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GEICO Complaints 605

6:21 pm EDT
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GEICO dropped policy

20 Minutes Or Less! More like 20 days or less, I recentley Saw an advertisment on T.V about how Geico can save me money and beat out the competition as far as low rates .I went online and filled out a application to insure my vehicle, I was extremely happy with the rate so i called up an spoke with a live agent, gave her my reference number and Credit card to get the policy started .Gecko readily accepted my 1st payment then email me my New insurance I.d cards .Everything seem so easy "A Cave Man Could Do It" So i canceled my prior insurance with Progressive, now im under the impression that im now playing for the Gecko Team.
WELL guess what in 10 days I recieved a Letter in the mail that they refered to it as a new "POLICY QUESTIONER" i filled it out to the "T" and sent it back, do you know that i got another letter back via the mail Stating that my POLICY is being cancel cause i didnt put the exact year which mind you was 1995 and on the questioner i put 1994" a honest mistake so now im left without a insurance company and the urgre to beat up that Talking gecko for the RECORDS "GEICO IS A B.S Company that believes in collect your money and cancel your policy in 20 mins or less.p.s "SHAME ON ALL THE UNDERWRITTERS IN THE WOODBURY L.I BRANCH.

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12:36 am EDT
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GEICO thanks geico!

I have been a loyal geico customer since 1996. I have never been in an accident so I have never had a problem with my coverage. Then, this past April, I was sitting at a stop light when I was hit by a drunk driver.
My mustang was rear ended and then side swiped as the drunk driver fled the scene. I had to swerve into a pole to lessen the impact. Thankfully no one was hurt, in my car, or the three other cars hit by the same drunk driver.
My car however was not so lucky. Both side mirrors, both rear quarter panels and my rear bumper were damaged.
I promptly reported the incident to Geico. They told me that we would have to wait for the police report to come back before they would know if I have to pay my deductible or not. I have uninsured motorist insurance which waives the deductible if the drunk driver doesn’t have insurance. And the claims rep said that my deductible would be refunded to me if the drunk driver did have insurance because I was not at fault in the accident. So either way, I’m not paying a deductible right?
After a few weeks I called geico and asked if they had the drunk driver’s information so I could take my car in to be repaired. They said that they were still waiting for the police report so I’d have to wait more. I was able to obtain the front page of the report from the police myself, but it didn’t say anything about the other driver’s insurance info.
2 more weeks passed and still no word from Geico. They refused to pay for a rental so I had been driving my wife to and from work, in my towncar. -which is not easy on the gas as you can imagine. I spoke with Geico again and they said to just bring the car in and we would deal with the deductible when we figure it out. So I did what they said. I have not been in an accident before so I didn’t know any better. I guess that’s what I get for trusting them.
When I finally get the call from the adjuster, she said that my 2017 mustang is totaled. She said it’s going to cost $5000 to fix the car and that’s more than it’s worth. Or they would give me $3200 and a salvage title. Now what am I supposed to do with $3200 if that’s not enough to fix the car and it’s not enough to replace it?
She explains that it would have been $3700 but they are charging me the deductible. –Even though they still allegedly don’t know the other driver’s insurance info.
So what can I do but accept it? I tell the adjuster that I’m going to have to think about it and get back to her.
I went to pick the car up today, and they charged me $180 for “storage” . That was the last straw.
So to recap….. I was hit by a drunk driver on april 12th, 2017. It’s now June 2nd, 2017. My car is still not fixed. A $3200 check, supposedly in the mail, to get $5000 worth of repairs done. I have been driving my wife to and from work in my towncar for a month and a half AND I’m out $180 for “storage” . Thanks Geico!

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Chicago, US
Feb 23, 2010 8:20 pm EST

When you have GEICO insurance, beware of dropping full collision coverage. Geico automatically drops your ETS [Emergency Towing service] without telling you or sending you a letter. All I received was an apology, as I sat stranded on the highway at night by myself. Shame on GEICO!

Mojave, US
Mar 16, 2009 5:09 pm EDT

My van recently had to be towed from my driveway to the garage, when it left all my windows were intact! when I went to pick up my van the sliding cargo window was completly gone? The garage employees said it was gone upon arrival! I reported it to Geico and had the claims person inspect it and they said that Geico would fix it! Well now they said it is going to cost me $250.00? WHY? I did not do anything wrong, it was towed by Geicos Tow Company! I am so angry as this has nothing to do with me. I want some resolution to this issue.

