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Marcus Evans / THG

Marcus Evans / THG review: Scam 119

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11:34 am EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Hi there,

Just wanted to give you a little bit of an insider view on Marcus Evens.

I worked for Mr Marcus Evans and his Marshal named Mr Adnan Quazi for just over an year.

I first worked for THG where a Manager teach you to treat any secretary you come across like [censored] in order to pass through her and eventually speak with her boss. Just managers make few bucks exploiting your work and stealing your deals, and normally by the time you get the full picture you get the boot.

In THG you dont sell anything except an idea! In order to cut overheads Marcus Evans doesnt book any venue until they get the clients! basically they start pitching for a "huge sport event" where all the top tier companies are suppose to go but in fact is just after they find a couple of CEOs that fall in the trap and pay, that they actually organize and book the venue and all the rest...furthermore as written on the small print THEY DONT GIVE THE MONEY BACK, they will transfer the money for another event whether you like it or not!

The Conference Division, is just a joke! You won't find a decent professional going upwords in the hierarchy. Rude vulgar sexist low level human beings, that are ready to screw you up for few pennies. Marcus Evans managed to work out a salary system where he gives you less than the minimum salary, and you actually will top up to reach the minimum when selling 1 deal. No one have really made money over there just because the only good products (conference) that attract maybe 40 to 50 delegates will be given to other people and a newly employed sales ex will always get a 10 to 15 delegates conference. Run away...far away if you are thinking joining them.

If you are considering booking a place at a conference with them...think twice, since they don't pay the speakers, the y break even with 15 paying delegates THE REST GO OFTEN FREE. So chances are you will be the one paying and the rest of people that you will see (if any) GO FREE...

Marcus Evans hit the news several times in different Sweden the company went Bankrupt and Mr Evans didnt want to pay employees...

Happy to answer any question
All the best

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Pablo Hernandez
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Jan 18, 2011 1:21 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Following-up on the comment I made yesterday I actually did receive a response from the ME Rep who called me earlier in the day. He explained that the reason there is so much information on the web about Marcus Evans Scams is because they offer summits on avoiding scams, and that one should be wary of sites like this because they represent the views of a few disgruntled employees. I did find it difficult to locate objective reviews of the ME summits because so many of the web sites appear to link back to the ME website(s). My comment yesterday was based on information I received at this site, and on the fact that my conversation dove-tailed almost exactly with that of another commentor here. While I remain skeptical and uninterested in attending ME events, the comment I posted yesterday is, for what it's worth, just my opinion. Although my first comment was completely factual with respect to the phone call I received from ME, out of fairness I did receive a reply so I retract my previous comment about my taking his lack of a reply as an admission of guilt.

Michael A. Rogers
Sacramento, US
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Jan 18, 2011 6:13 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As an executive who has worked with Marcus Evans before (not for them, I don't know how they treat their employees), we were very apprehensive about working with them because of some of the comments on this board and others. However, we did speak with some of our peers who have actually been to Marcus Evans Summits and ultimately decided to give them a shot.

I must admit we were pleasantly surprised by the professionalism of the staff and level of attendees their program attracted. We went into this program with many reservations, but left feeling comfortable. As of now (9 months since we attended) we have closed some business and have established relationships with companies we would have never had the opportunity to meet on our own.

Everything in our dealings with ME has not been perfect. When they were originally trying to get us to their Summits, at one point there were 3 different sales people calling us which was less than ideal. They are aggressive sales people which did turn us off initially. Overall we have been satisfied with them and are using them again this year. Short comings and all, at the end of the day they did deliver what was promised to us.

With all of the negativity, I wanted share the prospective of someone who has actually worked with them. A lot of people (like the original poster) like to hide behind anonymity which I understand, but if you want to speak with someone who has been a client of this company before, I would be happy to have a phone conversation with you. Send me your email and I will respond with my phone number.


R. Martinez

London, GB
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Mar 18, 2011 12:29 am EDT

I completly agree with the commens above.I worked in the London office for almost 2 years promoted 4 times (never with a pay raise).as a woman you really need to hold your ground is a very lad culture and don't expect to make alot of money.The management are bullies and you are encouraged to [censor] to your clients in order to close the deal.If you want to learn how horrible people are and meet people who will try to break your spirit and see the most ineffective managers in the world who truly don't give a [censor] about you then i think you should apply.
I worked so hard for this company and took so much [censor] and realisied that they really don't give a [censor] unless you allow Adnan Quazi to snog you or feel you up in the pub.
people who are desperate to make a living in London will apply to this company i know because i was one of them.
Still having doubts, ask anyone who works for Marcus how they feel about the company- they will tell you its [censor]

Marcus evans himself is a ghost you never see him and all he cares about is making money and not about the people who work for him.He is a complete wanker.

