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CB Telecommunications T-Mobile USA Fraud customer service and policy!
T-Mobile USA

T-Mobile USA review: Fraud customer service and policy! 24

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12:00 am EST
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My story started with my wife getting me a Black Berry Curv through T-Mobile (my cell provider). I received the phone right before we left town for Christmas. 3 days later I realized that I didn’t like the phone and I tried to take it back to the T-Mobile store on MacArthur Blvd. in Las Colinas, I was then told that I had to send it back through mail. When I finally was able to get the address to mail the phone back it was already at the 11th day of my 14 day trial period and the rep told me as long as the post mark date was within 14 BUSINESS days from the date you received it, you WILL receive proper credit to my account. I mailed the phone with DELIVERY CONFIRMATION on the 13th day which happened to be Jan.2nd, 2008.
On Jan.27th, 2008 I received my bill only to see that I am still being charged for the phone I had already sent back 3 weeks earlier. I called to investigate and was told that they could not help me without a tracking number, which I had but couldn’t find because I was moving, I continued to call every other day to see if the returns department had credited my account? IT GETS A LOT BETTER I PROMISE JUST KEEP READING.

I was told that my package was NEVER received and that there is no way to contact the National Returns Center and that I didn’t have proof or confirmation of delivery, they thought I was bluffing about having a tracking number but I actually had it with when I called today Feb. 6th, 2008, when they looked it on the USPS site where it shows that it was delivered on Jan. 4th, 2008 they told me that the reason I will not be receiving a credit is because they received the phone on the 15th day after I had received it even though it was actually the 13th business day which I was advised initially. They were adamant about telling me that they could not credit my account the $267 I am owed, I told them to then give me back the device they received on Jan.4th, 2008 (YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE THE RESPONSE I GOT, WHICH WAS) “we CAN’T send it back to you, we don’t even know where it is it would have been sent to the manufacturer” so I said then give me the credit if you are not going to send the phone back to me and their response was...”Sorry we can’t do that because you didn’t return the phone within the 14 days” my response was “so what you are going to bill me for the phone that I sent back already and have proof that you received it AND keep the phone and sell it to someone else? This is fraud?” they continued to repeat that they can’t credit the account, can’t send me another phone because they have already sent it once, and they can’t locate the phone that I sent back and that I had to pay the $267 for the phone that THEY now have! And when I threatened to cancel my service after having been a loyal customer since 1999 (since it was Arial communications) they said that because I got a discount on the phone they automatically extended the contract for 2 more years and that they will charge and additional $200 on top of all of this mess... I realized then that this was not going to go anywhere positive or even remotely fair. T-Mobile is so fraud that they won’t give the legal department contact info but no worries, I already have an appointment tomorrow with Fox News channel 4 and I am preparing all of the documentations of the calls, receipt dates, shipping, names and dates of contacts and already working though my lawyer to file a complaint with the state and carbon copy every local news agency to expose this fraud company.

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Scott Faisal
Feb 15, 2008 10:24 pm EST

T-Mobile is indeed a scam. Look at
Listen to my story:

I have been with T-Mobile for over 4 years. Always paid $70.00-$85.00 dollars a month and then 1 month $1400.00.

Apparently some international calls were made that i had no idea about. Instead of following common reason, they just sold my account to a lousy collection agency called Amsher.

T-Mobile is a horrible organization. They have made a billing error on my billing statement and refuse to rectify it. Instead they have made things worse by selling my account to a collection agency Amsher even though their representative admitted that it was a billing error. Sure enough they do not have a record of this conversation.

I have emailed and spoken to a dozen representatives and they do not seem to care. T-Mobile engages in racketeering.

It seems T-Mobile benefits in charging off a customers account and getting early termination fees.

Just Google 'T-Mobile Billing errors' and you will see over 700,000 results.

There are sites like that show T-Mobile's true nature.

Are all these people liars T-Mobile ?

Shame on you!

Dallas, Texas

priyanka pinto
Feb 17, 2008 12:13 am EST

i am not satisfied with the tmobile connection and the schemes (pun intended!) being offered.

i would like to surrender my phone and the connection and start afresh with another company. my phone is 5 months into the 2 yr plan.

i would like to know what is the protocol for surrendering the tmobile connection and what are the charges.

thanks a lot!