Atlanta, US
May 21, 2010 8:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Sounds like a deductible to me.

Bolingbrook, US
Mar 31, 2010 3:22 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

And here is another question...Would it have made a difference? Would you have kept the collision coverage just to have towing? My guess is, probably not.

Bolingbrook, US
Mar 31, 2010 3:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It is not true that you do not receive notification. Per state rules Geico must send you a new insurance declaration page whenever you make coverage changes. You did not read it to make sure everything was done correctly.

Upstanding Citizen
Jun 12, 2009 1:48 pm EDT


5:02 pm EDT

GEICO what sorry service and what monsters the people at geico

If your customer rear ends another person on the freeway, how can you possibly deny the claim. My dad hadn't changed lanes, he just had to slow down for traffic. He and his vehicle were injured and all they can give us is "the other driver had a different story." I'm looking at the police report. She hit him. What sorry service and what monsters the people at Geico. My dad is 75 and they are hoping he will just go away if they give him enough trouble. I guarantee, I won't go away. These people are despicable.

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Feb 18, 2011 6:18 pm EST

I have had the same experience recently in that I am the victim when a 9-year old kid threw rocks at my parked car when the father was there. The father is trying to deny some of the damage and Geico is believing him. It's outrageous. The police were called and the father initialy admitted the damage.

Dec 27, 2010 11:52 pm EST

My post was posted to the wrong complaint. My apologies.

Dec 27, 2010 11:50 pm EST

Contact your states insurance commisioner with this complaint. They may already know of this and could be investigating it, or they can explain why it is legal for Homeland to do this. Either Homeland is violating an insurance law, or your state allows Homeland to do business like this. Nothing happens in insurance without prior approval from a State Insurance Commisioner.

Either way, I feel you were taken advantage of and you should also report this to your local representative, like your senators or congressman...ask them if this is what they voted for with reform?

Manteca, US
Jun 09, 2010 10:04 pm EDT

They did the exact same thing to me. One of their insured rear ended me. 100% his fault, he admitted it at the scene. Geico denied it saying "our insured tells a different story". The evidence speaks for itself, he slammed into me from the back. They didnt come look at my car. They did absolutely no investigation whatsoever. They denied the claim so they wouldnt have to pay out of their pockets what was completely their insured's fault.

Atlanta, US
May 21, 2010 8:41 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well, the situation is this, a police report cannot be a testimony to what happened in the accident because the police officer did not see the accident. The Police report is only the officer's opinion of what happened, and are not admissible in court. If the only driver is saying it happened differently then how is Geico to take one driver's word over anothers, if there are no independent witnesses to the accident then if sounds like it may be a word vs word dispute.

Atlanta, US
May 21, 2010 7:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well it's hard to answer this question, because you haven't said why they denied the claim. Maybe the person didn't pay their insurance bill. Without proper information no one will be able to give you a correct answer as to why.

9:35 pm EST
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GEICO possible insurance fraud

I had ins. with allstate & decided to switch to geico because they were cheaper.After a couple of weeks when i had ins. with geico, Allstate called & said they might be able to beat geico's price if i would come down & talk to them.Dec.9/2009 I signed backup with Allstate at about 1:30pm.That afternoon I called geico & told them I wanted to cancel & I was going back to allstate.I told the person I talked to, that Allstate was going to start ins. on 12/16/09(because I told allstate, my ins. with geico was good until the 15th) & I wanted to let my ins. run up until that date.After a few minutes on hold she came back & said I would owe $2 & some odd cents for one more day, because my policy is pd. up untill12/14/09.I said, fine, because I had it set up on auto draft so its no big deal.She took a few minutes to set everything up on the computer & we said bye & hung up.On 12/15/09 my daughter was driving the car & the brakes failed.She hit the car in front of her.Thank God no body got hurt.I met her at the accident a few minutes later.I told the guy she ran into that geico was really going to be mad because my ins. was going back to allstate midnight tonight.The guy she ran into called a couple of hours later & said there was a problem with the ins.the next day i talked to geico & they said I was not covered, My ins. was expired 12/14/09 at 12:00pm.I explained to them the conversation I had 12/09/09 at 5:30 pm with the woman at geico & they said they would check the records & recordings.I argued with them 3 or 4 times on the telephone over a period of about a month.monday I have to send out a ck. to a collection agency for 1/4 down & make payments for pay for the car repair because I don't have proof of the conversation about her adding 1 more day at $2 & someodd cents.So here I sit all Broke & Hearted.I certainly hope this message helps somebody in the future.May God bless all of you.

