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CB Silvermine Kennel

The good, the bad, and the ugly - discover what customers are saying about Silvermine Kennel

Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for Silvermine Kennel. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with Silvermine Kennel.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Silvermine Kennel's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Silvermine Kennel, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with Silvermine Kennel. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

12:38 pm EDT

Silvermine Kennel Don't buy from them

OMG! I personally went to this kennel place with a friend of mine myself that was buying a puppy from them, what I saw I almost had heart failure right then and there. These two people collect Social Security Benefits I am so sure of it being senior citizens that they are and do not report the income I am sure of. For the most part the dogs had no bedding or beds to lay on with these limited metal tins rolled in a 2 foot area for the dogs to lay on the cold damp wet ground that did not accommodate all his like 50 dogs. They feed their dogs Ol'Roy dog food from Wal-Mart that is loaded with corn that causes allergies in dogs. They sell the pups for $2500.00 each and can not afford to put the on a premium quality puppy/dog food which is so very sad. All these dogs I am sure are NOT their pets, they are in kennels some of them with feces everywhere. Question I ask myself, how do all these dogs get the socialization that they need individually? They do not use stainless steel bowl or water buckets. I have 2 friends that have dogs from this breeder before I went there myself and one has hip dysplasia, and the other has only 1 testicle. Another friend of mine has one that she bred from them and the sire through a 1 testicle male puppy from these people when they knew that that dog was going to be purchased as a sire. Any way for the most part, I will NOT support this PUPPY MILL at all whatsoever no matter what lines he is buying all over the world. He made over a half a Million $$$$$'s in puppy sales last year with his Puppy Mill business. Please pass this around, DO NOT SUPPORT THIS VERY SAD SITUATION OF THESE POOR ANIMALS.

Read full review of Silvermine Kennel and 20 comments
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christina (mcree) bartlett
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Aug 09, 2015 1:15 pm EDT

I don't normally comment but this time I will throw in my two cents worth. I bred my female to a silvermine offspring I had purchased from another breeder, several people made bad comments about silvermine kennels, just to let everyone know, my male, now a year and a half old is just gorgeous. He has a wonderful disposition and is about the most loving dog I ever had...the picture of his father is also breathtaking.. I was even leary about selling his puppies after reading the comments, but he has had his cleaances and they checked out great.

merrick, US
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May 01, 2014 10:10 pm EDT

Silvermine Kennels is a RIPOFF ! ... I got my dog from there. Within one year front and rear elbow dysplagia with surgery, they could care less! Good Riddance!, major $$ spent on Ortho, not sending my dog back to them to put down.

Rene Burdulis
Kenosha, US
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Jul 10, 2012 4:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Good job and advise gldnlover. Where has all the common sense and responsibility for ones own actions gone to? I have gone threw 4 dogs with these people and absolutely love them. 2 of my dogs are certified working service dogs. Brains and beauty;
Thanks for throwing in your two cents!

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Jul 10, 2012 6:37 am EDT

Dogs poop, you clean! Change shoes to waterproof boots ky"cowgirl". Real cowboys wear boots to protect their feet!

Rene Burdulis
Kenosha, US
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Jul 06, 2012 4:28 am EDT
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It sounds to me like bitter apples and that you did not take the proper precautions. I know this from mucking out stalls for years. Laziness and noncompliance will breed disease and trouble in many ways. I have been to the kennel several times unannounced and have never seen what you are describing. I am sorry for your condition and any trouble you may be going through but I think you are blaming the wrong people and looking to collect something you are not due from them. I hope you do the right thing and accept the consequences of you actions.

greensburg, US
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Jul 05, 2012 10:47 pm EDT

If they are people that do all the right things then why did they not want to help when i sent them my info on what happened to me when i was helping there, i almost lost both my feet due to the feces and water build up outside the pins soaking my shoes, i have attorneys working on this still and will finally get this worked out, i know alot of stuff that went on there and it was not good, trust me i'm not just someone putting bad stuff out there, i have the proof to back it up, pictures and all, when i first met them i thought they were nice people and then i found out the hard way just how evil they could be, i'm still fighting with my feet and maybe one day it will be better and i will be able to get back to a normal life but trust me they are not out to do the right thing if they was i would not have to have attorneys working this case and it will soon come to head and they will have to go to court to answer for it.

