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CB Banks JPMorgan Chase dishonest business practices!
JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase review: dishonest business practices! 34

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12:00 am EST
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Division of Chase Manhattan Represent themselves as being Headquartered in Phoenix Arizona. Business Type - Automotive Leasing/ Finance Company.

Where to begin? Chase Auto basically are what has been commonly referred to as "thieves". This company although they were prepaid on a lease some 30 months in advance denied ever having receipt of such funds at several times during our lease "agreement".

In addition to keeping my money and never admitting to such fact and falsely posting such funds against my account, they falsely inflated buyout figures at the end of the "financing" agreement to include amounts never negotiated nor agreed to during the term of the contract.

Then after leaving several messages for a member of management to return my call in reference to the offer I had made to purchase my vehicle at the end of the agreement, I finally received a phone call from somebody who referred to themselves as a supervisor.

When I explained that I had offered to purchase the car at a figure some 2,000 dollars above market rates, I was told that they had without my consent supposedly "insured" their residual value meaning that it would benefit their company more to take back my car and resell it to a dealer for 5,000 less than the contract amount and that such insurance policy information would not be disclosed to me upon request.

Then on top of all of that... I believe Chase VIOLATED the Truth in Lending act... For instance by attempting to hide the fact that they had received their payment for the Lease in full prior to the Lease expiration... They charged an "interest" charge equal to approximately 33% ( Total of Payments received approximately 18,000---- "Interest" charges--- 6,000 an effective Interest rate of One THIRD... And then by charging the Same Interest Charge even though they had already received the Payments in Full prior to Lease end... They violated the truth in lending act by not fully disclosing this...

They basically kept my money without paying for it's use and then falsely inflated the Lease end buyout to intentionally attempt to deprive me of my rights in a piece of property I had paid over 21,000 dollars for...

This company is BAD BAD NEWS... Steer VERY VERY Clear of Chase Auto Finance... Chase Manhattan Bank and ANY and all of it's subsidiaries. They are not only dishonest. They are outright criminal and I have considered filing charges against them.

Oh by the way, their "supervisory" employee immediately created an argument and said that she would be filing charges against me for asking why I was being charged 5,000 dollars over market value to buyout a piece of property I had personally contributed 21,000 dollars to.

This is the sort of element you are dealing with when you deal with Chase.

STEER very very clear.

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Brady Belnap
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Apr 10, 2007 5:55 am EDT

Sub: Fraud regarding auto lease

In Jan 1997 we leased a vehicle at a local dealer which contracted us through Chase Auto Finance. The lease was agreed upon and set up for 48 months. Over the next 4 years we enjoyed a trouble free relationship with Chase, we paid our bills, we used the car. At the end of the 48 months, Dec 2000, we followed the Chase's instructions exactly from for end of term vehicle return. We brought it back to the dealer on the day prescribed in beautiful condition, ran a pre-inspection checklist with the dealer and went on our way. I expected we might be billed $200 to $400 dollars for some tire wear or something thereabouts as the lease did describe end of lease conditions and billing that would occur within about a month.

Nearly 3 months later we received word from the "collections division" of Chase Auto Finance that we owed nearly $3000 dollars! What!? After some inquiry, I found they considered the vehicle repossesed and we were responsible for the $3000 difference between the lease residual and what they had sold if for at auction. Outrageous!

I went the rounds with them for nearly 2 months trying to clear up the problem. I reproduced all records of 48 payments made for all 48 months of the lease agreement. I called, I complained, I finally got written letters from their department stating they were in error and we would not be charged. Sadly 2 of the 3 major credit bureaus still have "voluntary repossession" falsely attached to this Chase account which I've fought against occasionally for years.

Case closed right? I'm ok with where we stand. It might be a blemish on my credit for 1 more year is all. I can handle that. So why the complaint here? Why bring this up in 2007 over 6 years later? I'll tell you why:

Today I just received an audit from the IRS explicitly stating that I owed the IRS about $2000 dollars from my 2005 tax return because I had not declared an uncollected debt which had been declared by, yes, guess who, CHASE AUTO FINANCE ! Apparently this division of CHASE is being audited and their internal records have me and my wife written off as an uncollected debt.

