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Leon's Furniture

Leon's Furniture review: Buyer beware with leons! 47

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I will never again purchase from the Darmtouth store of Leons. I bought a washer/dryer and pedstals. The washer wasn't working properly from day one. I called the idiot sales rep who said that they don't take back washers, I had to go directly to Whirpool to have it repaired! IMAGINE, not even one day of having it working and I, the VALUED customer had to get repair service! It still isn't working properly and they wont take it back. I am lodging a complaint with consumer affairs on the issue. Doesn't seem fair to me that a new appliance cannot be returned and of course, Leons DOES NOT STATE THAT ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Trust me, they are so BUYER BEWARE.

The pedestals arrived a week late and the delivery chaps wouldn't install them. Said that the sales rep should have informed me of this during the purchase, which he did not. Imagine having to lift a 150lb washer to install pedstals? How does Leons expect a single mother to accomplish that?

BUYER BEWARE WITH LEONS! What a scam they are running.

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Jun 11, 2007 10:59 am EDT

I just wanted to let you know that the warranty offered on appliances are ALWAYS to fix the problem. That does not mean it is a final sale. What it means is that you have one year warranty for parts and labor and that if there's a problem with your appliance, somebody will come at your home and change the piece that is causing the problem. This is not a Leon's Furniture exclusive! It's the warranty offered by most serious retailers. If you find a retailer that is willing to take back any item that presents a problem like yours, it means that they will probably fix the problems themselves and resale the item to another customer. Which then means that the appliance that you purchased might have been to another customer's house before, was damaged, fixed, and than sold back to you. I'm not sure that's much better.

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Sep 05, 2007 9:46 am EDT

Actually Marie, I think that IS better considering the customer right now has a washer that DOESN'T WORK! If the machine's problems are repaired without the customer having to suffer and wait then the customer is happy. It sounds to me like you're a rep from Leons who is happy to have the salesperson's commission stay in their pocket and the repair costs to stay off Leon's books so that Leon's is happy. And yes, that does sound like how most 'serious' retailers do it - it's about the business these days, not the customer. What a disappointment that anyone would respond with a backwards comment like that - as if a fixed appliance vs. a non-working one is a bad thing!

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Sep 13, 2007 7:31 am EDT

I absolutly agree, the applinace should have been taken back, even though they say that it is under manu. warrenty, they have agreements with stores to take back the product if it is within lets say 14-30 days within purchase and it is defective.
I would have made sure they took it back, go to the General Manager and if that does not work, then I would have gone to head office.
I have had defective products and Leon's has always taken them back and replaced it, they even through in gift certificates for my troubles.

Busy Jenny
Belleville, CA
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Sep 27, 2007 2:01 pm EDT

I don't nor have I ever worked at the Dartmouth store, however I have been a salesperson in the appliance dept. at a Leons store. The final bill that you sign at the counter states that Leons is not authorized to return items. Now, this is not Leon's doing it is the manufacturer's doing. If it can be fixed, they want to fix it. I don't work with Leon's anymore and have seen many people in your position. Unfortunately, Leon's "boss" are the manufacturer's, we have to have a return authorization from the manufacturer in order to return it and they won't give us that until a technician takes a look at it.

Matt Lambert
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Nov 01, 2007 12:09 pm EDT

I've met two liars who work at that particular Leon's... top notch customer service! Will never purchase from Leon's again.

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Nov 04, 2007 9:55 am EST

I purchased a 55" tv, a table and chairs set and a sofa/chair set... the tv was a floor model when i got it, scratches and wear included, when i had purchased a brand new model, the table and 3 of the 4 chairs had to be returned because of scratches and dings... the chair was delivered but the sofa took almost a full month to get, the tv took well over two months by the way to get a used, floor model, i bought an lg mini system there later the same week which has been nothing but a complete piece of garbage. The Dartmouth Leons store is absolute crap, I would never deal with them again if they were the last furniture place on the planet.. oh, and to top it off when the leather chair was delivered the delivery guy said he didnt have time to unwrap it then he asked if he could use my bathroom, went in and took a ###. Great service hey? The whole store may as well have took a ### on my floor for the quality of their merchandise and service.

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Mar 01, 2008 8:32 am EST

My son just purchased a 50" plasma HD tv from Leons, after a couple of days he noticed lines and colours all wrong. He called the store for an immediate exchange as it was less than a week.

