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Creepy Hollows


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8:26 am EDT
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Magnolia is the most deceitful woman I have ever come across. She literally scares her followers right into her trap. Magnolia claims she removed the sellers names from her forum who caused trouble for her. Believe me its the other way around. Creepyhollows and her followers have bad mouth and ridiculed sellers she couldn’t control and who wouldn’t conform to her crazy take on the paranormal. She uses fictitious names for pretend buyers when its really her and badmouths sellers she doesn’t like. She is attempting to revive the UAMD and all the nasty trouble makers who together with Magnolia started the whole fiasco. She sends out e-mails and ebay messages changing the name on the sender header and inserting the names of sellers she doesn’t like and filling the body with things she writes herself so everyone will believe she’s the one being bullied. She tries to control the paranormal giving names to spirits, bogus information, and info she copies from other web sites and books. Some of the information is right but some is questionable. You can’t box the paranormal into neat little titles. The paranormal has been around for eons and doesn’t fit tightly in any description. Buyers should go to their local libraries for free knowledge and bookstores have al kinds of information with many different points of view. Magnolia makes life miserable for some sellers and claims its the other way around. Magnolia should follow Dee Dee’s example. Dee Dee doesn’t claim to know everything and doesn’t bad mouth sellers who don’t associate with her. Creepyhollows has caused her own problems and will continue to do so as long as she stirs the pot. Magnolia has an excuse for everything including the fact that she denounced djinn claiming they were dangerous and advising everyone not to buy them . The buyers remember. She claimed Ash and her would never sell djinn. She wanted the buyers to buy her blue dragons instead. She claimed to be the first to sell this and the first to sell that. Her claims are false. There were sellers who sold the stuff before her. She has literally chased some sellers away who were here before her. The groupies gave her the power to do it and she ran with it. There are many sellers who don’t want anything to do with her but are afraid of what she’ll do if they don’t oblige. They have seen what she’s done to other sellers and they don’t want to risk it. Creepyhollows is really creepy but not in the way you think. Magnolia is creepy because she has no conscious and doesn’t care who she hurts. Real paranormal sites don’t want anything to do with her and know she’s full of herself and hasn’t a clue what the definition of paranormal really means. Magnolia if you don’t like what you are reading you can put a stop to it by leaving the sellers you don’t like alone. One of Magnolia’s tall tales is claiming to know the IP addresses. Not one webmaster has ever given out the information to Magnolia. Ask the webmaster directly and find out just how deceitful Magnolia can be. Don’t just take Magnolia’s word for it . She’d say anything. Posters have the right to defend themselves against Magnolia’s underhanded defamation. She’d like to think that she controls everything and unfortunately some of her followers believe it. Magnolia claims to know IP addresses to keep everyone quiet and fearful to speak out. That dark vault Magnolia mentioned where she claims she put sellers she doesn't like because they harassed her is wide open by the truth. Magnolia has always been the instigator behind the madness and has harassed many sellers. Magnolia don’t bother to threaten me. Your threats are as bogus as you are and I’m not writing anything worse than what you have written about others. Turnaround is a fair game. Go and take a couple of lessons from Dee Dee on how not to piss everyone off. Magnolia just so you know what prompted me to write this is your accusations that I’ve been posting all over the internet which is hogwash. Magnolia if you were the great psychic you claim to be you’d have a more perspective eye. Since you insist on accusing me for the inferior written posts I suppose to have posted I will write some just for you. You shouldn’t have been so quick to accuse me but since you have let me address your accusations properly. Sellers and buyers you should know she has private pages for her group of sellers and buyers and when you go to her site half of what she says isn’t shown unless you are in her clique by invitation only. You might see your name and the stuff posted seems harmless enough but in her private sections your names pop up and the stuff she writes about you isn’t good. She is your illusional friend and that's what she wants you to think so she can destroy your name without you even knowing why. Trust me its happen to me and unless you are close to her it will happen to you. Sellers if you really don’t like Magnolia’s tactics don’t be afraid to break loose from her. She doesn’t have the power to hurt you and by staying with her out of fear of what she’ll do you give her power. Don’t let her blame other sellers for everything she herself has done. Think back and never forget what she’s capable of doing.

Ripped off is the right web site for my complaint because no matter how many times Magnolia and her minions throw me under the bus they always copy my descriptions and style of writing. They claim they are the sellers being copied because they ripped off my reputation and think that nobody looks at my auctions. So lets recap.

Magnolia wants everyone to feel sorry for her and puts the sellers who she doesn’t like email and name in the header ( copy and paste) in messages and emails so that she
can maliciously target the seller and get sympathy votes in the process. She fills the body with her own writing and has done so on numerous occasions.