Sep 17, 2008 9:30 pm EDT

I’m not one to complain, but T-Mobile billing is awful. I fulfilled my 1-year contract on 6/8/08, cancelled my plan and immediately paid the “final” bill in full. To my surprise, I received a bill dated 8/7/08, (2 months later) for $6.12. I spoke with a representative and he informed me that this was billing for services provided for 1 day after my contract had ended. Wait a minute, I fulfilled my contract and paid the bill in full. He understood and said that he would wipe out the balance. “Great” I thought. (I kept the bill just in case). So here we are in September now. Today I receive a bill from my buddies at T-Mobile for $6.12, billing date 9/8/08. I called and of course there’s no record of my speaking with Mike, (how convenient). I spoke with Perla (if that’s her real name) and got nowhere. I asked to speak with a Supervisor, to which she said there’s nobody there in management or a supervisory role. I insisted and guess what, Mario the supervisor got on the phone with me. He also took Perla’s side. So my dilemma is, do I pay the $6.12 that Mike said would be wiped out so I can keep my credit record perfect, or do I run this up the flagpole and send a complaint to the BBB and my Attorney General? If I treated my customers the way T-Mobile operates, I’d be out of work! I know that $6.12 is trivial but it’s the principle of the thing. If everybody caved and paid these bogus bills, well I guess that’s how the company is able to afford the advertising budget that they have. There’s got to be some decent people that are employed at T-Mobile – shame on you people in upper management. You’d rather win the battle and lose the war!

USA all the way
Charleston, US
Nov 13, 2009 10:18 pm EST

Same things happened to me...Indians take over and try to com plain...Well you're SOL...Cancel your account and you owe those ragheads $2oo for an early cancellation or they'll turn it over to Equifax and one of the other "credit reporting agenicies". Well, those Indians own those, too. Where are those politicians we elected who promised not to sell us out?

USA all the way
Charleston, US
Nov 13, 2009 10:25 pm EST

Same thing happened to me...Indians take over...Try to complain or even try to try to find somebody who speaks
English. Cancel your account and you have to pay them $250 or be reported to Eqifax or some other credit reporting agency which they all own anyhow. Where are those people we eleccted who promised to protect us from all this? I guess they're all more concerned with more important matters like bailing out millionaires on wall street or the "give us a break" holocaust.

Gary, US
Feb 17, 2010 8:34 am EST

Tmobile sucks, i hate their guts, i would not recommand anybody to purchase a phone from there. I had a razor back in 08, and it was a prepaid phone.I only used it for two months, the plan was unlimited everything for 50 dollars a month, me thinking that is alright, i purchased it. It was going well untill, tmobile kept overcharging fees, they could not explain, so i just let my phone get cut off.It is now 2010, i am just getting a letter from amsher saying i owe 195 dollars for a contract i never had. It just upset me how people try to scam you and i truly find it disgusted.

Feb 21, 2010 2:21 pm EST

TMobile swindled me out of $40 - I signed up for their T Mobile wireless internet service based on their coverage map...only to find out when I got to where I was traveling, there was NO service coverage and that their internet service was dependent upon being at a Starbucks. Fact is, there is no Starbucks - not even within 20 minutes of where I was. Needless to say, their map is deceptive, as are their billing / charges. I called TMobile a week after I signed up for it -- never having used their service -- and was flatly informed that I would still be charged for the whole month, regardless of the fact that I have not nor could not use their service. Talk about a royal pain and rip-off. To think that I was going to sign-up for an international cell phone plan with them when I go abroad for postgraduate studies -- that WILL NOT happen now after this experience. I am disgusted with them and now I know why friends and family have left T Mobile based on their customer service experiences.

Mar 03, 2010 4:16 am EST

Wow, my story is almost identical to the story of the original poster.. Much like the OP, I've been a customer since 1999.

My story: (I copied it from the tmobile forum I just posted it on)

