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Royal Holiday Vacation Club Complaints 218

3:45 am EDT
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Royal Holiday Vacation Club false representation

While we were on vacation in December 2008 (November 28th to December 5th) in Cozumel my wife and I were approached to visit a resort and get a free lunch in exchange to visit the resort with the pretense that the resort was just rebuilt after the huricane and they wanted tourists to rediscover it. So we went.

What we got there was a sale pitch for a "holiday membership" with which we could travel the world for the next 30 years with our travel cost fixed (not getting higher year after year). After three hours of talks where the offers seemed always better and better, we signed... The worst mistake ever.

We signed a contract for 30 years, for 30 000 points per year, for 25 0000$US of which we a downpayment using our credit card for 8 750$US, having to pay 450$US per month for the balance for the next 3 years.

Almost immediatly that same night we started to have second thoughts but we decided to sleep on it. Before leaving Cozumel, the day after, we call their help-desk from the airport and told them we wanted to cancel. But they told us they could not do it yet because the contract had not been processed yet and was not in the system. They told us to call back when we were back home.

So the next Monday I call back, and still the contract was not in the system. I tried calling again during that week and finally I did receive an e-mail on December 20th sending us our password to access the site, stating that we had requested it! I call the helpdesk and they told us that they can't cancel our membership because we were passed the 5 days cool-off period!

During the Christmas holidays we were not able to contact anyone and then in January someone in Finance (Nancy d'Argence) contacted us to welcome us to the club. I told her I wanted to cancel my membership but she told me she could not do anything for us except refinance. So she gave us a refinance offer which would have cost us thousands of dollars more in the end (for lower monthly payments). We refused.

She then said that the only thing we could do was to resell our membership. And when we bought the membership I specifically asked if it was resalable and they told us that they sold easily, quickly and for a profit. So she gave our names to their sales department which in turn gave them to a broker in the States (Global Resort Services), which contacted us. I talked to the broker and they told us that we could get 29 000$US for our membership! Wow, we're even making a profit. We had to pay 600$US for the account and the publicity they would put out.

I called the broker about once a month but nothing was happening. So in April I started to do more researchs on the Internet and realized that there were a lot of people in the same situation as I was and moreover the only information I got on people that had been able to resell their membership was for about 10% of the price!

So I'm now in communication with a law-firm in Mexico that specialize in this kind of rip-off (I can't tell their name yet because I still not on a retainer with them).

So this is was they promised us: fixed vacation cost (about 2 weeks) for the next 30 years.

This is the reality: you have to pay an annual fee (465$US now) that can and will go up with the years; you still have to pay for your food, which will go up; and finally you reserve based on a point-basis, so today with 30 000 points I can get 2 weeks, but in 2 years it could cost me 40 000$.

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Fort Lauderdale, US
Oct 31, 2013 12:26 pm EDT

You know what they say: "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" My husband and I were scammed in Cancun with a Royal Elite Timeshare last August. They promise you everything and deliver NOTHING! We were sucked in by their promise to get us a balcony for an inside cabin rate. We do alot of cruising and thought-Wow this is really a great deal. However, it turned out to be more of a great rip off since everything they told us was a lie. Fortunately we only joined the club and NOT buy a timeshare. That was enough though. $2, 000 down t he drain. They gave us 4 of those worthless vouchers for Sandos resorts which are also worthless. That HSI exchange is suppose to sell the vouchers for you at at least $500 is also abunch of bull. Please don't fall for anything that has Royal Elite's name on it. I'm in the process of calling the BBB and seeing what they can do. Possibly the attorney General also! These are more complaints about this resort:

Golden Valley, US
Jan 14, 2011 5:27 am EST

I would like to know if it is worth contacting a lawyer in Mexico and the outcome. Please keep us all posted.

New York, US
Oct 07, 2009 12:31 pm EDT

I agree. The same exact scenerial happened to me.

I need a legit lawyer to help me out.

Thank you.

2:08 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Royal Holiday Vacation Club scammed

My wife and I recently took a wonderful vacation to Cancun, Mexico for our 2nd anniversary in March 2009. We, unfortunately, seem to have a tough time remembering how good it was because the whole trip is over-shadowed by a scam that we fell for. We were hounded ALL WEEK LONG to take 90 minutes to listen to a presentation, no strings attached. We resisted up until Friday, when they finally offered us a chance to go scuba diving, with them paying for it. We went, we listened, we were PRESSURED, we bought... We were scammed. After 4 hours of high pressure sales and 3 salesmen, we agreed to buy a membership that would allow us to take vacations for the next 30 years for a minimal price. All said and done, we would have to pay for our membership, and we could go on vacation to more than 190 destinations "For only the cost of air-fare- which is 50% off!" sounds good? LIES! When we returned to the US, we found that there are 10, 200, 000 hits on google for this company... NOT ONE OF THEM for anything GOOD! We started doing research... We have found that we can take vacations through them for only the "points earned through membership dues"... plus additional costs... plus a little extra... plus air faire (if you fly "Air Mexico (i think that was the airline ) to where ever we want to go) (did I mention we live in WISCONSIN not Mexico?) We have also found that we can book the same vacations that they offer, without their help, for the same price that it costs after you add in all of the extras. So, now the fun part: I have spent 2 days on the phone with them, trying to cancel the contract... They refuse to let us out of it. They have already threatened to send us to collections... (It is only April) We haven't received a bill, nor is there anything due until JULY! Oh yeah, and somehow, I am a liar... I'm not sure how I lied to them... but I appreciate being insulted by a company that wants MY MONEY!

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Bob Murray got scammed RH
houston, US
Apr 21, 2009 8:57 pm EDT

My wife and I went to Pto.Vallarta and decided to buy a timeshare at Royal Holliday Resorts; the sales man offered us that they were going to help us to sale another timeshare we own (Polo Towers Las Vegas) and with that money we could pay theirs; the total purchase price was $39000 usd and they supose to sale the one in Las Vegas for $24000; then it means I had to pay them the difference up front ($15000) and then in 90 days I would recive a check on my name of $24000 to pay the balance.
It never happened so my wife called them several times and they said they were still trying to sale it. I was very tyred for this situation so we were looking for some help with lawers and found a lawyer that helped us to recover our money and our good credit. They are highly recommended; they are real pros and work fast.

