This ayahuasca and MDMA retreat in Potter Valley California named Aluna Healing Center persists in sending harassment and threats by proxy, and legal threats (without merit) to take comments off Complaints Board when the comments are completely justified (and privileged, and when Aluna is NOT even legal.
They have been doing it for several years, lying about it, finding others to defame me as mentally ill and deranged, and several ex-clients of Aluna came forward with serious ethical concerns about these people (confidentiality is maintained as to the specifics).
Daniela Mar of Aluna actually admitted defaming me for rape and recently apologized for it, her intentions are extremely dubious.
In summary, these people have absolutely no chance in court making a legal claim, or trying to make me take off comments (take off comments or we release incriminating evidence, aka blackmail).
There is a background story of DEA witness tampering, 14 kilograms of weed, dealing in LSD, supplying Ayahuasca and MDMA illegally, and a criminal drug cult who spent years defaming and stalking me and my community as a sick revenge, because we would not serve the cult (named Santo Daime), who were condemned in every court of Europe (criminalization of Santo Daime). I also foresaw a fire in Aluna Healing Center, and nobody should do ayahuasca here for reasons of their health and safety.
Ex-clients who go here come to regret it, and more often than not boils down to incompetence, bad shamanism, unethical intentions, stealing energy, not to mention the legal issues of not having what is called a CSA exemption from the DEA.
Suffice to say, they are not legal and were condemned by others in the USA ayahuasca community for bringing bad attention to themselves and others.
The evidence on these people runs into the thousands of PDFs, screenshots, contact form submissions and evidence they have posted about themselves (we do MDMA). Instagram deleted their page for selling MDMA retreats with 2,5K followers on board, lost their customer base by their own actions, and then tried blaming me for their problems.
As written to Aluna good luck trying to sue me in the USA with the backstory, and you have already admitted and apologized for making false rape allegations. and if you are going to make legal threats by proxy to try and make people take off comments, they will do the opposite and expose the issues in hand.
The Public Interest Defence in the USA is well made out and a court has found if you are not legal (as Aluna are not, ayahuasca is illegal in the USA without CSA exemption, illegal on its face) you do not have any legal rights for redress. The chance of these people suing me and winning are zero.
Wise and discerning people will understand the deeper legal background and how Daniela of Aluna and the family (Alexandra Akat and Attila Akat) backed up by Johannes Maasland (aka Han Maasland) tried to interfere in an old "legal persecution lawsuit" in 2016 to try and make me lose a USD 1,6 million lawsuit to try and become millionaires on our energy and karmic merits, for ayahuasca.
Their intentions failed and the net worth of the family is now negative USD 1,6 million, as is the net worth of the business that tried the lawsuit (failed also, never got 1,6 million, and had the same loss, and then permanently closed), total 2,5 - 3 million in losses.
Unfortunately for them, before interfering in my legal business, they never got rid of the sacks of weed and then got busted by police (almost straight away after), with 14 kilos of it, and then there is a background story of a bunch of foretold fires destroying the ayahuasca retreats of them and their family.
The story filters out unsuited students at the outset (those that have a sympathy for the failed intentions of some weed dealers trying to become millionaires on our energy and karma merits) as if you have a problem with the story, you will have a problem with me, and then you will not be able to learn anything from us, and thus the story is a perfect filter.
The key lesson is whatever intentions you have for me or us, you will have to have those intentions back in your lives, and the karma consequences (whether negative or positive), and the ayahuasca church involved was penalized with the prohibition in every Court of Europe looking at the legality of ayahuasca.
These Aluna people and the ayahuasca community at large, took it upon themselves to spend years harassing me, my wife, and defaming, discrediting and making attacks on my work, and making manifestly ill-founded legal threats, or backing the aggressors up, and they themselves are not even legal. The end result is the ayahuasca community full of black legal stones, and black karma stones.
These people's claims I had no right to defend my reputation and I had to suck up/put up with their vicious ayahuasca "cult based revenge harassment/witness intimidation", backed up by Santo Daime Church leaders and their ayahuasca attorneys, are clearly baseless, and making statements to defend my reputation and/or warn others of a problem, is completely legally privileged, in UK, and in US law.
