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CB Unauthorized Charges Review of Google Money Master Kit
Google Money Master Kit

Google Money Master Kit review: Scam 138

Author of the review
3:14 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

This is not real? I get all the emails and such and that happens to be a scam?
I also ordered the kit, and i saw this so i called them and they got the phone.
I realized that when you ordered it, there is no section where you type in your
Address. . Right? I'm not so sure, (Got a short memory. . .) anyways, so i called them
Asking about that the web didn't have the seciton to type my address, but it says that
The kit will be mailed to be 2 - 5 business day. . They got the phone, and said that
There was no account information about me ordering it, and they put on me to hold,
This lady got the phone. . . Asking me the same question and she said she found it. . .
Then i told her that the website didn't asked me for an address and it says it will send me the kit,
I already paid 2. 87 and i want that cancelled. . So she said that she was able to cancel it and
The confirmation will be emailed. . But i haven't still got anyting yet. Is this scam?
Im so terrified. . ###


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Jun 22, 2009 1:53 pm EDT

so i signed up the other day for this google money master program. all it asked for was my credit card number to charge me the $.99 for shipping and did not ask me for my home address to ship the package. My credit card got charged the $.99 but i have since received my kit and am figuring i probably am not going to receive it. I am wondering if they might be sneaky and charge my credit card. When i signed up it did not say anything about a monthly subscription fee so i am wondering if they will continue to charge my card without my authorization..What do i do. Do i call my card company and close my card or do i explain the situation? can someone answer this for me.

Jun 22, 2009 8:44 pm EDT

I have not signed up for google money master...but when I read the terms of agreement it plainly stated that once you become a member you pay &73.83 a month for access to the website and you can cancel any time.I was not under the impression they were scamming anybody into believing it was free of charge.The first 7 days is a free trial.After that you pay per month.

Jun 22, 2009 8:47 pm EDT

I have not signed up for google money master...but when I read the terms of agreement on their website it plainly stated that once you become a menber you pay &73.83 per month for access to the website.It did not say the membership was free...only a free 7 day trial.

audrey bryant
jackson , US
Jun 22, 2009 8:55 pm EDT

i think that they should be held responisble and yes i was scam also every time i call i dont get anyone i need my money iam a single parent that really hurt i was not a ware of an additional fee that was involved and i never made it to use the site at all you people should be a shame of your selfs suppose it was you or a family member dont dound good to you now does it how could people do such a thing to other people just give me my money back and keep your dang on recording message i will do what ever it takes to get my money back

Chuck Turner
Sandy, US
Jun 22, 2009 9:03 pm EDT

@Daisy10731 - it's buried in the terms and conditions - it's not on the sign up page/payment page at all.
That is illegal as it does not qualify as clear disclosure.

See: for FTC rules regarding negative option marketing and how disclosures need to be made.

Emperor Norton IV
Santa Rosa, US
Jun 25, 2009 11:46 am EDT

Thanks for the heads up on this new scam.

If I wanted to sit around and do nothing to make a buck (and had the moral character of a used diaper salesman), I'd cook up my own website: and charge subscribers $1.99 for shipping and handling of my "Anti-Scam" kit. Included in the fine print would be the irrevocable agreement to pay me a $99/month service fee for life, plus your soul.

Maybe this is a government-sponsored program to help balance the budget.

Chuck Turner
Sandy, US
Jun 27, 2009 9:01 am EDT

More names being used by Google Revolution scam aka Google Money Master Kit scam:
Team Senpaku Ltd
25 Green Street, County Durham Consett DH8 5LP, United Kingdom
"charge of $73.83 on bank card from"
Team Senpaku Ltd
25 Green Street, Co. Durham Consett DH8 5LP, England United Kingdom
"charge on bank card for $73.83 from UNIVERSITYOFCASH.NET "

So, if you get an unauthorised charge on your credit card / or bank card for $73.83 from
or it is linked to this Google Revolution fraud.

www. and websites are owned by :

WT Systems
510 W. 1200 S.
American Fork, Utah 84003
United States

Steve Comer
831 East 340 South
American Fork, Utah 84003
United States
Phone: [protected]

You can report the scam and the above addresses to:



Crimestoppers UK:

Consumers Direct UK:

Attorney General of your state (USA):

Mill Creek, US
Jun 28, 2009 2:23 am EDT

Please note that these CPA Agencies being listed are not the advertiser in question here.

