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CB Animals and Pets Review of Bulldog Alley/ Virginia Everts
Bulldog Alley/ Virginia Everts

Bulldog Alley/ Virginia Everts review: Scam and cheating company! 25

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12:00 am EST
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Please DO NOT BUY a dog from this site or Virginia Everts, aka Jenny Smith, Giny and what ever else she uses. I bought a English Bulldog from her 1 year ago and still do not have the pedigree or registration paperwork. I have a signed contract with Bulldog Alley in which it states i would get all pedigree and registration paperwork, so i could register my purebred bulldog with A.K.C. Once she got my money it has been all down hill. No Papers, she wont return phone calls or emails and has blocked me from sending emails thur her site. She just lost a court case. I am hiring an attorney from Michigan to sue her. She is a fraud. She gets a lot of her dogs from Vortigern Kennels in Hungry. I have contacted them and they blame each other for the loss of the papers (ITS PART OF THEY'RE SCAM) and are no help... Stay way from them both. I have all emails, contract, and letters to and from Michigan Attorney. STAY AWAY!

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Jennifer Conde
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Jan 08, 2008 9:31 am EST

My husband purchased a dog from her in March 07. We origionally wanted her as a pet though, we contacted her later asking to buy paperwork to breed our dog. She keeps dragging this out. I am interested in your e-mail. can you e-mail me personally?


Suzette Haydock
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Jan 31, 2008 10:55 am EST

Please contact me, we also purchased a Bulldog from Bulldog Alley and $10,000 later we too have NO papers! Lucky for you, you received a healthy pup ours had parvo and cost us thousands of dollars to get him well. I live in Michigan and even had the state out to this house. I was never there (my husband was) and I am told it is nothing more than a puppy mill. I would LOVE to see this Place shut down for good! Again please contact me I think working together we maybe able to Nail this monster! Thank you Suzette

Theresa Ann Nash
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Jan 31, 2008 4:13 pm EST

I purchased a French bulldog from her over two years ago - dog came from Russia -- Not told that until I had the dog here in Colorado. Did not know the dog was an 'import' until later.

Two years NO papers. If you advise me of the name of your attorney, I will contact him and see if he will represent me also.

I also have a 'sgined contract' that my dog would be able to be AKC registered. Too bad it is not on two-ply paper.

Theresa Ann Nash

Jane Bousquet
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Feb 02, 2008 9:47 am EST

This kennel/dog mill/ what ever it may be is dis-honest uncaring and an all around cheat. I purchased an adorable frenchie in Aug. 07 for full price which was supposed to include pedigree and right to register him with AKC, well you all know how that turned out, still no papers. I have called her more times than I can remember with her constantly telling me they were on their way Ha! that is a joke until I could not even leave a message for her message box was full (convenient) I love my baby and would not give him up for the world but I WANT HIS PAPERS! JEN/Virginia what ever you call yourself. I have notified the Governor of the State four times at least and posted complaints where ever I could. Have been in contact with at least four other people including Stacy who have been ripped off by her. Also have talked to a woman named Cilia who claims she is getting everyones papers to them, there is another joke! She also has a puppy for sale on her love-my-frenchies site Cami who's age she is lieing about I know because I bought her brother, they are 8months old, yet just another scam by her. Thry have until Feb.5 th to get my papers to me after that I will be contacting my Lawyer and proceed with charges! I hope Love My Frenchies and Bull-dog Alley are shut down for GOOD! If anyone would like to contact me feel free.

Suzette Haydock
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Feb 02, 2008 10:21 pm EST

Let me tell you our story about the encounter with Bulldog Alley. My husband had spotted a beautiful Bulldog on the Bulldog Alley web site and decided to go ahead and make the 30 minute journey out to her home in Howell, Mi. to take a look. Now to be honest he said the house was well maintained but then again there were no dogs in sight. Jenny (the owner of Bulldog Alley) greeted him and asked that he wait a minute while she got our pup. Now remember he was only there to look at the dog. Well, she opened the basement door and all my husband could hear was crying pups in the basement. He was not allowed down stairs. Once he was handed the pup he fell in love and called me at work to tell me he was bringing the dog home. He knew it was a bad situation but being the dog lover that he is he couldn't leave him there. He paid $2,000 cash on the spot and as soon as he got home he paid her the remaining money through paypal.

