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CB Sustainable Home and Construction Review of Grosvenor Windows - Chester
Grosvenor Windows - Chester

Grosvenor Windows - Chester review: They have ran off with our money 38

Author of the review
5:11 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Matthew Edwards of Grosvenor Conservatory came to see myself and my husband about our new conservatory and front and back door. We had no reason to believe he wasn't genuine and agreed to go with Grosvenor over the other 3 companies we met with. We transferred £3300 to them that day as deposit (half the total cost) and agreed work would start in approx 3 weeks. We spoke to Matthew once after that and everything seemed fine. Now they have disappeared off the face of the earth, there are 3 addresses for them and my husband and I spent all weekend driving round trying to find them and they are no where to be found. The phone number we have is for the office, we have left numerous messages on the answer-phone and as of last Thursday the answer-phone was full. Now when you call it says the number is not recognised. We have contacted trading standards and the Chester Standard as Grosvenor had been advertising in their recently - it turns out the Standard have also lodged a complaint against them, I assume because they haven't paid an invoice for the adverts.We are now £3300 out of pocket with no conservatory, We will continue to pursue it but as the company and Matthew Edwards have disappeared, i doubt we will be able to do much about it.

Update by Seriously P***** off!
Sep 05, 2012 9:40 am EDT

Thanks for all the comments. I am also in discussions with Gaynor and Yolande at Flintshire Trading standards. They have found another address for Matthew which they have confirmed to me in writing - I am expecting it to be there when I get home today. They have a list longer than you could imagine of complaints so I would urge everyone to get in touch as the more they have the better. I have agreed to be a witness so Trading Standards are coming to take a statement from my husband and I next week. I have also reported it to the police and they are now investigating it alongside trading standards. We have a meeting with the police this weekend. I believe Matthew is is in significant debt with his suppliers so has been using OUR money to clear his debts - he was managing to keep his head above water but it has obviously all now caught up with him. I have also been told he has some very scary people after him, so if the police don't catch him, they will. I am going to continue to pursue it even though I have been told its highly unlikely that I will not see a penny of the money I paid to Matthew, I just want to make sure he gets what he deserves. I will keep you posted about how things go and if anything comes of the new address.

Update by Seriously P***** off!
Sep 08, 2012 7:23 am EDT

Just to keep you all updated on where things are up to, we received confirmation of a 4th address from trading standards and my husband and I drove there last night but unfortunately it's nothing to do with Matthew Edwards, it's just a large call centre that were previously taking his calls along with other small companies. We were obviously not the first people visit though as they said they couldn't tell us anything other than he isn't there and it's nothing to do with them. The police came round this morning and we have given our statement. Matthew Edwards lives in ellesmere port so I think Cheshire police will be taking over from here. I have given the order form/invoice as evidence and hey said someone will be in touch shortly. I strongly urge anyone else that has been ripped off by him to report it to the police and trading standards, they already have a huge number of complaints but the more they have the better.

Update by Seriously P***** off!
Sep 11, 2012 8:22 am EDT

Yes thats him.

Update by Seriously P***** off!
Sep 12, 2012 2:32 pm EDT

No sorry, that name doesn't ring a bell.

Update by Seriously P***** off!
Oct 10, 2012 11:13 pm EDT

We have not heard anything really. Trading standards called me the the day to say there is no news. A couple of people that know him from Chester have confirmed he has gone to Australia but who knows if that's true.

Update by Seriously P***** off!
Dec 28, 2012 1:47 pm EST

Hi I GOT YOU, did you manage to pass the information over to trading standards? I've heard nothing from them or the police since we gave our statement, they dont seem the slightest bit bothered anymore.

Update by Seriously P***** off!
Mar 17, 2013 10:14 am EDT

We have received a letter from trading standards to say they are still looking or him and believe he is in Australia which we already know so pretty pointless. If someone does have the address for him please pass it on.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Rambling Jack
Chester, GB
Sep 03, 2012 11:22 am EDT

Interested to read your complaint, as we are £300 down with same Matthew Edwards/Grosvenor - like you, been to see Trading Standards and hope they can find a way to pursue the matter!

