I have been dealing with camba for a while now needed emergency transfer got run around multiple times worker literally laugh when you explain your situation and be little clients 6-8 weeks for a call back to schedule appointment that never come cause they never call you back and when you finally get voucher you end up losing apartments because they never contact broker or landlord back having a voucher come with so many stigmas to begin with and for the bay street office to not follow through or take forever is ridiculous you go there office is constantly empty workers or hardly at desk it’s insane something needs to be done they always say there back logged but if you go or really look you can see why I could use a city job if they don’t wanna work there I can surely treat client with way more dignity and respect that’s for sure so sad when shovan was there things was getting done I don’t wants going on all I know is I was in path and I want only there trying to get help because camba Staten Island wasn’t doing anything
Desired outcome: To be held accountable stop making client lose apartments,schedule more appointments to get work down the process is not that hard once they start they have access to Hra system so a lot of info is already there in system
Went to office and had to call from out side they wouldn't open the door and told me I had to wait two months before I can receive help over the phone .