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Port Orange, US
Dec 18, 2010 10:22 pm EST

I was rear ended by a woman who admitted it was her fault. We are both with Geico. On calling I have been told to use my medicare and pay the remaining 20% myself, (to see a chiro.) I was told that if I went through her policy number that I would be investigated, I was told that we wouldn't know if she was covered for 7-10 days, Maybe because I am older, not as pretty, or didn't drive a Mercedes. I was asked for a list of meds that I had been taking on the 3rd call(like I had done something to cause this), it goes on and on, every time I call I get the run around and was told by the rep. that she didn't believe this woman was really a careless driver, (I told them exactly why she was). I've paid them every 6 months for probably the last 11 years. The policeman said it was very clear to see the damage on my car. If they were driving with out proper insurance, wouldn't they be driving illegally? Would it do me any good to contact the state insurance commissioner? They haven't even sent an adjuster out to look at my car, I had to find someone myself to look and see if it was still driveable.

Port Orange, US
Dec 18, 2010 9:40 pm EST

I am so sick of Geico and their lies I could scream!

10:53 pm EST
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GEICO will not reinsure

After 9 years with the company, clean driving record, no tickets, no claims. I was refused to be insured because I had gone without a car for less than 3 months.
They actually told me to get insurance through another company and then come back! I told them that was silly! What kind of company tells their best customers to go away?
They apologized for the "glitch"...but it is apparent they hold "policy" far above their customers, because they could see that I had insurance through them before.
They also refused to give me contact informafion for anyone that had the authority to override this decision.

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Bolingbrook, US
Mar 31, 2010 3:17 pm EDT
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I would go to another insurance company and not worry about it. It sounds like the person you spoke with had her hands tied.

Butler, US
Feb 22, 2010 4:44 pm EST

What do you want from a company who's mascot is a lizard...

11:30 am EST
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GEICO bait and switch

Geico is a totally [censored] company! One of their clients totaled my car, injured me and my son and what do they do? Not one thing. My husband had to track them down, provide them with the police reports. The play the "bait and switch" game by always swapping agents, claiming they did not receive the bills, faxes etc.
they did not pay my medical bills leaving me sitting in collections and now they flat out refuse to pay me for my injuries.
they also requested medical information after they say my claim was closed, pretty interesting and I am sure illegal!

this company sucks! I am thinking of seeking others with a similar situation for a class action lawsuit! anyone want to join the bandwagon?

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Greensboro, US
May 09, 2010 7:02 pm EDT

I will be willing to go into a class action lawsuit. I am from North Carolina and am going to contact the NC Insurance Commission and see if they can help.

10:30 pm EST
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GEICO double insuring

Geico insurance double insured my son in-laws car, we have found out from the DMV in N. Carolina, My son in law and daughter had insurance coverage on the Bronco and My son also had insurance on same car so he was covered. Geico was told that the car already had insurance for son in law, but still sold my son insurance. The DMV in N. Carolina has threatened to confiscate the car and charge penalties. During the time that we were trying to figure out this mess my son was 1 day late on his monthly payment I was told that I would have to start all over on payments. They had already taken over $900.00 I am wondering if there is any recourse for this mess or anyway to get the DMV off of my son in laws & Daughters back?

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11:07 am EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

On November 17th my son had an accident in my car and I filed a clain with GEICO. 3-days after filing the claim I was told that my son was an excluded driver. I informed them that I was not aware that I had signed anything to exclude my son from driving my car but they insisted that I did. I asked for a copy of the exclusion form and was told that they...

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7:52 am EST
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GEICO not paying claim

I would like to add my name to the long list of people who have complaints against Geico. Looks like they will do anything possible to avoid paying a ligimate claim. The money they save by not paying many claims will surely cover the expense of those stupid commercials!