7:10 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Royal Holiday Vacation Club fraud/misrepresentation

My name is Watawa Barosy-Rogers, my husband and I bought a 30 years Gold Membership with Royal Holiday in July 28, 2007 while vacationing in Cancun Mexico for a total of $22, 895.00. whe n we pusrchased the mem-bership, my husband and I had a lenghty discussion with Sale Director Mr. Ernesto Kruse, on how to terminate the contract with Royal Holidy in case we longer want it or can't offord to pay for the contract and Mr. Kruse had assured my husband and myself it would not be a pro-blem to terminates the contract with Royal Holiday, all we had to do is to contact Royal Holiday and a member service consultants would be able to assist us solved the problem. Since we bought the membership we have made a total payments of $17, 056.20 excluding two annual membership fees in the amount of $1, 350.00 and another additional $240.00 Special Assessment fee increas. Due to the economy my husband and I encountered some financial hardship with our finances at the end of 2008. We had contacted Royal Holiday over and over, spoke too so many member service consultants and to availed every single one of them told us that they can't help us we, and we have finish paying the contrcat because they don't cancelled membership or refund on what was paid. So Please if any member of your office staff can help my husband and I resolved this problem we would appreciate it very much.
We can be contacted via e-mail [protected] or via phone [protected]

Sincerely yours,

Mr. & Mrs Rogers.

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JP Waisfeld
Richmond Hill, CA
Mar 04, 2010 2:37 pm EST

We went there to enjoy our well earned vacation. All we wanted was to rest at the beach and spend time with the kids.

Unfortunately we were conned by the Royal Holiday timeshare scheme into spending listening to the pitch. The original 30 min "meeting" turned into 90 minutes. Countless drinks later the managed to get a deposit out of me. The next day I asked for a refund and since no contract was sign they agreed to do so in writing. Three month later I am still waiting.

JP Waisfeld
Richmond Hill, CA
Mar 04, 2010 2:36 pm EST

My family and I were scammed by Royal Holidays at their Punta Cana site.

We went there to enjoy our well earned vacation. All we wanted was to rest at the beach and spend time with the kids.

Unfortunately we were conned by the Royal Holiday timeshare scheme into spending listening to the pitch. The original 30 min "meeting" turned into 90 minutes. Countless drinks later the managed to get a deposit out of me. The next day I asked for a refund and since no contract was sign they agreed to do so in writing. Three month later I am still waiting.

2:42 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Royal Holiday Vacation Club misrepresentation, lies and bad attitudes

My partner and I had already subscribed to Royal Holidays in the Bahamas when we went on vacation in Cancun Mexico the following year.

We tried tirelessly to convince the sales reps that we were not interested in upgrading our membership but I guess thats when all the lies began! We were promised, amongst other things, that an upgrade would allow us to use our additional credits to access all-inclusive options when booking accommodation. We were also told that we have the option of cancelling at any time. So we purchased additional credits to upgrade to Platinum Membership.

Lo and behold, when trying to book our accommodation and requesting the use of our credits to pay for food, we were told by the New Members sales rep. that we did not have this option and that we must now pay additional cash.

Further, on inquiring as to the possibility of cancelling our membership, I had to put up with the rather defensive attitude of the supervisor of the New Members department who, in true Royal Holiday style, proceeded to spew more tripe as to what additional features that they planned to offer for the next year (i.e. the same credits-for-food option that we had been told already existed) and that they were not in the business of scamming people - and I heard all of this by simply asking him about the possibility of cancellation. Nothing more! So I suppose that he was also trying to convince himself that he was not a part of that scam - conscience can be a b#@$% sometimes.

Of course, as all Royal Holiday members now know - we have no option of cancellation!

And making a reservation with Royal Holidays seems to be the most painful part of all of this. The sales reps are untrained and rude and seem to master the art of not returning phone calls.

Well, we have already bought into this hot mess and so we decided to make the best of it. We would book our vacations (if we could get past the anguish that this usually involves) and make it our business to tell all those people at the hotels who were lured by Royal Holidays on cheap vacations to solicit their membership that RH might as well stand for Real Hogwash!

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Aug 09, 2011 8:38 pm EDT

hi my name its michael n im planning to be part of RH so it this keeps happening to u guys or not.. the miss leading of they getting better on custumer services? the rooms thatthey offer are good or its not what they say they are?
my mail:

1:13 pm EST
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Royal Holiday Vacation Club breach of contract

My husband and I purchased a timeshare and ended up with absolutely no vacation last July. We flew down anyway to speak with the boss of the person who was supposed to be our "personal consierge" only to be promised more and yet here I sit typing. Apparently they will say anything they can to get you on your way but totally ignore you after that. We have 2 other timeshares and have no issues whatsoever. I am taking this all the way to the top of thier ladder, I won't stop until they buy it back. Anyone have any tips?

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Martha Corredor M.
Mar 05, 2009 6:54 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

just review your caomplaint, I really hope you did not pay in cash, hope you took the monthly payments, and also hope you have most of the complaints in written.Why? because I can help you to cancel this deal and further more to get you back most of the money you invested in this company.Sorry, my name is Rocìo, I´m in Mexico City work for a law firm, and belive me I had cancell more than a 100 membership from Royal Holiday.I know all the differents contracts, the rules and regulation and all the programs they sale, so if you interested please contact me.In whithin 2 months you´ll get rid of this nigthmar
Have an excellent week end

3:16 pm EST
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Royal Holiday Vacation Club misrepresentation

This letter is to summarize the misrepresentations of material facts that occurred during the contact signing, between myself and Royal Holiday. These misrepresentations and damages remain regardless of my earlier attempts communicate and have your company correct them.

Your recent letter and billings both reminded me and prompted to perform further investigation of the misrepresentation or Royal Holiday and damages inflicted upon me a a result.

On [protected], I entered into an Contract for Services with Royal Holliday, based upon but not limited to the following written promises:

1) 25, 000 points per year for 30 years or 750, 000 total points.
2) Annuity retuning 100% of the cost of the membership at the end of the term
3) 15, 000 pts for oasis
4) 5 weeks in Europe - $199 per week
5) 1 week in Hawaii
6) 1 week in Tahiti
7) Airfare Voucher - $3000
8) The points could be accelerated or accumulated, transferred or rented or sold back at the purchase price.
9) I could put my account on hold at anytime if cash flow was bad and they would role over the missed payments

Of the topical list above I did not receive the following items, as promised in writing at the time of contracting Royal Holiday:

1) Annuity retuning 100% of the cost of the membership at the end of the term
2) 15, 000 pts for Oasis
3) 5 weeks in Europe - $199 per week
4) 1 week in Hawaii
5) 1 week in Tahiti
6) The points could be accelerated or accumulated, transferred or rented or sold back at the purchase price.
7) I could put my account on hold at anytime if cash flow was bad and they would role over the missed payments

Royal Holiday – Page 2 of 2

I attempted multiple times to communicate with the Royal Holiday employees from my contract signing: Ernesto Barberi and Arturo Martinez, but I was never able to get them to respond to my call or letters. I have recorded all the evidence of these attempted communications.

As you can see the misrepresentation described in this letter they were both material and multiple in occurrence.

Now my credit has been damaged by Concord Servicing Group

Yours truly,



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The Jacobs
Clanton, US
Apr 22, 2010 12:19 pm EDT
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We feel we have been the victim of a fraud, we have contacted everyone at this company ask for our money back.

