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CB Education and Training Review of Cyberbullying on this site
Cyberbullying on this site

Cyberbullying on this site review: (Brenda, 123321, Zachary S., I Like Cookies 2, NormanBates, S.O.L) Some of the comments are the same people that created a new user name. 165

Author of the review
11:40 am EST
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Cyberbullying is when one person or a group of people try to threaten or embarrass someone else on the internet. Cyberbullying is just as harmful as bullying in the real world. (Brenda, 123321, Zachary S., I Like Cookies 2, NormanBates, S.O.L) Some of the comments are the same people that created a new user name. One can tell by clicking on the user name and view all the comments that user has posted. This group respond mostly to postings that involve Louis Gibson. They do not respond to the topics posted but comment insults after insults. When others try to respond to the post this group attacks them as well. This is Cyberbullying.

Those who take part in online bullying often use a group of friends to target their victims. They can ask others to add a comment to a photo on a blog, or forward something embarrassing onto another group of friends. Sometimes, these people don’t even realise they’re actually bullying someone

Sending instant messenger and chatroom messages to friends or direct to a victim. Others can be invited into the bullying conversation, who then become part of it by laughing.

Sending humiliating and abusive text or video messages, as well as photo messages and phone calls over a mobile phone. This includes anonymous text messages over short distances using Bluetooth technology and sharing videos of physical attacks on individuals (happy slapping).

Many victims of cyberbullying have complained that they have seen personal photos, emails or blog postings posted where others could see them without their permission.

Social networking sites make it a lot easier for web users to get hold of personal information and photos of people. They can also get hold of someone else’s messaging accounts and chat to people pretending to be the victim.

Bullying on social networksInternet and email bullyingBullying on mobile phonesStaying safe onlineThe effects of cyberbullying
Even though cyberbullying cannot physically hurt you, it can still leave you feeling mentally vulnerable and very upset. You can also feel scared, lonely and stressed and that there’s no way out.

Escaping cyberbullying can be very difficult. Because anyone can get access to a mobile phone or the internet almost anywhere, it can be tough for those on the receiving end to avoid it, even in the safety of their own home.

Why do cyberbullies do it?
There’s no simple answer for why some people choose to cause pain to others by bullying them. There are lots of possible reasons, but here are some common ones:

•it can be simply a case of someone being in the wrong place at the wrong time and allowing themselves to be easily intimidated
•some people who cyberbully think that they won’t get caught if they do it on a mobile phone or on the internet
•the people who cyberbully are jealous, angry or want to have revenge on someone, often for no reason at all
•cyberbullies often think that getting their group of friends to laugh at someone makes them look cool or more popular
•some people also bully others as a form of entertainment or because they are bored and have too much time on their hands
•many do it for laughs or just to get a reaction

Sending emails that can be threatening or upsetting. Emails can be sent directly to a single target, or to a group of people to encourage them to become part of the bullying. These messages or ‘hate mails’ can include examples of racism, sexism and other types of prejudice.

If someone sends you a message and you forward or laugh at it, you’re actually adding to the problem.

Sending instant messenger and chatroom messages to friends or direct to a victim. Others can be invited into the bullying conversation, who then become part of it by laughing.

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Feb 12, 2011 3:25 pm EST

Mike W Johe, Zachary S. and RedlineM203 are some of the names these internet attackers are using on this site and many others. Internet attack is one of the most severe problems that computer users may come across nowadays. I am not an attorney and nothing in this report should be construed as legal advice. I can sure quote the heck out of people who are attorneys and legal experts, though. Nolo Press, the US's oldest and most respected provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses, defines libel as, “An untruthful statement about a person, published in writing or through broadcast media, that injures the person's reputation or standing in the community.”

For those of you living across the pond, has this to say about defamation and libel:

Defamation is all about reputation, and in particular about statements which damage others' reputations. The English courts have not settled upon a single test for determining whether a statement is defamatory. Examples of the formulations used to define a "defamatory imputation" include:

•an imputation which is likely to lower a person in the estimation of right-thinking people;

•an imputation which injures a person's reputation by exposing him to hatred, contempt or ridicule;

•an imputation which tends to make a person be shunned or avoided.