B. Kozell
Navan (Cumberland), CA
Jun 30, 2009 4:07 am EDT

This is definitely a scam - if anyone tells you differently, I certainly would suspect they are paid employees of the company behind the scam. The "new name" for the same scam now appears to be "Google Money Master." I'm not easily duped by scams, I'm intelligent, and also run the latest & greatest software to protect against this sort of fraud. As the post above me stated, there was a "legitimate looking" web page opened to a newspaper article. Not beyond the realm of possibility for me, as I read a lot of "online papers." I figured I had opened it for future reading. All of my security software thinks everything is just grand. I'm also a computer tech by trade. Nothing really stood out as being a huge scam or "get rich quick scheme." And at just over $2, how could I go wrong? It wasn't until AFTER I was billed that warning bells in my own head went off. Suddenly it was "suggested" that I sign up for this & that - all for free (ya, right). I was already aware of the fine print with the initial offer. I had a 7-day trial on the "Search Market Members Site" - if I didn't cancel within 7 days, I would be billed $59.95 PER MONTH. There's a 14-day trial to the "Grant Membership Page", and carries a $7.95 monthly fee if you don't cancel. Lastly, there was the "Network Agenda Membership Page" for a 21 day trial at $9.95 per month. This is the very minimum you'll be "signed up" for. If you selected other options during the process, you'll have other things to cancel.

I received the confirmation e-mail - of which I am keeping, just in case. The phone number to call at the bottom is [protected]. This all took place two hours ago, and I called to cancel roughly 30 minutes ago. I didn't have to wait at all, probably because it's close to 3:00am Eastern Standard Time.

I was also given 3 cancellation confirmation numbers, but I don't trust it at all. I already called my credit card company, but unfortately I'll have to wait to call during regular business hours to speak to a representative. I'll be reporting this scam to the credit card company. I'll also be requesting a new card.

Oh, how do I know it's a scam? Well, the web page in my browser was It's safe to open as of this writing, but for the technically inclined, I HIGHLY suggest you view the source code on the page. You'll see some re-directs to other pages, and no doubt someone else is getting credit for you signing up to this scam. Depending on where you live, the top title of the "online newspaper" article will change. For me, it currently says "Oakville". When I connect to a client's system & try it, it says "Brampton." Do NOT be fooled. It seems as though this scam is well-crafted. I suggest ANYONE who has signed up for this cancel IMMEDIATELY and call their credit card company to take further action. For those technically inclined/interested, here's the source code I viewed:

Is Working Online At Home The Way to Financial Freedom? | Daily News: May 19, 2009
@import url( );
Is Working Online At Home The Way to Financial Freedom?
As part of our ongoing series: Jobs and the Recession: What you need to know" we examine an industry that, despite the recession, seems to be booming

the next big thing? As the U.S. economy continues to free-fall,
millions of American are finding themselves without jobs, sufficient retirement or
paychecks coming in. In March alone the number of unemployed increased by 694, 000 to 13.2 million. Throughout history those on the cutting edge have adapted and prospered by knowing how to adapt to current economic climates, and this trend may once again be taking place on the internet.
With more time on their hands, many document.write(state); residents (And people around the country and world) are getting creative and turning to the online world for help.
For years we've all
heard the stories of people making internet millions and now, it appears you don't have to be a technology guru at all to quickly get started making a decent income online.
It's called Google Money Master and it's taking the internet and business communities alike by storm.
researching the online-job phenomenon for this article I found countless stories of
every day people making between $250 - $1000 a day from their homes.
They explain that they're posting links on websites using hugely popular text advertising
applications like Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing and MSN Adcenter
Below is an excerpt from one site.