No one has been able to help us, it seems they forget everything, we got the names of the sales people and with all the guys we spoke, each item we've discussed.

My husband and I purchased a timeshare with Royal Holiday on 2/28/07. We were pressured into buying and realized after we left what a terrible decision we had made. I searched through all of the paperwork given to us looking for any type of info on a cancellation period with no luck but we kept trying to cancel!

We are so very angry, feel like we have been knowingly deceived.
We did not pay the down payment in full and all paperwork says that the down payment was received...
Is this contract legit if the down payment was not complete?

Can We get a refund? We want to make them pay for what they've done to us!

We are rying to compile all the information and expose them to all the medias!

Sarah & Martin Jacobs

3:25 pm EST
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Royal Holiday Vacation Club fraudulent company, want refund

RE Acct #49-83291
Bought November, 2004

Took vacation in 2004 to Nassau, Bahamas. Was lured into presentation for Royal Holiday Club at the Wyndham hotel on Cable Beach. The organization looked legitimate because the Wyndham gave them office and conference room space. Well, to make a long story short, everything is false about them. Here I thought I was dealing with an American company because they listed an office in Arizona. But it turns out you are dealing with a mailbox in Florida and a reps in Mexico. Was never able to use the timeshare. Much later I found out this is not even a legitimate timeshare, and on top of that they are now selling phoney annuities as a sweetener.

Royal Holiday Club stonewalled both me and the Better Business Bureau. It has taken far too long to reach any sort of compromise, unfortunately, and we have been unable to arrive at any reasonable accommodation with you and your company.

I want RHC to refund my money, in the amount of $13, 935. I paid for my contract in full. However, RHC breached the contract when it unilaterally changed the site of my vacation from Nassau (Royal Wyndham) in the Bahamas to some Mexican location. It was very unprofessional of RHC to not inform me of this change -- in fact, I only learned of it through a third party. The RHC office was unable to explain the reason for the change or the reason why they did not inform me of the change.

All the promises made on the date of the contract have been unfulfilled. NO bonus vacations or bonus airfare has been made available to me. I have been unable to schedule even one vacation at my timeshare. The whole operation is a fraud, due to the fact that RHC does not actually own the hotel space which it claims to own; RHC just has a lease on some rooms, which it furnishes with only cut-rate maintenance and maid service on those spaces.

The slick CDs and catalogs mean nothing; there are no actual property rights being bought and sold. The generous breakfasts and drinks, the assorted sites that employees take us on tour to -- all that is the first and last of RHC service that anyone will ever see.

Again, I request that RHC promptly refund my full payment on the grounds of fraud. There is no statute of limitations on fraud. I have tried for nearly four years to get satisfaction from the offices of RHC to no avail. Also, the contract tries to get me to waive my rights to cancel the contract, and no contract (under Mexican law) has the right to deprive me of that privilege.

RHC has not kept me informed of major changes to my account, it has given the Better Business Bureau the run-around, and it sent me to a Mexican representative on a wild goose chase.

I am aware that my right to cancellation and a full refund is NON-WAIVABLE - the buyer cannot give it up - and even if I was convinced to sign a document to give up my rights, that waiver is not valid. Any argument you have claiming that my deposit (or balance) is non-refundable, regardless of any misleading information or statements you put on the purchase agreement that my deposit is non-refundable, is also invalid according to Mexican law and this has been verified with PROFECO. Mexican law allows me to cancel for no specific reason and requires you to provide me a full refund.

I am not interested in any negotiations or cheaper packages. I immediately want this contract cancelled and a full refund of all my money. RHC can also forget about sending me an email saying that filing a complaint with PROFECO will tie up my refund for months. I know this is not true.

RHC should comply with the law, cancel my contract, and send me my refund.

Incredibly, I received a letter from RHC about a month ago saying that the contract was cancelled but it offered NOTHING as a refund. It only said it would send any outstanding annual fees to collection. It is NOT possible to cancel the contract and not offer any refund, and I demand that this be done promptly.

Laura Regrets RHC

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Gonzalez & Gonzalez Law Firm
Gonzalez & Gonzalez Law Firm
Jan 31, 2011 6:18 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear Customers of Royal Holiday,

We are G&G Mexican Timeshare Solutions. We are a company based in Mexico specialized in cancelling contracts purchased fraudulently in Mexico. We offer free initial consultation to anybody interested in our services to discuss the details of their case.

We are empathetic to victimized consumers and therefore, I´d like to address that we work 100% under a contingency fee; no results, no pay.

Thank you,

Customer Service,


Martha Corredor M.
Mar 05, 2009 6:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

just review your complaint, I really hope you did not pay in cash, hope you took the monthly payments, and also hope you have most of the complaints in written.Why? because I can help you to cancel this deal and further more to get you back most of the money you invested in this company through Profeco. Sorry, my name is Rocìo, I´m in Mexico City work for a law firm, and belive me I had cancell more than a 100 membership from Royal Holiday.I know all the differents contracts, the rules and regulation and all the programs they sale, so if you interested please contact me.In whithin 2 months you´ll get rid of this nigthmare.

Have an excellent week end.

Bondville, US
Feb 20, 2009 11:44 pm EST

Who do you think that you are writing to? Whomever you signed up with is not going to fix it via this website of suckers.

Also, who has that kind of money to waste without doing any research? What an idiot.

3:40 am EST
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Royal Holiday Vacation Club its a racket

Royal Holiday Club is not interested in giving you what you bought. They only want your money. In an attempt to get some contact with this outfit, I stopped paying the maintenance fees. Eventually I was contacted by a Debt Collection Agency in Arizona. This would have destroyed my credit rating and I could not let that happen, so I paid up.

I am now at the end of my contract with the robbers, but I bet that this will not be the last I hear from them. After 7 years of no joy, I have now started getting quite polite communications from them; I wonder why.

If you try to get short breaks in Europe, the web-site tells you that either the agreement is not yet operational, or “No Matches” comes up. The only places that seem to be available are in Bahamas or Mexico.

Avoid this racket at all costs for your own peace of mind.

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Fort McMurray, CA
Jun 06, 2012 6:22 pm EDT
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This company has lied to us right from the beginning. They promised us service, that we could book rooms anytime, that they would provide us with all the services needed, we paid initially 50k for so many points and then extra 17k for extra points to get first class service. I can send you many emails that I have sent to this company trying to book trips and getting information about our free promised vacations and they never respond. Please let me know if you think I should get a lawyer as I will do anything to put these people in their place. I can not believe the amount of complaints against this company. Is there anything you can do.

9:38 am EST
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Royal Holiday Vacation Club scammed. lied and fraudulent information about the package sold

My husband and I purchased into Royal Holiday Club (RHC) vacation package at the Bavaro Princess Hotel in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic September 2008.

We were sold based on a points system, but were also told that we could go to the Bavaro Princess, or 6 other resorts including Caribe Princess, Melia and etc, anytime not using our points, and just pay the all-inclusive fee and the discounted air fare rates.

