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CB Banks JPMorgan Chase loan modification scam!
JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase review: loan modification scam! 82

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2:46 pm EDT
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I am dealing with the same thing with Chase Home Finance. This loan modification process has been going on for 11 months! At the beginning of the loan mod process - They never informed me that the loan modification payments would be considered less than an actual payment, thus making me have "rolling lates" - consistent late payments. Now my credit is even worse. Actually, I could have paid the actual mortgage payment when I started the process, but they kept telling me to "keep making the trial payments - keep sending them in." The loan mod process is still not complete! I had no idea about predatory refinancing/ or loan modifying until now.
Just 2 months ago, They denied my loan mod for "failure to provide documents" (which is BS I've sent them many, many, many documents 100 times over) and then they have the gumption to mail a letter denying my loan mod - to the property address. The only thing is that I don't live at the property address! It is a rental (I'm living with my boyfriend because I can't afford the payments) my tenant lives there. So the letter was returned to chase. I never saw that letter ever. A month later, the next thing I see is an Accelerated Foreclosure letter sent to my Mailing Address (where I actually live and they know I live there!) stating that I haven't made a payment in 15 months! This is untrue as I have been making the advised montly "trial payments" based on their guidance. Only the trial payments are less than optimal and not a full payment - leading to delinquency!

So, when if/when I finally get a new interest rate with this Phantom Loan Mod- it will be based on a higher rate based on poor credit showing "delinquent rolling lates." Thank you, Chase, for messing up my credit! You're the BEST!

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Claire Tortorello
Nov 13, 2007 12:00 am EST

Chase took over our motgage 2 1/2 years ago...our interest rate soared to 9.875% in June...we have been struggling to make the payment of almost $2100! In June we asked Chase Home Finance for help in reducing this rate...we sent them all of records of our income/bills/ asking for hardship relief through their mitigation dept. It is now Nov 13...we have never heard back, after contacting them through fax, mail and phone calls...never once did they reply. We even asked the Atty General of the State of Illinois for help. They contacted Chase on our behalf, but have received no answer one way or another. Kudos to Chase...they can't wait for us to default and loose our home...I am also a disabled American and my husband was forced to retire in Jan of this year...we struggle every month, and do without necessities like food, medicine so we don't fall behind with we have a home for sale, and with the market the way it is now, there is little hope we can save ourselves from doom...thanks again, CHASE...for nothing.

Susana Romero
Mar 21, 2008 7:48 am EDT

Chase padded my escrow way too high. They sent me a high mortgage with new escrow. I could not pay it, but I sent in the minimum amount I usually pay on time! They are holding it and charged me a $59 late fee because I did not "pay my mortgage". Why are they allowed to continue with this rip-off of decent, law abiding citizens? I did pay and on time, just not the excessive amount they asked for (over $400 extra).

Dana G Byrd
Aug 18, 2008 10:17 am EDT

I have been having problems with Chase since the first of the year. I followed their instructions, but only hit a brick wall, so to speak. They claimed that I was 1700 or so behind in payments. I sought legal help and tried to comunicate with them on their level, since I was getting nowhere on my own except extremely upset. To make a long story short, I got my bank statements back past the time they claimed I wasn't making payments along with their payment records of the same period. They wanted copies of the "checks" that I claimed that they cashed during the months they said that I not pay. Again another problem. They do not return the checks due to a new payment system they now use, Even though I had bank statements proving them wrong they would not listen. Their research department can not be real because I have sent paperwork to them from my bank twice calling them liars and have never heard a word from them. It's really weird their paperwork doesn't make any sense. Anyway I sent them over 1700 dollars and everything was fine untill this month. They sent my payment back, as they have in the past. I called customer service and they said that I was 2600 dollars behind in payments! OH yeah I was over 1000 dollars in late payments last time now it is around 600 dollars. If I hadn'd been making payments I would understand why this was going on but I have and there is no way to communicate with them on this matter. Another thing, I do not like to send my payment to a PO BOX I think that could be another problem.

Dana Byrd
1137 Country Side Dr
Webb City MO 64879

N Bennett
Sep 13, 2008 1:06 pm EDT

Every single month on the 1st, I set up an automatic mortgage payment with Chase bank to be paid on the 16th. Contractually, Chase has given me that grace period. I quit mailing my payments when, like 1000's of others, they would wait weeks to post the payment. Every single month starting on or about the 7th, even with the pending payment in their system, Chase reps start calling me. They always have to verify my address and phone number. Why do they need to verify an address for a property on which they hold the mortgage? And, why do they need to verify a telephone number the they just reached me by calling?! I was told, it's there policy but to me it's harrassment. I even had one rep insist I tell him where I planned on getting the money to make the mortgage payment. I told him it was from selling drugs and hung up on him. Now Chase has kept the policy of only hiring the absolute rudest customer service reps they can find, AND has made sure they have so little command of the english language that they are impossible to understand. I'm a pretty laid back person but Chase makes my blood boil. The kicker is that my mortgage was sold to them - they weren't even my choice of mortgage lenders. What a bunch of jerks.