With in 24 hours of picking up our puppy from Bulldog Alley he was diagnosed with having Parvo. (If you are not familiar with this disease please take a look at this link it is very informative ) Our vet told us that either this was going to break our bank or break our hearts. Keep in mind we purchased this pup as a Christmas Present for our 2 small children. Now we were put in the position of having to tell the kids that a bad person sold us a dog that was basically defective. After a day of pondering over what to do and cleaning bloody diarrhea and vomit out of the carpets we decided as a family to take our beautiful pup to the local Vet Hospital and have him treated. Prior to taking him in we spoke with Jenny at Bulldog Alley over the phone and she encouraged us to bring the pup back and she would give us a new one, but NO refund. Well, I wish someone would tell her that once a Parvo dog destroys your home with fecal matter you should not attempt to get another puppy for atleast a year. The virus can live in your home for up to one year. So either we took the risk and got the pup treated, or went another year without a dog.

When we first went through this our local vet got in touch with the State Vet of Michigan. In turn the State Vet's office visited her in her home and then came out to interview us. He too was appalled, these dogs are lined up in cages in her basement. The state department was able to stop her from selling pups but for only a short time. They also made an agreement with her that she was to pay us $1,000 towards medical bills. (Which was in the form of a check that of course Bounced the first time around!)

She really is worst than a fraud, what she is doing to these animals in my opinion is the same thing Micheal Vick was doing with his dogs and where is he now? Her facility is Parvo Infested. She has stated that 1 in 5 of her dogs die of Parvo. And personally I feel as if it is nothing more than a Puppy Mill. Most if not all of these dogs are Imports ours was from Russia.

So in the end our pup cost around $10,000 (3,500 for the dog / the rest on medical expenses) He was in the Vet Hospital twice both stemming from the Parvo. But now I am glad to say he is as healthy as a Bulldog can be and is a Great addition to our family.

Please Beware of Bulldog Alley! Thank you for your time.

Jane Bousquet
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Feb 10, 2008 10:06 am EST


I am so sorry for all you had to go through I can tell you are a true dog lover, thank god for people like you. I totally agree Jen/AKC Virginia is a monster! I also love dogs I did not have as bad a situation as you my baby frenchie did not have Parvo thank god he has cherry eye which is minor compared to what you had to go through. I am horrified that the State did not shut her down for good, what could they be thinking puppies and dogs are living breathing little creatures who deserve to be treated with love SHAME ON YOUR STATE! I believe it to be impossible to ever get my papers for my baby but I am going to try by suing her and hopefully bankruping her and shutting both places down and good homes found for the pups she may have left. I have been communicating with Stacy and he is going to pursue sueing her also as soon as his wife is feeling better. To all who have been cheated by this poor excuse for a human being, maybe if we all get together we can stop this discraceful treatment of man and womans best friend.

Thank you all for your time Suzette so glad your bully is better! Anyone who wants to contact me please do.


Theresa Ann Nash
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Mar 08, 2008 1:37 pm EST

Dear People Who Been VICTIMS of "Jenny Everts/Bulldog Alley.
Please file a complaint with Internet Crime Complaint Center IC3 This is Federally based for all victims of internet fraud. If we do this, maybe we can prosecute her on the federal level. If anyone should go to jail, it is her. If you wish to email me, please do so. Together maybe we can hang her out to dry! Thanks a Bunch, Theresa Nash

Alan and Stacey Finley
Washington, US
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Apr 16, 2008 4:02 pm EDT

I purchased a dog in June of 06' and have the same story as everyone else... NO PAPERS! I have been working through the court system for 6 months to try and get her served with a subpeona for small claims. The court system has been unable to serve her, and after several postponed court dates they are going through with the case on April 25, 2008. Obviously she is probably not going to show up for court which will result in a default judgement. I would do anything to get papers for her, so if anybody has ANY way of getting this done please contact me! I would be willing to go forward with a group lawsuit if anybody gets one together.
I have also had a private investigator type person look for info. on her and it turns out she runs a very shady internet porn business... I am looking into the legal aspects of this also, I will do anything to bring her down. I will let everyone know what happens in my court case.
Stacey Finley

