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MoneyMutual review: Scam 114

Author of the review
12:12 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I had viewed the TV advertisements for this firm, with Montel Williams as sponsor. The ad says just about everyone will be approved. I inputed my infor., including my social security number. When I submitted to see the terms of any potential agreement, within 2 seconds the website responede that I did not qualify. There is no way that could have been determined that fast. This whole thing seems to be a SCAM. It really upsets me that they have now captured my soc. sec. number. DO NOT COMPLETE THE FORM FOR THIS LOAN. This company is a SCAM.. I thought Montel Williams was better than this!

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Rikki Tikki Tava
Clearwater, US
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Sep 16, 2010 7:28 am EDT

I also entered all the information that was requested including my social security number.In a matter of seconds I was told that I did'nt qualify, but now they have my social security number! DO NOT FILL OUT THE FORM! It's a SCAM! to obtain your personal information.

San Diego, US
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Nov 02, 2010 7:55 pm EDT

Consider yourselves lucky. My husband went to this website, and received confirmation that he was approved for a loan. Nowhere near $1000 but for $250. Ok, so we accept this loan and on his next payday, this company took a whopping $430 out of our account. Can you say Legalized Loan Shark? Plus now we are constantly bombarded from other payday loan companies daily saying they have approved loans for him. As it stands today, we received 23 new emails offering him loans. I personally hold Montell Williams for this. In today's economy, he promotes making a bad situation worse.

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Dec 04, 2010 3:57 am EST

I understand that you all are upset but how can you hold Montell Williams responsible for a decision that you made? After all he is getting paid to advertise for this company. As informed, intelligent adults we all know the risks of giving out our social security numbers, especially online. Did anyone do there research before submitting an online application to this company? You should never put your trust in a product just because a "celebrity" endorses it.

David Scouten
Hornell, US
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Dec 12, 2010 3:33 pm EST

Well I'm sure if Montel knew that what he was endorsing or promoting was a scam, being the person he is, would not approve even if he is getting paid for it. I applied for the a loan here myself and realized YES if he is promoting it, then WHY would it be bad. I should have took into consideration that Montel doesn't have money problems like most people before applying. However I never finished the application and apparently didn't need to for them to get my info. I was never approved and recieved no money at all. However NOW I am getting harassing phone calls from someone, I have no idea who since he is foreign and don't understand half of what he is saying, that I have somehow stolen money for some PayDay Loan which I never recieved and could be arrested for 3 criminal charges. OK? for one thing even if I had received money from a PayDay loan there are laws that protect ANYONE from being criminally liable. If you get a call from [protected] it IS A SCAM to get even more personal, (don't they have enough already). Yeah I know I made a mistake but, so far my bank statements and credits reports have seen no anomalies to show that I have taken out an loans in the past 45 days.

Ripped Off and Very Mad
Fair Oaks, US
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Dec 17, 2010 7:47 pm EST

DO NOT APPLY FOR THE MONEY MUTUAL LOANS! They are a total scam. I was approved for $250 and like others, the company took $450 from my account. Additionally, I had three other companys deposit funds into my account without my knowledge. Since the deposit was accepted by my bank, I owe over $1, 000 in fines (that doesn't include the so called "loan" of $250 for the three unauthorized deposits). I was told that they were signed "digitally" and therefore valid. I offered to return the unasked for funds. The answer was sure, but for each of the $250.00 funds deposited, I now owe $520 per deposit! NO WAY! I am not doing it. Bottom Line: BEWARE! If it sounds too good to be true, it isn't. It too say "Shame on Montel Williams" for endorsing this company.

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Dec 21, 2010 12:07 am EST

Montel should be very much ashamed of himself. Endorsing for this company, come on.. I thought I knew this ### better than that.

