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Alpine Academy review: Sex & rape charges 39

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8:30 pm EDT
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Alpine Academy in Utah had a teacher rape a student, beware of sending your kids there or they may get more than you are wanting.

A Kaysville man who worked as a resident supervisor at Alpine Academy in Erda near Tooele has been charged with raping one of the school’s female students.

Jonathan Carver, 29, was a house parent at the residential counseling program, called alpine academy which specializes in helping girls with behavioral or emotional issues. He was responsible for the daily tracking, well-being and safety of the 17-year-old victim, who lived at alpine academy for several months during 2008.

Carver began having sexual relations with the victim in October 2008, according to a probable cause statement. Most of the time the sex acts happened in alpine academy’s recreation room when no one was around. Other times they occurred in Carver’s bedroom or shower when his wife, who also lived at alpine academy, was away.

Carver also reportedly took advantage of the girl in a parking lot at the Salt Lake International Airport after dropping off several other girls who were flying home for visits. The victim was also scheduled to go home that day, but her flight was later than the others, the probable cause statement said.

After the victim completed the program at alpine academy and returned home, her father contacted authorities because he was concerned about the ongoing communication between Carver and his daughter, according to Alpine Academy program director Janet Mulitalo, who oversees all operations at the school. That’s when police initiated an investigation into possible criminal behavior.

During a police interview, the victim identified over 20 occasions in which Carver engaged in sexual intercourse with her. Carver allegedly asked the girl not to speak with law enforcement about the relationship, according to court documents.

Carver was charged with four counts of rape, two counts of forcible sodomy — all first-degree felonies — and tampering with a witness, a third-degree felony. During his first appearance Wednesday morning in 3rd District Court, he was appointed a public defender to represent him. Judge Stephen Henriod set bail at $100, 000, cash only.

The charges came as a shock to Alpine Academy officials, which employ strict rules to ensure the safety of the nearly 50 students in their care, Mulitalo said.

“It’s our policy that we hire them as a couple so they leave as a couple, ” Mulitalo said.

Carver and his wife began work at alpine academy in June 2008. Carver passed a background check, and regular supervision from administrative teams and monthly interviews conducted with students never gave any cause for concern, Mulitalo said.

Obviously the background checks didn't work. Please be aware of sending your kids to alpine academy, they may get more than you bargained for.

Update by celctic539
Aug 05, 2011 11:04 pm EDT

What a mess, it is sad Alpine Academy in Utah even had to deal with this, but in the end it was their responsibility to protect children, not have them raped. I suppose accidents can always happen but I would never want to send my child to Alpine Academy or any place that has a history such as this. If you want to send your kid there then go ahead, but its your risk and loss if they get raped, not mine. :)

Update by celctic539
Oct 03, 2013 3:50 pm EDT

I wonder what ever ended up with the guy that had the sex and rape charges at alpine academy, it was a while since this happened, hopefully it doesn't happen again.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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aurelia armstrong
Salt Lake City, US
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Jun 01, 2009 3:43 am EDT


I went to Alpine Ademy in the year 2007. I just wanted to say Alpine Academy is NOT a bad place. It has helped me in many ways! After I ready this news letter, I felt very upset! No one should have to go throw what the young lady went throw! But I belive that Alpine trys to pick out good house parents and that they really do want to see the kids get better and go out and be that great person they really are! Yes they messd up by letting this man work out alpine! Trust me I am not saying thats okay or anything! But I stile beleave that Alpine can help other kids! I also belive that Janet Mulitalo will do everything she can to make sure all the girls are safe and are getting the help they need to go out in to the world and be a great and healthy person! Thanks for readying my comment about Alpine Academy!

Aurelia Armstrong

sonoma, US
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Jul 18, 2009 11:01 pm EDT

First of all learn how to spell, and second of all, im sure being raped in the ### is supposed to help someone who already has emotional problems. We ALL know that YOU had PLENTY of problems at alpine Aurelia, because we had to live through ALL the ### and lies that you pulled, but being raped by Brett or Jason, would NOT have made your life any easier, just put it in perspective. And im not so sure it helped that much since your supposably mormon, pregnant, and single...