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Mojave, US
Dec 31, 2009 8:03 am EST
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Geico is totaly tring to jip me down on what they are able to pay me of bobily injury and also the damages for my jeep CJ-5 that was totaled from a rear-end collision that pushed me into a big duel cab truck, right off the bat they started with their nickel and dime tactics and i'm about ready to settle this the frontier way

5:20 pm EST
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GEICO fraudulent checks

recieved a check in the mail with winners ref claim number ACC-0588955/2009-SEZ Sweepstakes in the consumer promotion drawing. It was for total $2950 to pay taxes on a larger drawing award of 250, 000 dollars. What is this about and what kind of scam is it? It does give western union information or money gram. Jessica Gorgon or Phil Taylor Tel: [protected] in Washington Dc. The Tax Agent is listed as Debra Lee or Melissa Harris with an address: 14-20 Heddon Street Mayfair London W1B 4DA UK. This whole scam is through PNC Bank N.A., New Jersey [protected]/312 CHeck NO: 0491355

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1:59 pm EDT
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GEICO misleading statements resulting in charge

I was planning to purchase a car on monday and called geico on sunday to find out about the cost of insurance. The rep told me I could go ahead and buy the policy and that if I didn't end up with the car, they would cancel the policy without any charges. Hoping to have everything in place (Just in case I get into an accident after the purchase), I agreed.

In the end, the owner decided to increase the price of the vehicle and I decided against the purchase. I called geico at 10:00 on monday and was told that the policy has been in place for 1 day and there would be a charge of $8.00. I argued that I had been told that there would be no charge but no, they have my money and they're gonna keep it.

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Houston, US
Jun 02, 2014 1:04 pm EDT

I have had Geico for two years and I will never use them again. I have just switched from Geico to Consumer United, who signed me up with Safeco, a Liberty Mutual company. Sean Riley at C.U. helped me and I could not have asked for a more patient, thorough rep. I know I sound like I'm his mother, but I am not, just another completely screwed over ex-Geico user who needed the kind of help Mr. Riley gave me. Believe me, I shopped hard.

2:21 pm EDT
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GEICO accident

8-7-09 I was hit by an illegal mexican who was uninsured. I have full coverage insurace including pip and uninsured coverage by Geico. I filed a claim on the 8-7-09 my truck was declared a total loss on the 8-11-09 today is the 8-27-09 and I have not have my truck payment taken care of. I called the adjuster repeatedly and constantly got the run around that he was overnighting me information . The information never came and then I go to clean out my truck and it's ready to be auctioned?To add insult to injury I have been quoted a very low amount for my fully loaded 2002 avalanche less than 3, 000 the kelly blue book value. Also they are charging me $500 decutible even though I have uninsured coverage because it has been 20 days and they have not gotten the police report. I have never experinced so much from an insurance company in my life. I am switching asap because Geico is the worst company ever and I would never recommend them.

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Ronkonkoma, US
Sep 09, 2009 9:45 pm EDT

I have had the same expeirence with GEICO and paying out on a total loss vehichle. I read up on how Geico comes up with their dollar amount and fought with them over the amount they were offering me. They go buy fair market value. They also use the RED BOOK and the NADA BOOK. they average the two together and come up with anount. i have had lots of extra's added to my car. if you dont speak up about the dollar amount then they will take advantage of you. I got almost $3000 more on a vehicle. In the state of NY we have what you call the RIGHT OF RECOURSE. This is that you need to put in writing that you want to exeercise your right of recourse and send it to the State Dept in NY City. They will then send to GEICO the complaint and then GEICO has 30days to locate a vehicle of the same year make model and equipment that is on a reputable lot for 3 business days so you can have it replaced. (but in reality you dont need to replace the vehicle, you use that as the dollar amount). as far as it is ready to be auctioned...they have no right to auction your vehicle unless you signed the title over already. Usually it sits on their storage lot until the deal is closed. Dont let them take advantage of you. Fight back. I have learned so much with GEICO that i want to open a business trying to help innocent people to get the correct dollar amount for their total loss vehicles and ot get taken advantage of.