London, GB
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Mar 23, 2011 2:35 pm EDT

I am in full agreement with C ! The culture at the company is shocking ! New employees are exploited, insulted and tricked by the management. I personally witnessed managers stealing deals, clients and payments on several occassions ! And of course there is the continuous lying you are instructed to do on everyday basis.
I was dismissed for standing up to the manager, when in a humiliating manner she questioned my intellectual capacity in front of everybody. I have a 1st degree in Economics and PHD in Philosophy. I wonder what secondary school she attend ?

London, GB
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Mar 23, 2011 2:47 pm EDT

I am in full agreement with C ! The culture at the company is shocking ! On several occasions in the London office I personally witnessed managers stealing deals, clients and payments from the employees. New people are simply exploited for the benefit of those few at the top. I would not advise anybody to work there !
Jim Ryan, I have a 1st degree in Economics and PHD in Philosophy. What degree do you have ?

Liverpool, GB
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May 11, 2011 11:28 am EDT

How much is the basic salary? I decided I may as well go for it because it gives me the opprtunity to live where I want without speaking the language fluently.

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May 18, 2011 7:49 pm EDT

Hi, my name is Emily Jones calling from Marcus Evans. I was pointed in your direction. It has come to my understanding that you are one of the partners who would be involved in your group’s export compliance efforts? Great! I wanted to touch base with you personally because we are working with John Pisa-Relli from Thales USA and Eileen Jenkins from Lockheed, in putting together our ITAR Compliance In-House Meeting.
We’re strictly limiting this meeting to 50 In-House Counsel/End-User Compliance Executives, from DRS, Boeing, General Dynamics and ITT. Now, based on the feedback from our in-house counsel and ITAR attendees they have asked me to identify a handful of (outside counsel/solution provider) firms that can potentially provide solutions in this area, to offer perspective to the discussions and case studies that will be presented at the meeting. Now, I understand there are several firms out there that are involved with ITAR to different degrees, but my question to you is, how would your firm differentiate itself from some of its competitors and effectively provide solutions to guys like John Pisa-Relli and Carmen Fellows?
UPSELL: I appreciate when considering a Conference/Trade Show, in order to gain the most exposure and bang for your buck, your firm likely looks to get up and speak/deliver a presentation as this is probably your only form of exposure as there are usually 200-300 people in a room. To take a step back, this meeting was initially intended to be 100% for the in- house counsel with ZERO Outside Counsel presence. However, a month ago, several In-house attendees from the likes of Raytheon, SAIC and EADS among the others I mentioned earlier, asked us to extend an invite to only a select few Law Firms to attend. Now, as we are capping this meeting off at 50 total In-House attendees and the platform of the event is for the In-House community to engage with each other, the exposure to speak on stage almost becomes redundant. As there will be a number of specific breakout/networking sessions, your exposure will be to actively engage yourself with the other 45 In-House folks in attendance, as they will be looking for some Outside-Counsel perspective and guidance.
Do you see value in this type of set up?
So based on our discussion is this something that sounds like you would like to get involved with?
Since we are finalizing attendance at this time, let me get the dates out of the way. The event will take place February 8-10 in Washington, D.C. How are these dates looking in your calendar?
Now the investment for the event is $2995. There are a few firms who are sending two people due to the exposure they are looking for. Is that something that you will be able to work in your budget?
Is this something you would like to move forward with and get registered right now for?
Assuming the black and white that I send out to you, matches up with our discussion right now, is this something you want to move forward with? Since we are finalizing our last few seats, I will need to get back in touch with you fairly quickly. Realistically will you be able to turn this around in the next few hours or will you need until tomorrow? Great, lets set up a specific time to speak.
My mandate is to speak to several people in your group. So please, forward this on to whomever you deem relevant for necessary approvals. That way, when I do speak with them later on today, they will at least have a heads up.

