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America Star Books / Publish America

America Star Books / Publish America review: Awful company 71

Author of the review
12:20 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

In 2007 I contacted publish america with regard to publishing my poetry books. After looking one book over they sent me a 7 year contract that would automatically renew for another 7 years. I couldn't alter the contract to my specifications so I emaiiled them informing them that after the 1st 7 years the contract is to end. When proofreading got a hold of my book it took 2 months for them to proofread it. they said they weren't accepting any new manuscripts, but they sent the new manuscript that I sent them, back to me for proofreading; and of course they couldn't find the errors that I suggested. They then forwarded my book to another department and they sent me a copy of the cover which the name was spelled wrong. My voice is unique and they tried to proofread my book changing the name from Black As I Ever Was keeping' It real Rapoetry to Black As I ever was Keeping it real rapoetry. They said it was too late to change it and I said forget it. 2 months later December 2008 I get 2 final proofs of my book. I look it over and there are several formatting errors. They also changed some of the words in my poems which altered the meaning of my poems. I emailed one department after another and yet nobody is taking responsibility, they can't tell me whether they've actually received the Email or not, wouldn't tell me where corporate was, and they want me to order 50 copies of my book before they can make any changes. I said again, forget it. I plan on suing them for defamation of character and false advertising. They should be stopped immediately. They take aspiring writers and change and alter their works which is not in the contract. Then they want you to spend money on buying your own book from them, that is not correct.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Cabool, US
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Oct 01, 2009 8:08 pm EDT


David Sanguine
Orlando, US
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Jan 15, 2010 10:25 am EST


To whom it may concern:

My name is Harry Hubbard and PA has just published my book Screaming at the Top of my Mind.
ISBN#: [protected]. However, I never received a proof of the cover and several problems have been noticed. The Title and subtitle problems have been corrected, however there is no printing on the spine and on a bookshelf the book it shows as just a blank white strip.

I don't see how this can be marketed in a bookstore as most of their books are put on the shelf with only the spine exposed. My book is supposed to be able to be marketed in bookstores, yes?

I have sent several emails to Author Support and even put in an official request that the cover be corrected. This was on January 13th, and I have yet to hear from anyone regarding the matter.

I was sent a proposition that if I ordered at least 12 of my books ( I ordered 15) I would receive them at 50% off, which I did. Now, I have 15 books without spines and with the wrong cover on them. I can not market or sell them myself because of this error. Plus, I was to receive a copy of a book on self-marketing which I have not received.

I have requested that my order be refilled with the corrected copies. Still, I have not heard from anyone from PA.

I realize that PA is a POD publisher and I can not see why there is a problem with correcting these errors and doing the right thing in replacing my books, so I can market them.

Please, someone in charge, answer this plea.

Thank you,

Harry Hubbard, Jr.

After sending this email I got one back that said in essence that they would not fix the cover nor refill my order. I have an unmarketable book!

Jay Hagman
Appleton, US
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Feb 01, 2010 12:37 pm EST

Misery loves company, meaning I'm glad to see I am not the only one stiffed by Publish America. Everything was roses in the beginning, but once the contract was signed and I recieved a one dollar check, all contact ceased. I would send emails that were ignored, then called and talked to one of the rudest people I've ever spoken with. It's been nine months since the contract was signed, I think it's now safe to assume my book will never be published by Publish America...and I consider that a lucky break. Avoid them like the plague. Jay Hagman

Judy Hawkinson
Woodstown, US
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Mar 05, 2010 3:21 pm EST

Something more has to be done than just indiidual complaints. Any suggestions?

Kings new york, US
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Mar 12, 2010 2:04 pm EST

New to the field, to Judy Hawkinson I submitted my story as well. However I havn't sign the contract whats your advice for me.

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Mar 12, 2010 2:06 pm EST
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Publish America is not a traditional publisher. Do an online search for more information.

Mad Author
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Mar 30, 2010 5:16 pm EDT

Authors victimized by Publish America must UNITE!

Authors, if you’ve been victimized by Publish America and in addition to feeling violated, misled, cheated, bullied, ignored, taken for granted, exploited, and/or approached with extortion, and you feel powerless to right the wrong perpetrated against you, take heart. You are not alone!