Rene Burdulis
Kenosha, US
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Apr 01, 2012 11:56 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Daniell, if you go thru and look at the comments and Who they are from you will see they are from the same family.. I have posted here and you'll find me on there web site too. I personally went one weekend, made the drive, to see the kennel/ I did not want some one breeding there own 3 dogs and selling pups out of their living room. This is magnificent place with beautiful accomadations for there dogs. They take excellent care and are very serious in continuing a smart, even temperament, , beautiful line of Golden's. Call them, ask questions, ask about the neg. reviews, here their side. I can say from first hand experience they stand behind there dogs. Call, Ask, Go see for your self. Contact me for more info and pictures ...but don't take one persons opinion who didn't take his pup to the vet after years and then blame the breeder because he didn't want to follow the rules... silvermine is good place.

danielle ca
Sacramento, US
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Mar 31, 2012 6:37 pm EDT

I feel very confused. I was deeply considering buying my puppy from Silvermine but after seeing so many bad reviews I feel I would be taking a huge chance! It sounds like someone is just out to get Silvermine, which is what i'd like to believe but there is no way i want to spend thousands to have my dog with bad health problems in a year! I really liked their pictures on the web site... :( how can i know for sure that I can purchase a healthy puppy?.. totally bummed...

Rene Burdulis
Kenosha, US
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Mar 23, 2012 8:10 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've been to the kennel several times. It is always quiet, clean and the dogs are well taken care of. Everything looks like it should and the dogs are healthy. The owners are very nice and if I had a problem or question they were eager to help. I now have two beautiful dogs, the loves of my life who are certified service dogs to help me through the rest of my life. I am proud to say they came from Silvermine Kennel. Mike and Claudia keep doing a great job. Rene Burdullis

1620 Nicklaus ct, US
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Mar 22, 2012 4:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello, this makes us very sad that so many people are being so rude to these people at Silvermine. We have been there and thought it was amazing . Dogs very clean and cared for. large great property for them. Puppies were inside the house and very clean. They were so amazing they donated a dog for our son as his service dog. She has since passed away and we miss her. She was great. People you have nothing else to do but critisize others means you are not happy yourself. You should focus on the dogs who have no food and shelter and not the people who love and care for them and breed these great dogs so others can enjoy them too. I hope they make money because it is a lot of work and experience. Wow you knock a brand of food. Really get a life At least they have food. Seriously people. Dont bad mouth people for no reason. Try to look for the good in people.

10:41 pm EDT

Silvermine Kennel Silvermine is a PUPPY MILL!

Our family bought a puppy from the Rafaela/ Seawind litter in May 2007. As an animal lover I was very mislead that Mike Denny actualy cared about his animals, and they were not just a dollar sign. When we picked up our puppy she was extemly underweight. Our vet immediatly noticed the puppy had dry flaky skin. We were given perscription dog food to help put on pounds and and help nutrition. We also started the recommended vitimins from the breeder. We communicated with Mike about the puppys condition. He assured us it would get better. To make a long story short- this dog suffers from very bad health problems. This puppy ended up having intestinal sugery that cost $3700. She was only 4 months old. I contacted Mike to tell him we might have to put the dog down, and all Mike did was yell at me and say it was not his problem! He didnt even blink an eye that this poor dog was suffering so much. Then at 7 months old after several vet visits- our puppy was diagnosed with Ichthyosis. THIS IS GENETICALLY BASED HERITABLE CONDITION. The animal dermatoligist did biopsy's on the puppy to confirm this. She explained to us that it is easily misdiagnosed as "dry skin" in an initial vet visit. Our puppy was born with this condition. IT IS IRRESPONSIBLE TO KEEP BREEDING DOGS, PASSING ALONG THESE GENETIC CONDITIONS. This kennel should be called Goldmine Kennel not silvermine. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT SILVERMINE BREEDS DOGS WITH KNOWN MEDICAL CONDITIONS. Our family has suffered heart break from watching this poor puppy suffer so much! Don't let it happen to your family!