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May 18, 2011 7:56 pm EDT

Hi. This is Reza Ispahany calling from Marcus Evans. I'm trying to reach the person that is most heavily involved with high potential talent development initiatives. Would that be you? What is the level of talent that you manage/ are responsible for?
Great! Well I wanted to touch based with you personally, as we have been working with Jay Romans, Chief People Officer at Waste Management, Kimberly Thompson, Director of Global Leadership Development at Whirlpool, as well as Deborah Pierce, Director Global Talent Management at Baxter and we have been tasked with finalizing the last 5 seats for our 6th Annual Talent Planning & Leadership Development Meeting. The focus of which will be identifying key topics and emerging trends in talent management and organizational development, including: creating a culture that is focused on prioritizing self development, building engagement & loyalty through career development, and effective methods of accurate and holistic talent assessment.
I assume that these are areas of focus for you/your group? In order to help me understand your role, what are you responsibilities when it comes to talent development/ succession planning?
At the meeting, there will be 50 of us in the room from McDonald’s, JetBlue, Toyota, GAP (choose 2 companies in the prospect’s industry), and their head’s of Talent Planning/Organization Development, all looking to effectively benchmark their existing practices with each other...therefore, __________, with the emphasis during this recovering economy on developing from within rather than hiring from the outside, how have you approached growing top talent for succession into leadership roles? Actually Marko Satarain from Gap will be identifying how they have integrated succession planning into the company culture at Gap as well as transitioning leadership without disrupting organizational continuity. Would you find value in actively engaging with Marko from Gap along with the other 45 attendees regarding that issue?
Now, in speaking with a number of these key executives they have mentioned that as the economy slowly rebounds it is crucial to develop a culture internally that is focused on prioritizing self-development. How successful have you been internally at creating a talent growth culture? Well, (Name), Patrick Manner from from Johnson Controls as well as Kimberley Thompson from Whirlpool are going to be leading an interactive discussion addressing ways to engage employees by encouraging them to communicate what motivates them, and then hold them accountable. They will also be discussing how they have been able to drive the opportunity for personal growth within their respective organizations. Would you find value in actively engaging with Kimberly and Patrick along with the other 45 attendees regarding that issue?
Great, now from what I've heard from those attending, this economy has really showed companies that career development is an important factor when it comes to employee morale & engagement. How have you communicated your talent management strategy to your employees and, in turn, aligned it to their individual goals? Great, Well Jay Romans and Brent McCombs from Waste Management will be attending to discuss aligning employee's individual goals and development plans with those of the organization and ensuring the employees have the skills and tools necessary to achieve those objectives. Most importantly they will talk about making sure that employees are holding themselves accountable for their future in the organization, as career development when managed correctly can be an important engagement driver within any organization.
UPSELL – Many of the attendees coming to our meeting attend SHRM as well as some of the other talent management events out there... I assume you attend those as well? Good...well Jay Romans, Chief People Officer at Waste Management told us that one of the reasons he is going to be attending our meeting this year is because other leading global practitioners from groups like JetBlue, Whirlpool, Gap, and Baxter will be in attendance and they’re all looking to benchmark their existing practices and the issues they will face moving forward. Because the meeting is hard capped at 50 delegates, it’s will allow him to come together in a limited vendor setting, which will provide him very focused networking opportunities over the two days. Does this sound like a platform, which you will gain absolute value from?
Therefore, from what we have discussed, do you see yourself and your team taking one or more of our last seats?
The event is taking place on August 30th & 31st in Chicago. As we are wrapping up the seating, how do those dates look on your calendar?
While most companies are sending 3-4 people, for one person, the investment is $2500. Other than you, what other individuals get involved in these efforts?
Now, assuming that the black and white lines up with what we have discussed so far, would you be able to make the investment work in your budget? Would you be the one solely making the decision or would you require approval from management? Great. WOULD YOU LIKE TO REGISTER? What is remaining from your end?
Great. One of the things that you wont see on the agenda is that I am in the process of putting together my last 5 spots for the meeting so what I’ll need to do is follow up with you fairly quickly...Realistically, will you be able to turn this around in the next couple of hours, or are you going to need until the end of the day? (AM/PM)
Great...let’s set up a specific time then to finalize. Direct Line / Cell Phone

Bronx, US
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Jun 24, 2011 7:53 pm EDT

I am glad to see that I am not the only person who had problems with ME's "sales" strategy. I won't complain about supervision or lack thereof or the drinking and drugging and backstabbing lead stealing cutthroat antics of almost everyone there. It is a dog eat dog environment and CAN create stronger Salespeople, but not without them sacrificing their morality. What this company does is Fundamentally wrong! You can tell yourself that you're only bending truth or stretching truth and that it's not REALLY Illegal, but if it doesn't eat at you it's cause you're already compromised. I walked away from ME without even bothering to resign and it was a huge weight off as I didn't want my NAME associated with scamming and fraud. I am still successfully in sales in a legitimate company that doesn't run a 'Boiler-Room' operation. Any and all references to the movie are intentional and actual.

