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Royal Holiday Vacation Club

Royal Holiday Vacation Club review: Class action lawsuit! 182

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2:26 pm EDT
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Are you all ready for a Class Action Law suit, we will reveal the details to all to who wish to sign up against the clause our Lawyers group found, that will win our case. CNN Larry KingLive, is hosting a interview with us, will will let you know further on the date and time. Moreover, we are also pursuing the Mexican entity Concord servicing corporation out of AZ.

Update by Connnie dias
Mar 16, 2008 2:30 pm EDT

Looks like finally RHC will be forced to shut down. Their shareholders! please note of the listings, sell your is going to the's in the late 90's in the US.

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Mar 10, 2011 2:06 pm EST
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One more thing :)).

I truly believe someone inside fntc is doing this -worldwide, but because of the high protection... no one gets 'them'... tracks disappear all the sudden and no one exists behind... Someone (one or more) with authority - the reason why its even possible in the first place. Seems that it run out of hands in some point. I bet rhc is more careful taking care of americans now a days, and this fraud is lead by a faceless man... what it just happens once in a while... when its safe... I was a good victim I guess ;). As a finnish person, I couldnt even imagine anything like this would be possible - not in Finland anyway :). And to take advantage of the lack of english language skills...

Mar 23, 2011 4:02 pm EDT
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So many emails to different addresses, no responds. Its ridigulous. Do they really think its going to work like this? Thats another method used... except we can also use it against them when in court. Priviledge members :) according to the contract, definatelly, when we dont even exist to them. I bet its nice to have our money but no one needs to take us seriously..

I keep posting these threads here, and if its not gonna help me a bit, then try to write another places, and if its not gonna help me then take it to the court. I have time.

Mar 23, 2011 4:11 pm EDT
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I also believe Concord Service has its hands in deep in this also. So, do we need to sue them all :); Concord Service, FNTC, RHC... and of course this Holiday Clubs ltd. (does it exist btw?).

Something unbelievable.

Mar 23, 2011 4:37 pm EDT
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'This agreement is made and entered into by and between Holiday Clubs ltd. company duly constituted and valid existing under the laws of the Cayman Islands' - So RHC is actually Holiday Clubs ltd? How many other names there might be in our contracts? I tried to figure it out wheather this company even exists, no foundable information to us. And that only is a serious crime for me... to make a contract with non existing company. The reason to get all my money back. Actually there never was an contract between us. They just stole my money.

Mar 23, 2011 4:53 pm EDT
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And... if there wasnt a contract, FNTC made a crime to me by collecting my money... Propably they didnt know about it, but... actually I never filled this promissory note in the first place... so.

Then I was threatened by Worldwide tourism services as a payment collector (addressed 6161 Blue lagoon dr. Miami), but I found it on net not active... (?). .. not working company at the moment (?).

I tell you that there SO MANY things speaking for a crime to us...

Its a serious matter to FNTC to cover RHC... Concord Service... whose really behind. Just like to figure it out.

Saugatuck, US
Mar 25, 2011 7:22 pm EDT
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Thank you for what you are finding out. How can we get to the bottom of this?

Mar 26, 2011 3:50 pm EDT
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We can help each other by spreading information. My question is: is it safe for us to understand sort of 'the bottom of it'? Dont think so, if theres f.e. an offshore law company behind. So, am I in trouble for spreading this what I discovered as my point of view in that case? Might be, but I just tell my point of view what I believe about the system. How its built. Just try to understand who made this to me. I have a right to know.

Holiday Clubs ltd and Ansbacher (Cayman) ltd are functioning together. So, and because cant find any information about Holiday Clubs ltd... and instead Ansbacher has the same address, I have right to believe Ansbacher (Cayman) ltd. is the company I really made a contract with... but what is this Ansbacher (Cayman) ltd.? Or was it just another false information used...

If Im wrong about things, I hope someone gives me information about this Holiday Clubs ltd. Because theres things between us to resolve.

Ansbacher (Cayman) ltd. which wholly owned subsidiary is Cayman International Trust company... one detail I found. Then another interesting details, actually a lot of them... but well... another time. Contracts between, addressess used... ownerships... partners... Just interesting...

So, FNTC, Concord, Ansbacher... An offshore law company (the bottom?)? Someone who gives tools to build a complicated structure to protect the business... ownership structure...

