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MannaLife International

MannaLife International review: Scamming People with Lies 9

Author of the review
10:04 am EDT
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It says the Owner /CEO is Joesph Miller. This is a LIE . Dave McCabe is the Real Owner . Dave McCabe's Building, His Phones, His Warehouse, His everything. Dave McCabe screwed 13, 000 people in 3 MLM's so far . Start with LoCarb 5 in Largo Florida. Then Go Go for Life in Largo, Fl. Then BodyAlive International with TONY LITTLE of Home Shopping in Largo Florida.
Are you starting to see a Pattern here ?
I was there the entire time. Mr McCabe is not capable of ever Owning or Opperating an MLM ..He ruins every MLM he touches. Even Tony Little QUIT Dave McCabe.

Now he want you to join his New MLM MannaLife International as he HIDES Behind Joseph Miller. Joseph Miller CEO is no one you want to follow either. His ONLY Claim to fame is an MLM that The FEDS shut down called SeaSilver. Thousands lost on that SCAM TOO.

Then go look up URI LeBarron ...OUCH...More MLM Failure. Joe Miller worked for URI LEBARRON ... Interesting..
Go lookup URI International ..Failure. Then NURICHE owned by Uri Lebarron, Failure..Are you seeing this Picture Yet.

Now combine 3 Failed MLM by Dave McCabe & 2 Failed MLM's by URI Lebarron and Joseph Miller's failed SeaSliver.

You have a 6 TIMES LOSER in Management here !

Dave McCabe had Moldy Diet Cookies. Exploding Health, Go Go Drinks. Horrible Hoodia that didn't work . Burned Diet Coffee and so much more digrace ...The worst Packaging for 6 Years. A Compensation Plan that No one made any Money in..

There you have it.. Enough Facts to have you RUNNING for The HILLS in MannaLife International !

Update by JKHIII
Aug 11, 2010 10:37 pm EDT

Dear Nuriche Executives,

I have nothing against you at all at Nuriche . Especially if Joe Miller & Uri lebarron are GONE ! I wish you the Very Best of Success.

Uri Lebarron Increased the Main Products at URI INTERNATIONAL over 100% in one month and Tanked all the Leaders...Killed the Deal..

GREED as we finally got MOMENTUM started. Killed it in 1 month.. BAD BUSINESS ..FACTS Go Look...

He's no one I'll ever want in Management and guess who was The Customer Service Manager at the time..? Thats right JOE MILLER ! Now Joe Miller is CEO ...Right !

I'm GAGGING ! Joe Miller was in my left Power Leg of BodyAlive ...He only brought in 4 reps in 3 years.. So they Made him CEO ! FACTS !

I built a team of 13, 000 ...He brought in 4 reps made him CEO !

Good Luck..Facts.

You want more.. ?

I've got 5 years of with these guys...

We're in MagicPOWER Inc now.. The Best products.. all my Leaders that were here in bodyalive . I'll prove it.. anytime

Update by JKHIII
Aug 11, 2010 10:42 pm EDT

Someone needs to get TONY LITTLE the ex-owner of BodyAlive to tell the world here WHY HE LEFT Bodyalive as an OWNER with Dave McCabe ? Go to ask him..

You deserve the Honest answer.. FACTS TELL !

If he won't do Business here why would you ?

By the way Bodyalive turned into MannaLife International ...FACT ! Same office, Same everything including phone number.. Same IDIOTS !

You'll see.

Be well.

Update by JKHIII
Aug 14, 2010 5:49 am EDT

Please post all of your Nuriche SCAMS on their own Nuriche Scam Boards.. Not here Please. Thanks ..Especially if URI Lebarron & Joe Miller isn't there at Nuriche anymore .

This is a MannaLife International SCAM Board.


Update by JKHIII
Aug 14, 2010 6:27 am EDT

Uri LeBarron's OVERPRICED Organic Fruits & Veggie products have been in MANY MLM's ..

All about Money to Uri LeBarron when he more than DOUBLED his Price in 1 month on his Products in URI International ...

It's all about Money to Uri LeBarron especially now since he's Partnered with Dave McCabe - The Cheap, MLM FAILURE!

It's all about EGO for Dave McCabe to keep opening MLM's after RUINING 3 MLM of his own..Now # 4 MannaLife International .Time to QUIT Dave ..Not your Niche Buddy !

Get a Call on MannaLife.. RUN LIKE HECK ! Don't Look Back

Update by JKHIII
Aug 14, 2010 11:40 am EDT

Now I see why I didn't JOIN, The NURICHE MLM !

