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Creepy Hollows

Creepy Hollows review: BUYERS AND SELLERS PLESE READ 5

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7:17 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Creepyhollows and the UAMD latest acts of deception is secretly starting rumors about a seller and than posting on their site how they feel sorry for the person. How low can they go. They use the double edge sword causing friction and spreading rumors about the seller and than hiding under the sentence I feel bad for the seller so and so. I use the words UAMD because although they no longer go by that name they have joined Magnolia’s pit of deception. Magnolia and the UAMD talk about peace and all the while they continue to bad mouth sellers using different techniques to divert the responsibility. Isn’t that right Wintermournins? Remember my dear I still have the evidence this year that you went behind my back to contact my first time buyers who also purchased from you. The course of action always leads back to Creepyhollows and the UAMD and I honestly believe most of the buyers and sellers know they are directly responsible for every underhanded action. Creepyhollow and her alliance of washed out UAMD members will blame anyone they can as long as their hands don’t get dirty. Everyone can see right through the sentence has anyone purchased from such and such seller. Smart people know its Magnolia and than she responds under different names. After all she controls everything on the creepy hollows site. They should write a book titled 101 Seller Deceptions Me, Myself, and I . They have thrown plenty of blame my way and its all because I refused to be controlled by a tacky group of sellers who play mind games. Half the members have had it out with Magnolia big time and she’s so afraid of the fall out that she quickly shifts the blame and smoothes thing out in a web of lies so they see it her way and later pop up as loyal members. They are so afraid of what Magnolia and her group will do that they join out of fear that they too will be targeted. Way to go Magnolia. You should feel so proud. You get points for getting some sellers who couldn’t stand you to come join the creepyhollows pit of deception. Those who you can’t control are used as targets for everything that went wrong. What goes around comes around and I’m just getting started. You convinced many people I was responsible for all that you and the UAMD have done and figured I’d stay quiet. Well my dear if you want to blame me for every inferior post out there let me show you the difference between well written and a copycat post. I think you wrote the recent 2008, 2009, and 2010 posts that had a similarity to a certain style of writing but unlike yours are far superior. Why would you do it? You did it so you could tell everyone I told you so and play the victim. Creepyhollows is always playing the poor me game. Now readers will recognize the difference. I have always had the truth on my side and when it goes up against your deception of lies we’ll just have to wait and see how it all turns out. Buyers and sellers will eventually figure it all out no matter how much you try to shift the blame. Oh and by the way not one of them were the original sellers. The original sellers got along and didn’t stir up trouble. The trouble started with UAMD and later Creepyhollows.

Do you want a library of online information and many genuine posting forums. The information is free and you can say what you want without Magnolia and her spasm group members removing it. You should visit :

By giving you this information I know that creepyhollows will add her name to the list but remember the date of this post and the date Magnolia added her site. She has a way of flipping it to her advantage and we all know she likes to take credit for everything even though 90% of the time the credit doesn’t belong to her. I do give her credit for being one of the biggest trouble makers in the ebay paranormal category. She can rightfully share that credit and spotlight with the UAMD members. I have received confirmation from ebay that I can add this information on Ebay. Whether I do or not remains to be seen. Like I said I have the truth on my side and even Ebay knows it.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Canastota, US
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Jun 24, 2010 6:42 pm EDT

So, if what you're saying is really true, then I actually wrote the complaint above? You allege I write complaints about my own company all over the internet (which is ridiculous), which means everything you are saying can't be true because I would have had to have written it myself. Already your complaint is off to a shaky start on credibility. I have a feeling I know which seller this is after re-reading the complaint and frankly I can't imagine the time wasted in writing this.

I don't have to slander or ruin anyone's reputation, we have an extremely successful website & business, if I wasted time doing half of what you've said above our site, community, & business wouldn't be a fraction of where it is today. Myself, Ash, and everyone at CH invests our time in doing the right thing; providing a safe community for those who want to practice the paranormal.

I believe I know who you are based on what you are saying, and if that is true then your paranoid rants under multiple names on this site & others makes perfect sense. You are a competitor who has made assertions like this before against other sellers. I don't really see the reason for all of this unless it is a cry for attention. I checked our site & nothing has been said about you in a long time. To be doing what you are doing now is because you believe people are targeting you or slandering you, I can assure you we aren't wasting our time doing so.

First, we were among the original metaphysical sellers in the category in 2005 and if you are who I believe you to be you didn't come into the category until a month or two after. I hope you realize that people can click on a seller's ID history & see when they registered.