At the time of the sale, they did not have english catalogues and told us the catalogue of all available resorts/hotels will be mailed out to us. On the wall at the entrance were the 6 resorts in Punta Cana which they kept on advertising for free travel. But when we came back and tried to make reservations for Bavaro Princess (where we bought the package), we were told numerous times that it won't be available for the next 3-4 months. And to our shock we were informed that only other available resort in Punta Cana was Caribe Princess and for that we do have to use our points. Also, we were shown luxury jacuzzi suite mentioning that anywhere in the world we decide to make reservations, Royal Holiday Club members will only get rooms of this standard, such as ocean view and jacuzzi facilities. But during the reservations, I was told that only junior suites are available.

Numerous times that I have called RHC [protected]) I have been hung up on and transferred from department to department not being able to answer my questions. Each time I am assigned a different personal agent (attempting to make me feel special by assisgning my own agent at RHC) that is suppose to assist me but each time you call them they have no idea who you are.

We were also told that as Royal Club members that we will be treated with special care by getting picked up from the air port by Royal Club. But when I called reservations I was informed that I had to make arrangements for pick up by calling the hotel directly.

The discounted air fares they so harped on turned out to be fraudulent as well, as it turns out there's an agent they forward you to [protected]) which calls you back with rates higher than what you can get from a regular travel agent and the agent sounds very amateur and inexperienced.

Since I realized that the incentives sold to us at Bavaro Princess were not the true nature of the package we own, I decided to call and cancel the contract. Then they informed me that I am not able to cancel it and I can either sell it or transfer it. I was shocked and amazed as I was told by the agent in Punta Cana that I will be able to cancel the policy.

Then only that I went home and read the fine print on the contract. It doesn't state any of the incentives they kept on selling us in Punta Cana. Then we decided to google Royal Holiday Club and we came across many people that are going through similar issues as us. There was also a program done on ABC 20/20 about Royal Club Vacation Scam.

During the RHC presentation in Punta Cana they kept on showering us with alcohol (using the knowledge gained by us that we were celebrating our one year anniversary)..and when we decided to leave, they kept on showering us with incentives such as upgrading our room and free spa services etc. Then the final pitch was that we are able to cancel it later but the decision had to be made on the spot. The 45 minute promised presentation turned in to them locking us in the room for 6 hours with many alcohol beverages and us signing a contract that we had no idea had so much written in fine print.

Please help us to get out of this ridiculous and mislead contract!

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Kingston, CA
Dec 26, 2010 7:36 pm EST
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Hi my name is cathy.My husband and i went to punta canta in oct 2010.We sat down with a sales pitch on how much money we could save over the next 30 yrs.And we could save on flight.We were shown up granded rooms.Stating that we could go anywhere in the world with grand bahia princhipe resorts.My problem is we put 5 thousand down already.And we have 30 days to pay the rest.I'm very scared we have tried to call many times and we always get the run around.I keep reading on this being a scam.Please repond to this and give me some more information.Thank you so much...

Toronto, CA
Oct 12, 2010 4:01 pm EDT
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We did the same mistake and we are looking for a way out.

Toronto, CA
Feb 17, 2009 2:01 pm EST

As of February 17, 2009 we have still not heard back from Royal Holiday Club, with respect to the inwriting cancellation and the phone call cancellations. We are currently working with a lawyer in Toronto to bring this company to justice.

3:05 pm EST
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Royal Holiday Vacation Club law suit

If there is ever a class action suit, I'll be the first one in line. I have detailed notes of every e-mail, telephone call, letter, and fax with this company. They just charged me $195 in October due to the poor economy, but the maintenance fee due in January is over $500! Of course they can guarantee that hotel prices never go up - they make up the money in maintenance fees! If you don't pay the maintenance fees, you can't use the resorts. So that means I purchased 20, 000 points per year for 30 years in Nassau, and that's $16, 000 out the window if I don't pay the maintenance fees. I've wanted out of this deal from the beginning.

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L1V4R3, CA
Jan 28, 2010 11:23 am EST

Wow! I just came back from Cancun 3 weeks ago where my wife and I went to a Royal Holiday Club presentation. They were tying to sell us the 30, 000 or 60, 000 points but we stuck to our guns and walked away not buying anything. The reason why we didn't purchase was because we are not the type to buy something right there and I wanted to do some research when we got home. I have found many websites selling the membership for very cheap, like $50 for 20, 000 points. We were considering purchasing but after reading so many negative comments, I think I should stay away.


Peoria, US
Jan 23, 2010 10:54 pm EST

I wish we could start a class action law suit. When i bought my 30, 000 Gold membership six years ago for $20, 000 and some change in Nassau -- I was told I was buying someone's membership and could sell mine at any time. Well, guess what -- they don't sell them for you, they don't buy them back, and every word above about this being a SCAM operation is 100% true. I have had my membership listed with three 'timeshare sales companies'. The latest is REMAX -- and guess what, I believe they are SCAM operations, as well. Not one of them has every called me with an offer. You pay them good money to list the membership and then never hear from them again. And good luck getting to talk to the person who originally worked with you to list the property.

So I am still paying my annual dues which this year went up to $725 -- which I think is ridiculous, since that means over the course of the 30 year term, you are spending as much on annual dues as you did to buy the membership originally -- SCAM, yes, my friends, that is exactly what is going on.

I believe Royal Holiday should allow you to cancel your membership and pro-rate your money to give it back to you -- or buy it back from you. What a nice set-up for someone.

Count me in if someone actually gets a class action suit arranged -- I will be happy to oblige. I too have tons of e-mails with these people -- and would love to see them pay for their shady operation.

Rockport, US
May 30, 2009 9:23 am EDT

We paid $16, 000 and didn't get a penny back. On top of that, they refused to let us cancel. This took place about 3 years ago. Now they are coming back and trying to get past dues even after taking our initital $16, 000. We've only ever taken one trip, in the beginning, and found out that it costs more to go with them than booking a trip ourselves not using the vacation club. They always had fees to add plus we never could go to the destination or in the timeframe we wanted. It was ridiculous. My main complaint now it that they are actually calling me at work, threatening and harrassing me. They are sending ugly collection notices as well. I just want them to leave me alone. I'd love to have our $16, 000 back but all I wanted was just to get it cancelled and I wasn't about to pay any more dues.