Bullies are cowards who prey upon the unsuspecting, timid, and weak. They also operate in the dark. TOGETHER, WE will aggressively and unrelentingly take the fight to them. WE will expose them, individually and severally, very publicly and ultimately kick their ###! Refuse to be their victim! Become soldiers in the army against the Publish Americas victimization of yourself and aspiring authors everywhere!

Following is a step by step approach to unite victimized authors and to involve powerful agencies for their assistance and enforcement. Many of these agencies are already aware of Publish America, their rotten reputation, their negative press, and how they prey upon the unsuspecting. It is very important that you do everything outlined below and name the deceiving Publish America individuals that you dealt with. Follow up with each organization to your satisfaction. VERY IMPORTANT - copy/paste this letter to Publish America related blogs and websites all over the www.

1. Call, write, email, and fax Publish America daily, expressing your issues with them. They can be reached at: 111 E. Church Street - Frederick, MD 21705, P.O. Box 151 - Frederick, MD 21705, 4510 Metropolitan Court, Frederick - MD 21701, Phone - 301.695.1707, Fax - 301.874.4793, and emails -,,,,,,,,,,

2. File complaint with Maryland’s Attorney General Doug Ganzler at 410.576.6300.

3. File complaint with Maryland’s Senators Ben Cardin at 410.962.4436 and Barbara Mikulski at 410.962.4510.

4. File complaint with Maryland’s Congressman Roscoe Bartlett at 301.694.3030. Fax - 301.694.6674. Seek out Ashley Collier who will coordinate with the Frederick MD police, as well as with the local FBI.

5. File complaint with Maryland’s BBB at 410 347.3990

6. File complaint with Maryland’s Governor Martin O’Malley at

7. File complaint with Maryland’s Mayor Randy McClement at 301.694.1380.

8. File complaint with Maryland’s Assistant City Attorney Rachel Depo at 301.600.1391.

9. File complaint with Frederick, Maryland’s police Sergeant DeGrange at 301.600.211

10. File complaint with your own states Senator.

11. File complaint with Maryland’s Volunteer Lawyer Service at 800.510.0050

12. File complaint with Frederick County’s Bar Association vs. Publish Americas attorneys at 310.663.1139.

13. File complaint with Maryland’s local network television news crime tips, crime watchers, and investigative teams.

14. File complaint with Baltimore, MD FBI at They are aware of Publish America and want victims to post their stories and complaints on their site.

15. File complaint with the Maryland State Police at 301.600.4151.

16. File complaint with Maryland’s State Attorneys office at 301.600.1523, 301.600.2026, and 301.600.2993.

17. File complaint with the US Attorney General at 950 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC [protected]. 202.353.1555‎.

18. File complaint with the FBI at Federal Bureau of Investigation - J. Edgar Hoover Building -
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. [protected]. 202.324.3000.

19. File complaint with ISBN at 908.219.0274.

20. File complaint with Ingram Book Wholesalers at 800.937.8200 and 615.793.5000.

21. File complaint with Baker & Taylor Book Wholesalers at 800.775.1800 or 908.541.7000. Ask for publisher relations.

22. File complaint with Brodart Book Wholesalers at 570.326.2461. Ask for Jim Bobak in acquisitions or email Mindy Engel at

23. File complaint with

24. File complaint with at 734.477.1941 or 734.477.1100. Ask for someone in acquisitions, publisher relations, etc.

25. File complaint with the federal BBB at 202.393.8000.

26. File complaint with Maryland’s FBI at 410.265.8080.

27. File complaint with the Attorney general in your home state.

28. Put your thinking cap on and come up with additional ways to FIGHT Publish America. Share these ideas via blogs, newsletters, websites, etc

See. You are not powerless. It is critical, however, that you do all of the above, follow up with the agencies, and keep the heat turned up fully on Publish America and it’s complicit co conspirators. The might of our right will crush their wrong!