Oct 01, 2008 9:59 am EDT

Chases whipping boy: Ok here it is in 2017 I lost my job and was unemployed for four months well you know the story no income no bill paying. Was able to get reemployed and get in touch with Chase lets do something about our arrears no call back what so ever in stead I received a foreclosure letter So I went into bankruptcy in 2017 to protect my home. Now lets go into there abuse The whole time I was submitting my payments through court Chase refused to send me monthly invoices you see my mortgage was 6% plus prime every month yes a fluctuating rate which means the payment was different every month So I get through the Bankruptcy and chase still would not send invoices I September of 2017 I got injured at work and have been out ever since One hand surgery and fourteen days in the intensive care unit, I get in touch with Chase again and go through the whole Forbearence deal proof of income, home owners insurance, a complete listing of my monthly expenses and a gerable in the pipes Well I faxed all this info and I get One call back some two months latter stipulating that a decision was made on a work out but they needed my information again well I complied another two or three months go buy and I receive my foreclosure papers with fourteen days to reply

it is July of 2017 I have never received a bill from chase They purchased a Mortgage in good standing from Bank One and are attempting to steal My Home of Twelve Years Well sorry Chase I need better Customer Service for now I will see you in Bankruptcy Court again Do you guys think I can receive a bill before 2017 You already ruined my credit lets dance again I get one more chance remember LOL...

Oct 13, 2008 4:34 pm EDT

We are going through a nightmare with chase home finance. My husband was laid-off earlier this year, so I was making 2 split payments to chase for those couple of months until he got called back to work. After he was called back, we made payments in full for each month. We didn't know and no where in any of our paperwork does it say that chase does not accept 2 payments per month. So all the money we sent them for those couple of months were placed in a "suspended funds" account and never applied to the loan. We were floored when we received an act 91 notice in the mail. We immediately called them and was then told about the "suspended funds". They had no problem cashing the check every month and holding our money, but wouldn't apply any of it to the loan. So it appeared as though we were in default on the loan. They suggested that we apply for their homeowners assistance program and once approved, the suspended funds would be released and applied to the loan. However, we would need to pay for their document fees, prep fees, late fees, penalties and misc. Fees. We didn't want to lose the house, so we said fine. Surely the fees wouldn't be that much. Well we went through the whole process, we were told we were approved, just need to wait on their analyst to call with the amount owed for the fees. Once that payment was received, our account would be current. She finally called and denied us. She said that we didn't meet the requirements since there was money in the suspended funds account. We would now need to pay all the past amount due (Which is in the suspended funds) and a huge amount of fees to make the account current and then the suspended funds would be applied after-wards. We didn't know what to do, so my husband went into work and took the money out of his 401k to bring the account current. His work had to speak with the bank to verify the amount they wanted. We received the check about 10 days later and called chase the same day to re-verify the amount due and told them we were mailing the check that day. They asked for a payment by phone, but we wanted a paper trail. They gave us the address of where to mail it to and made a note that payment was sent that day. A week later were get a letter in the mail that now our account has been turned over to an attorney and we have to pay all their legal fees. The letter is dated the day after we called and was postmarked 5 days the meantime, they said our check has been denied but refuse to return it. So in total, they have money in a suspended funds account, most of it they took to apply towards bogus fees they charged, the check we mailed to make the account current and we are overpaid on our escrow too. All of this money the refuse to return or apply to the loan. Chase now said that their attorney has applied for a sheriff's sale and we need to vacate the property immediately. We are at our absolute wit's end with this bank. And honestly do not know what to do other than to start packing. My husband can't touch his 401k for another 6 months and we do not have the money lying around for them to "hold" and not apply to the loan. Can someone tell us if what they are doing legal and who can we talk to?

G. Ivy
Oct 27, 2008 6:46 am EDT

The same thing happened to us. Chase is nothing but immoral idiots (and I can think of worse). They try to steal people's homes everyday because they are legal thieves. We don't use the term "Chase" anymore - it's only "legal theieves" now. We went through the whole lawyer thing with them which is only another way for them to steal more money from the working class folks out there. We ended up having to pay their expensive little lawyer game in order to keep our home. They are horrible theieves! I know what you're going through but hang in there! G. I.

Oct 29, 2008 4:36 pm EDT

I agree 100% with you! My choice was not Chase either, my mortgage was sold. We got behind, and not by a lot either, and every time we would call to arrange a payment or ask a question they were the rudest people to us! They even came to our house over Memorial Weekend, DUH, no one was home. They left a note but also, oddly enough, some patio items from my porch were smashed in the yard. I live in the country in a very small neighborhood, nothing like that has ever happened before. I am sure it was their "calling card". When I confronted the rep on the phone after this happened, he didn't say a word! This prompted us to get a home camera! We were not even that behind and were getting caught up at the time of the incident. I would love for Chase to sell my mortgage to someone else, I hate them! I literally do not hate many companies/people or anything in general, however Chase is one place I can say I TRULY hate!

Nov 05, 2008 10:28 am EST

did they send you a letter of intent for foreclose? By law they must send you a letter of intent at least 45 days before they can intitiate a foreclosure. If they didn;t then they are in violation of the law and can be prosecuted for it.

go to the HUD website and do some research on your rights as a homeowner or call your local legal aid department for some advisement on this as well. you can also call your local college if they have a law school they usually have a resource that you can tap there as well.

Their attorneys will usually send you a letter beforehand letting you know that they have been asked to be the legal trustee for chase. You also have the right to request documentation from them that shows the original lender. this will forestall forelcosure proceedings for about 60 days. They send you the letter and you have 30 days to respond. send it on the 20th day after you get the letter requesting this information.

When foreclosure is in process you should also get a notice of hearing of foreclosure that gives you a court date when you can go in and state your case to a judge to see if there are grounds for them to continue foreclosure on your home. You have all of your documentation just submit copies of it to the court for them to see what has been done to you. In the meantime subpoena all of the documentation from chase that shows you have spoken with them. They MUST comply or be held in contempt of court unless they respond with some ### reason why they don;t have to supply it. But you can state your need for it by stating that you need the proof to show the court evedence of conversation you have had with CHase regarding this issue.