Chicago, US
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Jun 29, 2011 4:27 pm EDT

THG Sports is a great place to work if you enjoy lying, no informational support (eg. no computer, just you and a phone), micromanaging to the nth degree, abusing the unfortunate individual who picks up the phone, and unethical upper management. This is extremely frustrating because the product delivered is actually pretty good. Its a kill or be killed world there. Sell or go home with your $1200/month salary. While I was there, there was about a 90% turnover rate over 6 months. Leads and contact info were given to whoever was selling regardless of who created them and who was currently working on that account. Minimum call requirements abounded while incentives mysteriously disappeared when the brass was frustrated with output. By all means, work for or with these people to garner an experience with the dark side of sales. Just do not get upset when threatened with law suits when you have the fortunate experience of speaking with a DM for the first time.

asdf, CA
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Jul 23, 2011 2:16 am EDT

I have been wanting to make a comment on all of these opinions and replies for a while now and I have come to the same conclusion over and over again. The truth of the matter is, Marcus Evans employs around 3000 people and OBVIOUSLY there will be some people who will not enjoy the job or company and will make complaints. Every single company in the world has disgruntled employees etc. HOWEVER, noone can say anything about the services that Marcus Evans provides. All I read are people who have complaints about the management and working environment. Fine, but I have had many jobs and I can find something wrong with all of their environments. It does not mean Marcus Evans does not deliver on what it promises and guarantees and many many many clients around the world will attest to the professional quality that Marcus Evans offers in its events. The reality is human beings in general are way ward no matter where you go and you will always see unethical things happen even in the most respectable companies. It's like you guys think you're living in some kind of la la land where everything is fantastic and perfect. OF COURSE, there will be managers that are idiots...OF COURSE there will be the people who are greedy and sneaky. But there are also honest people who work in the company that truly work hard and have a genuine concern and care for their clients welfare and investments! I myself have been to the summits and they are simply phenomenol and if I had a business, I would use their model. Do the summits please every single person? NO! It's like anything else in this world. Sales in any enviroment is tough. It's the nature of the beast. It has always been cutthroat because it's based on performance. There are lots of happy employees at Marcus Evans and their services are top notch quality or else they would not have an A+ in the better business bureau. Another point I would like to make is that all of these companies that are called on have their own sales teams that do the same thing, so noone should judge. Last point I want to make is that if you've been badly hurt or treated poorly then you have every right to leave, but you cannot say anything about the company's services and events. Please differentiate.

Marcus Evans employee and proud of it!

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Aug 18, 2011 10:27 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I will differentiate.

So let's leave aside the atmosphere at work which is usually between bad and worse. However I admit it can depend somewhat on the team. In some teams there were periods when it was almost enjoyable to work. This usually changes rapidly because the employee turnover is very high. Also the pyramid structure in place doesn't really motivate a lot. Managers just get the deals of people who are no longer in the company and are actually interested in people who don't stay longer than maybe a year. One of my managers actually told me that during a weaker moment.

Let's talk only about the product. The product is sold BEFORE it exists and it is sold with lies called "the story" in marcus evans corporate language. When a manager calls the prospect back to potentially close him, he doesn't ask you "what did you lie to him?", he asks "what's the story?"
Now of course sometimes marcus evans gets a lot of important people from the same industry together and when important people from the same industry are in the same location then business may happen. However in many cases these people (delegates and speakers) have not come to the event to spend any budgets and sometimes don't even have a budget to spend or are not authorized to spend it (real confessions of delegates I have spoken to). Also they know that in order to be able to go for free they have to choose a certain amount of meetings and they often do it automatically without checking the profile of the sponsor. Again I have had conversations with delegates who say "Listen, I am not really interested in that guy and his company, do you think I should still meet him?"