N. Francis
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May 28, 2010 5:54 pm EDT

I've been having many troubles with PublishAmerica as well since my book came out in May 2009. Like all authors, I believe in the potential for my book, but have been bamboozled by this company time and time again. I do wish I had waited for a reputable company, but as with first time authors, I let my enthusiasm for being published clud my judgment.
I've had all the abovementioned problems: mistakes in the text, failure to correct them appropriately or entirely, refusal to void my contract, and the latest: My book is unavailable to the public. Friends have been searching Amazon and B&N and ordering the book only to be told three weeks later that the book is unavailable and the order has to be canceled. The companies are obviously been told that the book is unavailable by PublishAmerica. I feel like I'm in the middle of some kind of nightmare with this company. Yes, we should keep up the fight. They are able to erode us one author at a time, but a talent is a gift and shouldn't be squandered by a company that has no regard for people and their time, and certainly have no ethics of their own. It is clear that Publish America makes its money by selling books to its authors; every day there's a new gimmick in my email. Oh, I forgot one thing: the offer around Christmas to buy five or ten books and they will ship the same number free of charge to your local bookstore never happened. I ordered the books, but they never sent the free ones to the bookstore. I contacted the department, they said they'd check. This is May. Still no word. I have not bought into their subsequent offers to send book to Oprah, or Grisham, or any one else because I know it's never going to happen. They are total scam artists. It's such a shame!

PublishAmerica Scam
Austin, US
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Jun 01, 2010 7:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

What boggles my mind is the fact that this page isn't filled with hundreds of agreeing statements of how has rendered unsellable most books, stolen royalties, published unedited manuscripts, and blatantly breached contracts to the extent that SOME law-firm SOMEWHERE wouldn't perk their ears and want to start a class action lawsuit.
I too was taken in by their scam and lost my book for 7 years. Their methods of false advertising are slick. The website makes promises of pie in the sky, but when you receive the "standard contract" it cleverly mentions nothing of the promises on their website.
My book was published with errors that their "editing department" injected, overpriced the book, and rendered unmarketable to the extent that no book store will stock it, and all on-line bookstores have dropped it from stock.
No professional book reviewer will TOUCH a book published by them. Get that?
You can't PAY someone to review your book if published by PublishAmerica.

The BBB of Maryland was useless. Their reply was that it was a business to business transaction.
The Atty General was useless, they referred me back to the BBB!
All I asked for was for them to lower the price of my book or cancel my contract.
If you are considering using them to publish - Don't.
You are better off buying a laser printer and printing it yourself!
PublishAmerica is a Scam.

About to Give Up
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Jun 06, 2010 1:44 pm EDT

Well, I published a children's book with them, received my author copy and nothing else. ordered 10 copies and never received them. I ordered them Oct. 21, 2009 and have yet to receive them. Every time I call they tell me they switched printing companies and that they are behind... This behind really? I don't think so, my sister in law ordered and received a few copies and I never have. Frustrating!

Rev. Richard Skaff
PV Peninsula, US
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Jun 10, 2010 4:05 pm EDT
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Publish America is the biggest scam in the publishing industry! This Publish on demand (POD) company has been misleading authors for years. They claim to be traditional publishers, which is a total LIE. This company has made bundles of money off new gullible authors by publishing their books and selling them back at discounted rates to the authors. They do no conduct any promotions or distributions, even if the authors facilitate it. The alleged promotions are paid for by the authors when they buy their own books. No one will actually ever know if these promotions have actually taken place. PA's representatives are only addressed by first name or anonymously as "Publish America support." It takes miracle for them to get back to you with the simplest question. Most book stores will not carry Publish America books, because they equate PA to any other self-publishing house or worse. It also takes over two months to receive a book after you order it from Publish America.
Their royalty statements are vague and inaccurate. You will never know how many books your book has sold, unless you hire a private investigator. They can basically do whatever they want. This is an unethical and integrity free company. You are better off being unpublished than being stuck with this alleged publisher. Review the innumerable complaints against this company on the internet. It is truly a publishing mill that will publish anything they receive. They actually have an electronic editor that will keep your book filled with mistakes. You better hire an editor before you approve your final transcript assuming that you will decide to go with this scandalous company. Ironically, their representatives are taught to defend their scams, and they pretend to have pride and ethics. Publish America is truly the biggest scam in publishing history! It's so big that many other scam artists have started their own POD publishing houses.
Beware! Research this publisher before you submit your transcript.