I know how 'they' might manage to build complicated systems behind to protect these... even private persons... Ltd. companies only need one person to start a business. A private company can be a one person company... just a private someone... Actually this Holiday clubs ltd is spread to different branches... those shares... ownership structure... which also makes those frauds possible once in a while... by using false information... abusing existing companies information, or very similar information with just made up addresses or so on.. And Im talking about 'the core' here which makes it possible. Except everything has to be public - the information about the company's structure has to be foundable! And it all might be runned privately as well... lets say theres company X started this business in the first place, then theres companies B, C, D, E, F, G, H... branches... showed up later. Company X was sold to company G and... it can be quite complicated. Different companies protect this company X... Trustees, management insurance... what ever... but the ownership structure... well... (its based a friendship propably or... ?)And if this business is lead f.e. from corrupted tax paradise island... its very hard to figure it out these structures - offshore business with law company (propably also privatelly held) behind, and then this Americans and Europeans co-operation with the banks (trustees...) to make sure everything stays hidden...

Propably 'they' took advantage of every single holes in the laws while building this structure, but theres too many details inside... well. And the law is chanhing also to protect us better. Offshore business is not so safe in future, I dont think. In Europe theres acts made against this offshore business.

Mar 26, 2011 4:11 pm EDT
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And when there happens a crime - someone is in response for it... but its not safe for us, because 'they' can circulate this responsibility. Cant find anybody who really is in charge, and thats not safe enviroment for us.

Unfortunately according to the law so many things are also possible - things which are not safe for people. Shame on RHC, shame on FNTC, shame on... who is involved with this!

Why? Can they really afford to do this to us? In the end honest business is much more profitable. This holiday business might lose even miljards because of these few dishonest people inside. Can FNTC or other partners afford this by allowing things like this happening to us?

Mar 29, 2011 12:00 pm EDT
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This is a policematter. Ansbacher Cayman ltd. has have high court issues before, so what is going on with the account our money goes? How legal people behind circulate our money for instance... or... many issues...

Apr 04, 2011 11:15 am EDT
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This system is built to circle around the world... lets play with the idea that the so called headquaters are in places where its easy to build this worldwide system - co-operation between America - Europe - Africa - Asia... And this whole system is based on avoiding taxes as well - the secret how 'they' make millions profits - gain a lot of money by using f.e. this here mentioned Ansbacher banking system... using tax paradises to make it legally, except...

Theres this address in my contract which belongs to Ansbacher, but then theres interesting details I found between the Appleby (offshore lawcompany) and Ansbacher... different kind of information about the ownership - legal structure of this banking system - also very well protected secrets. Like theres one address but a lot of private companies registered in that certain address. Companies come and go - the name changes once in a while - I believe to make this system to more complicated to figure it out... like a huge amount af brances to fool not only us (here:the members of those clubs) but to abuse all the holes in every laws in the world - how to protect the back of illegal business. And thats what those lawyers do! They protect these crimes - Id call them crimes! Its all about business and money making whta 'they' do - actually stoling our money and nobody can do nothing about it?!? Because... ?!? I wonder about that. Im telling you this is a serious crime - at least what happened to me.

Hurry writings - so sorry about my sentences

Apr 04, 2011 11:20 am EDT
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And... in Mexico... well the parent company (mentioned somewhere) of Royal Holiday Club is Costamex Group etc... I wonder about that too... so many brances, so many lies, so many... well, but only one place to actually lead this fraud... One roots. And those roots base on a crime to people around the world.

Apr 05, 2011 12:13 pm EDT
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If Im right about things I discovered - RHC is owned by american company as a parent... and european company as well. If we think about taking this matter to court, we need to find out the real ownership structure of the company... I believe its not mexican owned company at all... our money goes actually to american and european owners pockets.

Police should do some investigations about it... so, should we co-operate with this?

The ownership structure before: Costamex International, Miami and theres another one... well... but not mexican according to one source. Pablo Gonzalez/Costamex Group Mexico might be a financer/new owner of RHC... or he might own a little bit of those RHC shares... but Im after those guys who started it in the first place, and who has the authority. Thats the point.

Apr 05, 2011 12:49 pm EDT
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I truly believe Pablo Gonzalez is just a mask to us - someone(S) hiding behind... or Pablo Gonzalez has a good protection behind.

RHC - not foundable information in Madrid... not existing to us. I asked about it... the address, the access to the RHC office in Madrid in case Id like to visit them there - no respond. So, my conclusion is they dont exist there.