Magnolia uses pretend posters on her forum and even pretend locations so it gives the illusion that this one knows that one and that one knows that one.

The UAMD are trying to make a comeback and are up to their old tricks. Yes, Wintermournings I heard all about it after a new buyer wrote me a thank you email to me and than proceeded to never come back.She finally told me why. Sellers when you lose buyers and something feel something is amiss check out the feedback . The same sellers are targeting you too.

Magnolia copies from sellers and turns around claiming everyone copied from her. Magnolia the turbo thingy doesn’t work because not all sellers have a mass of items and have never used turbo. Leave it to you to figure that one out and use it for your advantage.

Magnolia is so delusional that she writes negative posts all over the internet about herself so she can get others to think its somebody else posted and feel sorry for her. I can’t count the number of times I have read posts that have a certain style but beware because Magnolia gets off on writing stuff about herself. She loves sympathy sales.

Magnolia has a separate private web page and sellers who think they are safe are being victimized.

Webmasters have never shared the IP addresses with Magnolia. She doesn’t have that kind of power. Magnolia just wants you to think she does. Ask the webmasters directly.

Magnolia doesn’t have lawyers working for her and if she did its not against the law to write. She posts whatever she pleases and always has a double standard. I could care less about Magnolia’s threats. They are meaningless.

The most important recap is to know that Magnolia and the UAMD started this mess and the blame lays solely on them. Everyone has a right to speak out against the violators when their names are being dragged through the mud. Dee Dee if you are reading this don’t involve yourself. With the exception of two UAMD members my beef has been with the UAMD and Creepyhollows from the get go. They are the ones that wrote emails and posts about certain sellers who wouldn’t conform. Regardless of what Magnolia and the remaining UAMD members tell you I have nothing against anyone except for them and with good reason too. Magnolia I don’t like your tactics and its about time that you were exposed for the deceitful seller you really are. This applies to the UAMD members too. The UAMD are directly responsible back in the day for privately emailing sellers and discouraging them from buying from certain sellers. They merged with creepyhollows and caused chaos for everyone. Many original sellers left because of them and some remaining ones never recovered.

Now lets address another reason why I’m posting this. For the last several months I have been receiving emails telling me that a group of new sellers are circulating a bad seller list and that my name is on it. Out of the blue this week I received an email from someone at creepyhollows asking me if I wanted to update my user name because I had changed it and it wasn’t showing. I went to look it up and that part was true. It hadn’t been updated. I send an ebay message giving permission to change it. I received a message that came from creepyhollows but the person claimed her name was Princess working on behalf of creepyhollows. She said in order to update my name I’d have to give out some personal information on her website. Right there I knew I had once again been duped by creepyhollows. Upon further investigating and unknown to me creepyhollows has been dragging my name through the mud for a long time now. Here I thought everything had settled down. Well, I should have known better and to you princess I say you and Magnolia have been busted. I’m sure princess is really Magnolia but she wrote as if she was a third person. So there you have it. Magnolia has never stopped. Shame on you and all your minions.

Magnolia thinks she’s been appointed the reigning queen of Ebay metaphysical overseeing all the sellers in the paranormal category. Since she enjoys insulting sellers and what they sell why doesn’t she just leave Ebay and attend to her own web site. Instead she puts the fear in each seller because they are afraid with good reason that they’ll be unjustly scrutinized on her forum and private section reserved for her associate sellers and top customers. If that’s not bullying I don’t know what is. Many remember when Magnolia went all sour on Ebay and threatened to boycott Ebay. The hard cold truth is Magnolia got caught copying off a gaming site and copied word to word. Ebay suspended her selling rights and she stirred up big time trouble. However, the minute her suspension was lifted she popped right back up on Ebay. She was brutal about ebay because they caught her red handed and Magnolia becomes crazy when somebody calls her out. She can’t handle being criticized but doesn’t seem to have a problem dishing it out. By the way if you put any of her words or phrases from her dictionary or encyclopedia in the googles search engine its likely you’ll find where she copied the information from. She likes taking credit for everything even though 90% of the time the credit doesn’t go to her. Magnolia is trying to bring down the ebay paranormal category and has attempted to raise suspicious about ebay security. Now why would she do this. Come on everyone isn’t the reason obvious. Magnolia is a business woman and her goal is to wipe out ebay paranormal category and make it her own on her web site. She dreams about a Creepyhollows auction site and she wants it all for herself. Everything she tells you is for her own benefit and unfortunately she doesn’t care who she throws under the bus to get there. There’s nothing wrong with ebay’s metaphysical section. Ebay keeps a tight secured environment and your information stays private. Do you really want your social security number and other pertinent information to land in Magnolia’s lap. Step up everyone and take back Ebay’s very special section without being fearful of Magnolia’s devious deception. Many sellers feel the same way I do and with good reason. However, they don’t want to ruffle Magnolia’s feathers because she has malice control and a hold that stifles everything the paranormal represents.