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Jan 11, 2011 3:30 pm EST

I agree to all of the above. And what made it sounds even more legit is that Montel Williams promotes it. He's not just a celebrity because he 'acts' or 'plays' different character roles. He is one of the celebrities that have his own talk show, and therefore we get to see his personality and demeanor. Just like Oprah or any of the Judge shows. We've come to see what the man stands for and is about. The way he portrays himself and promote money mutual in the commercial makes those who are in need of that breathing room 'til payday s think and say hmmm, let me give them a try. Afterall, its a loan and nothing they ask for as far as personal information isn't any different than what my local bank would ask. So who would think that it was suspicious until all these unnamed lenders call you and text you. Thats when you really realize, what bank is sooo pressed to give me money that they'll even go as far as texting me. Usually, you are the one who would follow up with a bank to check the status of your loan! I've really lost some respect for Montel's character though. No he didn't put a gun to my head to do it but if Oprah Winfrey promoted something for the less fortunate, wouldn't you jump on it and give it a try?!

Fort Wayne, US
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Jan 16, 2011 12:54 pm EST

Thanks for all the posts, they have stopped me from doing something stupid.

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Jan 25, 2011 8:44 pm EST outta dept to get me farther in dept. oh wait, i must be in america. thanks for all the posts that prevented me from making a mistake. im actually not in any dept i just needed help with what my insuranse company wouldn't cover. money mutual seemed to be a light at the end of a tunnel, but of course home of the brave land of the greed.

Momma Bear 1976
Port Orchard, US
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Feb 13, 2011 9:13 pm EST

My husband and I got totally screwed, before Christmas we did a loan for 500.00, they took the money from his bank in the amount of 650.00 (500.00 for the loan and 150.00 for interest) which was fine because the kids had an awesome Christmas, but then we needed another loan last week, we did it and were approved never thought about the previous loan due to (A) it was paid off, and (B) if there had been an issue we wouldn't have been approved this time. Well, we got the second loan in the amount of 500.00, this payday they took out 300.00 instead of the 150.00 we were expecting. That's when we found out the 650.00 went only to interest and that the 500.00 was still owing. And when questioned about the loan we just took out again in the amount of 500.00 again they had a "Sister company" do it and refused to tell us who it is just said it will be on your bank statement. WTF?

moe remy
Wilmington, US
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Mar 01, 2011 5:54 pm EST

I feel as though Money Mutual is a scam as well... People have made so many complaints about this website. I also think scammers can hack into this website and steal people's information and call and harass them saying they owe this amount of money and never ever received a loan. I would not recommend this website to anyone. If you need a payday go to a direct lender not a broker site. The Best out there is Cashnetusa... PEOPLE PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM MONEY MUTUAL.COM...AND MONTEL SHOULD OF DID SOME RESEARCH ON THIS WEBSITE AS WELL...

Hartford, US
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Mar 04, 2011 1:50 am EST

My sister in law filled out the forms, when she found out how high the interest rate was she declined the loan. Now everyone that she put down as reference have been receiving harassing phone calls from unknown numbers. Its always the same man who can barely speak english. He talks FILTHY! tells us what he wants to put and where. Says he will harm our family if she does not repay the loan. She NEVER received a penny from them yet they are saying she got $5000.00! I do blame Montel Williams. He should not endorse anything like this. He says 'IF YOU NEED HELP WITH YOUR MEDICINE WE CAN HELP" It is awful that he prays on the sickly. And yes he does pray on them by endorsing this terrible company.

Money Mutual is a scam
Abilene, US
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Mar 10, 2011 5:10 pm EST

this is a bad scam i took out a loan for 600 Great really helped they kept emailing me to extend my loan to Let me make partial payments and and a extension fee of 153 every 2 weeks well 500 dollars in my balance has not changed period now they keep hitting my bank for over 800 + 150 putting me in over draft and say the are going to keep hitting my account every few days untill they get their money

Citizens beware
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Apr 05, 2011 9:19 pm EDT

To all who have been scam by this terrible company I advise that you document every transaction and keep a detail record of every transaction that hits your account, also record and note every phone conversations and times you receive or make calls to this company. They might be reluctant to give you information about your account but you can get it thru the back door from your personal bank. All this information you are gathering will come in very handy in the event of Class Action Law Suit which I suspect that one is closely in the making. In any event it will be very good if you will be filing a personal law suit. Also once you have any discrepancy with them shut down your account by closing it and reporting the matter your States Attorney General and the Federal Goverment via the FDIC financial complaints Department. Good luck all

Grand Blanc, US
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Apr 08, 2011 11:03 pm EDT