"Basically I actually make around $5, 500 to $7, 000 a month from Google. Not a ton of money. But, very solid and good. I was able to replace my previous job's income, working less than 10 hours a week on my computer at home." - Kevin H.

we've all heard of countless 'get rich' schemes and scams and I'm sure
that by now most of us have received at least one email promising us multi-million dollar fortunes if we'd only assist some displaced member of the "Nigerian Royal Family." However Google Money Master Google Profits does not appear to
get caught up in the 'hype, ' instead focusing on a steady stream of
results over a period of time driven by individual effort and not the promise of revealing some 'special sauce.'This new online
opportunity doesn't give you an unrealistic 'pitch' at all. In fact
this may be the only online opportunity that promises that you won't instantly make millions online, a stark contrast to websites featuring "Get Rich Quick Schemes" and pictures of Yachts and Luxury Homes and Automobiles. Most users share stories of moderate but steady incomes of between $50, 000 - $90, 000 a year. But as with most jobs the more you put in the more you get out.
cut to the chase within a month I had generated over $4, 800 in income
at home. This was unbelievable to me. I had seen all sorts of scams
promising you could make millions of dollars a month or live in a giant
mansion if you tried their ’system’ and of course never believed this.
When this product advertised a legitimate way to make some pretty
decent monthly income with no far-fetched ’scheme’ but instead simple
illustrations of how to take advantage of Google like countless other
people around the world already were I was sold, and the results to me
speak for themselves!" - Steve
This publication provides the Author's opinions and neither the Publisher nor the author intends to render legal, accounting, financial, business or other professional advice with this publication. With regards to licensing of a business enterprise, any legal accounting or tax matters. Author and publisher is an Affiliate of the company offering the business opportunity and are remunerated by advertiser. Author and publisher strongly suggest that the reader seek the services of appropriate licensed business, financial and or legal professionals before proceeding with any actions and comply with the local, state and federal licensing and guideline requirements which the reader resides or conducts business.
Google is in no way associated with this website. The Publisher and Author disclaim any personal liability, loss or risk incurred as a consequence of the use and application of the offer, either directly or indirectly, of any advice, information, or methods presented in this publication. Individual comments are unedited and not the opinion of Author or Publisher and not liable for their comments and opinions.

INCOME CLAIM WARNING: Testimonials do not result typical result. Photographs or images are depiction of individuals and payment methods. These income examples are representative of some of the most successful participants in the program. Some individuals purchasing the program may make little or NO MONEY AT ALL. These claims are not a guarantee of your income, nor are they typical of average participants. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your input, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions. No person or company can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. Any and all use of this website certifies you are agreeing

B. Kozell
Navan (Cumberland), CA
Jun 30, 2009 4:15 am EDT

If it's important to anyone tracking this stuff, after signing up, I received an introductory message from

Then there were "member login" links to:

Oh, and at the end of the e-mail was a notice stating that "any chargebacks made against this account will be reported to the internet consumer blacklist and will result in member merchants blocking you from making future purchases online!"

If you visit, the only way to be removed from the list (if you really care - I wouldn't worry about it) is to pay a fee of $99! It increases if you have future chargebacks. Cute. Anyway, I'm "charging back" my $2.xx fee to download their "software".

Toronto, CA
Jun 30, 2009 1:00 pm EDT

They say you can cancel and it's "risk free" within 7 days. This is nonsense! Their customer service line has been ringing fast busy since yesterday. I am so glad i tried calling their number, before signing up. Major scam. NOtice how all the advertisements are FAKE and only on google.

egbert musclehead
Crawford, US
Jun 30, 2009 8:30 pm EDT

of course i googled it first. Im sitting at my computer now, have to get up to get to my credit card. what are you thinking. There is no reason to be scammed these days. Everyone wants the B. S. to be true. Most scams nowadays have to represent reputable businesses so they can slide by into our subconsious atomatic responses where a little voice tells another little voice, neither of which you can hear, its ok, you can let down your guard. Thats what the scammers are counting on. Heck, i even missed the fine print about the 70 bucks. But if I was a scammer, i would learn a very profitable lesson from my 15 minute experience with google master or whatever they called themselves.

Chuck Turner
Sandy, US
Jun 30, 2009 9:25 pm EDT

The stylesheet for is at: is owned by EdgeCast Networks Inc:

EdgeCast Networks Inc. is headquartered in Los Angeles, California with operations in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. All sales and customer support are handled from our headquarters. Please review the following contact information so to best direct your inquiry:


Toll-Free (in USA)
877-EDGE-CDN or [protected]
Direct [protected]
Fax [protected]


Customer Support
Media Inquiries
Investment Inquiries

Company Address

EdgeCast Networks Inc.
11620 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 101
Los Angeles, California 90025
United States of America is registered to a PO Box in Utah:
Brian Jensen
P.O. Box 910521
St. George, UT 84791
Phone: [protected]

The merchant goes on a blacklist as a result of too many chargebacks - not the customer - so their 'threat' is a false one.

