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CB Online Scams Review of Winning Marketing Solutions
Winning Marketing Solutions

Winning Marketing Solutions review: TERRY DUFF SCAMS FOR $2,499 10

Author of the review
3:03 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Winning Marketing Solutions (previously known as On Stage Marketing) is a complete scam. This company will gain leads of people looking or researching for a home-based business opportunity or are currently or recently unemployed looking to make an additional stream of income during trying times. They CAPATILZE on your weaknesses, emotions and use high-pressure tactics to encourage you to listen to a 45-minute audio call (that is how it all starts). After listening to the call, Ellen Franzoso will call you back to confirm that you watched the video and then the "SELLING" starts! I paid $2, 499 to be on their so-called Dream Team! It's a total joke. What you really end up paying for are elementary-level sales tools mostly about cold-calling, advertising, etc (education you can get for FREE off the general Internet or Google). They claim they will help you increase your income by $50, 000 or your money back (which you will NEVER get back because they will claim that "you just didn't apply their techniques correctly")!

Terry Duff and Gino Niccoli are the owners of this company and they are a SELF-named "Dream Team." This dream team is more of a nightmare. RUN FOR THE HILLS FROM TERRY DUFF or you'll have yourself to blame! The claims they make are preposterous and they extensively exaggerate the necessity in using their program in order to succeed in a home-based business. They state that they are “world renowned experts" on everything related to marketing. It's all about "them" and joining their "special program" in order to be part of this self-claimed dream team. They claim to know the "secrets" of the art and science of marketing; again, much of which is nothing new or innovative in any way, shape or form. ALL THEIR CALLS are prerecorded and are NOT live as they claim they are. Again, lying about what they offer and how they offer it.

After the sales pitch, you choose 1 of 3 Levels.
Diamond - which includes an 8 week course on mindset, the law of attraction, law of abundance...### after ### after ###, inner circle, mastermind training, and other "must have" information.
Platinum and the Gold - are basically the same thing, but did not include some of the "crucial secrets." This is all backed by FALSE "risk free guarantee" that if after a year, if you haven't made at least $50, 000, you get your money back x2!

I did NOT make $50, 000 and I was told that I would not be getting my money back, but that I could remain a "Lifetime Member" and could continue to "sharpen my skills" through their bogus education program. The costs are the following: Diamond - $2499, Platinum - $1499, and the Gold Package - $999.

These kinds of SCAMS have now become so numerous because of the saturation of internet marketing and the direct sales opportunities that out there. There are too many over-the-top, overblown claims just as in the case with Winning Marketing Solutions. There are a lot of differences between regular marketing and internet marketing and I'm sure there are things "one must know" to be successful, but you cannot find out these secrets and techniques from internet scammers like Terry Duff.

I am currently reporting Winning Marketing Solutions to my states Attorney General's office, the BBB and the Federal Trade Commission and hiring an attorney to represent me in small claims. DO NOT LET THIS COMPANY CONVENIENCE YOU TO JOIN THEIR DREAM TEAM!

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Terry Duff
Phoenix, US
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Nov 26, 2012 3:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Clearly Scott is a bit off with his message here and the points he makes.

This is Terry Duff - founder and creator of Winning Marketing Solutions. On Stage Marketing was created in early 2003 and the partnership dissolved in July of 2011. At that time Winning Marketing Solutions, LLC was created. Scott has been a student since the summer of 2010. If the training provided by OSM or WMS for that matter was "sub-par" why would it take 2+ years to report such findings?

Further, all of our weekly training calls are done LIVE - there is an online Members Only Area where our training calls are archived for those who have schedules that don't allow them to attend our LIVE training calls. The guarantee we have is a performance based guarantee - we have no idea as to the work ethic, desire to learn or the ability to learn of the new student. If the materials aren't utilized, there would be no way to achieve success - with this educational program or any other. To date, we're still waiting on anything that Scott did to further the development of his business.

Scott, this is a 2-way road. We require that the information be put to use. The education and assistance we provide is not designed to to be a desktop ornament or a souvenir. You've cited all of our contact information and it's accurate - shoot us a note of anything, something you've done that shows you've put anything to use. That's all we ask. Nothing more. I think that's pretty reasonable. Over the past 10+ years we have provided refunds for those that put the material to use and didn't see satisfactory results. This program doesn't work for everyone but I can promise that it won't work when it's collecting dust on your hard drive. If you were plugged into our training, in any capacity, you would have provided an accurate depiction of our program.

