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Platinum online Group LLC

Platinum online Group LLC review: Withdrawal 31

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1:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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$ 99. 00 was withdrew from my iberia bank account on may 27, 2010 using check number 9999
I never authorized platinum online group to withdraw money from my account.
Because of that platinum online group left me with $200. 00 not enough too finish a pay my bill.

More Platinum online Group LLC reviews & complaints

Platinum online Group LLC - Unauthorized withdraw! 8
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Platinum online Group LLC - withdrawl of funds not approved 3
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Braddock, US
Jun 09, 2010 3:06 am EDT

How do we stop them?

Braddock, US
Jun 09, 2010 3:06 am EDT

Im gonna get a lawyer and sue your ###!

Keith BP
Minster, US
Jul 18, 2010 4:03 pm EDT

I have called & I believe this matter is in the stages of being resolved but as I read on...Im not so sure now! Plz no further attempts on this matter or it will be handled in another way.

$ 99.00 was withdrew from my bank account July 6, 2010 using check number 9999
I never authorized Platinum Online Group to withdraw money from my account.
Because of that Platinum Online Group it has caused several bank errors to occur & now having problems with other needed transactions.

Plz no further trtansaction attempts and have my $99.00 refund + bank feel of $30.00 as well sent immediately.

Arturo Escandon
Aug 18, 2010 8:04 pm EDT

yes i was scam by Platinum Online Group, LLC for 99.49 Dlls. on Agust 18 2010 Because of that my acc. was overdraft so now my bank and I are gonna take further accion.

CANDACE chapman
Aug 24, 2010 5:39 am EDT


Earlsboro, US
Oct 03, 2010 6:10 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

you take the complaint about Plainum to the secrit service thay handle this kind of fraud . That is what the FBI told me when they did it to us.

Earlsboro, US
Oct 03, 2010 6:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The secert service agency needs to have complaints on this co. from anyone who was scamed by them. you can get their no. from the local FBI.
then some arrest can be made

Oct 04, 2010 10:03 am EDT

The same things has currently occured to me, I never signed up with any thing that had to do with Platinum Online Group, I'm even futher behind on my bills and can't get in contact with them to rufund me the amount.! So MAD!

foret myra
Brusly, US
Oct 28, 2010 5:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

please cancel my subscription via today.

Tarboro, US
Oct 31, 2010 3:23 am EDT

Cancel my damn supposely enrollment because I didn't authorize nobody 2 debit my account!

Winder, US
Nov 11, 2010 7:20 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The same thing happened to me and they are some fast talkers saying that they have a recording of me agreeing and they have no relationship with the payday loan. Said 15 days b4 I get a refund because I allowed the debit but not a credit to come out what kind of ### is that. I spoke to a Elizabeth smith if that is her name at [protected]..

robert groover
New York, US
Dec 09, 2010 8:42 pm EST

r.groover this company is a scam, i didn't even know i was signing up for anything. I thought i was applying for a loan, however they took my information and charged me 99.49 i will be i will report them to better buisness bureau.

robert groover
New York, US
Dec 09, 2010 8:44 pm EST

do anyone have anymore info on this company. I was scammed and they are still trying to pullmoney out of my account for a service i did not apply for.

Dec 09, 2010 11:42 pm EST

HEY! This Happened to me just today! I was on my way back home from my wedding in Brookville and stopped at burger king-haha- and they said my card was declined, so I said ok hang on I'll be back I'm running over to county market and using the mac machine, I went into county, and the machine said I was negative $25.00! So furious we went home and got online to check my bank account, and I saw this "online check" From the Eplatinum online group llc that withdrawled $99.01 from my banking account! And it said check number 9999 authorization on file. And I flipped! I called the place and the lady was like reading from her computer, she wouldn't even talk she kept repeating her self! So annoying and fustrateing! So then I called my bank and the lady was very nice, she told me that since it was close to closing hours that I could come into tomorrow and everything would be sorted out-then maybe press charges. WHAT A WEDDING DAY!

jv madray
Baxley, US
Dec 13, 2010 3:04 pm EST

Took money and was nut told they could

jv madray
Baxley, US
Dec 13, 2010 3:05 pm EST

i want my money put back i didnt give premission 2 take it out

Winder, US
Dec 23, 2010 10:49 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i got scam call this morming from this company who scammed me saying they were going to press chgs on me for three counts of fraud and deception to a bank what a freakin nerve. Maybe they thought I was going to be scared into saying ok oh no don't arrest me I reported there ### previously to complaints board .com and about to let them know there act they pulled today.