Keep calling Chase and bug the crap out of them. Ask to speak to a supervisor right away. Don;t go into along conversation with the ###ic CS people that answer the phones. they are idiots. Right now banks do not want your home. they want to get their money so you are in the drivers seat right now so to speak.

I would suggest you file a civil suit against Chase during this process. Find an attorney that will take your case on contingency that he win the case he gets paid. Sounds like you keep good records and this should be a slam dunk. That too can be used as leverage with regard to working with Chase.

I went through the same thing with them this past year when I, a single Dad, lost my job for 3 1/2 months. i made a couple of split payments and they didn't tell me that they wouldn't accept partial payments either. I told they were lucky they were getting anything.

I am NOT a lawyer and my advice is based on my own personal experience so take it for what it'w worth and apply it.

Juan D. Gomez
Nov 05, 2008 10:31 pm EST

Loan #[protected]. Tax Assessor Collector from Collin County has sent the bill for taxes of my house (9914 Dartmouth Dr., Frisco, TX 75035), and according to the Builder and Bank, the Escrow Payment is included in my monthly payments that I have done since the time I moved to the house. I am sure that something wrong is happing or somebody is not doing the right things. I need an immediate answer or clarification about my situation. To contact me: afternoon: [protected]; evening: [protected]. In this month payment I am going to include a copy of the bill sent to me a few days ago in order to you can fix this problem that destroys the peace of my mind. I hope that you solve this problem as soon as possible. Sincerely, Juan D. Gomez

Jan 07, 2009 1:52 pm EST

In an effort to help out a friend we decided to offer him one acre of land. It perked, was appraised and was surveyed. The day before closing the attorney called to say a lien was on the property. We were perplexed as the land was all paid for and we knew Chase had 2 1/2 acres but not all 17 acres.

Over the period of one month many calls and attempts to clear up the situation proved to be of no avail. If you get to talk to someone they connect you to someone else, then another and another. You finally feel like you are getting somewhere.

You follow their instructions, one person acknowledges your correspondence and says they will call you back. You wait and wait, no calls. You call again and again and they instruct you to do the same thing over and over again. You get no where.

Our next step is to contact attorneys, delaying our effort to help our friend. Chase is trying to acquire all our land which is NOT what we stipulated at the time of our loan. We encourage everyone to read over their contracts and make sure all the paper work has been exchanged that needs to be as in our paper work not all pages were given to us. Don't be in a hurry when refinancing.

Patty Davidson
Rockville, US
Jan 20, 2009 9:42 pm EST

I have been dealing with Chase since the summer of 2017 about payments. You never get the same person twice. They never return your calls. You make payment arrangements with one person and you call back and you get someone else and the terms change. They did a forbeance agreement terms over the phone Dec. 1, 2017 and said I had to to put 50% down for good faith but 2 weeks before they told me %20 down. It ended up being 35% down. They put us on a 6 month payment plan of $758 and didn't have to make a payment until Feb. 1, 2017 and said we would receive the agreement in 3-5 days - sign it and then wire the $3, 500. Well we didn't receive the agreement until Jan. 5, 2017 and the terms had changed (WHAT A SURPRISE -since they had changed everything they ever said to us since the summerof 2017). You couldn't read the agreement because it had been scanned and e-mailed to us. I called Chase and they basically said to bad. You have until noon the next day or foreclosure begins again. I have never dealt with anyone that is so unwilling to work with you. They would rather foreclose than help people that have lost jobs and are trying to get back on there feet.

Someone WhoHates Chase
HateChase USA, US
Feb 03, 2009 3:26 pm EST

I hate Chase

Tomball, US
Mar 04, 2009 6:16 pm EST

I fully agree, we are in the same boat since hurricane IKE and I have never been more fustrated with a company. I have never gotten the same person twice and can never get a return phone call.

Mar 24, 2009 7:14 am EDT

I have lived in my home for 23 years and refinanced with Chase Home Finance in 2017 with a "no documentation loan", whereby no proof of income was necessary. I was starting a business at that time and used the refinanced funds to finance a business for my fiancee and I, only our relationship ended and I got stuck with the bills. I always made my payments on time but due to unemployment, I am now months behind. I started contacting them back in 2017 to let them know I was expecting financial difficulty. After two letters to them and a 45 minute phone conversation, I was told that I do not qualify for the current government bail-out because I am unemployed. I found that you only qualify if you are employed. Chase was supposed to send me some "forms" to complete and send back to them, upon which one of their employees would contact me. I received a mailing from Chase, expecting the forms to fill out, only to discover that it was a "warning" that I was in default and detailed threats of what they were going to do to me. It is as though my letters and phone conversations never existed! I had to call Chase again, and they said they will send the forms "again".

I have another problem now - what to do about paying flood insurance. Where I live, it is required and I don't have funds to pay that either, due to my employment status. The mortgage company can "force place" insurance on you at an exorbitant price.

I continue to actively seek employment on the internet career websites and through employment agencies, but I never get a response to my Resumes.

It is getting harder and harder to have hope that things will turn around, not just for me, but for all those out there that are experiencing severe financial ruin and are ready to be forced out of their homes. I have had to learn alot of hard lessons through the past year, both personal and financial.