For starters:

1. We haven't had 3 levels of enrollment since July/2011.

2. Our guarantee is clearly stated on our website that you cited (the exact link is:

You and I spoke over the phone in the summer of 2012. The 1, single event, where you reached out to our office and expressed disappointment. I told you the same thing... send us something where you put the information to use and didn't see results. I'm still waiting on a fax, email, snail mail, smoke signals...anything.

If you're going to cite items, at the very least, keep them accurate rather than leaving out pretty relevant items such as:

1. You became a client in 2010 (more than 2 years ago).

2. The mere fact you did nothing with the materials and educational items we offer. If you buy a book at and do nothing with the information does that make amazon or the author of the material a "scammer"?

3. Waiting more than 2 YEARS before filing a complaint.

I wish you luck with your future endeavors Mr. Faulkner.

Terry Duff

Nile Yalcin
London, GB
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Dec 07, 2012 6:09 am EST

Hello, my name is Nile Yalcin, and I qualified as a Certified Master of Marketing with the Dream Team, and I'm part of the Council with Winning Marketing Solutions. I joined the Dream Team back in 2006, and it took me literally TWO days to make my Diamond Package enrolment fee back. I have been making money ever since then. There is no magic secret to success with Terry Duff's training. It simply works if you apply it. So, I'm putting my money where my mouth is. Simple as that.

Northfield, AU
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Feb 20, 2013 12:15 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have just experienced what I still find hard to come to terms with.Asa 69 year old fool I was convinced that all my dreams of having success on the internet would be realized and some.In my excited state being wooed by Terry Duff and Ellen franzoso I was convinced even after I tried to reject their offers that I could not go wrong and all my problems are solved.Well within 24 hours away from Ellen and Terry I realized that the $1260.00 I handed over was well beyond what I could afford and I right away rang and plead with both terry Duff and Ellen Franzoso to release me from the agreement.I had openedup to both of the and they new my dire financial position.I believed that the manner in which they sympathized with me prior to getting my money that they would understand and releave me of the stress I was under as a result of this stupid decision on my part.
I am from Australia and here it would be unimaginable to have the experience I got from the principle of Winning Marketing Solutions Mr Terry Duff and his associate Ellen Franzoso.
They reminded me in no uncertain terms that I would have no chance in getting a refund and that I was stuck with that, even though I had not received nay product or service from the up to this time oless the 24 hours.
I am still reeling from this experience and cannot believe that something like this is possible.My begging for understanding was rebutted in the most callous manner with absolutely no evidence of understanding or remorse.Both Terry and Ellen were fully made aware of my dire financial position before they took my money and I sincerely believed that I would have their sympathy.

Christopher F.
Ridge, US
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Jun 23, 2013 1:42 pm EDT

This is a shame, grown men blaming other people for their problems. Shows a complete lack of responsibility no one put a gun to your head and forced you to do anything so the decision was ultimately up to you. If you do not have the will power to say no or take responsibility for your own actions then maybe should just give up because life is way harder than that. I'm 24 and i could never fix my mouth to say he or she is responsible for what happen to me especially in your case. These comments or should i say ''acts of irresponsibility'' are insults to the people at WMS who sincerely devote time to helping people Network Marketing or who have their own Home Base business

Cypress, US
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Nov 20, 2013 6:55 pm EST

Ellen Franzoso is a scam SCAM, , , they just want your money, SHE went ballistic when asked how much will it cost me a month, not a professional at concern for one's needs. DON'T DO IT... there are plenty of self-help books, free videos. All it takes a positive and optimistic view in life and you will succeed. YOU don't need to pay those who claim they can help you make more money and bring you leads. DO NOT sacrifice integrity for growth! focus on helping people, with a sincere and honest heart, the money will come later.