Aug 27, 2009 3:05 pm EDT

Try getting another copy of the accident report yourself and fax it or hand-carry (if possible) to Geico. As for the quote on your 7 year old vehicle being 3000 below blue book; normally it's usually in the insurance agreement about what/how a vehicle is covered. If you pay for basic insurance your vehicle is covered, but not for replacement value. If you had extra items on your vehicle that increased its value, you really should have spoken with your insurance agent to make certain that it was covered at it's current value. Sorry to read about your predicament.

7:09 pm EDT
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GEICO geico doesn't pay

GEICO Insurance has refused to pay fair value for my car for two years and counting. After reading my story, you can decide whether GEICO deserves your business.

My 2000 Chrylser 300M was "totalled" in my parents driveway. I had left it there, for the weekend, when a group of drunken, uninsured, unlicensed, unregistered, underage teenagers destroyed my unoccupied car right in a private driveway.

Read on in my website...

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5:06 pm EDT
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GEICO abuse

Do you want to know the truth about geico?
Karen simpson; lisa fishman; debra schmidt; jeremy connor
Geico has the money to continuously bombard people with commercials. Do they figure things like this will not be seen? A complaint was sent to the better business bureau. It included:

Enclosed please find my feedback relating to claims experience with geico. Enclosed are photos and physical evidence info which I believe clearly show that my version was obviously correct. Physical evidence does not lie no matter how many liars appear. A claims examiner named karen simpson paid the other driver 100% which was about $3700.00, geico then put this on my driving record for seven years stating that I was 100% at fault. I complained to the ny insurance dept. About this examiner before the claim was paid. Asking if I could be assigned someone more impartial. They spoke to a supervisor named debra schmidt. The examiner then went on to pay 100% to the other party despite any material demonstrating that he was 100% at fault. I discussed the situation with multiple supervisors and they did not correct it. Other departments say they do not have authority over the claims department. I assume this is true only when they are acting in good faith. I have paid premiums to geico for almost 10 years with no claims. I would think that they could properly analyze a claim when I do have one. The following is complainer's statement on the police report: "I was driving into walmart shopping center-stopped at stop sign by payless shoes and inched forward to see what was behind the building on my right. As I was doing this a car came from my right - as his car was half way around the turn onto my road his fender scraped my bumper. There was sufficient room so that he did not have to scrape my car. He turned too close to my car." the other driver, also insured by geico, was 17 and called his father to the scene who was a policeman. His statement on the report was: "I was driving and I was attempting to make a left hand turn when the other driver rolled through a stop sign. When I saw him I stopped in the middle of my turn and he kept moving forward and hit me. I also had the right of way. I had no stop sign." first driver submitted the following points to the geico claims department consistent with and in support of his version. Confirmed by photos of damage at scene: 1. About a dozen very long scratches can be seen at the point of impact consistent with the other car scraping me not my hitting him with my bumper corner once going forward. 2. My bumper corner is covered with rubber from other car's tire inconsistent with my hitting him going forward. It is consistent with his tire digging into my bumper as he turned. 3. There is rubber on the side of the bumper corner inconsistent with the position he describes. 4. If this were reenacted cars would not be in each other's path. I was turning right onto his road. He was turning left onto my road. You cannot go forward at this stop sign. A left turn would be leaving the lot which I had just entered a few feet down the road. This was confirmed by witness. 5. There is damage by the other car's door handle. This is inconsistent with me hitting him with my bumper corner going forward. Damage is too high. 6. I would have had a very long time to put on my brake before the cars got in the position he describes. First contact was between my driver side bumper corner and about an inch past his driver side door. He was coming from my right slowing for a turn and he says I was rolling. 