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Olevia tv

Olevia tv review: tv wont work, they exchange and same issues 74

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10:54 am EST
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My tv packed up on me within the yr it was purchase, they replace it and i had the same issues. The tv is in my guest bedroom so its hardly used so i dont understand how i have the same issues. All the company does when i call them is take my number and say they are going to call back. I am still waiting. Dont buy olevia tv, its the worst brand i have ever purchased, even the remote for the tv sucks.

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Olevia tv - Terrible experience
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Queen Creek, US
Mar 01, 2009 8:29 am EST

I would like to know what size TV Mareen is referring to here. We are having a major issue dealing with Syntax Brillian (Olevia) and are considering a class action lawsuit if we can get more details. Anyone/everyone please respond with issues and any photos Olevia may have sent you of a damaged TV via e-mail. I think there is something fishy goning on with them. They are having too problems with their TVs, specifically with the mother boards, and they are 'coning' the consumer into sending TVs back, claiming they were damaged during shipping, and refusing to replace the item. They pay for shipping back to them so they can cover their ### and as a result the consumer cannot get their own insurance on the item to cover it. They call out UPS to do an inspection well after they receive the TV and UPS says it is not their problem.
This a a bid scam because Syntax cannot afford to fix all the problems with their products because it will put them out of business. Think about it - the replacement TV they sent Mareen (surprised they did send one) had issues too. They say in their warranty that TVs 32" and larger are serviced in the home. Our TV was a 37" and demanded that we ship it back to them because the part it needed was backordered, so they say, and they will simply send a new TV once they receive the bad one. They just wanted the TV back so they can start their scam with us. We would like to help this company go out of business. Please send your issues and photos to Remember that the photos need to be ones that they sent you. We think they are sending photos of the same damaged TV to more that one consumer. If you are having a problem and are presently dealing with them at this time please ask them to send you photos of the damage. We may be surprised what we see.

Queen Creek, US
Mar 01, 2009 10:19 am EST

Syntax-Brillian (Olevia) filed for bankruptcy in July of '08. Now we understand why they are not doing any warranty work. They have little money, owe suppliers more money than they have, and have no choice but to screw the consumer. If you have a problem with an Olevia Tv that is still under factory warranty you will have to pay someone to repair it IF they can find the right part. You will have no other choice. I hope they go out of business altogether. Their customer service is horid but now I understand the reason their employees have a crappy attitude (at least the Level II support).

Montgomery, US
Mar 16, 2009 5:13 pm EDT

I myself are having problems with my OLEVIA 747i 47"LCD HDTV.
If there is a class action lawsuit i would like to know about it.My e-mail address is

Roswell, US
May 08, 2009 6:22 am EDT

I too have had considerable issues. Tuner 1, 2, and now 3? This last episode I actually paid for a new tuner, I highly suspect rebuilt. They shipped it and I installed myself, pretty simple however, now again same issue...TV powers up, you get Olevia screen logo and then the TV goes blank. Down loaded firmware upgrade however, no USB!?!? Calls as well have gone unanswered. Class action sounds great but if they are going bankrupt? Horrible experience as the TV is in my office/work-out den!

Cleveland, US
Oct 02, 2009 12:43 pm EDT

I have a OLEVIA 432-537 model and I'm receiving some humming sounds from my tv. Anyone else had this same problem? E-mail Where can we get help from?

bellflower, US
Oct 17, 2009 4:08 pm EDT

I have an Olevia LT26HVX model. Barely even cut it on but when I do, it makes this CRAZY loud noise. And now all of a sudden the picture looks like a photo negative, I cut it off and on but now it appears purple. Whoa!?

Oct 28, 2009 6:04 pm EDT

I shipped my tv back after many phone calls about a bad power supply. I was told that they would just replace the television and send a new one within a few weeks of receiving the old one. Six phone calls later I finally received an email (with photos) saying that they received my television with a broken lcd, and that they would repair it for $1000. What? So, I sent photos I had taken of the tv being boxed up for shipment without a broken lcd. They said they would get back to me and three months later a brand new Olevia box showed up...with a broken television inside. I sent emails, they went unanswered. I called and got the same run around "disconnect" that I always encountered dealing with them. Any thoughts?

the cloud
Riverdale, US
Oct 29, 2009 12:26 pm EDT

the company is out of business due to a bankruptcy. Emerson has acquired the company but if you don't know Emerson does not sell TV's anymore

Gretna, US
Nov 02, 2009 9:31 pm EST

My Olevia televisions started with this thing of going on and off..Today it started making this humming sound have not been able to contact the company..Has anybody had any luck contacting the company? Please contact me at

Philadelphia, US
Nov 07, 2009 8:36 am EST

I have the same problem it goes offffff sunddendly

Bellmore, US
Nov 11, 2009 9:56 pm EST

My Olevia tv stopped working within the six months of purchased! I had the tv in the attic room and therefore, was rarely used. I tried turning it on several times to no avail. I even had my cable company walk me through some repairs, which I was blaming on their box! It was useless. I tried to contact the company and was told I had to contact another technician, what technician, the number I was given was a wrong number! I have tried everything!nothing works! I think this was a blind robbery! I'm still seeking help!