Bronx, US
Jan 20, 2011 11:43 pm EST

I got scammed today my dad is a lawyer what idiots these people are

Winder, US
Jan 21, 2011 12:27 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They have been doing me the same thing right after Christmas I recieved this call from a 5 digit number then some guy gets on there saying he was a sheriff and told me to hold on. Then a man got online stating that I committed fraud and the police was coming to get me. same statement I committed fraud all kind of ### so cussed him out then slammed the phone. Next about two weeks a female calls and leaves a message I keep her message and says if she does not hear form me she wishes me good luck.

lacole linsey
Jan 29, 2011 2:20 pm EST

This is not right. I have children and need that
Money. I can't get an answer from this company or get in touch with them to be real. What is the 99 dollars for? I will take legal actions.

Jacksonville, US
Feb 10, 2011 10:06 pm EST

These ###ers took $99.49 out of my account today. I am highly pissed because that is supposed to go towards a bill that was due today. My bank told me it will take several days before this issue can be resolved. I called The Platinum Group Idiots, and there is some annoying girl that answered the phone. She said she is the answering service and someone will call me back within 48 hours. No sense of urgency from my bank or the scammers. I applied for a loan because I needed money, not to give away money!

Bj Taylor
fort worth, US
May 01, 2011 7:32 am EDT

This Company charged me 99.95 twice. Under a differant name. Platinmononlinegroup, and National platinmon. This is some kind of credit card, or shopping on line scam. dont knoe which one. This is how it works. When you apply for a loan on line you are required to sign an e-sign paper. I think inside those papers you'll find companies like the one above included in the paperwork, but no names given. The terms of the contract. Read the terms of the contract. No where I read to agree to the terms /scams these companies try to impose on others. They are try'n to say that whenyou agreed to the terms of the loan, that you as well agreed to the other services
offered in the terms of the contract. This is a very slick scam to get additional funds from
People already in dept. Kind of like kicking a dog when it's down. Be aware of loan sparks
like online loans. And do not agree to any terms of said loan. In-most cases when you apply for a loan it quicky takes you to another form, and dont give you the option of refuseing services that you dont need, like a free credit card or shoping card membership.
That will cost you money, and want tell you that it cost you money. The next thing you know you are accepted to borrow 300 to 500 dollars. Then later you receive a note from your Bank that those funds were deposited in to your account. Then later on you receive another note say'n that an ACH transaction of 99.95 depit was taken from your account. And if you have no funds to cover this unexpected withdrawal. Then the Bank will charge you 34.00 . Now you owe 99.95 plus 34.00. Now on top of the lets say 300 dollars that you borrowed, with a loan cost of 78.00 due to be paid back in 30 days. Now you owe 378.00 plus 99.95 plus 34.00 which totals . The question is this. Now you are behind by 511.95. Was the 300.00 dollar loan that you requested worth the 511.95 that you have to pay back. if you found yourself in this spot. Then tell your story to us, or contact your local BBB, or Internet complants. Several people are taken in my scams such as this every day. just read the complaints on this board and see just how much money is made from people like you and I. See just how much money this loan Business scams per year. They dont care because the Govt aint doing nothing about it. But I am.

