Better Business Together initiated a reseller agreement on May 2014 which terminated in Nov 2014. Stacy Duprey-Purper cited the reasoning that they needed more competitive rates and that we were holding them liable for a group of licenses even though their customer cancelled after 60 days. Our agreement and the customer agreement (which they are required to get) clearly states all licenses are sold on an annual basis. For their customer convenience, BBT offered a monthly payment option.
Upon terminating, there are concise terms under our termination obligations which the only item delivered to date is their official notice. The required payment of all amounts due is not only unpaid after 45 days but Stacy Deprey-Purper under Better Business Together has simply ignored all of our requests.
We have reason to believe that this was her original intent - realizing that our agreement would be jeopardized by their client who cancelled, they reached out to the same WiFi provider to setup a direct reseller agreement without any notice or advice to us. They even used a different company name/ contact to apply for the reseller agreement - aware that Purple would question her move and the issue of non-payment would arise.
As Stacy Deprey-Purper states, "this decision was purely business related.." which seems ironic since they refuse to honor this by skipping out on their contractual and fiscal obligations.
The amount is not small - $11, 400 which if handled professionally we would have been open to a payment plan. But this could have been risky since it took Better Business Together over 60 days to even settle a $355 invoice prior to all of this.
So, if you are considering or doing business with Better Business Together or please be aware of Stacy Deprey-Purper's business ethics and morals (lack of). This may impact your company as we pursue further legal action.
This is still unbelievable to us since I've known Stacy Deprey-Purper for some time and even worked with her. But as they say, if it smells like a fish..
We'll continue to post an update and share the legal documents with all -
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
RiseWiFi is only a reseller who usually marks up the fees . Get the BEST rates for the same social wifi marketing platform. In fact our rates are lower than Purple's advertised rates AND include more features such as video email, SMS, Automated Call, and Fan Clubs for Facebook loyalty marketing! More info available here: