The man who owns this blog, Is going around, Slandering people. I am surprised he has not been sued yet. He is stating supposed "facts" about people, That are not true. Everything he post on the blog is Pit bull hate. I really do not understand it. German Shepherd are the #1 most likely breed to attack a human. But he only continuously attacks Pit bulls and their owners. He refers to pitbulls as S*** Bulls? Or Frankenmaulers. I really do not understand how this site is still up.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
It's not slander when it is the TRUTH... While GSD's are the 3rd most likely to bite and Chihuahuas may actually be the most likely to bite, it is the Pit Bull that causes the most death and mayhem on both human and other animals. The dollar costs alone are far more than the next three biting breeds COMBINED by a factor of 250%... and that is not computing the deaths and savagings by Pit Bulls in 2012 as we are not at the end of the year. The Pit Bull lobby is well financed and vocal... and primarily associated with criminal and underground 'culture'. Seldom will any PB owner ever pay for the damages their choice of dogs cause, forcing the victims to be savaged again and forced into bankruptcy. PB owners also are largely incapable of responsibly confining their dangerous dogs and this year several instances PBs have broken into neighboring yards and homes to attack dogs and handicapped persons... and yet PB owners refuse to face up to the damages their dogs do.
Craven Desires is up because as the moment, we still have a country with freedom of speech and OPINION... and Craven Desires often posts pro-PB authors... to hoist them on their own pitard, so to speak.
Craven Desires is a coward and refuses to identify themselves. Does anyone know the name and Address of this person?
He/She has a big mouth and yes this is America but just because you have a mouth does not mean you have the right to say anything about anyone you may dream up. That is unless you got the ### to carry it off. Just post your name and address so we call all see how you deal with Real Americans when they show up on your door step. What ya say Punk?
This blog is run anonymously for good reason as the author purposely writes defamitory and libel blogs about people and their dogs. I ( Lisa Camuso) was blogged about with false information which included threats. Somehow, the author passed around my home address as the blogs followers ( the blogs flying monkeys) suggested they would "do something"...which frightened my elderly mother. The author posted blips of information gathered through the internet and concocted a ficticious story about me. The blog has been edited a couple of times. First, in an attempt to avoid legal action as I called the author out ( but not before many screen shots )..and second, to design the blog as if the author was looking to debate me and I ran from the opportunity. Anyone who has suffered the harassment, please fell free to post and/or contact me via Facebook. Do not worry about comments as the only people protecting this blog are its participants. Anyone who is morally sound, would not touch this blog. Those who participate are accessories to the abuse.
I have been slandered by this blogger also. It is wrong that this gutless individual who refuses to show their face can continue to defame people with impunity.
Google, you need to step up to the plate and show some integrity in this matter.
This blogger has attacked many very respectable people. Closing their blog is not enough. We should all be given the right to sue for our good names and that starts with knowing who our accuser is.
This is NOT OK.
Craven Desires often harasses whole families and posts people and their facebook pages for further harassment. This is not something that should be allowed to go on if the author is to remain anonymous. Several people are wanting to take this blogger to court because of what this blog has done to their families. It should not be allowed to continue period.
Here is a good example of the harassment.
If you look at the stats on that blog, it has fewer than 20 hits a day, no doubt by many of the same people. The blog is nothing to worry about and that's likely the reason no legal action has been taken against him. Since the majority of people in Colorado know who he is, I'm sure it's going to bite him in the butt one day. He should know better, but some people can't help but act like a 12 year old bully. Those people are best avoided. When people can't find fulfillment from the joys of a normal life, they turn to strange obsessions and fetishes.
That blog has a few people who alternate writing for it, and it does indeed post inflammatory and libelous blog posts, contrary to the free speech mentioned above. This is not a blog that just posts pit bulls hate and about what they think pit bulls are capable of. This blog posts inflammatory and inaccurate information about specific people that are pit bull advocates or pit bull owners and posts it as fact on the blog. They also post blogs making fun of dog bites victims that have not joined in their crusade of hate, but that is just uncouth, not illegal. The reason nothing has been done to date is because it's a very tiny blog without many followers. This blog is starting to become more bold and post more inflammatory information and is encouraging illegal activities so there is no doubt legal action will be taken against the blogsters at some point, since it has been reported to the authorities on many occasions already, but I say give them more rope and let them hang themselves good so it lasts.
The only "Bad Rap" these dogs get is TRUE ACCOUNTS of the bloodshed and carnage they cause. It is almost certain to leave the victim disfigured, and sometimes dismembered. This is only getting worse. The only thing to do is to speak out, and try to stem the flow. It takes courage and strength.
Agree - this blogger(s) post very subjective perspectives which are often untrue and embellished to promote whatever point they are hoping to make. This blog has no integrity since you can never tell what, if anything, is true. If you want to read hate posts about pitbulls avoid this cheesy self-interest blog. There are plenty of hate blogs which try to provide real and honest justification for their concerns. This blog and those who maintain it are blog terrorists.