Berkeley, US
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Jul 27, 2009 6:59 am EDT

To say that a disturbed 17 year old girl is equally responsible for her being molested by an adult who is supposed to be looking out for her is the sickest most ###-backword thing I have heard in a long time. The person that wrote it should be ashamed of him/her self and is probably a molester themselves. Life in prison is about what is right for such an offense against that poor defenseless child and God. Unfortunatly Utah seems to take these things very lightly if you can go by similar cases in that county. It is disgraceful. I'd like a few minutes with little Jon Jon. He wouldn't be raping no more teenagers that's for sure.

Berkeley, US
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Jul 28, 2009 1:00 pm EDT

There was MORE than one girl that was touched by the creepy Jon Carver at Alpine. Tha staff at Alpine are largely good dedicated people and it's a shame that a snake wriggled his way in. The young ladies at Alpine need help, not a predator. He is very lucky to be in the county where he is. The courts do not treat molesters seriously unless they are being watched closely. (which they are in this case.) A quick check of recent cases in that county are a disgrace. Around here the judges would be removed from the bench and the prosecutors would be working traffic court. That he was given such a low bail is a crime in itself.

slc, US
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Aug 05, 2009 11:56 pm EDT

so now you're saying Jon Carver deserves treatment? what happened to everyone who insisted he was an innocent man falsely accused by some delusional girl crying out for attention?

According to public records, Jon Carver appeared in court this week and pleaded guilty to 5 felony counts of forcible sexual abuse. Innocent people don't plead guilty to crimes they didn't commit. And anyone that knows Jon Carver knows he'd never go down without a fight . . . unless of course he knew they had more than enough evidence to convict him at a trial. This is serious stuff. Cops & Prosecutors don't just randomly arrest people for sex crimes without hard facts ... and people don't plead guilty to sex crimes unless they know they've been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

As for Dr. Emu's post, if he has real information about other girls who were abused by Jon Carver, he has a moral responsibility to report that to law enforcement. And for MKJC to argue that all the girls were interviewed and none reported any abuse is laughable. Victims of abuse routinely deny/hide out of fear, shame, guilt, etc. Very possible that one or more girls have come forward since those interviews or remain too scared to share their story.

Regardless of all the earlier posts & opinions, Jon Carver has now spoken and admitted to molesting at least one girl under his care. A very sad ending to a sad story.

z, California, US
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Aug 06, 2009 5:50 pm EDT

people do make plea deals when they aren't guilty - it's a sad part of our system that is more concerned with numbers and punishment thatn justice.

you are definitely correct that doctorEmu should let someone know if there is anything they need to - but I do not beleive that is the case.

I also stand by my original statement that the allegations have not been proved, and the actual court documents do not show him admitting to all of the allegations. The crime he plead guilty to involves touching someone's butt or breasts, not sex. If any of it is true, as I said before, there has also been no evidence or claims that he forced anything, which is why I think treatment would be a reasonable conclusion, whereas if there was force or manipulation involved, then I'd me more likely to say incarceration was more appropriate.

slc, US
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Aug 06, 2009 9:38 pm EDT

omg mkjc, you are so in denial. I think you need therapy. I hate to call out anyone on this forum, but your initials (and opinions) are a dead give-away. Wake up. Jon didn't get railroaded or forced to admit to anything that didn't happen. Plea deals only work when the accused 'knows' there is a good chance he could be convicted of the more serious charge (rape). His atty worked out a deal to get the charges reduced ... and Jon took it because it was the best he could get.

You know that if he was innocent he would have gone to trial. There's no way he would ever admit to something he didn't do. As for 'forcing' it on the girl, you just don't get it, do you? He was a care giver and in a position of trust and responsibility. Jon was entrusted with her welfare and he used his position of influence to give this girl priviledges she hadn't properly earned in return for sex. Call it bribery, manipulation, control, force, whatever you want.

