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Castle Creek Cavaliers

Castle Creek Cavaliers review: Awful 14

Author of the review
12:56 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I wouldn't advise anyone to get a puppy from this breeder, Merle Tucker. I purchased a puppy from her in July and she has had a cough the entire time we have had her and is still sick to this day! She has not taken responsibility for selling me a sick puppy nor has she reimbursed for any of the $8, 000 we have incurred in medical bills. This is not including the $2, 400 we paid for the puppy itself. She is very unprofessional and is not truthful or honest that she is a "puppy mill". She has way too many liters, way too many dogs and she is the only one who lives there and cares for these dogs. One of the three times that I went to visit, she had two liters of 7 or 8 puppies in each liter that were born all around 10 days old!

CastleCreek Cavaliers or Castle Creek Cavalier. The website is:

As of today's post her website shows: (10) Dams, (3) Sires, (3) Available Adults and (8) puppies. She is caring for them ALONE?
Her non-profit is a joke!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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San Diego, US
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Aug 05, 2012 9:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We had exactly the same experience with this "breeder" and we are in the process of taking legal action. It appears that she has a very questionable background and tthere are various cases filed against her. You can view a list of these cases at:

Thankfully, our little guy is doing much better. We also purchased our puppy last month, and this past month has been extremely stressful. Our little one had to be hospitalized, has had many costly vet visits, and is still going through antibiotic treatment. Sad to say, this stress and worry is not over for us, as he is not completely out of the woods. While the financial toll has been very hard to bear, the fear of losing him has been extremely hard on our family. I hope that your little one is doing well. Thank goodness we rescued our little ones from this very bad situation! Good luck to you with how you decide to handle this situation.

Vista, US
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Nov 22, 2012 9:37 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We too, have run into problems with this horrible breeder. I didn't research very thoroughly before getting our puppy and that's on me, but the emotional strife is really taking it's toll. We got our puppy in Aug 2011 and paid $2200 for her. We've recently been getting calls and emails from Merle saying that our dog is in her foster breeding program and since she's 18 months old, it's time to breed her. I've been ignoring her, until the other day when I received a certified letter from her and signed for it before I looked to see what it was. Now I've been researching all the lawsuits against her and saw she counter-sued one woman for $25, 000! I'm at a loss on what to do. We do not want to return our dog to this woman to be used as a puppy prostitute and we do not want her to sue us and try to take our dog away. We've had her for nearly a year and a half now and she's family. My husband got her as a gift for me before he left on a deployment and she's been a huge emotional support system for me. I don't know what to do or even where to start.

South Eastern, US
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Dec 18, 2012 8:45 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had a show breeder who belongs to the Cavalier club call me this morning. She saw my Facebook posting last night that a lady from San Diego is interested in buying 2 of my Cavalier puppies. My puppies are 6 weeks old. She doesn't want to pay the money I'm asking for. She talked a good talk but this person I thanked for much for calling me. The person that called me today is a good friend of mine and she was looking out for me. I will NOT be selling her any of my Cavalier puppies which were born Nov. 1, 2012.

South Eastern, US
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Dec 19, 2012 5:07 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've read the complaints about this breeder, and I posted a comment last night. She sent me scathing emails that I remove it or she will take action against me. No one will threaten me or force me to do anything. She might have a large home and have an 1/2-1 acre of land but that doesn't mean anything.

I noticed on her website she does training classes and people from all over can come. They are done on her land/house. All she requires is they must be registered with AKC and be heart cleared and CERF cleared. To have many Cavaliers come to her for training, I'm surprised she doesn't require that the puppy/dog have a Bordetella Vaccine. That vaccine protects your dog from getting kennel cough.

Her puppy sharing program that she has on her site to me is nothing more than she is what I call a broker since she resales the puppies. i.e. backyard breeder.

She first told me my Cavaliers were nicely marked. Today when I got her scathing email after I emailed her and told her I wouldn't be selling any of my Cavaliers to her, she rebuts and says my cavaliers are not marked well and accused the grandparents and great grandparents coming from a puppy mill. I can tell you that's the furtherest thing from the truth. She also told me my Cavaliers are not worth what I'm selling for. She also tried to tell me in her area the highest they sell for is maybe $1500. I know better. I know breeders and show breeders in California and they sell their non-show Cavaliers for lot more than any $1500.

When she called me yesterday for the 1st time, she sounded like a great person. In that conversation, she told me that there is a breeder who lives "close" to me and her prices are not high. I'm smart and I know how to google and research. The person she told me about lives in South Dakota. Let me tell you, South Dakota is a long ways from where I live in Iowa. I also tried to tell her that Iowa 's prices are in line with Chicago prices for Cavaliers for a non-show Cavalier.

She asked me for my female's Pedigree and all she asked me for was the Mother. I not only sent her the Mother's pedigree but I also sent her a 9-generation Pedigree. She sent me another email that same night asking who the Sire was. I replied with the Sire's name. She never asked to see his Pedigree.

