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American InterContinental University [AIU]

American InterContinental University [AIU] review: fraud 47

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6:53 am EDT
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I completed my Associates degree at AIU online. When I enrolled, I was asked to fill out all types of paperwork as usual and for a financial aid status. Financial aid told me ( I cannot recall names) via e-mail and over the telephone that I was eligible but they could only inform me after all paperwork was
filed. I could not start class without it and I was pressured into submitting all signed agreements and loans in order to join the class. I was eager to start and not miss my window of opportunity. The impression that I got was that I was eligible for financial aid. After finishing my associates in AIU, we immediately began the bachelor degree program. I was told that if I did not wait and enrolled quickly, I would get a grant for $1, 000 which later became $500. Also, the double bachelor’s degree later became a concentration instead. I was doing great the first couple of semesters but then financial aid became to harass me about missing info. on my paperwork that reflected on my w-2s. This was about a $1, 500 additional income that we claimed. No one could explain to me where and how they came up with this. It was not on any of my files, I sent all my tax papers and I even consulted with my accountant about this. Nothing ever appeared. After several weeks of AIU calling and uncomfortable customer service representatives non stop, house calls late nights, work and cell phone, they decided to lock my classroom until I can provide this. After several more weeks I had fell behind and lost valuable time, I could to catch up. Later, AIU started requesting for me to pay $1, 500 dollars or they would send me to collections. This was already too much to handle, I was frustrated and disappointed and unbelievably shocked at the behavior of a higher education establishment structured so poorly. They harass me enough that I had to take out a loan to pay this off before they ruin my credit. I am still debating my status with Sallie Mae.

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Jul 11, 2008 9:55 am EDT

Congratulations on your AA degree.

You said they had you fill out the financial aid before you started class? And you did. Good job.

If they had allowed you to start classes without those documents, then you would have had to pay the school back all of the money for it, which costs alot, since college isn't free in America. Then, you would have been complaining about how they "made you take classes, and then told me my financial aid was not complete and I owe them 4k!"

That should take care of the second issue too. You need to communicate with a school, follow up, and make SURE that the documentation is correct or it is YOUR fault. They provide a service, you pay for it. simple stuff. Believe me, I know. I am 45k in debt with a school I will not mention, because looking back, I could have prevented it. But I have a degree, and a great job now.

What are you going to do with your degree?

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Aug 01, 2008 7:37 pm EDT

i was told yesterday by my old school councilor to look in to it and i did to find out that im being scammed also isnt there a thing were all of could get together and protest or something or atleast warn fellow people about the scam?

Mohammad younis
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Jan 24, 2020 1:43 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of stephanie

Dear, how could remove my complaint?

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Oct 11, 2008 7:01 pm EDT

I have not started yet, but I dont want to be a victim of fraud either. I just wanted to see if A I U was an accredited online college and now I know that I cant trust every thing that flashes before your eyes. To those of you with complaints thank you for posting them I will look else where for schooling to further my education. And I am sorry for your stroke of bad luck with A I U .

Mohammad younis
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Jan 24, 2020 2:16 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jesse

Hi, how can i remove my posted complaint, comment please reply me thanks

Colonial Heights, US
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Feb 20, 2009 9:15 am EST

I do not this AIUONLINE is a bad school at all, I did my BA IN Business managent from the school and after that I got my Master in Economics from Virginia State University. So basically Virginia State accept my bachelor degree in Business Management, the only this about aiuonline is that its very expensive just like any private for profit college. Now I am thinking to go for PHD in Finance. Also if you own any school we have to remember that they will send your information to collection agency or they will not graduate you including Havard or Duke.

Rantoul, US
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Apr 09, 2009 7:55 pm EDT

This AIU is a Scam. I attended was working for my BA in Bus management. When I was contacted about AIU I asked them if my military grants would be accepted. The "advisor" that I talked to told me that they would without a doubt since there office was in Hoffman Estates, IL ( My Veterns grants are only good in IL). I did the whole pony and dog show they ask you to do get admistered and was looking forward to completing my degree. Note: I lived in a small town with the nearest brick and mortar school was an hour one way drive time, and I worked 2nd shift in a factory. One thing the Advisor told me "If you ever need to drop out of class then you only owe what is on your account the day you drop out". Months went by and I was on top of my game submitting reports and getting A's across the board. Then I got the bills coming in I called the advisor that I had talked to and that gave me his contacts and I was transfered to someone else without even taking to the first guy. I explianed about the bills and told them that they needed to go to ISAC and they would get paid. I was then told that "Since AIU is actually in Buckheed, GA my grants are not valid". I told them this was not what I was told before registering and I was not expecting to pay them out of my pocket. After a little conferece call with finaical Aid they submitted me forms for Sallie Mae Fed loans and arranged to take my GI Bill money that I had about 600 left on. After that I agreed to make payments every month to catch myself up. After working a 7 days a week with no time off, getting home about 1 am and hitting the computer untill 3am I found myself 4 pages shy of a full report that needed to be turned in, I figured if I turned something in and get some points that would be better then no points. So I submitted a report of 3 pages that was suppose to be 7 pages and the stucture was complete shambles clearly due a grade of D if not an F. The next night I got on and to my suprise what was my grade buy 100/100. This is when AIU started smelling funny. Then I got laid off of my job and the world started crashing. I got farther behind and final gave up on my dreams of finishing my Degree. I called the advisors to see if I can get any help or asstiants because I was not ready to die yet, but all they could say was they needed 1000 dollars today or I was done. I asked them how much do I exactly owed and they said 2000 dollars. I told them that I would just drop out today and get in contact with whoever so I can make aggrangements to pay the 2000 and be done. After roughly a month I got a call from AIU wanting payment I told them I needed to set up payments and I was told that they needed 1000 dollars to set up payments, I told that guy if I had $1000 to set up payments I would not needed to drop out of class. He told me that is all they could do for me and said he would send the info. 4 months later I recieved in the mail a bill from AIU stating I owe them $6, 900. They had charged me the rest of the classes that I had not taken. After trying to get this straighting and realizing I had been scammed things quited down. I got nothing from AIU and they justed seemed to fade away until this morning 3 yrs later. I went and applied for a VA home loan and was turned down due to a recent logged creditor stating I owe them $6, 900 to AIU.

