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CB Mobile and Cell Phones Sprint 6391 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park, KS, 66211, US
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6391 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park, KS, 66211, US
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2 complaints
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11:16 am EST

Sprint - customer service/billing

I have been a customer for over 15 years. I have also been paying for the insurances on my phones since then. However, I have never used it because it was cheaper to get a new phone rather than get the same phone and pay $150 for deductible. My phone bill has recently sky rocketed due to extra add-on charges for data being assessed plus the insurance and taxes on top of that which ends up being a total of $100 plus dollars in these extra features. Now that I'm behind they will not honor a payment extension and require that I pay half of the balance due, plus I want them to remove all these extra add-ons but they won't because I cannot pay the $227 they demand yet my bill is coming out and I will get charged a late fee plus the bill and those extra charges. I was on hold on and off for 2 hours and on the chat and the reps tried to tell me that insurance on my phone was like a car insurance! Go figure! Nothing was resolved other than upsetting me and trigger me to look elsewhere for a better plan with better reception and better customer service. Very disappointed with Sprint and their customer service skills!

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3:37 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Sprint - additional fee

I opened two mobile numbers with Sprint in November 2009. The first line I understood it was a two year contract and with that new line I received a equipment discount for a BB phone. The second I provided the phone and was told by the Sprint sales person that if I chose to purchase a new phone during the contract period I would still be eligible for the discount. That was good news since I did not know if the phone I provided would last two years. I received a letter from Sprint in December 09 just two months later with news of a fee that would be added to my account $4.99 monthly because my account is in their ASL Account Spending Limit program. The fee however will be waived if I allow them to automatically debit my checking account for the monthly service.
I called their customer service and spoke to two supervisors after going on and on with the customer representative who was not knowledgeable. It turns out that the fee only applies to the ASL customer (not explained when I opened the account) Discrimination?
I think so... Also that equipment discount for my second line... LOST! The sales person was apparently wrong. If I purchase a new phone for that line it will extend the contract date 2 years from the date of purchase. On the front end the Sprint store and customer service was pleasant to deal with and helpful. After the 30 days trial period expired that friendlyness and will to service the customer evaporated. I am disapointed with their customer service, added fees, and cell coverage. I hope to to get to someone at Sprint that can actually resolve my complaint to my stratification.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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La Ron Kc
Aug 22, 2016 6:51 am EDT

I closed my account out and they keep billing me. I paid the last bill and and cancellation fee but they keep sending me new bills. I keep calling they say it is done but then a new month comes and a new bill

phoebe ndurere
Oct 09, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I have been receiving these text messages for about a month now and whenever i try to contact my customer care they keep referring me to other associates who tell me they dont recognize the service of which they charge $24 a month and $6.00 per week. Am lost i dont know how i can stop it. Someone please help.

Grant Curtis
Nov 20, 2007 12:00 am EST

Aside from being on hold for hours and then connected around to people who can't help, Sprint Mobile is one of the worst Companies I've ever dealt with. I had the service for over a year before I started getting recordings that said that my roaming service was not available on some other network--and this happened in NYC and LA. I had the top end plan for unlimited voice and data including all roaming costs except for international.

Sprint talked me into buying a new black berry (the first one was less than a year old) only to have the same issues. In the midst of this, my phone was disconnected because they stated I did not pay my bill. Come to find out that they credited someone else's account with my payment and asked if I could figure out whose account it was credited to. Listen Sprint, I don't work for your lousy Company and never would based on my experience with you.

After completely losing my mind with Sprint and too many calls to keep record of especially hours and hours on hold, I was forced to discontinue service. And this is after I spent several hundred dollars on a new black berry I did not need and a perfectly good original one--both are now paper weights. But it gets better, Sprint has now put me into collections after I had worked out my bill closure with them by phone.

It is clear to me that I am now fighting about principle and will spend what is necessary through the court system to return some of the damage done to myself and my business by Sprint. Not even an apology. As for their new alleged policy regarding customer service--you've got a long way to go Sprint.

This is the first complaint I have ever lodged against any Company in my 30 year business history. As an investment banker, I would recommend anyone speculating in industry stocks to "short sprint." Company's that work like this generally don't work for that long.

Kathy Dozier
Feb 11, 2008 12:00 am EST

Charges of $9.99 wer charged to my cell phone bill without my authorization by minor on [protected]. Beware!

patrice smith
Spartanburg, US
May 20, 2011 9:52 pm EDT

i order a family plan from sprint for my child and me back in march of 2011. when i got my 1st bill it was almost $500.00 dollars and the plan i got was only suppose too be $130.00 dollars pre month. so i called and was told the person that ordered my plan did not order the right plan. at this point i didn't like their cusumer service because when they put another worker on the line i was told by them that who ever order for me didn't even work for i just asked for my refund back i was then told that i can get my refund back and that they will cancle everything out and send me a kit too send the 2 cellphones back. i didn't receive a kit for another 3weeks. when i opened it their was no label too send the phones back so i called sprint once again and was told i can send it like that needless too say when i took it to ups they couldn't send it without a label. so i call sprint again then was told too take it as was 2 a sprint store near by. so i take it there and they told me too take it too the sprint store in the mall. once i got too the sprint store in the mall they tell me they can't send it without label. so i come back home and call sprint once again just for them too tell me that they will just have too send me another kit with a label and they was really rude with me. so i get the 2nd kit with a label this time in 2weeks. i send it the same day and wait for my long over do refund. in 3more weeks i get a check for 1 cell phone so i call before i cash the check too ask about the refund for the other line. they then apologized for the inconveniece then told me i would be getting the other refund check in 3to5 business days. so when i didn't get it on the 6th day i called sprint back yet again and was told by 2people they didn't understand what was going on but they will try too find out. by the time they put the 3th person on i was told they sent both checks out then she changed too i only sent one phone back. then she says well i'm sorry ms smith i don't know what too tell you but i can put another report in so i told her i need too talk with someone that would know what too tell me because this has been going on for too long now. she puts me on hold yet again and leaves me on hold for 40minutes so i hung up too put this complaint in. my question is how and when can i get my money back?

