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CB Telemarketing Review of GoldQuest

GoldQuest review: Harassment to join the chain business! 64

Author of the review
12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

There is a company called Gold Quest chain marketing. One of my friend took me to their office without giving any prior information. There 10 members put me in a closed room and forced to take their product membership. For this I was asked to pay 30,000Rs. and 450Rs. registration charges. They claimed that if I can get 2 more members I will be paid some bonus amount and as the chain will grow I will be getting more bonus. When I refused to take the membership, they harassed me for about 4 hours. I was able to escape from there anyhow.

The so called company name is Gold Quest and is situated near to Model house Punjagutta Hyderabad. Name of My friend who took me to that place is Niteen and is working with Accenture.

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Sep 21, 2007 3:11 am EDT

Absolutely right... These ### never tell you beforehand what their intensions and do brainwashing by taking you their place.
There are IT professionals from Infosys ,virtusa and several other companies. Some of them are really innocent.

These are real ###... use relatives and good friends as Bakra.

Sep 24, 2007 12:14 am EDT

Gold Quest chain marketing is not bad. This is the only business from where u can earn lot of money only investing of few money. No other business will give this type of opportunity.

Sep 25, 2007 10:55 pm EDT

Gold Quest Chain Marketing is not at all bad. Infect it provides a platform.. to not only follow your dreams, infect it provides a way to fulfill them too. The Business Plan is superb.

And the things that have been written in the above blogs regarding that brain washing and mental harassment is all crap, and what I think is that.. one must be mature enough to take their own decisions instead of being washed away... and not to do whatever the third person wishes them to do.. The QuestNet people never forces you to join their team.. infect they just tell you the benefits of joining their business... they provides you an opportunity.

So.. just like to add one last thing... don't create a negative approach towards this thing.. just listen to the plan.. and act accordingly. No one is gonna to harass you.

Vikas Tyagi
Sep 25, 2007 11:17 pm EDT

If somebody harassed you then why have you not taken any legal action against them, even here you wrote the name of your friend but description of yourself...

And Mr ABC what about you? Your parents did not think any other beautiful name. You both are such a m0roon & stupid who can't do any thing.

Oct 03, 2007 3:59 am EDT

If they are not doing any thing with our money (I mean they are not doing any investment) how the company is earning money ... they are ### trapping innocent people

Oct 05, 2007 3:34 am EDT

Gold Quest Chain Marketing is not illegal. If it was, then why would they have been awared 'ISO90012000' Certified by the Central Govt. Infact it provides a platform.. to earn more money other than your usual work or business. But, frankly speaking your job will not end by introducing 2 people. You should make sure you are in touch with your downsides and help them in closing the Sale once they join you. Trust me, try it out and once you get a DD of Rs. 11500/- of your first step, you'll then believe it, ke it is real and one of the superb way to make money for 2 generation.

Oct 08, 2007 7:41 am EDT

GoldQuest is providing us a good opportunity to make money for the better future.

Let me tell you how this works, and most importantly why it works. Please read this carefully to find out how to get started. I'm not really really exaggerating too much here, you've heard all the "get rich now" claims and you're sick of seeing them! This is NOT a GET RICH QUICK business, but YES it is a GET RICH SURE business for all money seekers. The passive income offered by the company is 1500-6,90000/week. It sounds too good to be true when I first look at the numbers, but I can't choose not to believe because I have witnessed that this is already happening to many people if you follow the simple instructions below faithfully. DO NOT FORGET THAT YOU WILL NEVER BE BY YOURSELF BECAUSE I HAVE A VERY STRONG INTEREST TO MAKE SURE THAT THE PROGRAM WORKS FOR YOU.

For those of you who are wish to know more and interested to try, this is how you can get started:

1. Go to
Welcome to Gold Quest International! GQI is a five-year-old company whose core business is retailing of fine art gold products. They have their corporate headquarters in Hong Kong, and have operational offices in eight countries worldwide.

2. Place an order for any one of the products offered online.
You buy the products once and you will get the lifetime licence free of charge which you can even pass it down to any of your family members. The licence enables the company to recognize you as a valued customer and endorse you the right to start the business. You will not lose your licence even though you have sold the products at EBAY or other places. As long as you have the licence, you will be able to receive bonuses/checks from the company. ONE TIME CASH OUT, LIFETIME CASH IN.