The store stated all sales are final on electronics but within 72 hrs they'd have exchanged it!

At NO time during purchase was he told all sales are final!

He contacted the manufacturer who insisted Leons were responsible to replace a defective product within 30 days but leons refused. had he bought from Future Shop he'd have got an immediate exchange!

Buyers beware! Go to a reputable dealer to buy appliances and electronics!

My son ( and myself) has spent thousands at Leons but NEVER again! Poor customer service like this will result in our family boycotting this store.

joanne macpherson
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May 26, 2008 1:41 pm EDT

I join the many customers who will never shop at Leons again. I bought nearly $6000 worth of appliances and chairs at the Leons in Truro, NS. Same story as posted, my new whirlpool washer arrived with a cracked pump and Leons pushed me over to the Whirlpool repair hotline, where I've now waited one month, with no resolution. Leons seems to have a policy of doing nothing but blame the manufacturer when in fact they are profiting off these problems, keeping our money, leaving us without the product purchased. To add insult to injury, the sales rep at Leons pressured me hard to take the extended warranty on the appliances, telling me this additional $465 cost would avoid this very situation. Leons has not offered me anything whatsoever for being without a washer all this time. Buyer definately beware.

Joyce Jackson
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Jul 02, 2008 8:48 am EDT

I, like the many other customers will never shop at Leon's again. We purchased a mattress and box springs 3 years ago but already the mattress is sagging. My husband and I both wake up with sore backs everyday. I have been dealing with Leon's in Woodstock, Ont. for over a month - trying to get someone to come and look at it. I keep getting met with the excuse that they are combining warehouses and do not have time to do service calls! Believe me - I will never" have time" to step back in that store either. Their service is appalling! Upon talking to other people in the area I am not alone. The next time I am shopping for furniture(which will be soon) I will be returning to help "the little guy" (not Leon's) .

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Aug 07, 2008 10:56 am EDT

i too has been very dissapointed with leons i purchase bedroom set ..the board at the back has been swellon ..i reported it ..promise to fix it has been 1 year and to no avail..very very disppointed

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Sep 09, 2008 3:55 pm EDT

Well we got a whirlpool washer also..and after have done THREE washes we get a F which means you have to call service...yeah right!...after 3 washes!..we had also decided seeing as though my partner is handicapped and cannot do huge bending or reaching due to long term injuries..this machine was not suitable..the drum being too deep. We informed leons of this..the sales rep/the manager..etc..etc..seeing a pattern?..and told them we would like to exchange it for a washer of the same value but one that was more accomodating to my partner..the reply basically being...NO!.. they do not take back used items...yeah right thats why they have a section for marked down stuff thats been returned!..strange huh?...and we could only exchange it for same model..HELLO WHAT PART OF NOT SUITABLE DONT YOU GET?.. anyway on top of all this we had some wanna be dep manager belittle my partner and make her feel like she was stupid..(hence i called and made a serious complaint to manager who did NOTHING!) after all this we cancelled the rest of our order which was another 2500 dollars. In short leons only cares about the sale...not the customers...or their grabbing, heartless, and sneaky...they only informed us of the not return policy after we mentioned returning it..then they tell us our sales rep is away for ten days...funny..we called 4 days later and hes there! makes you wonder what kind of company they are running...its no better than the black market...SO BEWARE ANYONE THINKING OF BUYING ANYTHING FROM THIS COMPANY...PRODUCTS MAY LOOK NICE BUT PRONE TO FALL APART OR CEASE TO FUNCTION...NO CUSTOMER SATIFACTION GUARANTEE...BASICALLY THEY WILL TELL YOU TO GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY!.

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Sep 11, 2008 10:04 am EDT

mmm..they do impose alot of pressure and upselling techniques at the Dartmouth Leons. I purchased a sofa chair set and upon delivery, which they did not unwrap, we noticed a signifigant tear in the leather on the corner of the chair. I called and spoke to their product manager and she advised me of my options. 1. receive some money back for a defect 2. have someone come and repair it.
I then advised her of my decision 1. I paid for chair that was not ripped, and they would take it back and give me one that was suitabe and undamaged.
She procedeed to tell me that the furniture comes from away and during shipping...
I indicated that this was not my concern, it was their issue and insisted on a new chair..which I received.
I suggest they start standing by the products they sell and providing more civilized customer service. Stand up for your rights as a consumer and don't back down!