This just makes me sick that a company can screw up so bad and screw over an upstanding individual nearly 6 years after the incident. I hope Chase Auto Finance fries. They're actions are fraudulent at the very least and more likely, blatantly illegal.

Now I'm off to consult with my CPA and see what steps need to be taken.


Lake Elsinore, US
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Apr 10, 2007 12:01 pm EDT

They charge $10.00 a payment to pay auto online. Wow what a great deal for them, they save time and money by people paying online and then actually have the nerve to charge them $120.00 a year if they wish to do so.

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May 14, 2007 1:44 pm EDT

Heaven help you if you pay off a load with these guys... I have been trying for 2 years to get a copy of the lien release. It became urgent last week when I wanted to sell the vehicle. I have been calling since 5/9 and and called 7 times today alone. I have been lied to repeatedly, "yes we will send a fax" -nope "yes we sent the fax" - nope. "we have a policy to not send faxes". Really!

Then they had the nerve to tell me I was eligible for a credit card!

And do I have the lien release? Of course not.

Kara Perry
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May 17, 2007 8:04 am EDT

I have not been having the same problems as you, but I have been harassed by their representatives... Getting calls in the middle of the night for a 7 day late payment. Them telling me they would call me whenever they want and wherever they want if I am too stupid to make my payments on time.

Class and professionalism are not their forte.

Evelynn Maloney
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May 17, 2007 8:47 am EDT

My dad, Billie J. Key passed away in Dec.2006 and I am an only child and had will that was to be given the 2002 dodge van that my dad had purchased new and it took me almost 4 months to go through his items and get cc and so on separated and I was not aware that a balance was owed, as I thought Chase Bank had credit life on this van. I received letter one day before van was reposed by a very hateful Chase Recovery man, that a balance was owed on van of $2200. I was not given chance to call, as phone nos on letter were incorrect. Finally, I got hold of Chase Recovery in Phoenix, AZ whom informed me the entire balance was due and they would not wait another month for me to get money, as loan would have matured in May if my dad had lived. The only reason I wanted van is because this was the only thing of my dad's that was left and it would remind me of him. He had no other things. Chase (Tasha McGilroy) would not even give me a chance to retrieve van. I guess they think an auction will bring more money than to let me pay it off and retain good relationship. I would never get anything from Chase.

Ronald Richards
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Jun 02, 2007 10:36 am EDT

I paid 48 payments on time on my Chase Auto Finance lease. At the end of the term, I never received a wear and tear bill. Six months after the term I received a call that there was wear and tear due. I paid the agreed upon amount. They then listed my account as a charge off paid for less then amount due on my credit bureaus. This company is a bunch of scam artists. I have no tried for a week to find someone there who I can speak with about getting this removed. What a joke! Has anyone had a similar experience.

Ronald Richards, Esq.
Los Angeles.

Stephanie Levine
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Jun 04, 2007 9:13 am EDT

We are having the same trouble with Chase. We had a lease with them that expired at the end of March 2006. They then tried to charge us for excise taxes for the previous year in Massachusetts. The problem was that we had moved to Kansas 2 years earlier and the MA excise tax no longer applied. They agreed to waive the taxes. We just now found that they have hit us on our credit report for settlement instead of paid in full. We are in the process of buying a new home and DO NOT have the time to waste on these creeps. We are going to lodge disputes with all of the credit bureaus until we can find a better solution.

Lisa Tallon
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Jul 09, 2007 11:39 am EDT

My parents both passed away within a few months of each other. Being the executor for each of them has been overwhelming, and having to deal with Chase Auto Finance has been one of the most difficult experiences I've had. They speak to you like you are a complete idiot, and that you are the one with the problem and that they are so wonderful that they are incapable of any wrong-doing.

I have been waiting for several weeks for them to send paperwork, and I was told that they are not in control of the outside company that sends these papers... HELLO... doesn't this company provide a service for you? Don't they work for you? Are you not responsible for making sure that they are doing their job in a timely manner?