Thanks for reading my blog, and if you are in a financial mess as I am, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Farmington, US
Mar 31, 2009 2:13 pm EDT

We have been having the same problems since about August of 2017. First of all we had an ARM and our interest went from 8% to 12% over time. We had been paying on our home for about 7 years prior to getting behind. We worked out a payment agreement to pay 1100.00 a month instead of 690.00. We wired them 2800.00 and faxed the agreement 4 different times. They would send the money back because they were not receiving the agreement. Come to find out the fax number that was on the agreement was the wrong one. It now has been like 4 months and we finally get everything there. We make 2 payments of 1100.00 and we get a letter to appear in court for forclosure. I call them, they say the first payment was not applied and they were sending the 2nd payment back. We agreed to modify the loan. When we did the loan modification they added 9300.00 to our payoff. We borrowed 57000. we owe 63000. We do not want to lose our home so we agree. We mailed our first payment 12/01/08. We get a statement for Jan payment says we are a month behind. I call them they have no record of the payment because the misinformed me on the address to send it to. I had to pay 25.00 to get a copy of the money order. In the mean time we refused to pay them until this was straightened out. We finally dicided to just pay the payments and they agreed to note the account about our Dec payment. I receive a letter in the mail from a lawyer giving us 30 days to respond or they were going to forclose. I call they tell me we are 4 months behind and they will not accept the payments we made to be current and they were sending them back to us. My husband and I are so frusterated! Does anyone have any advise?


The Law Famly
West Milford, US
Apr 13, 2009 6:42 pm EDT

I am Disabled on SSD and my wife works Retail sales, Last year we had to refinance our home we have had for 9 years now, Because of my disability and some personal matters we refinanced with the same company Chase Home Finance. Our origanal rate was 7.00% and Chase raised our rate to &.75% because we were having a had time! They said we could refinance after 1 year and drop our rate!, We owe $175, 000.00 on a home worth around $250, 000 - $300, 000 right now. Well I finally setteled my Workers comp case and between SSD and workers comp my monthly income has gon from $1, 100 to $3, 500 a month. The Mortagage was in my wifes name because of my situatiion when we went to refinance Chase told us we did not qulafiy for a refinance, and my wife has since lost her job. Chase calls 7-10 times a day even after I speak with them, we are only late 10 days and the calls are all day long from them. They are very hard assed about anything speaking with them and refinancing even though the Mortagage is backed by Fanny May

Brentwood [Contra Costa County], US
Apr 30, 2009 7:15 am EDT

I hate Chase! We were modified without going late! Paid every payment in the form of a cashier's check to chase home finance for about 4 months. WE never got a statement from them, and everytime I called to ask them if they got my payment, they would comment well we must have since were not calling to ask for it. When we finally were reinstated to a regular statement, they charged us 476 in late fee's. Of course we called and told them we were never late, so they reversed all our late fees, but he is the kicker they reported us late on our credit report 30, 60, and 90 days late on our mortgage payment. So we disputed it on experian and called Chase. The chase Lady said when they recieve the dispute Chase would amend it! Wrong we have Disputed it twice and each time they tell the credit report people it is right! So we Call again and they tell us to dispute it again. I tell the lady that will do no good I want the phone number to the department that is denying our claim. She gives me the phone number to the credit report service center! Which is all automated and basically they send you a free credit report. My husband's credit was 740 now it is 680. This sucks I hate Chase.

Littleton, US
May 08, 2009 10:08 am EDT

I put a deposit on a vehicle that I later changed my mind on. This was in June of 2017. I still do not have my $5K deposit returned after I notified Chase that I wanted my deposit returned in June of 2017. It is May of 2017.
I also started a mortgage refinance with Chase in February of 2017. They told me they would clos by end of March. I still have not closed on this refinance, nor have I received any truth in lending or paperwork with the correct loan terms on it. I have reported them to the Office of the COmptroller of the Currency as they are the federal regulators for Chase.
I have nothing good to say about them. There has been customer no service. They have delayed and have violated laws and violated thier agreement with VISA to support the consumer.
They are awful.

May 09, 2009 12:39 pm EDT

I have lived in my home for 23 years and refinanced with Chase Home Finance in 2017 with a "no documentation loan", whereby no proof of income was necessary. I was starting a business at that time and used the refinanced funds to finance a business for my fiancee and I, only our relationship ended and I got stuck with the bills. I always made my payments on time but due to unemployment, I am now months behind. I started contacting them back in 2017 to let them know I was expecting financial difficulty. After two letters to them and a 45 minute phone conversation, I was told that I do not qualify for the current government bail-out because I am unemployed. I found that you only qualify if you are employed. Chase was supposed to send me some "forms" to complete and send back to them, upon which one of their employees would contact me. I received a mailing from Chase, expecting the forms to fill out, only to discover that it was a "warning" that I was in default and detailed threats of what they were going to do to me. It is as though my letters and phone conversations never existed! I had to call Chase again, and they said they will send the forms "again".

I have another problem now - what to do about paying flood insurance. Where I live, it is required and I don't have funds to pay that either, due to my employment status. The mortgage company can "force place" insurance on you at an exorbitant price.

I continue to actively seek employment on the internet career websites and through employment agencies, but I never get a response to my Resumes.

It is getting harder and harder to have hope that things will turn around, not just for me, but for all those out there that are experiencing severe financial ruin and are ready to be forced out of their homes. I have had to learn a lot of hard lessons through the past year, both personal and financial.

Thanks for reading my blog, and if you are in a financial mess as I am, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Seattle, US
May 13, 2009 12:43 pm EDT

Absolutely the WORST Customer Service I have ever experienced ! I can not get ANYONE to help me . They keep passing me around to every department they have in there system and have hung up on me three times ! I was on hold with one agent named Janice whom assured me we would not get disconnected as she searched for the correct department and sure enough she disconnected with me . I had asked for a direct number to call her back and she said she didn't have one so I asked if she would take my number and she said she could not call out !
It's been an hour now of calling around to find the rigght department to just check on the status of my account ! Unbelieveable ! Where do these employees come from ? They are the worst customer service reps ever and why would chase keep them knowing all the complaints that come in daily regarding their service ?
I still have yet to get my simple question answered !