I asked that you keep this a MannaLife International Scam Board.. They don't listen nor do MOST MLM Owners.

Now you see why I quit MLM after 18 fulltime Years as a Top Distributor in 7 MLM Companies..

MLM Ownership SUCKS and NEVER Listens !

Thanks for Validating that here so well Nuriche Executive Team...

What a Joke !

Update by JKHIII
Aug 14, 2010 12:25 pm EDT

Thanks for the appology..
This is important with MLM Owners. Most never listen until the Field is Completely GONE !
Be well

Update by JKHIII
Aug 14, 2010 10:22 pm EDT

Imploded the company every time we got momentum about started. Bad Products.. Moldy Products, Exploding products, ran out of # 1 products for Many Months not weeks or days. The worst MLM of all time. We gave it to him on a Platter ..He still KILLED IT ! When Tony Little Leaves as an MLM Owner .. you know it's a Disaster !

Good Luck..

This Board did all it needs to do and thats expose Dave McCabe the REAL SCAM OWNER of MannaLife International

Now get the Heck off this Board all Nuriche MLMer's

Go make away .. remove your NURICHE Posts here.

Update by JKHIII
Aug 15, 2010 6:55 am EDT

Boy am I glad I passed on Nuriche when asked to transfer for FREE from URI International. ! !
Thanks !

I am a Pro...

After what Joe Miller did to me at URI International and he would've been my sponsor at NURICHE, I would've NEVER JOINED Nuriche ...


Joe MILLER is The Worst Networker, The Worst person to run Customer Service there is.

This certainly doesn't qualify JOE MILLER to run MANNALIFE INTERNATIONAL !

He isn't qualified to run Romper Room.. He was at SeaSilver in Management when they CLOSED THE DOORS !

This says it all about JOE !


Update by JKHIII
Aug 15, 2010 7:02 am EDT

Why won't the Ignorant NURICHE Idiots listen and go start a NURICHE SCAM Board and quit ruining this one..

Are you people on Drugs..? You certainly don't make sense...

I've ask poitely for you people to LEAVE this MannaLife Board ..

You NURICHE People are so RUDE! I'm so glad I never joined there... Thanks for saving me Time and reputation ..

Go away you rude NURICHE people !

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Nuriche Executives
Draper, US
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Aug 11, 2010 12:50 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Without comment on the remainder of the complaint, rest assured, Nuriche is doing well and is not to be confused with the activities of the individuals noted above. Nuriche is growing exponentially; Nuriche pays a 60% pure commission to its IBO channel without breakage to the company; Nuriche does not employ Uri LeBaron or Joe Miller; Nuriche has an expert and seasoned management team to lead the company; and, Nuriche is highly regarded in the market and seeing critical expansion with key leaders. Although Uri LeBaron and Joe Miller were involved in the beginning of the company, the interests of these individuals became contrary to that of the company and they left. Since their departure, they have formed MannaLife and have no further involvement in Nuriche.

Dead Juice Guy
Las Vegas, US
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Aug 11, 2010 1:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I don't know who Dave McCabe is, but I do know Joe, Uri, Uri International and Nuriche.

I don't care for Joe but Uri Lebaron is a phenomenal formulator.

Uri International did not fail. It re-branded as Nuriche in March of 2009.

Nuriche has not failed and is growing at a rapid pace.

This poster obviously has an issue with Dave but is way out of line with his observations of Uri, Uri International and Nuriche.

Perkins Coie
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Aug 14, 2010 5:18 am EDT

Nuriche LLC is currently selling products that do not match the label! All employees at Cedar City have had to sign a non disclosure agreement. The main product Live consist of 63 percent less whole Live food as they claim and more filler non organic Apple-Pear and Celery.

They are a scam and Independent testing has proved it. Further more the other products have issues as well The Guarana Seed extract is not extract but straight Guarana Causing IBS in many people. The Phyto charge is not the former Feast super charge and independent certified labs have confirmed that Beyond berries is missing a few major elements and over run with others to shave cost.

Further more current company memos are offering false fraudulent information claiming that an over run of TO GO bottles has happened and they are back ordered. The reality is they had a unpaid Bill and are hurting finically.

Greed has been the motive and the true Leadership of David Parker has surfaced and full Legal action is in process and within a Year Nuriche will be nothing but a bunch of legal prospects fully exposed on CNN and appropriate media, Because a True Billionaire is Ticked that he paid for product and it is fraudulent.

