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Modify Utah

Modify Utah review: Closed for business & nothing done? 55

Author of the review
7:16 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Paid them 3k and just heard this morning that, after taking the week off between Christmas and New Years, they are "closed for business." No indication there was any problem and now plonked on my butt with my modification mid-way done with Bank of America. WTF? Now what?


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Modify Utah - Fraud 2
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Modify Utah - Fraud- update
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Modify Utah - Modify Utah
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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West Jordan, US
Jan 03, 2011 8:05 pm EST

I am in the same boat. I'm freaking out! Our modification was declined and we needed that fee refunded to negotiate with our lender to stay in the house, or to put down on an apartment. We are so screwed! I'm checking some resources on this - stay in touch with me if you want updates...
Nicole Larsen

Springville, US
Jan 03, 2011 8:50 pm EST

Same here Please keep me posted on anything you find. We gave them 2500.00 and were waiting on our refund.
Joshua Cox

Farmington, US
Jan 03, 2011 9:46 pm EST

I'm in the EXACT same boat. I was told the week prior to Christmas "We are very close to having things done, I will call you at the first of the year". Not only did we pay them $3000, we paid an additional $2000 to have our home equity line adjusted. I've called the Utah Real estate Department (Per the Utah Division of Consumer Protection). They want me to file a complaint but they don't offer any real help. Let's get enough people together and get a class action suit going on the owner of this company who preys on those who have the least to lose.
Everyone please keep me posted if you find out anything.

Springville, US
Jan 03, 2011 10:40 pm EST

I found the owner information the CEO's name is Alain Templeman, He has other companies like Mpowering LLC. their contact number is [protected]. I am trying to find out as much as I can about his businesses. I think we definitely need to all get together on this. If your currently in the middle of a modification call the lender and continue it on your own. I will keep posting as I get more details.
Josh Cox

Mike and Ren
Jan 03, 2011 10:42 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am in the same boat as the rest of you and am furious! I will do whatever is needed to assist in going after these people. Please keep me in the loop on any information you find.

Jan 03, 2011 11:38 pm EST

We are in the same situation. We were told that our modification was very close to being done, they just needed one more document. We paid them 3000.00 and have been getting nothing but the run around from this company. Tried calling this morning and heard that they are closed for business? What are our options? We desperately need that money back to help us out of this mess...

Farmington, US
Jan 04, 2011 12:06 am EST

I think everyone posting here should file a complaint against Modify Utah by tomorrow. I saw a post with the website but you can also fax over info to [protected]. Include a letter stating what happened, a contract (if you have one) any prof of payment along with any email correspondence. Just closing your doors doesn't free a business owner of fraud or misleading customers.

sojordan resident
Jan 04, 2011 12:51 am EST

In the final stages of getting my loan modification worked out. Now I find out that this morning the company no longer exists. I trusted and paid Modify Utah $3000 to help and represent me lower my current mortgage payment. I am now in danger of losing my house. 8 months I've dealt with them and they dont even bother letting their customers know they are shutting their doors. What to do? Hire an attorney and pay another $3000? This is just a nightmare. Oh dear God...

Cove, US
Jan 04, 2011 3:09 am EST

We are in the same boat and also very devastated and very willing to jump on board to get these guys. We were promised the moon even after expressing our doubt and concern. We are willing to file suit or whatever it takes to get our money back. Any information anyone gets please pass on.


West Haven, US
Jan 04, 2011 3:17 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same, same! I emailed KUTV, and Matt Gephardt's assistant, (the guy who looks into these things on the news) called me back later today. They are looking into this and might do a story on this. Anyone can email me too. I would also suggest emailing KUTV too.

