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Childcare Network

Childcare Network review: racist-feminist & uncaring staff 3

Author of the review
7:57 am EDT

The Teachers/staff are rude, inconsiderate, unprofessional- They disrespect Dads who are good parents, refuse to hire any male teachers or administrators, the women who run these "Child Care Network" facilities actively discriminate against men, neglect children under their care, poor supervision, and some of the employees are felons or women who have mental problems. Plus, they love single mothers with an attitude problem, and often show more more respect to Caucasians than African-Americans. The Teachers are deliberately rude to the men who are parents than the women! They overcharge parents on daycare fees, and the directors of this lousy babysitting schools routinely discriminates against parents upon enrollment procedures! The branch at 2131 Wrightsboro Rd, is definately one of the worst. But many parents have filed numerous complaints against all of the branches; including the one on 2801 Wylds Road Ext! DON'T TAKE YOUR KIDS TO ANY Childcare Network SCHOOLS, TRUST ME- YOU WILL REGRET IT!

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Update by User4987234
Aug 26, 2013 8:10 am EDT

NUMEROUS childcare network augusta complaints ARE POSTED ALL OVER THE INTERNET!
PARENTS BEWARE OF Childcare Network:

Childcare Network, Augusta GA - Complaints Board Cached
Childcare Network, Augusta GA reviews, complaints, company information and contacts.

Childcare Network Business Review in North Augusta, SC ...

Childcare Network, Augusta GA - Criminal Child Abuse: IS NOT ... Cached
Consumer complaints and reviews about Childcare Network, Augusta GA in Augusta, Georgia. Criminal Child Abuse: IS NOT A GOOD PLACE FOR KIDS!. Sexual Abuse

Consumer Complaints for Childcare Network - Central Georgia BBB

Consumer Complaints for Childcare Network - Central Georgia BBB

Child Care Network, LLC Review - Nanny Service in Saukville ...

Update by User4987234
Aug 26, 2013 8:21 am EDT

Consumer Complaints for Childcare Network - Central Georgia BBB Cached
BBB's Consumer Complaints for Childcare Network, Consumer Complaints for Childcare Network in North Augusta, SC.

Childcare Network / Augusta Georgia - Complaints Board Cached
Childcare Network / Augusta Georgia reviews, complaints, company information and contacts.

Childcare Network, Augusta GA - Complaints Board Cached
Childcare Network, Augusta GA reviews, complaints, ... Childcare Network, Augusta GA - Georgia, Augusta - Criminal Child Abuse: IS NOT A GOOD PLACE FOR KIDS!

Update by User4987234
Aug 26, 2013 11:02 am EDT

CHILDCARE NETWORK (2012 Damage Control Effort):- "Stephanie Forsberg", A WOMAN WHO DOESN'T EVEN WORK THERE! People like her, need to get a life: racist/feminist cyberbullies like her; either get paid to post lies to make unethical businesses look good, or they conspire along with other "whack-jobs" to spend their time posting & printing lies to help aide racist or dishonest & incompetent businesses -TO KEEP THEIR SKELETONS LOCKED IN THE CLOSET! And anyone who exposes them, - they are attacked & harassed by cowards who hide behind stupid aliases online (esp. on the complaintsboard; like "Brenda*" & the gang!- WAKE UP, BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ANYONE! THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS COME OUT, AND THE WORLD WILL ALWAYS SEE WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE, THAT YOU REALLY ARE- So keep up the work you sick ###! THIS IS NOT A JOKE! GOOD PARENTS NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT BAD COMPANIES IN THEIR COMMUNITY! Childcare Network / Augusta Georgia reviews, complaints: The Teachers/staff are rude, inconsiderate, unprofessional- They disrespect Dads who are good parents, refuse to hire any male teachers or administrators, the women who run these "Child Care Network" facilities actively discriminate against men, neglect children under their care, and - Criminal Child abuse: IS NOT A GOOD PLACE FOR KIDS!

Update by User4987234
Aug 28, 2013 3:56 pm EDT

Message To Racist Psychos: Tracey McManus, The Augusta Chronicle & her friends @ The Richmond County B.O.E., Augusta Fire Department, Joretta Akpo-Sanni, Frank Roberson, Christopher James, Jack Rackliff, & Kimberly Davis- who are all using stupid aliases on the -Harassing anyone who supports hero: Dr. Frank Beckles, or blog compliants against RACISM IN THE SOUTH!