Have you been to their Saltney address? Is there any trace there?

Chester, GB
Sep 03, 2012 3:22 pm EDT

We are also chasing Matthew Edwards, to no avail. We have one of their Grosvenor conservatories, but have received no maintenance or after-sales service whatsoever, despite their much-advertised '25 year guarantee' - the main reason we chose their company. Currently we cannot open or close one of the large windows; other minor faults will never be rectified, as Grosvenor Windows have disappeared. Their Saltney address has not been used for a number of years, according to the site officer. The telephone is never answered. We wrote to Trading Standards, but so far they have not replied. Thank God we are not in the awful position of losing huge sums of money - this man is clearly a CROOK.

S. Atmore
Liverpool, GB
Sep 04, 2012 5:46 am EDT

Grosvenor Windows have taken my brother for a ride- they have robbed him of 14, 000 pounds. They promised to start work on his house back in March 2012 and nothing has been done yet and we are now in September! They are nothing but CON MEN! DO NOT TRUST THEM.

flintshire, GB
Sep 04, 2012 3:22 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have not received payment for work I did for Grosvenor - If I tot it up it amounts to 12 thousand pounds. Was always promised payment but never arrived so refused to do any more work. Our friend has also paid 7 thousand deposit for her new conservatory and he has not shown up and not answering the phone. Something has to be done but don't know what to do, I thought of going to trading standards but sounds like a pointless task.

Holywell, GB
Sep 04, 2012 3:47 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Like many on this web page we to have lost money to Matthew Edwards in July 2011 we paid a deposit of £2470 for a conservatory, we were in the middle of completing renovations to our family home, and had read the advert in the Standard by Grosvenor windows and like many thought it was a safe and reputable company to do business with, we even had a conversation with Matthew Edwards about the honesty of salesmen in his profession and he assured mywife and i about how long his company had been trading and how he had worked with his current team of tradesmen for over ten years, little did we know that we were dealing with a con man. From August 2011 i contacted Matthew on a monthly intervals asking when he was coming to complete the conservatory that we had paid the deposit on and their was always a delay of some kind from him. IT was only three weeks ago in a telephone conversation with him he stated that they would come at the end of August and complete the work . Well surprise surprise Matthew Edwards and Grosvenor windows have vanished into thin air. Like many on this web page we have probably kissed our hard earned cash goodbye because of the behaviour of this man. Let us hope trading standards can put a stop to this man . Or as stated in Terms and Conditions of the sales issued by Matthew Edwards. The customer may not cancel this contract under any circumstances unless agreed by Grosvenor windows . Any Deposit paid shall not be refundable save in circumstances at the sole discretion of the company. Grosvenor windows reserves the right to cancel this contract at any time .

And the bit that was not included in the contact if Grosvenor Windows Cancels or defaults on the contract sorry you the customer do not get your hard earned cash back.

Rambling Jack
Chester, GB
Sep 05, 2012 3:14 am EDT

As mentioned in my earlier posting (above), we have made Trading Standards aware of our particular loss and I would recommend that anyone else with a loss should do the same - the contact there is Gaynor Roberts and she is located in the Council Offices in the Podium Centre or can be foned on [protected].

I think they are gathering information, to decide whether there is a criminal case to be made (of course there is!), so add your pennyworth!

Chester, GB
Sep 05, 2012 1:12 pm EDT

We also have been ripped off by this man, placed an order with him in May and paid him a deposit of £3380 for a conservatory. Didn't get the base and brick work finished until July, he was impossible to get in touch with and only retruned calls once or twice probably just to keep our hopes alive and buy more time! He promised that it would be started and completed this week and guess what it was a lie, it's obvious now he had no intention of completing the conservatory. The builder (Sean) was paid directly for his work and appears to have done a reasonable job but we have nothing to show for the initial deposit and according to Gaynor Roberts it's unlikely we will get this back. He has I believe disappeared and could be in Flint somewhere living with his parents? I would be more than willing to submit evidence to trading standards and intend to put everything in writing to confirm my earlier conversation with them.