3. After you become a customer of this company, you will be able to introduce the business to at least 2 friends or more if you like (one on your left, one on your right). Think about it! In your whole life, are there 2 persons whom you can trust? For sure, there is. We are not required to introduce to as many people as possible unless we really want to. It's not demanding right?

4. Tell the referrals below you to do the same. You can copy this article, and send it to your friends or newsgroups.

5. Keep in touch with the referrals below you through email so as to work together as a powerful team. You can check out the names of the referals below you by accessing the geneology section of the website using your TCO# and password.

If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The PowerPoint presentation of the business plan can be downloaded at (click on Presentation on the home page. Once you have completed all these steps, you are officially part of a global business that enables you and your heirs a lifetime of residual income. You can carry out the business anywhere, even when you go outside US, as long as there are internets and banks.


The commission is Rs.1916/transaction. You will always get yourself Rs.1916 for every transaction that takes place below you whether you refer directly to A and B or indirectly by A and B to C, D, E, and F. You will get your first checks of Rs.11500 whenever there are 3 on the left and 3 on the right. You can get this done whenever you wish, so you decide how far and how fast you want to go.

Unlike multilevel marketing:

? We are not distributors, we are customers instead.

? We are not selling, we are just making reference. What does reference means? For example, after watching the latest movie at the cinema and you feel satisfied, will you reference it to your friends? It is for sure that you will tell your friends to watch the same movie too. You're happy to share a good experience that you've seen, heard, or read even though you're not paid. Likewise, I am telling you here now that if you really want to earn a big amount of money flowing into your account, this is the right company.
? There is no membership or annual fee, we just need to become a customer once and that's it.

? The commission does not get lesser as the level gets further away. It's the same for all levels, Rs.1916/transaction.

Unlike pyramiding system:

? We are not constricted to forced matrix because pattern does not matter. You can choose where you want to place your friends under you.

? We are not obligated to recruit as many people as possible; we just need to introduce the business to 2 people (left and right).

? People who are below can get richer than people above

? People who don't do their work don't get to enjoy the rewards because the checks are only paid whenever 5 on the left are balanced by 5 on the right.

You can do this on a part-time basis. All you need to do is just get 2 people to become your business partners. If you believe you have 2 people whom you can trust in this world, I would suggest that you don't put this off. If you believe you may not have 2 people whom you can trust, I would suggest that you don't ever take up this opportunity. We are looking for PIONEERS, THE FIRT BELIEVERS, GOLDQUESTERS!


You need to respond to this if you are interested, please get back to me as soon as possible so that I clear all your possible questions and doubts. GET TOGETHER, KEEP TOGETHER, AND ACT TOGETEHER.

Please, take a few seconds of your time to forward this to your friends. Thank you.

May we become partners in Success!

Sincerely yours in GOLDQUEST,
Referral TCO ID : NF260744

Oct 09, 2007 10:28 pm EDT

First, why I can't access website. It said forbidden. Is it forbidden in some countries?

Oct 10, 2007 5:53 am EDT


Really Gold Quest help us to earn lot of money...

fene, US
Oct 10, 2007 11:07 am EDT

Idiots roam around without proper knowledge of any company blabbering about anything.I t could be either due to their ignorance, not knowledgeable, Litrates who are educated but still cannot understand simple things. This company is pretty good!

Vikas Tyagi
Oct 12, 2007 1:39 am EDT

Well said Vs.Without having any knowledge about the company these m0roon are saying & writing anything about goldquest.

Rajiv A
Oct 27, 2007 4:01 am EDT

Gold Quest is a cancer which spreads among people in the greed of nothing other than money. Just remember one might be making money... but it is just the pyramid money chain in which you get the rewards when u make your friends and other innocent people also join in this trap. ..and one fine day this pyramid will collapse like any other money chain. The very principle of theirs that they dont disclose anything before their so called presentations it selves is self explanatory. And the people who are taking the presentations are so well damn trained that they can brainwash innocent people and get them joined.

The money that you earn without doing any work and cheating your friends are not gonna stay...!