I have a g1, out of nowhere it started acting up, it would turn off and on on its own, it would be off and music would randomly play, my apps didn't work, etcetcetc, they told me that the android system crashed and told me it was still under warranty so they'd send me a new one and I just use the box and label they send to return my broken one. During this time, we were in the middle of a move and the return box got thrown away. We put it in a regular box and shipped it back to the return center, on a print out we got from the post office, it shows that it was received at the return center on December 10th, which still left time in the 60 day window to return it. Every time I called, they told me they didn't have the phone, on Christmas eve, I checked my account and it said I owed $418 for a restocking fee for the phone. I called and gave them the tracking number we were given and I was told they were going to put in a search order for that tracking number and they'd let me know what they came up with. A few days later, the last payment I made for my bill was returned, it was taken from my account, then put back in, not sure why, they told me the check number we gave didn't work, we didn't use a check, we used our card like we normally do. So we tried to resolve that issue and I told them I wasn't going to pay the restocking fee for the old phone since I sent it in and it was returned before it was due. In the first week of January I called customer service because my service had been terminated, they told me I owed them $787 now. I told them I'd pay the bill when they took the restocking fee off the phone, again, a search order was put in for the old g1, I never heard anything again. I called a week later and they told me they still couldn't find the phone, this happened until Feb 28th, my phone was off for almost 2 months, I called to see if there was any way I could pay the balance due for my actual usage, but not the restocking fee, the woman we first spoke to told us that they had received my phone on Jan 5th via UPS with the tracking number they gave me. That's impossible, first of all, the tracking number that was from them was on the box that accidentally got thrown away, second of all, we used usps, not ups, third, I had called numerous times since Jan 5th and they were still adamant that they hadn't received my old phone, I got fed up with the rude woman I spoke to and asked to speak to a supervisor, she told me speaking to a supervisor would be no good, but I insisted, finally I got a supervisor, I explained the situation to him, I wanted to pay my usage balance due, but I wasn't paying the restocking fee because they obviously fudged some sort of paperwork, he looked at the notes on my account and was shown that they never used the tracking number I'd given them from usps, that when they put in the search order they used the ups tracking number they gave me, which is why it never showed up. He told me that I could pay the balance due for my usage, that he was going to put a search order in for the tracking number I supplied them and that they'd get back to me. I paid $426 to get my phones turned back on, which I didn't mind because it was about 3 months of back bills, today, March 2, my phone was shut off again. The lady I spoke to told me that it's showing up the return center received the phone via ups on Jan 5th, with the tracking number THEY supplied me. I AGAIN had to explain how that was impossible. She ended up restoring my service, as it should be, and putting a 30-day hold on collections.

I'm extremely fed up with this whole situation because they're still saying I owe over $400 for that broken g1, I WAS eligible for a full upgrade, which I NEED because the refurbished phone they sent me is as useless as the broken one I sent in was. But now I can't get it because I have a balance due, which I refuse to pay because it was returned on time.

We have a printout from the post office showing exactly when it was received, date, time, location, everything. For some reason, the return center is still saying they got the box they sent me back. IMPOSSIBLE! I can't claim insurance through the post office because it's been signed for. It WAS received.

Oldbridge , US
Mar 11, 2010 7:11 pm EST

T-Mobile needs to be booted out of a company title all together. This company sucks! T-Mobile charged me a total prices of $978.00 in miscellaneous fees for a dispute that I had no control over. Someone stole my phone and when I called it in 30 minutes after I noticed my phone has been stolen. T-Mobile charged me for everything; calls, texts, picture mails that I didn't create. OMG! I wish i could punch their entire company in the face. What has this world come to? Everyone is hungry for money. What ever happened to the pursuit of happiness? What happened to enjoying life? What happened to helping one another? T-Mobile had forgotten about the American Dream. I have the money to pay them but I refuse to pay for something I did not use. This company will not receive another dime from me ever. And on top of this you sell my account and social to some bogus collections agency?! I never even heard of AmChere?!?!?!? Come on! As soon as I finish my last year at Yale I am suing the scrap out of this company and building my law firm around disputes like this. Signed an angry Black Man!

Scotty McB
Weed, US
Apr 20, 2010 9:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have a pay as you go plan. Thought that their was no way for them to rip me off, wrong! When trying to load minutes on the ph0ne, to make a long story short, I couldn't, because someone had done it for me! Apparently someone put minutes on my phone number, then realized that it was not the correct number, disputed the bill with their credit card and got their money back. While I never had those minutes downloaded to my phone, I was held for ransom by Tmobile for the full charge, never had received the minutes, never got a call from Tmobile either (like they didn't know my phone number and like they had never sent me text messages). It took over 4 hours, speaking with people who DON'T UNDERSTAND THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE! BUT THE BIGGEST OUTRAGE WAS WHEN THE PHONE REP AGREEDED THAT TMOBILE COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THEIR PREPAID CUSTOMERS!

May 06, 2010 11:14 am EDT


Westborough, US
Aug 03, 2010 8:10 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I cancelled my Tmobile service in NOV-2006. They said that I did not owe any termination charges as I was moving out of the country. I faxed them proof of foreign address and my phone bill as requested. I called several times proactively and they confirmed that my balance was waived.

Six months later, they sold the balance I did not owe, to a collection agency. It has passed on to 3 agencies since. The lates one put a collection notice on my credit report leading to several problems.

Hurst, US
May 12, 2011 1:19 am EDT

I have same problem, t-mobile is charging me $217.25 for 8 days. It should be a law to protect the consumer against companies as T-mobile, Americans have rights that the goverment must protect, meanwhile T-mobile will continue abusing the consumer till the the Congress get involve and stop such abuse.