I know this is hard for you, but you should wake up and start holding the 'right' people responsible for this entire mess, namely Jon. He had the control and sadly he used it to sneak around and get sex from a young girl in treatment (not to mention committing adultery against his wife and daughter).

slc, US
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Aug 06, 2009 10:08 pm EDT

Nonnie Mouse, this is me LMAO at your ignorant rebuttal. You don't know the people involved and your opinion is meaningless. Either way, i don't give a d-a-m-n what you or anyone else who wants to suggest some conspiracy theory thinks might have happened.

Jon knows what happened and his guilty plea tells 90% of the story. And FWIW, Carver was never 'interrogated' ... at least not like you suggest. He refused to answer any questions and requested an attorney from the very beginning. I think it's you NonnieMouse who's been watching a little too many reruns of Law & Order.

Anyone that's ever met Jon Carver knows he truly believes he's the smartest guy in the room and can outwit and outfox everyone around him. Looks like he met his match.

z, California, US
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Aug 09, 2009 11:04 pm EDT

DoctorEmu and ADad: there is absolutely no evidence of any similar allegations of misconduct or any sort of innapropriate touching for any other girl he has ever spent time with, at Alpine or elsewhere. If you were aware of any instances, why would the only information about that be on an annonymous board? It should be reported to someone to investigate so there can at least be a record ot the complaint. If your comments are valid concerns, it's your responsibility to report them. I still do not believe they are valid though.

I also disagree with the need for prison time. I've done a lot of research on the issue and do not see how, even if all of the allegations were true, it would be necessary in this case. The point of the justice system is to make society safer. Sending those who do not NEED to be in prison there is counterproductive to the purpose of creating safety. Those who spend unnecessary time in prison are more likely to re-offend than those who experience intermediate sanctions. As for the argument that no prison would show a lack of punishment - he already will have a life time record as a felon, will need to register as a sex offender (which means, for example, he can't go to a park ever with any of his children), and will also have other restrictions as imposed by the judge and/or his probation officer. That seems like a harsh enough punishment - besides the point that punishment is not the most effective way to change behavior.

Smithfield, US
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Aug 11, 2009 7:22 pm EDT

It appears you are setting yourself up for a nice lawsuit of the Alpine Academy. How much do you expect to get? Is this why you are hoping this man never sees his family or is it your own bitter revenge?

Remember, that if you don't forgive you have the greater sin.

z, California, US
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Aug 14, 2009 3:04 am EDT

I know the complete truth about what happened - I am 100% confident of that. I'm sorry for whatever it is your daughter is saying she went through and honestly do hope the best for her and your family - but whatever it is she's dealing with, it had absolutely nothing to do with Jon. He is not a creep, molester, rapist, etc. and his daughter is lucky to have him as her father; he's a good person who would never abuse anyone.

You're right that Alpine is an absolutely amazing school that has and will continue to help so many young girls; I'm confident your daughter will be able to get the help she needs there and that the truth will come out eventually.

Smithfield, US
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Aug 14, 2009 10:36 pm EDT

Are you making a threat against a judge? Are you threating people who post here? Your paranoia and bitterness are getting out of control. Do I need to report you?

Let me warn you. Unless you let go of this bitterness IT WILL DESTROY YOU.

slc, US
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Aug 17, 2009 10:54 pm EDT

it's sad that some on here are so selfish as to trivialize what actually happened by reducing this comment section to some personal agenda. NonnieMouse, i don't know what your connection to this story is, but unless you have a personal interest in Alpine Academy or the people involved, your comments are truly unwanted.

Your comments are insensitive, factually inaccurate and completely boring. If you have a personal agenda with ADad or anyone else on this board, take it somewhere else.

Jon Carver will be sentenced on Oct. 6th. I've read all the comments here and on SLTrib and other news sites. Family members and friends of Jon Carver continue wanting to believe that his actions were merely inappropriate, not criminal. His wife Misty (mkjc) insists that the only thing Jon admitted to was 'touching the victim's butt'.