Colorado Springs, US
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Jun 23, 2010 10:03 am EDT
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I wish I would have read all this BEFORE signing my contract with Publish America in 2008. They seemed like a great company up front. Everything went smoothly and fast. Once my book was finished, I noticed a few errors. I was told I could make corrections by purchasing another 10 copies. Since I had a few book signings coming up I thought an extra 10 copies on hand wouldn't be a bad idea anyway. After I made my order and submitted my changes for future copies, they stopped answering my messages and e-mails. They claimed they never got the corrections, I never ordered my 10 copies and I should order more and that they couldn't get a hold of the dept that makes the corrections. They got me a few book signings but were supposed to follow up on at least 4 others and never did. I finally gave up but every time I see an e-mail from them I get a little angry. If I could pull my book from them I would. They may be cheap and fast but for anyone that is looking for a publishing company, RUN! Run far away from Publish America!

Kingston, US
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Jul 03, 2010 10:23 am EDT
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I am another new author who got scammed! I would like to start a class action suit against them and take them out of business so they can't crush people dreams again. Please contact me at with your contact info and hopefully we can get them shut down for good!

Cleveland, US
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Jul 12, 2010 9:13 am EDT

I am of course another crushed author. I finally got a response from them on some of my questions and they were the rudest people and most unprofessional people I have ever dealt with. I am with anyone who has a way to stop them and get our book rights back from them. my contact information is

PublishAmerica Scam
Austin, US
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Jul 20, 2010 7:04 pm EDT
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Sorry Ms. Dreyer, I wish you could have avoided the catastrophe most of us have suffered. Now they are going under some sub-company name to screw others through a new name:

"Independence Books"

Please get the word out that it is PublishAmerica and they are crooks. The best thing we can do is try to save others from falling into their pit of lies and deception and breech of contract policies.

The second thing you can do is... keep writing. Don't fall into a mode of depression and anger and spend a year or more trying to find an easy way out. A lawyer is your only solution. Breech of contract is easy to prove. Keep writing if you intend to be an author. I'm finishing books two and three and waiting for the clock to run out on book one of the series.

Word to the wise. If they know you are ticked, file grievances with BBB or Atty General of MD, they will do everything they can to hold your book hostage for the full 7 years. I know if instances where they republished an author's book under a different name and title after the contract expired. They are evil. Nothing as evil as PublishAmerica can last forever. Eventually they will go belly up.

Good luck to you!

O.A. Manno
Homewood, US
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Jul 31, 2010 2:23 pm EDT
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I was published by Publish America and over the years moved. In the process of moving I lost the contract with them. Recently after scouring my home for it and not finding it, I wrote them for a copy of the contract. They answered back stating they wanted $10.00 for a copy of the contract. It upset me to the point where I almost told them to shove it!
They are not what I would consider an A-One publishing company. I bought a book after I published titled, "The Fine Print of Self-Publishing." The author states that they are, "Publishers to avoid." I can see why from the complaints above too.

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Aug 08, 2010 3:01 pm EDT

Alessandra Gelmi's Whose afraid of red and Ring of fire are metaphors for a sexually transmitted disease she passed to numerous men throughout her life. Do not read these books and do not support this publisher.

Kem Anderson
Allston, US
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Aug 09, 2010 12:55 am EDT
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I've just recently been badly scammed by PublishAmerica (PA). The stories are the same throughout. PA''s modus operandi is to scam, defraud, cheat, exploit, mislead, lure their victims through false advertising and make life miserable to unsuspecting authors, especially first authors.

I've engaged the services of an intellectual property law counsel based in Baltimore, Maryland, who's suggested bringing a class action lawsuit against PublishAmerica. He's accordingly advised me to contact others who've similarly been scammed by PA and to ask them if they'd be interested in joining the lawsuit.