Nov 12, 2009 4:42 pm EST

We have an Olevia 242T FHD TV and we have had nothing but problems. The problems started after we had the TV for a little over six months. We sent it to a place in City of Industry, California called Amergence Technologies. They are the ones who are "now fixing" these TV's. I also blame Target where we purchased the TV. They don't stand behind anything either. Amergence Technologies charged us to ship the TV to them even though we had "in home repair" for the first year $200. The TV automatically shuts itself off and you have to unplug the thing, wait several minutes and then plug it back in to get the damn thing to work. We were told by Amergence that they had not had any problems with these TV's. They take weeks if ever to return phone calls and will not give you a straight answer. Good luck speaking with them as many of them do not have English as their first language. I see from this site that they are lying. They returned the TV to us but did not fix anything. After having it back for two weeks it started turning itself off again. It also freezes the picture at times. We again sent the TV back to California from Washington State. They "could not find the problem so they sent a "refurbished" TV which is now doing the same thing. If anyone decides to do a class action lawsuit please post it here as we would love to join you. We are out over $800 and we have been fighting with Amergence Technologies for almost four months and we still do not have a TV that works. We have had our cable checked and used other TVs which do not have the same problem so we know it is the Olevia that is at fault. If you purchased your TV through Target (I don't know about other places) you can reach Amergence Technologies at [protected]. Their address is 20480 E. Business Parkway, City of Industry, CA 91789. Keep trying if they do not take your call. I have literally been on the phone with them for hours!

Nov 29, 2009 11:26 pm EST

My Olevia 37" TV power supply went out after 2 years of use - way too soon. I now can't find a power supply. any suggestions? Need help!

Philadelphia, US
Jan 12, 2010 8:53 pm EST

I have the "42 model. 3 days ago, the sound would not come on when you turn the tv on. You have to turn it back off, turn the cable box off, and then turn both on to get sound. Today i was watching tv. Turned it off for a few hours and now it will not come back on. I called the company and was informed today that olevia went bankrupt and i could ship my tv to california...i'm in philadelphia..for repairs. The tv isn't even 2 yrs old..i'm pissed. This tv is a piece of crap...please let me know if there is going to be a class action lawsuit against to

Jan 16, 2010 8:17 pm EST

I also bought the Olevia 242T FHD 42" from Target. Worked fine for a year, and now nothing. I mean zilch. The blue led standby light isn't even on (as it usually is when the tv is off). Done all the simple troubleshooting I know to do and after reading extensively, not to mention everything everyone says here, my odds of getting it done without paying an arm and a leg are slim. To none. My question is does anyone know where I can try and order a power board for this hunk of crap? It pains me deeply to get rid of it when I paid so much for prolly a $50 part that I can replace myself. Any ideas would be great- Thanks.

Jan 17, 2010 10:07 am EST

We have an Olevia flat screen 37" model #437-s11 (approx. 3-4 yrs. old) Just this morning it shut off on it's own. We checked the AC power cord in the back (thinking the cat knocked it loose) and when we wiggled the cord it started to spark! We unplugged it and tried another power cord which also caused sparking at the connection. After one more attempt we got it to be plugged in without sparking and the tv turned on again. I'm worried that this could be a fire hazard. From what it sounds I got more life out of this box then others, but it's certainly not worth having my house burn down. We'll be shopping for a new one soon. ;-(

Cedar Falls, US
Jan 28, 2010 11:00 am EST

I have a 26" bought at Target 15 months ago. Now when we turn on the TV we get a gray screen with lines but with sound. Called company they said to toggle on/off switch on the back ten times, then unplug overnight and WALLA! the next morning it worked! Alas when we turned it on later in the day Gray screen. So i left it on and it seems that in about 20-30 min. it clears up and everything is fine. So any time we want to watch a show we have to turn it on at least 30 min. early. Total pain in the ###. Also kids lost remote and can't find a universal one to work. Any suggestions?

Tinley Park, US
Feb 05, 2010 2:55 pm EST

I have a 37 inch olevia that I bought a little of two years ago. Now the tv has a wierd green hue - I tried fixing it through the menu option but have had no luck. Funny but the Wii and the dvd show the picture just fine.