What I explained above is a lucky scenario. There are also unlucky events. Those events are usually not seen by more honest employees. The people sent to those are managers and employees who lie as easily as they breathe without feeling any remorse, basically sociopaths. You see, sometimes events don't turn out well. A decent company would cancel them and return the money. Marcus evans is not a decent company. So they move ahead anyway or merge the event with another that can be totally irrelevant to the customer. There have been events with an extremely low number of delegates with not adequate job titles (definitely not decision makers). Some of the sponsors after attending one of these don't say anything but don't return ever. Some get very angry and become permanent entries on marcus evans nocalls list. Some even sue the company.

If a sales person is stuck with a bad event and sees the number and level of delegates and knows that there is no time to improve this and comments this to his manager, he is usually told "You just worry about your product!" In those cases the manager usually gives the sales team a fake list of delegates and speakers (either made up or speakers of other events) and the sales staff is asked to pitch the prospects using these names. If that is not lying, I don't know what is. Some new employees are actually told by the manager that these people would be attending the event.
There are a lot of forged or partially forged positive testimonials as well. Although some sponsors just get a bit high during the event, say nice things and only later on at home realize that they have been had.

My recommendation, be very careful doing business with marcus evans. To be on the safe side assume that everything you are verbally told or even emailed but that is not in the contract is a lie. Read the contract many times and ask your lawyer to read it as well. The original version doesn't even guarantee you the event you paid for nor the level of the delegates. The dates can be changed, the event can be merged, only the number of meetings is specified but not with whom.
When they try to rebook you for next year using some silly urgency story of 80% of event already sold out or that the prices will go up or that at this stage they can only waitlist you, just smile politely and sign nothing. The urgency story, especially in present economic climate, is always a lie. Most probably the event is really cheaper next year or has been cancelled, sorry merged. You got it, nothing ever gets cancelled, even if it really does. Welcome to the fantastic world of marcus evans!

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Oct 21, 2011 8:45 pm EDT

Wow ! Long time wasted talking to a woman from Marcus Evans London... All I want to say is that her approach to sales was offensively misleading. For who and a half hours she was telling me she needed a partner to do business in the whole Latinamerican region. Asking all kind of questions on how trustworthy my colleges, my company and myself where to be selected as their business partner. Of course we were all excited answering her demanding and intrusive questions. Silly me! She was only trying to book me into one of their Summits for 29, 900 EUROS. Maybe the summits are great for business maybe not. But this is not the way to handle your sales.

I wanted to e-mail someone at Marcus Evans but couldn't find any way of contact them besides their telephone numbers. They should be open to receive direct letters from unsatisfied contacts instead of forcing us to share our discomfort on the web.

I am not happy at all! But will keep the woman's name to myself. I will keep trying to reach some one in Marcus Evans in London to explain that their sales strategy is being very badly handled. Two thumbs down for Marcus Evans.

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Oct 22, 2011 3:22 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Guys, check out this website.
Two more posts under related posts. Must say that the woman who figured this all out is very smart.

Windsor, CA
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Feb 02, 2012 4:58 pm EST

Guys I just got a call for an interview at Global Events Management in the sports division. So I Googled them and the CEO, and it linked me to this forum. Can someone shine some light on this for me, whats the connection?

Thg Marcus Evans
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Mar 19, 2012 5:25 am EDT

I had the same experience in Scandinavia. The business set up is unethical and most employees dislike working there and there due to desperate circumstances (such as new migrants to the country who don't speak the local language). It is quite difficult to loOK for alternative employment whilst working with Marcus Evans because of the expectation is to put in extra hours lead searching, the official amount is 3hrs per week after work but most people put in much more working extremely long hours for little return. Sales Executive in Thg is OK as a fist job in a new country to help set your self up with a small amount of money, boost your CV and get any paper work you need in your new country (such as a person number and bank account etc.) But beyond that this is not a real job or a reflection of professional life in the Sales or Business Development industry. The training was good was the only positive. The management style, working conditions and approach to business is a jOKe. Intimidation tactics and aggressive behaviour is the name of the game, you have to be a cunning and emotionless to survive in this company.
My advice is to avoid working for Marc Evans in any capacity unless you are absolutely desperate and have a clear view what you want out of the company short term. If you do take the position; think clearly about what you want to get out of the company and if you can achieve what you want in less than 2 weeks, do not get emotionally attached if you get fired for little to no reason, watch your call rates managers know who you call and for how long - there are no short cuts around the cold hard selling Big Brother is watching your every move in this position and try not to take any thing in the job too seriously.
Good luck and hope this was helpful!