Second, we were never members of the UAMD & the UAMD has been disbanded for at least 2 years, if not more. You should have your facts straight. DeeDee was also not a member of the UAMD. At the time the metaphysical category went from being around 20 sellers to hundreds of sellers in 2006. Some of the sellers decided to band together and they created the UAMD with varying members throughout their existence. We advertised for the UAMD on our website & our Elite Society of Paranormal Collectors website until the ESPC was merged into the forum on our website today.

Am I the reigning queen of the paranormal? No. But you are mistaken to think that the contributions of Creepy Hollows & the other sellers who paid their dues & have the scars to bear by anonymous rants on complaints boards like this one haven't contributed to sustaining the ongoing success & popularity of the paranormal & metaphysical websites. I know we, DeeDee, and several other sellers have taken a lot of slander, lies, rumors, & such from competitors like yourself who like to spread vicious lies to hurt what you perceive as your competition. I also know we, DeeDee, and several others have poured countless hours into building trust in the community as well as spending countless dollars on materials to educate the public, advertising to help bring a positive light to the community, and despite your & other competitors attempts to do these kinds of complaint sites all of us who have really worked for a living & dedicated ourselves to the paranormal have flourished in multiple ways.

There's never been a word that I've ever spoken about another seller that I didn't say to them myself & that I didn't post publicly with my name attached to it. I don't have to use complaint sites & use anonymous names to slander others. If I've ever had a problem with a seller I take it to them and if it goes down a path to be discussed publicly to set something straight it always has my name on it because I have integrity; if I'm going to say it, I'm going to say it with my name.

The New York Fantasy Gaming Society that never really existed was the brainchild of a competitor who figured out how to use eBay's VeRO department to get my listings taken from eBay as well as the listings of other long-standing sellers. We petitioned the US Copyright office & the New York State department and each provided sealed letters to eBay proving we had not copied anything & we've held the copyright to the content on our listings since 2005. So your facts are not straight, yet again. We received an apolgoy from eBay & they reinstated all of our listings & sent apology messages to our eBay clients who were bidding on or had bought those listings that were removed. It is all documented.

Anyone is welcome to Google phrases from our Encyclopedia, we own all the content on our site & we have content registered with the US Copyright office. This is how we proved we didn't copy from any gaming site or anywhere else. You really should know what you are talking about before you say something.

We've never circulated emails about sellers, we don't need to. We allow sellers to advertise on our site in multiple places including a free marketplace. Anyone can register for free at any time and the only times sellers have been asked to leave is when they violate rules multiple times or threaten a client and in either case we always have ironclad proof.

Proof, is what anonymous complaints like this one is lacking. Anything we've ever said is on our site for the world to see. If something is said about a seller on our forum is by someone who has actually bought from the seller. We have more than 1, 000 members in the forum, the majority of them are collectors who buy from eBay & websites and share their experiences. However, unlike most websites we actually allow the sellers to come into the forum & respond directly to the collectors.

As for the IP addresses of webmasters, yes, we do have the emails from the webmasters who verified it was the same IP address pretending to be multiple people posting over & over. We know the seller who was doing that, don't we? As for lawyers, yes there was a lawyer involved in the internet stalking & harassment as well as the Syracuse FBI when the seller started to solicit our home address & personal information for cash, as well as making threats on complaint boards like this & directly to our email.

I don't have to prove that we are "spied" on. It's rather obvious considering a great number of the bindings we've created are re-created by others, which is okay because that is what commerce is. Our website is heavily trafficked by collectors, visitors, curiosity-seekers, and obviously yourself. I am sorry if the fact that we created the world's first Spirit Keeping website is somehow offensive to you. We're very proud of our accomplishments & we've worked VERY hard to achieve them. If you put the energy into your own work rather than inventing complaints like this perhaps you would find it a better application of your energy.

Anyone is welcome to visit our site, look into it themselves, research our eBay history, compare it to other eBay sellers, see in the forum when we announced the creation or invention of different enchanted bindings, and verify for themselves the entire chronology of Creepy Hollows & our contributions not only singularly, but the entire community of members who've all aspired to make Spirit Keeping & the paranormal an enjoyable place for all.

As for the UAMD or secret groups, etc, you sound paranoid. There aren't any groups we belong to other than our own site, and none of the other sellers you slander in this complaint are part of any secret group we know of.

I am responding to this under my own name because I don't believe in hiding if you really have an honest gripe. In fact, I think it is far more admirable to contact the person directly rather than behaving like this and avoiding an adult conversation by contacting myself or any of the other sellers you complain of here directly.