Read full review of Silvermine Kennel and 5 comments
Update by Dayna M
Sep 30, 2008 11:45 pm EDT

Mike what is your excuse for my puppy having a GENETICALLY BASED HERITABLE CONDITION? I would love to know why you think it is ok for making these beautiful animals suffer like this.

Update by Dayna M
Aug 09, 2008 11:12 pm EDT

I am sickened with Mike Dennys pathetic "excuse/response" to my family's post. PLEASE- BEFORE YOU BUY A PUUPY FROM THIS BREEDER-DO YOUR RESERCH. IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBT THIS IS TRUE- PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME, AND I WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH VET DOCUMINTATION (from a vet dermatologist specialist), MY CONTRACT WITH SILVERMINE, COPY OF 2 CHECKS (one for the $500 deposit & one for $2500 for the final payment fo the pup) MEDICAL BILLS, AND EVEN EMAILS THAT WERE SENT BACK AND FORTH TO SILVERMINE KENNEL SIGNED BY MIKE DENNY. We could only wish that this terrible saga was not true. Unfortunatly, this breeder only cares about dollar signs, and does not care about all the familys and animals he is hurting. Mike knows exactly who we are, not only did he speak with us numerous times on the telephone- but we even met him in person when we picked up the pup. I AM NOT A BREEDER! I am just a dog owner who has had thier heart broken by this unethical man. FYI- Several of other victims have responded to me and my post. sharing thier horrible experience with me.I HAVE ALSO RECENTLY BEEN MADE AWARE BY one of them THAT MY PUPS FATHER SEAWIND IS NO LONGER EVEN ALIVE. ALTHOUGH MIKE DENNY KEEPS HIS PHOTO ON HIS SITE. JUST ANOTHER SCAM BY "GOLDMINE" KENNEL TO KEEP THE ANIMALS HEALTH CONDITIONS UNDER WRAPS. SILVERMINE KENNEL IS A PUPPY MILL!

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greensburg, US
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Sep 09, 2010 1:02 pm EDT
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I did some counting and not counting duplicate postings their are 26 total posters, 12 that have not done any business with us, 1 that concerns our son, 1 that is pure fabrication, 3 with dysplasia, 2 with worms, 1 with a cold, and 1 with a skin problem. There are 7 that are favorable to us. Considering the number of people that have purchased Silvermine pups this is not really a bad record. Of course we are sorry and concerned about the 7 dogs that have had problems but these are things that we cannot change. Most dog owners are aware that illness and vet bills come with owning dogs. We make all of our clients read and sign that they understand that we have limited responsibility for these vet bills. In all of these negative complaints we have lived up to our contract. We offered to exchange all of the dogs with hip issues. The rest were completely out of our control. Please visit our site and see our "Clients Share" page where many of our clients tell of their good experiences with us

greensburg, US
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Jul 09, 2010 9:07 am EDT
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In response to Dillon and others who have said nasty things about our kennel and our dogs. We had our AKC inspection yesterday. AKC inspects these areas and ranks these areas either Acceptable, Needs improvement or Unacceptable.
Kennel conditions
A. Construction of kennel Acceptable
B. Are dogs protected from elements Acceptable
C. Adequate space for each dog Acceptable
D. Are floors wire mesh No
E. Fresh air and absence of odor Acceptable
F. Ample light Acceptable

A. Is overall appearance clean Acceptable
B. is there an absence of fecal material Acceptable
C. Are water containers clean with
enough fresh water. Acceptable
D. Is food provided daily Acceptable
E. Is bedding free of parasites Acceptable
F. Feces disposal Septic

Conditions of dogs
A. Are there visible parasites Acceptable
B. Any signs of untreated or visible wounds Acceptable
C. Any coats inordinately matted/dirty/ neglected Acceptable
D. Are any dogs grossly underweight Acceptable
E. Do dogs have access to daily exercise out of
cage or pen Yes

We passed every category with the best rating possible with no area needing improvement.