Hurst, US
May 12, 2011 1:27 am EDT

I agree, T-mobile is abusing the consumers, American people have rights and the goverment must protect them from such abuse, T-mobile will continue taking advantage until the congress hear our voice and pass a law, meanwhile we must continue together fighting for our right.

Passaic, US
Jun 25, 2011 3:40 pm EDT

Well, I guess we all have similar stories to tell. I have been a T-Mobile customer since 1999 and I shipped out a phone to the return center in TX on May 27th 2011 and Jenny Hernandez signed for the phone shipped to them on June 2nd. I owned a Motorolla Clik and the keyboard nor the touch screen were working. I purchased the phone on Jan 27th 2011 and was told to ship it there by a t-mobile representative and that they would send me another phone within 10 to 14 business days. Here we are on June 25th 2011 and I have been calling almost everyday trying to find out the status on my phone. Wait! It gets better! Everytime I speak to a rep, they tell me "we will send you an e-mail within 72 hours letting you know the status of your phone". Well, this is the 4th 72 hours and I have not received an e-mail at ALL! I am getting ready to call once more and this time I am not gonna be very nice. I will get my phone or they can give me my money for the phone. It is only 5 months old and doesnt work. I will get back to you after this conversation. See you later!

midlothian, US
Aug 18, 2011 10:52 pm EDT

Jenny Hernandez signed for my phone too! Same story here. I have been going through this with them as well. What a horrible company. I have been with them for 10 years. But the non Americans are hard to talk to. They give me wrong information that winds up costing me money. They actually took money out of my bank account unauthorized today. Our bank - Wells Fargo - is going after them because I filed a fraud claim. Im so pissed. Too long of a story at this point.

Oct 07, 2011 5:22 am EDT

T-Mobile is into ripping off their customers as soon as they stop the service with T-Mobile. There is no reasoning with these people; they are blood sucker. I cancelled my service with Sprint before after I fulfilled my contract, and Sprint didn't attempt to rip me off the way T-Mobile is. I would NEVER consider doing business with company such as T-Mobile even if they are the only one in the market place.

Disappointed customer NOW
West Haven, US
Dec 08, 2011 10:27 pm EST

Sam I'm going through the same thing now! I sent my defective phone back and the package had Mesquite TX so that's where I sent it to, whatever the t mobile Motorola blurr package had on it..they are telling me they didn't receive it after 3 months and charging my acct $396 for what? I have the tracking number but they are ###ting me now ...I am canceling my service!

coro, US
Aug 19, 2014 2:56 pm EDT

Please report them and do what you can! I am having the same problem.

Mar 29, 2016 10:56 am EDT

T-mobile allows customers to open an account with almost no identification. All they have to do is give one piece of ID and a fake SSI. As a consequence, I received a bill for $1400 a year later. When I asked where is was open, they said Wisconsin (where my debit card was stolen - I live in Ohio). I explained I never received a statement, call, contract, or any other communication until now. They told me I needed to file a police report (but it was a year later). They also refused to provide me documents, the account number, the sales person's name, but were eager to have my money should I send it. What a scam. All they were interested in was getting more information from me instead of providing me with anything bc they were trying to legitimize their error! Horrible company. I will never, ever use them and have filed a complaint with the attorney general. Anyone interested in a class action suit, I am more than willing to participate!

fred runyon
May 28, 2016 6:56 am EDT

Someone open an account in my name fraudulent and i want to get it cleared up so i can open an account with you please ? Could you please get back in touch with me as quickly as possible please thank you !

Santa Ana, US
Jun 03, 2016 8:26 am EDT

I upgraded to one of T-Mobiles new 4-G android phones. However, I had problems with the touch screen, which was verified by an employee in one of their stores. So they sent me a new one, and I returned mine. A month or so later, I found out they were billing me for the phone, claiming that the screen had been damaged, which was not the case when I sent it back. After arguing with them for a long time, I finally said that if they want to bill me for the phone, then they should return it to me to prove that it was indeed damaged. I was then told that they didn't keep the damaged phones. I would like to know if anyone else has had this experience. If so, please email me at

Nov 07, 2017 2:29 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i srtared my acount on 11/02/2017 but y'all for no reason cut off my phone so im asking y'all to cut my phone back on i have sent y'all my pic and my d.l to let y'all know its really me who open the new acount and the cellphone number is [protected] y'all can call me at the number [protected]

View 0 more photos
Nov 07, 2017 2:34 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

my email is so plz contect me soonas you can thank you have a bless day

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    Oct 14, 2024
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