Posts like this only prove to the skeptics that the metaphysical & paranormal community is filled with people who are vicious, gossip-mongers, drama-queens, and those who cannot form a viable & intelligent argument to back their own beliefs. I answered this & your other complaints because I believe that there are far too many of us now who want to preserve the paranormal community for those who wish to practice in future & want to shed the stigma that the community is filled with people who would rather spread vile than love.

Our site & our work is testament to who we are as people & a community. It is the reason our site has grown & flourished despite rants like this on free, anonymous complaint sites. If ourselves or any of the others you've mentioned in this article were the monsters you try to make us sound to be the public would have caught on years ago. Instead people read things like this, check us out, see the lies in the complaint sites, and join the community for growth. The last I checked every seller you've slandered in here, including Dee & your attempts to make DeeDee look like a sympathizer to what you're doing, all have successful websites and/or practices.

I implore anyone reading this to check out these sellers and/or sites for yourself. None have bad reputations outside of the complaint sites like this one, because all of the anonymous complaints on here, RipOff, petitiononline, etc are all written by competitors & sellers who also frequently pose as "buyers" of the sellers they are defaming.

Lake Havasu City, US
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Jun 24, 2010 10:56 pm EDT

The complaint poster is delusional & hiding behind an anonymous site. There is not a shred of truth in her entire post.

Creepy Hollows is the largest paranormal seller in the USA. Their online forum is a great place to go and learn as well as share your
experiences. They have 1000's of repeat customers. Why? Because they are some of the most reasonably priced authentic items on the www. If you are reading this complaint, please feel free to come visit and see for yourself.

Wiccan Warrior Alex

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Jun 28, 2010 11:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Do you really think posting something like this would get any CH member to 'come to your side'? Magnolia, Ash, wintermournings and many others have gone above and beyond for me. They are the most generous people. Their prices are very reasonable, they take their time to produce the best, and they help those who need it. They are wonderful and do not deserve this vile treatment and lies you are spreading. I would prefer to stick with someone who is kind, considerate, and who would bend over backwards for their customers rather than someone who slanders, acts immaturely and generally just spreads hate among buyers and sellers alike. CH started the practitioners for peace. I would have hoped these immature posts would have stopped by now. CH is holding out an olive branch to sellers, yet you still carry on spreading lies and hate. I think I will stay with the sellers who are trying to get peace in the meta category, thank you very much.

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Jul 20, 2010 6:30 am EDT

To the poster of original post you say you have the truth on your side and on numerous sites have mentioned your location as Massachusetts. With the help of this very nice Webmaster I have proof that you aren’t honest. The Webmaster of this site has confirmed that not a single one of these posts that targeted Magnolia have a Massachusetts IP address. People aren’t stupid and can ask themselves disproving your location. The IP address isn’t in a state that’s even close to Massachusetts. I want to thank the Webmaster and please know this was verified because once again everyone is pointing accusing fingers in my direction. This is why I took the time to find out the truth. Since the post on ripped off has the identical garbage on the site and posts the location as Massachusetts we can guess who’s responsible?

New York, US
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May 08, 2011 10:06 pm EDT

You really are a SOCIOPATH Magnolia.

We’ve spoken and met with FBI agents. We’ve spoken directly to the New York State Attorney General and his Assistants. We’re spoken directly to the Chief of Police in Canastota. They all know who you are!

You’ve been harassing people from other states and other countries. You won’t get away with it just because you’re in the United States.

You can’t use freedom of speech or freedom of religion when you harass and intimidate people. No judge will allow that and No attorney will advise that.

We have copies of ALL your emails that you mailed to harass others. We CAN and have PROVEN that they originated from you. They authorities have copies of them now.

We also have copies of all your posts from the forum – including the ones the have been edited, deleted or in the private section. They authorities have them and they are all admissible in court.

The authorities from other countries already know you. They will pressure the United States to stop you from harassing their citizens.

The more lies you post in CH forum, the deeper the hole you dig for yourself.

We saw your FALSE ADVERTISTING calling yourself the “worlds first”. LIAR. We hired a tech company and they found forums/groups that have been around long before you have, way before the internet became popular. You’re a LIAR!

We know a lot of things about you that CH members don’t know about. Even your psychic friends don’t know.

We look forward to bursting your bubble and watching your jaws drop to the ground.

Even the media knows who you are now. They’ve done their own research. They will expose you for the EVIL WITCH that you are!

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