Actually when I tried to figure out where this fntc London office is located as well... (EU country... Isle of Man is more safe from us, so... London is different in that case because it belongs to EU)well just walls in that address... or propably private address... same address with a bunch of private companies. A lot of them. It might be legal, but it might be not...

This all is interesting... including fntc... and there might be even an option that in my case there actually never was Madrid existing... it was fntc.. or someone abusing his/her occupation to run a business here in Europe. Concord and FNTC has a deal - thats what 'they' told to me... the reason why fntc was involved in this in the first place... except my money was never suppose to go to either of them... too many faults...

Apr 05, 2011 1:11 pm EDT
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And I promise that I will tell every single dirty detail... to the entire world... if they wont start to co-operate with me... They own me a lot of money.

Apr 05, 2011 2:28 pm EDT
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At least if they (RHC) are doing business in EU they have to obey our rules here! I know you are a fraudulent company, and dont mind about anything I say here, but a company has to have foundable information for us as european...! In other words it has to exist! It shouldnt be a hiding game between a seller and a buyer. Get me if you can find me :)... sorry, but I dont exist to you guys - just air... so sue me... well... we might be able to sue you anyway...

The details of our contracts - so many laws, so many countries involved, but only one mexican company actually for us existing... :))).

I still like to write. :)

Apr 07, 2011 2:38 pm EDT
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Finally... we are the shareholders! Is there really this mexican company RHC existin - just private (privately held) as it says... somewhere - dont think so. This is a complicated matter. And then theres f.e. this Holiday Clubs ltd. which 'owns' RHC and... or... whatever... well I'd really like to see all the contracts made between RHC and all the parties involved. We do have rights!

Apr 08, 2011 2:03 pm EDT
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"Royal Holiday Club, a company incorporated under the laws of Switzerland as a société anonyme (SA), is neither responsible for the management, operation and/or marketing of the Royal Holiday Memberships and of the plan units mentioned in this website nor the owner of the real estate rights pertaining to the holiday resorts marketed and sold under the Trade Mark “Royal Holiday”. Nor is the Swiss Company, Royal Holiday Club..." I just copied this from RHC official website. And about the Board of Admininstration - RHC appointed FNTC to be Royal Holiday's admininstration agents... Actually i believe they are the Board of Admininstration... lots of different information...

According to RHC's website we should be served - we should exist to them, but fortunatelly I dont exist to anyone in that company, and thats a crime too against me as european member of the club. If it doens exist anymore in Europe, well... arrangements inside the company. Its all illegal what they do to me - and actually to all of us. I wonder what happened to the rest of european members, because I dont believe they exist anymore. Just no one except me. I might be the last printed issue who even doenst exist... I still got all my receipts - account numbers where my money went. In europe you just cant hide those account numbers... and if there was a crime involved all will be discovered... all the relations in the end.

The different laws to trustees cant/shouldnt protect them from crimes!

Alamo, US
Apr 11, 2011 1:10 am EDT

In 2006, my family vacationed in Cozumel, Mexico. Upon exiting the airplane in Cozumel, my wife and mother-in-law were immediately approached by a Royal Holiday Sales person. My wife would not have given the sales person the time of day, but due to my mother-in-law's insistence she decided to listen to the sales pitch. After about 90 minutes or so, my wife and mother-in law signed up for Royal Holiday's "construction package" in Cozumel, since the Royal Park hotel was under construction at the time. While it was an expensive offer, it appeared to be well worth the money, as it featured incentives- including $1000usd airfare voucher, and 2 seven night cruises, and a lifetime upgrade of an additional 20, 000 points. In 2007, we attempted to use our credits for a family vacation, but due to lack of hotel availability and personal schedule conflicts we could not take advantage of our package. This was also the case in 2008 and 2009 when we tried to book vacations through Royal Holiday as well. Most recently, in January we tried to book our vacation in July and were told that the promised incentives expired in 2008, (we've never been told about any deadline). My wife disputed the deadline stating that there was no mention of expiration of incentives in any section of the contract and that she wanted the incentives honored. Furthermore, she would have met a two year deadline, but every time that she attempted to book a trip there was no availability. She was asked to fax in a copy of the contract and that it would be submitted to upper management for the consideration to be honored. She did as instructed and was told that she could expect a call back in two weeks. Of course, that call never materialized and my wife was forced to call them back. Not only did they deny her request for the incentives that we were promised, but she was advised that their reason for not honoring the incentives that we paid for was because the sales person did not sign his name on the contract. Incredulously, my wife responded by asking-“was it my responsibility to instruct the sales person on the correct procedure for performing his job?” She was laughed at and not allowed to speak to any supervisor or responsible party able to provide resolution to this problem. We have given Royal Holiday close two 20k and the only thing that the have given us in return is frustration and a hard way to go. The funny thing is, that I cannot find frustration, lying, and broken promises anywhere in our contract- yet that is all Royal Holiday wants or intends to provide. We are looking to sign on to or initiate a class action lawsuit and we hope everyone that has been robbed and cheated by this predatory syndicate will do the same. If anyone does have knowledge of any class action lawsuits against Royal Holiday Club, please provide information, it will be greatly appreciated.