Todd L
North Port, US
Jun 12, 2009 3:27 pm EDT

I totally agree. I worked for a highline automotive dealership whos only soarce of finance is Chase Automotive Financial. I lost my job due to the fact that this lousey group wouldnt finance anyone even when they had impecable credit. I myself had my pre-owned car financed through Chase and upon the termination of my postion have tried to work with the bank several times. After being in the finance and automotive trade both here and in Europe I can honestly say that without a doubt they are the worst of customer service. I have contacted several times and have NEVER met a human being with an ounce of good manors or politeness. They treat you with total disrespect and seriously need customer service training on the utmost.

I cannot believe that in todays climate that these ignorant people have a job when so many better people could do this. It doesnt take much to treat people with respect. And I can assure you that most of those minimum wage workers there are in personal financial trouble. You think they would be a little understanding.

However all the complaining in the world doesnt make a bit of difference. America used to be seen as a country that offered the best customer service all round. Amazing how things change... So sad

Aurora, US
Jun 24, 2009 11:19 pm EDT

My husband lost his job and we had to relocate for him to find employment. We had to leave our home. We could not pay our house payment and the rent on the house we now live in. We stayed in contact with Chase and communicated with them concerning our situation. We proceeded to ask about handing the deed in lieu of foreclosure. My husband spoke to two different representatives of Chase. They both claimed we could hand in the deed if we followed the necessary procedures. (house up for sale for 90 days, and appropriate paper work) We did these things. Never heard anything. Then received a summons for foreclosure.

Called Chase they said they needed to assign us a negotiator. Called back a couple weeks later as instructed, no negotiator assigned. I asked them why we had not received any information concerning handing in the deed and instead received a notice of foreclosure. I told the rep that we had been told DIL would be possible, he proceeded to tell me that "your husband heard what he wanted to hear" and that Chase rarely does DIL. I then said if that is the case Chase should inform it's representatives of this and that they should make that clear when a consumer requests a DIL, furthermore went on to tell him I knew my husband heard what they said and clearly understood what they said. He then told me I was not to talk to him in this way and said he would put me on hold or hang up. I did not insult him I was just making a point and he continued acting as if he was so self important as if he was the Queen of England, the President, or some other powerful figure threatening to cut the phone call off (give me a time out I suppose);) I asked him if he was the one my husband talked with or if he had been involved in the conversation my husband had concerning DIL, he did not answer and only again said he was going to hang up on me. I told him all I want is communication and to be notified of what my status is when I send in forms and info, he said they don't have time for that, I told him they sure had time to send out a notice of foreclosure. It's like my mother always says, "we do what we want to do". I just wish they would have been honest from the get go and say "we are not interested in DIL or a short sale, we are going to foreclose on you regardless of what you request". Instead they turn it back on you and say you made something up or misheard them.

Earlier we had a potential buyer for the house. We requested a pay off quote. A couple weeks went by, no pay off quote. I called back, they said nobody sent it out, "sorry". By the time we got it the potential buyers had moved on.

We now have another potential buyer but of course now we have to send in more paper work, and yet another hard ship letter. They could write a book about our "hard" life with all the hardship letters we have had to send.

Chase states that "The last thing Chase wants is to foreclose on your home." The front cover of a brochure they sent me says, "Have you experienced difficult circumstances beyond your control? Are you having trouble maintaining your monthly house payment? Are you worried about how it will affect your credit? WE, AT CHASE ARE HERE TO HELP." This is a false statement. If anything they do everything to hinder your efforts to avoid foreclosure and insult you in the process.

Good luck for anyone else who is dealing with Chase. Hope your situation turns out better than ours.

ocala, US
Jul 12, 2009 6:22 pm EDT

I called chase on march of o8 and asked them if they could cut my rate from 8%, they told me it would cost me $6, 200.00 and 2, 200.00 of that would be for a new title. They hold the original title, why they would want another one is beyond me. We have never missed a payment in over 6 years or ever been late. When we got our mortgage right at the signing we were told to sign a form, stating we could not sell our home for 5 years. We have sent all bank statements, tax statements so many times, they just keep putting us off. I thought obama stated that the banks would rather help people than force foreclosure. Well I think that is a load of bull.

Columbus, US
Aug 15, 2009 5:57 pm EDT

I am a chase home finance collector and I totally disagree with what is being said. It's not always the collector that is on defensive a lot of the times it is the homeowner because they are in a bad situation they take it out on the collectors when we attempt to collect a debt that is due. You have to understand I talk to at least 100 people a day who has a million excuses and reasons why they can't pay or they are looking for ways to be allowed to continue to let their debt go unpaid without any penalties or responsability! the fact is no one really cares about your personal problem people can empathize however no one cares because when you signed the contract to purchase your home there is no clause that states your debit will be forgiven simply because you fell on hard times or you over extended yourself and did not save any money for if and when hard times would come.

People who call also do not have any type of phone etiquette they call up on cheap as cell phones where there is so much static and interference or you cant hear anything they are saying I do not take these people serious because this is their mortgage they should call when there are no distractions and in a place where both parties can hear and negotiate and resolve the debt.

I am so damn tired of hearing people who cant pay their debt and want to blame everybody else. They are rude, they don't understand, they hurt my feeling, they yelled at me the truth it most of the time it is the debtor that initiate these actions, When the collectors try to do their job and resolve the debit and try to work with you all you want to do is argue because what they are telling you is the truth and you dont want to except it and you know I am telling the truth now.

