Poor customer service
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 10:05 AM

Customer Service:
I placed an order online on Tuesday, November 11. I also paid for the 2-3 day delivery for $12.99, of which my credit card has already been charged. I was told yesterday that the product was shipped on November 13. I have yet to receive the product. I called your customer service department yesterday and explained my situation. The operator I spoke to said she had to speak to her manager and would be right back. The operator did not answer the phone in a professional manner, and never gave me the opportunity to ask for her name or operator number. She did not put me on hold and I heard the conversation she had with the manager. She explained my situation to him, and the first words out of his mouth were "How much money have we made from her?". She then explained my situation again and said that I hadn't received the product yet and was about to cancel my order. He then proceeded to tell her to call me back after checking on my order status. She then told me she would call me back in a few minutes after checking on my order, and then hung up on me without taking my phone number. I never heard back from her or anyone else. I have since tried calling back several times between today and yesterday, leaving several messages. None have been returned. I have left a message with Nick at [protected], and no return. I have also gotten a recording telling me that I need to call back between 9am and 9pm, which I was well within that time frame. I have gotten the menu recording, only to select the menu key for customer service (4), and have it return me to the main menu again. Now I am getting a recording that you are experiencing a high call volume and to send an email! This is getting rediculous! I fully expect a return phone call before the end of business today confirming the cancellation of my order and have all charges credited back to my card. I also expect a confirmation email stating that the order has been cancelled and that all charges have been credited back to my card. I have not received any product as of today. If it has been shipped, as I was told (on Nov 13), you should have a way of tracking and verifying that. At this point your business and business practices are looking shady at best. I do not have an order number, as I never received a confirmation email. My information is as follows:
Amy S
Home address
Home phone number
Cell phone number
If you have any questions, feel free to call me on my cell number listed above.
Regards, Amy S

Sherie Luffman
Nov 28, 2008 8:40 am EST


I placed an order to these people and read the small print. It said you have a thirty-day trial period in which to cancel. Not only was I charged the original
$4.99 for shipping and handling, I was charged the full amount the same day I ordered - $78.81. They also double charged me so they charged me a total of
$157.62, even though I repeatedly tried to cancel my order the same day I placed it. They do not answer emails and the phone number they give for returns is not answered.


patricia mankel
Nov 28, 2008 3:27 pm EST

I also have not received my product and can noone to answer the phone at two of their offices. All I get are really stupid e-mails that tell me nothing. Only to return the product I don't have. Also they have charged my checking account 78.81. How can I stop this? I really need help. This company is a sham. Can anyone any where help me. I am disperate and don't want to close my checking account and open a new one because it is a lot of work and all my stuff is auto desposit. Help Help

patricia mankel
Nov 28, 2008 7:22 pm EST

this company a fraud. no poduct. service dept does not answer and i have been charged 78.81 I want them out of my life. I should have gone to the health food store.

Nov 29, 2008 12:41 pm EST

I place my order also on Nov.11/08 and have not received the order yet. can any body please tell me how to get in contact with customer service because the number i dial is incorrect. can you please help

Dec 01, 2008 3:19 pm EST

When they said I could cancel within 14 days of receiving the order, it then took them nearly one month to get the order to me -- for the free trial offer using standard shipping. Since when does it take one month for standard shipping to work? Also, I have been calling them over and over and only get an answering machine. I will gladly add my name to a civil suit against this company. They have also charged me for a product that, 5 minutes after placing the order, I then called to cancel because AFTER you place the order then a page comes up saying that the product should not be used if you have certain health conditions. Therefore, they set it up to totally rip me off.

In addition to my phone calls and emails, I will be sending two letters (one to the address provided by another complainant, below) and to the company itself. Actually, 3 identical letters, the third to the "standard shipping company." This is a complete scam and totally set up to get your credit card information for a fake product.

How can you stop them from taking your money? Does anyone know?


Patsy Reed
Dec 01, 2008 4:29 pm EST

The exact same thing has happen to me. I never recieved one thing from this company and they have charged my account twice. I might have been a loyal customer (who knows) but I have not have the chance to even try one pill. I am mad!