For those that stand by AIU say they are a good school, I wonder if you don't just work for them and are out there trying to keep the scam hidden.

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Jul 12, 2009 4:12 pm EDT

"because I was not ready to die yet".. You're not exactly mentally stable are you? Perhaps if you'd paid clear attention, got everything confirmed in writing you'd be fine. And why would you assume that a debt would just "fade away"? Its that kind of thinking that has helped bring the US Economy to its knees.

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Jan 27, 2018 7:54 am EST
Replying to comment of DougTheBug

I know you replied many years ago, but let me inform you, AIU is a Scam! You can turn in a crayon drawing of a dog in place of a term paper and get an "A". Not sure why this school is still allowed to operate.

Robin Cornell
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Jun 19, 2019 1:51 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Aiuscam

AIU is a fraud and a scam. Their degrees are worthless pieces of paper. The school has a bad reputation and is always being sued or investigated. Employers know this and that's why their degrees are garbarge.

afterschool dad
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Aug 26, 2009 8:51 pm EDT

I believe I might be their next victim. Two months ago I had enrolled at AIU. I paid my 50 bucks to have them review my acceptance letter. To my suprise I had been accepted the very next day. I was then informed that I had never registered with the selective service. This would hinder my chance of getting federal grant money. After downloading and completeing the proper forms to the selective service, I received a paper telling me that this is a normal occurence and we were moving forward. I was then contacted by AIU's financial aide, telling me that I was approved for 9, 800 in government grants. After completing my first two assignments(which can be tough for a single father of three) I waited to see what my grade was. To my suprise again, I could not log into my classroom. After talking with my advisor, she did not know why this happened. I was transferrred to financial aide and they told me that I had to write another letter(which had an AIU letterhead) to the board of education. Student aide then told me that I wasn't granted any money and they didn't know why anyone would tell me that. In the mean time I had to start over and redo the same exact assignment with a different instructor, the next month. Now they are telling me that this last letter I wrote to the board was not accepted and I'm supposed to write another letter to these people. With all this going on, AIU does not hesitate calling me late at night to remind me to " not give up". I haven't received any bills yet but I think I need to maybe "call my lawyer"

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Sep 02, 2009 7:26 am EDT

AIU sucks period. And for those of you who are siding with AIU I bet you guys are the ones working for them. Nothing I read from people who actually went to that school says AIU is good and the ones who say something else, well... let just say you guys need psychological help if you actually believe AIU is a good school and NOT a fraud. I would know AIU is a fraud cause I went to that school and they told me the samething how I needed a loan from ''Sallie Mae'' in order to go to that school. Since I couldn't financially afford cause AIU is too damn expensive they made me take out a loan from Sallie Mae and when I was going to that school in weston FL. They weren't even letting me use my loan for my classes they said how I needed to wait for whatever reason so I went to school for 4months there then quit. And now I'm stuck with Sallie Mae who call day in and day out Thankyou AIU for the best college of experience of my life!... NOT.

Philadelphia, US
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Oct 23, 2009 8:38 am EDT

This school is absolutely a joke. I received my AABA from AIU (or atleast I think I did as I graduated over 3 months ago and they still haven't sent it) with a 4.0 GPA while on academic overload. I am currently in the BBA program now still with a 4.0 GPA and am graduating in May. The problem is that, once you start at this school, you are almost forced to complete your BBA since there are so few schools that would accept an AABA from there. Penn State, Villanova, Drexel, LaSalle, none of them would. Why do you ask? Well because AIU has repeatedly been involved in charges on setting enrollment quotas that allow for sub-standard applicants to gain easy admission. More than 1/2 of the people I have had in my classes could not formulate a sentence. I have read these discussion board postings from other students that clearly demonstrate how many do not even understand English. It's amazing. I have been in 'team projects' with students that tell me they are straight A students as well and they can't even produce a clear thought about the subject matter. I had one class where the professor provided me with the same feedback 2 weeks in a row that I needed to '...provide more examples for section 2...' So..., on the 3d week assignment I submitted a 15 page paper (it was supposed to only be 3-4 pages) with 7 examples for 'section 2'. I received the same feedback. Each time getting a grade equivelant to a 95. I contacted the school obmundson office to notify them and they did nothing. On a later class, I had already wrapped up at least a B for the class so I submitted a personal document 'by accident' to see what would happen. And guess what? I got a perfect A on that 'paper' with feedback saying 'Great job again! Pleasure to have in class' Don't be like me. Save your money. Go elsewhere. Don't get caught up and feel stuck like I am. The 'school' is so expensive that I've already used up my load and grant money to go there so I couldn't start over from scratch somewhere if I wanted to. I just have to roll the dice and hope that my degrees (when I get them that is) are worth something to some employer. Good luck.

