Beware of George Rhame, All Repairs Plus from Craigslist Ad in Columbia, SC. I called him from out-of-town. Advanced over $1, 050 in 2 advances, plus material he picked up at Lowes. George Rhame disappears with the money, a brand new front door unit he was suppose to install, and 10 gallons of paint to paint a small home exterior. Just now realizing he lied continuously (I trusted him), used Christianity speak as part of his ploy to scam cash advances, made one excuse after another about why he wasn't showing up to get the job done. Finally he stops responding completely. Got about $300 worth of actual work done, lost $750.
Is there anything else you can tell me about rhame? He is currently locked up in union.
Goes by affordable auto repairs now. Didnt RIP me off but charged me 4 times what it should have been. Phone num if you need his services is [protected]