Springville, US
Jan 04, 2011 6:23 am EST

Count me in too! After speaking with a rep. from the Division of Real estate with licensing today he said that Modify Utah (also known as Frontline Finance Inc.) has been operating without a license since November 4th 2010 and that it is a $5000 dollar fine for every client they have been working after this date. The rep from the division of Rea estate went on to explain that it is a $5000 fine per account/per person when they take funds upfront from the client. They said it is only legal to take funds from a client once the modification is completed. Today, I also contacted Modify Utah's attorney Paxton Guymon. I called his office phone number and left a message @ [protected]. He called me back on [protected]. He said that Modify Utah is not giving any refunds to anyone because they have run out of funds. I explained that unless I get a refund by the end of the week that I will report them to Division of Real Estate and explained what I mentioned above. He took down my email address and said he would get back to me.
In his email response Paxton Guymon said, "Thank you for speaking with me earlier today. I have reviewed your refund request with my client, Modify Utah, and unfortunately they are not in a position to pay any refunds. You are encouraged to contact your lender/loan servicer directly to complete the loan modification process for your mortgage loan". I hope this information helps everyone.

Springville, US
Jan 04, 2011 7:05 am EST

Sorry my post above mysteriously showed up with all these typo errors and that is just not me. So I am re submitting my post
Count me in too! After speaking with a representative from the Division of Real estate with licensing, he said tat Modify Utah (also known as Frontline Finance Inc.) has been operating without a license since November 4, 2010 and it is a $5000 dollar fine for every client they have been working with after this date. The representative further explained that it's a $5000 fine for every client they take upfront monies from and that it's only legal to take funds from a client once the modification is completed.
I also contacted Modify Utah's attorney Paxton Guymon who's office phone number is [protected] or [protected]. He said that Modify Utah is not giving any refunds to anyone because they have run out of funds. I explained to Paxton what I knew about them explained above and unless I get a refund from they by the end of the week that I would file a complaint with the Utah Division of Real estate. Paxton's responded by email and said, Thank you for speaking with me earlier today. I have reviewed your refund request with my client, Modify Utah, and unfortunately they are not in a position to pay any refunds, You are encouraged to contact your lender/loan servicer directly to complete the loan modification process for your mortgage process for your mortgage loan.

West Jordan, US
Jan 04, 2011 3:55 pm EST

Wow! I feel sick to my stomach to find out I was scammed but just as bad to see so many other people were as well. My husband and I were also involved with Modify Utah. We paid them our last $450 payment in December and at that time I was told everything should be complete by first of January. I called yesterday for an update just to find out that they are out of business. After speaking with our lender yesterday I found out that Modify Utah had only truly contacted them one time back in November so basically we have been paying them to do NOTHING! I filed a complaint with the real estate board as well as BBB. Another thing I did was call my bank to make sure that modify utah is blocked from taking out any future payments. The girl at the bank told me to go into the branch and request any money taken out from Modify Utah in the lasat 60 days to be refunded to my acount. I did that so we will see if that goes anywhere. I would love to be in on any type of lawsuit filed. We may not get any money back but at least we can try and make it so this sick man never takes money from people again. He needs to pay somehow for what he did. Thanks, Jessica

Springville, US
Jan 04, 2011 4:09 pm EST

When we first contacted Modify Utah they had an accredited BBB icon on their website. There were no negative complaints at the time so we decided they were legitimate. Now there are countless claims against them and they pull this. Just my luck! They say he doesn't have the funds to pay us, but he seems to have several other businesses. They kept telling us don't pay your mortgage your modification is going fine, everything is fine. then all of a sudden a denial letter from the lender and we are forced to short sale. This is ridiculous, how do you sleep at night ripping off so many people already in a bad situation? I found the person we were working with on facebook and emailed them directly, they said the doors were closed on Dec 12th and they are all out of jobs.

JP Poirier
Jan 04, 2011 7:10 pm EST

Same story as everyone else -
JP Poirier

West Jordan, US
Jan 04, 2011 8:09 pm EST

Is the person you were working with Hilary Fitts? I found her on facebook as well and thought about emailing her. I also received an email from the BBB that said the number we all need to call to file a complaint is [protected]. She said because they are no longer in business BBB cannot help. What a nightmare this is!