Charlevoix, US
Feb 17, 2010 7:58 am EST

While watching the tv (Olevia 37'') the picture will just fade to black screen but the sound remains. Turning it off and then back on usually solves the problem but its getting more frequent. THe set is approx 2 yrs old. Sometimes it just goes to a blue screen but still have the sound. Who can we contact about anything. I would like to join a Class action suit as well please let me know. Pretty bad when our last TV was over 25 years old and still worked. I guess it just goes to show you that this is the time for throw away everything. Make lots and make it cheap. but sell for more. This must be America's new work slogan. And we wonder why all our jobs are going over seas.

Emeryville, US
Mar 10, 2010 9:52 am EST

I purchased an Olevia TV from Circuit City before their closing. The first 6 mos the TV worked great, after 6 mos the Power button would stop working, I disconnected the TV for a day and the next day it would turn on. I started leaving my TV on ALL DAY just to keep it from losing power. It started acting "normal" again, so I decided to turn it off while sleeping, it is not coming on. It's been 3 days, power button led light is on, but TV does not come on. I am so sorry I made this "cheap" purchase. Reading the owners manual, in regards to the power, let's me know when this product was developed, they were having problems at that time. There isn't anyone to contact with this complaint. If there is a class action - count me in.

Covina, US
Mar 16, 2010 8:03 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have a Olevia 42 inch that is only a year and a half old! i can't get a hold of anyone to help me! this is ridiculous! the blue light is on but when I go to turn the tv on, blue light goes out (like it should) and the tv won't turn on.

I'm in

Columbus, US
Apr 18, 2010 7:59 pm EDT


c.Smith in Tn.
Jun 18, 2010 12:21 pm EDT

our 37" olevia turns off by itself once in a while we have to unplug and plug back in! Not sure what is wrong.

Arcadia, US
Jun 21, 2010 2:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Have a 37" olevia and when I turned it on this AM, I heard a pop. Now is has no power. From reading all the others post, I see I'm screwed. I guess I can add this to the list of junk makers, IE, Phillips/magnavox, Kawasaki. Sign me up for the class action law suit.

Brentwood, US
Jun 23, 2010 9:43 pm EDT

I have a 42" Olevia HDTV (2007 model) that will only turn on after numerous 'resets' from the back of the tv. Once it's on, the sound comes in later, and continues to come and go. I would like to know who can I contact to complain about this because the TV was not cheap and we have only had it for a little over 2 years.

Myrna Mestas
Fort Garland, US
Jun 26, 2010 12:44 pm EDT

I was given an Olevia TV-337 as a gift that was purchased at Ultimate Electronics in Thorthon, COlorado. I was very happy with it until one day I was watching a movie and it just went off, no picture nothing. I of course had bought the manufactures extended warranty (3 years extended warranty) so I thought I would call them and they would send a technican to my house to fix it. Well that is when my nightmare started. I could never reach anyone by telephone or fax. I even called Ultimate Electronic in Thorton, CO and they said they could do nothing about it becuase I did not buy the extended warranty from them but from the manufacture. So what they were telling me was that it was my problem not their's) I then found out that Syntax-Brillian had filled chapter 11 Bankruptcy so the consumer is stuck with a dead tv. I would never again buy a LCD TV from Ultimate Electronics or Olevia YV's It is not worth the hassle and stress you go throught dealing with this two companies. I am now stuck having to go out and purchase another LCD TV. I can guarntee you that I will never purchase an extended warranty it is way to stick it to the customer nothing else. If anyone feels as angry as I am Contact me at my e-mail

Old Hickory, US
Jul 10, 2010 10:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

have the same problem with 26" sent it back, got a refurb and it lasted only a couple of months. mark it up as bad investment and no longer will shop the folks it was bought from

Tewksbury, US
Jul 17, 2010 9:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Bought my Olevia 242T FHD TV about 2 years ago, just light Doghouse did. After 1 year, power light didn't work. Now, sometimes sound comes on but no picture...more and more frequently. Expect the TV to be junk soon! If there is a class action, count me in:

Jul 21, 2010 4:25 pm EDT

Purshased my 37" LCD Olevia Feb.2009 it just stopped coming on Tuesday July 20, 201o blue light will power off as if tv is coming on then the blue light will just keep flashing.I also have a 26" LCD Olevia that was purchased in September 2007 that works far.I guess I'll try to fix it, it just seems like they don't make electronics up to par nowadays everybodys trying to cut costs meanwile screwing us consumers!

Charleston, US
Jul 27, 2010 10:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have Olevia 437-S11. I have had no trouble with this t.v until yesterday. I left the t.v. on while I ran to the store. I came home to a black screen/blue light. I have tried everything and the t.v. is dead. I made numerous calls to any numbers I could find related to Olevia and either they were bad numbers or I was informed that they would be unable to help me. The t.v is only a few years old...this was WAY to expensive to pay for the short life.