Beverly Naddaf
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May 05, 2008 3:58 pm EDT

We also purchased a beautiful english bulldog April 2007 and no papers! I was looking up her site and came across this one and almost fell off the chair. My boyfriend who paid Jenny the 2500.00 for our dog just happens to be a lawyer and has a Michigan state wide firm, Thank god we have a healthy bulldog and we feed him nothing but Organic and is doing great! But we would like our papers. We bought a pomerian 3 months ago and already have her papers, so I thought something funny was going on with Miss Jenny. So like everyone else we would also like our papers.

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May 14, 2008 1:15 am EDT

WOW do i feel like a friggin idiot. I bought my bot DOJO from Jenny 1 year ago. Now he is healthy but again same story that fat Bi@#$ won't return my calls or give me my papers.
I think most of us know where she lives I am sure that we could just go over there and demand to know what the Hell is up?
I am furious and I am not letting this thing go away. I am sure that she will screw as many people as she can unitl someone does something.
PLease email me personally as I would like to find out more about everyones story and find out if we can do something to stop her and her actions.

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May 16, 2008 11:04 am EDT

I have never bought a bulldog from this women; I happened to see this posting and her website when I was looking for breeders.

I am (as I am sure all of you are) a HUGE bulldog lover and I am very greatful to have a healthy, happy 7 yr. old and was looking for a second one, when I ran across your posts.

I think it's disgusting what this woman is doing and she needs to be shut down and I say if the law isn't doing anything about, why not go to the media. Call up the local Newspapers, radio stations, even contact Dateline or 20/20...I am sure someone will pick-up the story and in hopes the more press you can get the beter the chances you have of getting the courts to take notice.

Good Luck!

Patti Hale
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Jun 09, 2008 10:51 pm EDT

I'm fostering a 4 y/o frenchie purchased from Jenny. The owner could no longer afford her medical treatment so she was surrendered to rescue.

This poor girl has been in and out of vet's offices her whole life. Herniated disc surgery a year ago. Same spinal problems again this month, chronic skin infections, liver issues, repeated urinary tract infections and the list goes on and on.

The reason Jenny wanted the sick puppy returned is if it dies or she lets it die she will receive a replacement puppy. Importers are the ### of this earth.

Visit this site for the truth about IMPORTED pups.

Either exporter
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Jul 08, 2008 6:53 am EDT

The coin has 2 sides.

Good idea to go to media. If they are brave enough they maybe go to oversea and i can tell some interesting things for them. Example: After Bulldogally didn’t receive 1 pack pedigrees, the US post sent back the papers (includes Stacy’s paper), but anybody silly lost them at the US side….They never arrived back (i have official document - the US post lost the documents).

During we working to solve on this problem (breeder, FCI..etc.) Stacy was impatient and prosecuted Bulldogally. The breeder was prepared to reclaim the pedigrees here, but the price would be approx. 450USD (current rate of exchange). Obviously we won’t pay for it from our own money, because we earlier pay for the pedigrees and sent them to US…

After this Bulldogally didn’t pay our 2400USD (she said one person awarded 8000USD and lots of time going to court and losing tons of money), therefore we stopped the business and didn’t send the other pedigrees (this was our only one chance to enforce our money). Of course we never got our money…

This story depended on 2850 USD.

This affair destroyed our business and lost our either stable business partner. We are not too happy, therefore no chance whatever to send these papers ( its depend from us…not Bulldogally, because lot of papers here – within 1 meter).

Why could we do anything in this matter (just 1 reason)? We also read this vomit flood….Stacy don’t lie! There isn’t any scam, ###, these just your own ideas…why don’t you write: 'I think'…in place of fals asseverations.

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Jul 22, 2008 1:50 pm EDT

I purchased a frenchie from this woman and not long after she got parvo and we almost lost her. She has a skin problem and we have to take her into the vet monthly for allergy shots. She doesn't have the conformation of a french bulldog and is naturally skinny. She's black and white and looks more like a boston terrier! I thought it was just bad luck, but 2 years later I came across this, I knew there was something strange going on when I saw the women but I didn't think anything of it until now.