Eau Claire, US
Feb 21, 2012 10:01 pm EST

Last month with Sprint-
12/23/2011- I paid my bill manually online as I have for several years. I few hours later I noticed a second debit to my checking account in the amount of $35.00. I figured it must have been a late fee, so I allowed it, but this debit was not authorized.
12/31/2011- My account was debited for the full amount of my next due bill, $274.40. This payment was also not authorized by me. I called customer service department who transferred my to finance department who agreed it was an error and they would refund me. They also told me they would remove my debit card from your system after the refund.
01/05/11- This refund was completed .This error cost me $60.00 in overdraft fees. Sprint claims payment was made from my child’s phone. She denies this and I don’t know why she would. Regardless, she is 13 and not authorized to charge my card.
01/13/12- My child called from a friend’s house to tell me Sprint was calling her phone. I advised her to ignore future calls as I am the administrator on the account. Later that night, my checking account was again debited for $274.40. I did not discover this until I couldn’t pay for my gas on Sunday.
01/15/12- After discovering error I placed a call to the customer service department, who transferred me to a Brittany in Finance. I was told this money could not be refunded and again “somebody” called and made a payment on their phone although the only authorized to use my card is me. Brittany was not sympathetic, did not apologize and talked over me. She told me she would call me back in three hours with a resolution. She did not.
01/16/12- I called my credit union to start the process of disputing the transaction since I had not heard from Sprint. At this point I have incurred an additional $210, bank refunded $105, in overdraft fees. I have two checks that have not cleared and an automatic withdrawal for my daughter’s braces that will cost me another $90 in fees for a total cost of $360 in overdrafts.
01/17/12- Brittany finally returns my call leaves me a message to call her back. At this point it is too late to stop the transaction dispute with my bank. I am finished with the phone circles I get put in when I call you.
Napologyigies, sympothy or resolution to my problem. Very unsatisfied customer!

Fred M Kadin
Delray Beach, US
May 15, 2013 3:38 pm EDT

SprintPCS Customer for 14 Years. My wife and I called SprintPCS to indicate we were moving to Cuenca, EC on April 22nd. We had Apple 4s phones since December for which we paid $200 each and 2 year contract.We were direct billed every month for approx. $265.00. Sprint Cust Serv gave us the option as we were moving out of the country and not to a competitor - to return phones and end service, or pay $160.00 per phone and have them unlocked. Wepaid the $160.00 each ($358+) by credit card while standing in a tel. store in EC on April 25th. The last months bill had already been paid. As soon as we made the payment, the representative said they couldn't unlock the phones as we were no longer customers! An option was to re-engage for min. six months and they would unlock (which means they had control of the process). We have called every day at our expense to Cust Serv. - obtaining names, Rep. ID's, promises and no action. We would like to get this resolved - but can't reach corporate seniors. We will go to the FCC, Florida AG, and Palm Beach Fraud Upon Seniors if need be - but is there another way?

Mt Pleasant, US
Jun 27, 2011 8:16 pm EDT

I was on a month to month contract with Spring after my two year contract. After choosing a different (better) service provider, I called Spring to cancel my service. I called Sprint and explained I had a contract with another service. I assumed with no contract, I could just walk away as I had been lead to beleive. What I found out was somewhat different. I had almost three weeks left on my billing cycle and Sprint does not cancel any bill until the next billing cycle. How convenient for Sprint. This amounted to a three week penalty to get out from under Sprint service even though I was no longer using their service and had no agreement in place..
I finally received my last bill for .21 cents and they woudl like me to send them a $1.00 to satisfy my .21 cent bill. And this company can't figure out why people elave and do not come back.

Bristol, US
May 14, 2013 8:54 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Last September I bought the new Galaxy S3 LTE phone from Sprint. They told me it had the newest and greatest 4G capability. LTE is not available in my state. How can this company sell me (and everyone else) a phone that does not even work in our state? No one told me LTE is not available in CT and now im stuck with the phone for 2 years.

you for real?
Sugar Land, US
Apr 14, 2013 9:07 am EDT

I am not just beyond frustrared with the lack of coverage and data and crappy phone they sold me. I have also NEVER been able to activate my reimbursement debit card I got when I purchased the new phone because my "unlimited" plan can't make 1-800 phone calls. I have also encountered their system is conveniently "down" the day my payment is due, therefore making me incurre in late fees. Also, the hot spot is a joke. Don't even bother activate it! Switching to Verizon in May, yei!

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