Seattle, US
Jul 01, 2009 12:43 am EDT

I am so lucky I read the terms and conditions before anything.
I am thankful.

Seattle, US
Jul 01, 2009 12:44 am EDT


Choctaw, US
Jul 01, 2009 3:47 pm EDT

I guess I became a statisitc too... I fell for the Google name and logo. Little did I know that it was all just another ponzy scheme to rob all the hardworking individuals who are just looking for honest opportunity to make little extra change. Anyways, i am glad i visited this website right after I signed up for the so called Free Trial and I have emailed all the respective companies (3 to be exact) that I had signed up for. I hope that I wont be charged three $72+change to my bank account. Watch out for these swindlers...

London, GB
Jul 01, 2009 3:58 pm EDT

Yes its a scam i paid and soon after my confirmation they said they will charge me £35. And now i cant cancel it.

Des Moines, US
Jul 04, 2009 4:01 pm EDT

I'll bet 99.9999% of those who signed up for this did NOT read the fine print.

You deserve what you get.

Clinton Townshio, US
Jul 05, 2009 10:14 pm EDT

I saw these ads on the site.
Is Microsoft sooooo desperate to make money that they would concede to advertising scams on their news site? Yes, these are definite scams, always FULLY read the small print before handing out your CC number.

Lake Elsinore, US
Jul 06, 2009 4:05 pm EDT

i saw the add on both and why would these people advertise for this scam. I was recently layed off and it is very difficult to find a job in southern california right now. So i figured why not look into making money online. Yeah, i read this and i have decided not to sign up for this scam.

Chuck Turner
Sandy, US
Jul 06, 2009 6:25 pm EDT

Laredo, US
Jul 07, 2009 8:02 pm EDT

I am in the same situation. I tried calling and its busy then someone answered and gave me 3 other customer care numbers. I haven't even received the email confirmation nor the cd yet.

San Diego, US
Jul 08, 2009 12:17 pm EDT

Please people - this is a scammmmmmmmmmm DO NOT DO IT.

Houston, US
Jul 11, 2009 6:57 pm EDT

I purchases one of these google kits via my paypal, on 6/30/09, then today I noticed that took 79.90 from my paypal account. So I am filling a complain to dispute the charges with paypal.


PS dont buy any of these clams on how to make money cia google, just go to google yourself and look at how to ad the banners to your site.

nick jarrett
Bellevue, US
Jul 13, 2009 11:11 pm EDT

I did not fall victim to this scam. I almost did. I found the link no I sent them an email via their contact us link on their site explaining what we have all learned her. I urged them to contact me as well as provide them a link to this blog. I can only hope that they will help with attaining the whereabouts of this scam. My instincts tell me it is overseas, Africa, where the incresing number of these scams are being conducted.

Passaic, US
Jul 16, 2009 12:20 pm EDT

i have same problem use and right away call 800 number is nothing oh poor and get email and try email to them cant send it how solve problem for that ?

Passaic, US
Jul 16, 2009 12:21 pm EDT

i have same problem scam web site how to stop it for charge im try call them nothing there

Jul 16, 2009 3:01 pm EDT

Total scam guys! When you are about to sign up for your free kit read the bottom of that page. It does say that you will have a trial period...then it does go on to say that you will be charged a monthly fee. Come on...we all know the saying 'If it sounds too good to be true it probably is"...Thank goodness I didn't give out my credit card number!

jaj 11670
Felixstowe, GB
Jul 17, 2009 10:34 am EDT

Low signup fee, other monster charges hidden far down the sign up page.
No way to unsubscribe.
Impossible to contact via the help line number.
Third party web companies dipping into your account.
The only way to stop the thieving was to report the credit card used to sign up as lost stolen, this cancels its use and blocks any future activities.
(Be warned, simply put, this is a theft scam, clever, stealthy but simply a group of thieves taking your money) dont do it.