The law of libel is concerned with defamatory writings; whereas the law of slander is concerned with defamatory speech. There are some differences in the laws relating to slander and libel…defamatory statements on a website will be libelous rather than slanderous...

So any online statements you make, or which are made about you, fitting the above criteria are in violation of U.S. and U.K. law and subject to prosecution. Most Western countries have defamation and libel laws that read similarly, but as you’ll see later in this article, the defamer’s country of residence need not be a barrier to the victim in pursuing a charge of libel.

What Doesn’t Constitute Libel?
Bear in mind, not every negative or potentially damaging statement made online or in print constitutes defamation in the legal sense. The first and best defense against a claim of defamation is simply that the statement in question is true. The next go-to defense is often that the statement in question is a statement of opinion, because in most cases such statements are generally protected free speech (see next section for information on the exceptions). For example, imagine Johnny Author, the author of a book about business ethics, has a criminal record for fraud and someone shares this information online or in print. It’ll certainly injure his reputation and standing in the community, but it’s not defamation because it’s true. Now, suppose he was tried for fraud but found innocent of all charges.

Web Troll A blogs, “Anyone who trusts anything Johnny Author says is a fool; everyone knows he was arrested for fraud last year.”

Web Troll B blogs, “Johnny Author is a liar and a fraud.”

Web Troll A’s statement probably has the most potential to do damage, but surprisingly, Web Troll B’s statement is the one of these two that more clearly qualifies as libel because it’s the only one making “an untruthful statement” about Johnny Author. Web Troll A’s remarks are a mixture of opinion and fact.

Feb 12, 2011 3:44 pm EST

To NormanBates,
One of these internet attackers are emailing individuals insults and placing your name as the person sending the emails. It is hard to tell if it is you or not. Only by responding can we tell if it is you. We have hired legal help in getting those responsible brought to justice. I am sure you have read the comments that have been places on this site. They are not using real names as you have stated in your comments. We identify ourselves when posting comments or responding.


Feb 12, 2011 4:04 pm EST

Your fake names used on this site have all of you included.

Feb 12, 2011 4:07 pm EST

We are working with multiple organizations that were impacted by this attack as well as the government and law enforcement. As part of our investigation, we analyzed several pieces of malicious code that we have confirmed were used in attempts to penetrate several of the targeted organizations and individuals.

Feb 12, 2011 4:15 pm EST

As with most targeted attacks, the intruders gained access to an organization by sending a tailored attack to one or a few targeted individuals. We suspect these individuals were targeted because they likely had access to valuable intellectual property.

Feb 12, 2011 4:19 pm EST

All I can say is wow. The world has changed. Everyone’s threat model now needs to be adapted to the new reality of these advanced persistent threats. In addition to worrying about Eastern European cybercriminals trying to siphon off credit card databases, you have to focus on Cyberbullies attacking the characters of veterans and Americans in general.We will continue to provide updates on this event as it continues to unfold. As I said in my last post, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Feb 12, 2011 4:48 pm EST

In America our US Veteran are respected even when we do not agree with them. Respected. respected and respected! You NormanBates lied and stated you are a Veteran! You are not even an American. Using fake names and commenting with them to seem important is typical of a coward! This is the type of fake ### Americans hate ###s! Get the hell outta here! Take your ### *Brenda* with you back to the country you come from. If people knew what you two have said on other sites about the Unites States of America they would work together to shut you down. ### the both of you for the treatment and remarks you posted about our Veterans and the United States of America! WE THE PEOPLE have nothing further to say or respond to you ###ERS!

Feb 12, 2011 5:18 pm EST

MORE lies and FAKE names!