Minshull Windows Ltd
Ewloe, GB
Sep 07, 2012 12:36 pm EDT

I run a professional window fitting company based in Ewloe just outside Chester, and my heart go's out to you all it truly dose, and we can all be very wise in the cold light of day, below are some of my tips to help you in the future, when choosing a contractor to help you improve your home from the plastics industry...

Cowboy window fitters are the bane of the construction industry. Although they make up only a tiny minority of those working in the building trade, they are out there, and it pays to know how to spot and avoid them.

Window and Door replacements usually represent a large investment, and the dream of a new extension or conservatory can quickly turn into a nightmare if you fail to choose a quality window contractor to carry out the work.

Nothing beats the refreshing appeal of new PVC-U windows and by deciding to purchase windows made of Chester based Minshull Windows profiles you receive a high-durability assurance. Even after many years of use, your windows will retain their beautiful look and will function as new without losing any of their unique features.

The Minshull Windows product range is one of the best around, in fact we are one of Chester and Flintshires leading PVC-u profile suppliers with over 40 years experience. However, we have all heard horror stories about rogue traders who wreak financial and emotional misery on unsuspecting homeowners by failing to deliver on their promises. This guide is designed to help you minimize the risk of hiring dishonest and/or incompetent window contractors to undertake work on your property.

Cowboys are likely to appear confident and friendly, making it hard to doubt their competence and sincerity. Don’t be afraid to stand up for your rights and demand evidence of their ability to carry out work to the desired standard.

After all, it’s your money we’re talking about!

Reputable window contractors will be happy to comply with your requests, recognising your rights and concerns as the employer


Treat any contractor with suspicion if they:

1. Insist on cash only, offer you money off for cash-in-hand, suggest that you can avoid paying VAT for cash and/or are very insistent on getting the cash straight-away.
2. Seem reluctant to give a business name or address or can only be reached by mobile phone.
3. Over-emphasize any faults.
4. Criticise rival window contractors in the area.
5. Offer you a surprisingly low quote.
6. Say that they are unable to give costings because things may change.

Always ask the following questions:

• Always ask how long they have been in business and have they always traded under the same company name.
• Do they belong to a consumer protection scheme such as the Government backed initiative such FENSA?
• Ask for references in your immediate locality.
• Don’t invite traders into your home without an appointment. Watch out for classic lines such as “We were working in the area” (unless there are and you have seen them) or “I was just passing and noticed …”
• If the deal sounds too good to be true, it usually is. You can find a professional window contractor by using Google the good and the bad can be seen here about them…..

Once you have chosen your window contractor, a good legal contract may help the job run smoothly. It should always contain a job description, start date, duration and an agreed price, as well as details of any guarantee or insurance cover.

Remember, you have the right to be told, in plain language, all standard contract terms before you sign and you are not bound by terms that are ‘unfair’. Never pay the whole amount in advance, and avoid paying large deposits up front. On longer jobs, agree a schedule of payments and make sure that your payment at each stage reflects the progress made.

If things go wrong, give your tradesman a fair chance to put things right – and always put things in writing. For verbal conversations keep notes. Be direct, clear, and above all fair reasonable – say what you want done and agree a deadline.

Refer back to your written agreement to back up your concerns. If you need further advice in the UK then Consumer Direct offers a telephone and online consumer advice service, supported by the Department of Trade and Industry. They offer clear, practical, impartial advice to help you sort out problems and disagreements you may be having with suppliers of a range of goods or services.

Our customer advice lines are open Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pm and Friday 8.00am to 4.00pm. If you would like to speak to a reputable window contractor in your area it will be Minshull Windows who will be happy to provide you with an no obligation quote on our quality productions, please telephone: [protected].