7. Why would he stop in my path as he describes instead of continuing and getting out of my path? Could he have thought that it was to his advantage to say he was stopped? In a later statement to insurer he says he tried to go around me but I clipped him 8. Damage on his car started about an inch past his drivers door running past his tire. This is consistent with him scraping me as he was parallel to me making a turn into my road. Inconsistent with me hitting him once with the corner of my bumper going forward. Too long an area. 9. Both geico appraiser who did estimate on my car and his supervisor said my car was stopped at point of impact and another car rubbed against it. They said this was due to lack of damage and compression. This was written on my geico estimate. They considered this conclusive because they did not even reach the above items to consider. The better business bureau submitted the above to geico. Geico submitted the following answer completely ignoring and not responding to the above physical evidence. Relying on people who contradict the physical evidence. :claim [protected]. — the accident was reported by our insured stating that he was driving into parking lot and stopped at stop sign. He was inching forward to see into the intersection when other driver cut his turn too close striking his vehicle. The other driver's statement was that he was making a left turn when other driver ran the stop sign hitting him. (This driver was also insured by geico.) the police report cited first driver for failing to yield right of way as a contributing cause of the accident. An outside witness stated that first driver was driving erratically and went through stop sign and hit other vehicle. First driver was found 100% responsible by geico. As a customer service we changed file to 66% at fault. If any additional information is needed contact lisa fishman claims supervisor at [protected] x5291. Very truly yours, jeremy connor, regional liability director complaining policyholder responded generally as follows again asking geico to respond to the physical evidence. Reply included the following: this is in reply to the silly geico response. As previously discussed I think this matter comes down to the physical evidence which they once again ignore. This matter will not be resolved in my opinion unless they give a reasonable explanation for each item of physical evidence which does not lie. The physical evidence remains regardless of how many liars appear or whatever personal problems any claims examiner has. What a shame. I was not "cited" for anything. The witness states that I was not going more than 4 miles per hour. Could someone explain how over $3000.00 of damage could be done at that speed? Geico's own adjuster put on my estimate that I was stopped and another car rubbed against mine. Prior to this I had a perfect driving record. The police saw there was nothing wrong with me. Why would I be driving erratically? When your dealing with people who will say anything its good to know that you have an insurance company that will step up to the plate and do the right thing. To resolve this matter I request a reasonable explanation of each item of physical evidence or changing it to not at fault. — the better business bureau sent the above to geico again requesting an explanation of the physical evidence. Geico sent the following response again blatantly ignoring the physical evidence. — we have received your correspomdence requesting that we reconsider our liability position on this claim. As stated in our response policyholder was found 100% negligent for this loss based on our investigation. As a customer service to him geico changed the liability on his file to 66%. We feel our handling of this matter was fair and accurate. Our position remains firm. If any additional information is needed please contact lisa fishman claims supervisor at [protected]-x5291 very truly yours, jeremy connor,, regional liability director — after the insurance department spoke to geico they had ageed to pay 1/3 of policyholders damage. This seemed unusual when they already paid the other party 100%. They now call this a customer service. Driver could not accept this since he felt no way at fault. He therefore has not been paid for his damage and has not had his car repaired. It still states 100% at fault on his driving record. The ny insurance department has no power to do anything about how a company settles a claim no matter how ludicrous it is. Geico apparently knows this. The insurance department wrote a letter stating: "our review of the matter involving two geico insureds would indicate that 1st driver could be considered not at fault based on an examination of pictures of the vehicles involved in the accident. The damage to the adverse vehicle indicates the vehicle was in motion across the path of 1st drivers vehicle." insurance dept. Complaint # 525200. This corresponds to what the geico adjuster wrote on the estimate. The above is dc better business bureau complaint # 35cs-849%. This better business bureau where geico is headquartered has them rated "f" for a large number of complaints and failing to respond to complaints. Companies such as liberty mutual and state farm have "a" ratings at their headquarter locations. Since there were two geico policyholders two separate examiners worked on the case one for each party's claim. Right before the claim was settled the examiner handling my claim against the other driver left geico.

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Update by straight ahead
Nov 12, 2009 6:59 pm EST

UPDATE: Geico has now gone from a Better Business Bureau rating of "F" to "A". I assume they decided to go back and answer the unanswered complaints since these are no longer listed. There are still over 700 complaints listed in 36 months at the main location. There was no further answer to the above complaint. The reason for the "F" rating was stated in the report as "unanswered complaints and number of complaints". So if they still have the same number of complaints or more how do they go from "F" to "A"? Also all complaints now say "resolved" or "company made every reasonable effort to resolve it".(one with delayed resolution) How can this be accurate in light of the above complaint?