I learned another expensive lesson> NEVER apply for a loan that is not your credit union. I agree, I thought Montel was reliable and for the people. But true, he has enough money and probably more from his informacial, so why not promote something you probably do not know enough about. I was scammed for an extra $500 for a $575.oo inital loan. I was never told to call 3 days prior to payday to figure out each payment or to see if I wanted to refiance or pay off (why would I want to refiance the loan when it was paid off in three checks?)? DUH.I was told that each payment would be taken our for the next 3 pays. I thought it was over and it continued for the next two pays for a total of $5oo. nore that the $635 ($575.00 plus intrest) that was owed. I made 3 phone attempts, no return call. BE CAREFUL, I put a stop payment on my account, and they changed their account number and resubmitted for payment, !
Shame on Montel! Money Mutal is a SCAM! I work HARD for my money, as do all of you. BE CAREFUL

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Apr 24, 2011 2:58 am EDT

Wow, I am sorry this happened to everyone - and very thankful that you posted it, I just ripped up the letter as I was reading all of these posts.

washington, US
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Apr 30, 2011 3:08 am EDT

This company is a scam and gave me funds that I did not want. Since the original $450.00 they deposited into my account they have been taking around $150-$180 every two weeks. I spoke with a supervisor based out of their call center in COSTA RICA and was informed that there is no corporate headquarters, no legal dept and no one to speak with other than to reach a call center in some 3rd world country. When I informed him that their interest rates and finance charges exceeded the limit that the US govt allows, he said this is why they are based in Costa Rica so that they didn't have to abide by those laws. I never agreed to do business with a company that wasn't located in the US and I find a hard time believing that this is legal. I contacted the state attorney general where I live and they are taking the matter very seriously. This company is being investigated currently and hopefully will cease to operate soon as they take advantage of people in a desperate situation and exploit them financially. It is unethical and immoral. And to respond to those who say that Montel Williams is not responsible, I say you are dead wrong. He spent many years gaining the public's trust and portraying himself as a man who cares about people. It is disgusting to me that he would use his face and his words to peddle a scam. If he is going to receive money for his endorsement and use his celebrity to promote a company that is unethical then he is just as guilty as they are. It is irresponsible of him to attach himself to a scam in order to pray on good people during bad times who trust him as a good and honerable man to do business with a shady Costa Rican company. There are some good loan companies out there so to knock people for doing what they have to do to feed their kids is ridiculous. People apply for these loans knowing that they will have to pay a large interest rate back on a one time basis, but the companies associated with Money Mutual hide their terms and contact information to make it virtually impossible to get them out of your account. Applying for a loan that a reputable celebrity in the US endorses doesn't make people stupid, it makes Montel a complete ###.

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May 01, 2011 6:03 pm EDT

I had started doing an application for a loan over the phone. When she asked me for my SSN I got a funny feeling. Why would you need my SSN if you are not going to do a credit check? And besides did I really want to give all of that infomarion to a complete stranger? It's a total set-up for identity theft. As far as Montel or any celebrity goes STOP PUTTING YOUR TRUST IN THESE PEOPLE! Even talk show hosts are actors!. What you see from the "host" is a persona. Why do we Americans beleive we have some type of bond or affinity with these people. They don't care about you. These people are chosen for fame because they are willing to sell their souls to get it and if their willing to sell their souls, they are certainly willing to pimp us.

Lucky citizen
White Plains, US
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May 06, 2011 3:35 pm EDT

I am glad you guys posted this information about Money mutual and I read it before putting my information to a bunch of thieves, or a thief. For those who believe Montel Williams don't know what is going on think again for all I know he is the one doing the lending. Think about it, he is a intellegent person don't you think he would have done his homework before endorsing anything or anyone, as one person said they could not find out who the lender was shame on Montel I guess he is more desperate than us, he is a thief.