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Sep 26, 2008 11:34 am EDT


There are some things in your message that I would like to clarify. The "markdown center" you mentioned is for Damaged product that Leon's has that has been damaged through shipping or general wear and tear of being on the sales floor as well as old and discontinued stock. It is NOT an area for returned product because it is illegal to take a product back and sell it under the impression of being new and Leons is not a second hand store that sells second hand merchandise.

Secondly you actually have no way of knowing whether or not that department supervisor was reprimanded for attitude or not, you wernt there for any conversation between the manager and the other person.

Lastly at what point does the accountability fall upon you as the consumer to think about the purchase before you make it. A sales person can sell any product but only YOU know how well it is going to fit into your lifestyle and needs. I understand how frusterating it is to have made a purchase that doesnt end up being as beneficial as you expected, some avenues that you can try is to call the manufacturer and see what they can do for you. Manufacturers put limitations on companies that dictate what they can or cannot do with damaged or used merchandise. So perhaps the manufacturer can find a more suitable replacement for you, if that option doesnt work I would suggest making a personal sale of the washer that doesnt work for you and then purchase one that does.

I think we all need to remember that every business in this world has a bottom line, and every businesses bottom line is to make money, making money and careing about customers are not mutually exclusive and yet because a company cannot do everything it would like for a customer or fix every problem that arises doesn't mean that they dont care. All businesses have rules and guidelines made by a higher power and at some levels our hands are just tied and sometimes its keeping in mind that people arent out to get you or make your day terrible or rip you off and sometimes its simply just how the cookie crumbles.

Babba Kinisky
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Dec 27, 2016 10:16 pm EST
Replying to comment of Cassandra

Really, you are saying that Leon's does not sell to its consumer used products. Give your head a shake man. We paid for a brand new rug, never unrolled it as some company Leons had hired to put a stain resistant solution on it was delayed a week. The day they called and said they were able to come over and apply their product. Great, we can finally enjoy our new rug. In order to save time for the company, I unrolled the rug. There was crap all over it. Sparkles, gravel, stains, lint and dirt. It was disgusting! I called and they refused to do anything about it. No returns they said. I didn't give up, I called back again and again. They said they could come and steam clean it for us, I told them I am not interested in a used rug, we paid for a new one. They said they would give us a store credit, but really, after this runaround and getting a used rug delivered, who in their right mind would want to purchase anything else for them. I declined that offer so then they asked that I send in pictures. So I did. Still waiting to hear from them. So don't be saying that Leon's doesn't sell used goods. They sure the h*ll do. We dropped $14, 000.00 at that store in one shot. We are cancelling the orders we have not received yet and keeping the crap that has already been delivered. We are splashing our discontent all over social media "Buyer Beware!" We are getting in touch with the ombudsman, our local PM, newspaper and who ever will tell our story to the public. They have no morals, no pride, nothing. Just get the all mighty $$$$ and forget the consumer. Totally disgusting!

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Oct 05, 2008 5:51 pm EDT

I was married into the Leon clan. Now I'm Disability and living in a rooming house in crack head Scarborough. Mean while my poor ex-wife Cindy Leon takes 50% of my WSIB. You your try living on $ 585 dollars a month after 400 rent. How do you expect them to treat there customers.


Tommaso Petrella
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Oct 28, 2008 11:12 am EDT

I bought a sofa and chair combo and when it was dlivered the guys said if they could just leave it because they were running late and if I could unpackage it. I asked if it would be possible to return if there were any problems. They said I have three days, so I said okay just leave it and I'll unpackage it myself. I thought what could possibly be wrong with a new item such as furniture that is material. Well I opened it and the sofa was fine but the chairs back was broken and the fabric was not lined up properly. I tried for hours to get a hold of customer service with multiple calls. No one would answer and no one would call back. I finally got angry and the receptionist finally went and got someone. They said they would take care of it but after a week I called back to see if they had everything in order just to make sure. Same problem, no one would answer customer service. I went there just to see how busy they really were and no customers were there at all! I just went home because I was so angry and didn't want to snap at anyone. I still have not talked with anyone and I have been trying for three days! I guess I will have to go back and contain my temper. I will never purchase from them again.

