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Quora Complaints 62

3:12 pm EST
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I am beginning to suspect an undeclared rating-system that is agenda-based programmed into place, designed by those of Quora with the intention of pushing through certain bias opinions of a particlar political, social and moral perspective. Because it is a website that gains prolific attention, with professionals partly relying on the website as a tool to...

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3:54 pm EDT

Quora Telling the Truth

Yes I was wanting everyone to know that Quora was created by a African Minor Who is Racist . The site is racist toward White Americans and allows Africans to degrade Whites. Without being blocked

Desired outcome: Shut down Racist Site

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12:15 pm EST

Quora Blocking because they are stating that i'm not using my right name and that is a lie because my birth name is the same name on the account

I have recently posted about a cream that I wanted to find out more information on whether it is safe to use.

Quora has blocked me stating that I am not using my real name which is some error on Quora side because my real which is the name of birth and also used in my email account.

So as to where they have got this information from it doesn't make any sense and I will like this to be rectified

Desired outcome: For my account to be unblock and a apology for the error

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4:25 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Quora Inability to close my account

I've been trying to close my account for about a year now but I couldn't so I just settled with fixing the email settings so I don't receive any emails. But I just want my account to close permanently! I can't find quora's customer service email anywhere and when I try to get help I always end up in a dead end. I don't understand why is it so difficult to close an account and it's frustrating me very much

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11:25 am EDT

Quora Improper comment

I deleted the Quora app over a year ago because someone doxed me. I continue to get emails that lists my "supposed, " responses to questions from the past. I am pro Trump and always have been. The last email I received stated that I had a dream regarding the killing of Trump. I never wrote this, nor the previous one that got a thumbs up vote, on why Trump always scowled. I don't know if the person who doxed me may have written these, Quora may have staff posting these to drum up responses, but in any case, they could be checking the responses through my email or set up a system to verify the sender and they are not doing this.

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Update by Real 1
Oct 06, 2020 11:37 am EDT

My last complaint should be deleted...Quora did not show my erroneous response, but another party's response. In making a thumbs up response, they should have listed my response first and the others later. The response that I was doxed by a respondent still holds true. Quora is responsible for the security of their respondents and this was not followed

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4:30 am EDT
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They don't have customer service, just a "help center" set up as a "leave your complaints in the box" design. They limit the number of characters a question can have *including spaces*, AND limit the *limit of characters (if you have 10 characters left, you can't post the question) . They won't notify answerer's if the inquirer has a question, instead, it'...

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8:20 pm EDT

Quora Blocking my participation

I have been answering questions on Quora for a year or so. My answers are well liked by the community but Quora moderators keep getting in the way. I am not spamming. I am offering my knowledge as a clinical social worker to help people around the world feel better. I would like my ability to be reinstated. The first time this happened, they apologized and reinstated my question-answering abilities. Then they did it again, again blocking my ability to answer questions. They say I'm spamming but I never spam anyone. I always offer research-based answers to questions on topics that I am educated about. I am a licensed clinical social worker and have been practicing for 20 years. I am a local specialist in the area of mood disorders and trauma. I have provided trainings in the area of Bipolar Disorder treatment. My desire is simply to help people but Quora moderators are intefereing. I am asking that my participation be unblocked, that I will be allowed to answer questions, and that I will not be blocked again.

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Catherine OG
Jun 30, 2020 12:46 pm EDT

Colleague, The same thing happened to me. I have been an LCSW and BCD for 40 years and had it with them. They constantly remove my responses which include solid clinical recommendations for people to engage in their communities or even online communities. They claim if it doesn't benefit Quora, is not appropriate. They claimed today they don't like my name, that it must be something else and blocked me. Screw them. I deactivated my account. We don't need them. Like you, I was providing a free service. Their loss, not mine or yours

Apr 13, 2020 5:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It seems that's a clinical social worker would not be shook up the way you are over this. You probably advised your patience to just move on with life and maybe you should do don't sweat the small stuff and pick your battles wisely are the things I've learned throughout my life

12:17 pm EDT

Quora I've been blocked though I've done nothing wrong

I regularly answer questions on Quora to help more people learn concrete skills they can learn to copy with mood instability and anxiety. More and more often Quora has been banning my answers saying I"ve broken a rule. I have reread the rules over and over and I do not believe I have broken any rules. They first 2-3 times they blocked me they later admitted it was their error and they reinstated me. Since then I have been blocked 3-5 more times as I become more and more cautious about how I offer my help to people. I come to Quora with a good heart, trying to offer my knowledge to help people. Being blocked is like being slandered. You're taking an ethical professional and telling me I am doing something wrong, which is unthinkable. Please correct this error and don't make it again.!