Misty, et al, what you need to realize is at the sentencing hearing, the Judge will consider ALL the evidence that the Prosecution gathered in their investigation. He will listen to statements from Jon Carver, the victim, and immediate family members from both sides. The Judge will determine the appropriate sentence based on ALL of these factors. You're argument that Jon didn't have intercourse and perform acts of sodomy on the minor victim holds no water. Jon's attorney deposed the victim himself and he concluded her testimony was too convincing (translated to be "truthful and believeable by any jury'). That's why Jon-boy copped a plea deal ... because his attorney told him he'd lose a jury trial.

So, keep on writing whatever you wish here and on other news sites. The justice system will reconvene on Oct. 6th and Jon Carver will receive his sentence. House arrest or counseling ... think again. He's going to prison.

connolly, AU
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Aug 20, 2009 12:24 pm EDT

it the gent and the young lady were attracted to each other to engage sexually on so many occasions then whether or not you you think one is taking advantage of the other is nobodies business.
both benefited from the laison, rape is not an issue and the stupid sexual laws are only attributable to persons, not men and women, get your stupid kelptocratric statutes away from the lives of what may be a couple enjoying each others company.
do not be so ego neurotically judgemental

connolly, AU
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Aug 20, 2009 12:32 pm EDT

suggested readings at the "Office of the Person", understand all laws are not as what you think.
Only Gods Laws are attributable to men and woman.
Statutes are for persons, you are either a man and a woman or you are a person, learn the difference and you will stop being total idiots

Boston, US
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Aug 20, 2009 3:45 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I don't know anyone involved in this case but I felt I had to comment on those posters who say the girl "seduced" the accused or that the sex was consensual or that she couldn't have been raped because it happened more than once and she did not report it. Are you guys freaking CRAZY?!? If she "seduced" the accused then that implies she had more power, control and authority than the male adult who was in a position of authority over her. It also implies that the 17 year old was some kind of predator who took advantage of this man, a GROWN ADULT.

Moving on the the comment that she couldn't have been raped since it happened many times and she did not report it. According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) "sexual assault is one of the most under reported crimes, with 60% still being left unreported according to a statistical average of the past 5 years." I don't think anyone who has not experienced a sexual assault can speculate on a victims motives for waiting to report a crime. I also think it inappropriate to say that the number of times she was abused equates to consent. Shame, fear and guilt could easily explain why she waited and how it continued for an extended period of time.

To be clear, I don't know if he's guilty or not, but even if the sex was consensual it's STILL illegal and morally wrong on SO many different levels.

Pueblo West, US
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Oct 06, 2009 5:22 pm EDT

5 to 30 for butt touching?

Pueblo West, US
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Oct 06, 2009 5:25 pm EDT

Carver got his today.
A great day for justice.

5 to 30 with his peers.

Pueblo West, US
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Oct 06, 2009 9:04 pm EDT

Carver gets deserved sentence.

Supporters still in fantasyland.

Thanks to all that supported the victim in this case.

Now we will make sure he does at least half of the 30 years.

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Nov 17, 2009 8:58 pm EST

Sure everyone has there point of view. Let me tell you though I graduated from Alpine Feb. 2009, and knew the girl and also Jon. This story goes both ways, yes he was in the wrong because of his position at Alpine and of course his age, but also the 17 year-old girl is in the wrong as well. I say this because yes it is rape because of age difference she also consented to it. To be honest I liked the girl a lot but knowing that I was a house away from the guy and them disgusted me. Alpine is not a bad place but i would not recommend it just for the soul fact that it does not help everyone with all their problems. All Alpine did for me was make me view things a little differently that's it, other than that people can ### there way through there if they really wanted to. So for parents of troubled girls think twice about sending them for you could be wasting your money on a program that can easily be cheated by anyone who can work it.

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Nov 17, 2009 9:17 pm EST

by the way if Misty is one of the people talking on this comment thing I think you need to come to grounds with what happened and sure he is your husband, but he cheated on you 20 TIMES with a 17 year-old girl. You have a very cute daughter but from what I can remember about being mormon he sinned and damn even in the mormon religion cheated on a wife or husband is not really put up with. I really do understand he is your husband but really.

