Back in those days, customers rarely had a voice when it came to expressing their opinion about companies. In fact, the most anyone could do was complain to their friend (about that dishonest salesperson, or that shady promotion, or ... ), and only get a sympathetic nod and a few “that’s so unfair’s” in response.
But not anymore! ComplaintsBoard was born out of a need to identify and call out unscrupulous businesses. From airline companies refusing to refund money, to getting ripped off by an auto mechanic, to internet companies leaving consumers on hold for five hours, and thousands of other cases, we’ve seen it all — and we’re here to fix it.
We like to think of ourselves as a virtual conference room where constructive conversations happen between companies and customers. It’s a two-way street: consumers can voice their concerns and issues, and companies can work on identifying and fixing the biggest problems in their business. We care about both parties and do our best to ensure that a mutual solution is reached.
We’re one of the oldest complaint websites on the Internet with over 19 years of experience. We pride ourselves on using our wealth of information to help bring justice for customers and to present a better understanding of common problems for companies.
Our strict code of ethics means that we don’t take sides — we’re simply the mediators who want the best possible outcome for both parties. We are always true to our principles of honesty and fairness and sincerely want to help everyone.
The ComplaintsBoard website is built on thousands of honest and unbiased complaints from regular customers. Our team works around the clock to make sure that all reviews are genuine and verified. When a review gets submitted to ComplaintsBoard, we start by connecting reviews to verified purchases. From there, we cross-check each review with sophisticated anti-fraud processes to make sure that it is eligible, and only then will it be posted onto our website. Companies cannot get rid of reviews that are posed to ComplaintsBoard. The only action they can take is to reply to the review and work out a solution from there.
It only takes easy steps to lodge a complaint on our website. All you have to do is enter the name of the company, what they did wrong, and a photo or video if you’d like to add proof. Our website is minimalistic and contains only the most essential functions, making it easy to navigate. Likewise, complaints are automatically filed under a company’s page so that customers can easily see if a company has multiple complaints.
The ComplaintsBoard team is made up of regular people who are enthusiastic, versatile, and hardworking professionals. We’ve all faced a similar situation in our lives that made us want to stand up for consumers and expose unethical businesses — which is why we’re so passionate about our work.
We constantly strive to innovate, apply new concepts, and work towards a common goal. We are not truly satisfied until we know that both our customers and businesses are satisfied.
Regular consumers can quickly check a business’ profile before they decide whether or not they want to deal with them. Likewise, customers who have been in a similar situation can add their experience in the comments. Ultimately, consumers can come together and take a stand against unscrupulous businesses.
Millions of people around the world trust ComplaintsBoard for their consumer needs, which makes us one of the leading complaint resolution platforms on the Internet. We strive to always do our best and to bring justice to customers around the world — one complaint at a time!
Our team of cyber security specialists work hard to protect your data and anonymity. Every user of our site requires a unique username and password to enter their account.
If you want to lodge a complaint, please use this form
To claim your business profile use this form