Feb 13, 2011 1:37 pm EST

Dear English Ian and members,

WE THE PEOPLE started to ignore your question when you first asked it because of your disrespectful remarks over the past few weeks. You and our staff have been involved in a battle of insults that seem to have gone away from any topic or debate that has any substance in civilized society. With the many fake names made up on this site it all started to look like one big mess. Then you did the unexpected by asking a question worth answering regardless of the past behavior on both sides. We are not sure if you truly want to hear the answer but WE THE PEOPLE directed your question to our Boss. With all honesty Louis Gibson has not participated in responding to one person/group on this site directly since January 2011. WE THE PEOPLE and (RANN) Staff have responded and posted views and topics.

Thank You,


English Ian asked:
So many unanswered questions on your post WTPDJ... Go on; answer them for us and keep us in suspense no longer. Fascinate us with your marvelous philosophy with which you intend to make the world a better place for these vets.

To whom it may concern:

We come across people/enemies who political views differ from your everyday but you must "know the people or your enemy". My USMC Drill Instructor to me this during boot camp, I was wondering what that meant back then as I was in a pool of sweat in the sand pit.

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle. -Sun Tzu
“The Art of War”

For year I thought my Drill Instructor made it up until I read it in a book! However I got the point and it has stuck with me since I heard it. It means after experiencing insults on this site with those opposing my methods and witnessing the consequences of ignoring corruption spread in America and many Americans lack of information on so many issues that seem confusing and divides Americans but if not addressed will continue to destroy this country, you should remember them as the enemy, and thus, "know your enemy" so you will not repeat future mistakes.

I got upset and wanted to do more than restate the issues but help resolve them. So I created Redshield American News Network Inc., an independent news network that reports the facts to America. To educate them on what is going on in our government and society, to inform the uninformed and arm them with vital information that effect the day, tomorrow and future. Nothing but the facts from those on capital hill to those being effected by capital hill!

Reporters have the power to kill or slant stories, depending on their own interests or those of their advertisers.

There is no denying that news media is big business. The complete coverage of stories and investigative reports are certainly at risk with the rise of media as a business, rather than strictly a service to the public. Linda Stouffer, a reporter for wsbtv Atlanta News, is an example of what happens when one reporter fails to report all the facts. For example: In one report wsbtv Atlanta showed the lack of social responsibility and ethical theories. Reporters have the power to kill or slant stories, depending on their own interests or those of their advertisers? We will only report the facts!

When making the world a better place for our "vets” we publish articles on Veterans and their dependents in a bi-monthly internet news report called LIVEHERO ( In so doing we perform a valuable and patriotic service by supporting our Veterans and educating Americans how they can help men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces honorably discharged transition back into civilian communities. All of this is accomplished without any cost to the government.

Many of our members are current or former members of the Armed Services and fully understand our communities are affected when they are not educated how to help Veterans returning from service. It is in this connection that my "philosophy" shows. To express our concerns regarding our purpose, while we wholeheartedly support Congressional representatives that shares our organizations dedication to veteran rights.

Our Veterans are the back bones of America and they are kin to me. If our country can not take care of our veterans first then all else is in vain or a waste of time, money and lives that are sacrificed for FREEDOM. WE as a nation must understand to wage war is costly and a debt that must be paid by WE THE PEOPLE who benefit from that FREEDOM in AMERICA. Veterans in Georgia and across the nation have put themselves in harm's way to defend our freedom so that we can live in the greatest nation in the world. Their courage, commitment and selfless sacrifice have made possible the prosperity and political freedom we enjoy today.

Our first LIVEHERO topic is:
Even though the VA has its’ own faults, you have to wonder what else could be contributing to the 1.1+ million claims backlog, that is crippling the system.
A LARGE part of this is the VA doctors who conduct the exams.
I believe that a large part of the backlog stems from doctors who are on a vendetta to disallow the Veteran a rating, albeit original or increase. WHY they do this is BAFFLING to me and many veterans.

In closing: "There is more in a human life than our theories of it allow. Sooner or later something seems to call us onto a particular path. You may remember this "something" as a signal moment in childhood when an urge out of nowhere, a fascination, a peculiar turn of events struck like an annunciation: This is what I must do; this is what I've got to have. This is who I am." – Louis Gibson

Thank you for your consideration and support of our organization. We would welcome the opportunity to post your views on Veteran Rights in our first LIVEHERO bi-monthly internet news report. If we can provide any assistance whatsoever, please contact us at [protected].