This Quest crap spread among my circle of friends too and I have seen many good relations broke just because of this cr*p business...! It is a real cancer.. but what surprises me is that it is the well educated software professionals working with companies like Satyam, Infosys, Wipro etc who are more involved into it. I have experienced this.. and I personally had problems with my friends when I refused to join their gang with Quest...! So people, be aware that this QUEST will make you loose not just money (Some might be lucky to earn it.. I do agree.. but there are very few such lucky people).. but it also creates problem among the relations you have...!

Give it a thought..! God Bless.

Gaurav Singh
Oct 30, 2007 12:51 am EDT

Lol... to all the "choots" down there... what losers man, thinking a bit too smart of themselves "not" to join Quest International Group.

Please... GET A LIFE!

A small piece of advice to all of you, there is nothing much you can do to earn big bucks at this point of time in your life at this pace, (except for robbing a bank or something like that).

You might invest in Stocks, Property, Mutual funds but I am sure the "ignorant " masses down there know the difference between "Investment" and "Business".

If u want to earn after 5-10 years from now, no need to make any extra effort, u will earn anyways from your main profession, but we are not here to earn money, we are here to earn it at a QUICK PACE.

For those, who say its illegal/fraud/cheating people/cancer/crap, i would just wish you all the best in achieving success in your so-called interesting life where you are serving some ### and have to do whatever he says. Go back to your normal life, which has NO LIFE .

work 9-6 for 40 years and then may be you can do whatever you want without taking a loan or something.

Lifes a lot more better this side, the problem is, you are stopping yourself from even getting close to it.

For those who say its a pyramid scheme, well let me tell you, the organizations that you work for are the biggest pyramids in corporate world with CEO sitting on top and engineers at the bottom most level, where u cannot leverage your time like the CEO does by working 500 hours a day. (Ignorant people wont understand this, by 500 I mean, 50 employees working under him for 10 hours a day)

Money= time * effort, there are only 24 hours in a day, no matter how much effort you put, end results will be the same... every time you go to an expensive mall/restaurant/lounge, you think 10 times before purchasing anything, its not like you can just point on something and buy it.


For those who say, its spoiling relationships and cheating friends, well...the business is more of a family with flow of emotions, it does not spoil but builds relations that last forever.Relations that would have been spoilt could be bacause of wrong way of approaching people or not been able to achieve success... in that case... look upon yourself, DO NOT blame the company or the system, that will be heights of foolishness.

This is the business that has changed millions of life, one team itself has produces 400 millionariesin India in a span of 1 year.

Tel me one company with similar figures.

I am proud to be a networker, because I in here to CHANGE LIVES, Money is just a bi-product.

So guys, friends who tell you the plan are gifting you a lifetime opportunity of such a wonderful business with almost nil investment (30k is almost Nil for any business ). Take the initiative of helping others, changing lifes,be serious about yourself .. not about the company/boss you are serving

Its high time you start thinking like an entrepreneur if you really want to achieve that financial freedom, employee mentality is never going to help.

Thanks and Regards

Gaurav Singh

Money isn't everything, but make sure you have lots if it before talking any such nonsense!

Gaurav Singh
Oct 30, 2007 7:43 am EDT

Thanks Rajiv!

Gautam Dogra
Nov 04, 2007 10:41 pm EST

My brother was not able to get any members under him. If you people are so confident about this entire thing, then tell me what should he do. play with those gold coins whose worth is not more than 7000/-.

Tell me, if a student somehow arranges this big a sum and then fails to convince anybody, why doesnt the company help him out.
Stop making those big broad statements . Talk real. I have real life examples in my family itself.

Nov 08, 2007 4:47 am EST

Yes, all these people are doing hell out of this one and given wonderful name called business...

All these are educated fools...They can't even think how they are earning money. The company is just distributing the money what our friends and colleagues have given and taking some percent. But, how long it will work? and up to what level..
Does anybody think about how the company can distribute money up to top level([protected] roughly)?

This is a simple math... 2 pow n = 23000, where n is number of levels. So, at max it can distribute up to n levels... But, how they are distributing without any limitation.

There are lot of ways to earn money but think what is correct before hunting for money.


Nov 08, 2007 11:01 am EST

Hi there is a limitation. I will post soon..