The inspectors conclusion:
"I arrived on [protected] to do An General Inspection. I checked dog records first, I checked 12 records and all were ok. Next I checked on dogs, Dogs are kept in an outer building with indoor/outdoor runs...Customer is in compliance with AKC on this day of inspection."

So to Dillon and others who have said nasty things about our kennel and the condition of our dogs IT'S JUST NOT TRUE.

greensburg, US
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Oct 02, 2008 12:06 pm EDT
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Dayna not all genetically based conditions can be screened for. We can screen for hips, elbows, eyes and heart but not for skin conditions. Also sometimes a breeding pair will produce a problem in one pup in one litter only and not have the problem arise again.
We can breed dogs that have a problem together with other dogs and have no problems, in other words the problem can be just the mix of those two dogs. If you have studied your dogs condition and it appears you have, then I don't see how you can condemn me for this problem I had no way of knowing that this pup would turn up with a skin problem. Seawind had no skin issues and neither does Rafaela. Also none of their other pups that I know of have any kind of skin problems. You accuse me of only caring about dollars but what this really amounts to is you caring about dollars and wanting me to pay your vet bills. You knew when you bought this pup that we do not do that and now you decide that this is all my fault and that I should pay them for you. I certainly wish that this pup did not have this problem it is sad but it is not my fault.

greensburg, US
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Aug 28, 2008 6:57 am EDT
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Unfortunately Seawind did pass away. We have kept him on our site not to try to deceive any one but because we loved him and miss him. Keeping him on the site allows us to see his picture when we are working on the site. Also we direct clients to his picture when they are looking at the puppies of his offspring. How anyone can construe this to be a scam is beyond me.

greensburg, US
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Jul 31, 2008 9:10 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please read the thread under the complaint posted by Armin this complaint is addressed there.

6:37 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Silvermine Kennel Terrible breeder!

A little less than a year ago my family and I purchased a puppy from Silvermine Kennels. In a March '07 Lady/Gambler litter our little Zoe was born. I had called up in hopes to find a puppy to train to become a 'seizure alert' dog, as I have epilepsy. And that's where it all begins.

Within in a day or two of getting Zoe we noticed she wasn't eating much, but we weren't to worried as it was one of the hottest days of the year out, and she was just getting used to her new home. But within the next day or so, she was progressively getting worse (severe vomiting A little less than a year ago my family and I purchased a puppy from Silvermine Kennels. In a March '07 Lady/Gambler litter our little Zoe was born. I had called up in hopes to find a puppy to train to become a 'seizure alert' dog, as I have epilepsy. And that's where it all begins.

Within in a day or two of getting Zoe we noticed she wasn't eating much, but we weren't to worried as it was one of the hottest days of the year out, and she was just getting used to her new home. But within the next day or so, she was progressively getting worse (severe vomiting and diarrhea), and we took her to Emergency vet (under the advice of our regular vet) near death. Both our vet. and the emergency room staff said that Zoe was underweight and small for her age. After many x-rays, IV's, and antibiotics, they found the culprit of what was making Zoe so ill. It was a worm.

Strongyloides 'Threadworm' infestation. Usually this worm derives from cattle, humid, and cramped places. When we called up Mike Denny to let him know what was going on, he was rude and defensive. He said our vet. was 'not qualified.'. We let him know that our vet told us our pup most likely contracted the 'threadworm from her mother, and to let the breeder know (so that he could check the mother and alert the other owners of the pups). Mike seemed defensive once again and angry with us.