Waynesville, US
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Jan 17, 2010 9:48 am EST

I actually attend AIU online, I can say that they are a $$$$ University, but I can say that for one you will have a double BBA degree which is great due to having a choice to apply for several job posted positions, as well as completing courses every five weeks, one thing that I can say as a Student that you will not have you class books afterwards but you will be able to find employment! These programs that AIU offers are for those who already have the experience in the working field! So you can't expect to earn a BS in Criminal justice and jump out into the Homicide lane...this degree are for those who already work in the career area! don't get me wrong now I know if a school offer a program anyone should do well with finding a job... but keep in mind when you sign student loan aggreements the promissory note states" dont take a degree program JUST BECAUSE THE SCHOOL OFFER THE PROGRAM! do research please do... always get a degree that you can Apply to five places or more at a time instead of one Company... I thought about how much AIU charges for there programs but hey ... u graduate within 13 mths with a BBA... than attending other online schools that offes classes every 10 weeks than AIU every five weeks... you do the math... As a working adult who wants more money ASAP to provide for his or her family does'nt have time to be enrolled in a online university that will take you four yrs to earn a BBA degree comparied to AIU you will have your degree in 2-3yrs! I live Missouri with a spouse who is ill and will be getting out of the Army... as a wife who has a Medical/dental Assistant diploma can't take care of a house hold with earning$ 13.00 a hr..(my whole life) I want to still live up to our means as It was before as when he was in the army so AIU will work for me due to needing a degree ASAP to support my family as needed I will have my AAS in Business MAy 2010 and will have 10 classes left to earn a BBA degree... thank about what your needs are than what another person will say about a university that will work for you! wake up its 2010 bills needs to be paid:)

I hope htis points out good information

Rindzelani G Tshimbane
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Jan 19, 2017 10:42 pm EST
Replying to comment of Hunee

thanks, iam inspierd as iam about to mke payment next week.

Lanita Borman
Evanston, US
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Apr 09, 2010 7:32 pm EDT

I called AIU Online to get info about achieving my degree. I have completed two years of education at Columbia College in Chicago. When I called, I just wanted information. I am a shopper by nature, and a single parent and have to consider cost. I have a daughter in school now and am currently paying tuition for her.

When I talked to the Admissions Advisor, it wasn't a conversation, it was hard selling. I have worked in sales before and never liked using unethical practices to close a sale. I explained to the Salesperson that I just wanted information and he started to berate me and use fear tactics to get me to enroll. Well I did enroll. OH how I regret it!

I have undergone major surgery and am needing to have another surgery soon. When I requested to withdraw, until after my surgery, I was told that they would delay my enrollment by a month. I told them that I don't want to start and have to stop due to health reasons and then have to go through filing forbearances and extensions, and the like. I want to wait until I get a clean bill of health! The Advisor told me that life will always be difficult and that should not let illness stop me. People its cancer! How dare they make me feel guilty for putting my health first!

It took 15 minutes to get me enrolled. I have requested to be withdrawn five times in a course of 4 weeks. I still have not been withdrawn. It is because they see how much money they will be missing. I have been granted a considerable amount of financial aid and they tell me that it is for my own good to stay enrolled. When I spoke with a DOA she did the same song and dance as the Admissions Advisor. It is obvious to me that they don't care about the people. They will do and say anything to close the sale.

I have been a Hyundai owner for 12 years. I have bought 3 Hyundais, because they have been good to me. The point I want to make here is...I will never know how great an institution AIU Online is because once I am ready to complete my education, and i will complete it, it won't be there! That's a shame!

Portland, US
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May 31, 2010 4:16 pm EDT

What is with all of you idiots who complain about how bad AIU was. All I can say is look in the mirror and hold yourself accountable. School is not free it is an investment in yourself! No one will hold your hand and make sure you do your work. They will show you how to use your resources... you can bring a horse to water but can not make it drink... WAKE UP AMERICA! Look into what goes into a regional accrediation. AIU is no scam because they are accredited by the Higher Learning Commision... no joke. Look into it geniuses! I am sure you would intensively look into buying a big shinny new truck but you would never bother to look into the education you are getting... because you see it as a right and not a privilege... YOU ARE WRONG! SURPRISE! NO ONE WILL DO IT FOR YOU!



Ms. Kirby
Clinton, US
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Jun 17, 2010 11:11 pm EDT

As a student of AIU who will be finishing my AABA in 2 months I will say that it is not a scam. First of all AIU is accredited... Second a school can not force these loans on you. You have to sign documentation for all of the funding. Of cource it is typically more expensive because like everything else in this world...u pay for the convenience of utilizing an at home university and for receiving your degree in such a short time frame. Remember as well that it is our responsibility as adults to make informed decisions. Do your research and when considering all of the facts decide if an online degree is right from you. As a country that has gotten away from being accountable for our actions it shames me to see so many people making decisions that are not the right ones for their situation and then blaming others. And for those that dropped out and think that they are not accountable for the loans that they have received and for the portion of the semister that they were enrolled... know that this is the standard with any college. ... No I do not work for AIU...and yes i will gladly pay the cost for an education that will allow me to advance in my chosen career field...

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Jun 19, 2010 7:01 pm EDT

WoW is all I can say. But Seriously the economy is [censor] because of the infamous Black President we had to have to make a point of no racism in the US. Well the only point he has made is that he wants uneducated and ignorant people to learn to spell by offering grants for college and all these options to go back to school which in turn hurts the people who should be in college. So for the people who had great jobs that were affected by this ignorant president this is for us. We wouldn't need further education if we weren't so worried about helping the worthless. And for the worthless, try to learn how to spell before you sign up for college just to get your free grant money! And FYI i am Not Racist i am just proud to be white and raised with morals and ambitions.

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Jul 09, 2010 12:50 am EDT

To Blue_Ra,

Wow is all I can say about your comment. It was full of grammatical errors and made no sense. Not to mention it had nothing to do with the original post. Your comment should be removed as it does not pertain to the discussion. Additionally, it is completely absurd.

I really won't waste much time with a rebuttal because it's obvious you can't read and you don't watch the news. But how can you say President Obama caused this recession? Where were you in late 2006 and early 2007 when the recession started? Actually, it started prior to that but it takes the talking heads a long time before they catch up to "officially" call something a recession. Anyway, in case you were still under your rock in 2006 and 2007...that was under Mr Bush's watch. When Bush left office the Dow was at 7, 700, it's lowest point in roughly 10 years. The Dow is now up over 10, 000 in the time Obama has been in office.