As these people as they are not legal and have criminal records for drug dealing, they do not have the right to a reputation (as made out in UK case law), and in US law, they brought it on themselves.
These Aluna people are without any kind of legal remedy and the California courts will not like the story, as said to them before, good luck making legal trouble for us.
The Shroomz Store also lost their Trustpilot with 123 reviews after profiting from what may have had the hallmarks of a Reality Sandwich commissioned post, that being being one of my copyrighted blogs which was scraped and used to promote psilocybin mushrooms, and they are not even legal either. It sums up as psychedelic people thinking they can profit off my work in bad faith and then having major business setbacks. The editor of Reality Sandwich had to take it off after trying unsuccessfully to sell me the idea of it being part of a love letter to their subscribers in lieu of damages. Their newsletter isn't a lovely letter at all, it's just a summary of psychedelic posts, Ayahuasca articles and sourcing mushrooms. The Shroomz Store broke up with Reality Sandwich, ie ended the relationship, as trusted partners and then offered a damages payment to not mention them and leave them out of it.
Leave them out of it presumably means leave them out of the story with Aluna.
Aluna was lying about the Spiritual Master and someone wrote he is definitely not mentally ill and definitely isn't into bestiality or/and blowjobs and was the target of defamation campaign and whoever targeted him got all the bad things happen to them IRL
Han Maasland, that is Johannes Maasland (Daniela Mar's now ex husband) had his Facebook suspended in the last 48 hours.
That is in addition to Alexandra Aluna losing her personal Facebook (and the Aluna Healing Center Instagram with 2,500+ followers back in September 2023), and Daniela Mar's personal Facebook is also gone.
These people found it funny to defame my reputation using Facebook and other platforms, and their intentions backfired on them. If you are not legal, do not make legal threats, that is plain stupid.
Aluna were behind these offensive emails and they (they meaning Daniela, Alexandra Aluna who is really Alexandra Akat, and Han Maasland who is really Johannes Maasland) were all behind the December 2023 attack on my Facebook (as a threesome) that backfired on them and cost them their personal pages.
To expand on the legal threats, Aluna had someone send a message with a bunch of links through my website and demanded them taken off (comments about the Santo Daime Church, Ipswich Buddhist Centre, ayahuasca, the legal dispute and key legal evidence) or I would have incriminating information released about me (presumably referring to these false rape allegations they already admitted making, and apologized for, its Daniela's writing and the Aluna email).
I was not even the person they refer to and they kept associating me with a name I am clearly not, nor was their any legal obligation to take off the privileged comments and postings, and the defence of privilege and right to reply, reply to attack and self vindication is well made out.
They started the reputation war on me, lost, and now they have to live with the consequences, and as said before, these people have lessons in maturity and wisdom (growing up) and extended family issues.
What also happened is the Spiritual Master wrote to Adrian Freedman and said. Don't give ayahuasca to Daniela Mar and then what Adrian did was moved the ayahuasca retreats for Lotus Cura to the 8ths and then he gave her ayahuasca in Monte Mariposa. Adrian was caught out lying.
It was in February 2022 and the Spiritual Master became immune to 8th magic since August 8th 2021.
Someone should tell these people to stop it.
Adrian Freedman had a major mental health breakdown in February 2022 after a Lotus Cura ayahuasca retreat at Monte Mariposa (someone sent me the newsletter details and the retreat dates, it was his 60th birthday celebration), strangely just after Freedman was defaming me as mentally ill and making other false allegations from his own email (February 7th 2022). He had Daniela (who was in Portugal and not America at the time) write harassment from the ancientwaysofhealing email, there is no escape (legal meaning, we won't ever stop stalking you, etc.). Freedman was using similar words to describe his mental health crisis, and in the defence of honest opinion, Daniela did something to Freedman's energy for the 8th and/or Freedman gave her ayahuasca and he got roped into her karma, as ever since that 8th (February 8th 2022), every 3 months Freedman feels compelled to stalk. Freedman is what Daniela is, a psychic stalker, the pair of them swig ayahuasca, smoke weed and order defamatory attacks on my reputation, stalking and harassment, to try and get access to our retreat, and they have been doing it for years. The pair of them need counselling and therapy (treatment( for obsessive compulsive stalking behaviour and the pair of them are fixated on my sexual energy, and its definitely not healthy.