Jul 19, 2009 8:46 am EDT

Thanks 4 the info ! I was looking 4 some extra money.Since I got pregnant, and had to " quit" my job... haha . I'm so green in this area . Wahjobseeker, don't waist Ur energy on dummies, cause 2morro, they may have a car accident and be disable as well . Even if somebody it is lazy, it's the person business. I thought, this page was create to help each other, not for some smart apples, w/o a life . Thanks again :)

mahchester, GB
Jul 22, 2009 3:15 am EDT

It is certainly a scam. The snapshots they show are of Adsence and there is no product like Google Money Master at all. Check out this sleasy site promoting something which does not exist.

I just hope Google wakes up to these buggers and wacks them for using its name for a scam.

San Bruno, US
Aug 09, 2009 5:49 pm EDT

I saw this add and thought it was to good to be true. So I googled(The irony using the search site to find the scam about the site.) Oh well thank you for all your honest feedback about the scam and I as a hard working american am truly sorry for your loss of funds. I hope google does something about this. The site that nearly got me was This site looked so legit until I clicked on the San Diego Tribune news link and it took me to the sign up link for the money kit. Everyone beware do researh before you sign up for anything. You are at a computer might as well take a second to google something your not sure about.

Newport, US
Aug 16, 2009 10:05 pm EDT

Hi L,
I did not fall for the scam, because I did a Google search on this product since the website said ‘As seen on CNN”. Thus, I figured that I should be able to find some info on it on CNN’s website or something. Instead, what I found was this blog and I’m glad I decided to research it before entering my credit card info.

Anyway, while I did not fall for the scam and can’t tell you how the charges appear on the bank statement, I think I may have some useful info for you. What made the whole thing so tempting is that I saw a headline on, which took me to an article from the San Francisco Daily News, both of which are legitimate sources.
The link to the San Francisco Daily News article is:

Aug 22, 2009 10:19 pm EDT

Hi I was just reading your comments, I was going to sign up for the Google member kit. but I think I better keep checking it out.

Karen Gonzales
Pacifica, US
Aug 23, 2009 11:01 am EDT

so I entered my credit card for the 1.95 google cash kit but it was giving me an error to read the agreement. I couldn't find the agreement. I hope for some reason they don't have access to my card now even though it didnt' go through? Has anyone else had this issue?
Deeply concerned,

Minneapolis, US
Aug 27, 2009 4:13 pm EDT

Stop payments on any further transactions,
cancel your card if necessary.
good grief, you would think google would object to this use of their name.
this "company" should be prosecuted.
or worse.

Chula Vista, US
Sep 08, 2009 8:52 pm EDT

that happened to me too...i called them and then the guy who answered the phone said he cant do anything about it and that i can't have my $49.84 back...this company doesn't have any conscience to take money just like that...i know its not a lot but i work hard for that money and that i don't have that much...its ridiculous...

Laurel, US
Sep 28, 2009 1:36 pm EDT

All Of the Google stuff is not real you can't make money doing anything pretaing to GOOGLE! I know I signed up for a FEE of $1.97 and it told me before I singed up that once I did then I would be ready to go and fill out forms and paste websites that's all I had to do to start makeing money, well when I got thru paying for it, , , it sent me to a WEBNAIRS thing where you can hear recordings of people who make money, , that's not what it said and thats not what I signed up for! So if anybody says you can make money doing it, , then they probably work for the company who is scamming people out of money! Don't fall for anything, , Make sure you go to WWW.BBB.ORG first and make sure the company is with them first and read all the reviews before you sign up with anybody! I have wasted so much money and so much of my talk time trin to cancel things with people who say you can make money doing this! DO NOT DO IT!

Oct 05, 2009 11:13 pm EDT

Please dont mess out with this frauded scam. I already registered, cancel your credit card.

Murray, US
Oct 26, 2009 10:52 am EDT

I signed up for this and didn't get to going through the kit they sent me right away. The kit took almost 3 weeks to get here and by the time I did go through it I realized I didn't need any of the information they provide because I already have saving plan and debt process that's working for me. Then when I checked my bank they charged over $70 for the 2 monthly subscriptions to manage money. I waited another month to see what would happen and again another $70 withdrawal. I called several times and couldn't get through for the 15 minutes that I waited. Finally I called today and left it on speaker while doing other things and finally got to customer service after 30 minutes of waiting. They gave me a cancellation code. Hopefully I won't see that charge again next month. The idea seemed reasonable for making money and saving money, but if it takes that long to get to customer service I don't want to do business with them.