Lucky citizen

Nisswa, US
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May 10, 2011 2:38 am EDT

HAHA i knew this ### was a scam the first time i saw the comercial. Next payday loans always charge a huge amount for loans. I also agree montel is a piece of ### for sponsering this. i figured this out before i read any of these complaints. Anyone who is rich, that encourages people to borrow money is a ###. If you cant afford it this payday, what makes you think you will the next one( in one lump sum) you are better off taking a line of credit on your checking account or even deal with the credit card company scams lol

lueann nelson
Fayetteville, US
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May 16, 2011 10:44 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been in the same situation it is a shame how these companies find ways to rip innocent people off. They do not care and Montel is in the don't care category with them. The foreign people called me and harassed me about a loan I did not receive. I told them to do what they feel they have to do. These companies really need to be investigated and Montel should go down with them.

Mansfield, US
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May 20, 2011 10:50 pm EDT

I agree with this being a scam. Started app. but never finished it because of the rate. Tried with my husband and they denied him but this foreigner keeps calling but we won't let him finish what he is saying. Hoping that they don't attack my account seeing as there isn't much in it. Montel should be ashamed of himself for endorsing this seeing as he has helped out several people on his show. This company needs a law suit brought against them for this.

mrs graham
Willow Park, US
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Jun 01, 2011 4:00 am EDT

Wow this is a eye opener. I am like 840 dollar in the hole right now and I need it by Friday. I was going to try Money Mutual because I thought it would be reputable company. Something told me to check for complaints but I never expected this. Thanks for the deeper debt saving info.

daniel beaver
harvey, US
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Jun 03, 2011 2:35 am EDT

thought it was a scam so i used my walmart card numbers in stead of my bank acount. gess what . no money was put in the card . but i made a big mastake gave them my moms phone number. shes 78 years old and there threating to have here arrested. calling my house threating my wife and doughter. well gess what peaple if a class action law suit is what thay want in cluding montel there going to get it. im sick of threats and im sick of some one calling my home that i cant hardley understand. becouse of them being forein. if you dont speak proper englash dont call. also contact me on th class action law suit im all for it lets get it going.

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Jun 07, 2011 3:37 am EDT

PEOPLE LETS FILE A Class Action Lawsuit against MONEY MUTUAL!

Synchronicles Intellectus
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Jun 20, 2011 6:10 pm EDT

Thank you to all those brave souls that are commenting about their experience with money mutual. I see myself in a financial bind and desparate to find out where I can obtain some cash to pay off bills I log on to the internet sited MM and when the information comes back I see posting about MM being a scam. Before I began the application process I decided to read the comments posted by previous borrowers and learned that no matter how desparate I might be for cash I not that desparate to get embroiled in this scam. Thanks to everyone who was willing to share their expereince and encounter with MM. It is folks like you who have saved me from becoming even more desparate for cash. Good luck and best regards to you. You have provided people a great service, one that's better than the cash MM is willing to lend. Amen.

Valdosta, US
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Jun 27, 2011 5:16 pm EDT

Thanks for all of the helpful info. I was literally seconds away from signing my life away. I have dealt with a good loan company before, i just never geat approved for anything over $250 so i attempted t go else where. But the place is if anyone is interested. There fee is only like $67.50, and they dont deduct the total amount of the loan all af once. You can pay it off a little every payday. The only downside is that while you're paying it off u will be charged the $67.50 fee along with whatever you put toward your balance. For instance. My total was $250, so to pay off everything at once I owe $317.50. But if I wanted to do just $100 toward the balance, I pay $167.50 and still owe $150. Get it? So next time to pay it off, it would be a total of $217.50. the remaining $150 + the fee of $67.50. Hope that helps.

Metter, US
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Jun 28, 2011 10:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am very glad I checked into this site and read these messages. I had applied for this loan before and I was denied. I was suckered by Montel Williams’ advertisement for Money Mutual. I was influenced by his celebrity status and took that as a credible gesture for their reputation. I am very disappointed with him in representing such scandalous venture. Like many others, we became dependant on the convenient of the internet and we became complacent with its easy services. I have learned one lesson about this; don’t be too trustful with your information with those you cannot see or talk too. I am one of those who are very desperate for a loan to cover my bills. Maybe there are some internet loan companies out there whom we can trust.