Hempstead, US
Mar 08, 2009 11:35 am EDT

I Agree

Hempstead, US
Mar 08, 2009 11:34 am EDT

I agree, such scam artist. I have own for only 3 years, and I have had to pay extra for every year that I have owned. Once for losses in Mexico due to weather. The second time was for failing economic (an adddtional $195 +annual $500). I also lost points because I cancelled the hotel in a timely fashion. RH had not sent my reservation to Hotel. Hotel had no record that I was coming, I cancelled before they had reconciled their paper work, however, I was charged with points although the entire possess took place within a two-week span. I am paid up for life. Big mistake. If there is a lawsuit, I am waiting in line. Surreat

Pompano Beach, US
Dec 23, 2008 7:26 am EST

Count on me too; in the mean time file a complaint against them with the consumer protection agency; federal trade commission at 1-877-FTC-Help

4:00 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Royal Holiday Vacation Club fraud and scam

Our sad story starts on our honeymoon in Ixtapa, Mexico. We were promised a $100 in cash and a great breakfast if we would just 'tour' their facility. We were picked up by a crazy cab driver who proceeded to rear end a parked bus while he was going 35 miles an hour! The cab was totaled and we were bruised but unhurt, but completely in shock! A new cab immediately stopped and we were whisked away to the Park Royal Hotel. It would have been better if we had serious injuries instead of continuing and making a huge mistake!

We were completely in a daze but foolishly decided to go through with the tour and have breakfast anyway. The high pressure tactics were so intense and the lies started fast and furious. We have 4 kids and explained to them right away we are NOT interested in all-inclusive vacations. Not a problem they told us.

LIE #1 'Yes we have units with kitchens in Ixtapa. See over there across they way, that building is ours and you can stay in a suite with kitchens in it.' They didn't own the building they pointed to, and they only have all-inclusive in Ixtapa. But the lie was so smoothly told!

LIE #2 'We have hundreds of units with kitchens, you will never have a problem booking.' When we have tried to book the kitchen units in other locations, they have never been 'open for booking' or available even when we have tried to book a year in advance. The only type of vacation they have available is the all inclusive.

LIE#3. They promised us we would 'automatically accumulate points year after year to build up a block of points, even convincing us to activate our membership right away even though we would not be traveling that year so it could accumulate for the following year.'

In truth, it is not automatic, you need to send a written letter or phone them specifically to accumulate. We lost an entire year of points, including the $500 maintenance fee because every time we phoned them to try and book they did not inform us of that requirement. It is in the very small print at the back of the book! Also you only can doing it one year in a row. So much for building up a block of points.

LIE #4. 'They would get us the binder of information to us within a week.' That binder has all the small print of requirements, like how to request for points to accumulate, and also about their 'special fee assessments'. Our binder did not arrive for 2 months and only after we phoned for it repeatedly. In truth, they don't want you to have the binder so you remain ignorant of their deceitful tactics!

LIE #5. They also promised us they would 'buy back the 'timeshare' at any time if we wanted to sell it because it was such a popular vacation club.' That was also a lie. They will not, instead they forwarded us to another scam company that wanted money up front just to list our points. Thankfully we didn't fall for that one!

LIE #6. 'Buying this membership will save you money on vacations.' Absolutely a falsehood! We have already paid them almost $10, 500 so far and still owe another $3, 000 on this farce. And we have not managed to take a vacation yet! That's not to mention the $500 yearly maintenance plus the 'special assessment fee's' they randomly charge.

LIE #7. 'Buy from Royal Holidays and you don't have to deal with inflation and vacations costing more every year!' Guess what? Yes, this one is hard to imagine, but here it is:

Because of the current economic turmoil, if I am ever to use my points, this company just informed me that they want to assess me another $170 this year to relieve their financial stress!

Wasn't that their promise? Why was that 'inflation' cost not factored into the $15, 000 purchase price? Oh yes, it is in the small print at the back of the binder that didn't arrive for months!

LIE #8. 'The best part is you get ALL your money back at the end. Exactly what you paid, you get returned to you after your term.' We got a very fancy certificate from company called GRANTHIX Capital Services. They don't seem to exist and you can't contact them. Plus, on the back of the certificate they mailed 3 months after our purchase, it says you only get the money back if their savings programs makes not less that 13.08% per year.

LIE #9. 'They have many satisfied, happy customers.' WRONG. Have you researched Royal Holidays? There are thousands of us out there that have been ripped off, scammed, and lied to! Every time I have phoned this company they are only after one thing, more money from me, and are never able to book anything.

I could go on, but I'll stop with these facts. I won't even go into the frustration, disappointment, feeling foolish for falling for this scam, and my sadness that thanks to Royal Holidays my family can't afford to take any vacations at all. It is a tough thing to explain to your kids that you were trying to do something to better their lives, and it turned out to be a nightmare.

I hope our story warns you about the company Royal Holidays. Stay away from them!

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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10:50 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Royal Holiday Vacation Club They lied about everything

Took vacation in 2017 to Nassau, Bahamas. Was lured into presentation for Royal Holiday Club at the Wyndham hotel on Cable Beach. The organization looked legitimate because the Wyndham gave them office and conference room space. Well, to make a long story short, everything is false about them. Here I thought I was dealing with an American company because they listed an office in Arizona. But it turns out you are dealing with a mailbox in Florida and a reps in Mexico. Was never able to use the timeshare. Much later I found out this is not even a legitimate timeshare, and on top of that they are now selling phoney annuities as a sweetener. You can read more at Squeaky Wheel here --

Read full review of Royal Holiday Vacation Club and 39 comments

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Dec 16, 2009 6:55 am EST

Royal Holiday advertises that they sell "vacations for a life time." This is untrue (nightmares for a life time). This company has aggressive sales practices, and will deceive the consumer to get him/her to sign a contract, and will unlawfully not allow the consumer to cancel his/her contract.

Stay away from this vacation club! They sell their club memberships at vacation spots throughout the world, however many complaints have been filed concerning membership purchased in Mexico. We have been battling with this company for over a year attempting to cancel and receive a refund to no avail. Two words of warning, STAY AWAY!

Madeline von Fersen
Apr 25, 2008 5:26 pm EDT

We signed a contract for holiday travel points after some very smooth and lengthy manoeuvring on the part of several salesmen, ending with Victor Garcia Darosa Fucci, much against our better judgment. We have never owned a timeshare, even though such opportunities were presented to us in the past.
In December 2017, we were living in Guatemala and although we knew that the 800 number will not work from there, we were given personal numbers and email for Mr. Garcia, as well as a Royal Holiday website user id and password and were assured that we can get all the information we need from the website and package. In addition if we had any questions or concerns, we could call Victor personally. On returning to Guatemala, I tried to access the website but found that the user id and password did not work and calling or emailing Mr. Garcia was also a lost cause. No package arrived, so we were uninformed and helpless until our return to Canada in June, 2017. Going through the package did not help in understanding what we had purchased and placing various calls to RHC seemed to be a dead end as well. The certificates we had received were either useless or expired, we were directed to various numbers, none of which were any help. The only thing that was abundantly clear, was that we would not be taking any holidays with Royal Holiday any time soon, unless of course we spent more money to upgrade our level. This was not an option. In the meantime, we would also be faced with paying annual maintenance fees for something we could not access. Unacceptable! We just want out of this nightmare and wish to warn others to stay away from this company or at the very least do your homework thoroughly before signing anything. They are very clever with their promises and wearing you down!