And I'm really not going to go into a million other things I could discuss. I figure the stock market indicators should be easy enough that even someone of your intelligence (assuming you have any) can understand.

I still have my $95, 000/year job after Obama took office. So I'm not sure how Obama made you lose your "great job". Also, my job used to pay $135, 000 until Bush got his hands on it. Everyone has suffered under Bush's recession. Some more than others. I did not lose my great job. But I took a drastic pay cut.

Anyway, you can go back and crawl under that rock you came out of now. I'm done wasting my time on you. And, by the way, you are racist. Your words can't convey much since you have very little grasp of language but they do convey your racism.

Amanda blck
McConnellsburg, US
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Jul 12, 2010 9:13 am EDT

"But Seriously the economy is [censor] because of the infamous Black President we had to have to make a point of no racism in the US"

Wow are you serious? Have you forgotten that when Bush took office gas was 1.49 a gallon? How the hell do you expect Obama to fix everything over night? GET OVER THE FACT THAT HE'S BLACK! And second of all I've currently in the process of enrolling in AIU and it seems like a normal online school to me..

Nashville, US
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Sep 21, 2010 12:15 pm EDT

No kidding, All this [redacted] on an accredited school is ridiculous. It sounds like the only ones that have had an issue with this school are the ones that:
1. previously or currently work there ( a bad work environment does not fulfill the requirements of a full blown scam).
2. students who started something that did not finish them.
---let me elaborate on this! When you are enrolling in a new school, most often, you will sign a Master Promisary Note from the loan company in order to cover the cost of tuition. With this, in this promisary note, it states that within 6 months of not being enrolled in the school, you are required to begin making payments.
Just because you do not finish..doesnt meant that you dont have to pay! You have a small grace period, then you have to start paying on school loans...its the name of the game! Starting a school 1 week and failing to have the motivation to succeed and dropping out with in 2 months, for most schools means that you have to still pay for the hefty portion of the learning cirriculum in which you signed up for!

Do your self a favor, everyone! Finish something and it will pay off, if you just drop things as soon as you start them, of course they are not going to pay off. They are called investments! Time, money, sweat, tears!

If anything, I know that I got a degree, I landed a great job in the great city of Nashville TN, I am gaining the wonderful experience that will take me further than any degree would-alone! Sucess story-brewed!

Let me tell you, I recently graduated from Austin Peay State University. online with a masters in human resources/ business management. They had no problem accepting ALL of my credits from my bachelors at AIU. I landed the job of my dreams! No one had any questions or qualms with " scams" or "rip-offs" based on random and angry individuals who do not know the process of going to college.

Fort MOrgan, US
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Oct 26, 2010 11:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I graduate Dec. 12 of this year. I have no complaints about the education I am receiving. I have no complaints about instructors or my accounts. My complaints stem from the school saying they are releasing money on this day and do it when they feel like it.

For all former students and current students I do have this worry. How are you graduates and most of you can't put a simple sentence together. Grammar and spelling and complete thoughts are supposed to be expressed in words and full sentences that others can read. If I am attending a school for idiots, that is what it is. I know I put 100% into my course work and hope I deserve the grade I receive. For the rest of you, there is no excuse. Use resources at the library to get on top of you game.

Another thing, I am a widow with 5 kids to care for. I know the economy is crap right now but you can buy a netbook for $130 and still do course work. McDonalds has a wifi spot as do a few other places (jack it from your wireless neighbor) there is no excuse to not turning in assignments.

As for Obama screwing the American population, that was Bush and you [censored]es that gave him 4 more years.

I give AIU a thumbs up like the buddy Christ. I intended to finish my education with them.

Detroit, US
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Nov 04, 2010 4:37 pm EDT

I will be graduating soon from AIU and have no *real* complaints about my experience there. I, like the poster before me, have had some financial aid issues regarding the release of funds, but they do always eventually come through.
As for the coursework, just like in any college environment, you have good profs and bad ones. Generally my professors have read every assignment and given constructive comments after grading. I take great pride in my work, so I spend time and effort on my assignments. This has allowed me to graduate magna cum laude (darnit trig! lol). I have heard stories about people being ushered through Associate’s program without putting in the effort, and when I first began my education there, I did see a few people who were obviously not pulling their weight. However, as I got into the 300+ courses, those folks dropped off. Now I'm with a good group of people who are competent and submit work that reflects serious research and effort. I should probably mention that I did the first half of my undergrad at a big 10 school, so this hasn’t been my first foray into college.
So all and all, I feel my education there has been valuable and I have become gainfully employed because of it. I will begin my Master's degree next year, but not with AIU for reasons that have nothing to do with my experience there. If I had to give cons about AIU, I would say it’s terribly expensive if you start out with no transfer credits. It also requires a GREAT deal of discipline, so if you can’t complete projects in a timely manner without having to come to class three times a week to be reminded, don’t go here. I think this is where most of the people commenting have trouble, and they are blaming AIU for it. This is an educational institution geared toward working adults who understand time management and the value of a college degree. If you aren’t that person, consider going somewhere else. (I don’t now, nor have I ever, worked for AIU.)