Apr 12, 2011 7:43 am EDT
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I have tried to contact FNTC/RHC many times, no responses. Im going to start to do something... real acts. They cant win...

Apr 12, 2011 10:36 am EDT
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My final conclusion is that IFG is the real owner of RHC.

Harvey, US
Apr 12, 2011 1:54 pm EDT

Royal Holiday Club appears to be scamming many people from around the world. Most complaints I have heard thus far are concerning broken promises, lies and deception. As a U.S. citizen, one must use the rule of law to discredit RH. Please read your contract very carefully over and over. My contract states something to the effect that since it was signed outside of the jurisdiction of the U.S. they are exempt from rules and regulation under Florida Law. Why just the state of Florida and no other States I do not know. In any case, we as U.S. citizens are denied the right to due procees. In recent years the U.S. courst system has extended this 5th ammendment right to civil matters. If your contract has such wording in it, you need to write the FTC, the Attorney General's Office of the state mentioned, and the Florida Southeastern BBB to argue this issue. This is a serious matter which must be addressed.
Chris D

Apr 14, 2011 9:41 am EDT
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Just to inform this too: Limited companies have rules and regulations. This is not only a matter of civil rights (those too, but...) - its much bigger issue than this. This belongs to crime session - how this fraud is runned.

Please send me copies of your contracts.

Apr 14, 2011 9:57 am EDT
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Theres business law existing - a company law existing... And these contracts are not made watertight as the representatives have told some of us - they are breakable.
Theres a lot of company forms used as well... and this is a part of fractual business. A lot of issues need to take to court

Apr 14, 2011 10:02 am EDT
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The foundation is illegal! Its like a long chain - the real founder of this whole RHC thing... the so called shareholders come and go among the other things... everything changes to us... names... just different variations. But theres information behind that has to be shown in public... they has to show that information to us!

Apr 14, 2011 10:27 am EDT
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I take f.e. financial statements which are never shown in public... actually I believe theres no public financial statements at all existing... not to anyone.. they might try to make it up if needed but its not truthful information - just [censor] among all the other things. I havent seen actually any truthful information about anything so far...

I believe I dont even exist in their system legally... because its not safe for them. Im EU citizen.

Edmonton, CA
Apr 15, 2011 6:57 am EDT

i am also a victim of royal holiday, i am canadian, i live in Edmonton, Alberta.i would like to be informed by email, if it would be possible to create or to reach a class action against royal holiday, thank you!

Apr 20, 2011 11:31 am EDT
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New information discovered. RHC Switzerland got rid of the website in Europe. I guess they made a mistake by selling this membership to me as an european because of the headquater here in Europe. Its a high risk for them - actually I believe Im the only european who they sold this membership by mistake. Actually I truly believe Im the highest risk for them. I know theres Appleby or some other offshore lascompanies to protect them worldwide if needed to, but this is a high court matter, much bigger than I thought. Its a major issue what becomes to future of fraktal business, it might end it all if I succee with my case. They stole from me 14.000, 00 and it was FNTC! Unbeliabvable! Unforgetable! They destroy all the evidence that I wouldnt exist anywhere. Theres no place I get a contact to anybody - I dont exist. Just one dinner in caribbean and it cost me 14.000, 00. I hope Police is interested in my case, because this is huge issue worldwide.

Its much worse when FNTC is behind doing this... something unbeliavable. I believe people have no idea about these things I got involved with. Neither did I before it happened... they have to do everything to make me disappear I guess. But can they really win this case? I dont think they cant. I know that by destroying a lot of evidence its harder to prove things, but... can they really afford to do it to any of us? Its my money, I know, but its their reputation, they might lose anyway a lot... Trustees? Where is this world going? Now I understand why they need to have a watertight systems (laws behind this fraktal business), they take our rights away. That is going to happen to me. Instead FNTC is protecting me in any way, its trying its best to make me disappear from their system... After getting my 14.000, 00 they just threw me away... no one informed me anything about anything. No one ever responses to my emails - absolutely no one. Is that a crime big enough to stop FNTC to do their business, can they really do these kind of things to us...