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Mar 16, 2010 3:40 am EDT

Jon Carver is a SICK, sick man. He was in an authority role and messed up big time. Not only was that girl sent to Alpine to help her out with emotional problems, she ended up leaving with even more because of some filthy, disgusting man. Jon was her "house dad" and SOOOO took advantage of his role. He deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life. 5-30 is not enough at all. Rape is horrible enough, but to be in the role of a house dad at alpine makes it [protected] times worse. HE IS SICK AND DISGUSTING.
Alpine Academy is an AMAZING, AMAZING place. I went there and it changed my life. It has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. It saved me, and helped me save myself. All of the employees that were there when I was are great and are like family to me. They do background checks and they made one mistake. How were they supposed to know Jon Carver was a pedefile and rapist and disgusting and gross? Nothing in his history made them think that. It could happen to anyone (hiring someone who has disgusting secrets). Alpine Academy should not be blamed for any of this whatsoever. They have changed and saved hundreds of lives and have the most caring employees.
I feel horrible for this girl that got raped and I hope she's doing alright. It wasn't her fault whatsoever, either. Even if she said "okay", she was 17 years old and under age. This is completely Jon Carver's fault, and ONLY Jon Carver's fault. I hope he rots in prison and gets more years than he is going to serve right now.

Kansas City, US
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Mar 16, 2010 2:19 pm EDT

butterfly752, If you really think that the only mistake Alpine has made when it comes to hiring people was hiring Jon Carver, then you must've not gone there. He wasn't the only corrupt person working there. Alpine is not a good place to send your child. Out of all the people that i know that went there, I know like two that really benefitted from it. It was a big waste of time and money. DON'T SEND YOUR KIDS THERE!

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Mar 17, 2010 12:16 am EDT

I did go there and now you can add another one to your list of how many people benifitted from Alpine. I'm friends with a lot of girls still that went there with me and I know that all of us have benifitted in our own ways. Alpine is a great place and not a waste of time or money. It's a place that helps not only the kids sent there, but the families along with it. We all have a right to our own opinion. The fact of the matter is that Jon Carver was the only sick and disgusting guy that raped someone while working there, and thats been proven. It does not make Alpine a horrible place.

Kansas City, US
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Mar 19, 2010 12:07 pm EDT

Well maybe it's not a waste of money to you since living in California you got to go for free. Jon Carver may have been the only rapist(that we know of) but there were other people working there that should have never been working there, therapists included, therefore Alpine sucks:)

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Mar 24, 2010 10:06 pm EDT

I didn't go for free. It cost tens of thousands of dollars. You have your own opinion.

Salt Lake City, US
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May 20, 2011 4:42 pm EDT


Salt Lake City, US
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May 20, 2011 5:57 pm EDT