Springville, US
Jan 04, 2011 9:44 pm EST


I spoke to Kathy from the Attorney Generals Office today and she said to contact the Division of Real estate because they issue licenses to the mortgage loan people. There number is [protected]. To submit a claim you can go to, but its best to contact their division to get specific directions what to do in your specific circumstance.

Kathy said the next thing to do is to call the Utah Department of Financial institution because they regulate all of the financial institutions within our state, but when I called there they said to deal with only the Division of Real-estate. Kathy from the Attorney Generals Office says that modify Utah has closed their website and have taken their money and run. Kathy said that we need to notify as many people that we know because the bigger case we have the greater the chance the attorney’s office will go after Modify Utah to recoup our money. The only time the attorney general gets involved is when it goes to trial. Their attorneys would represent us in the trial so until then they won’t need any information. Any information would come to them from the Division of Real Estate agency to go to trial. The case goes to the attorneys in attorney generals office and we the clients don’t pay them anything. They represent us without paying them anything and they get the money for us if they can. That is why they come through the agency of the state and the attorney general office is forced to help us. If anyone here knows anyone is in the same situation to make sure you call in as well. You can contact Kathy from attorney generals office if you have any further questions. Her number is [protected]

Cove, US
Jan 04, 2011 10:00 pm EST

anybody know where Shelly Norstrom if thats her real name lives ?/or Anna Egglston

West Jordan, US
Jan 04, 2011 10:27 pm EST

So Kevin, did you already start the process of a suit with Kathy or do we just call her directly and tell her we want charges? I called the attorney generals office and they asked me to just file a report with Division of Real Estate which I did. I agree that a suit will be the only way to get back any of our money. I am all in! I hope everyone else is as well

Utah County, US
Jan 04, 2011 10:30 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've sent everyone who left contact info an email today regarding the actions we should take with the Utah County Attorney. If we ALL file a complaint with the Utah County Attorney they will take notice and do something. Do it, tomorrow!

r a c e r b o y 1 x AT h o t m a i l DOT c o m

Springville, US
Jan 04, 2011 10:58 pm EST

We first must gather all the evidence that we have to support our claim and hand it over to the Division of Real estate because they issue licenses to the mortgage loan people. Their number is [protected]. We all must submit our claim to, but its best to contact their division to get specific directions what to do in your specific circumstance. This is our only chance to recover our funds from Modify utah. Once again it all starts with submitting our complaints with the Real estate divisions until we get large enough group who has submitted complaints with them so that the division will turnover the claims to the attorney generals office who will then take them on for us in court. AS mentioned in my post above Kathy from the attorney generals office said said that we need to first direct everybody to the division of real estate to handle our claims. The key is the bigger the group of people filing claims - the much bigger case we have and the greater the chance the attorney’s office will go after Modify Utah to recoup our money. THE BOTTOM LIME IS We can contact the attorney generals office all we want, but it wont get us anywhere until the Division of Real estate has gathered enough supporting claims against modify utah to defer the case to the attorney generals office.

Sandy, US
Jan 04, 2011 11:01 pm EST

Another story to add to this thread. I paid them $3000 and am now screwed. No modification, no refund. How do we all get together and start a suit?

Springville, US
Jan 04, 2011 11:09 pm EST

You probably didn't see my post above before posting, but thanks for your reply and please refer to my post before yours - this is our best chance for recovery of our monies.
Thanks, Kevin

Utah County, US
Jan 04, 2011 11:57 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Kevin straight from the AG this afternoon they told me to go thru the Utah County Attorney since it happened in Utah County. It certainly doesn't hurt to file a complaint with the div. Of real estate (I did in November)... But if we want to get the AG involved we need to file a complaint with the Utah County Attorney. I sent you the same email...I'm just letting everyone know what they told me this afternoon. lol let's agree to file a complaint in both places!

good luck everyone and let's post up here when we've filed our complaints!