Apr 20, 2011 11:42 am EDT
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And as I told RHC is not existing to me, ans FNTC (according to my papers) is Holiday Club Management Company addresses in the building in Isle of Man where IFG/FNTC is located... they kept sending me this information, but when a problem appeared with RHC they had to do something about it - they knew that I knew the truth!

Apr 20, 2011 11:44 am EDT
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Sorry about my hurry writings and lousy english

Maricruz Gonzalez
Chicago, US
Apr 22, 2011 3:37 pm EDT
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Is this class action still in progress or what was the resolution? My husband and I were scammed back in 2005 by Royal Holiday Club while we were on vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We were always given the run around and never able to use anything that they promised. They are currently the only blemish on my Credit Report since we were never able to cancel and stopped paying. Has any one managed to get them removed? Please advise! We are trying to buy a home and this is keeping us from doing it. We are very frustated! All and any suggestions would be appreciated!

Apr 23, 2011 11:34 am EDT
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There seem to be few different Royal Holidays existing :), so... but if I dont get all my money back soon 14.000, 00 plus all the expenses... lost interests... refund/solution which makes all together €20 000, 00... well... it doesnt matter if it takes the rest of my life - I will be hunting them the rest of it. And my refund amount increases...

Lyuba Faucher
Chesterfield, US
Apr 26, 2011 12:04 am EDT

I have posted a complaint on this message board a few months ago but since then, I have worked my issues with Royal Holiday. Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to delete my complaint so I am posting that Royal Holiday has worked with me and my issues are now resolved.


Anchorage, US
May 21, 2011 7:26 am EDT

I would like to be included in the class action.

RH sucks
Golden Valley, US
Sep 14, 2011 8:27 pm EDT

Help! We are in the same boat and want to stop paying our maintenance fees as well. What happens when you stop paying? What happens to your credit? We would like to join a lawsuit if possible.

Sep 22, 2011 1:30 pm EDT
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Now I get one thing. RHC/their emplyoees are/might be victims of 'the system' as well... meaningthey might be victims of these financial groups... investment people... who ever... as well as they can fool people and the system themselves... whatever.. or they are just people who got into the business they dont know how to run - trying to do honest business here with us... or its just a mixture of everything - legal and illegal. Depends. But one thing is for sure - this chain goes on, and the roots are not built on a solid foundation... or they are, and thats the reason also why even pyramid/ponzi scheme is not easy to figure out, except when they make a mistake... and you just know the name of the game.

What is really behind, we might know that too (inside our hearts :) )... figure out, but if its highly protected secret (depends who really leads it - people involved in it in a way or another)... interesting. One simple thing can lead you to... a pyramid/ponzi scheme... you might even have no idea what you took part of... Im very curious about worldwide financing systems - how many of them are related... and how many of them are based on a so called pyramid/ponzi... whatever... amixture of everything... scheme? How to find out the real truth about these things when this chain just goes on and on... no one is really in charge... and theres so many cover companies involved...

My question here is: who is fooling who, or is everyone fooling everyone in my case? I might be the only one in this certain case who this happened like this. Whats the truth behind? I might have an idea of this all by now but who believes me? People might thing I fool here, but this just happened to happen to me, and thats my truth.

Sep 23, 2011 11:50 am EDT
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There wasnt any email responses from any parties involved in this to me earlier, and now even my 'IP is banned'... meaning I dont have any permission to any of RHC/IFG/FNTC email addresses... at least didnt get earlier when I tried. In other words I got banned totally from the system (?). Never got my money back (14.000, 00). And IFG lied to me about this whole case earlier - this one email I got from them, so called IFG (two emails actually but the content was the same)... These two emails I got from IFG go something like this: RH group has dealt with your complaint... we have nothing more to add... well I tell you guys no one ever solved anything in my case, no one ever let me know about anything, no one ever responded to me etc... etc... till after this email from IFG I got one phonecall from RHC in which they asked about my complaint - the details of it... but... but... Just air... just air... Why IFG lied to me? This IFG email... I tried to ask them about the conclusion, because no one ever responded to me in anything but they kept quiet till I got totally banned. And this phonecall by RHC didnt lead me anywhere either, just frontiers 'they' use against us - innocent employees (?)... or? But just another ridigulous try from' them' (who ever they are in this case) to make it look legal action just to take my money like that. This game they play... someone plays (the real head of 'RHC')... kicking me out of the system... out of the website... out of... everywhere, and they just seemed to keep my money like that?! That they have all the rights to do so. If RHC is trying to do honest business here with us I hope they start to realize how serious this is getting for their sake. If they do honest business with americans/canadians why they continue this... For me its about IFG... Obviously they have made 'my cancellation'... First they used all the tricks that I stop existing in their system and then finally IFG told me that my case is 'closed'/resolved' before they totally seem to banned me. For me the only conclusion is that they just stole my money.

