In May 2010, I purchased a very expensive ($400 US) magic spell from
I was drawn to this site by (1) the many positive reviews I had read online, and (2) the company's 100% money-back guarantee. The "Jackpot Lottery Spell" I purchased stated that I would see big winnings from the lottery within 90 days. I hesitated about purchasing this spell but against my own better judgment, I purchased it online based on the reassurance from the company that all of their products were fully guaranteed. I have written numerous e-mails to "Marcy" ("High Priestess") of their "coven", requesting a full refund of my money, as I have received no lottery winnings whatsoever despite following "Marcy's" instructions. I have received responses urging patience and to keep playing the lottery, as I "will" win a large amount of money. In spite of these "reassurances, " I pursued my request for a refund and the latest response I received (October 31, 2010) stated that I was not being patient and they "don't issue refunds because a client is having financial issues". Further, the e-mail stated, "All refunds are subject to our approval and if you are still unhappy with your spell in another month then we can talk about a refund but as of right now you do not qualify for one." It also stated that I was asking for a refund because I am "not financially sound" - an insult I find most condescending, inappropriate and libellous. Based upon my experience with, I believe their so-called "magic spells" are a complete scam, and to be avoided at all costs.
One good thing arose from this debacle: I have learned my lesson.
I completely disagree with this. I won a substantial amount of money with their big win lottery spell. It was enough to pay off my house. Maybe you just have bad luck, but whatever they did for me worked! I'm very happy and recommended them to some friends who had success with their spells also.
I agree with Seraphim I to purchased several spells including the same one Jackpot lottery spell.I contued to contact Marcy that nothing was working she told me to be patient.Well after the 90 days I asked for refund.It is now been a year and we still havent got any refund.She told me to stop emailing her and asking questions as her refund is a lengthy process.That she would get back to me .Needless to say I have heard nothing.I emailed her again and she said I was suffering from depression.Everyone stay away from this site.
Is same as l see some similarity reading their misc.spells. during your search, did you come up with such similarities?
Yes the sites and are both run by the same people and are both scammers.
Stay clear of them
To greph do you work for them, because all i see is negative reports on this company . With my years of experience with psychics i can tell you that they are liars, con artists, and thieves.
I have to agree. I too purchased several spells and saw zero results. As I contacted Marcy, she would constantly tell me to be patient. But nothing. BE WARE, these people are S C A M M E R S, liars, and thieves! They prey on the vulnerable and promise the world. NOT TO MENTION, their money back guarantee is a load of crap!
Go to the media, abc news, or local news.
Bide ye the wiccan way ye must in perfect love in perfect trust, ever mind the law of three for what you put out comes back to thee. Karma is a dangerous thing. All that you say and do shall be returned to you 3 fold, so never scold or scorn but always warn. Blessed be. Peace love and light.
I also sent money to these people. and have tried four times to contact them. they won't answer my emails. it has been a waste of money, people be warned these people are cons. the only ones that are making money is marcy and there friends.
Its a disgrace. treating desperate people like this.
Marcey is a complete Barney Madoff scam. you do not get your money back. i purchased beauty spell. what a joke. she asks you to send proof etc... she is even a scam when it comes to sending your proof of purchase! she just says its not good enough so refund will be issued.
Yes I got caught up in this [censored] as well.