Dec 02, 2008 12:48 am EST

me2! what do i do...noone will return calls!

coleen t.
Dec 02, 2008 9:48 am EST

I too have been screwed by advanced wellness research! just yesterday i spent an hour at my bank straightening out my situation. Had to get a new card and this un athorized charge of 78.81 made a couple of my checks bounce also!.I agreed to the 4.99 shipping of my 2 weeks trial of this product. not 78.81.My bank reported it as a fraudulant company!

Tammy Fisher
Dec 02, 2008 12:12 pm EST

I just found the charge on my credit card statement for $78.81. I was able to put the charge into dispute with my credit card company who gave me the telephone number to contact this company. When I called the number, it had been changed. Here it is for those who need it - toll free @ [protected]. I spoke with an Indian sounding person who gave me the spiel about you had 14 days to cancel, blah blah blah - this information was never on the website that I ordered from. He assures me they are cancelling my account. I will keep an eye on my account to see what happens.

Carol L.
Dec 03, 2008 1:58 pm EST

I too ordered the free trial. When I tried to cancel the product - I could not leave a message because of the "mailbox full" problem. I promptly contacted my credit card company (because they had charged me the $78.81) and filed a dispute. I'm not paying for a product that I have not received for starters - and then having them charge me again and still not receive the product. It is a sham. I won't pay it.

Dec 03, 2008 8:22 pm EST

I too was scammed out of $70 some odd dollars by Advanced Wellness Research and would like to know if anyone has a valid phone # the one I have always goes straight to busy, imagine that?

Dec 03, 2008 10:40 pm EST

This is a very disgusting company.They suck you into the free trial offer for $4.99, and then you haven't received your order they are charging $83.80 and $78.81 to my card. I am very upset and have notified the fraud department at my local bank. This type of "###" business should be completely SHUT DOWN and NOW! I had to change my card and get all new bank information to make sure this stealing stopped. They do not answer any calls, and are the slim of the earth!

Angie Indermuehle
Dec 04, 2008 11:39 am EST

I'm pissed!

Rhonda Sonnek
Dec 04, 2008 11:47 am EST

Does anyone have an actual mailing address to return the stupid product? When mine came, there was no address to return them to. I am at my wit's end. Thank you. Rhonda Sonnek -

Dec 04, 2008 2:10 pm EST

Help! what do I do. I'm a college student and don't how to deal with this. It's just an automated system now. I can't contact them. should I cancel my card?!

Kayla & Janice Wilson
Crooks, US
Dec 08, 2008 3:01 pm EST

SCAM refund

I ordered Acai as a trial bases this was a free trial and called to make sure they would not debit my acct so I cancel the request by email and they sent it any way and debited my acct and I "m demanding a full refund of $ 78.86to my account. I am also disputing this with my credit card company. The free trial offer ended up costing us more than the shipping cost. I've made several attempts in calling to cancel this request which only gave a statement that the box is full. The product was returned to the address above for a full refund...UPS delivery.

Janice Kona
Gaithersburg, US
Dec 09, 2008 12:16 pm EST

On around 11/14/2008, I went online at the Advanced Wellness Research web site and ordered the trial 14 day Pure Acai Berry product for $14.99. They were to send the product to me by priority mail (within two cays). However, I did not receive the product for approx. 3 weeks. I charged it to my Discover Credit Card. On December 8, 2008 I received my statement from Discover Card, and saw the charge of $12.99 plus another unauthorized charge for $78.81 on November 28, 2008. I have no idea what this charge is for because I did not order anything else from that company. In fact, I am going to return the product that I ordered in the amount of $12.99.
I have attempted to call them at the telephone number on the product I received but have gotten no response.

I wish to add my complaint against this company for fraudent consumer practices. I will contact Discover Card to see what can be done to have the unauthorized charged removed and let them know that I have returned the product they sent me.

Janice N. Kona
Gaithersburg, MD

Beth Thomas-Bernth
Glenwood, US
Dec 09, 2008 3:25 pm EST

On 11/24/08 I ordered the free trial of Acai berry. They said I could cancel any time within 15 days and there would be no charge except for shipping. Problem is that even after MULTIPLE attempts to reach them by phone I cannot get anyone on the line. SO I leave a message and NO ONE has ever called me back. One day I waited on the line for 15-20 minutes and never did get anyone. All I want is to cancel my order and make sure there are no other charges to my credit card except for the shipping and handling of the free trial.