The treatment for the pair is lifelong abstention from ayahuasca (and cannabis), professional mental health therapy and treatment for "ayahuasca and cannabis psychosis", and no doubt many other people in the wider plant medicine community, will agree, they need to stop it, and address their problems.
The legal facts are these people (Aluna, Adrian Freedman, the Church and the Ayahuasca Defence Fund in support) tried to blackmail me into a sexual relationship to then say it was rape as a so called "cult based punishment", on made out legal meaning because we lost our legal freedom for ayahuasca, we will violate your sexual free will and force you to commit the crime of rape so we can prosecute it or pay to stop us prosecuting the charge (and to quote Johannes "you have no choice" and if you don't do it "wheelchair") and the womans intentions was to procure funding for Aluna and make up a shortfall (fund us or we will defame you for rape and my Santo Daime Church will back me up).
These people from an "ayahuasca cult" were defaming me for rape and trying to manipulate sexual consent (with repeated threats of violence to a 4A standard) - at the same time - to try and coerce me to finish brahmachariya, and they had to apologize for it and stop it. The demand, and the menaces, were unwarranted (ie blackmail), and it was finish brahmachariya so we can then charge you with rape (and you have no choice).
They tried using a sexual coercion cult to back them up, and they lost also, and Daniela admitted making false rape allegations in the context of "trying to coerce sexual consent to back up an empty rape claim".
Those who believe it is allowed to use intimidation and legal persecution in an attempt to force me to finish brahmachariya (and self incriminate for rape) in service of Santo Daime, in fair comment, have a very serious hubris problem (and a mental health sickness problem) and the legal condemnations all over Santo Daime Church are in part a divine punishment for the offence.
We were vindicated at Google and these people had to stop commissioning, making and posting false allegations and they were using proxies, and the evidence shows Aluna was behind all of it.
We also won a long series of DMCA takedowns (as in the many hundreds), there is a long history of various types of "commissioned posts", defined as various people doing such things as tampering with a blog repost, stealing my content (to then promote online mushroom sales), using my business names to market ayahuasca retreats (Retreat Guru and Adrian Freedman), passing off as me to sell ayahuasca retreats, pretending to be me to sell ayahuasca retreats, and the list is endless.
People had to stop doing it, and a lot of people had a heavy hand in doing it, and when caught out, lying about it, telling a false victim story, or using the theme "we are on a mission to take the medicine to the people, so we can do it". These people kept posting I would be reported to law enforcement for ayahuasca and its them, and not me, doing ayahuasca, and advertising the retreats online.
When Sacred Sanctuary Retreat in Florida got busted just after December 8th 2024 by DEA (Drug Enforcement Authority) for ayahuasca (promoting ayahuasca retreats online, just like Aluna are) Aluna decided to stop commissioning harassment, harassment posts, revenge postings on my profiles, spamming my website forms with lists of urls, something they have been doing for years.
Aluna stopped it as they are in a new reality in the United States of America where DEA can, and do, do raids on ayahuasca retreats. When they come, you are arrested, placed in criminal proceedings and your ayahuasca retreat business is suspended (for a very long time), and then you have to ask for a DEA exemption to restart, and Aluna will not get a CSA exemption based on the background to the case.
Chacruna Institute advised people not to ask for a CSA exemption which is plain stupid, you have to have one before you supply ayahuasca in the United States, and that is what the law is.
Aluna are also not a bona-fide Church and as explained we are not responsible for the legal problems in the ayahuasca community, and the facts are they (the bulk of the ayahuasca community in multiple countries operating ayahuasca retreats) are defying law with intent and then crying poor me when the dawn raids come.
Someone also wrote this in another forum.
also "I also foresaw a fire in Aluna Healing Center, and nobody should do ayahuasca here for reasons of their health and safety." - thanks for the warning, I will definitely avoid,
The spiritual master foretold many fires in ayahuasca retreats including one at Aluna that hasn't happened yet.
Go to his website and there is an article about a fires curse that destroyed a list of ayahuasca retreats in Portugal and he keeps foretelling more fires.