East Alton, US
May 18, 2011 11:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am writeing this because I have been waiting for Almost a month for my money to be put back in my bank. What does it take to get it back? I hope that the feds. have a field day with you people .For your scaming of people that can not aford to lose not one dimeto you back stabing SOBs. I hope you have a hard time sleeping at night... Platinum Online Group, you will go to HELL>>>>>

North Creek, US
Jun 09, 2011 2:10 am EDT

They are still at it. They took out $99.49 from my bank June 3, 2011 after I applied thru another company for a pay day loan. I did not authorize this and never even heard from or about them until I was balancing my checkbook and called my bank to find out what this debit was all about. They are sscam artists and need to be stopped and we should start a class action law suit against them. They are getting all the info from the payday loan company that sponsors them. They should both be held liable. I am looking into the legal aspect of this with my lawyer. I am so mad and they told me it would take 15 business days till they could verify they have my money and another 15 to 30 business days to refund it. I gave them 2 days before I start legal action against them and already told that I had notified my bank and lawyer about their felonious actions

Derry, US
Oct 13, 2011 6:34 pm EDT

I have been getting called from a "Unavailable" number for the last 3 weeks. Every time I answer they try to verify and re-verify my name/address and last 4 of my Mastercard (that I dont have). I have asked that they stop calling me as it sounded like a scam.. they were trying to send me a $100 Gift Card. The woman sounded like she was calling from India and could not deviate from the script she was reading. I asked her NOT TO SIGN ME UP FOR ANYTHING! She said she was calling from Platinum One and gave me a phony # [protected]. Now I'm worried that that they are going to start debiting my bank accounts after reading this post. ARGGGH!

Winder, US
Nov 30, 2011 11:41 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Watch out they will hit your account again for a total of 348.00 they did a fraudlent ck they made with my checking account #3447 not one of my checks. It was paid to the order of I.B.C.G. FROM SAIGON BANK address on acct was not mine but my bank senmt them tyhe payment. I had to send an affadavit to the bank stating I did not authorize any payment to come out of my account the bank did give me my money back. Now today I get a call stating they were taking me to court what a joke. mI will be back in here on thursday to attach the check information

frederick, US
Dec 28, 2011 3:31 am EST

James kosmatka is the owner call [protected] ask for hedi, i worked for this company and will do anything to get them back call and ask for her and tell me what she will say

85748, US
May 27, 2014 6:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Are you guys serious!
Thank you for your infomation, and sorry to hear all the heartache you guys are going thru!
You know, they post the jobs on craigslist,
Http: / / tucson. Craigslist. Org / sls / [protected]. Html
I applied and recieved a call, so i did some research on them and i read this! Omg!
They should be stopped! Wow!

85748, US
May 27, 2014 6:22 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Omg! I they are posting jobs for platniumone online on craigslist all over the nation for "regional managers" ex: http: / / tucson. Craigslist. Org / sls / [protected]. Html
I sent over my resume, got a phone call becuase they were "interested in hiring me asap". So i did some research and i read this!
They should be stop! Look at what happened to all these people!

Winder, US
May 31, 2014 7:43 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It is never going to be resolved they give your information to any collection agency to try and collect. This is 2014 and I just received another called from a group MIS a lady called left a message I returned the call she told me to hold on then a man got on the line claiming it was a law firm, saying I took money from the company as I began to explain he started laughing. I told him to bring it on. They are trying to do anything and everything. When I first called this company they claimed they were not a loan company. Screw them just expect to be harassed ever so often. Oh did I say they have someone calling stating they are a Sheriff looking for you. I did ask this MIS company do you ever check out the people who hire you to do their dirty work. Just block the number when they call

Austin, US
Jun 08, 2015 7:50 am EDT

Platinum One helped me when no one else would. When I could get no loan, due to my credit score, they were able to get the financing I needed. So I wanted to tip my hat to them and say BRAVO! Thank you! Reading the reviews here kind of shocked me because my experience has been nothing but upright, for no better word. Sounds like other people here, who made these remarks, got financing but DID NOT PAY ATTENTION to the company name that collects the payment through automatic withdrawel, which is Platinum One. They are not the lender. Pay attention people. They take my monthly payment, as well, from my checking account and I have never had any scamming issue. I just wanted to say that I so appreciate that there are companies like this one or I could have never come up with the downpayment for my vehicle without them. I'm driving now and happy with my SUV. BIG THANK YOU!

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