Louis Gibson

Feb 16, 2011 3:35 am EST

Thats too funny! Mr. Gibson isn't the one responding! WE THE PEOPLE and (RANN) STAFF are commenting. S.O.L is upset at being fired by Mr. Gibson and we find the comments too funny. We post and S.O.L replys using fake names on this site. People with bad intentions all the time, never can understand others. Too funny! And you are so emotional that we truley want you to find a new job. But please keep commenting when we post a new topic! Luv ya!

(RANN) Staff

Feb 18, 2011 7:31 am EST

Too cute! Next topic soon to hit home!

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, US
Nov 30, 2011 10:24 pm EST
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Hey, look you just made my point. Thanks! ;)

I can't believe the audacity of some people who claim they are being picked on and then turn around and do the exact same thing. That's like a wife beater claiming he hates all wife beaters but thinks he's exempt in some kind of way.

, US
Nov 30, 2011 10:22 pm EST
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ah, so you calling me stupid... does that make YOU a cyber bully as well? Or are you so holier than thou that you can throw out insults and it doesn't count? ;) You made my point EXACTLY. Thank you.

, US
Nov 30, 2011 1:48 am EST

Feel free to add yourself to the list of stupid, reply1987.

, US
Nov 27, 2011 10:49 pm EST
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Actually, I got 4 pages into the comments and I realized something. The ACTUAL "cyberbullies" are THEMSELVES.

" 25th of Feb, 2011 by Beb 0 Votes

Add Gatortracks to this list of cyberbullying. I think he's stupid but harmless. He sits up on that tower he's built for himself, and adds his nonsense. He adds nothing new but the same old bull__t. I can just see him- 30-50 yrs of age, 5'8-5'11 (short-man syndrome), overweight, lives with mom (or dad). EEEWWWW"

so you can "add" people to the list and then bully yourself. Whoa. Mind Blown. I forgot humans as a race are ###ing stupid when it comes to online forums.

, US
Nov 27, 2011 10:40 pm EST
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I don't EVER private message someone, but most of the posts I comment on are either 1. Fake racist posts that I know are, but JUST have to point out how idiotic they are just in case the person on the other end really though that they were right and the place was wrong or 2. Posts you can tell are real, but are extremely wrong. IE: ALL *insert place here* suck because this one time in this one place I got horrible service.

A open question - You take such offense to cyber bullies as you call them but technically its not like you allowed to sue based on a comment. You posted something on a PUBLIC forum. They are not sending letters to your family, accosting you in public or sending you a text message on your cell. You can easily ignore the wisecracks and idiots on this site by deleting the responses that end up in your inbox. I don't know the laws about private messaging, but again, you invited responses by posting here.

And lets get real here. You could be my next door neighbor and I would never know it. You are posting an anonymity and no one knows who you REALLY are. If a lawyer wants to get really nitty gritty they could say they were not attacking you personally, because they dont even know who YOU are.

If you are going to spend the time and money to take a stand, how about suing the people that abuse this site just to get responses? Things that ANYONE posts about WILL show up on web search engines and that in itself is more slanderous than a comment someone made about you on something you posted.

Just me... I don't care what you do with your money, and if someone is rude... well, thats the internet and I dont let it get to me...

Portland, US
Nov 25, 2011 11:13 pm EST
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Report cyberbullying on Complaints Board to where you post names, pictures, and stories about cyberbullying anonymously. Its just like posting a complaint on Complaints Board, but for complaining about cyberbullying.

English Ian
English Ian
, GB
Nov 19, 2011 12:01 am EST

...your comment is waiting review...

That is coded for slimjim is waving his stupid 'I am a moderator' badge as usual!

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English Ian
English Ian
, GB
Nov 18, 2011 11:16 pm EST

Your OPEN community? I'm sorry 'm3cwnd' but do we read from the same dictionary?