We sent him copies off all of her doctor's labwork, and the total of what we had paid for all of her work (ER: $484.49 Vet: $470.00 Total: $954.49) and Silvermine paid $350.00 out of the emergency vet bill because they 'felt' that's all they were responsible for. Silvermine would not fully pay for her vet bills because we took her in 4 days (and not the 3 as the contract states), even though we took her into emergency near death. And we had kept Silvermine Kennel posted the whole entire time. No agreements could be met. Although Mike Denny did threaten us with court if we pursued or pushed him/them any further...

Just this last Friday (March 7th 2008) we took Zoe into the vet. To our dismay we found out she has a very severe case of hip dysplasia for a dog her age (11 1/2 months old). She is looking to get a $2000.00 surgery on both of her back hips (by a specialist). Silvermine's contract states that within two years, if your dog shows it's dysplastic they will replace the current dog with a new pup (that's not verbatim the contract). But we want to keep Zoe so we called up Mike Denny to see if we couldn't come to some sort of agreement and to let him know one of his dogs has hip dysplasia.

He knows how sick she's been in the past and we asked if we could at least get a partial refund (on the original amount we spent to adopt her), to pay for Zoe's surgery and medical bills. He said that we could send her there to get the surgery and he would send us a new puppy. My husband tried to reason, saying it would just be saving him the cost of shipping and surgery, but Mike wasn't buying (and he was losing his temper). And of course, there's no way we'd send our Zoe back to those people.

The most damaging proof we have against Silvermine Kennel is the medical paperwork on Zoe. Saying that she came to us partially anorexic, that she had a doughy abdomen when entering the emergency room (meaning she had been underfed for quite sometime), and that she's got a worm infestation (strongyloidies 'threadworm') that is caused from things that are not in our environment altogether, and all of the antibiotics, x-rays, etc that she had to have... And now the hip dysplasia. This is Silvermine's wall of shame.

Please be careful when you're researching for a working dog, or family pet. Do not be fooled! You can run into a whole host of problems with unethical breeders such as Mike Denny and his family at Silvermine Kennel. BE AWARE! Stay Away From Silvermine Kennel!and diarrhea), and we took her to Emergency vet (under the advice of our regular vet) near death. Both our vet. and the emergency room staff said that Zoe was underweight and small for her age. After x-rays and IV's, they found the culprit of what was making Zoe so ill. It was a worm (parasite). Strongyloides 'Threadworm' infestation. Usually this worm derives from cattle, and cramped places.

When we called up Mike Denny to let him know what was going on, he was rude and defensive. He said our vet. was 'not qualified.'. We let him know that our vet told us our pup most likely contracted the 'threadworm from her mother, and to let the breeder know (so that he could check the mother and alert the other owners of the pups). Mike seemed defensive once again and angry with us. We sent him copies off all of Zoe's labwork, and the total of what we had paid for all of her work (ER: $484.49 Vet: $470.00 Total: $954.49) and Silvermine paid $350.00 out of the emergency vet bill because they 'felt' that's all they were responsible for. Silvermine would not fully pay for her vet bills because we took her in 4 days (and not the 3 as the contract states), even though we took her into emergency near death.

And we had kept Silvermine Kennel posted the whole entire time. No agreements could be met. Although Mike Denny did threaten us with court if we pursued or pushed him/them any further. Just this last Friday (March 7th 2008) we took Zoe into the vet. To our dismay we found out she has a very severe case of hip dysplasia for a dog her age (11 1/2 months old). She is looking to get a $2000.00 surgery on both of her back hips (by a specialist).

Silvermine's contract states that within two years, if your dog shows it's dysplastic they will replace the current dog with a new pup (that's not verbatim the contract). But we want to keep Zoe so we called up Mike Denny to see if we couldn't come to some sort of agreement and to let him know one of his dogs has hip dysplasia. He knows how sick she's been in the past and we asked if we could at least get a partial refund (on the original amount we spent to adopt her), to pay for Zoe's surgery and medical bills. He said that we could send her there to get the surgery and he would send us a new puppy. My husband tried to reason, saying it would just be saving him the cost of shipping and surgery, but Mike wasn't buying (and he was losing his temper). And of course, there's no way we'd send our Zoe back to those people.