May 24, 2012 8:37 pm EDT

My wife and I joined Royal Holiday in 1999. We bought into their credit package, whereby we were provided 15, 000 points to use annually. The purchased was in Cancun, Mexico for $16, 000. We have since paid this property in full however we have no intention of using it. In reality, the property they presented to us my wife and I was a far cry from the type of unit we bought into; we were duped from day 1. And over the past 11 years, we have been assessed for annual maintenance for a property we'll never use. In addition to that, similar properties around the world are of the same low quality and frankly not worth the money. We simply want out of our contract with Royal Holiday however they refuse to honor our request. Therefore we've since stopped paying our maintenance fee, which is now being assessed with late fees. We're desperate for some help and would benefit in learning from others' in our same position.

Nov 13, 2010 7:35 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My wife and I were scammed by Royal Holiday Club in Feb 2017. About 3 weeks ago we went to make schedule our first vacation and found that we were being charged for a higher fee and then found that we could get our trip cheaper through Orbitz by about $1800. So we want out.

My question is has anyone used G&G Timeshare Solutions and if so what was your experience? Did they get you out of the contract and get you any money back? I have read some blogs about them and they are positive, but I am cautious as to who to trust.

Alfredo Lavadenz
San Marcos, US
Apr 20, 2009 1:33 pm EDT

I have been paying this for the past three years, I have tried using it at least seven times. They never have availability, if they do they want to charge extra. Finally I got fed up and try to sell, well guess what they want an extra $500.00 to process the sale. They keep charging a maintenance fee even though they are not able to supply me with the time frame I have available to take time off. This is a real scam, now they are threaten me with bad credit reporting. I am at my ends, can you do anything? Please this is not fair.

Jan 25, 2011 6:19 pm EST

This enterprise is a ripoff. I purchased the silver membership and paid the entire fee. I can;t travel when I want to. The customer service is non-existent. The hotels are are dumps. I rate them 1 star. You cannot roll over points and they want you to pay a 'maintenance fee' for 30 years which is not disclosed during he sales presentation. The maintenance fee increases each year. What a sleazy company ! Unfortunately consumer protections offered in the USA do not apply since the sleazy company makes of its sales in Mexico. Do NOT buy into this mess.

Deborah Dallas
Jun 26, 2007 12:00 am EDT

My husband and I were in Bahamas for his birthday and got wrapped up in this scam. We bought into it and have never been able to book a vacation this is more than a few years ago. I refuse to keep paying for a service I have never been able to collect on and they are wrecking my credit. I have paid them several thousands of dollars and have NOTHING to show for it. I have reported them to many agencies and still fighting, STAY AWAY from RHC!

Jul 08, 2009 4:28 pm EDT

In March 2017, my husband and I went to Punta Cana, Dominican Rep. for our honeymoon and my birthday. We ran into these tricky salesperson at Bavaro Princess resort. There we were told the exact same stories been written here. I wish I had read about this before we signed the contract.

The salesperson Ramon, kept pushing my questions aside when I asked if we were not happy with the service, were we able to cancel it. He brought in his boss to confirm with me that we can cancel it.

It is repeated over and over again about this company. I just wish to share the story and hopefully I will be able to get in touch with some of you who are deceived with the same lies.

Please let us know your story of how far it has gone and maybe we all can get together and go on 20/20 on ABC television if that is the only way to get out of this scammed contract.

My email address that I set up for this matter only is:
Look forward to hearing suggestions and stories.

Theresa Bryant
Jun 03, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I was on vacation in Cozumel, Park Royal in May. I was given some free tours and a promise of free return trips when I purchased a vacation package plan from Royal Holiday. I have been trying to rebook a vacation in August, and can not get any help from the people I have been e-mailing and talking with. They say they can not honor the coupon I was given. It was not part of the contract. The contract does not look exactly like the one I signed. I signed four copies, and was given one. They said one was for the location of the hotel, another for the bank to secure the trust, one for the home office, and I got the third. I did not read all the copies, believing that they were all the same. I don't believe they were, and now they say my contract did not include the other things I was given with the coupons, so they do not have to give those things to me. I was supposed to be able to return to Cozumel for five years without using my points, so I could use them to go on a cruise. The cruise will take all my points, then I have to pay a fee because the cabin is all that is included, not the food. This is not what I was told when I purchased the plan. I don't want to be part of this any more. I now see the warning our government has against buying things like this. Why wasn't I given this by my travel agent? What good is a warning if you have not seen it? I can see that I should get my money back, it will take a fight with ruthless, greedy people. It would save my bank, the BBB in Southeast Florida, Profeco, the Attorney General's office, e-commerce, The Federal Trade Commission, and the State Dept. a lot of work if they would just have somebody give a flyer with the warning to all tourists going to areas where these resorts host the scammers. Please, write all these agencies and push to have warnings handed out. I will do what ever it takes to get my money back. It just seems like time wasted if someone in our government would do the job they are being paid to do, protect the tax payers and citizens of our country.

Edison, US
Feb 01, 2012 11:59 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I traveled to Nassau Bahamas in may of 2017. We were approached several of times from Royal Holiday Reps. When we decide to look into it, it all sounded good. As the rep was writing everything down on the paper to trying to sell us different deals, we keep saying that we could not afford this or that, they finally had a manager named Marvin Bare come speak to us. What Marvin Bare wrote down on the paper what he can give us that would be affordable for us IS NOT what he put into the contract. What we agreed to was $8, 000.00 would give us 30 yrs of membership 15, 000 points a yr and additional 30, 000 sign on bonus points plus 2-4-1 airfare through out our membership now I still have that paper that he wrote on for us before we sign the contract. These people knew from day 1 that we didn't have a lot of money nor did we have the money to pay this off right away that we would need to make monthly payments which that amount was the only truth in it the whole contract. When we signed the contract Marvin Bare rushed us through it only pointed out the things that we were suppose to get but skipped the one important thing that says we only have 30 to 45 days to pay this in full in order to get the 2-4-1 airfare and the extra 30, 000 points. That airfare was one of the main things that sold us. So of course we took their word and sighed the contract. Now we been trying to book a vacation and we were told that we can not get the 2-4--1 airfare nor the 30, 000 points. The rooms they showed us in the Bahamas was a corner suites and now when going to book our trip we are being told that we don't get a corner suite we would only be getting a studio. So here is another LIE! All the All-inclusive properties you have to pay extra to Royal Holidays ( which we were never told this nor is this in our contract.. So bottom line is we called to book a hotel that is affiliate with royal holiday on our own (not using them) and it will be cheaper for us to book this vacations with out them! When we called Royal Holiday and told them this our question to them was What are we saving using royal Holiday and what are we getting for our 2, 700.00 that they already got from us and their response was ummm whatever is in the contract. I want to cancel them but of course its gonna go on our credit report so my question to anyone that can help how can we get a class action lawsuit against them? I want to take a trip back to the Bahamas just so i can confront this Marvin Bare and shove the paper with his handwriting on it in his face! EVERYONE PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE THEY WILL LIE THROUGH THEIR TEETH TO SELL YOU!

