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CB Auto Parts and Repair Stores AutoZone 696 Elden St, Herndon, VA, 20170, US
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696 Elden St, Herndon, VA, 20170, US
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1 complaint
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Working hours
7:30 am - 9:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:00 pm
8:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:23 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

AutoZone - numbers matter, people don't!

First I want to say that thankfully, after the worse employment experience I've had in my 33 years I was blessed with an amazing job making more than twice what autozone was paying me. My wife and I just purchased a new home for ourselves and our beautiful 13 month old and the Autozone nightmare is behind us. But for those who are still living that hell I have to take a walk down memory lane and do them some justice. It's simple; at Autozone, number's matter and people don't. Everything is about how many "witts" the store has sold, how fast you answer the phone, check out challenge scores and other trivial garbage. 'Want recognition for treating people well? Ha! Look elsewhere! Not only was I forced to work the day my wife went into labor, I was unjustifiably dismissed when my child was 6 months old. I've converted 15 people in my neighborhood to dedicated Advanced Auto Parts customers. It wasn't hard really, Autozone did most of the work for me! I attended a work shop on servant leadership. Look it up if you get a chance. In any event, at our first class we had to describe our best and worse previous bosses. The Autozone boss I had was by far the least intelligent, least graceful, worse spoken, most inconsiderate and cruel person I've had the displeasure of sharing a work space with. I pray for this broken condom accident of speciman daily. She used to say racist things to our Latino customers to their face using a language barrier as a veil to hide her cowardice and bigotry. Cris, you know who this is and you know everything I'm saying about you is true. Also, the District Manager J.P. Nunez of the late Circuit City went on a firing rampage only to fill in the positions with his recently displaced Circuit City buddies. I can't say enough bad things about Autozone as I can't say enough good things about my current employer. To all those not employed, HANG IN THERE. Anything is better than working for this corporate demon. And for those of you still stuck there. WTF ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GET OUT OF THERE!

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Pensacola, US
Apr 23, 2011 1:16 am EDT

During my working years, I have worked for AutoZone during two periods of my life. First from April 1994 through June 2004 and from November 2008 up until Junre 2010 at which time I went part-time. First, you have to be humble and greatful just to have a job, and yes, AutoZone has been a great company to work for. Yes, you are asked to push rewards cards, check out challenge items, and air filter with oil changes. But in the end you realize that any business is about making money. Retail is not a "Salvation Army" job. I have worked with a great bunch of guys and gals that really put the customer first, knew their parts and products, and worked hard to make AutoZone stores look great. The folks that I have seen complain about AutoZone through the years, would complain just about anything that wasn't going their way. District and Regional Mangers, have to "have their stuff together" or they are out the door in a hurry, and yes, I've seen some "out the door" in a hurry but for the most part, they work hard and yes, care about the workers because they realize that retail is still a "people on people" business. Lastly, good store managers endure and bad ones, well, they are asked to resign verses being terminated. How would being terminated look on a resume?

Real Autozoner
Lincoln Park, US
Apr 10, 2011 3:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I think that most of the ex employees who have posted were not true Autozoners and there is a real difference in the two. I have been with the company for close to 9 years and came from a competitor at which I had been with for 5 years. I consider myself a true parts professional and Autozone has helped with my training and my ASE cert. Like most companies it of course really matters who, and what areas you work in. My career with this company has been awesome! Like with everything in life you only get out what you put in and remember it is a business and without "witt" and numbers there would be no money for salaries. Trust me anyone can be taught to sell parts but that does not make them a professional and it always shows. My #1 goal at work is to get people in safe and drivable vehicles and i have pride in that! You do your job and do it well and the "witt" numbers along with all the others just fall into place! I hope this helps not just parts employees but customers to0 to understand it only take one bad apple to ruin the whole bag!

Furente (=furious)
Jan 28, 2011 3:43 pm EST

Pretty much everything said is correct. WITT, KPI's, etc. Gotta drive that stock price. In the beginning it was a great company who cared about their employees, their customers, and the way the stores looked and were maintained, not the case any longer. I believe everyone thought once Odland, former CEO now at Office Depot, was gone things would return to the days of Pitt Hyde, unfortunately not. Sorry to say the customer is not always right. Many come into a busy store and want batteries changed, lights changed, etc. but can not wait until it slows down and have the audacity to get ugly with the employees who are tyring to do their jobs. They forget they are getting a free service and could be a little patient.

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