The most damaging proof we have against Silvermine Kennel is the medical paperwork on Zoe. Saying that she came to us partially anorexic, that she had a doughy abdomen when entering the emergency room (meaning she had been underfed for quite sometime), and that she's got a worm infestation (strongyloidies 'threadworm') that is caused from things that are not in our environment altogether, and all of the de-wormer, x-rays, IV's, etc that she had to have... And now the hip dysplasia. This is Silvermine's wall of shame.

Please be careful when you're researching buying your next puppy. Do not be fooled! You can run into a whole host of problems with unethical breeders such as Mike Denny and his family at Silvermine Kennel. BE AWARE! Stay Away From Silvermine Kennel!

Read full review of Silvermine Kennel and 57 comments

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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merrick, US
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Mar 26, 2013 12:09 pm EDT

On July 17th2011, we received our puppy that we purchased for $3000.00 dollars from $2500 for the dog and $500 for shipping. As expected we received an absolutely beautiful 7.5 week old English Golden Retriever. Everything about him was perfect and he took to his surroundings immediately. He is loved beyond words by my family and I wouldn’t trade him for any dog on the planet. The puppy within 24hours of arrival was diagnosed with Giardia, which is a common type parasite, I understand. We spent the money to fix it, to the tune of $200 including meds. The following week, the pup was diagnosed with an additional Protozoa, which again, we got happens. We fixed that too and the price tag was another $200 with visit and meds. I did although call the owner Mike Denny to let him know what was happening. A couple of months later when the dog was 5 months old, he started limping on his front left leg. After several visits to two different veterinarians, an orthopedic specialist diagnosed our 5 month old puppy with Elbow Dysplagia….5 months old !

I again, called Mr. Denny and he basically said, “it happens, send me back the dog and I’ll give you a new one”. It was his intention to put my dog DOWN and send me another runt from his litter. That was not going to happen after acclimating the dog to my family and loving him now for almost 5 months. The cost of the surgery to repair the dogs elbow was $4600 (not including the cost of the prior x-rays and sedatives) Of course, we opted to have it done and were instructed to keep him quiet and on a leash at all times for the next 3 months so he can heal. Mr. Denny refused all requests to “meet us half way” with the
vet bills. What a great guy… BIG heart.

Well, (2) months into his elbow healing he starts limping on his left rear leg. (Remember, the dog has been kept confined and quiet so his front leg could heal. No running, no jumping, no playing, nothing!) Back to the Orthopedic Vet, more x-rays and sedation. I was informed IN WRITING from our vet, that the dog’s Anterior cruciate ligament was slowly starting to tear, and in no way, shape or form, could this be a result of an injury due to the location of the tearing. He said it’s a slow tear and the dog will be lame within a short time if it’s not repaired. Again, I called Mike Denny about this situation. Mike Denny thinks he has the verbal articulation to talk his way out of anything and he has a contract to prove it.

So again, Mr. Denny slammed the door on any negotiations other than “send the dog back and I’ll give you a new one”. Does this man actually think I would take ANOTHER dog from him given what I’ve been through with the one he sold me? Now, I started doing my own research and have found other owners who too, have gotten an inferior dog from this couple at

Mr. Denny said, “I protect myself from people like you with my contract. It is what it is, you signed the contract and now you want to change it ?” He kept repeating that ridiculous statement over and over and over. He had nothing else to defend his poor breeding practices with other than his “contract”. I consider myself to be a reasonable person. I’m not looking for a full refund on the dog, I, like several other breeders of this type of dog thought…he would stand behind his dogs and his business and make sure that I didn’t walk away angry. The breeders I have spoken to and the people who purchase dogs from them, say they never heard of such an atrocity! They could never in good consciousness do that to anyone who spent that kind of money in good faith. Now, keep in mind…the Denny’s are no spring chickens and it makes perfect sense that he’s heading for or already in retirement so what does he care? This man could care less that his business is getting smeared all over the internet. I have been in touch with others that have bought a dog from him with the same results I got.