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Apr 18, 2012 1:06 am EDT

people, what do you expect from Jews? They only help the Jews. And if you are successful, they have put you on the ground, sooner or later

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Feb 04, 2013 5:43 pm EST

I worked with them : an advice Runnnnnnnnnnnn away, I am telling you guys it's the worse company ever. You Will learn One thing for sure how to become a good liar, saying that you lost your phone and that you are in a fake airport to get CEOs numbers.


fgf, GB
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Apr 14, 2014 7:43 am EDT

does anyone used a templace sales pitch threre? would be curious to read it

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Feb 02, 2015 11:35 am EST

I don't know what to say. I have given 3 interviews and received a offer via email to join but reading all this makes me shiver. I will inform once I join and have received a email that I have 3 days sales training and an exam to take after which I will be permanently employed! WTF is that. I am in Pakistan

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May 13, 2015 5:52 am EDT

Beware of some sales companies in Prague who are recruiting people by selling them a lie for a ‘dream job’, and then once in, they are being trained to sell a lie and deceive people in order to make commissions which are not even attainable. Figures and ‘facts’ are given to new recruits, but the truth is that they are selling services which the company is not even clear about. Recruits are selling on the phone, and they are often pushed to such levels that they are forced to harass and spam companies with a sales pitch which is mostly a hyped up spin-off on features and benefits. There are many firms selling ‘conferences’ on various events and in various industries. This conference selling is a big sales spam in Prague now and they recruit almost anybody, as long as they are stupid enough to be manipulated, controlled and directed to be making 100s of cold calls each day, selling loads of fake features for conferences… and then made to look like harassing firms and then those staff are made to feel dejected and worthless piles of crap. Of course, the companies make their money, but they try to steal the commissions that are owed to the staff. The so-called commissions are subjected to very strict conditions which are never honestly explained to those sales staff and rules are manipulated and changed at any time… so they rarely receive the commissions that ‘they think’ are owed to them. This is why these firms pay a low basic wage, just enough to entice and attract desperate and stupid people into a degrading and despicable environment. So, they are sold this ‘dream job’, based on lies, then they are trained to sell lies and deception themselves… a vicious rat race, and sickening. One firm who is the master of this is Marcus Evans… and you can see their scam exposed online… just google and type in ‘Marcus Evans Exposed’ and you can see the scam exposed.

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May 13, 2015 5:56 am EDT

Yes, I knew this place Marcus Evans. I worked there in Prague and met a guy called Edward Giangrosso. This guy is a mean, selfish liar who called me from head hunting my CV. He promises the job with all the benefits but fails to mention the true nature of the job just as described above. The firm Marcus Evans is a scam, a very good one that has worked well for their business. they have a huge turnover of staff, because many people get manipulated, have their terms of contract played around with, and get the commission stolen.

They are selling you the lie for a job and then you sell lies to deceive the firms. You are made to harass firms all day long with a bull script and then you are put in the firing line for any problems. Avoid this firm and be careful if you get a call from Edward Giangrosso. He is a fraudster who lies to get people under his wing, so that he can manipulate them and enslave them with disgusting work conditions. I was surprised how easy I got the job there. They are desperate for people to cold call for them and lie their pants off. I am glad I quit the jobs and set free from that hell.

Marcus Evans seem like a decent firm, but I was so shocked when I worked there and found out the scams that they run. The sales is dishonest and what I read above is most probably true about them. The management do exploit people at this firm and especially in Prague, as people have no morals at this firm here. Edward, the general manager there, is a conniving, cheating person who lies to recruit people under his wing.

They have been investigated for fraud, after they sold a bunch of conference tickets with fake features that their sales force were trained into giving out. They are training people to lie, cheat and deceive. There was one manager who was a big fat Pakistani guy called Adnan. He was very rude, menacing and very disrespectful to staff. They hire anybody that they can exploit and brainwash. They even hired a gypsy girl from Russia, Natalia Kotova, a dumb girl who could not even speak proper English. That says it all.

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Aug 20, 2016 12:44 am EDT

Oh yes Marcus Evans is a scam for certain.
Worked in NY was trained to lie to say I just am about to board an airplane and I need the CEO's cell phone number.
But even when I got a cell and called the CEO would tell me to bugger off. So whats the point?
Managers listen to your calls in real time and tell you what to say during the call. Whats the point of that? Only reinforces that you are a lead generator mule and they think youre a dunce who cant hold a conversation. Because even if you can hold the back end of the pitch called the business conversation thats not what M E wants. They want a robot they can command.
You do not get to close your own deals.
They steal your lead then close the deal behind your back and cheat you out of a 5 thousand dollar commission.
Crooks and liars and coke heads were I worked.
Everyone that came in before and during my stay there QUIT or was fired. In an office of 15 people 10 left after 4 months. Thats unbelievable turnover. The experienced reps were often replaced by fresh faces from Africa who spoke little English and needed a green card.