It says on the first post on here about the fires it is the same people that are in Aluna and they used to be Sanctuary 1860 in Portugal. When they try and gatecrash his energy with black magic and threaten him up with violence he foresees fires and there is a paranormal story of burned ayahuasca retreats.
Onanya Joni said its the relationship with the teams that was doing the fires. and it goes with fires finish off bad tea jobs. ayahuasca tea works or ceremonies.
To comment briefly here, on the Earth Connection Portugal fire that burned the place down (as well as Sanctuary 1860) in October 2017, these people were all involved in ayahuasca "black magic", irresponsible work with ayahuasca, using alcohol before ayahuasca, unethical behaviour and harassing participants.
Nobody should do ayahuasca with people who drink alcohol before facilitating ceremony.
Onanya Joni condemned their drunken behaviour on their website.
In legal evidence from 2017, when warned of this foretold fire Johannes, as well as people involved with Sanctuary 1860 (Attila and Alexandra Akat now of the Ayahuasca Aluna Healing Center USA ), kept posting harassment, lies and threats to kill.
It was when Johannes was on police bail for a cannabis trafficking charge of 14 kilograms (as well as supply LSD) and the Ayahuasca Defence Fund admitted they were arrested (they meaning the leaders of Earth Connection Portugal).
Each time they did it I kept foretelling a fire both at Earth Connection Portugal and the Sanctuary 1860, most notably in January, April, July and October 2017, and then that is exactly what happened, the foretold fire destroyed both places and burned the ayahuasca retreats to the ground.
I became immune to the witchcraft used and it was simply gatecrashing my energy in ayahuasca using intimidation to get energy and these people (falsely) believe they have the right to force my energy in ayahuasca ceremonies.
Johannes took the matter seriously, divorced the woman, understood Dani Mar's intentions and left the story. In legal evidence a fire has been foretold many times at Aluna, and thats in addition to the background story of the other fires, and as said elsewhere I am not responsible for Aluna's work.
Adrian Freedman and anors was warned in May 2017 and July 2017 (and at many other times) of catastophic fires destroying ayahuasca retreat centres, after which he had me threatened, stalked and smeared as mentally ill, for which there is much evidence.
Such fires then happened as foretold and after Freedman's ayahuasca work in October 2017 a second (foretold) deadly fire gutted a bunch of additional ayahuasca retreats on top of the June 2017 fire that gutted Gravito.
The idiot kept showing up in Portugal inciting harassment before his ayahuasca works as well and his actions cost him the legal status of his Santo Daime (as foretold).
Not only was the Gravito fire foretold but the Earth Connection Portugal fire was foretold, the Sanctuary 1860 fire was foretold, the Caminho da Luz fire was foretold, the Lagos fire fire was foretold, the Monchique fire was foretold, and a fire was foretold in Temple of the Earth, Dharma Garden and Senses Camping.
The woman is BARRED from our community and our retreat centre, we are not serving this womans work with ayahuasca and a fire was also foretold several times at Aluna Ayahuasca Retreat in the USA.
To get a refund on an Aluna Healing Center booking for ayahuasca.
Tell them I foresaw a fire in the Aluna retreat and then tell them that being burned to death in ayahuasca ceremony isn't on your bucket list, and you want out.
If Aluna or Retreat Guru then say I am lying, mentally sick, deranged, etc (as they have been doing in emails to others, for which there is clear evidence), contact me with those emails and I will give you the legal arguments and evidence (including information about all the other foretold fires that burned ayahuasca retreats to the ground, and burned people to death in the localities) to use to get your refund.
Legally, if you want out, in the circumstances they have to refund you and in full, even just days before.
As a follow up legal statement, I am legally cleared to talk in a video call (privately) to anyone that has had a negative experience with Aluna based on various reports from individuals alleging bad shamanism, facilitators drinking alcohol before ceremonies, energy abuse, inappropriate behaviour, mixing the substances without experience in how to guide the journey properly, psychic attacks - or disturbance - or mistakes in conducting the ceremonies or abuse of participants after the sessions - or difficult in-ceremony experiences that they need some clarity on.
I also say the above with many years of Ayahuasca experience having drank the "medicine" almost 1,000 times up to 2016, and many of the bad experiences people have had with Aluna are attributable to causes for which there is clear evidence.