He just doesn’t care. He’s a callous man who should not be in the breeding business AT ALL. His dogs, property and business practices are sub-level and sub-human. Mr. Denny has not only taught me a hard lesson…don’t buy dogs on the internet, but he has ruined a lot of business practices for the breeders out there that are ethical and have great reputations and would respond promptly so as not to have their good name tarnished. This man and his wife have absolutely no ethics whatsoever. The bottom line is…


merrick, US
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Jan 28, 2013 5:39 pm EST

If you wish to read "scam report" you will find the entire story of our nightmare experience with Silvermine Kennels as well as others. Bottom Line, Buyer beware. We love our dog, but there is no love loss for Silvermine Kennels. Buy your "English Creme" Golden elsewhere. Google LOOOOOVES silvermine kennels ;)

Kristal from NM
Aztec, US
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Jan 07, 2012 10:56 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Silvermine Kennel was recommended to me by another breeder that had no puppies at the time. We bought our male from them and he was in perfect health, very well socialized, and is so smart, we just love him to death. Silvermine is a very reputable breeder, he sends certification of hips, elbows, heart, and eyes, he makes sure to give information on how to take care of your new family member and is very educational and will answer any questions you have regarding their dogs or your new addition. They were very helpful to us and showed to be of excellent character. Please, if I may, where does it say that if you own and breed allot of dogs that you don't love them. Just because they have many dogs does not mean they do not love and care for them all, you can have a business in something you love and LOVE what you do, isn't that the American dream. He is offering people a chance to own a wonderful breed and ALL of their dogs are very well taken care of. They are all healthy and that is the main concern. Why should you judge someone by the number of dogs they have. Horse breeders do it all the time yet no one complains about them because it a business of something someone loves to do. If you have a license and you take care of your product and have a good product that consumers want, don't you increase your product so that you may offer more of it to the consumers, YES. Silvermine has all the makings of a GREAT BREEDER and a GREAT SMALL BUSINESS owner, They do all that is required and go beyond that for great customer relations. I own 4 English Goldens at the moment and love every single one of my dogs, they are family, we will also be offering puppies in the next year and will increase our family with new additions, and I can tell you right now that with every new dog that we add to our family it will be given all the love and care we can give. This is what I see when I look at Silvermine, don't judge because of the number of animals he has. Look at the quality, care and love a breeder gives, that is what is important.

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Nov 30, 2011 4:50 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It's not always feasible to go and visit the facility. I have been to Silvermine Kennels and I wouldn't want my dog to eat off their floor. Maybe if you ate your food off their floor you would end up with all those diseases these puppies come home with. I know several people who have purchased completely healthy puppies. It's because they were bred by ethical breeders, not breeders who are churning out puppies left and right for greed.

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Nov 29, 2011 8:18 pm EST

I find it really funny that many of the negative comments about how their dog has been "poorly treated" are by people who bought their puppy over the internet and never visited it prior to purchasing it. I have, in fact, visited their facilities at Silvermine, and I would personally eat my food off of their kennel's floor. The staff there love every one of the dogs, and I have visited the puppy I have picked out. My family did our homework, went and spent some time with Mike and Claudia and their staff (from another state!) and are very confident that Mike is a true man of his word. I could never believe that anyone that works there from their puppy nanny and kennel keeper all the way up to Mike himself could ever allow any dog to be hurt or neglected. Though they have quite a few dogs, each one gets one on one time with people, and as I walked among all of their dogs, I felt safe putting my hand through the fence as even the biggest studs licked my hand. All their dogs love people, and a dog that has been neglected does NOT love people. Our family has seriously and professionally bread dogs in the past, and from talking with Mike, he is one of the most knowledgeable people we have ever talked with about dogs. Yes puppies have problems, but they are problems that cannot be helped. Be responsible in your choices, and make sure you are ready for a puppy if you are buying a puppy! You are not buying a car with a manufactures warranty, you are buying a living, breathing creature. Things go wrong, but many many more things go right! I know you all love your dogs, and know that I believe Mike and his family love and care for each and every dog in their kennel.