Nov 14, 2007 4:44 am EST

Guys out here dont refer people for your company and get a referral commission form the hr department. It is illegal and it is a crime. Why do you need a referral commission from the hr department for helping out your friend?

If you think that is legal then stop writing blogs about networking companies.

Rajiv A
Nov 15, 2007 3:44 am EST

All... pls get a life... dont run behind such stupid crappy business..! Money that you earn without hard work and by cheating others is not gonna stay.. you will get it today.. but believe me.. you will loose double the amt tomorrow...!

U guys decide,
Rajiv A

Nov 16, 2007 4:30 am EST

Tell me one product which you buy just for a Manufacture cost!
Tell me one business which does not expect any profit!
If the appraisal does not go well and if you are paid less, are you interested in working in the same company, as you are not interested in earning money... Will you?
If you can answer these question (at least think of it) you know how the things are working around.
Else just keep quite and don't create the bad impression on the wonderful plan of this company..

All the companies in the world exist just to do BUSINESS.
Either they sell the product or the service to people and earn their money.

GQI produces the FINE ART NUMISMATICS Coins and Medallions. If you are interested in collection of coins you can buy it.
But we found this hobby can be turned into Business which can Change Life's.
What do you loose in just referring the people to this product, which has a very good Business plan associated with this.
When the company is ready to SHARE their profit with the guys who referred and helped in doing the sales, what is your problem?

Think again, suppose the Paintings made by Picasso (when he was alive) was to be sold in market.
Now he needs Advertise for selling it, but if he says that if you buy my Paintings and refer two more to buy the same, then he is willing to pay some Profit with you guys who actually shared his job of selling (after two guys buy the paintings), do you think it is an illegal business?

Do you people know how the SHARE MARKET works?
Assume you brought 100 shares for 10/- each.
How do you evaluate the price of it?
Why did you buy the shares? Are you not interested in earning EXTRA income?
Is it not to make money?
Now How are you going to make money from that?
You fix that your share to be sold for 20/- or more.
What are you doing here? You want to cheat the people by selling the same share which you brought for 10/-.
You wait for the so called innocent guy who want to buy the same share for 20/-.
Once he bids for 20/- you have sold your shares to him, and you earn the Money !
You made 1000/- profit and you are happy in doing that in OPEN MARKET.
(Mr. ABC and Innocent mind your language, first try to behave well)
Which you call it as a LEGAL MONEY!

You just keep on talking the nonsense and We will do what we Dream to Do.

Lot of things are there to discuss!
But it will be waste explaining to you :
(who could not decide and take decision after listening to such a SIMPLE and OPEN Business Plan)

Mr Rajiv A, your boss is calling you.. please go to work, we have some good work to do here.

yes gee
Nov 18, 2007 10:33 pm EST

Can any body suggest me can I join in gold quest?

Dec 02, 2007 7:16 am EST

Check this it is fraud company.

Dec 04, 2007 11:17 pm EST

i am from chennai
my friend insists me to join this
i too felt it better
so can anyone tell me whether to join it or not
also tell cost of the product that i m going to get after joining

M Shirish
Dec 11, 2007 2:52 am EST

Oh this is like the usual Amway zombie thing. Greed is at the end of it all, and only beady eyed people will wreck relationships to chase such schemes.

Unbelievable - these glazed eyed people that follow this BS.

Dec 11, 2007 12:08 pm EST


Dec 12, 2007 7:43 am EST

GoldQuest International Ltd. claims to be a mail order retail company. In reality it is a very steep pyramid organization.

What does GoldQuest sell? This is what their presentation says, ?In quest for the best product, the company chose to retail the One Ounce American gold coin, the One Ounce Canadian Maple Leaf gold coin, the One Ounce Australian Nugget gold coin, and a selection of gold coin jewelries. Why gold coins? Gold has a universal market appeal; an excellent investment because of its intrinsic value, a hedge against inflation, devaluation or economic down-trend, very easy to buy or sell (a case of liquidity).?

Sounds great. For centuries people have been working and fighting to accumulate gold.

Hold your horses. How much will you have to pay for your gold coin? $700 + $30 shipping and insurance. However, you don?t have to pay $700 upfront, GoldQuest will let you have your gold coin and your Tracking Center Registration for only $300 + $30 shipping and insurance! Nice guys!