If you desire True whole Live food Contact Liqua-Dry and obtain a list of Good companies they supply to acquire non diluted product that before cost 6.50 to produce. Currently the same product cost 2.87 to produce because of the apple pear celery filler.
With distributor cost at 50 dollars whole sale, do the math!

Nuriche claims every thing is ok with a new distributor of Hispanic decent that moved several hundred people from another venture. They are the Ship of fools-watch the Law suits Fly.

For authentication of this article feel free to contact me directly.

Nuriche Executive Team
Draper, US
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Aug 14, 2010 10:15 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear Perkins Cole,

We are sorry that you feel as you do and it is apparent that you may have had some negative experiences with those who preceded the current Nuriche team. Your information is not correct and your protestations are slanderous and false. Since the departure of Uri and Joe, the company has employed biologists and other nutritionists to validate its formulations and products. The employees of Nuriche, in Cedar or elsewhere, have not signed nor been compelled to sign non-disclosures. In fact, the employees are more engaged and enthusiastic about where the company is going, and are fully committed to the Nuriche mission. The Live is not, as you say, supported principally by non-organic filler as you purport. It is apparent that you haven't tested or had independent certified labs so attest. As to independent testing on our Guarana Seed extract, it is and always has been the seed extract and not straight Guarana, and the claim against our IBOs is false. Phytocharge is the same formulation of Feast Supercharged, and Beyond Berries is likewise the original formulation. We are not about shaving costs or cutting corners. The claim about Go Anywhere Bottles is completely false as the original manufacturer sourced by Uri LeBaron and ceased to run the bottles and was terminating production, which Uri knew but failed to disclose. We have sourced new bottles and have in fact placed orders for 1.4 million bottles, the majority of which are custom to Nuriche and have been sourced with solid relationships in China. The company has inventory in stock and production to satisfy double our current growth dynamics and is not suffering from burdened vendor liabilities - in fact we are on outstanding terms with our vendors.

It is further apparent that you have issues with David Parker and his purported GREED. Mr. Parker has continued to serve the needs of Nuriche without pay, while further committing his personal resources to the company. The company is run by a solid and expanding team of which David Parker is a part, all of whom are working more for the cause of Nuriche than the pay they receive, which is far less than industry standards. The company has not suffered complaints on its product and is not in litigation. Your representation of a True Billionaire is interesting but without foundation. Our products are labeled and produced in compliance with all regulatory and ethical standards and would suffer appropriate scrutiny. If we were to find otherwise, which we haven't following thorough reviews, we would be compliant.

Nuriche has a solid relationship with Liqua-Dry and has further assumed a significant obligation of Uri International in good faith that they failed to pay. Nuriche has willingly stepped up to cover Uri's obligation to Liqua-Dry, and has a very good relationship with the company. Your calculations on costing are interesting but have no foundation or reality.

As to a reference with an Hispanic decent IBO; it is further apparent that you have some bad information.

The intent of your comments seem to reflect a bitterness which is unfortunate. If you have challenges with the company, feel free to contact the company directly and lodge your complaints - we would be pleased to respond and help you through each of these issues. If you have information that is contrary, or tests that reflect your contentions, please share them as well. Our interest has been and continues to be the mission set forth in the company, to provide great product well formulated at an affordable price - and to make a difference in the lives of others. We are here to change the paradigm in the industry - we are the antithesis of greed. We are confident that we can do things better, and are always striving to do so. If you choose not to reveal your true identity in this forum so we can contact you, please call our General Counsel, Ben Tyler at [protected] so we can work through your issues.

We wish you well Perkins Cole and hope that we can help you through these challenges.


Nuriche Executive Team

Nuriche Executive Team
Draper, US
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Aug 14, 2010 10:28 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear Perkins,

We are sorry, but failed to address you correctly. By the way, Perkins Coie is a respected law firm in Seattle and unless you represent their interests, we would suggest you not use their name. We are forwarding your comment to their compliance group this morning in an effort of full disclosure and protection of their interest. If you are authorized to use their name it won't be a problem, but if not, you may want to use another alias in the future.

Nuriche Executive Team

Nuriche Executive Team
Draper, US
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Aug 14, 2010 12:03 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


We apologize for imposing on your site, and will no more. However, when slandered on a public site it is important that we respond in the same news cycle where we have been maligned. We are sorry to impose and hope that you appreciate the need for us to respond appropriately. Thanks for your understanding.