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Dec 05, 2010 10:18 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Silverlmine Kennel! First of all I am not a19 year old girl and yes I have breed golden retrievers before. I am 30 years old and I don't know why my age has anything to do with this. I have never run into a more rude and unprofessional breeder than the Silvermine Kennel. I would just want everyone to steer away from purchasing from these people. If you want a healthy, beautiful puppy always refer to the AKC website. Silvermine Kennel is AKC certified.

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Oct 30, 2010 3:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

How does Silvermine "know" that they haven't done business with 12 of the posters here? The comments here are too serious to ignore. Good for those of us that have posted and even better for those who find this page.
If you don't think Silvermine is a puppy mill, check out their web page of upcoming litters. WAY too many dogs! Those dogs live in their shed away from their house just bred to support their lifestyle. You're only paying for their trips to Europe, their Cadillac and Mrs. Denney's horses if you buy from them.
Also, they have older puppies for sale...these are probably the dogs with hip dysplasia that were turned in by buyers who bought them with the breeding rights and the extra price tag. Thank goodness we picked the dog that ended up with hip dysplasia. We will make sure he lives a wonderful life rather than "return" him to Silvermine only to end up in a shelter or put down.

Stockbridge, US
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Oct 12, 2010 10:37 pm EDT

If you are going to allow "good comments" from happy customers, than it seems to me that you should also allow negative comments on your "clients share" page. I am sure no negative comments make it through. It would be interesting to see tha ratio of good vs. bad comments. I understand it is a business you are trying to run, however when dealing with a retail store for example, their web page allows for all feedback. Don't try to tell me that no negative comments ever come through. If that was the case then this this page would not exist. There again, no one is going to "exchange " their puppy, giving it back to a breeder who is responsible for the defect in the first place. Who is to say you don't put the puppy down? You really expect us to think that we ship a sick puppy back to you and you then pay to get them well? Why not pay for the puppy to get better and let the client keep the puppy, if you are supposedly going to pay for the puppy to get better anyways? Sounds to me that dogs are indesposible to you.
Good for you, two2afull. I am a strong believer in doing research before making any purchase, especially when it involves a life. The more educated you can be on a subject the better. Especially when there are so many puppy mills out there selling their own over bread pups to the public and pet stores.

greensburg, US
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Sep 09, 2010 1:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I did some counting and not counting duplicate postings their are 26 total posters, 12 that have not done any business with us, 1 that concerns our son, 1 that is pure fabrication, 3 with dysplasia, 2 with worms, 1 with a cold, and 1 with a skin problem. There are 7 that are favorable to us. Considering the number of people that have purchased Silvermine pups this is not really a bad record. Of course we are sorry and concerned about the 7 dogs that have had problems but these are things that we cannot change. Most dog owners are aware that illness and vet bills come with owning dogs. We make all of our clients read and sign that they understand that we have limited responsibility for these vet bills. In all of these negative complaints we have lived up to our contract. We offered to exchange all of the dogs with hip issues. The rest were completely out of our control. Please visit our site and see our "Clients Share" page where many of our clients tell of their good experiences with us

Somerville, US
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Sep 09, 2010 12:12 pm EDT

Have to say the we are in the market for a Golden and was seriously considering Silvermine Kennels. NOT after reading all these comments and complaints! One or two complaints I could understand, but there are far too many complaints here to ignore. Thanks to one and all for possibly saving my family unnecessary expense and heartache. I'll stick to breeders that have a few good litters a year that insist on limited registration. Always suspicious of breeders that always have litters and will offer full registration "for a price". Those were the red flags that prompted me to check the web for any complaints. Best of luck to all of you with your dogs.

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