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Aug 20, 2016 1:05 am EDT

And just for the record- the slickest liars at Marcus Evans get promoted. If you have any sense of ethics stay way from working there,
The crap I was forced to sell, Summit business meetings are really a joke. The Summits are forced upon unsuspecting suckers who shell out 50 grand to find out that the face to face business meetings they attend are contrived and that the "buyers" of the vendor's services, meaning the CEO of companies like Merck for example, are really at the 5 star hotel for R&R rest and relaxation and have no work to give out, its a free vacation for millionaire cheapskates. But the vendor whether he is a CEO of a small hospital or biotech company or a lead lawyer of a firm are on the hook for the 50 grand they shelled out. Odds of success at the Summit are slim at best. Certainly out of 30 vendors a handful do well but odds dictate most vendors walk away with empty pocket and no deals while the CEO's who attend for free are getting wasted every day and night.
The job itself is a joke. Marcus Evans NY is a sweatshop, a boiler room of nasty nonstop backstabbing and cold calling. The employees are snakes, they hire dirt that used to sell mortgages for Countrywide. I kid you not. They had a guy who sold mortgages for 5 years at Countrywide until they went bankrupt. But even he was too smart to work at M E for long and he quit after 4 weeks there.
Experienced salesmen do not stay for long at Marcus Evans, they quit the first week or by the end of the month for certain while the nastiest people remain, gutter trash sales people who just read a script and are incapable of independent thought.
It works like this - Chicago hires dumb college kids and have them cold call CEO's of large corporations to pitch them to attend the Summit for free and pretend they have work to hand out to vendors. Then idiots like me in New York, San Diego, Florida and even Chicago cold call CEO's of the vendor companies and screw then for 50 grand to attend. Funny thing is there is no Summit when vendors buy as the corporations are still in the process of being pitched while the vendors are also being pitched. So the event is contrived and only God knows what the quality of the event will be.
Problem with all of this is the Chicago kids calling large corporations to attend for free are really in a dead end job.
On the other end idiots like me pitching vendors could make 5 grand commission if the deals werent stolen by my boss and his boss the CEO.
Yes the CEO of Marcus Evans North America parks himself in the back of NY office and scams along with everyone else on the phone!
Greed has no bounds at M E. Also no respect. They steal deals right off your desk when you go to lunch. Lunch is mandatory from Noon to 1 PM so they can clear out the office and riffle through your desk and steal your leads. I personally had a deal stolen from me the first month I was there.
Then another deal "disappeared" off my desk and I had to spend a half hour reconstructing the paperwork. I believe my boss stole that paperwork to stress me and see my reaction.
The British CEO is very condescending and borderline sociopath who listens in on your calls and reads your emails and then steal your deals so he can pocket your 5 grand commission.