David Gallagher
Grand Rapids, US
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Feb 02, 2014 5:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I purchased the high end package from Dream Team and was graciously grandfathered into Winning Marketing Solutions. I have been a self employed business owner most of my career. I am more than happy with my return, I completely understood the performance guarantee, and did not or was I given the idea there was a magic "no work" formula. If you do the work you can not be anything but "better off" period. I have also purchased other products/services as a "happy" repeat customer. Some people will have better aptitude and bring better skill sets causing faster success, however, Terry makes every effort to empower you for your success no matter what level of experience you are starting with. Frankly, the disgruntled need to put their big boy panties on and take ownership for their behavior. They need to put their backbone where their delusional wishbone is. 1, 3, 5, 10 years down the road these type of folks will still be complaining of their lack of success and plight in life - blaming everyone and everything but themselves.

David Gallagher

honesty integrity
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Mar 22, 2015 2:58 pm EDT

I have to agree with the person who filed the complaint. As online marketers we can not sell to everyone.
WMS is a marketing training product.. but it has no content that is not found for free online. Because besides
some live calls for the group.. there is little live training for the newbies. So newbies and people who are no
self-starters are at the wrong place here. It is more a system for experienced marketers that already have the
skill to sell threw a list and/or webinars. And they should ask the question if they want to squeeze beginners
out of money. I believe there is a ethical barrier in working with leads that don't have enough skill to at least break even.

"Squeeze" was actually the term the WMS salesman used while pitching me after taking my phone number from
my LinkedIN account. When he talked about what he would do with leads I would generate. It sounded aggressive
and the LinkedIN strategy a breach of telemarketing law. Using LinkedIN is actually taught in WMS..
Ooh dark irony..

I am all for a free flowing economy.. but WMS is a "tool ponzi" with the marketing training with law quality (!) audio's being
the tool (or training) and paying investors with money of new investors.. the company should have a real tangible product (series)
for retail to non distributors.. now everyone is a distributor.. And when you sell a business opportunity to a newbie/consumer
without assessment.. you are indeed a scammer.

Arla Pieper
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Sep 04, 2015 10:50 pm EDT

I had the same horrible, scamming experience with Ellen Franzoso and Terry Duff. July 2015 I lost $4000 to these thieves and liars. I started by paying $700 for using the website, then $600 to hire Ellen to "coach" me (sick) then another $2000 to hire Terry to make me a website then $600 for an email responder service. Then, as if that was not enough, Terry began sending me email after email to buy a package of Leads he had...and Ellen would call me and call me to buy the Leads as well. They don't teach you anything on their website you can't find for free online everywhere else. Run, run, run from Winning Marketing Solutions, Terry Duff or Ellen Franzoso. Don't learn your lesson the hard way like I did!

Annette Branton Stoots
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Jul 29, 2017 12:08 pm EDT

Yes, I had the same horrible experience. The website they built for me for 595.00 was for a lifetime. I cannot get into the website anymore . When I try to log in, I get a message, something great is coming soon. I also lost $4000 with Ellen Franzoso and Terry Duff. Ellen no longer works for WMS and Tetty Duff does not return calls or answer my emails. July29, 2017 Annette Stoots

Kyani distributor
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Aug 12, 2016 6:57 am EDT

This is what I find fishy about it all. This is a true honest review. I recently went into network marketing with Kyani. I'm having problems getting leads and decent sales. Do I started googling. Well I came across Mark Lewitz. Now you Google that name nothing but stars across it. So I opt in on the email. The emails sounded good. At the end of every one it has a site ultra secerets well from there two different guys come up. One being Terry Duff and another being Gino Niccoli. Well no where does Mark Lewitz associate himself with these two guys. So automatically red flags go up every where. So I Google Terry and Gino names boy did that bring up some bad reviews including a judgement against Gino. Than I come across this today. If you noticed in the first column Terry wrote it! No where does he mention Gino or Mark. So triple red flags. Than a new name that he associate himself with. So let me ask you this. If Terry Duff isn't a scam than why have two different business partner names that aren't mentioned any where else! Why doesn't Terry associate himself with Mark? Please understand Mark Lewitz is not the scam. Terry Duff is! Why else have all the changing of partner names and site names. Please people don't sighn up with anybody with out doing your homework. I work hard for money. So before I spend my hard working money I'm doing all my homework. It took me one week to find this. Thank goodness I did or I would of been out of pocket too. Also please be careful if Mark Lewitz blog it goes straight to the ultra secrets site. Terry better watch it BC one day mark Lewitz will find out. Than Terry will be doing jail time.