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Oct 31, 2008 2:00 pm EDT

I spent $2000 at Leon's on 2 night tables, bed with headboards, footboards, rails, dresser, mirror, leather chair, and leather cocktail table.

Same guys come, and ask that I unpack some things because they are running late. Not a big deal...until...

I unbox the leather chair and leather cocktail table. The chair had a rip in the leather, and the table had a smashed corner. So I called Customer Support (who is actually very kind and helpful). They brought me an undamaged leather chair the following week.

But..the table. What a hassle! In total, 6 (SIX) tables over a period of 2.5 weeks and 5 of them were severely damaged. It actually got so bad, that I began going to their warehouse to inspect things BEFORE they delivered them. We actually pulled boxed apart trying to find undamaged ones. Finally I got one, and then they gave me 2.5% of my total order (a mere $50...which oddly enough IS their hidden delivery fee).

I doubt I would buy from them again. I have a $100 gift card from them, but I thin I will just sell it on kijij.

Scarborough (Toronto), CA
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Feb 27, 2009 1:20 am EST

you're an idiot.
You should have taken the extended warranty the sales associate offered you, and don't say he/she didn't because Leon's is very aggresive when it comes to these things.
I love shopping at Leon's, and it's reasons like this I always buy the extended serivce, just for a piece of mind you know? Who spends all that money on a Ferrarri and can't afford the gold gas? Stick with top loaders next time. Why are you so cheap to buy it? Those machines used to come with it, and now manufacturers are screwing everyone over with all this 0 quality control in their assembly plants, do some homework and read consumers reports once in awhile before making any purchases, it's such a life saver.
Who spends $2000.00 on a laundry set and can't afford $249.00 for a 5 year warranty? I bet you financed it too, you wouldn't have had to pay for anything that day.
Use that brain next time big guy ;)
Have a good day, I'll pray for you.

Mad Former Customer
Toronto, CA
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Feb 27, 2009 4:21 pm EST

Leon's treats their customers very badly. Leon's sells the names of their customers to groups such as Citi Financial. Citi Financial then spams the people on the mailing list with credit offers and "Express Loan Certificates".

There is an agreement at the bottom of each Leon's invoice that asks the customer to authorize the release of their personal information. I did NOT sign this letter but my name and mailing address were sold anyway.

This message is an attempt to warn other people against giving their personal information to Leon's. The statement at the bottom of the Leon's invoice reads:

"I/We acknowledge the purchase above and authorize LEON's to retain and use the information provided to facilitate purchases and offer additional products, services, advertising and solicitations."

As I said, my information was sold even though I did not sign this form.

refuse to buy junk
lloydminister, CA
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Sep 17, 2009 4:22 pm EDT

Thanks for the usefull info, I have never yet bought anything from Leon's and now never will. I can't stand business's that blame manufacture's for not taking something back. Leaving it to the poor consumer with a family to feed to eat up the cost when Leon's itself is making multi millions of profit in a year.

refuse to buy junk
lloydminister, CA
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Sep 17, 2009 4:23 pm EDT


dining room furniture
Markham, CA
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Feb 18, 2010 9:42 am EST

my son bought a diningroom table and chairs set and a few other pieces of furniture.He got a great price, the best we could find. That's nearly two years ago. We are very happy with our purchages. We have nothing to complain about. It was great quality at a great price. We will only shop at Leons in the future

Calgary, CA
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Jun 19, 2010 4:17 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I bought only one brand to match all my appliances, the price match is no true, Leon's got them $90 more than the competition. The manager told me to bring him proof with serial number, price, model etc on a Trail Appliances paper, The price I didn't care, what upsets me is that they tried to rip me off. After purchasing new appliances set to deliver 3 days after, received the stove, washer and dryer. No fridge, they run out! the salesman call me telling me that they will give me the floor model or open box at the same price. I said NO! I paid for new appliances not used, damage or floor models! They had the courage to tell me to pick a different brand or model, I refused because they didn't have a MATCHING FRIDGE! They could care less, customer service sucks! the girls in the store beside rude they didn't care, they told me to decide what I want and she walked away... Tried to return the appliances, they said NO! 3 weeks later delivered my fridge in the mean time I had to buy a small fridge. No next time for this careless company name LEON'S the cheap turns expensive!