Today, she tried to tell me via email that she asked for the Sire's Pedigree, the grandparents and the great grandparents when in fact she never asked me to send those to her. Not only do I save all important/critical emails, I also print them out and put them in a file. I know what she asked and that was only for the Dam that I own.

I will not let anyone imitate me or tell me what to do. She told me in an email today she saw a Facebook posting or one of her friend's Facebook posting where I warned about her. She didn't see anything because she Merele Tucker is not a Facebook friend of mine. Furthermore, none of her so-called Facebook friends are friends of mine.

One of the 2 people who called me yesterday told me once I tell her I won't sell any of my puppies to her, she will get upset and send not so nice emails. That one person proved right.

Again, I gave her the information she asked for. The breeders I know and show breeders I know, don't go back and show pedigrees from the grandparents and great grandparents. They most always only get a 3rd generation Pedigree. The only reason I have a 9 Pedigree on my female Cavalier is because I attended a show 2 years ago and met this person who will go back on the pet's Pedigree and she doesn't charge anything for it. I didn't have to supply Merle Tucker that but I did.

Again, I just want people to know I am NOT a puppy mill/backyard breeder. I want people to know I only breed to quality Cavaliers and who have had all the heath testing required. I want people to know, that I will not breed to just any Cavalier breeder. I take pride in the quality of Cavaliers I have. Yes, this is my first Cavalier in breeding but before that several years ago, I bred English Spring Spaniels and I bread quality Springers.

I'm going to leave my comments today as neutral so I'm not told I shouldn't say negative things about Merle.

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Feb 03, 2013 7:11 pm EST

Just for clarification: there are no health tests 'required' for breeding cavaliers, unfortunately.

There are tests that any reputable health focused breeder SHOULD be doing as this breed is at such high risk of severl serious and potentially very painful and costly conditions, including heart disease (affects 50% 0f cavaliers by age 5; almost 100% by age 10) and the neurological condition syringomyelia (affects 25% by age 1, and 70% by age 6-7 according to a study of 550 cavaliers). Only buy a cavalier from a reputable breeder who 1) MRI'd both parents after age 2.5 years; 2) used a cardiologist (NOT a vet!) to test for murmurs within 12 months of the breeding and the parents must BOTH be clear and all four grandparents should have heart records as clear of murmurs until at least age 5; 3) parents should be eye tested and clear; and 4) should have been DNA tested for episodic falling syndrome and dry eye/curly coat. This is a breed seriously under pressure from health problems. 'Health testing" is NOT having a vet say the dog is 'healthy' -- totally meaningless evaluation as the serious probes in the breed all are genetic, hidden and require proper tests. More info:

South Eastern, US
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Feb 03, 2013 8:07 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Littlesisser8 I am sorry you purchased from Merle Tucker who clams she's so professional. She is nothing but a puppy mill. I urge you to contact the proper authorities and report her. I would take her to court if I were you to recoup your cost. She wanted to buy 2 of my puppies and my puppies are in excellent health. I refused to sell any of my Cavaliers to her. I urge you to really do your checking before you buy a Cavalier from someone. Merele Tucker is a scam artist if you want my opnion.

San Diego, US
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May 05, 2013 11:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We were able to work everything out with Merle and Castle Creek Cavaliers. We appreciate Merle working with us to resolve this. We are happy with our dog.

Magpie Smith
Lakeside, US
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Aug 24, 2013 1:18 am EDT

I am heartsick to read these complaints that verify my problems with Merle. I have been mentally making a list of adjectives to describe her, and it is so long and I haven't even finished: pathological liar, BULLY, uncooperative are the top 3. Shame on me for not checking her out. I wondered about the puppy mill, why would any reputable breeder have so many dogs just hanging around? Isn't that illegal?

Vista, US
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Aug 27, 2013 5:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would change your name. She's known for suing and threatening to sue people who right bad reviews.

dr. robin daus ph.d
vista, US
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Jan 16, 2015 8:56 am EST

After living in Vista for thirty years ...I have watched Merle and her cognitive behavioral issues and hoarding patterns. She is known as a local fabricator and common liar. It's a shame as she presenta a very charming and convincing story ...but just so you know ...I'm her neighbor. Fences don't always fix the problem. The problem is she's got herself a hated in her that is very verbally ugly. The cruel words she uses and resentful ugliness is downright jaw dropping yet amusing when we have guests. Her puppies are cruelly kept in playpens too long and they commonly eat their feces and the feces of their litter mates. Bordetella is common. As neighbors we ALL never miss a beat on the every three month intranasal vaccine because of her always coughing yard. She doesn't and has never had a professionally certified service dog trainer ...nor does she take her dogs to visit.. Her pictures are a one time photo opportunity. I work for Community Convalescent and asked her several times to bring some service dogs for our reading room and patio garden time...after avoiding me for six months because she said she was too busy with other convalescents, she was denied entry due to improper paperwork and fraudulent licensing. My supervisor was aghast at the performance Merle presented as a professional and left the meeting stating she is a complete liability. The price of her puppies contributes to the regal facade of hee father's. "Castle ". We, as concerned neighbors recommended therapy sessions for her hoarding like character traits. Sad case. If she didn't omit so, we'd all trust her more. I wouldn't ask her in a hundred years to vaccinate, apply first aid or assist me with my unpapered lab. I would go to the high school student next door first. I have overheard hee phone calls about returned puppies due to a continual breeding of heart conditions. Please be advised.