I am so frustrated with them I could scream. I recently spoke to one of their representatives and said that I thank God that this is the only interaction I will ever have to have with them because their unprofessional manner is unexceptionable. I will never deal with Chase Auto Finance AGAIN!

Chris Robinson
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Aug 09, 2007 2:22 pm EDT


I PAID OFF MY LOAN OF $8,243.82. IMMEDIATELY AFTER, I GOT A BILL IN THE MAIL FOR AN ADDITIONAL $3,000 FOR WHAT THEY CLAIM "outstanding interest". They tried to post interest on an amount i paid off, saying i broke a stipulation in my contract. I had an attorney on base write them a letter, they responded with "representative error, we are sorry for the inconvenience and mistake." And they have the nerve to include another loan offer explaining how i can "save money".

These guys are nothing but "bags of ###".

I cant wait until i get deployed again, i think of chase auto finance when I'm engaged with these *******.

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Aug 18, 2007 9:06 am EDT

Chase Auto finance is worst company yet. First our loan was 4% on new car but for some reason we are charged different amount every month. When asked Chase reps have told me that "that was part of agreement" idiots.

unhappy volvo driver
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Nov 06, 2007 2:30 am EST

I have yet to start my dispute but they charged me through a jerk Jackson Volvo Hawaii 9000+ dollars atop of the sale amount for rent depreciation of the vehicle.

Isn't the lease a form of rent? They charged me the 9k atop of the monthly payment.

The sales guy is the one who set up the contract. I am filing it with RICO and have yet to see what can be done.

It is interesting to see so many complaints. There must be a smart atty. Waiting to find us! We all should do a class action and slam dunk these horrible people!

john kiger
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Dec 07, 2007 12:24 pm EST

They started a re pro because I was one month behind. Not really as they changed my billing date from the 28 to the first. Of the month. I did not ask for the change and when I brought it to there attention in numbers of letters. They wont change it back. Nail me with a bunch of legal fees. And call my work repeated each day like 8 times a day. And called my phone non stop. And threating to take my car. They are loan sharks... dont do business with them...

johnathan dough
Hudsonville, US
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Jan 28, 2008 4:53 pm EST

This cracks me up. All of these crybabies are with Chase "Custom" auto because they are former repos or bankruptcys that have crap credit. Then they come here and cry about high rates and how they are treated. It's jerks like you that make everyones rates higher so be happy anyone is willing to lend you money in the first place!

kathryn Buschelle
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Feb 14, 2008 12:17 am EST

This company is difficult. I only had a credit card to pay my late car payment. They lied and sent me on three wild goose chases to pay it. I still could not get it paid because when i went to put the card thru they said only checks or atm. I am positive that there are some crooks here. who does not take credit cards? Very strange.

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May 14, 2008 2:17 pm EDT

Yeah, I would have to agree with the naggy unprofessional approach that a lot of posters on this board have complained about. They call constantly and when you call back you get someone on the phone who is abrupt, rude and obviously does not know how to do they're job in an effective and legal manner.

They're collections reps violate the FDCPA left and right: third party violations, passing judgement on one's lifestyle etc. fyi, disliking a customer's attitude is not a valid or legal reason for a repo or denying pertinant information relevant to it.

Essentially, they're service is horrific and the people they employ sound like they just got off the short bus.

Ana Maria E Valdes
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Jun 01, 2008 8:46 am EDT

I refinance my Toyota Sienna 2007 with Chase because my home is with Chase too. Well, the problem is that Chase Bank did not pay off the whole amount, I refinance on February 15, 2008 now is June 01, 2008 and Chase did not pay yet. The Bank (Sovereign Bank ) I used to have my Auto Loan until February is sending me Late Payments note during May. On February 2008 I spoke with both Banks and they told me that all was O.K. Still after three month and a half Chase owe money to Sovereign Bank. They told me that is the dealer, so now I will speak with the dealer to see what is the true and to resolve the prob lem.

I do not recomemd to refinance with Chase to nobody becuase they did not pay attention to this. I am paying them every month but they did not pay. It is not acceptable.