So how does one place a comment in your 'open' community?

Get justice now
Southampton, GB
Nov 15, 2011 9:46 pm EST
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So many bully's here, I'm off

my3cents will never die
my3cents will never die
Bainbridge, US
Nov 15, 2011 4:40 pm EST is a leading source of real consumer advice. Visitors come to learn, interact and voice opinions regarding companies, products and services in our open community. Learn from other consumer experiences, and help others learn from your own personal consumer experiences. We do not engage in homosexual acts.

Get justice now
Southampton, GB
Nov 15, 2011 2:46 pm EST
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-16 Votes Sure you can do better than that, I'm looking for around -50 vote, any suggestions!

, US
Nov 15, 2011 2:39 pm EST

I see that they follow your comments inciting divisiveness squibs.

, US
Nov 15, 2011 2:24 pm EST

It has been established and understood that the my3 cents gang is homosexual. Can we move on now? We get it. It is also further understood that eflkin is widely disliked. Can we move on now? Is it too hard for the two factions to ignore each other?

Get justice now
Southampton, GB
Nov 14, 2011 11:56 pm EST
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Now i've got -10votes any more! I'm a record breaker :)

Get justice now
Southampton, GB
Nov 14, 2011 8:45 pm EST
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So why have I been given -5votes, do I deserve this? or are there bully's out there! bring it on:)

Somerset, US
Nov 14, 2011 8:44 pm EST
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Norman, there is reason to bully you. You're stupid, uniformed and frankly those of us who know you - think you smell pretty bad.

Get justice now
Southampton, GB
Nov 14, 2011 1:37 pm EST
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So many blocked user's is the reason no one's been here!

English Ian
English Ian
, GB
Nov 14, 2011 12:19 am EST

WOW... I have not seen this thread for almost a year ! There was a bit of a gang here back then but I will hold my hands up and say they slated me too! Well before I was deleted that is! This whole complaint was about jealousy and there was actually a running tally of the best/worst of the posters... I was 7th best/worst! below norm and above jersey/! it was funny. I will try and dig out the other posts as they were a giggle too. Lord help us all.

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nowhere, US
Jul 28, 2011 8:41 am EDT

i just happen to find this thread. and looking at the OP comment, i had to look at other threads that were also posted by the same person...OP has 85 complaints that he/she initiated and has only been a member since january of this year.
looks like some people need to get tissues for their issues.

grapevi, US
Jul 28, 2011 12:42 am EDT

Posters Brenda archerop are definitely trying hard to provoke and insult complainers. There is a pattern here. Archerop is racist. Are they trolls or getting paid to discourage complaints? Why would people like these spend hours here? _

Jefferson City, US
Jul 28, 2011 12:06 am EDT
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I just love how you stole my pic Brenda. How original.

Meridian, US
Jun 10, 2011 12:16 am EDT

I'm not sure if this posted, what does it mean when it says user blocked

Meridian, US
Jun 10, 2011 12:15 am EDT

What does it mean if it says user blocked

Grovetown, US
Jun 09, 2011 3:53 am EDT

Marcie74 from the Pressler & Pressler complaint board is definitely a cyberbully

Get justice now
Southampton, GB
Jun 08, 2011 6:24 pm EDT
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I remember Someone saying the question was at the top of the page, but i'm too lazy to have a look, can someone else go see why it there?

Get justice now
Southampton, GB
Jun 07, 2011 2:15 pm EDT
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There was a question? Brenda, me and Ramelle have seen it, you need to look at the top of this page, !:)

Get justice now
Southampton, GB
Jun 07, 2011 10:45 am EDT
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This is Cyberbullying at its best, reading all these insults flying around for no reason at all, forgetting the original question at the top of the page.

Portland, US
Jun 05, 2011 6:57 am EDT

I don't see what the big deal is. If I was to talk ### to your face what you do? Walk away, tell me to ### off, say ### back? It's not a crime to talk ### to someones face unless you get too familiar. But if you do it online it's suddenly a crime. I ask why? Why don't the same rules apply? If you're online and someones being a little ###, put them in their place or if if they get to you just turn the computer off. But don't call the police. Never snitch it doesn't help anyone and it makes you look like an ### so make the world a better place and don't snitch.