Thus I'm writing this message to ask all those who may be interested in such a lawsuit to contact me ASAP so that my attorney may begin the preliminary action against PA. Please e-mail me your name, e-mail and postal addresses, telephone number(s), etc.

PublishAmerica must be stopped from its persistently arrogant crimes.

Please e-mail your particulars to me at: You may also reach me by telephone at: [protected].

Thank you.

Dr. K. Asimpi

Cat Slave
Frederick, US
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Aug 30, 2010 6:05 pm EDT

PublishAmerica sells books through credit cards only. If you have a problem, file your complaint with your credit card company. They WILL investigate and if PA is found to be at fault, they can be fined by the credit card company. If enough complaints of a similar nature are filed against them, PA could lose its vendor status with the credit card company. The only way to strike back at PA is through their pocketbook.
Good luck. ~CatSlave~

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Aug 31, 2010 5:37 pm EDT
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Anyone contact the Federal Trade commission to file a complaint about PublishAmerica? Also if we have receipts to prove sales of books and statements from publishamerica that read Zero sold..Doesn't that easily prove that publishamerica broke their contract with author? Also say that a whole lot of authors file big fat one complaint against publishamerica through the court system and turn in all our receipts as part of the evidence...and the royalty statements that dont match the receipts (and we know it wont) THEN do we have a case? I realize some of us dont know who purchased our books but some of our friends have and we can get them to save and give us the receipts. I am going straight to the federal trade commission and bbb. It doesnt do any good going to publish america. They dont care and they will just ignore our emails. Its been proven time and time again. I changed my pen name and switched genre so I cant be recognized that I am associated with a business that has a horrifc and criminal like reputation.

Madison, US
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Sep 08, 2010 12:24 pm EDT

I agree with all of you. I was very disappointed in the work that Publishamerica did to my book. I am so ashamed of my book I don't even tell people how they can buy it. Publishamerica send me all kind of emails on how to purchase my own book, but when it comes time to file a complaint knowone is around to take it. When my book was getting ready to come out I told everyone my family, friends, and co workers that they can buy the book at all the major bookstores, because this is what publishamerica had told me. So when the book came out everyone was going to the bookstores to get my book, and to all of our surprise the book was not there. I contacted publishamerica, and after a week they got back to me, and told me I have to get my own book into the book stores and that was not on their website, or contract, you can imagine my embarrassment. I hate the day that I ever sent them my book.They are not the type of people you want to do business with. I have requested numerous of times to be let go from my contract, because I didn't write my book just to make publishamerica rich. Please anyone out there who is looking to publish a book, please look pass the one that will trick and scam you, I had to learn the hard way. I never got to have a book signing because publishamerica was charging to much for the shipping. One local bookstore told me that they were trying to find anther vendor to order the books from because publishamerica is a rip off. Every author dreams of having a book signing publishamerica crushed all of my dreams, and made me look like a liar to my friends, and family when they were the liars.

Toby Whaymand
Colchester, GB
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Sep 09, 2010 6:05 am EDT
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I had a fair bit of demand from my book from book in another country none of the stores were able to order my book. When I got home I tried to order my book from every book store that I can think of. None of these stores have been able to order my book. The problem is that even if they do find your book on the system (Which is unlikely) and place a back order. The order is never actually honoured because Publish America is having distribution problems which have been happening sense 2005. (Time of writing is 2010)

I do not know how things are outside of the UK but in England when I signed the contract Publish America told me that my book will be available to order from stores anywhere in the world. – This is not true and because they knew this at the time of signing the contract is not worth the paper it’s written on under English law.

Merced, US
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Sep 09, 2010 2:10 pm EDT
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I almost sent them my manuscript when an author on Facebook stopped me just in time. I've read all the information she gave me and I realized just how close I was to losing my book to them. This book is my baby and I refuse to let anyone hurt it in any way. Something should be done about these con artists! They can't just feed of of our dreams like leeches. Seriously, they need to be stopped.

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Sep 28, 2010 9:40 am EDT
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Darn lost my comment I just submittted. Hope this s not a repeat but I will do it again for the good of all aspiring writers.

I love to write and can't seem to get enough. My head is constantly spinning with ideas even after I jot one down another one pops up. Yet when I start thinking about Publishamerica and I get steamed. Toot Toot!