Ana Maria E. Valdes

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Jun 07, 2008 6:54 pm EDT

FDCPA? This only applies to third party collections, NOT inhouse collections, so they're allowed to violate it. Also, don't get behind and you'll have no problem. It only YOUR fault that your bill wasn't paid on time, take RESPONSIBILITY for your own errors.

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Jun 16, 2008 10:37 am EDT

I have chase and had to miss 1 car payment. Now I am 2 behind because I don't qualify to have payments deferred to the end of the loan and continue with normal payments. I have never missed a payment in 2 1/2 years that I had the loan. They said they would consider it if I got a part time job on top of my full time job. f@ck Chase auto finance!

Customer service sucks, and they transfer you to 4 different people to get 1 answer!

Bob Richardson
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Jul 06, 2008 12:04 pm EDT

Wow! I am planning on paying off my loan with Chase Auto Finance in a few days (July 2008). I hope I don't get the same run around I am hearing about. I will use a cashier's check and keep all of my receipts and hope for the best. Only one or two of these posts mentioned getting an attorney to help with their problems. If I get any crap from them after I pay off my loan, I will go straight to my attorney. I don't have to worry about them ruining my credit because it is already in the toilet. At the time of my loan, I was just happy that anybody would finance me.

John Songer
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Jul 21, 2008 8:50 am EDT

I have owned over 17 cars and Chase has been the worst expirience of my life. We all have hard times, and I expirienced one in thelast 6 months. After one late payment I started to receive rude threats daily by phone, harrassing letters by mail, and then letters being delivered to my house. And of course the visit from the local repossesion truck. This was all following the fact I explained my situation, and made payment arrangements in writing. They did NOT want to listen. They demanded I deliver the vehicle. I am sorry Chase is having financial diffficulties, but I would think by working with people in a PROFFESSIONAL manner, you may have less repossesions, and more return customers. As soon as I can get this vehicle sold or refinanced the better. Good luck Chase.

Send a message
Oct 06, 2008 1:56 pm EDT

I wish I never financed through Chase. I paid over the phone with my checking account for a payment and they went and took the next payment out with out my conscent. If you are one day late they call you 10 times a day and yell at you like you are a child. If they don't get a hold of you that day they call your job, your friends, anybody you put ont he reference sheet. They don't care if you tell them you sent in the payment. You will still get another call the next morning. DON'T GO WITH CHASE.

Robert Lafferty
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Dec 01, 2008 4:57 pm EST

I get different calls from 3 different people in the same week. They threaten me. What they don't realize is that they have to go through tribal court and pay hundreds of dollars just to practice law here. Now if they quit threaten me I won't be calling them down. I'm still paying them but they sure can BE a...s.

Rochester, US
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Feb 11, 2009 8:02 am EST

WOW I hate this bank! Dont try and make payments online, they wont take the money out of your account and then blame it on you. They are extreemly rude on the phone, they will hang up on you. They will transfer you and hang up on you, they will transfer you to the same numer you just called. They will not let you speak with a supervisor. The number to the corprate office is [protected]. I just called because of the payment not going through and had the worst experience of my life! I called this corprate number and the woman was very nice to me so far... we will see how this goes.

Marlborough, US
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Apr 07, 2009 2:24 pm EDT

CHASE AUTO FINANCE are a bunch of crooks! Making my usual monthly payments, the internal routing division decides to take my auto payment and apply it to my wife's chase credit card... Then after informing them of the misrouted payment, they reversed it to my credit card, and then finally a month later to my auto loan, meanwhile getting calls about being 60 days past due... etc etc... then I made another payment only to have the same thing happen... 6MONTHS LATER I am still having payments screwed up, and have spent hours and hours and have been through aproximately 30 agents and various payment research specialists... no one can figure out why its happening, and meanwhile my credit is being ruined and they are still hounding me for payments... I now am refusing to pay until it gets straigtened out... It seems every time I mail a check it goes anywhere but to my auto loan! I hope they come re-posess my vehicle!