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Catherine OG
Jun 30, 2020 12:48 pm EDT

Just deactivate your account. They are impossibly ignorant and petty.

Apr 13, 2020 5:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I think he should not be blocked again and just let complaints come in.

10:09 am EST

Quora post being removed for no reason at all!

I have a post on the pain section which has recieved 100+ view and people are commenting and following on, thee post is very relivant to many people as they are in the same situation as me, in pain all day and suffering so my situation and the information on the post is there to potentially help alot of people. My post was second from the top for weeks and now it has been completely removed for no given reason what so ever? The post is helping people and there are people following my journey through my illness so why would it have been removed? It makes no sense and I am very upset about it.

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Catherine OG
Jun 30, 2020 12:51 pm EDT

Why be upset about it. Their moderator's behavior is not an statement about your credentials or expertise, It is about their stupidity and lack of expertise. Don't take it personally. Even though we have good intentions to provide free recommendations, they are too ignorant to appreciate it let alone understand. I say find another platform.

Apr 13, 2020 5:56 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

In with the new out with the old is what I've always been told don't sweat it man

9:54 am EST

Quora complaint

My name is Carl Huth. I just wanted to let you know that I am done with you folks. I have been responding to questions for a year now but I'm not planning on continuing with you.

The last straw was my answer to why do we need a Messiah? You collapsed the answer when it in no way goes against your policy. You claim it does, but then again your email just says it's a violation but you neither give an actual reason, nor do you give a reasonable method to find out.

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11:39 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Quora quora

I have found Quora to be unethical and deceitful. They pull people's answers off and you have to go through an appeals process. I had to do that twice and I won both times luckily. Their decision-making is invalid on judging which question stay. They also pay people cash money to write questions so that when I go to answer that question I view ads and maybe make a purchase from it giving Korra another form of income. These paid for questions are so idiotic I don't know what to make of it. It also feels like some really good answers are not shown to people that are actually sold to other companies as information. Just my opinion.

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The Hound
Apr 13, 2020 3:13 pm EDT

Quora censors through mob rule. I also suspect that their mods are being bribed. I'd love to see Quora get hacked.

7:45 pm EDT

Quora quora

I am letting quora know that i am uninstalling the app and blocking emails.
You ask consumers to reviews products thar were actually purchased and used then you go and delete the review when it doesn't suit your interests.

I think my review of the switch lite was more than favorable but i do not see why it was deleted. I don't like or appreciate.
So thanks

Will be using redditt and other apps for now on.

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2:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Quora blocking and deleting content

I have expressed some strong political views in support of Trump and criticizing foreign interests that have been blocked and appeal denied. I wrote one statement in which I commented on Obama's stress levels in office in comparison to attacks on Trump's behavior and it was summarily deleted with no notice. Quora is extremely biased and is not admitting to the public what it is trying to do. I want Quora to admit it is left wing and apologize for the deception that it is not. There is no way it is neutral when I write about issues I have experienced first hand and get censored for being honest about it. They need to re-investigate their own definitions of honesty and integrity. I am an average American and these people are elitist intellectuals with little real world basis for the ideas and beliefs to which they give preference.

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9:55 am EST

Quora unfounded criticism

You sent me a note claiming I violated your terms on courtesy.  All I did was cite the US Supreme Court decision and cite published FBI UCR crime statistics. 

"Confronting the police while armed can result in your death. This is not the movies and officers are not expected or required to ether play fair or get hurt or killed in an armed confrontation,. The US Supreme Court in Tennessee v. Garner has ratified the right for police to use deadly force when confronted with anyone who possess the present or even future likelihood of causing severe injury or death to the officer or others."

In my other answer I stated, Full text of comment:
"Well, hate to break it to you but blacks are responsible for 500% more murders than whites based on their percentage in the population. That is not racism or prejudice it is a fact",   I answered to a respondent who disagreed with my first factual comment when I pointed out the FBI UCR statistics prove a black homicide rate of 5 times the rate for whites.  That is a documented fact, not an opinion. I am not aware facts are now considered discourteous by you.  While I agree the wording of the initial question I responded to, which was posted by someone other than me , was questionable as to how it was worded, but my answers were factual, not disrespectful. Apparently the respondent was unhappy with being proven wrong by facts. Apparently I am now not allowed to respond to someone who cites wrong information to refute my factual statements as long as it supports a Liberal agenda.

— Original Message —
From: Quora Messages
To: bigwater1
Sent: Wed, Feb 13, 2019 2:49 am
Subject: Quora Moderation sent you a message on Quora

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8:30 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I tried logging into Quora today and my account was deleted. I check Quora multiple times of the day for information and new subjects to learn about. Unfortunately, I have no history of articles, followers or people following me. I understand Quora does have standards to follow. If I insulted someone or went over the line it would have been nice to be...