I have similar stories. One is about the embarrasssing moment I told my family and friends to buy my book at major bookstores and ten BAM no book available on the shelves. My book also had been changed, the text. Its a childrens rhyming book. They changed some of the words and no longer rhymes. Threw off the rhythm completely. Now I dont want anyone to order it.

Have a tip for all of you:
Do a search for your book. Delete any mention or request it to be deleted. Delete any mention of your book on any personal webpages or sites. Ignore their emails. Tell everyone your book sucks or something so they dont order it or pretend it dont exist and you are just starting out. The only thing you wont be able to do is keep Publishamerica from placing your book in search engines. Its okay because their efforts to create links on search engines is the bare bare bare minimum.

After a year of no activity of my book Publishamerica offered my contract back on their own O.R.

I'm not saying that is because of my zero efforts to talk about my book or they grew a conscious.

Why should I help them help themselves?!

They knew they sold my book and gave me no royalties on it except in the beginning of my contract. I have had friends and family call me out of the blue telling me they bought my book or a friend did. I even had a friend from Alaska that told me they walked into a book store (not looking for anything in particular) and bam my book was right in front of them. I waited to get a check and got a big fat zero. I am gathering receipts from family members and friends to prove their break in contract.

Ammon, US
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Oct 18, 2010 5:33 pm EDT
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I want to get involved in a case against Publish America can you help me?

Don Davidson
Bedford, US
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Oct 26, 2010 4:39 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

PublishAmerica (PA) is a scam. They pretend to be a commercial publisher, but the company's business model is to sell books to its own authors, not to the general public. The lack of distribution, marketing, and publicity means the author is on his own in trying to sell books, and PA's ridiculous prices, poor quality, and bad reputation hamstring the author's efforts to do so. My own story of my experience with PA is on the PublishAmerica page of my web site, I have included copies of actual documents, including many emails from PA, so you don't simply have to take my word that they are a scam. Read it for yourself.

Lansing, US
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Nov 09, 2010 10:03 pm EST

Count me in on the class action suit when it happens

Hillsboro, US
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Nov 18, 2010 1:06 am EST

This company had 14 of my books for 2 years and claimed I sold 0 amount. I know I sold many. I did not receive even one royalty check from them and they are still selling my books.

North Tazewell, US
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Nov 22, 2010 2:48 pm EST

I was just getting ready to publish a book through them because I have a friend in my area who sold one through them. She said she loved them, the only thing is she only made 9% off of the book sells. So if her book sold for 15.00$ she only got a dollar maybe?
I want someone that will truly consider my book, and not charge me and arm and leg and diffiantly not rip me off... Does anyone have any suggestions? My book is almost ready for publishing. I am just wanting to make sure I am not getting scamed. Thankfully they haven't called me back. I am not sure I want to settle for 9%. When they are getting the other 81%

Don Davidson
Bedford, US
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Nov 22, 2010 7:00 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You do not want to publish through PublishAmerica. If you are looking for a publisher, go to the library or the book store, find books similar to yours, and then note the publisher(s). You can also check out Preditors and Editors. It's a web site that has a lot of information on publishers, good and bad. And try's a lot of information there by and for writers (many of whom have been published).

Chester, US
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Dec 21, 2010 2:55 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I, too, am a victim of their lies. They published my book in March of 2009. After sending me an email stating they had sold ZERO books, after my first six months, I complained. It was only then that I received a check from them for $170. I have not seen a check since. We need to compile a list of us that are experiencing this rip-off, pool our monies together, and take legal action. Please feel free to contact me

Don Davidson
Bedford, US
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Dec 21, 2010 4:41 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Was that check really for $170.00, or merely $1.70. If you really got a check for $170.00, consider yourself unbelievably fortunate--unless of course that was for books you bought yourself. As for legal action, I considered that once, but it is not without difficulties, including: (1) the arbitration clause in your contract with PublishAmerica, which requires that any dispute be taken to arbitration rather than to court; and (2) any lawsuit, even a class action, is likely to be costly, because lawyers are unlikely to take a case like that on a contingency fee basis. I decided not to throw good money after bad.