As far as how often calls are made the calls are made from a computerized auto dialer and I will admit if the person working the account does not remember to status the right code on the computer to not call for 5 to 7 days you might get another call I will admit this is very frustrating for the debtor and the collector, collectors do not want to waste their time calling someone back who is refusing to pay or resolve their debt because that could be a call to a debtor that wants to resolve and make payment arrangements to bring their account to a current status.

So in my opinion debt collector have a job to do and it is people like yourselves that make the job frustrating and difficult so the next time you complain about debt collectors ask yourself am I the reason why they are so rude?

Martins Ferry, US
Sep 11, 2009 10:07 pm EDT

You dumb ###! If you read your bankruptcy documentation, you'll see that a creditor is not allowed to contact you or collect during your bankruptcy. Also, if you did a Chapter 7 and did not reaffirm, you'll NEVER receive a statement again, as it can be interpreted as a form of collection.

Next time you file for a bankruptcy, why don't you read what you sign?

Sep 24, 2009 4:38 pm EDT

We have been home owners for 10 years. We originally purchased our home in August 1998, since that time we have paid over $140, 000 toward the purchase of our home, which was originally purchased for $103, 619. We refinanced to an ARM in 2017 to $136, 000 and that mortgage was later sold to Chase Home Finance. We are now in danger of losing our home to foreclosure. While we take ownership of the fact that we have had trouble paying our mortgage over the past few months we believe that we would not be in foreclosure today if it was not for the poor business practices and communication of Chase Home Finance. My husband was then laid off in October. We knew at this time that this could cause us financial problems and shortly after begin the process to attempt to refinance. In November we were denied and we were unable to make the November and December payments. We did contact the bank in December to speak with them about possible payment arrangements and they referred us to loss mitigation. At that time we were pre-qualified for loss mitigation assistance. The loss mitigation specialist we were working with, Kristina McFadden, advised us that we would not be approved unless we were 90 days over due and advised us not to make January payment if we wished to be considered. We assumed they were giving us sound advice and proceeded as directed. In February, we were told we were pre-approved for loss mitigation assistance and while we were waiting for this process to take place, we entered into a re-payment agreement with Chase which would basically allow us to put off the extra payments until June, by which time we expected the loss mitigation refinancing to be completed. We made payments as per the agreement in February, March, April, and May. In March, we also submitted a payment for January (the payment was short about $150) in our attempt to bring our account as current as possible. At the end of April, we received a letter stating that our loss mitigation assistance request had been disapproved. We went back to the bank and Ms. McFadden stated that she didn’t understand why we were disapproved and would resubmit. At this point, we began to feel in imminent danger of losing our home and so put our home on the market. We continued to make payments as arranged. Also, during this time, there was an error with our home insurance company, who had over charged us by about $1000. We got with the company and corrected the error and, in January 2017, even change insurance companies – reducing our annual payment by $1400. Both the new insurance company and we contacted Chase, but they refused to reduce the payment or escrow account until our account was current. In June, we went to the Chase branch to make payment and they would not accept payment because there was a code on my account saying they could not because we were in loss mitigation. We than called Chase from home who stated they would remove the code because we were no longer in loss mitigation. When we went back they still had not removed the code so we finally mailed a check with the payment on 6/5/2017. It was returned to me on 6/21/08 stating it was returned due to the fact it had to be certified funds. When we attempted to then go to the bank and pay this with certified funds, they refused to accept the funds saying that there was a flag on our account and that the account was in full foreclosure. They stated they could only accept the full amount of the mortgage. We have begun looking for a lawyer at this point . We received written notification of the foreclosure on 7/7/2017. Throughout this process, especially in the last 2 months, Chase has refused to discuss the situation with us. We either get people saying they can’t discuss our account because of the flag or we get transferred from one department to another until we get voicemail or a notice that someone will call us back, which does not occur. We have sent out a formal complaint .Which is necessary as the poor communication and advice from Chase employees is what has us now in a situation where we may lose our home over the next couple of months. We do still have our house on the market and will end up selling if we can get a buyer in this housing market. Even if this occurs, we still believe that what Chase is doing is not of the law, as they are not honoring the payment agreement. Most importantly, we believe Chase’s business practices should be investigated also to ensure other homeowners don’t fall into the same trap that we have been immersed in. From searching the internet, we feel that we can safely say that we are not the only ones having mortgage issues with this company nor the only ones who feel Chase is responsible for increased foreclosures. We would request that Chase’s lending practices would be closely examined for both legal and ethical practices.

Sep 28, 2009 4:58 pm EDT

I wrote to chase home finance llc (p. o. box 50911, san diego, ca 92127) last year in december and requested a term extension. they wrote back 3 months later and offered me a loan modification increasing my fixed interest rate from 4.99% to a variable 5.8%. I had not requested a rate adjustment and obviously declined their ridiculous offer.

Chase however, went ahead and modified my loan without any authority from myself as a result of which every payment that I have made since march 2017 has been placed into a chase suspense account. this has meant that my mortgage account went unpaid and I have had letters and phone calls from them notifying me of my late payments and charging me $128.82 each time in late payment charges. needless to say I have called countless times to notify them of their error, but each month the same thing happens.

I have today received two more letters from chase. one is a mortgage statement which shows that my mortgage is in arrears and the second is a letter indicating that chase has reported these "late payments" to equifax, experian, innovis and transunion.

I have been a chase customer for 4 years in which time I have never made a late payment. I am now in the process of applying for a new home loan on another property and am beside myself with worry that chase's error will have an adverse effect upon this application.