Update by straight ahead
Sep 02, 2009 1:15 pm EDT


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Nov 17, 2015 2:53 pm EST

I find the Peter Pan commercial showing a young person being disrespectful to his elders and abusive (when he kicks elderly gentleman in the head as he flys by) very offensive. This commercial would eliminate the elderly as potential customers and I find this commercial in poor taste and very offensive. Please remove this commercial. Sylvia

you're incorrect
buffalo, US
May 16, 2012 12:28 pm EDT

your physical evidence as you put it does not support your case - ok so maybe your car was either moving slower or even stopped when the other vehicle hit yours. look where the line is for that stop sign. you were obviously out way too far

you're incorrect
buffalo, US
May 16, 2012 12:25 pm EDT

dude, you rolled through a stop sign and admitted it. right of way. period. you lose. deal with it and move on.

11:49 pm EDT
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I am insured with Geico and my car was stolen in 8/2008. I have full coverage on my policy for this vehicle and to date Geico has still not resolved my claim. My vehicle has an outstanding loan that has now affected my credit and all I am told by Geico is that the claim is still pending, Tell that too the lienholder. Per regulation 64 this should have been...

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1:51 pm EDT
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I was hit by a Geico Insured motorist who was speeding and ran a red light in Atlanta, GA. (Three reliable witnesses, the other driver received a citation, we are waiting for the court date). Geico has admitted that their motorist was at fault, but is only accepting 90% of the liability, saying that I am 10% liable for "not being able to stop in time to...

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3:55 pm EDT
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GEICO awful company

I recently had a Geico insuranceholder hit my car. The windshield is cracked, hood dented, hood ornament gone, front grill ruined and some other damage. The car is a 1995 Jaguar XJR. Geico customer servie told me I needed to get the damages figured so I had it taken to Royal Body Works. The quote came to about $3, 800. Geico told me they would not use that quote and they would send out one of their adjusters who figured the damages at $1, 800.00. They sent a check without even speaking to me. I have not cashed the check and I am VERY upet that they are telling me it will only be $1, 800 as it will be much more than that to fix. I will be out and extra $2, 000.00 because I got hit by a Geico insurance holder. I do not think this is fair.

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insurance hopper
klil, US
Jun 13, 2010 9:58 pm EDT

you drive a crapy ford - dump the [censor] and drive a real car - you will see how insurance companies respond to cars with real value

Bolingbrook, US
Mar 31, 2010 3:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If a Geico bodyshop is willing to fix the damage for less, why don't you take it to them?

Ernest G. Gump
Aug 20, 2009 6:28 pm EDT

I'm very surprized you got anything at all out of them. I equate them to chisling homeland terrorist who ended up nearly ruining my life after being rear-ended by one of their customers. I almost lost EVERYTHING, even though the kid (geico customer) and the police report says he was entirelt at fault. There are some very heartless, evil people out there in the word.

9:30 pm EDT
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After being a customer for 16 years, Geico sent me a letter and dropped my coverage 9 months after my wife had an accident. This was the only claim I have ever had on my policy. After doing some research online, I am finding that Geico is dropping customers' policies only to offer new ones at double the rate. In my case, they offered me over triple my...

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4:11 am EDT
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GEICO holding claim payment

Mr. Goff has reduce actual payment on my claim on the damage of my car and refuse to send damages which he states their company can do so as to the true value of my car his email address is [protected] ... also Mr. Paul Schutz stated my payment for the lost for car was sent on 6/18/09 ans he cancaled check on 6/29/09 sending over night deliver and as yet received check as promised. claim no. [protected]. Medicial Claim for my son which Ms. Cherl Jones is over and under the same claim number [protected] ex- 5287 please look into this matter also thank you for Michael Houston

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8:38 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

GEICO geico commercials, bilking customers out of legitimate claims

This complaint is prompted by GEICO's latest ###ic commercial, the one with the woman's unexpected blood-curdling shriek. This is very annoying and jarring to me, but I have a friend who is caring for a mother with Alzheimer's, and the poor old lady becomes very upset and begins crying when it comes on.

I have been very displeased with GEICO ever since hurricane Katrina. Before that I had been a loyal GEICO customer for over 25 years. A few days before Katrina was even a threat, I drove to my sister's house who lives in Destrehan just outside of New Orleans, parked my car there, and we both flew from the New Orleans airport to visit our other sister in Virginia. I contacted GEICO immediately after the hurricane, and since I had rental insurance, was instructed to fly back to Mobile, or nearby and rent a car until my car could be retrieved and was assured that I would be reimbursed. I did that, and one month afterwards, the roads to where my car was parked were finally accessible. There was no flooding in that area of Destrehan, and my car was in perfect condition.