When I sold my first item in Ebay’s paranormal category there were only eight sellers and none of them included creepyhollows or the UAMD. Everyone got along and weren’t looking over their shoulders to see what another seller was doing. Along came the UAMD and hence the bad mouthing began with the emails warning buyers about sellers. The sellers they warned against were good sellers who although invited refused to join the UAMD. In fact even Magnolia minded her own business at one time until she got mixed up with the UAMD and got involved in their dirty work. Magnolia didn’t like them at first but she was afraid her first web site would fail if she didn’t welcome them aboard. Now she’s using the same selling technique. Let me tel you about the old UAMD. One of their sellers was originally a buyer and purchased more than three times from me. She emailed me and sent me a picture of her and her son with a bunch of supposed orbs floating around. She said she had a fairy garden in Florida and asked me if I would help her put up her first item. I directed her to Ebay’s tutorial and she learned how. She later became a member of the UAMD and spread the rumor that she purchased from me and some of the other sellers to see if the items were authenticated and started bad mouthing me to my buyers. She later opened a new ebay account. Seems I wasn’t the only one she rubbed the wrong way and she didn’t want anyone to read her feedback that proved she originally bought from many different paranormal sellers. Its a darn shame what happened to Ebay’s paranormal section and a lot of blame has circled around but everyone knows that the UAMD and later Magnolia started the whole thing. Now she can’t help herself getting into everyone’s business .I thought she had calmed down but she enlisted Wintermournings help and over the course of a year that little wrench emailed many of my first time buyers warning them not to purchase from me again. She’s a trouble maker in capital letters. I don’t like Wintermournings selling habits. She’s been suspended from ebay for shill bidding more than one time. Did you know that every time Wintermournings or Creepyhollows warns you about another seller they are in fact hinting that you are stupid and incapable of making up your own mind. Wintermournings was a member of the UAMD and we all know that bad mouthing was part of the requirement to join. There were only two nice UAMD members who were more of less fanagled into joining. When I spoke out against them on my Ebay page they told everyone I was giving out negative energy. Can you believe that? They had a way of turning the tables to make themselves look good. There I was letting everyone know right out in the open on Ebay and they were secretly back stabbing sellers the whole time. Well Wintermournings heed this. I have an email from one of the new first time buyers who came to me and its all about what you said about me. She purchased from you after purchasing from me and received an ear full of your vicious lies. If you stir up any more trouble for me I’ll have no problem sending it to Ebay. To date I know you have made comments about many sellers. One was a very special seller who sold haunted dolls. She was here before you and you taunted her. After she faded out of Ebay you started selling haunted dolls. No surprise there. That's who you are. There are other sellers you had badmouthed too. Oh there is so much more I could tell but for now I’ll leave it up to the two of you to put an end to your harassment. I’m going to feature all this information on Ebay for everyone to read if you don’t stop harassing me and many of the other true original sellers. Yea, that's right. They aren’t the original sellers. There were about fourteen sellers before they arrived on Ebay and some of the names never made magnolia’s list of sellers. She swept them right under the rug. I think its rather funny that they actually thought I’d let them get away with the turmoil they have caused me this year. I overlooked their past years abuses but this year was suppose to be a turning point and a peace for everyone. They just couldn’t help themselves attempting to blame me for all their wrong doings. As for me you can’t take me down because i have the truth on my side and I’m not going anywhere. I’ve been quiet about what was going on for so long and if your malicious ways continue you’ll see everything featured on ebay. Tis tis its all out there now. The ball is in your corner. Choose wisely.

Oh and one more thing. Don’t you find it peculiar that Magnolia trashes sellers she can’t control claiming they are spying on other sellers and yet she’s the one with the list of metaphysical sellers, when they started, and picks apart what they are selling. She goes on and on giving dates and discussing each items in detail. Really Magnolia its none of your business what the sellers in Ebay paranormal category are selling and whom the buyers are buying from.