West Jordan, US
Jan 05, 2011 12:13 am EST

To lieslbmarie, I looked up Hilary and sent her a message via facebook. She emailed me back but had changed her last name. If you want to send her a message she is under Hilary Yeager not Fitts. She swears that she did her job but I have a hard time believing that since my bank swears she never called them. She also said that they were bad business owners and she is glad to be out of there. Didn't know they were closing until she was out of a job. I am filing my reports with American fork police and utah county attorney generals office tomorrow.

Provo, US
Jan 05, 2011 2:23 am EST

People: PLEASE share any information you obtain. We need to work together to find solutions to this mess. If you have email addresses, phone numbers or Facebook accounts for any previous employees of Modify Utah please share them.

I began working with Tom Chapman in April 2010. Then it was Krista Montierth, Coryse Templeman (wife of Alain?), Erin Kerr, Anna Ellingson and Richard Kramer. So many people who could have had the decency to notify us as their customers that our modifications weren't being handled.

Be sure to submit your complaint with the Division of Real Estate and to Call Kathy with the Attorney General's office. Let's work together everyone.

(Maybe one of Mr. Templeman's mission companions knows how to contact him? )

Bountiful, US
Jan 05, 2011 2:50 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same boat here--$3000, assurances, etc. Our person was named Jessica Fitts. Do they just change their first name for each client? Count me in on any action.

Bountiful, US
Jan 05, 2011 2:51 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jessica Fitts was our representative. Same story--$3000 and nothing happening. Let me know what we can do.

Utah County, US
Jan 05, 2011 2:57 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Alain R. Templeman was the registered agent up until just recently. I don't think his lawyer taking it over is a good thing...especially since Guymon is a commercial bankruptcy attorney.

Jan 05, 2011 3:48 am EST

I'm in same boat as you all! Please involve me and my wife! We want to be part of it and do something to get our money back. And hope to do something to save our house. I will do anything to make this happening! I don't want them to take our and your money and run! And left us no money and allow bank took our houses! That is not RIGHT! They suppose to help us to save our house with reduced payments as they promised us at first place. Now we are in danger to losing our house!

Please email me with any information and what we should do with process...
Thank you,
Robert Jacobs

draper, US
Jan 05, 2011 3:58 am EST

same boat here . we contacted the attny general and we are now going to file a complaint with the real estate division . i doubt any of us will ever get money back but maybe we can get this company and there principles prosecuted for fraud . they have demonstrated there proclivity as predators and need to be held responsible, otherwise they will just open another business similar to this and continue to prey on other's . these type of people don't go away they just move on to there next scam . i would love to be kept appraised as well .

Ogden, US
Jan 05, 2011 4:59 am EST

Wow! I knew something was up... now as of today I see it's worse than I could have imaged .
I'm out the 3k, and was told it would be real soon and my chances were really good at qualifying.
I'm filing complaints with every agency I can think of. Forgive me if this has been mentioned already but everyone consider the FTC. If we can't get out money back, maybe we can at least send them to Prison.
Any advice is Welcome and needed. I will post any updates I receive.

Ogden, US
Jan 05, 2011 5:38 am EST

Please send me any and all information that could help with this group effort.

Orem, US
Jan 05, 2011 6:25 am EST

What it all comes down to is money. I may have secured a close relative that has a net worth of over $150 million dollars to help us. He was so annoyed at how I was treated by this company that he wants to push for Public awareness. He said that the media is the best tool for anyone that wants to hide behind bankruptcy for fraudulent business practices. He has a personal relationship with some media outlets here in Utah. He sounds optimistic that a story is going to be aired on the Utah Nightly news. Names will be listed and the other companies these owners have will also be mentioned. The owners of this company will not only lose business with their other companies, but they will lose the respect of their neighbors, friends and anyone that watches the news. Rest assured, they won't be getting away with any shady business practices in the future. He said that there have been so many people contacting the Media that when he talked with his close contacts they were ready to pull the trigger. They are conducting a few more interviews and gathering more evidence, but they claim to have enough already. Keep your eye on the nightly news!--Mike

Utah County, US
Jan 05, 2011 5:13 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Everyone it's very simple. We need to do 2 things:

1.File a complaint with the Utah Division of Real Estate. They are conducting an investigation on Modify Utah, and any information you can give them might help. You can go to the DRE website and file a comlaint online, and submit your evidence. For me that was the "money back guarantee" contract, and my denial letter from my loan servicer. This will take 5 or 10 minutes of your time.