Howell, US
Jul 30, 2010 3:44 pm EDT

have an Olevia 537 now for 3 years, about 3 months ago it would randomly lose the picture..sound could be heard, i would turn the power off then on again and it would work, sometimes for hours and other times it would need to be reset 5 times in 1 hr. sign me up for class action suite //

Gunnison, US
Aug 10, 2010 4:20 pm EDT

I have had troubles in the past aswell, i have a 42'' my roomate has night terrors and in his sleep he punched my screen, if anybody has a broken olevia and the screen is still working I will pay a fair deal thanks! -Max email:

Gunnison, US
Aug 10, 2010 4:24 pm EDT

Hey, I was wondering if anybody had a broken 42'' olevia, im currently in school and my roomate who hads night terrors punched my tv in his sleep, I will pay a good price for just a new screen, Thanks -Max you can reach me at

North Plainfield, US
Aug 16, 2010 8:33 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have a 42 " olevia LCD and my screen went completely green . Anyone else with this problem or a lawsuit my email is

Sep 04, 2010 9:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I purchased my 37 inch Olevia LCD HDTV about 3.5 years ago, from Target. It had been acting up, the blue screen would come up with sound, but no picture. Now the blue light won't even power on or off. It just stopped working! I'm highly upset. I bought this at Target in May 2007 and can't believe it's not working. I read the manual and it isn't much help. If there is a class action - count me in as well!


Woodstock, US
Sep 16, 2010 10:59 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Most of the issues can be traced back to bad capacitors on variuos boards. My 42 Olevia went out a few days ago. It would power up with numerous resets for a while but eventually stopped powering up at all. After searching the net I found this little tidbit that saved my TV. I had 2 bad capacitors on the power board. You dont need alot of skill to do this but you do need a $25 soldering iron and some solder. I had the iron so I was able to fix mine for about $11(capacitors+ shipped).

Kernersville, US
Sep 30, 2010 9:50 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've recieved a number to contact a tech for parts and service i found it helpful 1_[protected] Amergence Technologies/in Cal. My 37" has been great for almost 4 years and now I'm having a prob with no picture, but I've got sound my wii, xbox360, blue ray, & ps3 all work fine just no picture with my dish network box. If someone can help my email Thanks

Los Ang, US
Oct 05, 2010 9:31 pm EDT

I have a 37" Olevia 237 -T12, purchased Nov.2007, after a bit over 2 years it started turning off on its own with the blue light blinking. I would have to turn it off with switch on back, wait awhile, then could watch again for awhile. For last few months it will only stay on for about 20 minutes at a time, consequently I rarely bother turning it on. I agree with pretty much everything others have said here: it's related to faulty capacitors (also affected computers, mainly Dell, I believe), and with my Olevia the power board apparently overheats after about 20 min. I may try the self-repair per the flickr instructions listed in GoldCraft's post, though I've never soldered before and would have to buy/borrow one and learn how, or maybe get help from someone experienced. Otherwise the TV will just sit there dead as a hulking reminder of how Consumer Reports isn't always right. However, if there ever is a class action lawsuit against Olevia / Syntax-Brillian, sign me up. They were selling defective TVs, just as Dell is majorly being sued for knowingly selling computers with faulty capacitors (there's a big article about it online: New York Times, though printed at Yahoo Finance on 6/30/10 ). However, since the company is bankrupt not sure how lawsuit would proceed; I understand Emerson purchased the company. Also, I read somewhere that they're being sued by their investors as a lot of money was siphoned out of Olevia and disappeared overseas.

Glen Rock, US
Oct 24, 2010 6:01 pm EDT

I agree with all the complaints. i have a 42" Olevia 242 s11 lcd flatpanel and have had several problems with it. First no sound, had to turn on and off the cable box and tv several times to get sound back. The sound comes back, turn the cahnnel and the sound goes. Have turned the tv off to reset many times and now it won't come back on at all, the blue led light comes on and quickly goes off. I also have tried to call Olevia to no avail, and called the number on the back of the tv for Syntaxbrillian only to find out that Olevia went bankrupt, and Syntaxbrillian was of no help also. Got the run around. I strongly believe that this company was running a scam from the start and selling less then quality products that weren't inexpensive to consumers. If this company was bought out then why can't the company/companies that bought them help the consumers that purchased these useless televisions. Lets face it, they bout out Olevia knowing the situation they were in. We were taken, it wasn't just one model, it seems to be if not all, most of thier models and someone should be held accountable.

unhappy camper100
Nov 16, 2010 12:52 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well Im Pissed as well I havent had my TV But a year and have had problems with it from the start. The Power button never worked. I sometimes have to press MENU to even cut the thing on its a 37" flat panel BTW. Now it cuts off by itself and when i try to cut it back on I have to unplug it sometimes. Also the blue light will flash on and off whats that about? I never should have brought this brand of TV. We should all get our money back for the piece of crap!

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