8:57 am EDT

Royal Holiday Vacation Club Heavy Handed tactics - Collection Agency

Purchased a Royal Holiday Time share for $7500 in 2007.. Contract says if you do not pay the annual $320 fee.
We do not want to continue our enrollment in this timeshare.
You can buy rooms at their Hotels cheaper on the internet then what they charge the Timeshare nightly rate for all inclusive.

When I purchaed the time share, I asked "What if I do not want to continue?"
They said, look at paragraph 6, you just stop paying the annual fee and your out..

Our contract says: " if buyer is in default (by not paying the annual fee), all monies paid to SELLER (Royal Holidays} my by retained by SELLER as damages, administrative and cancellation expenses"

Now Royal Holiday has sent a COLLECTION agency after us to try to collect the $320! I told Royal Holiday that I wanted ALL my $7500 back as they have now violated the terms of the agreement.
So what they could not sell by benefits and features, they are now trying to extort money from me by threats.

They are not trustyworthy people.

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10:57 am EDT

Royal Holiday Vacation Club contract cancellation denied

I bought a ROYAL-HOLIDAY dream vacations TIME SHARE in CANCUN-MEXICO on August 10 and I tried to cancel it 2 days later August 12. The contract say the cancellation has to be between 5 business days. Now, I'm trying to cancel it, and nobody answer the phones, because all phones numbers, and fax numbers are fake. Today.August 18, I finally could talk with somebody, his name is CARLOS GONZALEZ y another one, called ALEX.who make allegations telling me that I have to have a letter from HYATT HOTEL where they have the place to trap people from USA and lie and get money from Turists who go to take vacations in their country and help them with their economy. If somebody has the same problem, please contact inmediatly to PROFECO.They are the only one who can help the people, who were scamed in CANCUN-MEXICO. PROFECO is a Goverment Institution. IF YOU ARE PLANNING TAKE VACATIONS IN MEXICO, DO NOT ASSIST TO 90 minutes TIMESHARES CONFERENCES. All of that is a farse

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Carla Fowler
Denison, US
May 19, 2009 9:04 pm EDT

How did you find out about GonzalezGonzalez Law Firm? Did you cancel during the accepted cancellation time (5days) or was it longer than that? My husband and I are dealing with the same problem. We just returned from Mexico and it has just been horrible because of this. Was the attorney fee expensive?


7:38 am EDT

Royal Holiday Vacation Club worth every dime

I lost my wife ten years ago to cancer and had to take a vacation with my two daughters to who were 3 and 5 at the time. Attended a presentation at Nassau Bahamas were I bought a Royal Holiday membership It is were my wife and I spent our Honeymoon. It has allowed my daughters and I to keep my wife's memory alive and build a great relationship.

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Greensboro, US
Aug 06, 2009 7:26 am EDT

What do want to hear? They will say anything to sell their worthless vacations. The yearly "maintanence fee" costs more than the vacation is worth. Good rooms are never available when or where you want to go. If you try to reserve a room that you want, it's either too late or too early. You can't rerserve a room 9 months out because all of the "good" rooms have been reserved. If you try to reserve a room a year out, then it's too soon to reserve and you must call back closer to your desired vacation time. If you want to go to the Carribean or Mexico in the dead of the summer, then Royal (screwjob) Holidays is for you.

Jun 02, 2009 12:37 pm EDT

I agree with all the complaints, this company is a fraud and someone should stop them. They misinform and sell vacation packages with wrong information. Then thay will not cancel even after a day.

12:29 pm EDT

Royal Holiday Vacation Club signed promissory note

I have a signed promissory note that I signed in Acapulco, Mexico in February 2008. They debited my credit card that I left on file in March, April and May. In June there finance company Concord Services starts calling me telling me I'm delinquent on my payment. I tell them that there is a note on promissory note on file and they have been debiting all these months...they tell me the promissory is expired. I ask them how is it expired and I'm reading the information to them...then they tell me that it's because the credit card ws declined (which was a lie)...them they tell me if I want to set it up I can do it over the phone ...of course I refused and told them it's on file...they kept calling me until finally I asked for a supervisor and eventually hung up and to my surprise a supervisor did call me back about 1/2 hour later and without me getting a word out he said it's been taken care of and it won't happen again...WELL guess what it's July and they are calling me again... Honestly I don't even know what to do...everytime you call customer service for Royal you never get any help they are rude...nasty as can be the only service they are in is of ripping people off. I am so unhappy with this vacation for life a it's called I wish I never set eyes on any of this. All of it is a lie..ALL..Last year I tried to get to Punta Cana I called for months straight and to make matters worse they even went as far as adding me to waiting list and I'm still waiting to be called a year later...

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8:02 pm EDT

Royal Holiday Vacation Club refund of timeshare

To Whom It May Concern:
We are in desperate need of your help. Recently, there was segment on 20/20 about Royal Holiday Club Timeshare and how deceptive they are. My husband and I were victims of that whole scam. We purchased the timeshare in Cancun, Mexico in June 2006 and paid for it on our Amercan Express card. If you look back on our statements we were billed in July 2006 for the amount of $16, 400.00. Please help us get our money back. We don’t know where else to turn.
We purchased a timeshare with RHC in Cancun, Mexico in June 2006. We were lured in and lied to from the very beginning. Our salesman, Gabriel, lied to us about the caliber of hotels that participate with Royal Holiday. We were told that we could use any Marriott hotel which in fact is not true. When we asked if we could return the timeshare if we were unhappy with it for any reason, he told us that as long as we used it one time that we would be able to return it. We did sign the contract and paid $19, 400.00. When we returned home 3 days later my husband and I decided that we no longer wanted a part of this timeshare .We called their office and I spoke to a woman by the name of Sylvia. She told us that we could not return the timeshare and that we had to use it at least one time before returning it. We were never given a 5 day window to change our minds and return the timeshare which in fact is a law in Mexico now. We then decided to book a trip to Bahamas through them a few months later and when we returned from that vacation I again called RHC to cancel our membership since we now used it the one time. The woman I spoke to was nasty and told me that there is no way we could get our money refunded to us. She said that unless there was a clause in our contract stating that we could actually return the timeshare after one time use that we were stuck with it.
We are looking for HELP to get our money refunded to us. Can you notify us if there is some way we can get that money back and end our contract with RHC. We are desperate and need your help.Our names are Peter and Mariella Toscano and live at 59 Chaffee Avenue Albertson, NY 11507. My cell phone is [protected] and our email is [protected]
Thank you for your

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Michele Ressler
Mar 01, 2008 12:26 pm EST

A complaint has been resolved by the company and removed.