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Aug 12, 2008 1:58 pm EDT

My husband and I were also scammed by Jenni. After reading these posts, I guess we were lucky - at least our Lucus is healthy. We adore him and he is a BEAUTIFUL Frenchie. However, we bought him to breed with our "girls", and as the delivery day of our first litter is quickly approaching, we recieved a letter from the AKC telling us Jenny has lost her privileges with them until 2016. No papers! How can anyone be so low? At least we take satisfaction in knowing that we got our boy out of there and he is safe, happy, and healthy! If anyone starts a class action against her, please notify us. Thanks all and God Bless!

Hensall, CA
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Dec 17, 2008 11:33 am EST

I wish someone would of started this 2 going on 3 yrs ago ...Yes i also purchased a female and paid alot of money for her because i planned to show her and breed her... i never recieved her papers nor return emails or phone calls ...she has many names from what i hear ... she is also known as price...she should never regain her privilages as far as i'm concern trust someone and they do crap like this to you ...unreal... my female i placed in a pet home because i couldnt breed her .. what a learning lesson ...sorry to hear it took this many people to be scammed by her for her to be shut down .. i just hope its for good ..kathy

Indiana, US
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Jan 05, 2009 10:44 pm EST

My boyfriend and I bought a puppy from bulldog alley 2 years ago. We drove 6 hours from pennsylvania to howell michigan to pick him up. We paid 2300 dollars for our dog. when we got there to pick him up "jenny" was not there to meet us in person. Her ghetto son walked out of some trailer in her backyard and came and made us sign a paper and handed us our puppy. We have never recieved any papers for our puppy. I wrote her about 20 emails and called and left her numerous voicemails. She returned my phone call one time and told me she was sorry that she was in the hospital. So I kept calling and emailing and nothing. Thank God our puppy was okay and is still healthy, but I can not believe that we paid that much money for a dog and got nothing we were promised in return.

Indiana, US
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Jan 05, 2009 10:53 pm EST

Hey guys, you may know this already, but I just found jenny under a different website selling puppies. The website is listed below. It is the same description "small family owned kennel in michigan" . I seriously hope she is not doing this to other people on this website now. I just came across all of this tonight when my boyfriend and I were seeing if her website was still up and running. May be some help for those of you who live in michigan and are contacting the state.

Warren, US
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Feb 13, 2009 11:17 am EST

Wow, I knew I wasn't alone. I got a French Bulldog from her about 3.5 years ago. My story isn't as bad as most of yours but I feel taken advantage of just like the rest of you.
When I went out to her house it smelled like pot and dog crap. The dogs were kept in cages in her garage at the time. There were at least 20-25 dogs in the garage at that time. A lot of the dogs appeared to be skinny and sickly.
After seeing the dog we came to look at and of course buying him impulsively and without doing more research on breeders or rescues. He has had several health issues. None of them life threating though. He is most certainly not a akc standard dog. He is huge! He must of been cross bred with a bear cub or something. He's a little overweight now, but even when he was at weight he clocked in at 45lbs. He looks like an english bulldog with a french bulldog head.
We opted to not get the papers for him, and it looks like that was the best decision.

Bulldog Alley Scam
Ann Arbor, US
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Feb 21, 2009 1:39 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Like all of you, Jenny stopped taking my calls/emails right after the purchase. She claimed my puppy to be the offspring of Mervander, the South African champion. Come to find out, Mervander is located in Ohio now and his sperm was never sold, it was a complete lie and false advertisement on the site. My bulldog has had cherry eye, 2 torn ACL's, demodectic mange (at 1.5 years old), a severely inverted tail which had to be removed, and severe hip dysplasia all before turning 2 years old. We love her to death but feel horrible having to put her through all these surgeries. Wish I would have done a little more research.