Edmonton, CA
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Oct 05, 2010 8:24 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My son just bought a defective bent frame 55inch 3D television. He was having his basement refinished and did not get to hanging it for a week and Leons have sent him to Japan Video a service rep for Samsung. They would not exchange because of the 3 day policy> This cannot be right, where is the fair trades act in all these complaints. Time for action people, boycott Leons for bad customer service to say the least>

North York (Toronto), CA
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Feb 07, 2011 6:30 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

anyone know where to send a complaint other then the site or store. I have sent both and I am not getting nowhere

Whirlpool Washer
Dartmouth, CA
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Sep 12, 2011 1:13 pm EDT

whirlpoolwasher and dryer, bought 6 months ago, paid cash, is garbage! had washer looked at twice, still not working right, as usual LEONS tells me to call whirlpool, when something is not working right, U SHOULD BE ABLE TO RETURN IT! WELL IT IS GOING TO BE RETURNED, I'M DROPPING IT OF TO-DAY MY BOYS ARE COMING 4 IT, AND I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL I GET MY MONEY BACK, I HAD ENOUGH OF THERE CRAP.

Niagara Falls, CA
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Jan 25, 2012 4:48 pm EST

Have dealt with Leons for about 20 years. Live in different area now and have nothing but problems with purchases over last 3 years. This company has gone downhill as far as quality. Perhaps their Purchasers should be taking a second look at who they buy from if items are always damaged or poorly made. I'm not interested in their products anymore. I want 'peace of mind' that they say in their policy. But if something is going to break or is already broken, then frustration is placed on the customer, where's the peace of mind? They used to stand behind their products, now they are only concerned about profits. After 20 years I will Not be buying from them again. Pride is passe. And Customer Service is an oxymoron. And sadly it's not just Leons.

Niagara Falls, CA
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Jan 25, 2012 5:04 pm EST

Have dealt with Leons for many many years. Live in different area now and have nothing but problems with purchases over last 3 years. This company has gone downhill as far as quality. Perhaps their Purchasers should be taking a second look at who they buy from if items are always damaged or poorly made. I'm not interested in their products anymore. I want 'peace of mind' that they say in their policy. But if something is going to break or is already broken, then frustration is placed on the customer, where's the peace of mind? They used to stand behind their products, now they are only concerned about profits. After many years of happy purchases, getting quality I paid for, I will Not be buying from them again. Pride, quality and workmanship are passe. Customer Service is an oxymoron unless you are up for a drawn out battle to eventually get what you should have gotten in the first place. And sadly it's not just Leons. Some will fight some will not. They bank on the 'will nots'. And Prozac sales increase. Happy shopping. I hope Papa Leon isn't rolling over in his grave.

Edgar Mercado
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Mar 18, 2022 7:30 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Popsy

I agree with you 100%. They should follow Costco's business model(100% satisfaction or your money back)

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Mar 31, 2012 12:01 pm EDT

Check your receipts as well, when buying stuff at leons. Do your own calculations coz, "for some reason" they're charging more tax! We bought a furniture, price was $398 with a 5% tax, it should cost us $417.90, buy their till says $427.85. A difference of $9.95, we told the sales man and he talked to one if the supervisor (i think) and she gave us a refund but she wasn't happy about it! She didn't even apologize, she didn't even looked at us. And yeah, they don't tell you the sale was final, we decided to return one of our puchases coz it didn't fit, the product was still in the box, not open! ( we bought 2 ) they didn't give us a refund, they just gave us a store credit! So, yeah, beware of them! Especially on charging tax!

Mississauga, CA
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Oct 02, 2012 11:01 pm EDT

In regards to your washer and dryer complaint, Leon's approach was completely valid and within there policies and procedures. When you purchase an appliance or electronic from Leon's, the first year warranty is covered under the manufacturer (in this case Whirlpool). Any further warranties purchased comes into play AFTER that one year. We inform the customer when they call into make a complaint to our service staff that they call the toll free number of the manufacturer to set up an appointment for a Whirlpool technician to come out and inspect the model. From there, if there is nothing able to fix the malfunctioning product Whirlpool will set up an exchange of the same model through Leon's. Leon's doesn't disconnect and connect appliances under our policy due to liability issues, and we don't install the appliances as well. In regards to refunds, we do not sell on approval basis (that is in your signed document you should have received at the date of purchase) meaning that just because you do not like the "look" we will not return it. If the appliance malfunctions after the one year manufacturing warranty and you have not purchased an extended warranty we are unable to help you. If you have we will send out a technician and if nothing can be done we will do an exchange.