Don?t be naive. Have you bothered to check how much one ounce of gold is worth. It is about US$270 and the trend is downward. GoldQuest is definitely not the place to buy

your gold coins.

GoldQuest proponents will be a little embarrased to admit that they were a little bit dishonest in selling you a $270 gold coin for $700. But they have been well-trained to hype the business.

They will move on to tell you that your $700 is not just buying you a coin, but it is setting you up in business. Your GoldQuest pyramid starts with you as a TCO (Tracking Center Owner). You start by persuading two people to buy gold coins. Each of these people, in turn, should each persuade two other people to buy gold coins. As the referrals grow downward you earn $400 for every five sales on the right and five sales on the left of your tree. Those under you will also eventually earn $400 for every five referrals on the right and five referrals on the left of their own trees below you.

In typical pyramid fashion the guys on top of the pyramid get rich and enjoy life. But where does the money come to pay your commissions? It does not come from GoldQuest . There is no perpetual motion machine. The money comes from the lowest three layers of the pyramid.

For you to earn your first $400, at least eleven people (five on the right and five on the left and you) have to invest or commit $730 to buy gold coins - a revenue of $8,030 for GoldQuest in exchange for about $3,000 worth of coins, freight and commission. A neat profit of $3,600. If the pyramid stops growing we have ten people holding on to $2,700 worth of gold but who have paid $7,000. A clear loss of $43,000.

If you can complete a five-level pyramid there will be 63 gold buyers in your group and you?ll receive $2,400 in commission. The two guys under you will get $1,200 each. And four would get $400 each. But a total of 63 gold coins would have been sold at $45,990. If the pyramid stopped growing, 56 people would be stuck with gold worth $270 each after having paid $730 each and would not have gotten a single cent in commission.

GoldQuest revenues from your pyramid add up to $45,990; its cost of commission is $6,400; cost of coins and freight $18,900. That?s $20,690 profit and contribution to overhead.

If GoldQuest , through its Indian marketing activities, is able to build a thousand five-level pyramids, Inda will suffer a dollar outflow of $45,900,000! GoldQuest would have about $20,690,000 in profits and contribution to overhead.

About 1,000 greedy Indian could have earned $2,400 on a $730 investment. Another 2,000 could have earned $1,200 on a $700 investment each. Another 4,000 would have earned $400 each on an investment of $730. Still a negative situation.

But about 56,000 poor Indians would be stuck with $270 worth of gold for $730 of their hard-earned money.

Is that an excellent investment? A hedge against inflation? Earning dollars for the country?

As a Rotarian I urge you to apply the Four Way Test to the GoldQuest scheme:

Is is the truth?
It is fair to all concerned?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better friendship?
Ask the thousands who will be stuck with gold coins worth much less than what they paid for.

Dec 13, 2007 12:09 am EST

Hi friends,
Its not that i disagree with all negative people here.
I am just giving out an example.
Let us say that as a professional people we all intend to buy a luxurious house in the city we reside.
Say on an average the FLAT costs 50 lakhs(I know it costs even more)
SO as an employee:-
Let us say that we pay an EMI of 10k per month.
So it takes 500 months(approx 42 years,I hope i am correct)
So we will pay out when we are approx 64 years of aged(Not sure whether we will be alive by that time)
So i have said u only the princilple amount and not the interest.
According to the bank norms,every 8 years the amount u have taken from the banks gets doubled.
So by the end of the 42nd year its not 50 lakhs u need to pay but 6.5crores(approx)
So u have paid just the principle amount and for ur next generation u are giving what?Nothing but the interest to be paid.
People here i know are just employees.
if any negative remark to my example i can understand they are just employees not just in office but also at home.
Think just for a minute b4 scolding me guys.
I hope of getting more people scolding me and i love seeing such people around,bcoz if such people are not there its hard that we get encouragement and such people keep reminding me that i need to do well.
I encorage u all to send ur replies to

Just mail me i will get u back very soon after receiving ur responses.
I am saying again i need more negative responses.
I know our INDIAN's do like scolding others and get enjoyment out there.