Jun 18, 2010 8:58 am EDT

I hope you all recognize the difference between fake inferior writing posts which Creepyhollows has accused me of and superior writing posts that shines the light on the truth. Magnolia my dear before you blame somebody else get your facts straight or all the information you so desperately want to hide will be featured on Ebay. I'm not going anywhere no matter how much you try to drive me away. Like I said the truth my dear is on my side.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Jun 18, 2010 9:42 am EDT

Some sellers have claimed over the years that they are writing a book or will be featured on a upcoming TV show. To date nobody has seen a book or anyone on TV. Magnolia claims she's been asked to be featured on TV paranormal. If you want proof that she's pipe dreaming go to
and ask if Magnolia is scheduled on any upcoming shows. While you are at the site take a look around. These are reputable TV producers with lots of valuable information about the paranormal and upcoming shows. Be leery of sellers who claim to be writing a book or claim they will be on TV.

Canastota, US
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Jun 24, 2010 6:19 pm EDT

You should be leery of making accusations that can be proven. I don't recall anyone saying anything of The production studio that contacted members on our site emailed or called all of them with their prior consent. There have been no promises of a show made & we have said as much in every communication with the members of our site. To know this information you must either be a member of our newsletter or reading our site. Which already negates your claims that we are silly to say that we are heavily watched sellers. If you are a seller and you are reading & keeping up on the news of our site then you're already showing we're right to make that assertion.

Fake, inferior postings like your own is what gives the paranormal community a bad name. You don't have your name to it, you're not saying who you are. You are making anonymous postings against multiple sellers. We have our name on what we say at all times. We don't hide on anonymous sites like this.

It would behoove you to have your facts straight before you speak because so much of what you are saying can be proven false.

So, if what you're saying is really true, then I actually wrote the complaint above? You allege I right complaints about my own company all over the internet (which is ridiculous), which means everything you are saying can't be true because I would have had to have written it myself. Already your complaint is off to a shaky start on credibility. I have a feeling I know which seller this is after re-reading the complaint and frankly I can't imagine the time wasted in writing this.

First, we were among the original metaphysical sellers in the category in 2005 and if you are who I believe you to be you didn't come into the category until a month or two after. I hope you realize that people can click on a seller's ID history & see when they registered.

Second, we were never members of the UAMD & the UAMD has been disbanded for at least 2 years, if not more. You should have your facts straight. DeeDee was also not a member of the UAMD. At the time the metaphysical category went from being around 20 sellers to hundreds of sellers in 2006. Some of the sellers decided to band together and they created the UAMD with varying members throughout their existence. We advertised for the UAMD on our website & our Elite Society of Paranormal Collectors website until the ESPC was merged into the forum on our website today.

Am I the reigning queen of the paranormal? No. But you are mistaken to think that the contributions of Creepy Hollows & the other sellers who paid their dues & have the scars to bear by anonymous rants on complaints boards like this one haven't contributed to sustaining the ongoing success & popularity of the paranormal & metaphysical websites. I know we, DeeDee, and several other sellers have taken a lot of slander, lies, rumors, & such from competitors like yourself who like to spread vicious lies to hurt what you perceive as your competition. I also know we, DeeDee, and several others have poured countless hours into building trust in the community as well as spending countless dollars on materials to educate the public, advertising to help bring a positive light to the community, and despite your & other competitors attempts to do these kinds of complaint sites all of us who have really worked for a living & dedicated ourselves to the paranormal have flourished in multiple ways.

There's never been a word that I've ever spoken about another seller that I didn't say to them myself & that I didn't post publicly with my name attached to it. I don't have to use complaint sites & use anonymous names to slander others. If I've ever had a problem with a seller I take it to them and if it goes down a path to be discussed publicly to set something straight it always has my name on it because I have integrity; if I'm going to say it, I'm going to say it with my name.

The New York Fantasy Gaming Society that never really existed was the brainchild of a competitor who figured out how to use eBay's VeRO department to get my listings taken from eBay as well as the listings of other long-standing sellers. We petitioned the US Copyright office & the New York State department and each provided sealed letters to eBay proving we had not copied anything & we've held the copyright to the content on our listings since 2005. So your facts are not straight, yet again. We received an apolgoy from eBay & they reinstated all of our listings & sent apology messages to our eBay clients who were bidding on or had bought those listings that were removed. It is all documented.

Anyone is welcome to Google phrases from our Encyclopedia, we own all the content on our site & we have content registered with the US Copyright office. This is how we proved we didn't copy from any gaming site or anywhere else. You really should know what you are talking about before you say something.

We've never circulated emails about sellers, we don't need to. We allow sellers to advertise on our site in multiple places including a free marketplace. Anyone can register for free at any time and the only times sellers have been asked to leave is when they violate rules multiple times or threaten a client and in either case we always have ironclad proof.