It comes under the category of inexperienced facilitators with bad intentions (bad Ayahuasca shamans).
In no way should these people be leading ceremonies and people should not be drinking ayahuasca with these people in any circumstances and these people are bad Ayahuasca shamans (on evidence).
Anyone who has had a negative Aluna experience (man or woman) and wishes to have my insight and input on it, they can find me online and ask for a free private video call (if you have proof of a booking, so you are not just "free call fleecing").
You can block out your name and private information, so you can talk anonymously without me knowing who you are.
In short, stay away and if you have issues, including legal issues, with Aluna, I can assist.
Retreat Guru are going the way of the dinosaur. Nobody in their right mind uses a middleman to buy an ayahuasca retreat. They just handle the payments and charge 14% commission which is double the Paypal rate and if you pay direct its 0%. They haven't even updated their main social media profile for years and they needed another 1.45 million bailout. The company tanked 2.45 million of investors money since 2018 and it makes 564k revenue a year minus costs of 30 employees. Its gone down 90% in value since 2018. When we said Retreat Guru would lose all their money and go bust we are right. Whoever put 2.45 million into these nutcases at Retreat Guru are off their rockers.
Deryk Wenaus CEO of Retreat Guru wrote to me personally in 2019 from his business email, he tried palming me off with a yarn about how he was on a divine mission to take the medicine to the people, and that was his pathetic excuse for having people posting up threats, harassment and lies on my profile.
He himself wrote one of the false reviews, totally fabricated, and then he wrote, I am ok with losing money, and it is legal consent for taking massive losses and then having no legal remedy.
His investors won't be ok with losing money, or the legal story, and in fair comment Deryk Wenaus is a nutcase, and his involvement with Aluna, backing up Daniela to make up false rape allegations to try and get funding for Aluna, and posting up lies and "slipping" my data, will be enough to finish off his, and Aluna's venture.
By way of the dinosaur, that would presumably mean extinct or obsolete, and many a business maliciously interfering with my work ends up bankrupt, million dollar plus losses, and Retreat Guru will not be spared the curse either.
Retreat Guru got banned from Trustpilot with all 88 customer reviews, after being deemed a "bad fit", after being caught out marketing ayahuasca and MDMA retreats illegally (for the Aluna retreats, with the Aluna urls being the key evidence to get them banned).
It was poetic justice as Retreat Guru kept trying to manipulate my reputation on Page 1 of Google several years ago with commissioned and fabricated revenge reviews (as revenge for the police raids on Johannes weed and ayahuasca retreats in Portugal), the Aluna team kept posting lies on my profile, and then lying they were doing it, and Retreat Guru had a hand in the December 2023 attacks on my reputation last Christmas (with Aluna and Freedman) and it cost Retreat Guru their Trustpilot profile, this Christmas (a black stones karma return).
The takeaway being, Retreat Guru is not seen to be a trusted company and it will do them massive financial damage (and teach them a karmic lesson), and they won't have any legal remedy available.
Once Aluna lost their Instagram and their customer base with it, they left me alone, but the damage has been done. These Aluna people tried to make an ayahuasca business on nasty transgressions toward me done maliciously (we love what we are doing and we won't stop it) and there are very stiff and unpleasant karmic consequences on "black stones karma returns" (arrests, police raids, legal problems, bans, prohibitions on ayahuasca, fires, family curses, etc) on anyone or any business or ayahuasca church involved, and the evidence is clear, these people tried to make me lose a lawsuit for 1,4-1.6 million dollars and had to suck up a poetic justice 1.4-1.6 million dollar loss, and the loss is in the net worth of the family.
Every 3 months like clockwork Aluna keep doing the same, whenever Daniela is in an Integrative Inner Child ayahuasca retreat, a women's womb retreat, or any other ayahuasca retreat around one of these 8ths (Feb, May, Aug and Nov), and then later other 8th's like June or December, they have Johannes post some harassment and threatening messages, or have him send such through my website, or through duplicate social media profiles, fake email accounts and other profiles.
He keeps ranting the same "it will be happening, you have no choice, soon, blah, blah, blah" and when Daniela and Adrian don't get what they want (compliance with Adrian's devised cult based punishment arrangement) order an equinox or solstice attack.