S R Bala
Dec 13, 2007 8:34 am EST

Money doesn't grow on trees - it is said. People who run around trying to make a quick buck, end up as losers. If you make money on Goldquest , where does this money come from ? Is it profit made from doing business or is it simply sharing money from chappies enrolled under you. Because if the chains stops all the members above are affected. So this business is illegal and unfair. Friends be careful, don't get sucked in.

Dec 14, 2007 12:55 am EST

Goldquest is a pyramid scheme and it is doomed to collapse. It is not a question of if but only when. When that happens the majority will lose all their investment.

Dec 15, 2007 2:09 am EST

See guys... the product or the business model or the company is not at all bad... but the attitude in which people (those who supports and not supports) saw this business is questionable. If you make people understand about the value of the product, and the business clearly without much exaggeration, then there is nothing wrong in doing that. Until two years before people have done that correctly. So, no one gets cheated (even if they lose money. Because they were informed the consequences before). But now a days the software people took their business in their own way and cause havoc!

So if you are truthful to the people, then it s nicest business... be honest to yourself... all the best...

Dec 21, 2007 6:33 am EST

hi guys, check this THE Hindu issue Dated 21st December 2003.

Gold Quest chief surrenders passport

By Our Staff Reporter

CHENNAI SEPT. 20. The director of Gold Quest International Private Limited, which was recently proceeded against for `defrauding' customers, has surrendered her passport to the Metropolitan Magistrate Court at Egmore as part of the bail conditions.

According to a police press release, Pushpam, along with the company officials here, Joseph Augustine, Pushpendra Kumar and Feroze Khan, who were all arrested in connection with complaints of multilevel marketing irregularities, were granted conditional bail.

While Ms. Pushpam has been directed to stay at Coimbatore and sign before the judicial magistrate court there, others have been asked to sign at the Central Crime Branch office here daily.

Criminal proceedings were initiated against the company, engaged in minting gold coins of numismatic value, following complaints that it had collected Rs. 24,000 each from thousands of customers but failed to give them the promised gold goods.

The police have already sealed the company premise on McNichols Road at Chetpet.

What else you need

Guys stop dreaming... come to reality

Dont try to fool others.

Dont belive this company

Dec 21, 2007 6:49 am EST

One more proof that GQ is Fraud company

Jan 03, 2008 4:11 am EST

Guys Its a ### business.. as the guys in top will earn more n more.. n they will convince u to invest ur hard earned 30,000 bugs...for ###ing products which has useless values.. their products.. mobile phone-- qphone( must b stupid one copy of some chinese phone...).. guys tell me wat R&D this company has? they may call as telecom division.. but its all eye wash... they buy from china.. Many sud av seen the chinese mobile wit tv for 6000 rs.. its something like tat .. a stupid cheap product... then guys dont be crazy in buying goldcoin for double the rates.. they claim as 24 crt.. but its only 19. somthing.. we checked it in TATA GOLDPLUS showroom wer there s a machine to chk crts.. then a diamond stud watches.. guys again swaroski crystal one... may b in few der might b diamonds but how do u belive its a diamond... n tat too without blacks.. then the final one ...vacation package.. real crazy one.. they will giv a 7day/8night stay in bangkok ... for 4 ppl.. but who will provide the flight expenses.. (they av aviation wing..wer they book tickets ;) ) but at extra cost... the a indian destination which is accessible by us is costing more... wat u guys say abt this...
my bottom line::: guys very soon i will start a company like this.. n get ready to visit moon.. only 3000 rs.. to visit artic circle..only 6000 rs.. to visit our office.. 45000 rs.. :p .. then mobile phones ...(china phones) with tv... equal to iphone...n95..w960.. ok guys..happy ...only for 7500 rs... then gold coin with ur faces...really numatic... available from one gram to one kg.. price changes as per market.. but triple value i will sell as its very rare.. then diamond watches.. n wat ever u say.. but belive me i will give only orginal swaroski crystal.. pls join my network... starting price is only 3000... n enjoy the luxe..
dont worry abt legal will b pakka legal ..registred with ... ok guys.. beware of questnet.. dont lose ur friend,...relatives.. relations.. jobs.. peacefulness...
ur comments are welcome...

