Dr. Charles J. Smith, Sr., of The Augusta NAACP, conspire with corrupt city leaders, negligent of The Augusta R.C.B.O.E. Educators/administrators, (Frank Roberson & Kimberly Davis), racist lunatics like Steven Trustrum,
and liars at the Augusta Chronicle; to slander and attack REAL civil rights leaders, who are actually doing the job of the Augusta NAACP! Charles J. Smith, Sr., is incompetent in his duties and needs to be fired (he and his members should be helping African-Americans fight discrimination & racial injustice in Richmond County), instead he takes bribes and works with the main people in this City, who are mistreating minority kids, advocating for dishonest city officials/government agencies, and helping racist criminals to slander & unfairly attack "true" community leaders and modern civil rights heroes, are the ONLY ones who STAND up to fight racism in Augusta Schools or speak out against the false arrests of our civil rights advocates!
"PeterAmthor", "Steven T", "Joe", "joe the truth seeker", and "Steve Trustrum"- aka Steve Crawford, is another racist liar and ###, like Tracey McManus, and his phony website (like him) sucks! Inspired by McManus to publish more lies, and help to cover up corruption by Richmond County Public Schools, and attack anyone who exposes them for the degenerates that they are! All of their bogus statements against Dr. Frank Beckles, are McManus's fantasy and racist tactics to discredit & discourage him, and other modern civil rights activists from continuing to advocate for mistreated minority students, who are consistently victimized by immoral school administrators like Frank Roberson, Kimberly Davis, Joretta Akpo-Sanni, Monique Braswell, and Tim Spivey!
Returning to the same old lies, "WestCoastLover"? Tracey McManus is a champion of LIES. Tracey McManus lies about anyone who is a better person than her!
And the article you altered is actually makes the upcoming slander lawsuit against you, into a solid case. You don't even have the imagination to alter it in a way that doesn't read as fake and awkward when read. Keep on lying Ms. McManus. And your would-be lover and fellow psych: Steve Crawford are just embarrassing yourselves!
We do not salute Frank Roberson, superintendent of the Richmond County school system, for the way he handled many conflicts & scandals recently. When confronted, he showed what a true coward & liar that his is, by supporting a disgraceful elementary School Principal; Kimberly Davis, and covering up ramped corruption from other School Principals, Teachers, Bus Drivers, the misconduct of administrators, and employees of The Richmond County Board of Education. Also using a dishonest & racist Newspaper Company (Augusta Chronicle), to print more lies to slander and discredit honest, and upstanding citizens or Community Leaders; like Church Pastor Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr., in a failed attempt to discredit them for defending children's rights in the public school system.
Police reports filed against Tracey McManus aka "WestCoastLover"! Want more proof: just google complaints from others; as well as employees on what kind of incompetent and lousy Newspaper Company- THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE REALLY IS! A NEWSPAPER COMPANY THAT EMPLOYS LUNATICS FROM THE K.K.K.!
"PeterAmthor", "Steven T", "Joe", "joe the truth seeker", and "Steve Trustrum"- aka Steve Crawford, is another racist liar and ###, like Tracey McManus, and his phony website (like him) sucks! Inspired by McManus to publish more lies, and help to cover up corruption by Richmond County Public Schools, and attack anyone who exposes them for the degenerates that they are! All of their bogus statements against Dr. Frank Beckles, are McManus's fantasy and racist tactics to discredit & discourage him, and other modern civil rights activists from continuing to advocate for mistreated minority students, who are consistently victimized by immoral school administrators like Frank Roberson, Kimberly Davis, Joretta Akpo-Sanni, Monique Braswell, and Tim Spivey!
The Augusta NAACP has been conspiring with corrupt city leaders, negligent employees of The Augusta R.C.B.O.E. Educators/administrators, (Frank Roberson & Kimberly Davis), racist lunatics like Steven Trustrum,
and liars at the Augusta Chronicle; to slander and attack REAL civil rights leaders, who are actually doing the job of the Augusta NAACP! Charles J. Smith, Sr., is incompetent in his duties and needs to be fired (he and his members should be helping African-Americans fight discrimination & racial injustice in Richmond County), instead he takes bribes and works with the main people in this City, who are mistreating minority kids, advocating for dishonest city officials/government agencies, and helping racist criminals to slander & unfairly attack "true" community leaders and modern civil rights heroes, are the ONLY ones who STAND up to fight racism in Augusta Schools or speak out against the false arrests of our civil rights advocates!
Want more proof: just google complaint blogs from others; as well as employees of The Augusta Chronicle and Richmod County Board of Education- and see what kind of incompetent and people THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE & RICHMOND COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REALLY IS!
"Augusta Chronicle Staff & The Richmond County Board of Education Has Been Lying About & Impersonating Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles" *(All the racial slurs from "Terrorism against all who disagree are all documented, along with every crap McManus & Trustrum has posted to be used against them- for proof)!
Racist lunatics like Tracey McManus "WestCoastLover" & Steven Trustrum, aka "Steven T" (also using many other stupid phony names online) are professional liars who work for the Augusta Chronicle; and make a hobby from slandering, Cyber-bullying, lying about good people, impersonating them, and attacking REAL civil rights leaders, who are actually doing the job of the Augusta NAACP! She is an insane woman who has gone as far as impersonate people that she has publicly slandered, just to feed her sick fantasies (such as constantly pretend to be "Dr. Frank Beckles", or some internet nut-job from Toronto Canada). She is failed newspaper reporter for the sleezy Augusta Chronicle, the desperate lady needs psychiatric help, and has lost a complete grip on reality, and hates any black man who exposes her- for the racist crackpot THAT SHE IS!