P. Hendrix
Springfield, US
Dec 10, 2008 1:52 pm EST

The Advanced Wellness Research ad for free (pay $4.99 S&H only) trial bottle of Aci Berry supplement is a come on. What they really do is send and charge you for a full bottle of the product and sign you up for a monthly shipment of the product...a cost of 78.16/month. Once you have gotten far into signing up for the free bottle they tell you what they are going to do but in very small print. They need to tell you up front before you get into the lengthy process of signing op for the free trial shipment what the terms are. Needless to say I was shocked at the $78 charge when I was expecting a $5 one and when I called the company the customer service rep not only would not let me state my case, he wouldn't let me talk to a supervisor either. In today's economy $78 is a big deal to me and I am not done with contesting this attempt to "pull the wool" over the consumer's eyes."

P. Hendrix
Springfield, US
Dec 10, 2008 2:39 pm EST

Same thing happened to me except that I charged it to a card which allowed me to dispute the charge. This company's advertisements are false and misleading. When I called I got a rep who spouted company policy and would not let me talk to a supervisor and kept interrupting me when I tried to state my case. The only positive thing the customer service rep did is to cancel all future shipments (which I never signed up for in the first place). The $78.81 is still in dispute and I will continue to pursue this until I get a credit on my account.

Donna Hill
Cape Coral, US
Dec 10, 2008 8:23 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This company is totally misleading. I ordered a "free" trial($4.99)In less than 2 days I was charged $78.81 For the full offer. I was to have 14 days to decide. I have called my credit card company But according to them it has already been paid and there is nothing that they can do. I am not having any luck with the company. I phone and they say there is a 60 to 85 min wait time to talk to a rep. I don't care how good this product is I DO NOT WANT IT!

Dec 14, 2008 2:27 am EST

This is the WORST customer service experience I have EVER had. I placed an order for the 14 days trial and tried to cancel 5 minutes after doing so when I realised the the trail peiod INCLUDES delivery time. Customer service dicked around so much that the product was sent and took 21 days! to reach me here in NZ.

I have been charged for the Acai berry ($148 NZD for 60 caps) and have been trying to get an RMA for three weeks. I have called and emailed. I have tried polite I have been rude I even emailed Nick Malina the supposed CEO for assistance and he was as useless as his staff who send me the same email about 7 times with the same crap on it in return (Rings us on this toll free number (Hello NEW ZEALAND - its not toll free outside os USA and they don't seem to understand that NZ is NOT a state in ALABAMA!) or fill in this form online) I go to fill in the online form and lo and behold ITS NOT THERE! When I ring I get voice mail every time.

This is the worst customer service I have EVER recieved and Im sure its just to make sure they can suck every dime they can from your pocket. Since I am not in the USA I can't even sue them to get my money back its gone. And now that time is running out to get an RMA soon I will not be able to get a refund. I will be cancelling my credit card tomorrow to make sure they don't get any more money out of me.

These people are the WORST COMPANY in the world. DO NOT PURCHASE THIER PRODUCT unless you are 100% sure you want it or 100% want to have a stoke at the ripe age of 24 like me!

Marsha L. Rodriguez
Wilmer, US
Dec 17, 2008 1:18 pm EST

I too, purchased the FREE 14 day trial offer of Pure Acai Berry on 11/24/08 and it was shipped to me on 11/26/08, mind you two days of my 14 day FREE trial. On 12/05/08 I started trying to cancel as the product was doing nothing that they stated it would do! After at least 30 unsuccessful attempts to call their Simply cancel # for a RMA # I did finally get my RMA # on Wed. the 10th of DEC. Along with the email of my RMA # I was informed that I must return @ least 32 pills and use this certain address and the RMA # must be on the outside of the package and I must also require a signature receipt. So I did everything and as of today the 17th of Dec. the only response I have gotten from this comapny is the following: Dear,

Just a quick email to update you on your Advanced Wellness Research
Order. Your status has been updated to : Unknown

Name :
Order Number : BT-18234
Order Date :

Thank you for your business.

Advanced Wellness Research, Inc.

What the hell does that mean? I am looking for the $78.81 refund that they charged my credit card on the 13th day of the FREE trial offer! Because of this company I will never order anything off the internet!