Fleming Island, US
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Nov 29, 2010 2:54 am EST

There are so many posts here I wasn't sure whether to agree or disagree, being uncertain as to what I would be agreeing or disagreeing to, just so I just left it neutral.
I will begin with quoting some issues posted here and supplying a rebuttal.
“AIU has repeatedly been involved in charges on setting enrollment quotas that allow for sub-standard applicants to gain easy admission. More than 1/2 of the people I have had in my classes could not formulate a sentence” (Truth714).
First of all, most of these so-called, ‘sub-standard’ students that you are referring to received their high school diploma’s in American public schools, so who’s fault is it that they aren’t able to read and write, and if they didn’t graduate in the States, perhaps English is a second language to them and therefore their English speaking skills wouldn’t be as honed as others, would they? Secondly, throughout the courses of AIU’s degree programs, students that are not up to par are weeded out.
“I had already wrapped up at least a B for the class so I submitted a personal document 'by accident' to see what would happen. And guess what? I got a perfect A on that 'paper' with feedback saying 'Great job again! Pleasure to have in class’” (Truth714).
This is hard to believe! Through my experience, most of the comments I have received from AIU professors have been individual (personal comments) discussing my work in detail, although I have noticed that sometimes the comments are the same from one week into the next. My first assumption was that perhaps the same comment slipped through, because it wasn’t erased or changed from the previous comment (perhaps this is a glitch in how the system works) but none have been computer generated comments. It sounds as if this particular professor you mentioned wasn’t paying attention to the comments going out, and if you had a concern you should have emailed the professor and gotten to the bottom of it then instead of risking an assignment as you did by sending in a personal document; how you ended up with an A on the paper makes no sense at all though and is beyond me, unless you are full of it. Additionally, if papers are graded according to how you are suggesting, than how do you explain the fact that not ALL students are on the Principal or Dean lists with straight A’s? I turned in a Db assignment for a Biology class that I knew wasn’t my best work, but, at that time, I was also going through two deaths within 2 weeks of each other (one was my Aunt and the other a very close friend of mine who dies of Lupus) and helping to prepare funeral arrangements. The point is, the 40 points I lost on the paper because I didn’t include enough information and received and “F” on the paper. I work hard for my ‘A’ grades and the ‘A’s don’t come as easily as you are trying to make everyone believe. What I would like to know from you is what the personal document was, what was the course and who was the professor? I have a hard time believing your story, but if it is true all I can say is that this type of behavior from AIU professor’s is highly unusual and I haven’t came across one in the year I’ve attended AIU.
In ending, let me explain about AIU’s credits. The reason they aren’t transferable to ALL other colleges is because AIU has a different (unique) study program than most other colleges and not because the credits aren’t worthy, or accredited. The same way that a degree in Psychology doesn’t transfer to a degree in Education or Finance, they are different degrees! You can’t peel an apple and expect to eat an orange. Any program of study works in this way no matter what school you attend, when you transfer out you have to find a school that offers the SAME program; otherwise, you have to take the courses according to the school you want to attend and according to the programs they offer.
Sorry this is so long, but I hope it helps those looking for an online college. I have had nothing but great experiences with AIU and their professor’s and I have no complaints concerning this educational experience with AIU. But I will suggest to those looking into joining any college, as said in previous posts, do your homework and don’t be pressured into joining a program or signing the papers for a loan that isn’t right for you!

Fleming Island, US
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Nov 29, 2010 3:08 am EST

By the way... I fully agree with angiesweetness’ comments; especially the comment towards those that start college, drop out and don’t finish and then are confused as to why they are being charged for an education they never received. All I can say is… Well, DUH! Do you expect someone else to pay for your education and finish college for you?
Also, to the comment, “As for Obama screwing the American population, that was Bush and you [censored]es that gave him 4 more years” (RancidAirFtMorgan), I say, “AMEN!”
One more thing; I am not nor have I EVER worked for AIU. I am a student and am tired of all of the AIU bashing going on by people that haven’t a clue as to the value of an education, or how to go about getting one, and the sad part of it all is that with AIU you don’t even have to get off the couch, yet you people just whine, [censor] and cry, and still aren’t able to do it!

Lake Cha, US
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Dec 19, 2010 5:44 am EST

As a current student at AIU I couldnt disagree more with the complaints about this school. Before I attended this school I read these complaints and was skeptic about enrolling as a active duty military member I needed an education but was unable to attend a brick and mortor school due to my busy work schedule and family time. I was contacted by the financial aid department and before they could sell me any information, I stopped and told them that I would be using my TA and GI Bill to pay for school. My admissions advisor did call me a few times but was never bothersome and I told her I want to do more research on the school before making my final descision. She respected that and as someone with sales experience I know all the tricks of the trade. I made sure they understood that I WILL NOT rush my descision. In the end I found that AIU was creditable. I started taking classes and all my credits transferred from my previous state school. I was able to finish where I left off. The classes are NOT easy and whoever says you will recieve an A for anything you turn in is a complete idiot. I can tell you that no grade there is easy you are taking accelerated courses and you have to study, read, and comprehend all the materials to fully get an A. This school is not for someone who just wants an easy education and fast degree you really have to put in time to study. I only had one class so far that I recieved all A's in and that was because I put in the time and effort to EARN that.
Now let me tell you guys something I understand the financial aid difficulties you experience but reality is even if you go to a brick and mortor school you will still deal with this. I know that frmo experience I am still paying back student loans from years ago that negatively affected my credit so no matter if its online or not you have to know what you are getting into. If you drop a class at a state university and drop out YOU WILL be responsible for paying that whole semester for that class. Simple as that. This is life people, I could understand if teenagers where writing these complaints from lack of understanding but for grown people to be complaining like this is awful and its sad to say that with that attitude you will not get far. Im glad I did my own research and decided to go to AIU instead of reading these complaint boards.
As for disgruntled ex employees I have never worked in a job where they did not have some employees complaining about there job and those are the ones who would like to do less work and sit and talk and gossip all day. Simple if you hated working there go find another job just be sure its a job that doesnt require you to work hard and lets you just get a paycheck.