Proof, is what anonymous complaints like this one is lacking. Anything we've ever said is on our site for the world to see. If something is said about a seller on our forum is by someone who has actually bought from the seller. We have more than 1, 000 members in the forum, the majority of them are collectors who buy from eBay & websites and share their experiences. However, unlike most websites we actually allow the sellers to come into the forum & respond directly to the collectors.

As for the IP addresses of webmasters, yes, we do have the emails from the webmasters who verified it was the same IP address pretending to be multiple people posting over & over. We know the seller who was doing that, don't we? As for lawyers, yes there was a lawyer involved in the internet stalking & harassment as well as the Syracuse FBI when the seller started to solicit our home address & personal information for cash, as well as making threats on complaint boards like this & directly to our email.

I don't have to prove that we are "spied" on. It's rather obvious considering a great number of the bindings we've created are re-created by others, which is okay because that is what commerce is. Our website is heavily trafficked by collectors, visitors, curiosity-seekers, and obviously yourself. I am sorry if the fact that we created the world's first Spirit Keeping website is somehow offensive to you. We're very proud of our accomplishments & we've worked VERY hard to achieve them. If you put the energy into your own work rather than inventing complaints like this perhaps you would find it a better application of your energy.

Anyone is welcome to visit our site, look into it themselves, research our eBay history, compare it to other eBay sellers, see in the forum when we announced the creation or invention of different enchanted bindings, and verify for themselves the entire chronology of Creepy Hollows & our contributions not only singularly, but the entire community of members who've all aspired to make Spirit Keeping & the paranormal an enjoyable place for all.

As for the UAMD or secret groups, etc, you sound paranoid. There aren't any groups we belong to other than our own site, and none of the other sellers you slander in this complaint are part of any secret group we know of.

I am responding to this under my own name because I don't believe in hiding if you really have an honest gripe. In fact, I think it is far more admirable to contact the person directly rather than behaving like this and avoiding an adult conversation by contacting myself or any of the other sellers you complain of here directly.

Posts like this only prove to the skeptics that the metaphysical & paranormal community is filled with people who are vicious, gossip-mongers, drama-queens, and those who cannot form a viable & intelligent argument to back their own beliefs. I answered this & your other complaints because I believe that there are far too many of us now who want to preserve the paranormal community for those who wish to practice in future & want to shed the stigma that the community is filled with people who would rather spread vile than love.

Our site & our work is testament to who we are as people & a community. It is the reason our site has grown & flourished despite rants like this on free, anonymous complaint sites. If ourselves or any of the others you've mentioned in this article were the monsters you try to make us sound to be the public would have caught on years ago. Instead people read things like this, check us out, see the lies in the complaint sites, and join the community for growth. The last I checked every seller you've slandered in here, including Dee & your attempts to make DeeDee look like a sympathizer to what you're doing, all have successful websites and/or practices.

I implore anyone reading this to check out these sellers and/or sites for yourself. None have bad reputations outside of the complaint sites like this one, because all of the anonymous complaints on here, RipOff, petitiononline, etc are all written by competitors & sellers who also frequently pose as "buyers" of the sellers they are defaming.

Lake Havasu City, US
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Jun 24, 2010 10:50 pm EDT

The only deceitful person here is the one who posted the complaint. I've been on the forum since before the new format. There are no fake posters there. They are all real, genuine people. Many of them I consider close, personal friends. Creepy Hollows is the largest and most respected paranormal seller in the USA. When you get that big and that good, there is always going to be someone who is jealous.

The only places these 'complaints' appear are on anonymous sites.

Creepy Hollows has the largest online store, at prices that are some of the most reasonable on the web for authentic spirited items.
CH also has an open minded forum where the newbie can learn and share their experiences.

I've seen Magnolia been over backward to be fair to other sellers. She's one of the most tolerant, gentle people I have ever known.

Wiccan Warrior Alex

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Jul 20, 2010 6:31 am EDT

To the poster of original post you say you have the truth on your side and on numerous sites have mentioned your location as Massachusetts. With the help of this very nice Webmaster I have proof that you aren’t honest. The Webmaster of this site has confirmed that not a single one of these posts that targeted Magnolia have a Massachusetts IP address. People aren’t stupid and can ask themselves disproving your location. The IP address isn’t in a state that’s even close to Massachusetts. I want to thank the Webmaster and please know this was verified because once again everyone is pointing accusing fingers in my direction. This is why I took the time to find out the truth. Since the post on ripped off has the identical garbage on the site and posts the location as Massachusetts we can guess who’s responsible?

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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