I work at Leon's Furniture and no I am not a "representative" coming to invite you back to Leon's. I understand your complaint but no the customer is not always right. Employees of any company must follow their policies and procedures put in place to not only protect them but the customer as well. I suggest the next time you sign a document you read it and not blame the company due to your ignorance.

Fredericton, CA
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Dec 09, 2012 11:26 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I purchased a 55'' LG Smart tv from Leons as a part of a larger order. I picked the tv up and for some reason I had to wait (I found out the reason why after) anyways while I was waiting I wanted to show a friend the model of tv that I had bought and noticed the floor model television was not there, my friend laughed and said that was the one I was probably getting. I asked the salesperson if they were in fact giving me the floor model, she said, "no, someone else came in and got that earlier." I told her again that I did not want the floor model and she assured me again that I was getting a "brand new from the manufacturer tv." So I ended up getting it home and when I opened the box I noticed half of the packaging from the top of the box was gone, all the bags for the remote and other hardware were opened and not even taped up, half of it was at the bottom of the box in a mess, the surfaces for everything was smudged with finger prints and scratches. I called the saleswoman back, the same one who had assured me that it wasn't the floor model who promptly placed the blame on someone else and pretty much choked on her words for 5 minutes making excuses ... I'm fine with someone passing blame, BUT the fact that she worked in the store and had full knowledge of them giving me a floor model and then lying to my face, that's not very good, and even worse didn't even apologize once. So now here I am waiting again. They deliver the rest of the 3 thousand dollar order 3 days from now, but I'm on the verge of cancelling if I don't get some satisfaction out of this.

Fran Ettinger
Truro, CA
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Mar 05, 2013 2:44 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just bought a dishwasher (Frigidaire) from the Leon's store in Truro, along with two leather recliners, totally almost $2000. This particular brand of dishwasher has problems with the top spinner which fell off during the first load.The store's attitude leaves a lot to be desired, no apology or compensation etc. Instead we were referred to Fundy Appliances to get a new part ordered and repaired. The total time to get the dishwasher up and running was 19 days. I had to make four phone calls and two visits to get the job done. We just moved here from Manitoba and are not used to this type of service. We definately will NOT be buying the rest of our furniture from Leon's. I sure hope there are better stores to be found locally who have better ethics and customer service.

take it away
Stevensville (Fort Erie), CA
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Nov 05, 2013 1:11 pm EST

Bought new Samsung double door fridge from Leons in Welland On which was delivered Sept 17/13. Have had problems with fridge staying cold since delivery. Factory reps from Samsung out twice since then, replaced parts, and problem persists, but the most irritating part is the way we are treated on the phone, not only by Samsung, but Leons themself, like we are stupid and don't matter, we do not seem to be important enough to be treated with a modicum of respect, after all, we are the customer. We have repeatedly been lied to by both Leons and Samsung, we also asked for a replacement and were refused.We are getting concerned with the eating the food from the fridge, as the thermostate we put in the fridge is frequently in the spoil zone, and have actually had over a hundred dollars of food spoiled. Leons your customer sevice sucks, Samsung so does yours. When we told Leons we were going to complain to the consumer affairs, they said "go ahead" BUYER BEWARE!

Welland, CA
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Jun 04, 2014 9:52 pm EDT

I can see Samsung having poor customer service on their fridges, seems as though they have had tat exact same issue with them since they got into the appliance market - I know a Samsung fridge repairman who is way busier than he should be.

That being said, I just bought a washing machine from the welland store and it arrived today with a giant dent right above the main dial - as if something very heavy fell on top of it (my guess is that the load on the truck was not secure. They are delivering a replacement on friday, we will see how this plays out.

Leamington, CA
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Nov 18, 2014 11:57 am EST

We purchased a (supposted to be genuine leather) couch and reclining chair. Along with purchasing the premium leather kit for $210.
Its now not even 4 years later and our 100% leather furniture is peeling off its backing. A100% leather would not do this. So now we have a couch and chair that aint worth a ###. Calling the store they sent a rep out to look at it and he said its not repairable as it is BONDED LEATHER. NOT REAL LEATHER that would last for years. After contacting leons there bull ### story ac complished nothing, telling me to contact the leather care people. Once again a song and dance with no satisfaction, lets pass the buck. Why purchase a complete care package with a 4 year warranty, when they dont cover jack ###. This company is nothing but a money grap and a load of crap.