2.Contact the Utah County Attorney and report a crime. If the amount gets over $100, 000 they might take notice. Yes you have to call them, their number is [protected] and ask for the Bureau of Investigations.

North Ogden, US
Jan 05, 2011 8:05 pm EST

Same boat here, but $1500. I realized they were a shady business back in October and looked for websites to comment on, besides the BBB website. Maybe contacting their friends on FB would help. Maybe not. All the Templemans in Utah County are related. This guy is just as bad as any other ponzi scheme operator. But preying on people that don't have money.
Count me in on any lawsuit

South Jordan, US
Jan 05, 2011 10:00 pm EST

Same boat as everyone else.. was referred to this company and was told how great they were. Paid them 3k! Please keep us updated on new news.

Saint George, US
Jan 06, 2011 5:15 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am yet another previous client who was totally ripped off! Started this process last January and our file went from Shelly Nordstrom to Coryse Templeman to Anna Ellingson and finally to Richard Kramer. The owner, Alain Templeman, just took all of our money and RAN! I love how they make you sign the 100% money back guarantee contract...what was it for? NOTHING. I am filing my complaint with the Utah Division of Real Estate and the Utah County Attorney's office right now! Anything we can do to get our money back and/or get these people to face up to the consequences needs to be done. Please keep everyone posted on any news you might get! Thanks everyone, if we all band together, hopefully something good will come out of this.

Park City, US
Jan 07, 2011 8:41 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

A Message To All the People Posting on this Forum: It's too bad that you believed in a "loan modification company." If you do enough research (as I have over the last two + years, ) then you'll realize that a "real" loan mod is a myth! For the most part thay do not exist. Instead of trying to pay a third party to "try" to "help" you get a loan mod, do what I did and hire one of the brightest attorneys in Utah. His name is Abe Bates and he runs Wasatch Advocates ( IF you have a loan that has been "securitized, " it's quite likely that with Abe's help, you can file a predatory lending lawsuit against your lender and stave off foreclosure for a year or more. That's right, a year or more of living in your house with no payments. In all likelihood, the party trying to foreclose on you does not "own" the rights to do so. (Look up "Robo-signing.") The lenders and servicers across this country have committed fraud and people like Mr. Bates are now holding them accountable. Mr. Bates is an attorney who works for the "little guy" and any money you spend will be worth it. Oh, and BTW, since he is a licensed attorney, he won't accept your case if he dosen't feel that he can prevail. God luck. Sorry to hear about the "loan mod" misfortune.

Park City, US
Jan 07, 2011 8:46 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

A Message To All the People Posting on this Forum: Its too bad that you believed in a loan modification company. If you do enough research (as I have over the last two + years, ) then youll realize that a real loan mod is a myth! For the most part thay do not exist. Instead of trying to pay a third party to try to help you get a loan mod, do what I did and hire one of the brightest attorneys in Utah. His name is Abe Bates and he runs Wasatch Advocates ( IF you have a loan that has been securitized, its quite likely that with Abes help, you can file a predatory lending lawsuit against your lender and stave off foreclosure for a year or more. Thats right, a year or more of living in your house with no payments! In all likelihood, the party trying to foreclose on you does not OWN the rights to do so. (Look up Robo-signing) The lenders and servicers across this country have committed fraud and people like Mr. Bates are now holding them accountable. Mr. Bates is an attorney who works for the little guy and any money you spend will be worth it. Oh, and BTW, since he is a licensed attorney, he wont accept your case if he dosent feel that he can prevail. Good luck. Sorry to hear about the loan mod misfortune.

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