Very aggrevated,
Marsha L. Rodriguez

John Fleming
Colorado Springs, US
Dec 18, 2008 12:14 am EST

Company advertises a 14 day trial period for product before charging for more, delivers the sample after billed for more product, attempts to cancel are fruitless as they will not accept cancellations by email and do not answer phone, sending to full voice mail boxes or do not return phone messages, product billed for not delivered either, bill for second "monthly" supply 2 weeks early. I had to cancel credit card number to stop billing and am contesting all charges through my bank, VISA, reporting them to the Better Business Bureau, State of Florida Attorney General's office and anyone else I can think of.


Lancaster, US
Dec 19, 2008 9:54 am EST

I ordered pure acai berry pro all i was supose to pay is $4.99 just for shipping & handling. Nowhere did it say they would debit your account after 14 days of free trial. In the mean time the pills never worked and i had about 4 pills left before i discoverd they had debited my account for $78.81. I called very upset and i told them to cancel. Then i thought about and called back and demanded a refund with only 4 pills left he said he would only charge me $18.81 and Credit my account for $60.00. Now i have a Credit of $18.81 not $60.00. So now i just got off the phone with them again(plus they had a new # to call) and he said he would Credit my account $60.00 & Debit the $18.81 within 72 hours. This whole this is a hoax i hope someone with shut them down. Because they are on the move.

Highland Village, US
Dec 31, 2008 3:00 pm EST

Here is a phone number to contact advance wellness research, but good luck finding someone that can help you. 1.866.484.2863. I always end up speaking to someone that sounds Indian that obviously is giving me a fake name, and the telephone connection always seems to break up. When I try to give them my information, I have to repeat myself numerous times before they get it right. Then they proceed to tell me they can't pull up my information because they are having technical problems and to call back in a few hours. Finally, I get so angry with them, I ask to speak to a supervisor who is conveniently not there. What "James" doesn't realize is that I have already spoken to "Peter" and "Suri" and the other fake names they give me. They all tell me the same thing, to call back after the system is back up. What a crock! I think they delete your infomation after you try to cancel. Oh, except for your credit card number.

Unlike some of you, I have received the product. I have called this number to get a "RMA" number to ship it back for a refund. They sent an email with the RMA number and address, so I had to spend an additional $10 to ship it back to them. They received it on Dec. 16th, and I still have not received a credit. I am going to wait until Jan. 16th, and if I do not get my refund my bank is going to be contacting them. I have already filed a fradulent charge against them, so they are being watched.

Also, to those of you who have not been charged or received your product, I suggest you cancel your credit card now. Before they get ahold of your hard earned money.

And to Lois Boyd, I would be happy to sign your class action suit. Let me know when it's up and running.

P.S. If you call this number and you hear hold music, press 0 and it will direct you to one of these idiots.

Fort Benton, US
Jan 02, 2009 11:11 am EST

This company needed to be shut down. I ordered something on trial, when tried to cancel could not get through, before it was over I had charges from 4 different names. I had to close cc account and get new one. Now they have charged on my new account and I didn't give it to them. This has to be ilegal and they need to be SHUT DOWN NOW!
There are all these complaints. Why isn't something being done?

Lowell, US
Jan 03, 2009 9:45 am EST

I ordered a free trial of Acai Berry from Advanced Wellness Research Inc. I received my free sample and then a few days later they charged my account for $78.81. After several calls to have this money refunded I have still not receive d my refund. Buyer beware. You will get screwed.

Anita Pendleton
Jan 10, 2009 4:19 am EST

I was online and order a free sample of the acaicia berry product and agreed to pay shipping and handling so I provided visa card number. I received my free sample and packing slip. Then I check put my banking account and found that they had charged my account $78.81 which I did not authorize besides the agreed shipping for the free sample. There was no mention on the packing slip stating that I had so many days to cancel any further shipments. I called the number [protected] and stated my displeasure at the extra charge. I did not receive my product for which the charge me either. I did this on 1-10-09. I was also told that I did not receive my product because they could not ship to my p o box. I did get my free sample through the mail, so did not understand her reasoning.

Anita Pendleton
Jan 10, 2009 4:21 am EST

Found out too late!

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