Saint Catharines, CA
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May 27, 2015 5:20 pm EDT

People who buy things from Leons expect the products they bought are indestructible. Remember all things sold are man made, maybe some of us made it. Also, if you have a complaint be courteous and polite to the people you're talking to, they are just doing their job and sometimes they are like us have some situations in our life. Yes, they are in busines but they are human beings to. State your complaint nicely and for sure they will do their most effort to help you. I have bought so many things from Leons for the last 5 years, sometimes I have problem and they are there to resolve it right away, because I always say 'please' and 'thank you'. These 3 words goes a long way... Try it and you will never be sorry.

Edgar Mercado
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Mar 18, 2022 7:21 pm EDT
Replying to comment of GMH123456

I disagree completely. You are so naive.

Maria Shops
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Sep 28, 2015 12:34 pm EDT

We purchased a Samsung double door with the Water and Ice dispenser fridge 2 years ago with the extended warranty. All the plastic pieces inside are cracking or breaking apart. This model has the extra deep door shelves, all cracking. The top narrow shelf that supports one bag of milk, cracked too! I've removed each door shelf as they begin to crack, we are down to two. The main plastic shelf in the fridge that supports eggs, yogurt, and cheese is also cracked. The glass shelves however are all fine. We have a 2nd fridge that is 8 years old where we keep all our heavy bottles (sauces, ketchup, mustard, pickles, dressings, Milk, fruits, etc), no cracks or problems with that fridge. We called Leons today to get replacements, they advised they do no cover plastic. They said things do not just crack and there must be something we are doing (Yes, stocking food on them!). They told us to check the fine print on our extended warranty certificate, which we never, ever, received. They told us they would mail it out to us. And told that they cannot help us and that Samsung would not be able to help us. So we have a $3000 fridge but cannot really store food in 50% of it... such poor customer service, terrible product, no customer satisfaction, will never shop there again and will deter all friends and family from shopping there. Thank goodness for facebook and social networking! Buyers Beware!

V. Disatisfied
Mississauga, CA
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Jun 17, 2016 4:49 am EDT

Leon Furniture and Customer Service SUCK BIG TIME .
LEON FURNITURE IS VERY POOR QUALITY ! I spent over $7, 000 in a dinning set to have it received with numerous manufacturing defects. Not only that, when I sat on my expensive dinning chair, one leg broke in half, good thing by bones didn't.
After chasing them with phone calls, the customer service called back to tell me they are getting quotes from overseas to replace the broken chair and it will take 4- 6 weeks to replace the dinning table (the table has many white spots), in the meantime I can eat on the floor.
Leons are bunch of ###s, this is not the first time their product and customer service is below zero.
Once they convince you to spend your money, they simply don't care about YOU.
Message to LEoN's PRESIDENT: I hope you will go bankrupt very soon, you do not deserve to cash people's hard working dollars. We work hard for our money and want to enjoy the furniture we buy for our home, instead you SELL us a lot of aggravation and headaches. YOU ARE deceiving your clients to put money in your wallet ! WILL NEVER EVE BUY OR RECOMMEND YOUR PRODUCT TO ANYONE I KNOW. AMIN

Edgar Mercado
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Mar 18, 2022 7:19 pm EDT

I have similar experience with them. I hope they go bankrupt as well. Their management staff and employee luck experience and they're not honest people.