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11:21 am EDT

Quora uncaring about members

Quora is awful and doesn't care about their members. I have trans friends who they locked accounts of because they didn't use the name son their original birth certificates, even though they provided PROOF that the names they used were, in fact, their legal names. They wouldn't unlock the accounts without the names being changed when their original demands were "use your legal name" And they did. But it wasn't good enough.

I used the name that I have proof I'm legally changing it to because I can't use my birth name online ANYWHERE (I have a stalker and my life is in danger if they can find me), and even provided a statement from my lawyer saying that it is in my best interest to not use my birth name ever again and requesting that they allow me to use it, and I was quite rudely told, and I quote, "You have to use the name on your birth certificate, absolutely no exceptions unless we are served with a court order that will shut down the website if we don't oblige. It doesn't matter that you claim your life is in danger, change your name or you will not be able to use our website. Stop with the fake sob story. Good day."

You see why I'm upset, right? Hell, one friend of mine got a block on her account after changing her last name because she got married! Despite showing them every legal document she had proving it was now her legal name!

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8:45 pm EDT

Quora question

For many months i've had the same name. I can see quora does like me to type my truth they enjoy manipulating and coercive control. Cheating liars will always cheat. Lying cheaters will always lie. Now they want me to change my name. Haters like quora and many different businesses will always be haters. None of them type their real name and are deceptive. Businesses like quora like to control and are taking me for granted. It isn't the first place. It's about them and never being responsible.

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Update by Kerfluffle
May 10, 2018 8:47 pm EDT

I meant quora doesn't like me to type my truth.

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3:22 am EST

Quora too biased

I don't understand their stupid scheme. I mean I don't think it actually makes any sense.
If a person asks a question, it should be answered, no matter what he/she asked (of course if it's not abusive). What I see here is that they selectively post questions, the other ones get deleted for no reason. Well, there's one reason, but it's stupid: your question is not popular enough, so that's why it shouldn't be shown. What a dullness!

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5:54 am EDT

Quora Quora is not what it used to be...

It used to be a great place based on a great idea of people who exchange their experience and knowledge. It's been several years and everything has changed. This website is absolutely different, not always friendly and not always convenient. It;s now more like a social network, than something else. What a shame. I was happy being on this website, had a decent amount of posts and followers, but now all of this is not important. I deleted it yesterday.

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6:50 am EDT

Quora Not worth it

I liked the idea and that's why I joined But I'm very disappointed and this site turned out to be not what I expected. It is full of crazy people that have nothing to do and they write all those terrible things. There are also many teenagers there and all they do is make fun of other people. If you want to ask some serious questions and get informative answers then this site is not for you.

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Quora is an online platform that operates primarily as a question-and-answer website. It allows users to ask questions on a wide array of topics, which can then be answered by other users who have knowledge or experience in that particular area. The service is designed to be a knowledge-sharing community where insights and expertise are exchanged.

Users can follow topics, questions, people, and specific answers that interest them. The content on Quora is user-generated, with contributions from a diverse user base that includes experts in various fields, industry professionals, and individuals with unique life experiences. The platform encourages detailed and informative answers that provide value to the reader.

Quora also offers a blogging feature, where users can write longer-form content about subjects they are passionate about. This allows for more in-depth discussions and the sharing of detailed knowledge.

In addition to the free access to the platform, Quora has a monetization feature called Quora Spaces, which allows users to create and manage their own communities around specific interests or topics. Spaces can be used to curate content, host discussions, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Quora's user interface is straightforward, with a search function that helps users easily find questions and answers relevant to their interests. The platform also uses a voting system to surface high-quality content, and it provides tools for users to edit and improve answers over time.

Overall, Quora's services revolve around knowledge exchange, community building, and content creation, with an emphasis on providing a space for people to share and gain insights on a multitude of subjects.
How to file a complaint about Quora?

Here is a guide on how to file a complaint against Quora on

1. Log in or create an account:
- Start by logging into your account. If you don't have an account yet, create one.

2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with Quora in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Quora. Include key areas of concern, any transactions, steps taken to resolve the issue, the company's response, and the personal impact of the issue.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents to strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filling optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for any responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure to follow these steps carefully to effectively file a complaint against Quora on

Overview of Quora complaint handling

Quora reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jan 18, 2016. The latest review They allow their moderators to block people without giving a reason, even when you have proof that you did not do was posted on Apr 3, 2024. The latest complaint quotas app was resolved on Dec 03, 2018. Quora has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 354 reviews. Quora has resolved 1 complaints.
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