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Apr 25, 2017 5:27 am EDT


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Sep 14, 2017 12:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The 2 [censored] from Marcus Evans that got on here and acted like the Company is anything less than an absolutely disgraceful, joke... Should go chase a bouncy ball on a freeway and let Darwinism do the world a favor. I want to make a few things VERY clear... 1) I am formally educated w/ a Master's Degree in Sports Management 2) I have worked in REAL, ACTUAL CUT-THROAT sales environments for over a decade. There is a difference between cut-throat and a flat out company wide scam that starts from the top down. 3) ANYONE who works at the management level of M.E. or THG is 10000% brainwashed and at this point, they actually believe that the [censored] they are fed from their boss (which is fed to them by their boss and so on and so on...). The only reason they are in that position is because they are stupid, naive, narrow-minded, and definitely incapable of independent thoughts, ideas, or input and that is why the cycle continues; because the freaking Wizard of Oz, the man behind the curtain at M.E. & THG, makes sure that he keeps minions around that are stupid enough to listen to him and actually believe that this is a real company. 4) The ENTIRE COMPANY is stuck in the 80's! They have NO CRM system (yet they have 50 offices worldwide and each office sells the same thing yet reps have no way of knowing whether or not the company they are calling has already been called that VERY DAY by another sales rep from another office or even a rep from their own office!), They have NO COMPUTERS and the ones they do have are not only old and outdated, but they are assigned for use at dedicated times (I will leave alone the whole monitoring the activity not hem etc because most companies do that but do it legally, M.E. definitely doesn't do it legally and they don't monitor it for the right reasons, they monitor it so that they can see the second a deal is getting close to done and that's when your "manager" swoops in and closes the deal behind your back and there goes your sale. The company literally has ALL OF THEIR LEADS WRITTEN DOWN ON PAPER! if their offices ever burned to the ground, they would have NO WAY of knowing who their current clients are, who their prospective clients are, which clients have booked which events etc. It is a complete joke! The easiest way to sum up point #4 here is this... THG claims to be "the leader in 5-star Corporate Hospitality for the world's most exclusive sporting events"... I can tell you that as someone who has worked in professional sports for over 12 years (I have worked for MLB teams, NFL Teams, and 3rd party, outsourced sales companies that sell new stadiums like the new stadiums in ATL and Legends & AEG) and I am here to tell you this. I made the terrible mistake of taking a job with THG so that I could stay in a specific city and turned down multiple job offers with other teams only to find out within a week that this place is a total freaking joke and I cannot believe they are in business. My point is that to surmise point #4 just consider this... "The LEADER in 5-Star Corporate Hospitality" does not even have a SINGLE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT! They don't believe in free and effortless widespread marketing because they are too stupid to see the benefits of such "millennial marketing techniques". Everything on here is more than factual, the ENTIRE COMPANY is a total joke, a total scam and they SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED! I am not willing to let ANY of my past clients (whom I planned on selling to in my current role at THG) be exposed to this scam that THG/Marcus Evans is running and I am afraid that the offices will get raided by the FEDS any day now...

My boss, is a geriatric [censored] who knows nothing about sales or managing sales reps. He literally has been completely brainwashed by the company and believes that the only way to sell someone is to make up this HUGE, elaborate lie about how "one of my multi-year contract companies just dropped out so that they could attend the super bowl this year and that means I have an opening for 10 guests per day at the Master's this year! It is $150K total for the 4 days because you get to take advantage of that company's multi year contract discount!... DO YOU WANT to take it? I have to know right now or I will have to open it up to the rest of my office to sell" ***(that is straight off the THG company script that they have their idiot monkeys read off of as they "pitch" CEO's)*** and that if the CEO is not willing to by on that phone call, you might as well toss out that lead entirely... It's unreal how STUPID, and truly UNEDUCATED as salespeople these [censored] in "Management" are and I can't believe that anyone actually buys this [censored] that THG/Marcus Evans feeds them)! OH and by the way... they really do verbatim tell you that if you cannot close them on the first call that the lead is useless and do not allow reps to leave voicemails or send emails to prospective clients. It is crazy how quickly I could turn this place into a real company and just as crazy how unwilling they are to GET WITH IT AND UNDERSTAND HOW FREAKING STUPID AND OUTDATED THEIR SALES MODEL IS! My position has been a revolving door with over 12 reps having sat at my desk in the past year. That says it all...

To Sum it all up...



Furkan Bangash
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Nov 16, 2018 1:06 am EST

Yup stupid enough to make more money than you... you must be one of the pissed off ex employee of Marcus Evans... Why were you fired in the first place? Mind telling us?

Scottsdale, US
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Dec 06, 2017 12:15 pm EST

I recently was hired by Marcus Evans and then after questioning the script "typo's and misleading information" I was fired during training and told I wasn't progressing. However, I have 6 years or so more experience in Sales than the guy who was appointed as my Sales Manager and 2 years of Sales Management experience.

I am a female and I am not happy about being screwed over by "these individuals".

Furkan Bangash
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Nov 16, 2018 1:04 am EST

Been working for this company in their Dubai office for the past six year as an Admin officer. I have seen people come and go.. You gotta understand that this sales job is not for people who cannot work under pressure. I have seen people's lifestyles changed because of this job. The kind of money they make is ridiculous. I understand that the basic is low but people are here with us for the past 15 years and they intend to stay with us for the rest of their careers and retire from here. Imagine how much money would they be making?

This company is not perfect like all the other establishments out there but it is one of the best... you will come to know that only if you work here yourselves...

All these people complaining above are the people we fire every 6 months due to non performance all over the world...

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