GEICO then claimed, because my car was not damaged, there would be no reimbursement for the rental. I had no way of knowing until then the condition of my car, and even if I did, I still wouldn't be able drive it, because I couldn't get to it for a full month. I had the person's name who I had initially spoken to, who never was available, they told me, to speak to me again, and I was told that even if I was given the incorrect information, this charge, which was over $900, would not be covered. I asked over and over again to speak to management, culd never get through, and was told my claim would go before a board, and more than once, was denied.

I thought this was despicable on the part of GEICO, and after 25 years, I cancelled the policy. I took out a policy with Allstate, for increased coverage, at a savings of over $350 a year. I think GEICO denies claims that they shouldn't to help pay for barraging the airways with those ridiculous commercials.

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San Diego, US
Jul 10, 2009 8:59 am EDT

Actually it is nothing personal to you but your rental coverage is only for the repair time of your vehicle. It is not for when you are away from your vehicle, even if its because of a major catastrophy. I'm happy you found an insurance company that is cheaper and with better rates but you should understand your policy before you complain on a message board. Geico is one of the few companies that the people actually do not mind helping people, we love it actually. BUT we have to abide by the policy. Like I said, its nothing personal. If we had reimbursed your rental who's to say other people might try to claim the same thing fraudulently. Say someone goes out of town on vacation and rents a car, then tells us a similar story. Are we supposed to make an exception for everyone? I repeat, the rental coverage is for the repair time only of your vehicle, nothing more.

Upstanding Citizen
Jun 12, 2009 2:01 pm EDT


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Screenshot GEICO
GEICO Mobile is a vital tool for car owners looking to manage their insurance policies. With its robust features, the GEICO Mobile app offers an improved and more comprehensive user experience than ever before.

One of the key benefits of GEICO Mobile is its ability to help you stay organized and keep your policies up-to-date. The app allows you to view your insurance information, including policy details, coverage, and payment information, all in one place. With the GEICO Mobile app, you can access your insurance policy quickly and easily, eliminating the need to search for important documents or contact customer service to inquire about your coverage details.

In addition to providing easy access to policy information, GEICO Mobile also provides car owners with several tools to manage their policies. For example, users can use the app to add or remove vehicles from their policy, update their policy limits, or even file a claim.

The app also offers real-time notifications, such as personalized alerts for your upcoming premium due date, allowing you to stay on top of your insurance policy and ensure that your coverage never lapses. With the GEICO Mobile app, you can also request and view policy documents, including ID cards, anytime, anywhere.

Moreover, GEICO Mobile provides customers with the ability to pay their bill through the app. The payment feature is incredibly useful, allowing users to make payments directly from their smartphone without having to visit the website or call customer service.

Overall, GEICO Mobile is an excellent solution for car owners looking for an efficient and seamless way to manage their insurance policies. With its range of features, like policy information, payments, claims, and notifications, GEICO Mobile is an indispensable tool for keeping your insurance coverage organized and up-to-date. Ultimately, the app helps you stay insured and in compliance with state laws, providing peace of mind and security for you and your vehicle.
How to file a complaint about GEICO?

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to file a complaint or review about GEICO on

1. Log in or Create an Account:
- If you already have a account, log in. If not, create a new account to proceed.

2. Navigating to the Complaint Form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the Title:
- Summarize the main issue with GEICO in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the Experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with GEICO. Include key areas such as transactions, nature of the issue, steps taken to resolve the problem, personal impact, and the company's response.

5. Attaching Supporting Documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents to strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filling Optional Fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review Before Submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission Process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure each step is clearly defined to guide you effectively through the process of filing a complaint or review about GEICO on

Overview of GEICO complaint handling

GEICO reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 12, 2006. The latest review Car insurance was posted on Aug 1, 2024. The latest complaint Car insurance was resolved on Aug 01, 2024. GEICO has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 3288 reviews. GEICO has resolved 87 complaints.
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    5260 Western Ave., Chevy Chase, Maryland, 20815, United States
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    Aug 16, 2024

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