Phoenix, US
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Jan 21, 2011 12:44 am EST

Aiu is a scam... They sucker you in by telling you what they think you want to hear. I attempted to further my education with them in early 2005. I was a single mom of 2kids and worked full time at the time I enrolled with them. I wasn't told exactly how much my pal grants covered I just was told I need to take a student loan out for about 4thousand dollars which I did it for like 3thousand. I just remember being told that I could work at my own pace and that I just had to sign in for 1 live class a week and then I could just sign into the online campus and watch the recorded sessions for the rest. I thought I could do that with no problem but I later found out that with time zone differences and the fact that I worked second shift, I was unable to make the 1 live class. I called and talked to an advisor, they told me no problem. Then about 2 months in I was told that I had to make it to 1 live class or I was going to be dropped for no showing up and I told them that I had talked to an advisor about the fact that I couldn't make it because of timezones and work. This person then told me that the advisor was wrong. So I dropped out. I figured that I shouldn't really owe to much but I was wrong. I felt they misrepresented themselves. I mean if you are told that its work at your own pace and that they would work with you on any issues. Then find out you can't keep going because you aren't able to sign in during that time they assigned.

Then the issue that I dropped out in April of 2005 and they didn't drop me until May2005. Then in 2006 I received a collection notice for over an thousand dollars. Well I paid it off and I found out in 2010, 2009 tax year that it wasn't for my student loans but for tuition. I have since called and requested an itemized list show where my pal grant and student loan money and haven't receive one. I feel that they shouldn't be able to charge for what you didn't use.

Chaos Izinski
Lake Hamilton, US
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Feb 16, 2011 10:47 pm EST

As a student at American Intercontinental University Online I am definately going to disagree with this complaint. I have taken three classes and am currently working on classes four and five and whoever told you that you could recieve and easy A at this school was dead wrong. Its an accelearated program and its much harder than actually going to an actual class room and having your materals right there in the form of text books where you can open them any time. You gotta put the time and the effort into it to study, do the assignments, and respond to discussion boards and you gotta make damn sure your simularity score is not too high. Plagirsm is not accepted at any school and if your caught doing that once intentionally while attending AIU Online your immediately kicked the heck out. Financial aid forms are the exact same with AIU Online as they are if you were to attend a regular institution and the cost is just about the same. More so the school is regionally accrediated so you know your going to one of the best schools in the world (since AIU was originally founded in Eroupe in 1970.) This complaint is dumb, stupid and just plain off the wall. [censored]!

Henderson, US
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Apr 04, 2011 9:37 pm EDT

AIU is a joke... not to mention a degree from them is worth as much as a pile of [censor] on a blank piece of paper. As for supporting facts, do your own homework... (/link removed/ search for AIU or American Intercontinental University )

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May 24, 2011 4:05 am EDT
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Plain and Simple online schools is not for everyone. No matter online or brick and mortar school ivy league or community college there are going to be complaints and most complaints come from people who were unable to complete what they started. Disgruntled employees, students who were unable to pay or get the grades they needed to graduate are the main complainers. I graduated from AIU and transferred there from a brick and mortar school I am glad to say all my credits transferred. What I loved about the classes were that the assignments were real world assignments preparing you for situations you will face in the workplace. Some of my instructors were stricter on grading more than others but thats any college online or not. I can tell you the satisfaction you will feel after completing your degree and the confidence you will have knowing you have aquired the skills to expand in your career is priceless. Now lets be realistic the last comment saying the degree is a pile of ### is a piece of ### there self. This is a degree from a regionally accreddited school. It is not the schools job to go on an interview for you or get the experience you need to qualify for a job. A degree is only part of what it takes to get a good job. Theres people graduating every semester from brick and mortar schools who can't find jobs after they graduate. It is on the person to take in all you learn, network, intern, and compete to get a job. Plain and simple. No matter where you get your degree from if it is regionally accredited it is official but not a guarantee that you will get a job.

Temera Matlock
New Madrid, US
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Jul 11, 2011 4:58 pm EDT

AIU is a total scam. They told me it would cost 10.00 to send my transcript to my new college and they took the money out of my account but never sent my transcripts. The lady's name was Eileen and when I emailed her she never emailed me back. I could the school several times and still can not get ahold of them.

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Jul 28, 2011 6:31 pm EDT

After working 25+ years in the Business field I decided to further my education. I researched several online colleges which provided Business Administration Degrees and decided on AIU. I previously attended a Tech school and credits were accepted for several of my required courses; along with submitting a letter to the Dean, completing an ELP and Clepping out I was able to graduate in 5 and 1/2 months.

I worked hard and have always pushed myself to accomplish what I set out to do and was pulling A's and one B, all was going well until my class. I submitted my first assignment and received an A had begun working on discussion board assignment when I received a call no one wants to receive, my younger brother had committed suicide. After pulling myself together I sent my instructor an e-mail and contacted group members in my group assignment for the next week not wanting to let them down and have them think I was not participating. I explained the situation and that would be out of town most of the week and would the group leader please send my portion of the assignment and I would complete it when I returned. I really didn't know if I would be sent an assignment because I was group leader in all of my other courses except for one, I also verified, edited, completed and submitted the final copies. I did have one class where only one other person submitted his portion of the assignment that was full of grammatical, spelling, factual and citing errors; then he disappeared leaving me to complete basically the whole assignment myself. Well back to my return from funeral; I found my portion of the assignment and struggled thru it due to my state of mind at that point and submitted it to group leader and checked to see if there were any other portions that needed to be completed by members who did not participate. She thought she had it all covered and I went on to do my discussion board assignment and try to catch up for the week. I could not concentrate and was really having a time with unanswered questions regarding my brother so I e-mailed my instructor and was actually told if the assignment was not in, I would be given an incomplete; "Do you think you would be able to put off assignments in the real world" were I believe her actual comments. I contacted my counselor and requested taking a leave for the rest of the course which was only about 2 weeks more. Leave was granted and I was scheduled to return at the start of the next class session.

