Daniels Silverman acting on behalf of the scammer Net66 - The Social Media People.
On 31 Jan 2012 Daniels Silverman emailed out what it described as 'Final Demands' to customers of the scam company called Net66 (Net66 Web Services Ltd.)
Daniels Silverman Ltd. has already earned itself criticism from many people - as shown on various websites:
So acting on behalf of the notorious scammers at The Social Media People/net66 just adds to the credibility of long standing doubts and criticisms of Daniels Silverman.
Does Daniels Silverman know the facts about The Social Media People (Net66)?
Even though Net66’s contractor, Daniels Silverman, has attracted much negative comment on several forums, let’s for the moment accept the re-assurances of its Managing Director - that they work in a professional manner as described.
It is evident that, in addition to customer’s comments on GrumbleText, she has now seen this site - ComplaintsBoard, where the thread about The Social Media People contains numerous pieces of documentary and recorded evidence (much of it produced by TSMP/Net66 itself) which proves that TSMP/Net66 routinely and unrepentantly lies to and cheats its customers, and the authorities.
So we can hope that Daniels Silverman, if it is indeed the ‘honest broker’ it claims to be, will now (if not previously) be fully aware that its client in this case is dodgy, and will be asking TSMP/Net66 some searching questions about the situation arising from the companies doing business together.
If the Managing Director of Daniels Silverman is not yet convinced that TSMP/Net66 has no honesty, no ethics, no integrity and no good business practices I am now making the offer to provide original documentation and recordings to further satisfy her. (Recordings of a Director of TSMP telling premeditated lies and assuming aliases!)
In addition to original TSMP documents, some have been provided by other customers of TSMP, as well as from Companies House, The Information Commissioner’s Office, the ASA, Barclays Bank, and Trading Standards - so she doesn’t need to rely solely on stuff sent to or created by me.
I will send my email address and phone number to the address she provided to ensure she is aware of this, and can contact me should she so choose.
Following the overtures made in my previous post (and the email I sent them), Daniels Silverman has at least responded.
Let's see how things progress...
Daniels Silverman & Net66 scam – one month on...
Net66 and Daniels Silverman. Allies in The Social Media People scam?
It's interesting to look back at some of the factual information relating to one of the ex-TSMP customers who was recently sent a ‘Final Demand’ from Daniels Silverman on behalf of Net66 Web Services.
(See attached ORIGINAL document [+ enlarged version] as evidence: also at:
1. The customer WAS NOT a client of ‘Net66 Web Services’ (Registered Number: [protected].), but rather a completely different corporate entity, i.e. ‘The Social Network Marketing Company Ltd. (Registered Number: [protected])’
2. The customer WAS NOT sent invoices from Net66 Web Services (VAT Number: [protected].) but received them from The Social Network Marketing Company Ltd. (VAT Number: [protected])
(Suspiciously, at around 1 month later, TSMP was also sending out invoices claiming it wasn’t yet registered for VAT! – But it was!)
3. The customer WAS NOT sent a vital ‘link’ to Terms & Conditions on the invoice; despite the vehement insistence of TSMP that such a ‘link’ is included on ALL invoices. (The incomplete/partial link IS NOT a ‘link’!) This factor is mirrored in the experience of many other customers (including me) who were provided with an incomplete link – or none at all!)
4. The invoice was sent to the WRONG ADDRESS!
5. Perhaps Daniels Silverman should try to recover the amount shown on the invoice!? Even if the customer had a debt to answer, Daniels Silverman would have difficulty collecting the sum of - �142.80 ! (Perhaps in another Galaxy?)
The Social Media People is a bad joke!
All the above are typical examples of the errors/inaccuracies/lies, and misrepresentation of The Social Media People.
If Daniels Silverman took on Net66 in good faith, it should now be aware that, like many customers of TSMP, it has been lied to in the furtherance of the dis-honest dealings of the TSMP scam. In addition to this evidence, DS has seen lots more.
IF Daniels Silverman is the ethical company it purports to be, it will drop Net66 as a client and advise all the wronged ex-TSMP customers that they will no longer be pursued.
The Managing Director of Daniels Silverman owes it to the customers – and the reputation of her company.
Trish Neal - see personal 'Messages' at top of page.
There are several people who've received the daniels Silverman demands.
Net66 continues to use Daniels Silverman Ltd. to pursue cheated ex-customers from 2011, for disputed debts.