Johannes attacks are at the front and back end of one of Daniela's listed retreats, or around one of these 8th retreats, or an Inner Child, or womb work retreat, and its obvious Daniela of Aluna tells him to do it, to try and get the rope back.
"The Aluna people keep losing energy 2 times every 3 months for the front and back end 8ths and its only because Daniela Mar keeps trying to make him be back on a rope with 8th magic, or do an attack on his work for solstice using Johannes."
There are many hundreds of messages from Johannes and then Aluna tried lying and wrote from their email I lied about the fact that they were doing it. Everyone can see they are doing it.
The evidence is clear and beyond dispute, these Aluna people kept using Han Maasland (as well as pretending to be him) to write and send threats of violence (wheelchair, inevitable) and they were writing I was going to serve Daniela which wont be happening (using Han Maasland).
The threats always come at the start and finish of Daniela's ayahuasca ceremonies and it is done to try and get the rope back, and it doesn't get the rope back. They did not get what they wanted for solstice either, that being, the rope back, and compliance with Freedman's "punishment arrangement".
The obvious cure for everyone else's woes is for Daniela at Aluna (and Adrian) to permanently finish ayahuasca (and thus stay out of the astral planes), for as long as they continue, they will keep sucking the energy out of the entire race of ayahuasca (everyone else), which is then used as continued immunity to 8th magic (as explained by Magical Susan).
"Spells are paid for with energy so that can explain why he became immune to the energy cord because the energy gains from the collective consciousness was more than the energy binding cost of the magic".
Each time they chug ayahuasca for the 8th and order some "8th stalking" to try and get the rope back, they get cursed to lose energy, most notably at equinox/solstice (and front/back end 8ths).
This empire of ayahuasca in honest opinion lost all of their energy to counteract this "rope magic" (aka Santo Daime black magic), resulting in "race waste" (aka "carcass race in sorcery").
That also explains why everyone else keeps losing energy to the pair, all that happens is a Higher Power shunts over energy every 3 months (front end 8th, equinox/solstice, and back end 8th), people who understand energy will see that Daniela Mar and Adrian Freedman are 2 massive energy vampires tanking out and feeding off the energy of a race of ayahuasca (race waste).
Sacred Sanctuary Retreat in Florida had a visit from the DEA. and Aluna Healing in California are next. Aluna kept mouthing off using Han Maasland that the Spiritual Master would be reported to the authorities for organizing ayahuasca retreats. The curse appeared in America as the authorities raiding ayahuasca retreats and it does not concern the Spiritual Master. Sacred Sanctuary Retreat never had an exemption and they were operating illegally from the start.
The facts are Sacred Sanctuary Retreat was hit with a raid from the DEA and they admitted it on their website. It was ayahuasca and there are pictures of big jugs of ayahuasca on their Facebook and loads of comments about how they had to halt retreats. and how they got raided.
It was in December 2024. This is some of the comments about it.
Our beloved church, Sacred Sanctuary, is under attack by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
As many of you know, Sacred Sanctuary, our cherished place of healing, spirituality, and community, has been struck by an unexpected and unjust raid by the DEA.
We have been forced to halt our ceremonial use at this time.
The Spiritual Master is not responsible for the DEA intervention actions that do raids on ayahuasca retreats in America. When you are not legal and you get raided. It's your fault.
I also had absolutely nothing to do with the DEA raid on the ayahuasca retreat calling themselves Sacred Sanctuary Healing, based in Florida. I never even knew the place existed until it showed up on Go Fund Me. The DEA went there from their own volition, and why, remains to be seen. However they were running retreats online and it does not look like a bona-fide Church based on the evidence.
It can be said the raid happened just after the 8th (December 8th 2024), sometime between the 8th and 11th when they posted about the raid, and anyone that says I am lying about the raid, you can search for Sacred Sanctuary Retreats and they posted on their website about it.
What happened at Sacred Sanctuary Retreats can happen at Aluna, and the DEA are targeting ayahuasca retreats falsely passing off as Churches, who are advertising online, and Aluna will sooner or later have a DEA raid. It's only a matter of time and they asked for it.