When I returned to class I submitted the assignment I turned in from the first session and received a B which I felt was unfair since I researched, put a lot of work into and cited correctly. I believe I was informed there were too many citations; I used one citation per portion of my assignment as proof of my statements? I let that go and went on to finish my course and receive my AABA. I was so proud I graduated with Honors, I had worked hard and had folders of completed assignments and research to prove it, I also had two small children at home one who has special needs. It wasn't easy but I did it; I then waited to receive my degree after a couple of months I called and was informed it takes some time to get everything together and I should receive my degree in the next 30 days. I waited for 45 days and had not received my Degree or Transcripts so I called again and was informed I would have to pay them the $1000.00 I owed them before they would sent anything. I was unaware I owed them anything I had a Pell, Stafford Subsidized and Un- Subsidized Loans that paid everything. There was never any feasible explanation for the bill, but I set up payment s on it since I was told it would affect my credit if it was not paid; half way thru the payments my husband became un-employed and I could no longer make payments. Account was turned over for collection and I paid it off as soon as I could. I eventually received my degree but it cost and extra $1000.00, my credit and loans to pay for a degree that has been proven useless. As I understand it AIU is no longer accredited thru the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

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Jul 28, 2011 6:54 pm EDT

In previous post Paragraph 2 second line should have read "until my final class". Sorry for any confusion.

Chesterfield, US
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Aug 05, 2011 4:12 am EDT

AIU is a scam. It is way over priced and the education is substandard. There is no way in the world that any employer or University considers a degree from AIU on an equal level with a real college. The professors are really "instructors", not PHD level individuals who have done research or published documents. The enrollment process is like walking into a used car lot, hard sell all the way! I have a Masters Degree from a well known, very reputable brick and mortar University. I had to submit real transcripts and the results of my SAT test in order to be admitted. The process took awhile since the student population at the school is about 50.000 and they dont let people in if they have low SAT scores or poor transcripts. AIU just wants the fifty dollar admission fee and then you write a few sentences. I have never heard of anyone not being accepted, as long as they pay the admission fee and are eligible for government student loans. AIU and a whole bunch of other "for profit" schools are currently under major scrutiny by the federal government. All of these schools have been found to be over priced, with people getting stuck with huge student loans that they will never be able to pay back. It has been proven that the people getting a so called education at AIU and other for profit schools are not getting a good " bang for their buck", in fact they often owe more in student loans than they would ever be able to pay back. It has also been found that most people earning degrees do not get jobs related in any way to the degree earned at AIU. How in the world can someone be expected to pay forty thousand for an Associates Degree, and then actually get a job that would earn enough to pay that loan off. Disgruntled students from for profit schools are defaulting on their loans left and right and the government is fed up with this. I graduated with my Masters nearly twenty years ago but even considering inflation, my eight years at a well respected university didnt cost me as much as many people pay for an Associates Degree at AIU. My degree allowed me to get a very good job, directly related to my degree, that I have been working at for nearly 20 years. I feel sorry for anyone who is scammed by these cheesy schools like AIU.

Chandler, US
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May 11, 2023 4:19 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of schmaltz

AIU is definitely over priced. I'm about 108k in after a BSIT and MBA. I busted my [censored] making sure my grades stayed decent even though it was hard staying motivated. Meanwhile, other students were copying from websites and passing with flying colors. It almost seemed as if the school was intentionally passing everyone that turned in an assignment.

I actually have proof that a student copied his portion of the assignment from multiple websites. I told the instructor, told my advisor, and the other group member told his advisor. Somehow the cheating student still got credits for the course and graduated cum laude. I graduated cum laude and I didn't cheat. I did the work and it was challenging. I wasn't given an opportunity to have A's and B's handed to me, I had to work for them.

English is a second language to most people who attend AIU. I don't know how some pass courses or graduate because I was graded on a strict scale. I miss a comma or accidentally spell a word wrong and I'm losing 15 points. Let's not forget that most students don't even know how to properly write an academic paper...

I know that you know that we all know that AIU is a scam, I just can't prove it for borrowers defense. I just wish I knew before I wasted 5 years and 108k in student loans.

attitude adjustment
San Leandro, US
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Aug 15, 2011 7:38 am EDT

Going to college is not an easy task. It takes dedication, committment and stedfast determination. I attended AIU for my AA, BA, and MBA without any break. It was not easy, as a matter of fact, I was put on academic probation in my MBA program because I was burnt out and did not take it as seriously as I should have. You have to maintain at least a B average. I went through that challenge, but overcame the challenge. It feels good to have all my degrees. You cannot give up. No where is perfect, and sometimes the school just might not be a good fit for you. Go somewhere else. I loved AIU, the online platform worked for me. I hated the group assignments, but understood the importance of them and made it work for me. It improves your leadership skills, but if you do not have them, let someone elsebe the leader! Just like someone mentioned, it is a regionally accredited school in good standing. Were there instructors I did not like? I can name about two, and that is good for what I have accomplished. The professors for the most part were great. Some had been Deans of other schools, industry professionals with awesome degrees. Hang in there and adjust your attitudes! You can do it.

CECO Advocate
Honolulu, US
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Aug 31, 2011 1:55 am EDT

AIU Truth:

Send this video via facebook to as many students and past students as possible. It's time the truth comes out.

Chicago, US
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Oct 22, 2011 7:23 am EDT

I have read a lot of the complaints and I agree with some of them, One of my complaints against AIU is Financial Aid, and the idoits who can't tell you much about what is going on with your account and why is it taking for every for them to post your loans along with your stipend. It should be a number that we can get as students, so we can call and make a written complaint against the school. They tell you that your loans will be posted on a certain day, and when you check your account, nothing has been posted and you have to wait weeks after or call and complain to get any kind of results. Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that I can get my degree in such a short time and the instructors aren't so bad. But I do feel that AIU financial aid department is scamming the students. A lot of the students who are unemployeed look for there stipend check to help out in there households, and for AIU to fall flat on their faces when it comes to taking care of their students is mind blowing to me. At this point, I would not recommend any of my friends or family to attend this school. If your looking for a school to attend and your unemployeed and need the loans to help you out financially along the way, this is not the school for you, try somewhere else. But, if you have a job and your willing to put in the hard work and dedication to strive for the degree you are seeking out, and the loans aren't a factor, then AIU may be the college for you.