UPDATE (May 20, 2011): Jon Carver appeared before the Utah Board of Pardons & Parole last month. This was his first appearance since his guilty plea & conviction on 5 felony counts of sexual abuse in October 2009. After reviewing Carver's file, the Pardons & Parole Board DENIED his release. The board set his next parole hearing for May 2019. That's right - 2019! Eight more years before he will even be considered for parole.
To all who steadfastly support Jon Carver and believe his conviction was a miscarriage of justice, consider the facts as they have played out over the last 2+ years. FACT #1: During the early stages of the investigation but prior to his arrest, Carver posted information constantly on message boards and social networking sites about his victim, the victim's family and law enforcement and made repeated accusations and threats to those involved in his case. FACT #2: After authorities gathered enough evidence to arrest him in May 2009, Carver refused to cooperate with investigators, denied ALL allegations and 'lawyered up'. FACT #3: At Carver’s pre-trial hearing, the court, based on initial evidence presented, imposed a $100, 000 cash bond (an unusually high bond reserved only for those the court deems a threat). Unable to raise that kind of cash, Carver remained in jail awaiting trial. FACT #4: While in jail but prior to his conviction, Carver was ordered to undergo a psych-eval. The results of this eval (presented at his sentencing hearing) established Carver lied and attempted to mislead the psychiatrists. FACT #5: Faced with mountains of damning evidence, Carver does a full 180 and enters a plea of guilty at his sentencing hearing. In his address to the court, Carver admits to sexually abusing his victim and begs for the court's forgiveness and mercy. The court sentences Carver to 1-5 years for each felony to run consecutively. FACT #6: After two years behind bars, the Board of Pardons & Parole meets with Carver for the first time. The Board rules that Jon Carver shall remain incarcerated for at least 8 more years; his next parole hearing scheduled for May 2019.
The point everyone should take from this is Jon Carver, who initially denied any wrong-doing, was investigated, arrested and ultimately confessed to sexually abusing his victim. This was no kangaroo court. He was afforded all of the protections our constitution provides and his case was judged not by his accuser but by an impartial court with no predisposition or opinion as to guilt or innocence. Furthermore, the Board of Pardons & Parole, yet another impartial panel, found just this past month after serving two years; Carver should remain behind bars for a minimum of 8 more years.
It's worth noting that Carver's original sentence was 1-5 years for each conviction (in this case 5 felonies) to run consecutively. My understanding of Utah sentencing guidelines is Carver is required to serve at least the minimum sentence (one year per conviction for a total of 5 years). What the Board of Pardons effectively said with their ruling is that Carver shall remain in prison for at least 8 years (3 years beyond his minimum sentence) before his next parole hearing. Clearly the Board saw an individual they believe is a menace to society and in no way reformed and ready to reenter society.
For the victim, her family and all the other girls who Carver may have abused but never came forward; this latest news is a relief. The board's ruling affirms what many have known for years: Carver is a sexual predator and manipulator who brought irreparable harm to many people. The scars he left behind on his victim(s) will never fully heal. He will never comprehend the emotional pain and suffering he inflicted on a young girl who so desperately needed help. He remains a threat to society.
As I reflect on this, I can't help but wonder what Carver ponders while he sits in jail. Is his view of reality so off-center and delusional that he remains in denial? Has his family finally come to accept his admitted guilt? Do they still believe the victim and her family concocted this entire story and helped police put an innocent man behind bars? Can Carver's wife comprehend the extent of the crimes he committed? Does she realize her husband repeatedly raped a young girl upstairs in the same house while she and her daughter slept? Can she look at her young daughter and imagine if she were a victim of abuse and contemplate her response as a mother? Can any of people who so steadfastly supported Carver and insisted his innocence finally accept the facts that keep Jon Carver behind bars? These are questions that will probably remain forever unanswered. But as long as Jon Carver remains in prison, our world is a better place.

Santa Rosa, US
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Aug 10, 2011 3:00 am EDT

After reading this story and having been in residential care at the Willow Creek home during the Carver's period of time working, I have just a few things to say. You can label them as negative or you can agree with me, but none the less, it is my opinion. Of course, you can have any opinion you'd like. But, speaking from the perspective of a former student, I was not personally equipped with the skills to create my own opinion, not only within my general outlook on life while at Alpine Academy, but also specifically with the Carver Case...

1) Alpine staff were quiet good at covering their assets, or in other words their business and their economical value, when Jon was arrested. Some of my dearest friends within the Willow Creek home had gone to Janet, the director, and other authority figures with complaints and valid concerns about Jon. Their complaints went unheard and their concerns went unnoticed, until of course, evidence came pounding at their door along with the press who wanted to cover the story. Parents, investors, and supporters continue to donate to this non-profit organization. But what are they donating their money towards: teenagers improving their lives, or teenagers learning how to manipulate the program so they can just go home? Some might argue that kids get better here. But here is my opinion, which is just as flawed as yours: some kids get better, and some kids get worse.