Marlborough, US
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Apr 07, 2009 2:27 pm EDT

When you have problems with Chase Auto Finance... Ask for a BADGE # or ID and also a full name... that usually deters the hangups and transfers...

Pete Smith
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Jun 10, 2009 10:23 pm EDT

Chase telephone representatives are nosey and try to dictate what a persaon should do about paying bills. They may be under pressure and receive nasty customers ; still, they lose their cool and when you ask to speak to her supervisor (her name was Kim) she refuses to put you through. Sort of like dealing with a comunist dictatorship.

Goffstown, US
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Aug 04, 2009 10:57 pm EDT

Chase Auto Finance SUCKS!

On April 15, 2009 I traded in my leased 2009 Subaru Forester at Manchester Subaru. Manchester Subaru said they would pay it off in full. My payment was coming due on April 20. I called Chase to see if they could stop the automatic withdrawal from my checking account but they said no. On April 20 Chase withdrew the $379.98 from my checking account and then on April 21 Chase credited my checking account for $379.98. I have the bank statements to prove it.
On Friday July 31, 2009, Demitra from Chase called my house and my husband said she was rude on the phone. He gave me the message to call her and I called her on Monday Aug 3. She first told me that I owed for back taxes on a leased car. I was like WHAT?! Then she said “oh yes, several states have taxes like NH, RI, CT, etc etc etc.” I said I’ve never heard of having to pay taxes on a leased car. Then she said “well, let me look further…. and she comes back and says it’s for a missed payment.” I said I’ve never missed a payment in my whole life and I have perfect credit so she says “let me look at your payment history…. and she comes back and says well, you missed a payment.” I told her I would call the dealership and find out what was going on because they were supposed to pay the car off on April 15th when I bought my new car. I left a message for the Accounting person at Manchester Subaru but she didn’t call me back so I called at 4:30pm and spoke to Todd, the dealership owner. He told me to have Demitra call him in the morning. I called Demitra on Tuesday morning and she gave me a song and dance about how she couldn’t find my account unless I had the lease number. I said “you found it yesterday by just using my name.” She found it and made me give the last 4 of my social security number to confirm my identity. Then she started discussing it with me. Once I told her that Todd from Manchester Subaru said for her to call him to straighten this out she said she was NOT calling him and that it was my responsibility to pay this bill and blah blah blah and I don’t even remember what I said or she said after that but then I said “Fine! I’ll have him call you. Are you going to give him the run around about my identity like you did with me?” And then she started making me confirm my identity by asking my address, then phone number, then date of birth, etc. as if she wasn't sure I was who I said I was. She was just being plain rude. I called Todd at Manchester Subaru and he said he would take care of it. He called me back after he called her. He said she told him it was for back taxes. He told her that was balony and then she told him it was a missed payment and he said that was balony so then she said I did a stop payment on my April payment and they refunded me so I owe them. He called me and told me all of this. He said I need to get my bank statements out to prove myself but that he believes me. I have my bank statements in front of me and it shows that Chase charged me $379.98 on April 20 and then credited me $379.98 on April 21. I do not owe Chase Auto Finance any money and if I have to I will hire a lawyer to fight this.

Jacksonville, US
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Dec 02, 2009 8:10 pm EST

I am dealing with Chase right now and oh the headaches that they give me. I send my payments to them Western Union, I know I am paying $13.00 in a processing fee but I know they have it. That is until I sent a payment in July which as of today Chase is stating they still do not have. Western Union has been more than helpful and is even doing an audit to make sure that Chase received and cashed the payment. I received 6 phone calls from them yesterday and they didn't leave not one voicemail. When I called them to see why they called so much, I was told that my account in being reveiwed because I have been almost 30 days late for the past 4 months. I explained to them that my husband was laid off and my hours where cut but I was still making payments they where just late. I also mentioned to them about the payment I sent in July that they are stating they do not have. I also mentioned that I sent a letter to their research department two weeks ago and have not heard anything after I was told that it will take 5-10 days for them to research- lie! The person I spoke with said that they are reviewing my account b/c it seems that I cannot afford my payments and they are looking at taking my truck. I told them that I am making payments and infact there where several months where I made two payments. I also told them that my husband just started a new job and my hours have been brought back up plus if they would credit me the payment from July I would be current. I do not understand why they would take a truck when I am making payments plus they are going to be owning a truck that no one right now is going to want to buy do they not see car sales are down. Give me a break already I am doing the best that I can- I can understand if I was 2 or 3 months without a payment. I also love it when they call me to tell me my payment is 12 days late.