Mista Byron
Brooklyn, US
Dec 22, 2008 2:07 pm EST

To Whom May It Concern:

My wife and I purchased a membership with Royal Holiday in July of this year in the Bahamas.

David Sweeting our sales rep made us aware that he personally would rent our 5000 point this year(2008) for $1000-$1500 and one of our incentive week...Now we are in Dec and that is not the case. I been going back and forth with his manager. Their finance dept will not return my calls. In our contract it stated our annually fees for 2009 would be $335. I received a bill it is $350. We are beyond frustrated with the horrible customer experience and would like to get our money back.

Since it is our words verse David Sweeting. I asked his manager to set up a conference call with the appriopiate parties and no luck. I find it hard to beleive as a customer I cannot be grant a conference call so our concerns are resolve.

Thank you for your help in advance...

Please contact me at

Thank you,

Mar 15, 2008 10:03 am EDT

Hi Michelle ,
I am glad you wrote about your experience. We just came back from Mexico and dealt with Victor. We were promised the same as you, and we too are members with RCI.
They were going to take our 2 timeshares from us and that was suppose to reduce the cost of the price. When we started looking further the points they were talking about would get us a studio. A far cry from our 2 bedroom units.
Thank goodness due to a mix up with a car rental company we were unable to process the transfer.
Good luck with your dealings with them. My husband and I can testify to their bad practices.

4:04 pm EDT

Royal Holiday Vacation Club never received product

I will qualify my statement with I am a known skeptic, it's my job, but I fell for the Royal Holiday Club experience in Ixtapa Mexico. So BEWARE!

Our last days relaxing in Ixtapa Mexico we were approached by a well dressed man to visit a newly remodeled hotel, Park Royal, and spend the day in a pool by the beach for just showing up to hear a presentation. This seemed nice since my boyfriend and I were lacking the luxury of a pool. When we arrived, we were approached by people selling the Royal Holiday Club experience, we only had to listen for an hour and get breakfast - that's all!

We listened and it sounded good, even legit and everyone around us was buying in. We had been there already 5 hours and had asked tons of questions to Dr. Victor (forgot his last name)that were answered with confidence and they kept adding "perks" like 245, 000 bonus credits and letting us join under Dr. Victor's special membership! We eventually handed over $4550 to Marisela Hernandez and Blanca Schauer Cue to "join" the Royal Holiday Club experience with little to no reservations - "the package was in the mail and would meet us at home." Now it is going on a month and a half and we still have nothing in the mail, my online account information shows no credits, and all of my phone calls are answered with the same response, "we sent the package but we'll send another." I am fed up, I feel scammed and I can't get anyone at Royal Holiday to explain how it takes so long to receive this offer of a lifetime in the mail or why I cannot use our account. I have requested to cancel the contract and get a refund but I am left holding credit card charge receipts for a "service" I have never received. I want to cancel the contract on the terms that Royal Holiday has never fulfilled their end of the contract.

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Apr 29, 2008 4:08 pm EDT

Do you read the other complaints before buying this thing?

4:48 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Royal Holiday Vacation Club terrible everything!

While we were vacationing in Aruba on September 24, 2007 we entered in good faith into a contract with Royal Holiday Club with a purchase price of $ 9, 752.00 and a closing cost of $700.00. We were told that we would be given an additional 1500 points to the 20000 points that we had coming to us. Only to find after the closing of the contract that we had to pay $405 activation fee before we could use it.

When we looked on the back of the certification we we learned that it was the actual purchase cost. That made us investigate the program. We were told by the financial representative that our points was not use for cruises. We went over this a number of times to make sure we heard correctly, the answer was the same, 'no' it would be taken from the membership dues. She gave an example of how she sent her mother on a cruise vacation with a friend not having to spend additional money. Her sisters thought she was a rich person as she put it. She wanted to know if we had a cruise in mind which we did as we told her the Black Sea she advised us to go ahead and book it.

We requested private time and call her back twice to reassure us that the cruises would be taken from the dues each time it was 'yes'. Immediately started our investigation only to find out that we had been lied too. We notified American Express that we were holding our payment until our concerns were addressed they have not been address we asked that our contract be canceled but that was denied 4/24/08 but our concerns not addressed we were only reminded that we signed a contract. We are not denying we sign the contract but tricked into doing so by giving false information. A large book was given to us to read after the signing of the contract .

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Nov 07, 2012 7:56 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please is there a forum that governments actually hear?
I would like to write all the details of my experience getting scammed by Royal Resorts
What's the use of government if not to govern

Redmond, US
Dec 20, 2010 6:09 pm EST

I got scammed when I was in honeymoon in Mexico. I paid the downpayment for trial membership. I cannot commented on the services provided by Royal Holiday but the salesperson was definitely liars. When I called the customer services to verify if the salesperson was telling lies, royal holiday customers services gave me another lies and tried to persuade me to upgrade my trial membership to full membership.

7:23 am EDT
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If you are scammed watch this. This was on 20/20. If your bank does not refund your money sue, this clearly shows anyone signing was a victim of fraud. Submit the transcript of program as proof: Vacations for Life: Too Good to Be True? Royal Holiday Vacation Club Subject of Numerous Customer Complaints By ANDREW...

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About Royal Holiday Vacation Club

Screenshot Royal Holiday Vacation Club
Royal Holiday Vacation Club offers a membership-based vacation service with access to over 180 destinations worldwide. Members can book resorts, cruises, and hotels using a points system. The club provides various membership levels to accommodate different travel needs and preferences.
How to file a complaint about Royal Holiday Vacation Club?

Here is a guide on how to file a complaint or review about Royal Holiday Vacation Club on

1. Log in or create an account:
- If you already have an account, log in to If not, create a new account on the website.

2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with Royal Holiday Vacation Club in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with the company.
- Mention key areas such as transactions, nature of the issue, steps taken to resolve it, personal impact, etc.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents to strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filing optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses.
- Utilize the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint or review.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure each step is clearly defined to effectively guide users through the process of filing a complaint or review about Royal Holiday Vacation Club on Remember to use simple language and provide comprehensive guidance.

Overview of Royal Holiday Vacation Club complaint handling

Royal Holiday Vacation Club reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 29, 2006. The latest review Points Lost during Covid & Price Increases was posted on Sep 11, 2024. The latest complaint Membership was resolved on Feb 09, 2024. Royal Holiday Vacation Club has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 220 reviews. Royal Holiday Vacation Club has resolved 58 complaints.
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    +1 (800) 961-1810
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  4. Royal Holiday Vacation Club address
    Av. Insurgentes Sur №1999 Pb, Guadalupe Inn, Ciudad de México, 01020, Mexico
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  6. Janet
    Checked and verified by Janet This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Sep 11, 2024
Royal Holiday Vacation Club Category
Royal Holiday Vacation Club is ranked 157 among 518 companies in the Travel and Vacations category

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