Happy and content owner of 3 cavaliers
Chula Vista, US
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May 05, 2015 4:03 pm EDT

I am astounded at these comments. I have three cavaliers from Merle and I have no problems whatsoever. When a person buys one of her dogs that person has to sign that he or she agrees with the foster program. If you don't agree, then go somewhere else and get a dog but you won't find dogs so well cared for as Castle Creek Cavaliers are. Merle gets very upset with people that don't look after the pups/dogs that leave her and some of these complaints sound like owners who should never have got a dog in the first place. A lot of these complaints are nasty malicious lies and it hurts me to hear these things being said about Merle. She is a very kind person who loves her dogs. She has been very supportive with me and I feel fortunate that I can go to her for advice. One of my dogs has just had five beautiful puppies and she is enjoying every moment of motherhood. She will come home to me when she is ready and not before. Merle has let me visit her and see the puppies which all look very healthy. It is not a puppy mill. Merle never breeds a dog until they are old enough and she never breeds them on consecutive heats. she only has a couple of dogs bred at one time. I know people who continuously have their dogs pregnant just to make money. Merle does not do this. About the comment that she looks after the dogs on her own, that person should revise what he/she said. Merle has more than one helper, actually she has a few and I have seen them. Instead of looking at this page full of malicious remarks people should be looking at the positive comments about Castle Creek Cavaliers. Compared to a handful of complaints there are a lot of very happy owners who think very differently about Merle and Castle Creek Cavaliers, including myself.

Huntington Beach, US
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May 31, 2015 2:31 pm EDT

This Foster Dog program seems a bit odd? Usually when there are breeders terms like that you get the dog for free, or close to free. Or, they split the litter with you. You don't pay $2200 PLUS have to give back a few litters? That's insane. There has got to be more to that story. I wonder if mlobo517 is telling the whole truth. She acts like she knew nothing about it, but it definitely would have been discussed at the time of purchase. I can't speak on any of the above mentioned health issues, but I purchased a dog from Merle and I had NO such Foster terms, so the "Happy and Content with 3 Cavs" person is not correct when they say this is mandatory in order to buy a dog from her.

Happy and content owner of 3 cavaliers
Chula Vista, US
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Jul 17, 2015 5:14 am EDT

In answer to the foster program seeming to be odd, I did not say it was mandatory to sign an agreement for all dogs sold at Castlecreek Cavaliers. Some dogs are chosen for the foster program and if a person chooses one of those dogs they sign an agreement. They also get most of the money back when the dog is signed over to them. There are a lot of puppies that are not part of the breeding program. Two of my dogs were not bred.

Huntington Beach, US
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Aug 05, 2015 7:57 pm EDT

Happy, your exact words were " When a person buys one of her dogs that person has to sign that he or she agrees with the foster program. If you don't agree, then go somewhere else and get a dog..." so I just wanted others who are reading this to know that this is not always required. What you say is much more reasonable, and makes a lot more sense than what mlobo517 claims - that she spent $2200 PLUS was required to give a few litters back on top of it. AND acts as if she was completely unaware of it all at the time of purchase. Your additional information is valuable, as it points out that mlobo517 no doubt knew full and well what they were getting into, and now they come on here and blast her as if she tricked them somehow? mlobo517's review is absolutely worthless to me now; they are clearly lying on here about the situation just to get out of an agreement they signed. A hard lesson learned for mlobo517 - when you sign a contract, chances are it will be enforced. Now you know.

Personally, I would never take a dog in exchange for puppies back, but if others choose to, there is nothing wrong with it and it does not make you a shady breeder. It's common for legitimate breeders to have breeding rights on some of their puppies - this doesn't make them a puppy mill, just the opposite in fact because it reduces the amount of dogs they need to keep on their property. The dogs are healthy, hand picked for their quality, and get to live in loving homes, not cages. I've worked in rescue, so if anyone wants to see what a REAL puppy mill is, I'll be happy to show you examples. There are so few breeders out there these days who actually do all the testing needed, so the demand is really high. Do you want to wait three years for your next Cav? Something gotta give. That Foster program isn't looking to bad now, huh? We all benefit from others willing to participate.

The only thing I care about is that the puppy I bought stays healthy. I will post updates if anything changes, but for now... it's all good here.

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Castle Creek Cavaliers is ranked 43 among 99 companies in the Dog Breeders category