Frenchie lady
Allen Park, US
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Apr 07, 2009 6:31 pm EDT

Our family purchased our Frenchie from this woman in November of 2005 (his birthdate is July 23, 2005). We loved this dog and are devastated after losing him this past week due to a congenital disc/spinal deterioration. He suddenly lost use of his back legs this past weekend. Unfortunately, we did too little research on breeders too late, but I am so glad that we were able to give our baby a wonderful life for the 3 1/2 years that he was with us. I did find some negative info. online about imported puppies, but only in the last year have I truly learned about the dangers of this practice. I hope that Jenny and her family are ashamed of what they are doing to these poor babies. I was not too surprised to read of their undercover internet porn business. People who are too lazy and stupid to make an honest living are bound to meet an appropriate end at some time. I am reporting her to our nearest French Bulldog Rescue Organization, and hope to be able to have a part in the demise of this terrible practice.

Dearborn, US
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Jun 13, 2009 1:54 pm EDT

Hello everyone. I bought an english bulldog from that fat ### 2 years ago. Her site looked legit and the puppies beautiful. When I went to pick up my bulldog all the dogs were kept in the garage, the garage was full of cigarette smoke. I asked her if i could use her bathroom and she said i couldnt go in the house lol. It sounded as if there were 100 other dogs in the house. I asked if i could see a couple of the other puppies before making my decision and she agreed. These poor dogs must of never been out of the cage before, they could barely walk. For the first couple of months my puppy couldnt make it up a four inch step to get on our brick patio. I didnt get the papers from her, she said i had a few months to decide if i wanted to get the papers and if i wanted the papers it would take six months to be delivered to me. There was an all white female the same age as my puppy i bought and she would occansionally update the site and lie about the age of her, poor thing... My dog has always hid under things since i brought him home and still occasionally does, this may have something to do with his neglect or mistreatment. My dog was born april 23 2007, or so she claims and he has no health problems thus far. I bought him in july 2007, if anyone else purchased a puppy around this time please post.

Portland, US
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Nov 18, 2009 2:20 pm EST

I like many on here wish I had seen these reviews before I purchased my English Bulldog in Sept 2006. I live in Maine, so I was unable to visit the breeder. I looked online for complaints but didn't find any. Her website looked legit and she called me right back. I should have known something was amiss when she was so "needed" me to wire her the money. I told her I was at work but she said was insistent that it needed to be done by a certain time, on that certain date, even though I had the next day off. When we picked up the puppy, he didn't want to leave his cage, he smelled like cigarettes, and like the other person didn't walk up any steps. I called Virginia and said he arrived safely. I never heard from her. I thought that was really strange given she said on the phone how caring of a breeder she is and how much she loves bulldogs. Within a year, he had cherry eye, and is seriously aggresive, nervous, and a histocytoma. He still has numerous skin issues, but clearly he's the product of neglect, over and poor breeding. Our other bulldog is a sweetheart, which we bought from a local breeder. I hope she goes to jail. She's an evil person.

Chicago, US
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Feb 21, 2010 9:19 pm EST


I live in Chicago and purchased our Bulldog "Sophie" from Ms. Everts. I hated to think of what our poor pooch went through before we were taken by Jenni. She is truly a hurtful person. For Kakes11, she told us the same birthday and we purchased her at the same time. I have a feeling that Sophie came from Russia and was only with Jenni for a short time. We have been very lucky with Sophie and her health in general. When we first go Sophie, she became very ill and developed pneumonia. Since then, besides being soooo stubborn, she is a great dog and healthy. All of these posting make me very sad.

Howell, US
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Mar 01, 2010 3:12 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I bought a french bulldog from this woman as well. I must say, I have to disagree with most of you. Jenny was caught up in a scam, as you could read, if you take the time to go through these posts. The woman from Russia or Norway? posted something on here. It was a complete disaster, I couldn't imagine being in Jen's shoes. You all want to speak on what she did wrong, etc. But being in that type of buisness has it's falls. You all complained about the smell of the house, the dogs in crates etc, but BOUGHT A DOG. Amazes me. Really does.

I went to her house on several occasions, I must say, those puppys were spoiled. They were treated well, well fed, the Vet was at her house almost daily!

What she did do wrong is keep them in the cages often.

But when having a kennel, you have to-because you can't risk another dog being sick and infecting ALL of them. So, the puppies that were "new" were kept in the cage for a period to make sure they were healthy.

I do know, when I went there, about 5 puppies were in a little gated fence, they were playing outside enjoying the day!

At any rate, nobody has to worry about this issue, she is NOT selling dogs!