Rajiv A
Jan 10, 2008 2:05 am EST

I heard the Company, Quest broke ? and some one filed a case against this and the mubai police and kerala police are investigating... and also that some offices in chennai is shutdown... I am so happy to hear this..! people.. watch out..! So now lets see how this pyramid collapses... we need not argue about it anymore.. lets jsut wait and watch...

Jan 17, 2008 8:10 am EST

Hi Boss...whomsoever you are...
First thing is that your friend had given you a good opportunity and you didnt liked it...its ok...but it doesnt mean the company is doing bad business or has bad business model...

This company has changed lifes of a number of guys...but only on one condition ...IF THEY THEMSELF WANT TO CHANGE THEIR LIFE...if you dont want to change your life...its like normal S/W Engg...and work for 50 labours...or work for 5 years...and enojy life there on...

Best of luck...

Jan 21, 2008 10:28 pm EST

Hey dear Friends,

Gold quest is absolutely origional and worth working company, pleople who says questnet is a fake company, i would advice them that please do not listen to anyone but find out more about it and from the people who really have made gud in it. no one can force anyone to join any company to do the business. GOLDQUEST IS NOT AT ALL FAKE BUT A TRUE OPPORTUNITY...


Jan 25, 2008 7:33 pm EST

Hi friends, see fortunately or unfortunately we born in so called developing country(under developed as such)
and living in highly corrupted society, as an Indian I always think if I can do something for my people to raise their standards in living and Litreacy.
Iam into active source of income which feeds me and my family, I took this programme(GOLD QUEST) as a source of income to help those talented Indians who are in real need of Financial and Economical support who can take our country to the highest level I mean to developed stage.
See Friends think positevely, unfortunately our rich Indians are in busy to become still richest, they dont have time to ADOPT VILLAGES who doesnt have domestic facilities like Water, Sanitation, Litreacy and Food.
So Friends, Use this type of programmes for Noble cause, God will be there with U.
There are many friends who working for this cause, so if U want to join U can, or DONT PASS NEGATIVE MESSAGES for our Indians sake.
Never Gold Quest has said to leave the jobs and join this bussiness plan, it is how U take it.
Thanx Friends for reading my message with Patience.
All the best.

Feb 23, 2008 8:22 pm EST

Gold Quest chief surrenders passport

By Our Staff Reporter

CHENNAI SEPT. 20. The director of Gold Quest International Private Limited, which was recently proceeded against for `defrauding' customers, has surrendered her passport to the Metropolitan Magistrate Court at Egmore as part of the bail conditions.

According to a police press release, Pushpam, along with the company officials here, Joseph Augustine, Pushpendra Kumar and Feroze Khan, who were all arrested in connection with complaints of multilevel marketing irregularities, were granted conditional bail.

While Ms. Pushpam has been directed to stay at Coimbatore and sign before the judicial magistrate court there, others have been asked to sign at the Central Crime Branch office here daily.

Criminal proceedings were initiated against the company, engaged in minting gold coins of numismatic value, following complaints that it had collected Rs. 24,000 each from thousands of customers but failed to give them the promised gold goods.

The police have already sealed the company premise on McNichols Road at Chetpet.

Feb 25, 2008 2:45 am EST

Fine business. But indirectly you guys collapsing Indian market.
Iran, japan, srilanks government affects lot because of this gold quest “game of life”.

They banned this quest business. We can expect soon it will happen in India also..

The entire standard which this company has was good. But they affect Indian economy. You people buying gold for fall of economy.

Soon the economy down will happen because of this gold quest people only.

Abdul kalam tells that India will reach developed country by 2020. But this business will never take us to reach developed country.

People will not be poor if they do this business but economy will be poor.

I.e, People will be rich country will be poor.

I am sure when economy falls due to this they will ban this business.

Ex-GoldQuest Member
Mar 20, 2008 5:53 am EDT

Guys & Gals,

If you do a search in the Internet for GoldQuest, you are more than likely to find negative feedback than positive. There are many other ways of making good money through the Internet.

Unfortunately, I lost some good friends when I was 'promoting' GoldQuest, in search for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (no pun intended). It's not worth the hassle really.

Best of luck to those who still are doing well with GoldQuest (if its still around)

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