All these tricks... is not legal to any kind of business to do so. I must say IFG is a lie to me... because if it was a real irish company it wouldnt be acting like this to finnish people.

Propably IFG Ireland is a sham after all, only reason which explaints me all this... It cant be real! Not like this!

Sep 23, 2011 1:46 pm EDT
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We also could try to make a class action against RHC in Spain... if it legally exists there :). And sue IFG as well (my case) - the headquater is in EU. Anyway inside EU... even in Finland... so I dont need to take this away from Finland because of EU. In case RHC is not legally existing in Spain that makes a difference of course, but then we know that RHC is not a legal company at all in anywhere... I made my payment cotract between me and RHC Spain, which is not actually legal contract abyway I dont think... then this another intresing detail - RHC switzerland. RHC can be sued in USA also I believe. Am I right? RHC Switzerland is not a separate company from RHC Mexico... and the following sentence is foundable in operating rules also:
For purposes of interpretation, regulation, ruling and execution of the Purchase and sale membership agreement and operating rules shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland.
... and a swiss company has to follow the rules of USA in this case...

Sep 23, 2011 2:04 pm EDT
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And once more... in my case IFG/FNTC is RHC which makes this all more than interesting :). Theres so many other things... finally how many hotels etc.. f.e. are built illegally because of this 'system created' behind?

Sep 23, 2011 3:44 pm EDT
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I try to tell people how many of these clubs are circulated/created in the first place, but because the law is changing also to protect us better (at least thats the intention I quess) from these frauds, they try to legalize that business area more and more as well... make it look more legal at least :) - those who run the illegal business :). Theres an environment created to protect these 'scammers' instead us (scammed people) inside this holiday club business. Theres 'masks' (financial groups) created fot certain purposes... to make it possible to create money out of almost nothing...

Theres legal and illegal business...

And then theres a total bubble... bubbles :).

I was writing a report to police earlier, but because this whole thing was getting more complicated, I just wanted to understand it first myself :). So... IFG leads me to USA... and so on... and to financial crimes those financial groups do to us. So many people get in jail for those frauds so I do understand why all that protection...

Oct 14, 2011 12:34 pm EDT
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I must correct this last sentence in previous thread: so many people get in jail for those frauds so I do understand why all that protection... I believe theres only few people got in jail for those... but at the same time theres so much we havent discovered... so many financial frauds happening all the time...

Whats Wyndham got to do with all this? Wyndham probably started this holiday clyub system in the first place... was involved... or (?). But Wyndham allowes our rip-off anyway, so... I point to them as well... like to get to know all those 'protected secrets behind'.

Why we dont seem to have rights? Because theres so called legal structures to protect all illegacies.

  1. Royal Holiday Vacation Club Contacts

  2. Royal Holiday Vacation Club phone numbers
    +1 (800) 961-1810
    +1 (800) 961-1810
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    +1 (800) 962-6110
    +1 (800) 962-6110
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    +52 55 5350 2040
    +52 55 5350 2040
    Click up if you have successfully reached Royal Holiday Vacation Club by calling +52 55 5350 2040 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Royal Holiday Vacation Club by calling +52 55 5350 2040 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Royal Holiday Vacation Club by calling +52 55 5350 2040 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Royal Holiday Vacation Club by calling +52 55 5350 2040 phone number
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  3. Royal Holiday Vacation Club emails
  4. Royal Holiday Vacation Club address
    Av. Insurgentes Sur №1999 Pb, Guadalupe Inn, Ciudad de México, 01020, Mexico
  5. Royal Holiday Vacation Club social media
  6. Janet
    Checked and verified by Janet This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Sep 13, 2024
Royal Holiday Vacation Club Category
Royal Holiday Vacation Club is ranked 157 among 518 companies in the Travel and Vacations category