S and M Smith
Hutto, US
Sep 29, 2009 7:05 pm EDT

I got a call from Chase today, along with my statement in the mail. The call was from the collection department of Chase Home Finance. Last month, I called to see if I could send a partial payment, ($164.56 short of the full payment) and was told that was acceptable, and to send the rest of the balance with next months payment. Being the trusting person that I am, I did not document who I spoke to, and being the great customer service rep whoever this was, did not document that I called. Now Chase is saying they do not accept partial payments and the money they went ahead and drafted from my bank account is now sitting in suspense and will not be applied to my account until the balance is paid. This has showed on my credit report also, even though I have not received any messages asking me to call them regarding an issue. When I called today, I spoke to a lady named Victoria on their collections department and was told the payment would absolutely not be applied until I made the balance due. I have never been late with my payment and find this totally ridiculous that calls are not documented correctly and with my payment history showing never late, this poor excuse for a company will not accept a payment that is a shopping $164.56 short of a full payment.

Diana B.
Miramar, US
Sep 29, 2009 9:25 pm EDT

In times like these, you need someone to listen to your side and make the correction for you to get your name cleared of this error that you did not committ. Have you tried Pre-Paid Legal services they handle issues such as yours.

Thats crazy these big companies just do what ever they want, when ever they want! I bet youve called a tons of times and they're just giving you the run around. I was going thru a similar issue with Bank of America and my friend told me about this company called Pre-paid Legal Services. I looked up the website after that they took care of everything i recommend Pre-paid Legal for everyone

Good Luck

Oct 07, 2009 12:02 am EDT

yeah buddy. you can just call up your mortgage company and decide that you want your rate cut down and name your own rate. B/C THATS POSSIBLE!

~ signed, chase loss mit analyst who hates the public as much as they hate us.

Philly, US
Oct 11, 2009 5:23 am EDT

LMAO; have fun refinancing that other property with your delinquencies! Ignorance is no excuse for irresponsibility. An extra $130? Are you kidding me; pawn some of the superficial purchases you have made over the past few years...I'd rather have a roof over my head.

Philly, US
Oct 11, 2009 5:35 am EDT

Stop complaining; you essentially "lied" with your no income/asset verification loan to literally steal money from the bank when you had no means to pay it back. You are a contributing factor to this financial crisis; why didn't her or your parents give you the money to start the business? Hmmmmmmmm...talent is not too difficult to spot. Best of luck with your job search...I wish you luck due to lack of talent.

Walcott, US
Oct 19, 2009 4:24 pm EDT

We recently purchased our first home through a local lender. We were not aware until it was too late in the process that they would turn around and sell our mortgage to one of the "big" companies. When we closed on the property, we discovered they had made a major error ($2600) in our property tax calculations. We were purchasing a small piece of a large section that had not previously been parceled out, and they had charged us the tax bill for the full section, not our small piece. My husband caught their error, which they fixed at closing, and we thought all was well. Our mortgage was sold to Chase a few days later, and we made our first scheduled payment to them on October 1, 2017. A few days later, I checked our online account information and discovered that they had upped our mortgage payment an additional $312 and had decided that our escrow account now had a shortage. I called Chase immediately and was told by the first representative that even though the property tax was an error, I would have to pay the additional $312/month until the property taxes were reassed next year, at which point I would get a refund. I informed him that his option was completely unacceptable (it is!), and asked repeatedly that he transfer me to someone who could actually assist me. He finally transferred me to the Tax department. After explaining the entire story yet again, she informed me that I could call back with the estimated annual tax amount and the parcel number and they would update my escrow account information. I did that, and was told that they would just take a few days to get it updated. I called back a week later to verify. The first person I spoke with verified that the tax information had been updated and told me my new monthly payment was an amount that was $60 higher than my scheduled monthly payment as indicated by my closing statement. After 20 minutes of trying to get her to explain what the issue was, she finally said that it had something to do with my homeowner's insurance and that she'd transfer me to the Insurance Department. Instead of transferring, she hung up on me, and twenty minutes later (after navigating the ridiculous phone system), I finally reached an Insurance representative. I explained my story and she informed me that she can't help me at all. I asked her why they would transfer me to her if she could tell me absolutely nothing, and she said sometimes they just hear insurance and send people to her. I then asked if she could transfer me to someone who COULD help me, so she sent me to the Mortgage Payment department. This next representative told me that they'd just paid my Homeowner's Insurance premium a couple days prior and that I now have an escrow account shortage. I asked how that could be, as I paid my Homeowner's Insurance premium at closing, but she didn't seem to understand what I was saying. She told me I would have to repay an additional $60/month to pay for the Homeowner's Insurance for the next year. We went back and forth, with her finally pulling up our settlement statement (which I was looking at) and informing me that "12 times $65.60 = $196.80." I almost laughed, and said No, 12 x $65.60 = $787.20, THREE times $65.60 = $196.80, which it says right there on the statement. I finally said, look, either transfer me to someone who can actually assist me and is informed, or I will have my mortgage banker call you tomorrow and straighten this out, because you and I are never going to get anywhere. After hanging up the phone, I flipped through my Escrow account summary and realized that my Homeowner's premium wasn't supposed to be paid by Chase until next August (2017), since we'd paid this year's premium at closing. Apparently their Quality Control is woefully inadequate! I called again right away the next morning and explained to the Insurance Department what they'd done. They then informed me that I would have to wait for my Insurance provider to refund me the money, and then I would have to send the money back to Chase (I have to pay for their error?) - no apologies, no "hmm, that shouldn't have happened." I contacted my Insurance provider, who immediately said they'd take care of it and they would inform Chase that the check would be going back directly to them, so that I would not have to have any part in it. Then, the next day I get a letter from Chase saying they now think my insurance coverage is too low! I am beyond frustrated. We met all the requirements and jumped through all the hoops of our mortgage provider, and then they sold us to a company who doesn't do their homework or pay attention to details, and whose standards are apparently mysterious enough for my mortgage lender not to have full information upon our closing. I will be refinancing with a new LOCAL company as soon as we have enough equity built up. I am SO disappointed in the service (or lack thereof) being provided me by one of the "Big 10." I wish they cared as much about their customers in their actions as they say they do in all their materials. What a joke.

teri m
San Diego, US
Oct 26, 2009 8:17 pm EDT

I applied for a home loan modification ACCORDING to the PRESIDENT both Chase and Wells Fargo are the banks immediately honoring this. I applied in March, it is not October - I have made so many calls, faxes but for months no one responded. I esclated it to the top and was told my information was all LOST! How could they delete it from their computers?

