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O'Reilly Auto Parts
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O'Reilly Auto Parts

379 Center St, Chardon, OH, 44024, US
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1 complaint
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7:30 am - 9:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 8:00 pm
12:37 pm EDT

O'Reilly Auto Parts - Brake caliper

Hello, On 7/17/2023 I purchased a Brake Caliper for my 1980 Corvette (18-7017) from Guy at store #5744 in Chardon Ohio, after installing it, it leaked at the seam, on 7/27/2023 I received a warranty replacement from Alex that one leaked at the hose, I went back to the store and talked to Alex, he gave me a copper washer to put at the hose and caliper connection, that didn't work because it is not a banjo fitting at the caliper, at that point I bought a new brake hose from O Reilly's (BH66724) on 8/02/2023 after I installed that it still leaked I went back and talked to Alex and he said he would or a ACDelco to replace it because of all the problems I had and that he would call me when it came in, I didn't hear anything for about a week and went to the store to check on it, I was told it had not arrived yet and I would be called when it came on, still no call I went back to the store about a week later and talked to Guy ad he said he would reorder it and would call me in a couple of days, on 9/13/2023 I went back and talked to a female employee and she told me it was going to be delivered by UPS by 4:00. Still no Caliper. I am using DOT 5 fluid, and because of all these problem I have gone through about 5 Pints at about $15.00a pint.

Its odious that they never intended to order the ACDelco caliper, I Read in the reviews that the calipers leaked and not to deal with. I am very disappointed on the way I was treated at O Reilly's, I'll never go back or recommend to any else.

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