2) My curiosity about the Carver Case was very large, and I was absolutely bubbling with questions when Jon was arrested. But to say the least, I, along with other girls, were left in the dark. It wasn't until I left treatment did I realize what actually happened. During my recovery, girls would mention vague details of what happened to Jon (IE, jail sentencing, and news about court trails they had read on the internet while visiting home), but of course, our conversations were steered in a more "positive direction" by staff. When it comes to psychotherapy, I am so far uneducated, but it doesn't take a therapist to realize that not only kids, but everyone, needs both sides of life: the good and the bad. People also need the truth in order to live a good life, and Alpine doesn't supply their clients with the truth; only judgments placed on their issues, and unhelpful feedback.

3) As a whole, Alpine needs to look at what they're teaching their clients. They preach self-forgiveness, good values, and although they'd rather not admit it, a very bias perspective on religion. In practice though, their teachings come off as self-righteous, closed-minded, and very Americanized. Coming from a former student, I think it'd be much more effective if they taught self-exploration, how to be assertive within the family (I can remember my house parent saying that I could never give my parents feedback unless I was within the confines of Alpine, otherwise it'd be completely disrespectful...), and also, how to be okay with making mistakes.

I know not all of this is related to Jon, but like I said, Jon is just another example of how Alpine Academy refuses to take accountability for their own over-looked mistakes.

-Thank you for reading

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Aug 14, 2011 6:34 am EDT

I agree with everything that ThankYouForReadig said. Their values are VERY corrupt. You see, I am bisexual. I once tried talking to my therapist about it, who happened to be the same one that the aforementioned person had, and she told me I wasn't. Later that night, I was talking to my parents on the phone (which we only got to due once or twice a week for 7-15 mins depending on your level) and I was crying. A few minutes later one of the staff came up and told me to get off the phone. She then asked me why I was crying, so I told her. Afterwards, she basically told me that was something that I shouldn't cry about.
Another instance I can remember that shows how corrupt their values are is when I wanted to bring a KIDS book that was about Paganism to Alpine. I wasn't allowed, because it was "inappropriate". The house parents looked through the book, and showed me ONE thing that may have been taken badly. My PARENTS had even brought it for me.
I remember that Alpine encouraged us not to be "fake" ie:
NOT talk about our feelings to our peers, even if you were merely upset. How the heck is that NOT being fake?
Another thing I remember is that we weren't allowed to wear shorts or tank tops. I am assuming that Mormans generally aren't allowed to?
I also remember one time, a girl stole like, ONE sip of soda out of a 2 liter bottle that wasn't hers. Someone saw her. Now, you have to understand that in no way do I think stealing is okay. But we ALL had to sit around the table for an hour and a half and wait for her to tell the parent teachers what she had done. Even though someone had already told them it was her who had done it.
All in all, there was a LOT of corruption, hypocrisy, and undeserved punishment.

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Aug 11, 2012 12:35 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Sadly, we wished we had discovered this info prior to sending our daughter to Alpine because we wouldn't have done so. In our experience it is a place filled with lies, deception and efforts to brainwash young women and isolate them from their families. The program director is the biggest BS artist we ever met, spinning stories to cover Alpine's inappropriate and unprofessional behavior. They outright lie about "informing" parents about Carver's actions... we were never told a thing. They hide and cover up the truth. I am so sorry that we sent our daughter there, and I am sorry for the young women left behind whose parents don't know what goes on at Alpine. STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE, IT IS FULL OF LIES AND DECEPTION. If your daughter is there, take her out immediately.

Rancho Santa Margarita, US
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Nov 30, 2013 9:36 pm EST

this is all such ### ... i mean, i graduated from alpine academy in august 2013. but the majority of the people commenting on this page are so damn ignorant. i seriously bet the people who are exclaiming to "take your daughter out immediately" are girls who were at alpine themselves and were too much of little ### to actually accept the help, because no matter what your stubborn little minds think, there was PLENTY of help offered at alpine. some people were just too stubborn to accept it. and as for the rape case, it happened and that should be the end of conversing about it. alpine wont speak about it with the girls but that's probably for the better anyway! gossip would be neverending if the whole case was brought up to them. i mean what do you expect in a treatment center full of troubled teenage girls. they should be focusing on themselves, not other girls, MUCH LESS crimes involving houseparents molesting another girl. you all need to calm down, alpine is a wonderful place and i have not a single doubt it the world that every girl who actually ACCEPTED the help completely agrees. "alpine only works if you do." was a popular motto they had there and it is so true. it is a good place and probably the best treatment center for your daughter to go to if she needed to go to one. so people on here should really quit dissing the place. you have no room to speak unless you have graduated from Alpine.
Thanks, CK