Flint, GB
Sep 08, 2012 1:14 am EDT

I have also been ripped if by this con man in October 2008. I had new windows and doors fitted. Dont know about 25 year guarantee it was less than 25 days I complained that the rain was running in through my letter box.There were also problems with the windows. He kept promising to come to fix it however never turned up. I went round to the saltney address and he had left without paying his bills there. I got in touch with trading standards flintshire Yolande Blower and after she tried to contact him, on the phone he said he would fix it, but never did.I sent loads of recorded letters to his address but they were never collected or signed for. I took out a court warrant to try to recover the fixing cost, with the court bailiffs but they failed to get hold of him. So I would also be keen to see this conman be brought to justice and still have all my evidence, so if theres anything we can collectivly do I'm keen help.

Flint, GB
Sep 09, 2012 12:11 pm EDT

Maybe the series of rouge traders?

Uttoxeter, GB
Sep 11, 2012 7:33 am EDT

Is this the Matthew Edwards you are all looking for?

Uttoxeter, GB
Sep 11, 2012 7:34 am EDT

View 0 more photos
Chester, GB
Sep 11, 2012 1:50 pm EDT

Have any of you been asked by Mathew Edwards to write a deposit cheque to a John Morris ?

Chester, GB
Sep 13, 2012 12:35 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We too have fallen victim to Matthew Edwards! We ordered a conservatory from him on 29/06/12 and paid a deposit. He said the work would begin on the base and wall on 16/07/12, but this was delayed because of the bad weather. Work began on on 31/7/12 and was finished on 7/8/12. We then made another payment by bank transfer. We were then on holiday for two weeks so on our return we contacted Matthew Edwards and he came to measure up for the frames on 24/8/12. He told us it would be two weeks to make the frames. We tried to phone him on 11/9/12 but all numbers were unavailable. We tried his web page and discovered it suspended but came across this site which confirmed our suspicions- we only have a wall and base to show for all our hard earned money. We will contact Trading Standards today and add our case to their files!

Greg 1963
Sep 13, 2012 8:09 am EDT

Has anybody heard of the Australian Property Investor group in Melbourne they have a lot on the website about investing and it looks good.
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We aim to offer the novice investor a complete range of services to enable you topurchase an investment with confidence. We have alliances with various organizations including Finance Companies, Accountants, Quantity Surveyors and we offer Property Management to complete all your needs whilst investing in Property.
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James Atkins
Ellesmere Port, GB
Sep 13, 2012 11:33 am EDT

I am in the same boat as all of you, paid a deposit and never got the money back complained to the fraud police, also contacted his bank Natwest and gave them the details of how he was ripping people off and my fraud reference number, I sent the money to him by bank transfer I can urge all of you to complain to Natwest and give them his sort code and account number. I am hoping if enough of us complain for fraud they will close his account and maybe return our money (not likely but we have to do what we can)



Chester, GB
Sep 13, 2012 1:07 pm EDT

Mathew Edwards has a friend called John Morris of which some cheques are made payable into his bank, LLoyds TSB Chester, S**T BAG EDWARDS is not acting alone ripping people off beware, these 2 are big gambling people and have lots of gambling debts that's why people are getting ripped off, lets hope they get court soon,

Chester, GB
Sep 13, 2012 1:14 pm EDT

Contact Gaynor Roberts or Lisa Nicholson at Trading Standards, Cheshire West and Chester Council, they are dealing with this case and are collecting statements from his many victims. TEL [protected].

Chester, GB
Sep 14, 2012 5:26 am EDT

I too am a victim. But there is another side to this debacle - why did Trading Standards continue to allow this villain to trade and accept more deposits long after they knew what he was up to? They share part of the blame.

Flint, GB
Sep 14, 2012 1:37 pm EDT

12 March 2009 I advised trading standards what went on in my case, so yes I agree they have had plenty of time to prevent most of you losing money to him. However I will forgive them if they pursue him catch him and get all our hard earned money back to us.