Framingham, US
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Jul 01, 2011 4:18 pm EDT

All you people are jackwagons because you all have jobs. Just wait a week till u get your paycheck fool. You all deserve to get ripped off

Framingham, US
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Jul 01, 2011 4:20 pm EDT

You all are a bunch of [censored]es. If you all have jobs why no wait until you get paid ? Why cant you wait a week ? It takes a real [censored] to think you would not get ripped off.

st. louis, US
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Jul 02, 2011 11:44 am EDT

Why so angry Mon...I mean sammydog? There are times when there is too much month at the end of your money. Some of us could use a little help now and then. I am so grateful for these posts. I was only seconds away from creating a financial nightmare for myself. God bless those who have suffered the losses. Thank you for taking the time to help someone else.

Groveland, US
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Jul 08, 2011 4:43 am EDT

I applied for a loan thru Money Mutual . Huge Mistake. I live in California a state that still allows payday loans. Money Mutual sure did get me a loan but at what cost? They gave my information to loan SHARKS. I found out that these lenders are not licensed to do business in California. So far I have paid 1250 on a 300 loan. The company I took the loan through Now goes by a different name
The phone # on my bank statements when I called didnt know anything about it. I called Money Mutual, thinking they could me info. Nope they dont give out that information I searched the internet NOTHING. MONEY MUTUAL IS A SCAM AND NEEDS TO BE SHUT DOWN AND GIVE US ARE MONEY BACK. THEY ARE PLAYING GAMES WITH PEOPLE LIVES.

Little Falls, US
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Jul 11, 2011 9:34 pm EDT


scotts dale, US
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Jul 15, 2011 3:10 am EDT

Money Mutual site says you can get approve UP TO $1000.00. Either way they are all loan sharks in the business of doubling their money.

Swartz Creek, US
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Jul 18, 2011 5:12 pm EDT

Whew, I almost fell for it. Good thing I read the comments! Who couldn't use $1000 dollars. I'd put that ### to good use! Not at the expense of a scam though. Frickin' ###!

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Jul 23, 2011 6:22 pm EDT

A lot of the things you guys are saying is illegal. I for one have done it and yes the interest is sky high but not illegal its called SHORT TERM LOANS, that is the purpose. This isnt a car note or mortgage its intended purpose is to get the loan and pay back immediately. I borrowed $400 for a repair to my home and was charged $35 per $100 so in essence $140 flat finance charge and I paid it back as soon as I got paid. Get real people.

Pamela Ison
Sumter, US
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Jul 24, 2011 5:05 pm EDT

Money mutual did the same thing to me too! They redirected me to Everestt Cash Advance and US Fast Cash. Both loans for $500 each. One of the loans was paid off, so I thought! Then the other day just took another $700 from me. I have paid over 2000 just for that loan and the other almost 2000 and now sending me to collection agencies. This is horrible and ridiculous to do to someone. I will be going to the bank tomorrow to file a claim on both of these companies. THIS IS A REAL SCAM, DO NOT GET THESE LOANS BECAUSE THEY WILL RIP YOU OFF TIL YOU HAVE NO MONEY LEFT!

New York, US
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Jul 24, 2011 6:13 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I paid $32.67 for a XBOX 360 and my mom got a 17 inch Toshiba laptop for $94.83 being delivered to our house tomorrow by FedEX. I will never again pay expensive retail prices at stores. I even sold a 46 inch HDTV to my boss for $650 and it only cost me $52.78 to get. Here is the website we using to get all this stuff,

Mike Billingsly
Providence, US
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Jul 28, 2011 10:12 pm EDT

You people have to be ###ed. WAKE UP. If somebody is giving you money to borrow, YOU'RE GOING TO GET RAPED IN INTEREST. It's a simple scientific fact. Why would ANY company give people money to borrow for free? OF COURSE IT'S A SCAM!

I feel horrible for your kids, for your families, for everyone who knows you people. If you see a commercial like this and you do ANYTHING but laugh, you are too stupid to deserve a loan anyway. What a joke.

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Aug 01, 2011 1:34 am EDT

I kept receiving invitations from Money Mutual and I kept throwing them in the garbage and then today I thought maybe, but I would investigate 1st. One of my rules while researching anything is when I google anything and the 2nd or 3rd search reveals the word scam I never follow through. I hope all you people with computers research companies and make smarter decisions the next time.

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