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Feb 04, 2022 1:41 pm EST
Replying to comment of cdk1997

I am looking for assistance in vetting the Alpine Academy for family. Please advise how I could contact you in this matter outside of the review forum. Thank You in advance for any help.

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Feb 11, 2014 10:31 pm EST

CDK, yep, you obviously posted when you were fresh out of treatment, LOL

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Jan 22, 2017 6:17 pm EST

It always intrigues me when people who know nothing of rape or child molestation, want to call a 17yrold an adult even though she can't smoke, drink, rent a room, or fight for her country. "Grooming" is a technique used by pedophiles to manipulate children. This can happen in the form of gifts, priveleges the adult has to give, or even the SIMPLE case of BEING ON THE CHILDS SIDE. think of how easy that would be in this situation... Child has parents who think she is bad, a troublemaker, or crazy... Jon tells her NO, you are a spirited, sexy, amazing woman and no one else understands you like I do! Half of what makes teens not adults mentally is how self centered they are and how they have an inability to see what is right in front of their nose if it requires too much of a shift--change literally hurts the brain and being a teen is one of those ages where change comes often and new ideas and cells are opening up and forming... I will also include this chart that shows the number of rapes reported vs convictions. And you wonder why the abused don't bother to tell, usually. And that not including people ashamed to admit they we're actually taken advantage of, wronged, coerced, and forced. If you don't know about child abuse, maybe leave it to the professionals who we're consulted when the law was made -_-

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Mar 28, 2017 8:57 pm EDT

I went to Alpine Academy and I'm telling you, even without statutory rape laws existing, there is absolutely no way that any "student" there could consent to sex with an employee. The employees have absolute power over the "students" (i put that in quotations because they are essentially prisoners, vast majority of them did not choose to be there, were kidnapped out of their bedrooms and forced to comply). When I was there we had to ask to go to the bathroom. If we did anything that a staff member didn't like (it could be literally anything) we had to basically sit in a corner and were not permitted to do anything except schoolwork. We weren't even allowed to talk to the other girls. This was called "losing your privileges" and could last for weeks at a time if you were "badly behaved" enough. It would be extremely, EXTREMELY easy for a staff member at alpine to take advantage of a student. At least now they have cameras in all the houses, but they didn't at this time. When you're trapped in a place, not permitted to leave, not even permitted to call or write your friends back home, go to the bathroom without permission, eat anything without permission, consume any sort of media without permission, of course you are not going to fight back when staff demands sex. It totally all adds up. I'm glad this disgusting excuse for a human being is in prison now. Also, if you google "Alpine Academy Statutory Rape" you will find that one of their teachers was charged with 21 felony counts of sexual abuse against an underage student in 2010 but the case was dismissed due to being outside of the statute of limitations. The teacher was still permitted to work there for years afterwards (she may still work there, I'm not certain either way). So Alpine continues to put students in danger and clearly has not learned their lesson from this terrible incident.

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Jun 30, 2017 4:29 pm EDT

Jon was not the only rapist at Alpine. There was one before that didn't get enough attention because of not enough "evidence" but after that is when they started to put cameras in the homes.

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Jun 30, 2017 4:31 pm EDT

Alpine is a [censor] up place with a bunch of brainwashed idiots. They didn't care about the kids enough they cared more for their reputation.

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Jul 21, 2017 3:43 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Shan1z

I'd like to speak with you privately; I'm an existing parent with our daughter there. You may email me at

I'm not able to check that account until around 7/28, but will respond then. Thanks!

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