Gone Postal on USPS
San Antonio, US
Jun 03, 2011 2:42 am EDT
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Ahem, I already had two insult me here and they obviously don't know Texas. As for bullies, I too was a victim 8 mos ago. I had a car wreck because of that stress. The guilty party started it on myspace which I no longer have
and moved it to twitter.

get over it cryaby
, US
Jun 01, 2011 9:56 pm EDT

Or you grow up and move on with your life.. they are just random people over the internet. get over it.

Pasco, US
May 31, 2011 8:28 pm EDT
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Umm I think your lost! Wrong post? LOL

Pasco, US
May 31, 2011 3:22 pm EDT
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LMFAOOO! That's was the best comment ever lunar-rain, and SO true! Thanks for giving me a good laugh!:)

Liverpool, GB
May 29, 2011 11:23 am EDT
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"Twinkie troll is baiting."

Seems to have worked then XD

Liverpool, GB
May 28, 2011 6:30 pm EDT
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Go for it Elen give me your best shot, be as blunt as you like XD

Liverpool, GB
May 28, 2011 5:32 pm EDT
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Sorry not going anywhere, on a mission, so take some of you own advice " If you don't like it here leave. You won't be missed. Nobody likes a chronic whine" keep to the terms of use then dont whine when you get your backside banned, come back with the same attitude then its gonna get banned again, if you feel incapable of learning from your mistakes then carry on.

Liverpool, GB
May 28, 2011 5:24 pm EDT
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Well if the editor's opinion is to ignore the trolls, then why do certain members keep getting banned, i just dont understand? If this obnoxious, rude, bullying, name calling is tolerated then people wouldnt get banned would they? If you keep getting banned then its time to start looking at the reasons why, if you feel the need to carry on with your behaviour then dont wine that people will report your behaviour and thus you get banned. There are terms of use, if any member decides not to follow those terms of use they risk being reported and then banned, dont come back moaning you got banned. I agree to ignore something you dont agree with but then the posts become abusive and rude then people have the right to report something they find offensive. There are some members on this site and its the same ones each time who are beyond rude, they are down right offensive and they know who they are.

Liverpool, GB
May 28, 2011 3:04 pm EDT
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I think you will find many of the users and also the editor of this site finds objection to most of the comments that are made my certain members of this site, fortunatley they are in a minority and most members are polite and respestful of other members. Being rude, obnoxious, argumentitive and name calling goes against the terms of use of this site and therefore will not be tolerated by either its members or the editors end of. Maybe the minority of trouble makers need to find themselves another site in which they can carry being obnoxious to their hearts content without uspsetting the more respectful members of this site...maybe that would be more "in line with their comfort zone" but then again 99% of sites would not tolerate this kind of behaviour.

Liverpool, GB
May 28, 2011 2:50 pm EDT
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If somebody is constantly getting banned from a site maybe they need to take a look at the reaons why.

Jacksonville, US
May 28, 2011 2:36 pm EDT

What I don't understand is why do people visit this site to criticize other people's complaints about businesses? I thought this website was specifically for people who are trying to report unethical businesses in order to either get help/advice for themselves or to warn other people about the company.

Unfortunately, the BBB only allows consumers to make complaints about or report a company. So, as employees, there aren't many options for us out there. I just think anyone who comes to this site simply to argue with people who are being candid (and I'm sure some people are exaggerating, but so what? Just ignore their postings) about concerns regarding a certain company are wasting their time. This is not debate class or a website for social bashing.

Boiling Springs, US
May 28, 2011 2:24 pm EDT
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You damn Liberals need to get a life... political correctness has gotten the best of your scarcely limited mind.

If you wish to censor someones' commentary, as most of the absurdly ridiculous Liberals want, start your own damn site - Jack ###. Until then, shut your pie-hole and get a f***ing life!

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