Chester, GB
Sep 19, 2012 3:17 pm EDT

just had an update today that mathew edwards has left the country and is now living with his brother in australia..could be in the melbourne area..he had serious gambling debts in the region of £40, 000 and was threatened last month over these.

Chester, GB
Sep 21, 2012 5:40 am EDT

Where did you get that info from?
Or is that you Matthew trying to throw people off your scent?

Flint, GB
Sep 23, 2012 3:57 am EDT

That was I was thinking too Captain Nemo

Rambling Jack
Chester, GB
Oct 10, 2012 9:24 am EDT

Things seem to have gone a bit quiet - no more news out there? We used to see the blighter in one of the local pubs but certainly no recent sightings there!

north wales, GB
Oct 13, 2012 6:02 pm EDT

I think we all need to contact the press or TV - I was one of the builders who built the bases for the conservatories and as I mentioned before, owes me a lot of money.

north wales, GB
Oct 13, 2012 6:19 pm EDT

If he is in Australia, how come he was allowed to leave this country in the first place?

Chester, GB
Nov 10, 2012 5:25 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We have given our statement to Trading standards who are building a large case against this evil con man. Hope everyone else is doing the same so they can make sure he has his come-uppance! We have now employed WT Window Store Ltd from Ellesmere Port to complete our conservatory. They have given us a very fair price and are a reputable company who make the conservatories and windows themselves. Now we will have be able to enjoy our conservatory for Christmas!

I GOT YOU!!!!!!!
Chester, GB
Dec 10, 2012 6:59 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Do you want to no where matthew edwards is? because i no where he is. What would you do to have this information?

Flint, GB
Dec 11, 2012 2:58 pm EST

Where is he "I GOT YOU!" We would thank you and pass the information on to trading standards.

I GOT YOU!!!!!!!
Chester, GB
Dec 11, 2012 3:48 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

He is in australia i have got a contact number and an address of where he is staying, i intend to call Gaynor at trading standards tomorrow, didnt manage to do it today, i text matty i was going to post something on here so gave him the chance to call me about the money he owes me and needs to send me but he has chose not to call me back, and to be honest what he owes me is not worth bothering with but it is the fact that i was a good friend and did him a favour.

north wales, GB
Dec 28, 2012 8:20 pm EST

hi, i got you can you please forward telephone no and address for Matt Edwards, as he owes me a large sum for work I have done. Please report him as he owes a lot of people very large sums of money, some have saved for years and some people have got bank loans for a conservatory that was never built . I think trading standards were aware of him a while ago so I don't know how he got his visa to go to Australia. Please give me his contact details - thanks.

Flint, GB
Feb 17, 2013 4:44 pm EST

all gone a bit quiet

Ellesmere Port, GB
Jul 11, 2013 5:30 pm EDT

he has been seen in THE VICTORIA pub Watergate ST Chester 3 weeks ago... he is very slim, but no mistaking that scar... he is back so spread the word!

Flint, GB
Jul 16, 2013 7:16 pm EDT

Yes thats a result spotted in Chester again maybe we can re kindle the find the rip off merchant flame. :-)

Chester, GB
Mar 31, 2014 3:28 pm EDT

Both Chester and Flintshire Trading Standards were entirely ineffective in dealing with Mathew Edwards when he was trading/scamming customers . Now they seem to be equally ineffective in bringing him to justice. Makes you wonder why they bother operating (at council tax payers' expense).

I GOT YOU!!!!!!!
Chester, GB
Aug 11, 2014 5:22 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

matty if u ever look at this message u will no who it is please get intouch asap. j s xx ive bn waiting for nu to call xx

Nov 16, 2015 6:14 pm EST

The same Matt Edwards constructed our conservatory in 2009 and now I have noticed the brickwork above the lintel is showing cracks, obviously shoddy workmanship, can I claim through my house insurance seeing this rogue has done a runner.

James Atki 2
Jul 12, 2017 2:30 pm EDT

anymore updates on this everyone? Thanks