The Augusta NAACP members are incompetent in their duties and needs to be fired (he and his members should be helping African-Americans fight discrimination, expose racist staff writers @ The Chronicle, protect innocent kids who are victimized by the Richmond County Board of Education, fight wrongful arrests by corrupt Richmond County Police Deputies; like Jack Rackliff, & stop racial injustice in Richmond County/Augusta. GA.), instead he takes bribes and works with the main people in this City, who are mistreating minority kids, advocating for dishonest city officials/government agencies, and helping racist criminals to slander & unfairly attack "true" community leaders and modern civil rights heroes, are the ONLY ones who STAND up to fight racism in Augusta Schools or speak out against the false arrests of our civil rights advocates!
Thanks to everyone who alerted me to Frank posting this.
This poster, Frank Beckles, was the subject of a video expose by me a few months ago. You can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/trustrum and you can read all my research materials at http://www.misfit-studios.com/downloads/Beckles.zip. Because of this, he keeps trying to fabricate lies about me -- including me being a fake persona of Augusta Chronicle employees. This claim is easily disproved, considering books written by me may be found on Amazon, having been published years before Tracey McManus began working for this newspaper. I am a freelance writer in the RPG industry (easily verified considering the uniqueness of my name) who doesn't like bullies and liars like Frank Beckles.
To show that I am indeed who I claim, and that I live in Toronto, here is a picture of me yesterday standing outside my office on Richmond Street West, Toronto. I am facing North, the Camera is facing South, and you can see the top of the CN Tower poking out over the buildings behind me (I've provided a clearer picture for reference of the top), although it's foggy in the city today. I'm also holding Feb. 20, 2014's copy of the Toronto Sun newspaper. Because the paper is also fuzzy, you can read the cover story about Shea Weber (and compare Toronto Sun logos from the photo) here: http://www.torontosun.com/2014/02/19/canada-vs-latvia-olympic-mens-hockey-analysis-from-bruce-garrioch
Frank Beckles seems to want to keep giving me opportunities to prove his lies are untrue by continuing to post them online. Every time you do so, Frank, provides me with an opportunity to index the links to my videos about your many fabrications. At this point, I guess I should begin looking into who in Augusta I need to contact regarding you running for school board so that I can pass along my research to them. The people sending their kids to school there need to become aware of who wants to have a say in their kids' education.
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Tracey McManus/"WestCoastLover" & her Augusta Chronicle & Richmond County Board of Education friends are so insane and evil that they think ANYONE who exposes their lies, is "Dr. Frank Beckles"!?! Her fantasy, and getting other ###s like Barbara Gordon & Charles J. Smith to believe her crap, is proof that Frank Roberson, Kimberly Davis, Steve Crawford/Trustrum, and McManus are mentally incompetent to work (should qualify for Disability), or talk garbage about anyone, let alone a hero like Dr. Beckles, who stands up children's rights in The Public Schools! These clowns have even impersonated Dr. Beckles, lying about him on Complaint Boards (complaintsboard.com, topix.com, & many other sites).. If these dumb *astards had any moral sense, honest, or righteous, they would helping Parents and Community Leaders to make a positive change in the "out of control" Richmond County School System. Instead, local heroes and advocates like Gwendolyn Watts, Sloan Griffin, & Dr. Frank Beckles is doing their job FOR THEM, because these conspiring & lying clowns haven't been doing their jobs for YEARS, and they need to step down or get fired. Because all that *astards like Frank Roberson, Tracey McManus, Steve Crawford a.k.a. "lunatic", Joretta Akpo-Sanni, Missouri Ashe, and Kimberly Davis ARE doing is continuing to covering up their public scandals & corruption, violating and mistreating young African-American Children, and setting a very poor example for our youth in Richmond County Public Schools, by unfairly and wrongfully slandering & attacking the ONLY local heroes that have risked their lives to help minority kids in the Public Schools who have been victimized by corrupt degenerates like Roberson & Davis for years, and are FAILING our children, causing them to lose out on quality education, and become juvenile criminals!
the naacp image awards were on last eve. there was no mention of frank beckles. i find this odd since franky is the image of the naacp.
Corrupt leaders are manipulating The Board of Elections to cheat or sabotage the election process JUST TO KEEP THEIR PUPPETS in office! Lynn Bailey, the director of the board of elections allowed Monique Braswell (well-known for PTA embezzlement) to run for District 2, when she doesn't even qualify to be a candidate! And leak this information to The Augusta Chronicle, who printed another lie in their article (3/3/14). Written by Susan McCord, the public ought to know the truth. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, widespread corruption, feminism, & racism is hurting America! We need more male role models and men of God, to take a stand, work together, and continue to expose these racist ### women & men, uncle toms, and evil people for who they REALLY are, these dishonest government employees conspire & hide behind phony names (cyberbullies- like Tracey McManus & Steve Crawford/"Steve Trustrum"), they way the K.K.K. hide behind sheets- when they ARE BOTH THE SAME! The Chronicle & Board of Education's campaign of lies and corruption are NOT hurting the good men who advocate for children's rights, THEY ARE HURTING THE INNOCENT KIDS they should be fighting for!