Now I am on unemployment extension and I dont qualify anymore for this modification. My original paperwork to them included ALL they needed for it to be approved. It is a joke!

Rockwood, US
Oct 27, 2009 6:49 pm EDT

we were sold to chase they have done nothing but make our lives miserable.they lie and cheat and make offers they wont live up to.we did a modification due to my lay off and bypass surgery now they are wanting to foreclose they have accused us of being behind since 1997 which is a lie and ive faxed proof to every office they have the bottom line is they are a bunch of lying cheating home stealing ### holes

Jan 03, 2010 1:27 pm EST

It has come to my attantion that Chase loss drafts are not even handle by Chase they are handled by a third party vendor Assurant in Duluth Georgia, the employees of this company are rude down to the managaers you aske for help and it gets you no where, they send out ridiculous letters that give inaccurate and misleading information. I hold a mortgage with Chase and after my experience with the loss drafts department I am in the process of refinancing and I urge you all to do the same, How can I rest assured that y home mortgage is with a competant compay wne they trust the handling of my loss draft to such an incompetant group of processors.

Hilton Head Island, US
Jan 15, 2010 12:09 am EST

Hi there..
So I"m on here again.. one of the many people who had insurance trouble with Chase.. I just posted..
So since June we have been trying to fix this trouble with escrow, insurance not to mention we get the same letter for this year requesting proof of insurance.. YES, so now my husband finds out that it
is Chase that and their reports to the Credit Info providers.. my husband opens his Discover bill and...
poof they have lowered his credit available due to
past due from Chase HOme finance.. it was Chase's mistake not to read the insurance papers properly..
and Now OUR credit rating is effected...
THis is way too bad.. THey really don't want us as customers or they would clean up their act..

Giving Up in a way?
Carey, US
Jan 22, 2010 8:11 am EST

We filed bankruptcy in 2017 and it was discharged in 2017. When discharged, the house was not re-affirmed on, so that meant we could live in it as long as we made our payments. Well we got behind 5 months with no help from chase. We worked out a deal in thier minds with the threat of foreclosure. The deal was to pay 929.31 + an additional 326.00 for 12 months then resume our regular payment. In nov of 2017 i informed chase that the payment was going to be about a week late. They never said a word. I made the payment via Western Union, which was part of the aggreement, and had to make the follow-up call to give them the routing number. They informed me that they would not accept the payment and that foreclosure proceedings were starting. This would have been the 7th of the 12 payments. The following month, chase called wondering why i had'nt made a payment? I informed them they refused all payment and started foreclosure proceedings? They insisted I still had to make the payments even through the foreclosure process. Granted, I was born at night, just not last night! We have been living in this house since Nov. 2017 rent free! We have been through 7 reps so far and 2 complete submissions for loan modification because at chase the right hand does not know left hand is doing. We just submitted paperwork 01-2017 with no results and have made up our minds we are staying in the property until the sherrif comes to the door. I do not pretend I know how the world of big business is operating, but Jamie Damon ceo of chase had better hope that pile of paper money he is surrounding himself with can protect him from lead poisoning. It must be cheaper for the banks to just write off all the foreclosures, and hope we re-enter the market at some point? How will this happen when everyones' credit is destroyed with no hope of ever being a viable contributor to this financial system again. We for one are going all cash, pulling as far away from this credit system as possible. I realize people do not want to walk away from thier dream, but we have grown tired of chasing little pieces of worthless paper around to exist in this society. The second crash is coming and some of these bankers just may be exposed for what they are. When the American public as a group finally comes together, I hope I can be at the head of line when we storm thier castles.

Carey, US
Jan 29, 2010 8:54 am EST

I posted a comment previously about sticking chase with a huge loss, in my mind. We will walk away from this mortgage debt with no moral, economic guilt of any kind. I read in other comments that chase loss mitigation people are not the people to deal with if you would like to save your home. chase does not even have the balls to tell people that upfront? The loss mitigation department is like a debt collector for the bank. Treat these people as such. Say whatever you would like to the person on the other end of the line for quality control purposes, because you may see them in a bread line soon! Make sure you get each and everyone of thier last names as well. Face it people, your credit is shot, you will no longer be a viable producer of wealth for these people in this current system. You used to be a profit producing entity for this bank, now you are an expendible liability to this corporation and many more for years to come. Should you fight this and try to re-enter this system? I for one am pulling back and taking the all cash and barter stance! Screw all government entities and corporations at every level. Stop dealing with these people on thier terms! Yes, it may be painfull at times; but the times that satisfy will out weigh those by a mile. PRICELESS! I am 50 years old, and i will never have another loan the rest of my days on this rock! I will continue to teach my children the same; as I believe this will be thier only chance for a productive existance? Jamie Dimon; I hope we meet face to face before we depart this world; you are the typical piece of sh@! I know you are; and you will recognize me because I will be the one with the 12 gauge pooper scooper in my hands!

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