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CB Automotive Fueling and Charging QuikTrip 2535 W Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85017, US
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2535 W Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85017, US
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1 complaint
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3:52 am EDT
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QuikTrip - I purchased lottery tickets and the machine took 40.00 of my money

On 10/6 at 11:59pm I went into qt to purchase only lottery tickets from the machine. I purchased at the time 5 (777) 10.00 scratcher and 3 (Lucky hunts). 3 dollar scratchers. I put 2 (20.00 bills) and 2 (10.00 bills). Each time I put a bill in it asked me to select ok to continue. Then I scratcher came out. And the system shut down. Rebooted. When it came back up. It said only 10.00 credit. And gave me another 777, for 10.00. So 40.00 that I put in did not show up as credit owed. I asked for a manager which took her about 5min to come. And it was not busy. She and a security agent came over and she pulled up a ticket and then said walked away, then a few minutes later comes back to me to tell me. There is nothing she could do for me. There is nothing I could do for you. I asked her I don’t mind I could wait or take my information and when someone can look at the camera and see that I did put 60.00 in. To please call me. Like she didn’t want to help me or believed I was not asking her to believe me. I was asking her to have some one investigate at reach back to me. Maybe not at the time cause I know it was late. I had to tell her, that I wanted to leave my phone number and name so that after they have someone look at the cameras to reach back to me. She still made me feel awful like it was a bother to her. The machine stole 40.00 of my money. And she told ne I had to wait until Monday. And it’s technically Friday late night. And she told me to come back and talk to a store manager. This was not handled properly. I will be calling corporate.

Desired outcome: I would like my 40.00 dollars return back to me. The machine stole my money. This is why you have cameras on the lottery machine. And the way the employee handled it. Was no way professional.

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