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Jun 17, 2016 4:55 am EDT

I Recently took delivery of a $11, 568.62 order and everything, and I mean EVERYTHING came damaged, even the appliances were dented up, furniture was dented, scratched, peeled. Everything looked old and used, some of the boxes looked opened and beaten up. The drivers trampled mud all inside my house and damaged my wood floor by dragging a huge stainless steele fridge across without anything under to prevent damage. When I called customer service, they sounded uninterested and told me that they will have to send a tech out to look and confirm the damage. Then they said after the tech confirms the damage they will give me 10% off to keep as is. I refused because I wanted my brand new furniture for my new home not damaged old furniture. They then aggressivley told me that then they will exchange it and that is the only thing else they can do. I was angry with how I talked to by a customer servicde rep named Sonia and so I asked to speak with the manager named Ashleigh and she said that she is on the phone and she will back, hours passed and no call back. I called back finally and apparently Ashleigh has a pefect schedule and leaves 5:00 on the dot. So the next day my husband went in and spoke with the manager and told her that he wants everything picked up and refunded, and she said that it was not an option and that we have to reselect or exchange and by her expression she could care less about our problem. I asked if I could look at it before they deliver and she said not we don't do that and that they are perfectly capable of doing it themselves. After having to take this problem to the General Manager they are willing to take it all back and refunding me and the Manager Ravi could not understand why the customer serviced manager created all this aggervasion when it was so simple to solve. The manager in the customer service is too young for this responsibility and can not take care of customer satisfaction, i have talked to many many people at work that have dealt with Leon's everywhere and 6 people agreed that the Brampton Leon's Customer Service is awful and the managers do not know what they are doing, I shopped there in the past when there were different managers and supervisors and did not have such problems, Leon's need to hire more capable customer service associates! Never Going to Be Shopping at BRampton Leon's AGAIN! I have told many many people not to go to that store. One person has ruined it for the entire store!

Edgar Mercado
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Mar 18, 2022 7:14 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Jennifer

Im writing to agree 100% with your decision of returning all your merchandise. I had a similar situation where I bought two night stands one of which was damage. It took them almost 5 months to order a replacement and when the replacement came to their store it was still damage. Now, they will be attempting to try deliver another replacement(fingers crossed) hope its not damaged.

On another note, I purchased a writing desk from them and have asked the manager if they can unboxed and inspect it prior to deliver. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and sure enough the desk is damaged. I then reached out to the manager who assured me that they'll take care of everything. Few hours later, a supervisor called me and wanted to arranged an exchange. From my frustation I requested they arrange a pick-up of the desk and demanded my money back. The supervisor in turn informed me that they cannot do that at point I'm already stress out from the back and forth and demanded that the manager calls me back promptly. Few minutes later, the supervisor calls and say they will give me a full refund only after they pick-up the desk.

My point to all this is, PLEASE do not buy anything from this store again. They do not take care of their clients. They will wait until you're fully stress and aggrevated until they cave. Unfortunate, that business like this still exist... so sad

Andrew S.
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Jun 17, 2016 4:55 am EDT

I absolutly agree with you, I was once waiting at the customer service desk and there was no one there, but I could hear laughing in the back room and it sounded like there were talking about other employees. I then had to knock at the door that was beside the customer service as that is where the laughing and talking was coming from and there were three girls sitting around eating. They looked stunned and I asked if someone can help me in customer service they all looked at eachother and one girl with glasses told the girl named Mandy to help me and she got up and rolled her eyes and said she was coming around. I was enquiring about the status on my parts order and she told me that there was not parts order for me and I was shocked, I placed that order with the Manager Ashley 5 weeks ago and was just popping in to see if it was in because I was in the area. She said she will order and then I asked how long would it take, she said 4-6 weeks! I was livid, and asked to speak with Ashley, she then came around in anger and said she was Ashley and told me basically that I was lying and that she is the manager and she does not order parts and even if she did happen to then it would be on order. I can tell you one thing, I strongly agree, ever sincde management changed in there, the department is unreliable. I had to talk to the store manager and she personally went to the warehouse and took parts from a new piece and gaved them to me and she apologized to me time after time, I told her that the manager in Customer Service is terrible and that the old management in there was more capable and talked a lot more respectfully then she did. I HAVE SINCE THEN TOLD EVERYONE THAT THEY SHOULD NOT SHOP AT LEON'S AND MANY PEOPLE HAVE AGREED AND TOOK THEIR MONIES ELSEWHERE.

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Oct 31, 2017 11:58 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I, like the many other customers will never shop at Leon's again. We purchased upright freezer Frigidaire from Leon:s Danforth Toronto after 10 days stop working when i call Leon"s to returned
they say i have to call the manufacture (Electrolux) for returned Leon:s say they can returned and till have a return authorization from the manufacturer in order to return it and they won't give us that until a technician takes a look at it. and they gave me phone number i have to find a technician my self after a week a technician came to my house he say a problem is A control -temperature after that i receive the part to my house and couldn't find a technician to put the part i purchased in Oct 3 2017 and now a freezer not working still

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