Early in 2012 Daniels Silverman Ltd. emailed demands to ex-customers of The Social Network Marketing Company Ltd. (The Social Media People) for alleged debts to Net66 Web Services.
Those ex-customers who have co-operated with one another, and shared information are justifiably hacked off at this continuing injustice, but are no more inclined now than they were before, to donate to Net66 through its ‘enforcers’ Daniels Silverman.
Daniels Silverman’s senior directors have been provided with plenty of evidence that Net66 is and was dodgy (including recordings of a senior Net66 director lying to and threatening ex-customers!), yet seems to have chosen to take Net66’s word for things. That perhaps also reflects on the business ethics of Daniels Silverman just as much as Net66 which lies to customers and the authorities.
Net66 Web Design Ltd. - & Daniels Silverman
Net66 complaints continue & the new 'Net66 Web Design Ltd.' is revealed to be following in the same disreputable footsteps as its Net66 stable-mates.
A new twist in the confusion (deliberate or accidental?) created by Net66 is now in play - and implicates Net66 Web Design Ltd. as well as Daniels Silverman.
Customers who agreed a deal with Net 66 Web SERVICES Ltd. are apparently being pursued for alleged debts to a completely different company with which they had no agreement, no contract and no knowledge of –
Net66 Web DESIGN Ltd. (which is one of the more recent additions to the Net66 stable).
The pattern has been experienced before, but Net66 Web Design Ltd. is new to the mix.
One of the parties to this current mess has already been discredited in many arenas – Net66.
It isn’t clear whether Daniels Silverman is acting dishonestly in this case or is just inept.
The discredited Net66 and its directors are splashed all over the internet. You'll find information if you apply search terms such as:
‘Net66 scam’, ‘Net66 complaints’, The Social Media People complaints’, etc.
Daniels Silverman Ltd. also features with great regularity in complaints forums including Money Saving Expert, Complaints Board, etc.
(On this forum a search for 'Net66' reveals much of the disgusting story: or visit e-customer-satisfaction.com, search for ‘Net66’ and view the thread 'arlene' (& several others!) for evidence of Net66’s dishonest methods.)
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Daniels Silverman responds.
My name is Carole Hughes and I am the Managing Director of Daniels Silverman Ltd. We are a reputable commercial debt recovery agency and as such we act in good faith on the basis of information provided to us by our clients, and work hard with our clients to ensure that all facts are correct. I am unable to discuss a particular client or case in an open forum such as this, but would advise that all responses from those contacted by us (including where a claim is disputed) are fed back to our clients for instructions. We operate in an ethical and professional manner and have an open and transparent complaints procedure. We endeavour to ensure all complaints are investigated thoroughly. If you have an issue with any form of communication we have sent to you please contact our customer services team at customer.services@danielssilverman.co.uk
I have just received a debt recovery request from DS on behalf of Net66. I fought with TSMP last year and have the email proof. Tom can you please advise. I will happily add my stuff to your growing list of evidence.
Daniels silverman robbed me of my money. There seems to be a theme with regards to them ripping people off. You will be vistited by a silver tongue salesman and that is the last you will see of them. As regards to the way they treat their debtors? All you need to do is do a quick Google search and you will find plenty of evidence. Somebody they ripped off tried vising their office and filmed it and the MD would not even speak to them! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z65Oie43FoQ
We have just had a very bad experience with Daniels Silvermans. We totally agree with the comment that their salesman are very good, they promise a lot, however the company fail to deliver. We have made numerous telephone calls to this company, however you are never able to speak to whoever you ask for, they are always "out of office". The company does eventually reply to Emails with the most shoddy responses, which includes bad grammar and spelling. In addition even if you ask for a telephone call from this company, nobody ever calls back, the staff clearly have a fear of the telephone. We also included Carole Hughes in all of our Emails to the company, however she did not respond. We wanted them to collect a debt on our behalf, however they discovered nothing more than we already knew. If you can use the internet do not engage with this company, they will discover no more information than you can yourself via google.
I'm receiving debt letters for my son from Daniel Silverman company, as I was a guarantor for a rented motor bike, they are demanding £340 for his insurance, they didn't even try to repair the motorbike they just took it straight of him, they are threatening me with court actions, theykeep ringing and texting me and sending letters to my old address luckily the lady passes them on, I've asked them to contact my son to at least try and arange a payment with him, (I've given the new address and telephone number of my son )but they don't seem to bother, they just keep hounding me,
Should inlay this and how do i know I they are genuine ?