Nuriche Executive Team

Draper, US
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Aug 14, 2010 7:01 pm EDT

Can you guide me to the Nuriche scamming people with Lies? The world needs to know the facts.

Hey so called "Nuriche Executive" don't forget other respectful names! how about
Fulbright & Jaworski Schulte Roth & Zabel

Crowell & Moring Bruckhaus Deringer

Clifford Chance

Is there more? And did you know a government authorized agency has been listening.

Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Breach of Contract, Common Law Fraud, Unfair & Deceptive Business Practices, Failure to Register Internal Securities, Fraudulent Practices Regarding the Sale of Internal Securities, Civil Racketeering Conspiracy (violation of the Federal RICO statutes) and Defamation

The extensive real list is so huge, but why let them know while they play coverup. Fact is Nuriche products that have been purchased do not line up with previous batches, You are selling products that are not the same, but your early letter in this post claims it is so. This makes you a Liar a Thief and a man filled with greed and deception.

Feel Free to contact Gauis Kazen to authenticate that the products are not the same as he helped develop Feast supercharge and is close friends with the original Formulator David Uri Lebaron. Gauis and Donna Kazen have a many year history of product use and have built a organization of countless consumer distributors and have seen the Change in the products. There Home number is
[protected]. They have the history and have samples of previous product.

The Live is not the original Live of one year ago filer has been added thus making the actual whole Live Food less concentrated. The Revive is different. The Phyto Charge was made when Gauis Kazens dad was dying and he combined Uri products into a mixture that saved his dads life. The Phyto charge is not the Feast super charge. And the Beyond Berrie is completely wrong and taste terrible as it once was so good our grandkids would drink it, Now they can not stand the taste.

Phil Sykes claimed the batches were the same and provided misleading information to nuriche distributors, but it was proven that a production manager had mis managed mixing, David Parker was aware of this and sent Joe Ware and many people to Cedar City To attempt to salvage the Products. Further more Eland Lebaron became very upset at Phil Sykes for not doing his job and taking his good product and making a product that got people sick and had countless returns. To the point of vulgarity.

Pro whey was a disaster along with countless products. All documented certified statements with countless nuriche distributors who will be happy to testify at a federal court.
Fraud scam and lies! this needs a Nuriche post, should we play conversations down load on a web site and let the public judge.

Again I ask for the resignation of David Parker and the Products restored to the original formulas.

Nuriche Executive Team
Draper, US
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Aug 14, 2010 8:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


We apologize for the errant and irresponsible behavior of an irrational soul. Hopefully, he will leave you alone. We will ask Gaius Kazen, who is referenced, and who is a stalwart and committed Nuriche IBO to find this person and ask them to leave your site free from his or her venom.

Nuriche Executive Team

A Real Fraud Buster
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Aug 15, 2010 1:47 am EDT

Manna Life is a complete scam a start up that got cut off because David Parker got early warning Information.

Since when does a good upstanding Mormon call truth venom?
Isn’t the entiree Book of Mormon the “TRUTH” ?
It was Gauis Kazen who in Manna life correspondence engaged an investigator referenced the "greedy Mormons" need we produce a certified copy of this fine upstanding stalwart and committed Nuriche IBO, along with the copy you David Parker left visible for the world to see that was brilliant . Or how about the key loggers installed at Cedar City need we go more into the knowledge Atlanta has.
Truth and Facts. How can Gauis Kazen call Joseph Smith a lying horse thief who if he was around would have hung him, truly is he one of your key Upstanding IBO's. I love how you use that Amway Global name so perfect IBO! SCAM

I suspect David Parker, You have been caught in another Public Lie as you have stated you want Mr Kazen removed from Nuriche to others do we need obtain depositions (or have we already)-please do not even state you never said that-if so then Ben Tyler would be a liar- but I believe he tells the truth- NOW THAT IS VENOM. As Manna life information was provided to you. But you forgot the phones did big brother listen or just key men based from Atlanta.

Dave McCabe and David Parker are in fact 2 in the same just different twist. David Parker with what he calls the Venom of Truth can be dismantled one part at a time. First fact Label fraud. The rest have fun make a list. The media and general public needs to know that True Fraud exists.
Manna Life was and is a scam the bigger circus is in fact Nuriche, its investors and most the entire corporate staff. The city of Draper, Orem, Provo and Salt Lake City, the entire state and region need to know. How many consumer watch dog groups is there?

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