Tracey McManus is totally insane with hatred for Augusta's Local Hero & Modern Civil Rights Leader: Dr. Frank Beckles!
- She is so cute & crazy- she still posing as "WestCoastLover" (among other stupid multiple online personalities), she is such a LIAR; she isn't even from the West Coat! What a lying ### you are Tracey, and still shameless self-promotion and exaggerating -racist lies about a respected Church Pastor, that you think everyone is him! What a psychotic ### (how's that for grammer- you lunatic?) TRACEY McMANUS IS A INSANE ### WOMAN, WHO CAN'T KEEP A JOB IN JOURNALISM & she is the only person who is obsessed with "Dr. Frank Beckles"! Because she hates him for being a better person than she'll ever be, SHE IS NO HERO, and WestCoastLover- The racist ### & her friends- NEVER WILL BE!

THE TRUTH THAT RACIST ### LIKE "WestCoastLover"/Tracey McManus, DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT OR BELIEVE IS THAT: Church Bishop Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr., is a Famous Church Pastor, Reality TV Star/Movie Actor, Firefighter, Book Author, & Civil Rights Leader, and Former: Police Officer, Navy Seal Trainee, Independent Film Director, Christian Radio Host, Gospel TV Sensation..

Groups and Associations:(2007) Appeared in Movies:
" WHO'S YOUR CADDY?", "THE OMEGA CODE", and "STOMP THE YARD".., and many other Films & TV shows!

Rev. Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr., a.k.a.
Victor "The Iceman" Beckles
... FAME: Appearing as New Reality TV Star on Hit TV Series: " Extreme Makeover", "Boot Camp", "TBN", WBPI, WRDW, WJBF News, "Club 36", "Parade of Quartets", "700 Club", and Watchmen Broadcasting ...
A Famous TV Evangelist & Historian
-Continues his career a Civil Rights Activist & Volunteer Firefighter, (became the 1st African-American Volunteer Fire Department Captain at a Racist/All-White Fire Department (Clearwater Volunteer Fire Dept.) in 2011).

Honors and Awards:
Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr., who became a hero to his Family & his Community, eventually, through his selfless acts, as a civil & human rights advocate; helping the homeless, youth offenders, the elderly, and the wrongfully accused. Dr. Beckles overcame his own setbacks, be becoming a fulltime, and accomplished TV Evangelist & Famous Church Pastor, Fire Department Captain, and Inspirational Filmmaker & Published Christian and Children's Book Author!

Dr. Beckles, doesn't need to promote himself, DUMB-###, because they're hundreds of honest people; friends, family, fans, church members, modern civil rights leaders, writers, and celebrities THAT ARE DOING IT FOR HIM, and unlike lying racist ###- like yourself, they will go on writing and telling the truth about what a true hero: Dr. Frank Beckles really is..
Everything you ### say about him is a Lie, and we all know it! Thank you, for continuing to embarrassing yourself, Tracey, and keep on lying- "WestCoatLover", BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY THING THAT YOU'RE GOOD AT - IS LYING ABOUT AFRICAN-AMERICAN HEROES; LIKE DR. FRANK BECKLES...
Carry on Pysho-###... And please take your medication; Tracey, -YOU ARE GETTING CRAZIER & CRAZIER..
YOU ARE SCARING EVERYONE, INCLUDING Gene Simmons of KISS (Who would be smart enough to tell you "To get a Life Psycho"!
You're company & businesses in The City of Augusta are still losing customers!

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Recently moved to Toronto, CA
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Aug 26, 2013 3:02 pm EDT

I think the fact that you conflate "racist" with "feminist" as an accusation says more about the type of person you are than any of your rants do about this childcare service.

Recently moved to Toronto, CA
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Aug 29, 2013 4:55 pm EDT

The whole joke that you still think people are Tracey McManus simply because they disagree with you aside, PLEASE do educate us regarding what facts we're editing or omitting? I'd be incredibly interested (and amused) to hear you address something directly rather than merely obfuscating by means of skirting a response of any substance, opting to rant instead.

For example, Frank, you claim to be a former Navy SEAL. Which SEAL class did you attend? What Team were you on? Who was your commanding officer?

Recently moved to Toronto, CA
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Dec 12, 2013 9:53 am EST

First off Frank Beckles, your "year" has been about 6 or 7 months considering it's now Dec 2013 and Ms. McManus's story about you came out in June or July of 2013. So you may want to get your sense of time looked at by a doctor. And a far more logical reason why no one has taken action against or or her paper for "incoherent rants, constant slander and threats, men-bashing, defamation, racial slurs, and bragging about achievements that never happened" is because she didn't actually do any of those things. Pointing out you are a liar doesn't fit the definition of any of that no matter how many times you try saying it. It's funny that you bring up impotency however Frank because I'm guessing that's something you're familiar with, and I'm not just talking about your inability to get anyone to believe your lies.

And let's toss those links back up for Google to see