Poplar Bluff, US
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Jan 23, 2014 12:44 pm EST

They charging me for completeing 10 classes between May 2005 and Dec 2005. This is not accurate because I withdrew due to the birth of my second child and being the sole provider for my family. No possible way I could have completed 10 classes online and work 12 hour shifts and help with my 2 yr old daughter and a 1 month old. Now I have to drop classes because they refuse to send a piece of paper saying I attended but did not receive any credits, according to them I owe them 4800. This is not possible because I had pell grant, student loan, and paying out of pocket at the same time. I only received books for three classes and dropped after doing those classes. I even talked to my advisor about having to drop and was told as long as I dropped before the next round of classes I was good. So you trying to tell me that they want a total of $10, 000 for 8 months of nothing?

Enterprise, US
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Jan 06, 2015 8:31 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

AIU is horrible, they commit fraud! husband used both TA and a pell grant. 100% paid for 2 classes, was told that if he was out on the range/field that it would not count against him well it took less than a two months to find out that this was a lie, husband out in the field no internet no nothing, preparing for deployment to Iraq, Well they gave him a F. Husband called and complained on how they lied about backing up the military if out on the range or deployed! So husband told them he was withdrawing, sent in a letter and also let the instructors know along with his adviser, We had to pay back the TA which was fine since he did not finish, All was fine and dandy till today when we were told that we needed the transcript from AIU, we were told that they will not release it and we had a outstanding balance that husband went for 7 months! Well I told them this had to be a error on their part because I still have the TA receipt and the pell grant part. That 2 classes and less then 3 months was covered and the grade should of been a W well not in this case. TA shows less than 3 months of classes and 100% paid will zero balance due, But the kicker I called the federal government after finding out that they charged a whole yr to the federal government claiming husband attended *fraud* Way to go it'll be hard to con their way out of this since they are claiming he was in the usa on the internet while husband was in IRAQ.. of course we have JAG on our side. I think we are the lucky ones since husband does have JAG and TA proof of a zero balance and a counseling form since husband dropped out.. I will give advise to anyone who has been defrauded by AIU make a paper trail contact via registered mail asking for dates and a invoice. Also if your military go to JAG! if they charged the pell grant for time you didn't attend her if the number to report it to. Office of the Inspector General [protected]

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Apr 25, 2016 6:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I write this comment in hopes that someone can direct me to a means of resolution. I attended AIU Online for approximately 1.5 semesters and prior to doing so I spoke with 8 different advisers and 4 different finance officers at AIU. I asked 100's of questions and a great deal of time over the course of 6 months in attempt to find out if AIU would accept a letter of tuition exemption from the Texas Commission for the blind (TCB). As an individual with a vision impairment (i.e. totally or legally blind), in the state of Texas you are exempt from college tuition, lab fees, and such. In any case I finally spoke to an individual who stated they were a director over finance and that they would honor such a letter since they have a campus in Houston, Texas. That said, after the first semester and half-way into the second I received a bill in the mail of over $9000. "Are you kidding me?", I thought to myself. I picked up the phone and called the finance department and was told that TCB would not pay for the classes. Come on I'm legally blind not stupid, I told them from the start it's an exemption not a voucher someone would pay back. Long story short, I'm $7000 in the hole to AIU, once they credited back the second half of the second semester after I refused to pay for the classes I had taken and had been told I would be exempt from paying for. It's been 12 years since then, fall of 2005, and I'm still dealing with this. I would love to go back to school (NOT AUI!), but since I can't get my official transcript I can't go anywhere else.

Any advise, suggestions, or support would be appreciated. I will not pay them back because that would be a surrender of my moral values and proof that they can get away with anything to include taking advantage of someone who is technically disabled but refuses to give up the fight and settle for government assistance. I have worked all my life and I will not stop, a degree however would be nice so that I can progress in my career.

Wali Al-Amin
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May 16, 2017 3:08 am EDT

The system online software didn't work on my lab top. I could not get into back office to retun in work . No effectient contact number that that work. The online system was alway shutdown and could not get into the class on online and no access to contact for help. I also report it no respond for long period of time. No contact from Director of the Department in assisting with problem. I withdrew because ineffient online program because nothing on their system work on my lap top. I could not ever hear the instructor lecture in the online class because auto system did not work. I was able to take course properly because the online system techincal function was working on my lab top.

Wali Al-Amin
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May 16, 2017 3:18 am EDT

Was not working.

Natoshia Gibson
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Jan 16, 2023 4:57 am EST

I've already invested $60,000 and have 4 classes left and they are doing something similar, my ledger has changed several times since december, and now all of a sudden I have a $10,000 dollar debt with the school, and they have blocked me from my clsses that start tuesday until paid in full. Which I was unaware of any of this until the 13th of january. And they've pocketed my most recent disbursement. Luckily when I noticed the fishy stuff in December I started getting regular screen shots of my accounts & dashboard to prove myself if the time came. They attempted to say they were going to send me an associates degree, like I was just gonna settle on out of school or something, and I refused them. So here we are a month later, and they pulling something.

Natoshia Gibson
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Jan 16, 2023 5:11 am EST

Here are some screenshots. Also if you will notice at the bottom of ledgers something is also askew, because the information doesn't even make sense. Mind you this all occured between the middle of December, and the 13th of January. I wasn't informed that I had any due balance, but then all of a sudden I'm almost a year past due, and getting locked out. I've attempted to address with student accounts to which I haven't recieved a response, I also sent them the pictures. I'm sure they were shocked

Gardena, US
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Feb 16, 2024 12:49 pm EST

I suspect favoritism too. It depends looks like you have an ethnic last name like me so good luck to you in your academic endeavors. They included me in a virtual graduation and took it back. This school is bonkers.

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