Wheat Ridge, US
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Mar 03, 2010 12:52 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree with all you people it's very sad that the very people we helped as tax payers to get them out of debt can't even give us the respect and dignity when we run into finacial trouble. I HATE CHASE AUTO

becky without a truck
Johnson City, US
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May 14, 2010 5:33 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Less than 6 hours ago, i sent chase over 2000.00 for my truck that was taken from my driveway last Sat. night. i have been trying to get my truck since Mon. i never dealt with the same rep. in trying to fulfill chase's request/demands mon turned into tues. now it'sfri, they have my money and my truck is somewhere in Nashville. which was put on a truck after i told the last rep that i wasn't paying it off, i would pay for "past due, as well as this may payment (due on 5/24). one rep said all of my paper work was fine, another said they have yet to receive (sent 4 times in same day). spoke to a number of "off shore" reps. one told me all i needed to pay was 215.00 then it went to 3330.00and so on. i requested info in writing...we don't do that.The last rep i spoke to told me this wouldn't have happened if i had taken care of this "on the 10th, or11th. i asked him if he had seen that i was trying to get this said yes, not our problem.
In Dec. i went on a different payment plan. all reps said they saw the info.. had my check and payment info .
at this point in time, i really don't know what to do. they knew i was working to get this taken care of. i even took yesterday and today off. don't know if i still have a job, can't make extra money cutting grass, can't haul hay to my horses.

Send a message
Dec 06, 2010 2:24 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Disagree with the commenter above.

I don't have a loan with Chase Auto Finance - I have no car loans at all. But they are blowing up my cell phone anyway, so this morning I filed an FCC complaint and have contacted the Tarrant Co Sheriff's Department to file a complaint against them for harassing phone calls.

RE Freno
Fresno, US
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Dec 17, 2010 3:37 am EST

Theis is the most dihonest and evel company on the planit. I have lost thousands trying to prove my payment history with them shows errors. They simply can out last us so in the ens they win.

mimommy of 2
Allegan, US
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May 05, 2011 12:16 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We bought a new car and went through Chase.I paid my loan payment a month ahead each month for 4 months only to find that Chase was charging me extra intrest to do this.They said When I paid ahead I had to pay 2 months intrest every time instead of 1? after 4 conversations with some idiot named Dara who ran me in circles, I went to my local bank and refinanced.Chase has 10 days to send me the title and after that I am getting a lawyer.I was only with them since Feb 1 and it was a headache all the way.When I told the Chase rep I was going to a branch and talk to someone face to face she informed me since I did not have a checking acc with them that conversation if it lasted under 15 min would cost me $25.00...but she would be glad to open an acc for me and waive that fee...I hope she can find a DR to take her head out of her backside because NO WAY would I ever do business with these crooks again.

Irvine, US
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Sep 07, 2011 5:21 pm EDT

I absolutely HATE Chase Auto Finance!I leased my car through them and it has been 5 years of nightmare! First, they allowed my father to add me to his account so that I could access the information and call on his behalf since English is not his primary language and he travels a lot. BUT, whenever I called, they would always say that they cannot release any information and my dad would have to be the one to make the phone call. Then what's the point of adding my name onto the account? Not to mention that I asked for a change in address 3x and they failed to change the address for almost 5 months! The last time, I actually staples a bright pink post it with an Arrow saying "look in the back, I changed the address!". It's sad that it had to get to this point. things really got worse once the lease terminated and I returned the car. They gave me incorrect information and whenever I called, they did the "transfer department" game. Just kept transferring me from department to department, back and forth. Extremely frustrating! Highly unprofessional. Never use Chase! EVER!

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