Janet Bond
Decatur, US
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Jan 08, 2011 3:53 am EST

I hae been a victim of publishamerica I wrote the book janet's silent prayers which is my own life story. they have not send me one dime and my book is selling. They got somebody else picture on my book. They did not correct my writing in it. I ask them to take my book off their site they told me they would not. I have been sheaching for a lawyer for a while now. I am very upset with these people because it seem like they stolen somthing from me. My book have been republish on another site with my picture on it. My name is janet Bond what can I do abut this.

Chester, US
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Jan 08, 2011 10:23 am EST
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A lawyer in Baltimore is formulating a case against them and is excited about it. It won't hurt to call him. Since they are probably monitoring this blog, contact me via email for the details. We're going to stop this. It's illegal.

D L Murphy
Fort Wayne, US
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Jan 25, 2011 4:25 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I too, am one of the tens of thousands of people ripped off of their work of writing a book. It took me a long time to write my book only to have it stolen by Publish America. "We are a traditional publishing firm" was their selling pitch. There is nothing traditional about them. You have to do your own proof reading and even then they won't make the necessary corrections; besides they only give you 48 hours to complete the proof reading. "You won't have to spend one penny out of your own pocket"; another of their famous quotes except if you want your book sold; you HAVE to buy it and resale it yourself. My book started out selling at $29.95 plus $8.95 s&h. It's not worth $4.95. The paper is cheap there are thousands of mistakes and it looks like they printed it in someone's garage.I signed my contract in March of 2009 thanks to family and friends I sold 15 copies of my book; but according to their records not one of my books has been sold . I sent them copies of the receipts showing the sales and have never received an answer from them. I don't have the money to hire an attorney to fight them so this is my only recourse is to try and save some one the heartache that I have been put through. It seems to me if they aren't making any money off my book they would be willing to nullify my contract and return my book to me. I receive at least five e-mails a week wanting me to purchase so many books for another one of their scams. At least I'm smart enough not to have fallen for this. If I had been told they were a POD (publish on demand) publisher; I would never have signed the contract. And as I have notified them several times; I never even received my $1.00 signing check. If I had the money I would find an attorney to take on a class action suit for all the authors who have been ripped off and sue them out of business. I have been smart enough to save every e-mail they have sent me. At this point I don't want money from them; I just want them to nullify the contract and release my book back to me.

Kathryn Radeff
Buffalo, US
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Feb 16, 2011 6:41 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It is appalling that Publish America is allowed to remain in business. I have experienced many of the same situations as noted above by other authors, and filed numerous compliants with several state agencies and government officials about this company that continues to cheat authors. I would very much like to join a class-action lawsuit. Please contact me at
Kathryn Radeff

Chester, US
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Feb 17, 2011 12:24 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Kathryn, please contact Jan Berlage, attorney at law at the following number. He is formulating a couple of lawsuits.

Sarnia, CA
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Feb 26, 2011 8:36 pm EST

Class action Law Suit is taking place against Publish America. If you are a victim of Publish America and their scam contact [protected] they are very interested in helping the Authors of this crime that has taken place against them. Attorney Jan Berlage will be handling this case. Don't hesitate the sooner the better.

Bryson City, US
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Mar 04, 2011 1:42 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please read my article regarding prosecuting Publish America and/or any other fraudulant publisher. The article contains all the necessary contact information for filing formal complaints against their company and any other company in regards to Falsifying Documentation. In the article you will find the contact information for the Department of Justice, the IRS and the BBB. Please make sure that you have all evidence of their wrongdoing ready to submit to the

W. K. Hayes

Bryson City, US
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Mar 04, 2011 1:55 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If you have receipts showing that you did indeed sell your books through Publish America and have received a royalty statements saying that you have had no sales, please read my article as it contains the information for prosectuing Publish America and other publishers for Falsifying Documantation which is a criminal offence. You can find the following information in my artcile for prosecuting them.

W. K. Hayes

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America Star Books / Publish America is ranked 143 among 175 companies in the Books and Magazines category

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Scam and cheating
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